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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1906)
VO.iTLAUD. TUL-DAY EVillJO, MALCII .A EieRESMSi::iAa 'mrtsecomlngar. Everyday-AfTaTrTtrthi" "TiMeniuuEii Break "forth Is the Condensed Cream People. ... Vi i j-TODAY'S MARKETS CRACKERWARGETS SlilHIIERMIOli FightTts Started' Between-the National and Independent ' L-Companles.:.., : . :v IN CONDENSED MILK - Mohair Clip Delayed .Somewhat by ; Cold Spell Market Open Firm, at - Good Flgurei Boston Stocks Are Quite liberal Pooled Hop Sold. rroot Street. March 20. The principal tfi- mm of th maraetlooar ar. :r (.tracker war U now on. . . Wool market arm., Mohair slip la delayed B--ew-hat, f i Ureet ecarclty product. ; Hiiuu to arrive WMnw. - T -- Klah euppllee snorter tbaa vr, Kgg receipts sgaln teenaalng. . I'otatons go ta plecee again.. I'aoled bopa already sold. - - v Cracker War la Tw On. 7 . ' A -war 1a now ragtag In tba ewtar "arket. At praaaot tb fight la confined ta tba floor - grade ( package goods. Tba row wa Started eeveral days ago. bat waa kapt rather aukjt. Both tba National Blaeolt com pan and tba Paclna Ceeat Biec-ilt coeipeny claim tba tber waa tba aggreaaor. and both now nee winiiig ' to do many thing to tba other.' Tba eat by tba National paopla sbmubis to about all par rant, and allowa tba trada to aalt packaaa f in anruta re- 10 cants. While tbara baa ban no trouble to date el Togarde eodae. tba trada la awaiting a cut In that da- tba ae- IfcaWBaaaBkBBbftl-feAaflSBBaJ nimBrTTL. Uli luy baa been ton to do bualnees in . . i, . illuA.antlu OB i l-nriianii """' - ',m; n--TK5a-TttaHg MJ conns ot saving w " . :. - I an an m - ,.- ki fra Hit hill and tba I w TO o. blgbar prlcea for floor la tba taat mad tat big ooucern go ratbar alow ta Ita fight for oa trol. At tba praaeat moment tba National eom uany la flnlablng tba eonatmetlon of twj atory brick building on tba cornar of Third and Beet Pin tmata. Tba .Vuctur will have a swltek to tba Harrlmaa Unas. "While no tracker-making machinery baa at pre, ant beau InataUad In tha tiMlng. there fa likely ta ba things doing In that direction bcrora long. It la anderetood that tba Pnclue Coast rilecolt company baa reoaatly ent Ita raloaa abaat 10 par cant..'..'. .. ' -. - ' . milk, -right 4a - Tbara aacma to ba all aorta at troabla brawlng In tba Portland markala at tbla tlma. Tl ' aagar war, tba cracker war. and now aomaa tiia -'-war ta condenard wllk. Today ba-annfa tnrcra at tha Carnation brand ( . eondanaa.1 " cream aanonared a cut of 18 eanta a caaa lu thalr former qaoUOona, Baaaon for thbi jilaMi In aaluaa la gleea by tha tact that tba nrwu redtnra af tba roraat Orora conoarn axa aelllng - airert to tha ratal! trada aad baea been (lying Ilia Utter tba beneSt of cloaer aeJllng. . , Mohair Clip la Belayed Somewhat. Although tbara baa bean twnia clipping vf - wohelr ta tha Willamette Tlrr thla aeaana. operattonaaTW-bww-dTtaTMnalderibiy If tha cold weather, and will not ba renamed n- ' ll rondltione ora mora aettled. Tba few eilpe already aeenred bare been ratbar llrmly beWl araand ttQ'Me paand. and noma aalaa here ken rnada at tboaa flgnrea. ' Tba mohair growera are getting tbelr poola Irrta ahapa. and all are . jraltlng tba aaU at Dallaa. April 18. , At tba . eaomeat tba elawa of tba producer arM dealor ' aw t'' Th following from tha latent hwua - of the Mnaton Commercial Bulletin may ba of Intereat In fhti fea)iet't. V-- '-Ilirra la no parttoular actlrlty ta domeetl- bah-, althoogb aeraral tranafera are aald 10 he pending. Turkey batr la morrog ta a email bat ataady manner. Tlia Texaa clip will ba horn next month, aa will tha hair of tha WI1 lemetta (Oregon) -valley.' - la tb latter atata tba growera are on a baala of $0 eenta oe rbnlra hair, but eutero dealer aay that ST - eewia 4a -tba-top. price tbat ran ba paid. It la eetlmated tbat,'tle entire clip of Oregon will - aawnnt to about 800.000 poanda. t "According to reporta from tha different " keta there atlll rem tin ta dealera banda at leaat dOO.OnO poanda af the 1M Taxaa and Cal- Ifornla balr." Aa will ba noted by tba abora dipping tha atocka of nnanld mohair la tha Bnaton mark are greater than tba entire dip expected from Oregon tbla ereeon. - - - - ... , ' ooU4 Hopa Already Sold. That there may-be an mlenmloratandlng ta regard to tba Dnrat pool of bona. It may la etated that br aa tnterrlew M. U. Durat made " , -the atatement that ba bad already aold arary bale f. bopa wbb-k ha axnected to get oat of ftreeoa title eraeon. Accordlna to Mr. DuraW tba hope were aold to a londrm nrm. whlcbjbjl adranred The 8-rentn- -pafd-o-eW arowera aai adranca money. Today It la expected that Tha rat conalgnment of thena hopa will ba for. - - warded to Umfto, and tba remaining lota will follow ta a few daye. According to noma of . thoee who pooled their bona they eprured folly ae mnch "money from tha pool aa they could ob : tain In the open market. Tha trade paya tha following prlcea to Front etrret. Prlcea paid prodncera are leaa regular coiaralaalona: OralaV-FlauraAS- read. WHCAT Cbib. 6e; red Buaalaa. 