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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1906)
4' 4 ' .J 1., 11 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH 10. IfiCS. RffKSIB8 1 TTDffCTared 1 Iri the Flour, Market by the Portland Flouring Mills Company and a Cut of Twenty-five Cents Made in Patents. HILL HUES JOURNAL'S DAILY 4 ESSEOitflLilrfOil UUAY b IVIAimt I b e l milWflTS flour Prices Are Slashed Because Small Millers Have Been ; Making Rebates. WAR IN MARKET IS ; r.rr UKELY TO BE FIERCE Willamette Valley Brand Are Down I!' Twenty , Cents .While- Straight! 'of :Tea.CotsXflDowAjU "' tercets Ready to Drop Values. Front Street. MT 10. The principal fee ' turee of the marketa today arer '.- . , y; ' Fkaer war la an. - ' , ' Great csta ta flour prices. - Potatoes go to itw ' ,' Onloa market in good aha pa. .' 'r . .t... ". ' Hope being cleaned ap Tat.- ; -T" Tama cara e bsaaaas srrtte. - Bsnanas ta go via Bnrtnem route. . . J - On telde rsjl holds ana steady. ; ' Wheat merket la quote, steady. -f MMtMdae lettuce la retber- scarce. ' , I ... 1 . Cauliflower supplies ara short:..;,, v '.".'' :" Km War an im Fleur Market ' Prices wtn eleebed ta tba noar market today " by tba Portland Flaring Villa company. Patent "" ara dowa 2Se a barret Willamette valley' brawls ' uuc aad atralahta 10a a 'barrel. Borb euta la - nc-k-ee ara oat of tba ordlnaiy.t-Two thing. contribute to wa nisaneo www wo. mmi mo pel Kins (or trade.- rr aaeeraL werka tba aaaaUer aalllera kara beoa aerretly nrnini oraer w. wnioea ineir oear .r- rattera aeat oat earda bearlac a asaterlaily Am uaoal the aerret leaked oat and the reault alnaaeuTTyrba PertUmnhnir a reUlUtloa. Tba war pcomlaaa to be a ery liweiT one. fee atneke of rioor are anlte keaer, aad onlaaa tbera aboMld be a bl( rreomptlon of tba oriental deound tha local Irene wtaua vm bo able to take rare of the output. It la ander atood that the Mf nta wa. not really la (aeor of a war, bat bad attempted to bold the market : ateady aad tfcuo allowed all Intonate to aecura nlubla ealaaa. ' - -We are la a jpoeltloa to de aome fUrhtlat," eara a beery floor handler, and will eery likely take eare of earreelTea la a aerap of tbta kind. Tba floor market baa beea doll (or aa tone a period that wa wetroate anything that .will make thkaaa Heely. Wheat to lower, and thle enabt to eanaa lower prleae hi floor. In any emit, whether the mlllera loae araaey .or At. the enoanmere will rean tba beoenta. It la reported that two more ranmea of wheat ! . lyetatoae Ce ta Vloaaa. . ne potato aaarket la weak with prlcea at eery low ebb. Mtorte la the aonta are now an beery that prions bare been eat far below what local eealeta were partus a abort flnM ace. At the aaomant there la no buying ec any .. sonaocjeears la una aection. ., , Oaiaas Skew Better Demand. AHhoach there hi not