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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1906)
14 It r - t THEOREGON DAILY "" JOURNAL. PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, mm Butines-jMenTir -oliRecent outrages, bavs corns to th. conclusion that now ta a sl tiro to so after tha frollosow youth or two will ba carried to a nearly- -drug a tors and aavaraj ouneea of bird ahot extracted from hla epidernila. after which peaea la 'ex pected to ae(tle In earnest over Alblna. Outrages .and .Prepare, to. ' " Settle Accounts. . REVIVAL ONLYTHirJC - TO TREVENT DRAMA : Frolicsome Youths WETBreak Win dows and Assault Defenseless Vic tims to Be Treated to Something i More-PotentilThariJtodorf Tite ut ild ofltrt ef The Jamil l t J M. ex. Miller. SW K"t surrlaos : stmt. llesoaa Sast STS. , " - A revival of religion la believed to be ', - about ha only -thing that will prevent a traced r two ocoutrlna in low" Al . bina and tha revival muni be a real one, for K ta expected to convert tha mem- '.bera of tha Alblna gang and residents of tha Alblna will testify as one man that a rather atrong aenilment will have to be atlrred before the gang feela espe- cTany vlrtuons. Vnleas aoina aoftenlng "" , Influence la exerted on the gang, there "" are aeveral business mft of -the-district 3r.o are about ready to quit '""ding for the police an go after the ganr -with something ht-wiU -carry-farther . than aoft words. .- . . The Alblna gang ta an Institution.- It : ' had Its beglnnlnga 10 yeara back, and l from .tha crowd of small boys that used - to throw mud at tha teacher and drop rata down smokln - chimneys . it has LHJdeveloDed Into a crew of well-grown Wutmrba. the Sana's influence - www! Vmm been felt from the ahop v dlatrlct In lower Alblna. up Russell V street, out Mississippi avenue, and Into - Piedmont. Multnomah and adjacent dis tricts. An auxiliary gang hanga out on Mlaaiaatppl avenue, near Fremont atreet. -where the two aaloona of precinct do a flourishing business. ..... poiipj protection throughout- the -en. ' tire district ia alight The patrolmen have Ion? beats and It is eaay for tha Cang to avold'ttie-solitary watchman pnd rales a neighborhood . with some ' ' piece of- devilment an hour before the .- patrolman ia due to trudge by Owing ' to the amount of territory and the gen '' eral qnlet of the dlatrlct. except for tha gang, there la alight reason to suppose , that additional police - protection - will ' soon -be given or that the gang's ac tivity will be curbed, by other than V local, influences. . i- Business men in .the Alblnas are frank ; to admit that they fear thia crew that . alwaya escapes arrest, or If arrested es . , capes sentence to return and wreck the property of the informer. Plate-glass windows cost money, and physical as ; aauit is not enjoyable even in prospect, and both of theae are favorite tokens f of the crew's playful mood. But while - disliking to stir up trouble or act -as ' peace officers, the residents of the dle- , trlcC after several of tha gang's recent ADVISE SIMPLE LIFE. CJohaa Boya Caat Flay Tool, ahoot at Marts'or sT-nook Dowa Tenpins. ' The St. Johns council la caring for the youth of tha town in a manner that has provoked the opposition or ins pro itrletnra of the -Dlacea of Dublin amuse. incur;-and she Bi Jahns oiUh-yiJr ltt-ttl has- to etent-lmeelf with home pur suits these days. Recently an ordl nauce was paaaud not only keeping boya out f aaloona- but making It a misde meanor for minora under IS to fre quent bowling alleys, milliard halls. shooting -gallirles or card rooms. Not only is it unlawful . for boys to ' fre quent such place but they cannot un dr any pretext enter such resorts, can not visit them, cannot drop , In wnllt passing. If found in one, tha minor and the proprietor are held-eunallr guilty and liable to the same punishment, the maximum being a fine of 125. and 10 days' Imprisonment - As the billiard -hall and bowling alley of tha town depend on the support of minors and the tfty with a rifle is al most the aol dependence of the shoot ins aallery man. this