04c; htnMiem. Anc: vaTIer. ana. BARI.RY Taed. 823-bOl rolled. (24.00; brew, log. 128.00. ' 0.S Whole. 27.0i eracked, 128.00 pel ton. p. T -41-85 per ewt. OATK rrodocera' price No. 1 white, 828 00; grey. 127.00. fl.OCR New eaatern Oregon patanta. 88.ant M: etralahte. 8S.e0aS.b0: erport. .I8; eel- s3.!mi. wnoia wnaac. - Imv. 83.4A: arahern. Wa. S TH: rre.T hOe. $n 00j bale. 82.T8. WILLtlTUrrS Rraa. 8T.RO per tont mid dling. I'JS.OO; eborla. country. t.M; city, fIS.So; chop. 118.00. HAT Prodncera' price Timothy. Willamette -alley, fancy. llO.OOiai&nO; ordinary. 81. eod) 00: eeatarn Oregon. 14 oogi.von; mixed, 8 SOCO OOI thrrer. t8.0OO.g0 grela, 8S.60J t.OOi cheat 80.09. Butter, Zfta aaa ultry. HOTTER FAT P. o. b. PortUod Sweat eream. 2"Vie; aunr, 96Hc. BlilTEB Tlty creemery, 80c; autatde fancy. 27HrtOe: ordinary.- 7Hc: atore. laiglTc.. rc.f!S No-. 1 freeh Oregon, cea- ed, HO 17c. ' CHKERB Newj-rnU cream, lata,, lac; 'Toung America, Mac; chedder. 1Bc - OAVB Jackrebblta. 81.80i.T5 par doa. . POULTRY Mixed chicken. 14UHe ner lbs feoee hae, 44HttSe nee In: moetera. old. ink- per in; eiea. iii"ic ner in; rryere. '-lnenie f er in; nroiier. idnjue per id; aoca. inc per Th; geeea. lOUfllle per lb; turkey. lBfllde per 1h: dreaaed. Sic per lb; aqnaba, llTOfJloa per doa; plgeona, 82.00 par don. . i Hopa. Waal and-Hlaaa. HOPS Contracte, 1008 , crop, inn par- lb; IPOA Oregon, prima to cboloa, Odjllc; poor (rada. Tat He; Waablngton, 10c 1B04 arsp, Wo for choice. WO"l fonrract 1008 dip, beat aaatara Ora gon. 30t22c Ih; 190(1 clip, valley, coarse to me dium, :HS32&ttl fine. 3tU2ic; aaatara Ore gon 1P4t2-c. . MOIIAIR BTifHa. ' ' . 8MEKPKK1N8 gbearlng. lBOJOe each;, abort wool, 2Stoe each; medium wool. BOToa aaabi long wool. T8c8l.0O each. . .... TAIXOW Prima, per lb, 8MOc) No. 8 and gree. TaJHC . CHlTTlal BARK 8a eee Pa. TUESDAY PRICES IN THE WHEAT MARKET da d a ' ' ChLoairo Now York.. . illlwnukea , 1lnnaolla ,. , I.lvarpool ..... Puluth , . Kansa.i Clly. MaF. o . . .a -u July. .T7H .78HB .71 Si .77 H Han Franelace. 1.18 B 1.J8X bweambar. JOURNAL'S DAILY-. . TIPS ON MARKETS daea.d4a - -Tfrbra) M " rraat ahortaga In re a all ..Jlnea Jt-J?roqU'. Not half 4. enough ilreaauj vaaj or bopja axa e .comlnaj to market, and caickena a d there ara nona to ba had. Pur- d ln -1 ha - paat few daya tba . e acarolty becama ao acuta that d ; aevaral of jha larger retallera " e were f oread to puruhaaa carload. e .. lota of poultry. Thaaa they will d a -tjrine; tn froro Chicago at a very d high figure. There) la tnooay In - e d It for tha man who pgn raiaa. ' poultry..- --r d , : w . r i w . . a . nrnn rww w a ek'a4 m- nun 17U per lb: dry kin. No. I. 8 to lb Iba. Iac4 dry nil. No. J. aoder 8 Iba.. Uef aaltad hldea. eteere. eound, 00 Iba and near. lOftile; aowa, 8MxiUc: ataaa and bulla, aunnd. at!7ei ktD, IS to 80 Iba. tK- calf, eaund. uader 1ft Iba. lie; freea. uaaaltad, la leaa; call, le per lb. leae; onebldea. aalted, each, 81 'J'rT1.7S; dry, eara. ei-oovi.ouj ouii aioa, aiamjc; goat &. comrnuu. aaok, lOtjlOct ' Angora, each, 3&cQ 81.00. Fnlta aad Tagatoblaa, ' , . POTATOES Bet eorted. T0tTe per eack; predueera"- orlca - foa -eer le4e. gfia1 ace cw t ', ordinary, oil 70c; producer' price. Q&oc; aweete. tl 60 per crate. 0NI0N8 Jobbing price Oregon. Its. 1. 1.00 f i nroaucere price, no. l. oaaoc, no, 2, 7nitt7Sc; garlic. a-aiOe per lb; onion aet. Tc. n.on v n 1. 1 i n Apples, t-uiw. ordinary, St.ooatl. SO: fancy, fl.TSttl.OOT Hood rrThree"'EghTjirCen Bushel- Provision Market Boosted With Higher Price in Yards,- - WVrAn,'rep!taeiitJl aoAewvwn Ptaflna,! 12.758.00; oranaea, puew narel, 8l7B'38.(jOT eeaiing, i benanaa, a 4 Q&c per in: icmona, choice, fl.T5Q2.TS per box: fancy. l003. per nox: lime. Meiicaa. I.xs per iuu; pine. annlea. 84 SO ner dri eaoaarlnea. 81.85. . - TKOETARLKft Turnlpa. new, Tbc per eack; earrota. 80t75e aark; heeta. POrlll.OO per eack; Oregon radiance, Sfte per doa: eehhage, Oregon, 82.00- per cwt; Callfurnla. l.T62.nO per - ewtj green- --peppere,- atte - per in; California tomitoea. 82.2S; alaxlcan, 8800; narauipe. OOctHlOA: atrlng beena. !!( SOch-jreullflowar. 81.90S2.00 per crate; green peaa, 103i24e per lb; boraeradtah. tl7e pee Ibi artlcboke. Sftcfigl.on ner doa: bothouaa Uttuca. 81.70 per bJ; celery. 