mach eieltemoat ea yot m the ealoa aaetrket, the trade ta better. Prlcea have not yet reepooded ta tba "new .coadlttoaa, bat the bnylng by a larce booee i in order ta corner the beat stocks Is etlmulatiag - aaadlUoao aU aroand. ' ';:l-;.Hoaa Bobuj Cleanal tfp faat, ' -' "' -Morks of aoee la Oreroa are Terraonn. Dealara are aacretly buying oalte large block and taking tbem eat of the eta to. The demand at the moment oomes from Europe, ee the eat era aaarket. remain ootet and tnactlre. A'l grades are now wanted, bat the primes sre baeaig the peat call. , It' M reported that the largo block bought by Llreeley the ether day ea the weat aide has been rejected. fjgaaaae te tlimi Tla VertiMta lento. ? " The ftrat apeelal trata of banana, eear tVe maktna aood time. The . North Pacific baa- Inaugurated a aew aerrlre la thle dliettlon end ezpecte to ret down the time of ahlpment from U daya te daye. - Three eara arrrve! la -thle aaoralng. - Tba drat abtpmeat ; wear toe aew route la due (fonday, March IS. .' Along the itrret there la a' srarrlty of aot- booee lettuce and prlcea are aluhtlr htcber. Casllflower Is eery aearoa, tha few arrivals - being cleaned ap at anee. Applaa anew a beary mora meat n this dtrec. twatat Ocrpaa4 ketcui auirkat Jeax Oataioe Cell Holds Zfta Steady. There waa a reeamptloa of the eatatda 1 saand for eggs yeeterday afternoon, and ea thle aceoont tba. aaarket la be tog held more ateady ' with price, ruling aa per Journal auotatiene. '.' Receipt a eery liberal. Poultry arrival, a trifle Better, v bat atlll - below-requirements of the trade, - The trade naye the following price, to Front street dealers. Prices paid producers are was regular eommtaatoaa: , - Oraia, Flour ant Peed. ' ' I WHEAT New club, 7c red Beaslsa. (Sc: : Blneotem, 7c: valley, TOe. -' BARLEY Feed 2S.SOi rolled. 9U.IO; brew. lug. 123.60. , TOKN Wbele, tWOO; encced. (2S.00 per .. -v BTEji.lpj pr ewt. "..r."1', , OATS Producer.' price Re. white, t2S.0O; . gr, j,, IT 00. PLOi a New eeatern Oregon patent., $3.S0c - etralgbta. M.eOti.t.SU: eiport. tX.lft; vaT ley . $6; rrabam. 4a. $30: whole wheat, .- fa.TS: rye. Boa. $.1.00; bale.. tJ.TB. bfILL8TT-rrS DMn.. tIT.So per tnej , mtd , . dllDea, 2B 00; .korta. eeuatry, I19.60: city, ; iis.So: chop, iis.oo. HAT PrrMtucrra' erlce Tlmnthy." Willamette valley, fancy, l0.0n 13.00; ordinary, 7.00t - .ori; ' aaetera Oregna. f14.0oaia.00; . mixed. .60S).00: cloeer. 18.0009.00; arala. IS.tofl . P.OOj cheat,, $8.00. , ' - ' Setter, Eggs aad Poultry. - 0TT", r. e. a., Portland Sweet cream, 3tt: aour. SRHe. - ..BUTTER City ere.mery, ane, aotalda fancy. 37a-iOe; ardlnarr. 27'Aci .tore. l3lTe. ROUS He. 1 freak Oregon, readied. 1BH dflSc. mEEBE New Full cream, flata, Ue; Toung America, 1; Cheddar. 