action of the coun cil has not met with general support but It Is being enforced to the letter by .tha marshal. . '.;:.: "T EIGHTH WARD LINES UP. BepabUoana . Orgaals and Oaadldataa Outline Their Platforms. - hrrxe attendance of Vetera and "t-indldates orgsnised the Eighth Ward Republican club last nlgbtjit-ttasi meeting held in the east aide Justice court raid a body politic that la expected to unit the factions of the ward was atarted on Its work. .Councilman Dan KelVaher fathered the ' moyement and was chosalipresidgrrtr-BV-I.. Lockwood Tica-preillant,j.Bvenaga secretary, and A. u. Keenan. treasurer. Another' session will be held next Mon day evening when 4ixonstituiian -com mittee will present a plan or organisa tion and the club will be formally Asa Sleeth. T. B. Ford. B. K. Rowland. K B. Bhort, C T, Wilson, B. I-ee Paget ioujitabor, March 10, J. P, Kjnier A Heppe, W. T. Kerr, Asa Sleeth, B. F. Rowland; Bunnyslde. Marrh - IT, i J. Farmer, W. T. Kerr, 'II, Oberg." F. Short W, H. Ileppe. M. V. Rowland Bellwood.TKarch T. C. H. CampbcirrW. B. Moore,. Asa Hleoth. B. F. Rowland, C. T. Wilson. W. T. Kerr. K. C. Black well, B. Lee Paget Arleta. April I, P.. Ben nett. Asa Sleeth B.FW ituwlaji(JUX Wllsoitj B. Iee Paget,, K. 1), H lack well. The camoalan will close with a arand rally aervtee at CVntenary church on tba evening of April s. It ha been Inaugu rated to bring before the Methodists of Iwtnct the home and foreign, mis- Sinn ennwt anq -ttm matter of enure extension. The-latter-ubjeefi -of ei poclal Importance in Oregon .this yeajr. the general churota board having In creased It gifts to the' conference threefold, and for every dollar raised by Jocal churches for improvements there will be three dollars expended by the general church board of extension.. It Is planned to start aeveral new churches In tha dlatrlct during tha year, and al readyTwo or three congregations have been formed. A flourishing work . has been atarted at Eatacada, where a mod ern church home is soon to b built KLEIN MADE HASTE TO GET RICH M DID Confidence Man ' Reaps f Rich Harvest Qulcklyr-Then- Fades Away. -. the dingy back rooms of lower Alblna aaloona and whose amusement ranges from beating up a Chinaman tor thrash- in the fellow who reeenls - tneir-tn- uit . dates for county Judge, addressed the meeting ,lat hlgnrand eachravi direct primary law. Mr. Lewi doubted if statement No. l would serve, though announcing- himself as favoring the di rect election of United States senators. Others who' spoke were V. C. Dunning, vandtdat for coroner; Waldemar Beton, candidal for- east, side Justice: A. V. Keener!, candidate for east aid cont ta ble: J. W. Bsverldge. who Is out for representative. J,- g.- Baekenatoavoand I- dat for constable and A. A. Bailey, who' wshts to be state senator. The speaker differed regarding, statement No. i. "7. ' BIG MISSION CAMPAIGN. rwr izviBu ob BarwrrMATxnc. ' I have bean Buffering for the paat few yeara with a Revere attack of rheuma tism and found that Ballard's Bnow Lin iment was the only thing that gave me satlafrtion and tended to alleviate my pains. March 24. '02. John C. Degnan, Kinsman, I1L J Be, lOo and Il.OO. Woodard. Clarke ac Co. Baurt Jrortlamd Blstriet Xethodlst Un dertake Oeaeral BdooaUonal rrogram. Continuing until April 1, a missionary and church extension revival campaign. which began last Thursday, will be con ducted In the East Portland district of the Methodist. Episcopal church and every minister In the district and the chief laymen of the city churches will address afternoon and evening audi ences. The East Portland district does not . include all - the east side Metho dist churches, Woodlawn, Central, Pat- ton an St.