88.50000 per crate; pnmpklna. IVic; I1u, it; smta, 8e parlbirnnerrleafJcrwy, 814 .00 per obi; t ooe nay and Tlllamouk. flo w; aapara. DR1KII ritl.'ITa Anole. aeanorated. ltd IKe per lb; aprlcota, 18c par lb: peachee, 10H41 nr. rrrtr. ta pet IP leae: nrnnee. He: xe (Iron aa eech elxteentk amaMer lee; flxa. California black. 8)Te par lb; CaUhxla white. ST.e per Ih; detea, golden, a par lb; far da. H.ii per 1Mb box. -' - - Oieoeilea. Beta. Tt. ' I70AR Sack bade Cnha. 88.08; powd'ered, 8B.M; fruit granulated, 83.70; dry granulated. 88.70; conf. A. $5.70; beet aranaUted, 1 30; extra 0, 85.20; golden C, 85.10: D Tallow. $8.00;' kbla. 10c; H bhla. 26c : boxea. '80 ad raaca on aack baala. leaa 85c per awt Co eaah, IB dayat maple, KiSloc per lb (Abora prlcea aonlr to aalea of leaa tbaa ear Jot. Car lota at apodal prlcea aubject to nucTueTinna.; r t en no per erara. COFFEE Paekire 1randarS18 ;. SALT Coane Half grounh. TOO. 87 00 per nh: table, dairy. Soar 811-00; lone. 810.TK: fm. ported Liverpool, pOe, 817.00; 100. - 818 50j ii4m. $18.00; extra 8na, bhla. 2a, ft, jom, 4.ftn 5 60; bulk. 830 lb. f4.0O?8.0O aarka, , SOa. risinaac: Liverpool Inmn mrk. 818.50 par toal 50-lh rock. 87.O0; loo. 88.78. ORAIN BAC8 Clctta, 7 He. P.ICK lmncrl! Jenan. No. 1. Scf Ko. S. 85l4c; Mew Orleau bead,-. Te; Ajac, Be; Creole, oc. BEANS a mall white. - 88.T50e.nni large white. 8 25: -plak, $2,781- bayaa, 84.90; Liaaaa, $5 75; Mexican red 4 He. Tirgtnia, m:TH peannta. lumboa. Bt Pr lb; Tlr 8H3d4e per- lb; aoaeted, BrtSWepei coeoannta. SoeateV per doat eralnuta. 161 per Ih; plnennta. loatime per lb: hickory ante, loe pee, in; cneetnuta, eaatern, inajioe per in; Braall nata. 14 er lh: Blberta. I4i318c per Ih; faac pecana, 16t018tte nlmonda, MHO Palnta, Coal Ofla, Xto, HOPS Puna Manila. 14e: taadS.-.ltttc: alaal. lie, - , . . ,. " v--- tioAI. OIL Pearl. at -Aatral Oaeea. IHe pee gal; water 'white. Iron hole, I4e per gal; woorten. 1Tc pr gait headlight, 179-dcg. caaee, tiU,e per raf TIA'ftUNr: an-dct, eaaaa SH per gml. Iron bbl Hc pen gl. BICNZINE S-d. caaea XSo per gal. Iron bra 1KU.C per gal. ' TrRPENTTNR la cae to pr gal, woodea bble P-'t aer gaL WHITB LEAIJ Ton lot. THo per Ibf BOO-Tt) lot. Ac per II; lea Iota, tc per Ih. IVIKK All J Tea OX DU1B Mi X.DO. . l,IN8KEI OIL Pure raw. In B-bhl lota. Bftcj l-blil lot. 53c: cneae. 58c per gal: genuine, kettle- boiled, caeca. 80c per gat; B-hbl Iota. 54c: 1-hhl lot, one per gar. ground eaxe. car mta, aj.w per tea leaa than ear lota. $30.00 par- ton. ktaata. Flab aad rxartlalonak I W'" Mar DecemDct FRF.8H MEATS Front afreet Beef eteere. 4 ft 5 per lb; cow. g4 per lb: bog, block, air per- lb; packer. ' 8 He per Ih; bulu, 4(Rne per lb; aal. extra. 8H per lb: ordinary, TH18a per lb: poor, 8Q8H per lb; mutton, fancy, nof He per in. HAM". BACON, ETC Portland pack floral) bam. 10 to 14 Ih. 18c per ih: 14 to 18 Iba, ISe per lb) brekfat baeoa. !4HJ18He per lb: plealc, a per lbr- cottage, Pvi per- ih regnfar abort cleera. anvxed, ioe per lh; amokad, 11 per lb; clear back, nnemoked. lose per lb: emoked. 11 He per lh: I'nlon hatt. 10 toi8Tra7tiirikl. 8 per lb: eaMikd,-Pr per Tb;c7aT belt in. nmmnked. lie pel amoked. 12c per lb: ehouldera. Be per Th. LOCAL LARO Kettle leaf. 10. 11a ner c per in; on-in una, nre per in; teanC rendered. 10a. 10a par lb; Ba, 10H CANBII HAI.ain IXIU1P; 2 lb telle, 82.78; fane: H-lh fancy Sata. $1.15: fane Alaaka tail, pink, 86 90c; aer lh: enmnonad. 10a. TUe. t ASSBll' wiumnii river, i-id iii rancv-t-Hi nata. si no; ncy 1-lh oti1, 82.751 red, 11.60; nominal 2a. tell. 8200. riNH Rock end. Te ner lh: Sonndera. Be nr TbT"bllbut. 5H per lb; eraba. 81.SO per doa; atrlned baaa, 12 H per in; eatnt. Te par in; Ml mo a, froaen, 7 He; herring, 8 per lh; aolea, Ac per Ih; ehrlmpe, 10c per lb; parch. Be per lb: black cod. To per lb; tomcod, Te par lb; Columbia river emelt. Be per lb; ellver amelt, Tc per Ih; koueter. 15c per Ih; freak mackerel, Ae per lh: crawfleh. "2ne per dog. OTSTeRb -Pboalwater bay, per - gat,- I.S5 ir aeck. 8S.T5. . CT.AMft Hardahen. per box. $2.00; raaar dim. $2.00 per box. RISE 25 CENTS IN THE YARDS TODAY ' President -Daughtrey Tells of Fake Quotations by Some Buyers to Fool Shipper.' Portland TTntoa Stockrard. March 80. Lire- itock recalpui , - xioaa. utile, emecp. .IS Todar-.v...'. - 25 V Monta ago .... ...ii isx . ixv Tear ago 4 40 818 Hoga ara So advanced today on account of tba acarclty, and tbara la a firmer feeling m rattle, with aoma change In th price. Wether and lamhe are vary nrm at 6c. . Uecelpta today ware better tbaa for aoma- daya, bat were far abort of what th demand warranto. Of lata eeveral stock-buying coneeiiui bar nmmnced advaneaa ta tba market, only to hay cheaper whan tha stuff acta yy arrived. . Tbla freni Ptoeldeat Daughtreyi Tner are eeveral 8rma onottn advaneaa tt foot tba eh Inner Into aeodlna atocka bare, and when It arrtvee tbay do- not pay the price trd. It la tn policy or in l nloo atorkyanla 'o ijnnt In - Tn Journal the actual price llvw etock M aelllng at. We prefer to give In ablp par a quarter mor than oxpecteil rather tbaa a qaariM leaa. Th price la Tb jenrnal ar Iboee raling bera.