16c. . , GAME Jackranhlta, $1.831.7 per doe. , . POCI.TBX MUed chickens, 14c per lb; " fancy bene, 14c per lb; rooatera. old. 11 He ... per Ibi at.aa, ljic per Ih; fryer., 1S02iie 'i per lb; broilers. S)3oe per lb; dacks, las , ;- per Tb; geese. lOHfJUc per lb: turkey.. IKMlne .per lb; dremed. Jlc per bj sqaabar ia.10iia.00 : pee oW; piaeooa, A2.MQmrdoa. Boss. Wool and Hiaaa. rt HOP Teatracta. lsoa crop, lOe per lb; land Oree-oe. prima te choice. Idllr; poor grade, -TOc: Waahlcftoa, IOcJ 1B04 "crop, tMe for choice. - WOOIjOob tract ISM clip, beat eeatern Ore gon. B0i23e Ih; 1009 clip, valley, eoaree te me dium, i4Ht26i; floe. 3ee2Tci eastera Ora , goo. IS023C. ' - MOHAIR rTomlnal. Sfiiftaic. v SHKKIWKIN HbeeHag. l(l10e each; short wool, SSeiaoi, eecb; medium wooL SOaTbc each; loni wooU TScutl.OO each, . TAIAOW-Prlam. per to. WeTS and greeae. JfllV. 'ttltrP !Tie per lb: dry kla. He. t. to IB the lie- . olere LJUbLJ nd over. lfljlc; wet at. sa and bulla, euund, iTc; kip. ' 10 to M lbs. act calf, eouad. under IS the. lie green, nnealted. lc lee.: culla. Ic per lo Im.; "SATURDAY PRICES -THE. WHEAT MARKET ' 4 ' . . '. a Chicaao ..$ .71 "4 A I .77 4 New Ynrk...., . - d Liverpool fa4l fa4HS 4 Minneapolis .. .Tf. . ..... e) e riuluth .TfH e Milwaukee .... .77 4 .774, 'd 4 Kansas City. .. v .71 H 2 ... ... 4 4 Bti Xnula -.TfV, ' d e Ban FnuirJaco. 1.17A , l.H 4 . ; d 1 srcember. . . . - , ' , d 4 s- . - -v .-..' y e Mora hena areneeded by the rrerkeia -Prices .are ..always at good heights snd avn at tha lowest levels . reached by this market In recant years It pay a to' ' raiee poultry. . Tha scarcity of 4" supplies at 'this . time la very 4 pronouncad and ' quotation! ara . nominal. ; Valuoa hava about 4 . reached tha top llmlta for ordl-., a-wary atocua, au n ay pa poa . 6 'Bible for an advance to occur In aprlnita.: Steady - ahlpmenta - to . market pay thf beat In the end. w .j...- . .- - w BonMbldee, aaltad. aarb, 1 Mfll TS: dry, earh, I OXill.aO; colt htilMtt 3Be&c; iwt .lklu. eonotua. each. 100lb: Aaaora. each. 36c(d . rraita aaa wagataaiea. ' POTATO Kb Hmt aortad. aue ar aaefci anoara'-prtv- foe or luta,- 70070a-per cwt; oraiaary, ootaiue; arooaeara- priea. aotyovc weeia, fl.SO uar crate. - ONIONS -Jobblnf price Oreffoa, w. I. fl.oo vci.xn: proaurera price, no. I, aorffwc; fi ne: rue, as lie. KttlOe pr lb; onloa eeti. Te. FBEHII KRIITN ADDl... "ctille." 11.00 ordinary. Il.ooa 1.80; fancy. 11.754(2.001 Hood Kleer tancr HDltwobaraa aad Kewlowa flDDIna tXTBiSS.OO: oraaaea. new navel, ia.60d3.a0 aeedllns. : banaaas. 4"AOBe nee lb: lemooe. choice, fl.TBe3.?B per bos; fancy. fl per nos: 11 me.. Mexican. i.u per too; pine apple., $4 so per 'doa; Uagarloee, f 1.2B. VGUCTA BI.KH TuralDa. new.-TBc per sack! carrot.. M7o: eark: beau. BOrCtsi.oo pel aik: Oregon radlabes,. 