- Johns not being ln -thlltr but the district does include most of the eaat side Methodist congregations be sides those adjoining towna as far as Corvsllis and Salem. Services and speakers in east side churches are as follows: Montavilla. March 1, C. H, Campbell, R. C. Blackwell. B. F. Row land. A. Thompson, Tv Maxwell, C A. From every quarter the polio are be sieged with complaint of the., alleged criminal operation of a man giving the name of Ben Klein. Tba heaviest loser are Goldstein1 A Leavltt and John Con rad. Conrad wan standing In front of his wrfcooJ'ifthjtreet, .when Klein ap pi6itcna lilm and -Introduced himself. mentioning aeveral persons as acquaint ances whom he knew were friend of Conrad. Their-h - showed -- lttr---f credit on the Hongkong - A Shanghai Banking corporation for 13.000. which National bank. nd the bank being closed, he said, he would ilk to borrow 100. Everything .looked regular and Conrad loaned the coin, though he re marked at the time that he waa doubt ful if a check could be drawn against a letter of credit He thinks, now that In the case of Klein It might aa well be drawn that way -a ny other. ; When the saloon man found he bad been bunkoed be explored the city for Klein. II met mend on every corner to whom he told hi story and from hom he obtained sympathy. - H ap preciated th sympathy and - recipro cated by "treating." The search for Klein cost him about 160. He did not And Klein. Goldstetn ft Leavttt -possess a check on the First National bank; signed by Klein, for 160. They havejllscoyered that it is worthless. Robinson, the clothier, lost fS.KO through - the man'. operations.- He would have parted with $30 bad he not been warned by Conrad's experience, and locating bis debtor secured a part of what was due him. The police have learned that Klein had a room at th St Cbarle hotel. He cannot, he located and the police are satisfied he left tha city Sunday night... TROLLEY SECRETS ' fJllY BE TOLD ajBBBaaBsesse Taiiommlssloilemandjsa ""Statement of Portland Rail- way's Business.' v reqwsitionjsjserved -ON SECRETARY HUGGINS Action Follows Protest b President - Fuller Against Paying Taxes Fixed by Assessor Sigler, Valuing Fran Vchise at $6,000:-' 'V C. N. Huggins, secretary of the Port land 'Railway company,' ha been serve-1 with a requisition to submit a complete report of the corporation's business to th Oregon state tax commission within 30. days. The requisition was , signed by F. W. Mulkey, chairman of th com mission. .... Th demand was caused by th pro test made by F. I. Fuller, president of tn company, against paying a tax on the franchises held by. the corporation which were valued by County. Assessor Sigler at 1000,000. On tha afternoon f Maron II, the last day on whlcb taxes could be paid and a rebate of 3 per cent her allowed, the company paid over to iff Word . $.U, but at tha same time strong written protest was sent the sheriff. Mr. Fuller declared that - the matter would be taken into th court, The requisition served was a-bulk v affair, and called for a complete stated ment of the business and value of -the company even demanding to know -the slxe and Tigs -ofthe ties in ue anOhe number of men employed as motorman and as conductors. Among the things that the officers of "the street-railway company must tell the members of the tax commission are: The iaaans sS ehsn- nartihii alsia" wita compieta lUt of its oifloersi th4 vs I lie, of Its stock, and an Itemised Br. Wilson on Bible Wit, A lecture by Rev. Clarence True Wil son, V. t.. will be given this evening at S o'clock in th Fourth Presbyterian church, First and Glbbs streets.- on "Wit and Humor of the Bible." It will be the sixth lecture to be given this seaaon by th South Portland Library association. They are all free and for Lewis; Trinity. March 20, W. B. Modfe. tan 'educational purpose eount Of "these shares In every detail: detailed statement of th real estate owned by th company in Oreson and outside of the state; a minute state ment .of the personal property of th company. Including moneys and credits; ooin in ana outside or this state; the length of th company's lines; a state ment of the consolidation mad where by . the present waa. formed; all of tha business statement regard ing th funded debt of the corporation; complete iiemixea account of all of the Incomes of th company; a comparative general balarrte sheet; a list of all un paid assessments; a detailed cost f the building of th various Unas which make up the company's system: a