-- oraelal nveatocg price: - - . lloee Beet, eaalera. Oregoa. ' $T.0O48T.arti bkekr aad fbtna fata, 8a.00tj8.T8; tockif aad feedere, $4.2Att8.50. tittle Beet eaatern "regon ieera, 94.20 19 4.5": beet cow and befrera, $.1.75; light e-il 4lum eteera. 3.7; .light cowa.. 82.60;. atock- ar and fecdera.- 8100; bulla, 8i.,ft. aheo V. ruitn and Jamba, ac; mired aaecp. tr;i. Calve Ceod veal, 150 to 30 peuada, $HD c; roagbi and heavy. eHtttHe. ' . 1 - . -. :,. H" . alonatary Bate. . ' few York. March 80.' Klerlrna: demand, 4W 3HM l.Vl 0 dT. 42 BOyiKi S3H- .. ' - . . Leaden Silver Market. ; toaooo, Merck 80. -surer, soft. ... . , , Liverpool HIGHER JEOB WHEAT Better FeeUhjf Abroad Evidenced by i the Higher Prices i " i 1 T''; soocorui6UP IIEWY01 CHICACQJVIARKEXJS, SOMEWHAT BEARISH May JJrops a Half snd Jul-Septem EELAT1TS ' WHEAT TALDES. May ..... July ...... aaptembar Cloaa Tue. Cloaa Mon. Cloaa lwoft. ..$ .ThAkBI .7H4A $1.14 .. .774 .78 ,B21 . . .n ta 7748. r Loe Tuea. Chk'aae. Werck an. rrtia wheat -aaaekar. ia. day waa a dull, stupid affair, tha rang Bar Kwenrv61uii of huelneea" etlremelr amalT. Th action of th market offer little tncau- tlv oa tha bull aide. Tb trad aentlmeat la almoat wholly bearleb, aad this feeling tonalJwd by Ideal weather throughont tb wlat wneai couatry ana piling bp stock in northweet. Liverpool was blgbar. Oearaa drain Actlva.' - . Tber waa a better bnalneaa la tb gralna today, cora early ahowlng moCi atreagth, aubaeoaently loalng a Utile mora tbaa tha market gained early. Oata akowd mot mdeiiendent etrength, and war sot affect-d ny trie oeciln to wheat aa waa gorn. Much of tha atrenarth aama from ahorta. what wars actlva buyera early la tba eeealon. la prov talon profit-taking played a prom blent Ptrt In puUlngdowntba rlr aavanoa in rts eon- ekwaat to tba eaab situation ar most conn- dent of th bull poeltlon. Th email relpts day-ifreT airrai-Hnrur-f!rnfieT."rrw; Official Quotationa by Over heck. Starr Cook eompany l WHEAT. - Blah, i Law. Close. Man. July. Sept,.... May.. July... Opn. .:R.:- T71. . - -44U . .44 ll ' .44 -8 J ...Sii.SJ" CORN. - - Mar July....i Sept..... .80 .28 OATS. 5 ' Mayr 18 28 eoly..... 1810 May. July..... Sept... way:.... July..... Sept..... .sou .20tZ 28 xsxna pobi. la. 48 18 18.40 1810 LARD. 8.R5 . BIS 8.48 , - -8.17UJ 8 58 887 V4 SHORT BIBS. S.8TH - 8.75 -70 $.75 aTS. ; 8.80 8 ITU S.tTVt B.5d 8 ara . 8.82 a7o 18F7H 18,22 H sen asoB 8.42H - $ 2tt 82Si $.76 - - BAJf TaAJCUOO OaAOf XXXXZT. San Franclaco, r March 20. Official m ralag May ....... 1.18KA, laceaor .. .PS - WBBAT Open. High. A Loar. 'Cloaa. $1.28 B $ $ ..... $1.4HB 1.X8HB ...... 1.204A BARUBT. x ..... 1.18UA .88 -.----.' - FarjrBTTjiAliT Hotottmr 1 Cbtcaao. Mirck BO.. Primer lonav. Baahela, Wheat (... 422.000 Corn v.... 878,000 Khlpment . . . . .. Wheat 231 .000 $08,008 Corn 88,000 ... 4M.OO0 Total ciaarancea: nutt, none; cora, vtj,oho buabu; ata, 11,000 buabels; Sour. 4,000 bar. ram. ielctai 1 fear Ago. I Bnhla. I - 802.000 888.000 . urxarooL oixth MABKXTb. , $ ' Liverpool, March 7AV Official prlcaa: ' , Open Cloa Cloaa Oala --Tuea. l-TVt. Mon. Tnea 8s STd r)s 8HI 8d - Hd May July fF 8s 8d sa 8d a i COBN. -.... 8d as 8d 4a 2H OKXCAOO CASK WBXAT. Chicago. March 20. Ceah wheat I Ko. t red......... a red. Tuea day Mon. Bid. Ak. Bid. .$ .84 $ .88 ; $ .84V . .88 .84 . .88 tit No. 1 norther a.... N. S northern..... Ko. $ aprlng. . . .T- ,7 .78 .74 .82 .82 .81 -I5 .80 .T .78 BBADSTXZZT'S OHAIX KXPOBT. Chlcaao. March 20. Bradatreefa . report of grain vulbla aupply: Wheat Feat of Roeklea, decreased 82.008 baahela; Europe and afloat. Increased 800,000 buabels; total Increase. RM.000 bnahels. Cora Decreaaea i,wo.wi nuaoeia. TWO WOOL CONTRACTS AT 19 AND 20 CENTS (Special Plepatcb to Tb Jearaal.) P.nna Cttr. Or.. March 20. Emtl Scharff of tbla county kaa contracted hie wool clip cf about 48,000 pound to Frank Le for It cent a per pound. Thla la tb 8 rat and only clip contracted as far this aprlng to tbla section. Moot f th sheepmea tn Grant and Morrow eocaxtle will wait tot tba ragralar sate tuts year. . Baker City. Or.. March 20 B. K. Mlddle- hronk of thla city baa eloaed a contract with tb Union Woolen mllta Tor ate cup ar a Boat ,uuw pound at 20 cents per pound. This prlc I paid because tha clip la f axtra aoallly, and ther wer 1,800 flaeces. Baker