2Bc per doe;, uragoa, a ou per cwt) ( auroral., i. i.TUi it) per ewt) green peppera, 40e per lh; California tanatoe., BZOOOnot); Florida, fl.oo; Mexican, floo; pareDlp. POcftfi oo: string beana, fBinl Or; canllfliiwer, 12.00 per crate; greea as, lout 12 We per Ih; boraeradieh. SCT7c per artirtioeer''eceisi.oo per eee; aotoooee lettare, l.60tt.TA per boil eelero, 3XO24.00 per erate; pampaioo. ir: aquaea, ici proota, ae per lb! eranberrlea, Jeneye, IM.Oe per bbl; Cooe bay and Tillamook, f 10.00; aapara gu.. lie per lb: rbaberb, Te. . - DBIBD rBt'IT Applea, - evaporated," lel IRe dot lb: aorlcota. Se Der lb: iteaehea. lOHU per id: aacaa. , per J" '"' , "n"; iter araa; nica. lanrnraia oiara. oubic iw Uu rallfnrnl. ahlta. Atdo per lh- il.te., eolden. ee per in; rarda, per lo-ia bos. , . . " eiauerUsr trXta. - "BUOAB Bach baala Cube. fd.BB: powdered, tB.SO; (rutt grsaulatgd. S-70; dry granulated, 3.70; coof. A. fS70; beet granulated. fB-sO; extra' r. fB.SO; golden C, fS.10; D yellow, fS.00! bbla. lOc) bbla, Mc; boxes, BOc ad- .ucv ua uavra, trm iw mi nf wmh. Id dMV.1 m.nle. 144ft1Aa oer lb. Above prices apply to .alee ef 'teas then ear lota. Car lota at special prlcea subject te tuctuatlons.1 , . . HONBV fa. Bo per erate. COFFEE Package braads. I16.U. Salt coai ALT Coaree Half ground, loos, per ton; table, .dairy, , fll.OO; 100s, tlO.TB: Im- tad Ltvernool. 60s. flT.OO: 100a. tlS 60 224e, flB.OO; extra Bee. bbla. ta. Is. 10s, $4,600 6.60; bulk. U0 Iba. f4.OoaB.0O; eaeka, 60a, BrtrfSBc; Liverpool lump rock, f 1S.60 par ton) fO-lb rock, fT.OO; 100a, fd.78. , 6HA1N- BAUH Celcotta.-THC. nirK lmper)l J.nan. No. I, fci "Jo, . fH; New , Orleaoa bead, lc AJll, Be; A BEAM) Small white,- tS.T8A4.0;' white. $3.25; pink. S2.T6; bayou. f4.60H large fa.70; Maxioas reaa, shs. NI.'TS Peanata. tumboa. Se oer lb: Ttraiala. Ueave oer lb: roasted. ia"4fl eer lb: eoooanutat Bflaoor per doa; walnnta. lBaiSHs- per lb; plnenute. lOQISHc per lb; hickory auta, per id; xnreiauta eastern, loxiioc per-i Brasfl auU, lee, per lb; alberta, 14Q16C per lh; fancy pecans. lflilHc; aunoads, 14HO ROPE Porn Manila. letAe: stsadard. IStte: slaal. lie. COAL OIL Pearl ar Astral Cases, lV,e par gal;-water white, area bhla, I4e per - gal; srooaea. ne par , rat; asaangnt,- no-oeg, 21 Uc oer raf. ' OASOLlNkV-Sd-deaT. .eases Sstto per aaL ooia inc per gai. BENZINS dS-def, bbla lS,e oer -aal. eases SBe per gnl. Iron THRPENTINE la eases Pie Per gsL wooden bbla asr per gaL WHITE LEAD Tea lots, T8 per Tb; BOO-lb per lb; leaa lota, SHe per lb. wmi r ail rreeent oaaia ax ez.oo.- UNHEKD OII Pure raw. la a-bhl lota. Bdc: 1-bhl lot. B.V: caeee. B8e ner sal: senulna hettle- bntu-rases. tywj oer fr1) hot lota. 4er1tiM m, ooe per gait grounn case, car iota, saww par ton; leaa tha a car lots. $30.00 par ton. - Masts, fish aad Prerislena. - FRESH MEATS Front street Beef sle 4a6e pee lb: eews, SQee per lb; hogs, block. ttlii per iu; packers, stflHe per 10; Bulls. iwk per m; vesi. extrs. se per in; ordinary, 76 