list of the cost jf all the equipment need by tne company, including th cost of tha wire used on the various lines, th poles, snowplows, water-sprinklers and oth-.r article of jalue uaed to- form the sys tem; an account or the incomes from fares, freight and tha carrying of mall; the cost of maintaining lines, as well as statement of the cost of the repairs made; the ag xf th rails by miles and feet." the stxe of the rails and. th loca tion of them, as well as th weight and style; the sis and age of the railroad ties, and the length of th wires: th Tepstrlng nf ers, and the number ef motormen and conductors employed. -. Baldwin's . Health Tablets' Take them tonight be well tomorrow. Cures constipation. . 15c Druggists. Frafened snook Oeiaaed eoda Allen Lewis' Best Brand. . Serin Te Take Oxomuhnos Today am x our uure segin iwoay. YF7 pvns av im V'" T"Tt"ITe 11 - -111IIJV1J.C.S Ai3 EU3T UTL -Tnese Blessings esn Surely be AM tainea by all woo lake Tkt Ct4 Unr Oii MmmMtm F Smtttttntt.- ilCilrtllJUyJng when jourl 4 sDuiif uiiun hi ia mi iuk enjoy- - Tf ..,.L ' .. roenc oi vptoiuts neaitn. -BE S TRON G Oxomulsioit is Builder of Strength. 4 KEEP WELL Oxomuliion Renews A f '1 vnaiiry ana uproots iisesie. Ibousandt of People, who. through Bodily Ailments, had iriven sd all ! nope Of Cure, are Today. Enjoying We as Result .of the ; , Ozomulsion Guro .-Oiotnnltion is a Scientific Prepara tion of Norwegian" Cod Liver Oil, Guaiacol, Glycerine end the Hypophos- pnitcs oi ume ana aoas. , Good for Young and Old of Both Sexes Especially or Puny Children and Nursing Motners. , R e c o m m e n d e d by Phvsidsns throughout the world, wherever intro duced, for COUGHS. COLDS. CA TARRH BRONCHITIS- SCROF- Ill i i N i IT UIl Ull ISli PNEUMONIA, CONSUMPTION arid all WASTING DISEASES. - S . i . . I mAm mm mm sT - A. - - . M - . ueiiencisi Kesuus are uotaineqa the First Dos. - There are twe rise -. and 1Si. XaeHaa i the Permela ia pruited in 1 languages ea each. Ozomulsion; Laboratories i m Pin BU New tortv - EXECUTIVE " BOARD- BUYS BAt6A!N BARN SITE Piuperl" for East Sida Stabtes Secured Near Broadway . . and Williams Avenue. v" A sit for the new eaat aide city barn, which can be purchased at a small figure, ha been selected near. Broadway and WCliams avenue by members of the city executive board. Th purchase of this property was ' authorised by the ways and mean eommittee of th city council yesterdeju-afternoon. When th appropriation- for -ISO were- mad by the council 15.000 wa set aside to pur chase a lot and build a city barn. The land will not costaa much as expected. consequently tne entire 15,000 will not be used.- " - t.- The committee recommended that the salaries -ot the city hall engineer be in creased to 1100 a month; chief Janitor, 175; assistants, $70; deputy health of ficer, $85. Th salary of the latter was reduced from $S0 to $76 the first of tha year on recommendation of th cltv board of health. Councilman Gray op posed th tnoreaa. Chief Gritsmachers request for a municipal ' court- Janitor" was:" denied. Tn committee thought that' trusties at the city Jail could doth Janitor work. Th police department petitioned for fund with which to purchase three ad. dltlonal horses, to succeed those con demned by veterinary surgeons. The committee recommended that th de partment purchase th two horse for which provision waa made in th annual SOLEHGEHTS LincolnBennett London Hats 3ii MORRISON SLr0pp. Postofflce appropriations pending th estabffsh- ment of an east side station. -A request from th fir department that mains should be established from the river through th warehouse dis trict In the east side, through which water could be pumped by the ftreboat for fire protection waa denied. '.The committee had. no funds. V- TELLING FACTS FOR SSErAMERICAnDEA Stiiirtni sj ijiSjay'r address delivered by Heber M. Wells at h. Bait . T Air. iiniunll nt : th America league, ba been laaued by tbe passenger department of th Denver A Rio - Grande Railroad - company - far gratuitous distribution. The book con tains unanswerable arguments tn favor of Amertoan trying to see some