City. Or.. March 20. Cattl an1 abeea re hm laaina fed am large onantltlee In Baker county oa account cf tha enow and iM- and while tha waatner ia revxartier uiib ian eea, there la atlll eonaldjrabtar enow. aul no plcarng for th aartlar Tons rrefni, th Baker county, cattleman, kaa sold a large ajuaetlty of hay at $12 per toa. to be need tor feeding cattle, 808 bead having bee) drtvea aa from Eagle valley and 400 bead from Fowder river valley raeeaea, and tha cattl ar being fed a Profflt'a rascfe sear tbla city. To haul bay frem hers to Eagle valley would mak It too high, consequently It wee decided to drive aheep and cattle In. tt la believed that tb saluatioa will ba relieved la 8 few days. , XASmkT HOOS aiOEXB. . Chicago, March SO. Llveetock receipts: ' Hoc. Cattl. Sheep. Chicago 20.MIO 4.500 , 18.000 Kanaaa City.. ix.ti lu.un f.oiai Omaha ..lo.oon . 7.500 14.000 Hoga opene atrong xo nc aigner, wita 4.ono left over. Receipt a yer aao war r0,0ix Prlcce: Mixed. $r).18.42H; good aad heavy, 88 d518-40; rough, $d.loa&; light, $.10J "attla ateaay. Bbeep Steady. ' ' -TSaTTTKD STATTS OTXBaTallaTT BOVM. Kew Tork. March SO. Ouretameut boa da: Great Bulge In Stock Market To . day With Preferred letue eo-Higher. HjABRIMAfsLSEClJ-RlTIE - ARE QUITE ACTIVE inalgainated Copper, Advanced Two 3"?0rSn RUe in - Reading Almost Entire Market is ' Higher Thari Vesterdsy's Closing. . - . KIT GAINS. Anaeonda ...V.. Norfolk ....... Amalgamated (iN. X. Central Atchlavn ..k..... lis OoU Weal . Sugar .i, ...,., J Ifaaaaylvanla ,, Smaller .......... 1 P.clB Mill :. Car e Found U Ptooia'i .. Brookly Baltimore Oolo. Fuel .... r-r. r u I Vbaaapaaka Canadian Oulo. Moatb uenrar H IV. ta, do Braferra! aZ wutrei Mauar LoaoaBstlva Erie Illinois Central Loulavllle Metropolitan ... 1 ai, pru , Missouri Facia, IH a i5 Fraaaed Steel Car.. Beading ...... BX Tala ud T7T a riarra So s do pratrraed...., Bt Southern Hallway. ' S hVmlhor Faclac... IH . St 1amc Coal lTviaa Padfic. raeine... Rubber .. Steel .... do preferred.. baao, pfd t lk Traoaao, pia .... s lHIWls. Cent., pfd ..- . HlUalon a Sill. S. I . it ff. 8. i rest bunTahneea waa ahuwi he the tk market today. Tber wer aanaatlonal repurta arly In tba day regarding tea -health of Job lr and William Baekereller. Jenm I u . . . . . . - ' . - oyev..e-vaM.uwwwa.-Jeiiiaea aa ami man lion, whateaer and the market began to la K.' . . n ta lai. prore a t eaiee. Boo Uaiiaa ware the laadera fit and tb pA'ferred' 64 potntaT"1 SoatberiT'nd uawB a-cio were quite acme and Both gained ver 1 point. Amalgamated wee Tory active, with a net advaac of 2ta points ovar yaater. day. Tba saaw rla waa mad by Beading pre xoun. - - . Official quotatloas by Over berk, Starr Cook eompany c DESCBIFTIOK. l"d Mining 0 A ma I. Copper Co Atchison,-ronr. . .7VT W preferred.... Vm. Car A Found., com do Preferred. ........ Am. Sugar, com Am. Smelt., ooan o praferrad Baltimore A Ohio. com. do preferred Brook 1 a Uapid Transit. vauauiaa raciDC, C Chi. 4 Alton, com. "at-, com.. .r au. at sc. fui, udi. at north., com...: ''"aiiiiKr. Cbaapeaka Ohio... Colo, Fuel Iron, onm ooutn lo.tu 102 40 (A JUl HIT 154 121 lout V do 2d preferred...... ' do lt pnterrad Delaware Mudaoa... Itola., Lacka. A Heat.. U.-A K. O., ova 'tto pref erred......... Brie, coin . .- Cjdo Sd preferred do let preferred..... f tHnnl. riHl Loulevllle A NaahvlVle MetropoUUay Straat yy. , HMiiaa ny, ......... Mexican Central Rr. .. Mlua., St. P. St. M.. - da oraf errad Ulaaourl Pacta. . a-. . T., com...... do orafarred Kew York Central Cotton oil Federal Bmeltars do nref erred - Norfolk a Westera. com. do nreferred Korrh Amertcsnr. ...... K. Y., Ont. A West.... Peanaylvaula By P. .. L. ft C. C. Preeeed Steel Car, com. do preferred.,... Pacific Mall Steam. Co.. Beading, cora do 2d preferred... d let oref ceved . . . Bep. Iron ft SUcL Ma. do Dr. f acred Bock laland, com, do preferred Southern' ao preferrd- ...k . . . . wuouivra raci uc ..... . do nreferred St. U ft S. F 24 pfd...! do let nreferred St, U ft 6. W.. com.... do' preferred. ......... 'exas ft Pacific 'eua. Coal Ai Iron Tol., St. K ft W com. m-eferred TTnloa Pan. com Varna Pa, pfd U. S. com do dm TT. 8. Steel Co. com... Wheeling ft U B. com. vrnoeiing m n. zn... TVheallng ft UBJgt... wis. ceo. efil Weetarn ITnloa Tsla.i.. Wahaah erra. ......... Web ah. pfd. ........... Am. Locomotive Total aalea for day, IUU ai 17o . 173t n Xi I 18 6o4, 611 H U2 60 MH 202 43 H in 1 atifiliTaoo Ivoh 024i 102 h i H IU1 137H "OH vn sai 174H 2231, 87(4 01 J2H 2o; 80 i lOTiXITfr'llfaJ 150 ;ii3iuawaujh 24 U4 174 4 84 H 71 146 H 9 103 87H 50 ISrit vt 80-28 25 oh oiw 05H 151 h lua Bit, lux .40 V JUl 137 H 82 108 'ioti 173li an -12 M OH1. 