7 He per lb;- poor, fatHe per lb; mutton, (snry. StlAc per lb. T HAMS. BACON. ETC Portland pack (local) hams. 10 to 14 lba. ltr per lb; 14 to is lbs, lSe per lb; breakfast bacon, 14HQ18H per lb; -picnic, Se per lb; cottage, Hs per ib; reguUrahort jlears. jnsmoked, 10a per Ibi smoked, lle per lb; clear backs, una moked iuhc per n; amosea, nut per in; union butts, 10 to IS lbs. unemoked. So per lb: emoked. Se ner lb: clear bellies, uaemoked. lie oer lb: smoked. Ue per lb: shoulders. Be per lb. . LWAh l-Ai ivetiie tear, lua. per Ib: Be. 11 He per lbs B0-lb tins, lOUe oer lb: stesro rendered. 10a. 0He' per lb; fie, lOHc per Ib; compound, ins, TUc. CANNRD SALMON Oolumbts rtvee. 1-Tb earn. fl.SO; S-lb Ulls. $2.75; fancy, l ib data, tl.wo; H lb fsney Beta. $1.1(1; fancy Mb ovals, I2.TB: Alaaka Ulla. pink. S&aSOc; red. $1.B0; aemlnai ax, tall. $2 00. FISH Bock cod. Te per Tb; Sounders, Be per Tb; bailout, Sc per lb crab.. $1.60 per doa; .J . k. - 1,1. . IL, . k. t - W. aalmon. ateerheade, 8e per Tb) eblnook, 10c Ibi herring. Be per ib; aebm, be per Ib; ahiimpa, lOe per lb; perch, Be per Tb; black cod, Tc per tb: tomrod. Te per Tb; Columbia river Se per lb: allver smelt, fe per Ib; lobatera, lBr per tb; freeb mackerel, Se per lb; crawSak, 2Se per doa; sturgeon, Sa par lb, OY8TEB8 Bhoelwatar bay, per gaL fJ.18; par eark, fX.TS. CI.AMS Hardsben. per boa, fa. 00; . rsaor elams. fa.00 per boa. RECEIPTS OF LIVESTOCK QUITE NOMINAL eBBBaBBnaBa-auMeba-waaanjnnaaBBnat ' ' . Trade . Continues Good In . All Lines With Absence of Sheep . . Felt Prices the Same.' Portland Fnioa Stockyards. March lo-Uve- etork -reeelfte: - Hoea. Cattle. Sheen Today .....,., rr,rrrrm- . iveek aeo , ..119'. .... .. .... MonULSga - , H . , sear ago BOO HI 1.1 jr. The .tronc toue eontlnnee In all lines of llTeetork with "receipts shout ae nominal as The absence of abeep la being- felt more but prices ere slresdy st sock a figure thst the butchers claim they cannot pay them. Today 10 bones arrlveeV-ta the yards. .Official Urea lock prlcea: I llnaa.. Beat rs.larn 1 Oregon. $7 OlMiT K1; blockers and lb In. fata, f6.60jfS.70; atorkere nrl fcrt.c Sd.aillKl ,jjmnest tjieuL- irresaa atrera... s.uuw. 4.2T.J-be .. end helfera. tS.2S; Usui and niedlnm eteer. l! Wi: llsht cows. fx. so- atock- I en ami feetent; fa. TO; tmlte. fx OB- Hheep Wethers end MmbSi B4JSS4 BHaed- sberp. BBHe. valves woihi vest, inn to aim peenuie, Sej rough aad baevy, tHadmCW r., 1LASTESS HOPS STXAPT. , Chicago, March 10. Llveetock receipts: ' ' " .. .-. r . . u r Hose 4ttle Sheep Chlcage ....... ,..........12.i0 Sort ' 1,600 K ansae City.. S.BOO B.BO0 00 um.ha U0 S.0M Hon opened elesdr st yesterdSy's cloelos prices with ll.Ofel left over. . Receipts a year ago were 10.OHO. - Prlcea: " Mixed. fa.OOtl i!2H; good. $"KflA85( rough, f.00j.l3; light. fO.noflS 2J. Cattle tttexly. ,' . ' Sheep Strong. . . POmttABT) SAVK STATIMEBT. Cteartitea ...fTPS.eoa.trf ... 