of America's marvels before seeking s second -olasa . variety- of - atarvela Xn foreign lands. - - - - s- A S. Welby, general superintendent of Ik Bio Grand Western, haa had his Jurisdiction extended to include the line of the Denver Rio Grande rail road, . W. M. Fuller has been appointed fuel agent of both th companies named. with his headquarters at Denver. George W.,Bochka, chief engineer of tn uarriman lines in in racinc nortn- weat, ba returned from San Francisco, where he went on - special business relating to engineering work now in his charge in Oregon. J. Ov Woodworm, tramo manager of th Northern Pacific, who was In Port- land for a week, engaged in considering trafno matters connected with th pro posed entranoV ef th Hill Unas via Vancouver, departed last sight for PauL " - - . ' A. 0. Charlton assistant general pas senger agent of the Northern Faclflo, haa gone to Chicago to visit his mother, whose hearUe felting.- , Soees. JKT Xosbaad. Mrs. J. C Bard reported to the police yesterdays the - disappearance of-: her husband. They came here recently from Weat Virginia, taking a room at $8 Alder street. Bard left hla room at :$ o'clock In the evening of March 17 end has nor returned." " The Cesaty of Uany Women Is eftes Birred by poor teeth. nd we want ymi ta esll snd let us restore tboM had MtH tn IMoDle ere dlautisSed with Uie denial work that Uay have bad Suae and taey are uat tse eaea wasat w waet to bm4. Oar- werk-is feeraa tad te please Jos vr year moaey will be re funded. - We ess glee yea erleae lower rhaa tbe lowest sad all work Is fully guaranteed. Cmse la at oace aad set the bnefltf ear uitrodsetary prices, uooa eaiy anui apru l Etraotlng . .. .nil Kxamlnntlon .. . . . ; . . , .... I. . ..rmwa, Teeth Cleaned ,,..m.., nil Gold Crowns , .'.f)4.00 Bridge Teeth ,3.00 Full Set Teeth $5.00 Oregon Dental Parlors Oraad Tkeatie Oflee BJd(., Zstraaee e0H ' Wasaiastaa St. rfceae Kala S7S. I oany Avwnne' Cbttrck mevlTaJJ Revival meetings at the Rodney Ave nue Chnatlao church will commence next Sunday. March 25, conducted by th new paator, F. Klma Robinson. Ex tensive plan have been completed for the work and anthualsstlc effort of both pastor snd " congregation ars promised. " ALL THIS WEEK Money-Back Guarantee on Every Article WOODMD, CLARKE & SRECIALSALE01 COMPMY 'S ML THIS WEEK Money- Back Guarantee on Every . Article Drugs, Sundries, Toilet Preparations, Home Remedies and Rubber Goods The same standard ofcxcellcnce in drugs and medicines that has made our reputation, will be found in every item of this sale the same money-bade guaranteeapplies tdevery - " niirfgle--vvith the crowd if you can, but if you are unable, or don't wish to brave the snow, phone EXCHANGE 11. We deliver free any where in the city. article. Come In and Rubber Goods Lady Attendants Who Know-Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded- Special. Marvel Whirlinir Sprav Syringes . .?1.76 .2-qt. Fountain Syringes, regular 0c ,....39 2-qt. Hot Water Bottle, regular :0c SpeciaL 5qt. Superior Hot Water Bottle, Teru1ar-$1 .25 53fJ Rubter Complexion Brushes, regular 23c-, Ladies' Vagina, Syringes.'. .1.12 Combination Fountain Syringe and Hot Water Bottle . . ..... .890 Brush Bargains Special. "Ari imported Tooth Brush worth 2oc. - - - ... ... ,,.,11 - l .xtra line - lootli JJrush worth i '40C. Hand and Nail Brush, -with handle. 1 worth .Lie , ...... . 17 Hand and Nail Brush, rcg. 40c. 10? March Winds Are hard-on the complexion, and you no doubt-need something to help Nature overcome lhat roughness of the - hands an4-face. - Here it-ia . Special XIair Brush, 10-xow, solid back; reg - ular C5c . , . , , . ...39' Hair; Brush, fntiinerbristlesTTegiF" . lar 75c . . . .59 Superior .