82 4UH UH 48A 144 24 H JOU 178 4 - 84; TiI 148H 103 87 UH ow i: b6U 61 07 127 hIi h 9 8H 40 83H 14 88 151 82V lift 8 18 2nl M H 2TI 80 8iia tw 48 84 150 88 152 83 113 88 18 25 . 58 28 ' 61 24 161 174 04 , t 146 3 ioii 87 j 98 4ai 1H vs 61 1)6 43 88 28 ltH ioiiU(uktiok. wh1 w Clad in Evening Gown and Opera ; Cloak,. Young Woman Has .. ' Robbed Various Homes. ; . (Jaraai Spacwl Sarvlea.) Northampton. UasaW- Alaroli JO. Cl4 lrL. tn vnriin; gown and' opartt cloaxk. in which ah waarrWtniir-eatvirelaaH night, Mlsa Gilmour Wilaon; If yaara At agn, who guccaaafully pod aa a mem ber of th Smith ooUg fraahman claaa. adrolttad In th district court that ah waa tha author of a aarl ta o t.B3 r 1 1 a r lo u g thefta In colleg houaea. Ne7r bafor has a. young; woman-ot Mlaa Wllaon's beauty and aaamlna r- riiUjrohnL.btieB .axja4gaa la tb North- ampton court, " -- r Mlaa 'Wilson's fathr. FTanlc Wilson, ft w oil-known, attorney of BnnfortL, Main. reached Northampton yeatarday. Clinr lng; to. har father's ooat, Mlaa Wilson mad her , way to tha prtaonrstrncn Mr atloruy-tata)d"-to-th court that th -prisoner would waiv preliminary xamlnatlon and that, through hr tathar, ah waa anxious to taaka rtl- I tutlon. . - - ' . , r LtAra sttrlcklanA Arrlercrl Mlaa Wll- aon to provld 1800 for her appaaranc at th June Bitting of th grand jury. -- When th formal arraignment was read Mlaa Wilson responded In an un dertone to th single word "Oullty." and Is th only publlo utterano aha baa mad sine , har arrest. Aflag Wllaon's arraat hasveauaed th greatest anaatlon Smith eolIgJha fa perleince) jn pfy yearn. ". . 264 106 loa 41 101 137 155 120 llu tl - Bd "IP )T4 T4 12 'H 60 OMH ao2 444 4 on 77 180 160 H 1121 157 24 mi 176 PS ' 71H 145 84 170 12 87 Sl Vu 6oH 187 61 T 43 A 127 (OA 2M PUH !W 1 4o. (Journal Special Servlc.) wJIi6iMiiJ ChlcsgoJWarch-JQ, Rallroitd preel- denta, managers. - aupvrintcnoenis ana rnnlnaars frftm every Important trana- n lln In AmefTeaTu?ggn their saa.aTi Railway Engl S3H 144 80 151 112 1)1 25 42 6.1 PI 22 411 67i 823.000 aharee. Call money closed 4U3 par cost. TOVAFAH atJJinre BTOCXaV 117' 8 no 23 84 83 H 140 86 M 152 96 58 . 113 1K1, 25 42 M Pt - 23 61 88 Twos reglterd... do coupon. .-. . . . Tbreep regHtered. do eourn Two, email bend foxir reglatered.. do Coupn Fnra regletered.. do couiioa Dl.trWt of Columbia I 53a.. rblllppln 4a Late. BM. .. l3i ,. 104 too ,oA7 190S 1W J"2 .. 1K23 lk ltd 1(19 1)H 132 132 iio' Kew Terh Silver kUrket. Haw York, March . SUrar, . Baa Fraaclaco. cloa lux: Bid. Belmont .. . r$ 8. of) Ca.h Boy .... 19 Golden , Anchor 1.83 Horn i... 24 Jim Bntler.... 1.82 McNamara .... 79 Midway SJI8 Montana ...... "!. North Star ... 69 I Ohplr 49 Ton. It .T. . hevada ..... Weat End .T. Adama ....... 10 Atlanta 23 Bluebell - 18 Col. Mt 96 Conquer 23 Dlamondaeld . " 18 March 20. Official moratn Dlile (aoldfield .. Jumbo . . . ., Jumho Ex. .. Kendall ... I.OCU ' May Queen Mohawk ... Had Top ... Handatorm . T3.25 A'RIlTer FIc 18.00 S. 83 fTCaT. 8t. Ieaver Rcllnae .. Uold Bar . o. B. F. Sumway BM. 12 84 . 1.60 , 23 . M . 17 . 28 -68 . 12 .. l.S . 2l" . - 80 8 1 90 A 1.20 1.40 22 B4 AaT TBAB018CO LOCAL STOCKS. afarch SO. Official Baa Fraaclar, Cloa lug: Contra Costa Water Aprlng Valley Water Mutual Electric .... Giant Powder ...... HawallanVor. ...... Hnuokea Sugar Hntrhlaec Mekawell Onoenea 8 Paanhae I'nloe Soaar Alaaka Packers Cal. Wine Ae. . Pacta Statea TL Bid. . 43 . S8 '. T9 . 88 1 12 a Mucar ..L 14 Nugar ... A 4 ttsar 1 SA. nugar .....L ., 1 rar ......... 4H Ittg Aakei 88 l"lk SO 84 18 18 64 'Iiosii Ferslgai Cap par kfarketa. , Ravre, March SB. Coffe aachanced A 108 to Vi lUmhnrg declined . Bio, receipt. two days, B.Otat bar Market quiet. 75 higher. Santo, two daya, 9.000 hex. Market ateaily:. FOBTLABD BASK STATZaTXXT. Clearing Balancee ....(784.T93 92 .... 118.9I7.31 PATENT MEDICINE AND NAVAL OFFICERS . -.. ..( . (Joernal Special Sarrtce.l -r -..Wavghlngton, D. O., -March 18. -Th navy department has had Its Attention called by eeveral observing correspond ents In varloua part of th country to tha advertisements -of patent raadlotnaj companUa which T ar publishing. "' nectlon with th xploitiion oi xaeir xtjunitegUmo cera. Ther la no way of preventlne; tH- "f ttnhllnltw. nrovlded th jOffl-JJ ,cera themselvea suthorla tn us their name and photographa, but In each eas th navy department ia asking if aueh authority ha been given, and pointing out that In any vnt It would be well for th dignity of th servlo that tha peopl prominently "toptdM in thess advertlssments promptly express their diaapprovai of such- publicity- It has been found In I number of cases that th advertisers who mak this us of tha names, titles and Itkenaaaea of prominent