17t,3BS.44 Bala ...... Sew Turk Silver Market. Kew Tork March 10. Ullvar, Lea doa Silver BTauti..' Loadea, -March l.ailrer. Bed. DISAPPOinTS- - Bears ' Do Not Take Kindly to ' Report of Smaller Stocks of t Grain Than Expected.- --- VALENTINE BUYS AT...: ; LOW LEVEL OF rRICE Reported Subsequently That He Sells OutpectiltJve;Cotiditipn Look - Urwhsnf ed -bu-Shorts -Are Mors Cautious Than Formerly. . ; , SATD BOAT'S WHEAT MA BE IT. Close Cloae ' Bat. Frl. Cloae Gain lOft. Sat. May....... ,. .T7HA f .TOt, I.. .T7V .77B . .172. .77 fl.lSH I .00 ...ooiJ July aeptsmbsr. ciileaen..- March ' to. The aevernssent whsst report t'Nlay was decidedly disappointing to the bears. It bad toe market ap eaarply to over Urn clone. The report will Ukely have a direct bearing oa future price making. It comes after a long period of liquidation, find ing the trade almoat to a man arrayed on the abort side, either abort of wbest or expreaalng bearlah aentimenta. It Will serve thla pur. pose at treat that Is. call (or wore bealtatloa In forcing the short side oa the break. . The situation, salde from the enaeulstlva posltloa of view, ahowa very little, very little, 'ir sny, enaoge rfir It may not be at all algnlfl- (or the bull aloe. It mar no eaat but Mr. Valentine bonght around . tha tow level, which, close evsarrert aetieve, ae subaequently sold out. - . - orrici.i auotstmns oy unsnu, oiacv m puuae sompsny WHEAT. ' Open. Hlyh. Low. Closs. .It CORN. ,424 f-l'4l dSIA - .ta . .14 OATS. . . .27H Msy. . ...2S July.,... - .2 Sept.... Jtl MESS PORK May..... 1B.TS 1B.T0 July..... 1B.S0 18.00 I .A KU. May..... IS) v TUT - Jalr... T.ST T.ST Sent T.B - T.ST ' bust moo. , Mar..... S BV S-M. B SO July..,.., S M B-as h SS Pt...... SJW jB-SO. B.SB T ". fJBICASO CASH WSXAT. Chicago, March 10. Cash wheat: - -i . Saturday, . Bid. . Ask. ... Frl. Bid. Ne. S red. ............. .80 H .f .3H Ne. S red , .i -W Ne. f hard - .TH iTTVi wars hard.:i.TT;-;r.:.-rrrVa:.T4 - -.71 Ne. 1 northern .77" -jvw No. t northern........ .7BH " .TMi .78 .74 -.1 '' JJTZJLTOOt'ajUXM XAaXXT. Uverpeat. March 10 official prleect ;r rr WHEAT.- Cloee ,- Tices Bat. Frl. Bat. March Se Bd Ss tf e Sd Sa 4id ds S d 4S ld May Ss i July s ds Hd 5 March l4d May 4s ld nrSUT OBATJT VOTZaTZJR, - .jrecatnts today .. Xesr sgo Buah. , Hu.h. Wheat 42S..000 .'3.i0 Corn . ... . . ... . ... . . .STa.000 - 775.000 Shtpmenta:. Wheat .i...,..iibv.r...T.,l"4.000 SM.ono Corn 114,000 840.000 Clearances: Wheat, none; corn, eii.iuu on- i eats, 38,100 be.; floor, 11.000 bble. . . exAxjr nr 7abmxbs' suirsa. rihieaao. March ' 10. Ooverament reeert of grain In farmers' bsnds en March li . . Bneli. Bnab. - Buah. Wheat Corn . .. 1M.00U.0O0 lll.OM.BBS 132.H08.t2 ..I.IOS.000.000 BB4.U(.1T B.0!ia.