-Hair Brush, fine, regular $1.25 ..,.89 DRUG FACTS When a member of your family is ill, you never call a certain doctor because he mskes a visit cheaper than others, do you? :. . r : JDo you not send for Doctor. So-and-So because you hsve faith ia him, and believe in his ability? Then is it not fully as important that the directions of your physician be carried out as he intended in order to -obtain the results yon are both .working for? Of course it is, but unless your prescriptions are filled with drugs of standard strength, and fresh, you cannot' hope to get the best results. We are the largest buyers and sellers of drugs and chemicals on the Psciflc Coast, and we have but one. kind first qualityand we dispense them as your doc tor orders. We are. bending every effort to merit your confidence, in the drug ' way, and no expense is curtailed to improve even our modern store, and the ex cellence of our service. : ' ;'",'. ' '".'' ' ' ''' " '' v' . ' If it's only a dose of Epsom Salts or a Quinine Pill, you want it to be RIGHT. Half a century's record stands back of our kind and they are right all right Home Remedies . Special. ' Compressed Charcoal Tablets. . . . .4 Soda Mint and Charcoal Tablets.. 4 Soda-Mint-Tablet3 r. r. r.-r;T7TT3 Brown Mixture and Ammonia Tabs.4 Effervescent Lithia Tablets, 3-gr.l0 Effervescent Lithia Tablets, 5-gr.l4 100 Blaud's Pills, 5-gr ......12 100 Pills Quinine Sulphate, 2-gr. ,16 Vichy Salts, -lb. bottle. Household Drugs Cream Miolette poes the work over night. Put it on when you go to bed ; get up with a skin as soft and smooth as the petal of a rose. . ; . . POSITIVELY No mail or countryTordcrs can be accepted at the very low. prices quoted during this sate. Just' Remember r About our money-back guarantee on everyjtem nsiea aoovc. That we deliver free anvw"here in the city, ' " And-hat phone ordersPrivate Exchange ll--will .' be promptly filled.; :A '. SpeciaL Purest Grain Alcohol, pt., rcg. 50c 3lt Powdered Alum, y3 lb',.... ....... 2 Hoffman's-Anodyne, per bottle. . .4 Tincture of Arnica, per bottle. . . . .4 - Wood Alcohol, 12-oz. bottle...... 9 Bird Gravel , V...3 v Spirits of Camphor, per bottle. . . .Sift Canary Seed, per pound. .... .". . . . .4 Jrecipitated Chalk, per package -.-.2 Chalk and Orris, per package..... 4 Glycerine, regular 25c bottle. ..".".11 . Epsom Salts, 1-lb. package. ...... .2 Dickinson's Witch Hazel, pint. ..lOf Triple-strength Ammonia Water, pt.4f Plaster Paris, j4-lb. package. . .....1 Sweet Oil, 10c bottle........ 3 TOILET PAPER Per doz. Case, 100 "400" Roll 72c Mt. Hood Roll.;.... 84c "Woodlark" Roll .... 73c "Our Fair". Roll...:: 62c Sanitas Roll ........ 46c Aseptic Package ....$1.12 Delta Package ..... . . 71c Klondike Package . ; . 84c Oneida 39c 5.57 86.75 S6.25 4.96 S3.50 88.40 ?5.75 96.53 83.00 Kissengen Salts, It-lb. bottle.... lGt Wright's Sarsaparilla Blood Purifier; regular $1,00 . . . ,63 Wright's Compound Extract Sarsapa- rilla, regular $1.00. ......... ,63? Catarrh Balm, soothing, healing, reg- -- ular -23c .......... j . .. 13 Celery Compound, with Kola, regular $1.00 63 Beautiful Jardinieres 20 PER CENT OFF In light and dark-colored decora tions, and the special Georgian hanging jardiniere, has arm holes for hanging. Now is the time to get your plants fMet.6 let's start right and have the whole outfit. 60c up. THIS WEEK, 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT. ;- -''-, -' - . - SpeciaL . Celery and Coca Nerve Tonic, regular $1.00 . ,63e JJabylScKUhingyrup, no opiateLregu- lar 25c .lie Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil, regu lar 50c .33J Laxative Quinine Tablets, reg. 25c 13 Syrup. ' Ilorehound, Tar and - Wild Cherry, .regular 60c. . , . . . .. .. ,27 Syrup White Pine Compound,' with - Tar, regular 50c. .... . , , ... . . ,27 Triumphant Female Remedy for. Ir- regularities and Diseases of Women, regular $1.00. . . . . . . ... . . . ,63 Liver and Kidney Curerreg. $1. .63e Wright's Liver Pills, regular 25c. .6 Arnica Salve,-regularJ25c.. .J.12 Carbolic Salve, regular 25cV.. ..12 Bcef, Ifcm anU Wine reg. 50c. . . .325 Perfection Roll Tishu Package " ' Per doz. Case of 60 ) .....$1.80 . 87.00 .'....$2.20 $8.50 . TOOTHPICKS . Just a few of those hard and soft - wood picks, 500 in box, for..2 Extra Special l-lb. AntisepticTooth Powder 15c , - STATIONERY EXTRA"" End lines of several fine papeteries, ' worth from 35c to 50c; while they last for 195 POPULAR PRICE DRUGGISTS W00DMD CLARKE & COMPANY fourth mo vmsmmmi