naval offlbefa to bolster up the Tlrtues of their ware poeaeaa no uiUiorltirtor-rnptoytnrTiuch Tneanr-pf advettiaemenT: ItVIS "tllrely that -this form of advertising will be prohibited by th officers who ar th chief vic tims. ' . nt JERSEY DEMOCRATS FIGHT BOSS RULE (Jouraal Special Service.) - ' - Newark, March 20.Th Dm- oorata of New Jersey who ar opposed to boaa rule are holding a convention at th New Auditorium toda for th pur pos of reorganising thai . Deraocratlo party throughout th atatei ' . Tha program of th rFTogresalr Dnniocrary" wlU Insist on' equal taxa-tionrao-that-the-TBllroada Will pay th ami as individual propertylownera; on th ejection of United fltates jenBtorsJlF th peopl direct; on th enforcement of law that are now dormant when cor porations ar th violators, and on th paaaag of a law making debauchery of th ballot or th contributing by cor porations of funds for election purpose a penal offence with a heavy penalty. It is expected that th new party wilt also favor' municipal ownership and operation of all local publlo utilities and government ownerahlp and. operation of all railroads, express companleg. tele-graph--and-4elephon9'jnonopoliea. - Until thtw ia accomplished, th pUtformlwill demand that franchises should be given only for a ahort tlm. ' '. RAILWAY OFFICIALS 1N ANNUAL-MEETING portatlon annual meeting of th neerlng and Maintenance of Way asso ciation today, orgnntged at Buffalo seven yeara ago. The sessions will con tinue three daya. th place of meeting being th Auditorium hotel. Th pur pose of tha organization Is th advance ment of knowledge pertaining to th sctentlflo and economical location, con struction, operation and maintenance of steam roads.. Th annual report Of th eecretnry ahowa that ther ar rep resented Jn th association railroads having total mileage of over 179.006 miles in th United State, or about 85 per cent -ct th total mileage. In addition about 1 6.060 -miles of foreign roads ar repreaented. PHILIPPINE PARTY TO -DINE SECRETARY TAFT (Journal Special Sarvlce.) Washington.. March 10. At th New Wlllsrd tonight Secretary Taft la to b th guest of honor at a dinner given by the party which accompanied him to th Philippines, : Representative and Mrs. Longworth will be present. COTTON IS EIGHTEEN TO.TWENTY-THREEOFFf . Tfew Tork, March 90. Cotton futures closed 18 to S3 points lower. Tha government report of tb amount of cotton ginned ebowed 10,500, 000 bale, with oat lintera, sad 10,897.900 balr with lintera. . I if ana I quotatloas by Over heck, Starr a Cook company: March .... April ..... May Jun July ..... Atignst ... September October ... November December January . . Liverpool Oetton Lower. Liverpool. Merck 20. Cotton latere ataady, 1 sola lower. - IIV TOM COTTXX XA8KZT. Open. ..... 1X3 '.'.'.'.I ion i.... 17T 1H4 ..... HT. l(i8 1030 I'rrr icwa 103T Closing Tnea. Mon. li33 lonn 14i ions V.1 1074 o58 10? KKII . 1013 IOT9 1021..'..'. 1040 mii 10-29 loll loctl 1016 Ktl3 1018 ' 1031 Mm for Estnbllahcd-OeslriPortlancl 1VE WILL TREAT ANY SINGLE. UNCOM. PLICATED AILMENT FOR $I2J0 FOR THE FEE. ABSOLUTE, GUAR A-NJTGC- N OPAY-VN laTEShCURel!:- r7 Coma Today to tha" SUCCESSFUL Special ists who number their PERFECT Cures by tha THOUSANOt You""want wr PERMANENT r Cure! We can ACCOMPLISH IT. no mattar how skeptical you havs becomt over failures oZ 4)thrav In'te8it8te,Jang when. Qiuc Re lief and Perfect Health are staring you In the face. Oa tnetfcod ar s.p-o-4a aaA ar lndorsad by th hirbaark aathOTtklaa of Bnroo and Axoarrloa. Xne tu aaoo lm tk tr of auam's laaw. Bmsis cms spsolalty sa limited t the Slsssaig ( aaar, aat atxat obtxt. A L.IFE LONQ CURE FOR onono pisoxxbobb. ux,OBims, BTbUOTTBBI, BrrDBooxt,Bi, - amxoooxx.a. raxTATa BOUIIt-Nttlr ' aOV IABs1B - . VII.XS A1TO TaTTTJXA " raosiATio oniAsif ' .-:- BTIlATO-TTTAX. DBBOIrT '' " ' . atOCmrBBTATe 10a7aUOaTl ' AXUJICX' AB1U aJeADOM PTaTB A BBA ' contracted and chronla case ears. cure rrta - All banning, itching and inflammation stopped 1nl hours; .laTdsys. - .... .. ' . .' ".' ' ootxb Tata ajrnmjB niu o. ymiTATa ajtd onoaio, BBaV-SaATSS, GOaQUOATIO SriaAMs. - t WRITE, if you cannot eall. Ail oorreapondne strictly oonfldantlal and all ,rellea..sent In plain nvelopa. Na name, eases, letters or photo-, graph of patients published or zposd. Inclose 3-csnt stamp to insure ' reply. ' JIOURS a, m-tfL! p. m.; Evenings. 7:18 to I; Sundays. a. m. te 11 boot. cobbth laoosTo Ajn TAVKszu TajraTnV aoaTaVAJTB, oaaaoa. IN A Wi treat sn cress folly all ertwate nr tua and chronlo diseases of men; ! WEEK - ... ... " . , blood, atomach, henrt. liver, kidney and throat trouble. W our 8YPHILI (without mercury) to stay cured for. vr. We remov STRICTURE, wit put operation or pain. In II daysi-. w stop urniii. T . . mm naiarrnea, oy -a. new meinoa ia a Wa can rwator in xuai aermat atinea time rigor of any manAinder 60 by means, of local trMtment peculiar xo oursaivea. We Cure Gonorrhoea in a Week - Th doctor of this InaUtnt ar all regular graduates, have had - many , years', experience.' have been known In Portland Tor 15 yeara, have a reputation to maintain, and will undertake no case unleaa certain cur can b fletd. We guarante a cur In vry eas w undertake or chars no fe. Consultaw tlon free. Lettsr oonfldiitlaL Inatruo- tlv BOOK FOR liEN malld fr la plain wrapper. W cur th wont esses cf piles ta two or three treatment, without "tlon. "CCir guaranteed. If you cannot call at efflce. writ for question blcnk. casarui. - i : , Offlo lioursTI to a andT t to 8. BundsyninaTTIolldaysT"! :r$ . i r v Uod treatment awea to It" DR. W.-NORTON-DAVIS jfiL.C0. . Offlces In Van Koy Hot. tt Third 8trt. Cornar Pin. PorUand, Or. Bungalow Glade na corr a osta arra oaaraaTT - waw-PAaa-axBBTa. Full lots uOxlOO. Prlc ISO eachl zCasy terms. On block from Haw thorn avenue, cloa In: IV rnlnut rid or 20 mlnut' walk to haart of city.- -The lota antr well worth 81.006 NOW as 'compared with price meas ured by other residence property aa fa vorably altuated. Only a few left. Mew, modern bungalow being , bgllt and for sals. See owner, v Geo. E." Waggoner- 'jevMjUijBjrStn. R. M. WILBUR 119 nteeond at areaur WasbingaOB. t OFFERS FOR SALE 10x100, northwest corner Everett and 2d sts.. 1-story brick building and one story frame, now being placed In thor oughly substantial and perfect order. Inrlurllna 160 feet of cement sidewalk and curb, and painting throughout. IZno per montn ia in prouaoi rental value when nnlehed. R. M Wilbur Has office spec to rant on ground floor. 210 Second St. Near Washington, and within I block of banks. Northwest Corner of v r Second and Everett Will arlv lone 'lease on brick build ing and wooden building. - Inquire of R. M. WILBUR, lit SMCOND BT. Every Woman waxasresaa arm enewiei aaua - anoat ua eronoarTaj MAJTVtl wWrUoa Sfa-ey I new vagaaal Siilaae. Atiec. Me eaX acrla. HealBat. I Moat i-onvanleni. . aabi 14 . w U a. ' . , I 1 1 fTTnnMJ vtibSr " -V -arVa gtva - vif Be e n n 4 aav ol V th Hiaitl., am as etlr. but eend ftUuaa for liluairated book mlia. It fnll parttonlara and 'lireHion la- I valuable tn le.Ve. W R HI. ., eva 1. BBS ST.. IIW 1UR s. a, sKiPMOBi a co.. ii tbtbo btbiit, AMO WOODAaU, CUIH VU. ftew Tnrk, rial Briree: kfafck to Coffe eloalng. Bid. Aak f mnasUa Beadlta maid Baaa. Moscow. March JO. Twenly-lrve ban- i dlts entered the Merefianta' klutuAl I g(ir v Credit bank today and stoi f,00 ilia, 6 lac; Merck-,.... 88 oil 8 'TeBiber . April TO TS Oetober .... Mar 8 78 6 aniNoveeoaer .., Inn ...... 8 0. rterember ., Jnlr ....... 6 TnrWJeaaery n. Augtret .... To rebraary .., Suits satal-Pcjia ce;sc::s A POSITIVE CURE tt IsAaaaavarlo evOaterrr, af tba Bled'1eren4 IMeaaaed KlaV sera. SO Ct fa. 1". Cure alcknr aad serniaaeatir Ui reral raeae el eiewrrfcaeea ad eileea. ae aaatter of knw Ina Meadln. AkealBtaly baraaleea. Sold by drnggtat. mc ai rw mr of ma-i. anai Bald. 81.0s, I boxea. 8.iA. Its Terk Cask Coffee. k. Merck tnCeak rfei So, Santos. BVe. ttoaad ' '( t . " C a -I A w In u M: ... ,..,n , X T l 1 ) T I e.? w 7 nil f M 1 , ta, WaaiaeA tBaebe Th heat war tu reach perfection hi to follow th ad vie w glv others. Office Space In 110 Second St., near Washing- ton. For Rent, very desirable for Insurance Agents." ;r R. M. WILBUR Henry E. Reed Real Estate and Investments ac,.10TH atilU aTtreet, BaW WMktBffnes. Keim aeoa. : Alt kinds .of buaness, restdenee and farm property and timber lands handled. Prompt end careful attention te erdere. DLOOD poison FOR MORI TIAI TWERTT TIARt w bav mad th nil of bleed peisne e specialty. Pr' irr 1 iraniarj r Tea laai a Bleed Pelsea r'wniasently Cured. Yoa eavs be treated at horns under same guaranty. Capital BoOO.000. W solicit t ba most bi ateeaaea. If yon bsve ex Kane tod the old method of treatments and atlll heveaehee and pains. Mueus Patches In Month. Sot Throat, Ptmplaa, Cer-prr-Colored Spots, Tjleere on anv part of th body, Balr or Evehrew falling oot, write for proofs f gurea. luupag Book rr, - . COOK REMEDY CO, ' ma aUUBMTiaru. Wamkll Gt back your ttranfth. sTetrxry. ambrtioa, by using ftASSCTTS NATIVE REIBS. Costs only $1 br three months' treatment V?.w-T: tii'-'ii' i v;i:viuia.' y I ( awoaey' keek If I troal ctirew. Aise I j S9 f J I J Jc gig. At DnaggnKS' M , I (in black txnrca): If not, ' I ana to flEE kr nm4 aaaae-' , --f Ba.Na8rITCr7 RCUEP fcr.LAt: rRENfll Tansy Wgf i nal snd only ' a yellow vri - r ' trailemark. a ...-..,...., , . r