(l7f ,. fTV.000,000 847, IBS, 048 87 8, 707, BUT Oata .. COHON FUTURES SEVEN TO TWELVE POINTS OFF Mew York, March 10. Cottoa futuree eloaed to IS points tower. Official euotatkiee by Overbook, Starr A Osoke cempeny: - jaientF Open Hlrt ' Low Set. Frl. March 106S 1048 1040 ! - 1&0 April May -144 - loon 1057 17 10B2 1073 lOKO ' 1079 1070 1072 1027 1034 lOIT - 1024 loin io2s 1022 10211 loae 10.14 10BT 106S 106T loe.1 10H4 I0A3 lOBS 10T2 10BT una ........ uly luxuat September 1081 1081 October .......... 101S 1020 lVnVint)at aeae . December 1022 1024 1031 101T 1021 January .... SAB rBABCIBCO LOCAL ROCKS. Baa rrsarlece,. March 10. Official cloae: Bid. Ask Contra Costa Water. 4"H 47 Spring Valley Water ulnal Klertrw 11 iant Powder TO is 84 10S II aeallaa Commercial... ........... SO Honokea Susar llotchinaoa Sugar. Makawell Susar... Onomea Sneer. ... ...... 'aauban sugar ninn Buaar. . t. ........ laaka rarkera , arlfle Statee Telephone' TjirrrxD stars eoTnvitnrT soxds. M.w York, March 10. OoTemment bonds: imte. . Hlo. - AX. Ko. 1 reeolst 1030 103 10"1 ins i.I -103 108 io3H 104 H 181 18114 do eotipnn. 1"0 lOSH Ko. B regulsr......... .r..-;.- isos ins do couuon ..... 100S los Mo. t small bond.s 1"! o. e regular.. ..... tevi do coupon. ,. IDOT 103 o. 4 resnlar.......u...4 iR2n iw do eononn. . 1920 130 Matrtot of Colombia S-SSs. , IIS bllipplns 4s... IQ I10H a- TOBK BABK STATXMXXTr- nectVajie. neeeTTn ... . . . , . , .. r.;rt,,.fi.4B4.iM Reeerve, MSB V. B. . ..... "l.T:l.a-l Slil)0,P" Suacla. ....... . r 4.004.NO0 Issia .... Pepnella , .. Cb-culatloa , rTT44xsir .2T.B1S.JI 10 , &31.T0J XXW TOBK COTTXS fcUSKXT; ' Metw York. March 10. Toffee fntures closed enchssged to f polals lower. 0 facial quota- ' Bid. Aeh.1 : ' ' Bid. Ask. March -, ,;.f.TS fd0' September ..fT.20 f 7 2$ S.7B 8 o'Ocler T 2.1 T.fW ... SWV " I November .. f.Sf T 44 ... S.OB T.OOiOecembar .. T 45 T.B4 ... T.OO.T.OB J.nn.ry .... T BO T..VI ... T.10 T. IBI February .... T.U T OO nrll .. May ... June Joly "... ASgUSf Ferelga Coffee Markets. March 10. Coffee unensnred to lower. Hamburg unchanged In u lower. Re ceipt, r Hlo. 8.000 bare market steady, prices uachengedi Bantes, 14.VW saga, market ulet, 100 dows. Be York Cash Coffee. . New York. March 10.--eah enrfee- Sa. t Sent. TT .7S ei i an , Apt - a May. July.,.., Sept..... - aAT .48 li ,, . . mC , .sC. J7 ;. .87 JkA rm .sriD 15.ST t - If STI 1840 ' 18.S0B !?? ' I" T.ea i i am v Mm I 1 f.ev , a ZZHb.'S B-ff, 10 ..... iJ ,.. 27 ..... 41 BBla ,'....10Ba Ela, fM; Jte. d Seatoa, St, . . ( IRREGULAR T., , Closing In NevVYork Mixed, but Most of Ust Slightly ' Under - That of Friday. . ; REPORTED STRIKE IN T . ANACONDA A HELP News Has Tendency to Hold Coppers More Steady and Has Some Effect Upon Rest of the List Bank State ment as Expected. :; -. ; v. : MarT LOSSES. ' Anaconda Preseed Steel Car. Paclac Mall Rock la laud. pfd... Southern Railway. AtchbMB la do nref erred . Oar A Foundrr... C Sugar li St. Li. a. w... teaaaian ........ Wraat W cetera ..- U Toledo St. Paul L'nioa PaHoc..... do preferred..... U. a Rubber do preferred...... U. 8. Steel ....... do preferred..... Wlaeonara Central. do praf erred W eaters - l'nioa,,..' Wabash i evaapeaae t'olo. Fuel ....... Uolo. South., td p. do 1st nfd Denver i.... ....... Brie do 1st pfd. louUrllle-... - u n.r ....... Penaeylvaala Locomotive ........ NET GAINS. - Car A luondr. a. Fed. Snwlt. afd. Smelter I Baltimore ........ 1 Brook Ira tr J c a n. w i norrota Peoole'1 BeadUUT Rep. Sta N. T. Central.,.. Dillon mi- WeH Street. Ksw Tuik.- March Ic). The stack market dosed Irregular, but ea the whole It ha. beea strong through the aeeeloa. Tba re peated au-lke In the- Anaconda mine- Imparted oonaaence le ibo auyiag ox copper stocks, nui prlcea rlaaed practically ancbanged. Tba bank statement waa fully aa good aa expected. Of Betel aootatlone by Overbeefc. Starr Cooks compsny: DE8CBIPT10K. laaeaada anetne r 3T2HaTA, A mat. Oepper Ce Am. Locomotive. ... a,. 10V 108 11 - oo pretarrea SdhS4S oo Drerarred..... j AtnCar A Found., com. .i.ianra Am. Sugar, com...,... Am. .Smelt., com. ...... do preferred..... Baltimore A Ohio, com.. oo prererrea. ........ . Brooklyn Rapid Transit. Canadian PacLflc. eom Chi. A Alton, com...... do preferred ... . Chi. A Ot. Wert., eom.l SOU Chl.r Mil. A St. TJauT.T.7lTTj m ronn.f com..., CM. Terminal By...... (bcaapeeke A Ohio..... Colo. Fuel A Iran. eom.. Out ton Oil Centra! Leather, oosa... do preferred Com. Sooth., com. ...... do td preferred do let nreferred Delaware A Budaoa.... P. A B. O.. com do nreferred Brie, com. no eo preierrea.......l ao 1st Brrrerred... . ."".J . ........ IWWI IV .11 w. Loulavtlle AV Na.hvflle . 1.TU 1.TU IIUI Metropolftan Street ByTTtlHTIirnilB eiannattan uy.- IBI 187 hi Mexican Central By. so TOOM siissouri raciDc.. 1O0U M-. K. A T.. eom do nref erred . . . . . .-u son Tl New York Central....! 14 H 1414 Federal Smelters IOH'4 8 Norfolk W cetera, eers do nreferred.... 88V North America ,, 100 N. V.. Out. West... Pennsylvania By...... P. a.. -L. a 0. Co o' 18 Si Preeaed Steel Car, real. do nreferred. PacISc Mall Stsaa. Ce.. Beading, eom....i..... . do 2d preferred....... - do let preferred, vvr. Ben. Iron A Steel, com . do preferred.......... Beck laland. com....... do preferred. .. ,iuw Southern Rr.. coat do preferred. Southern Fectfle do preferred St. L. As 8. F.. 2d pfd.. St. U 8. W., cam.... do preferred Texae a Partfle Tcnneeeee Coal A Iron. . T.. St. U A W.. com.. - do preferred. i .,,.-.-- l'nioa Paclac. eom do preferred 0. 8. Rubber, com do preferred V. 8. Steel Co., eom.., i de praf erred ....,... Wheel. L. Brie. eom. . do Sd preferred...... do 1st preferred Wleconeln Central, eom . do preferred ..,.,, ... W catena Union Tel...... 128 'so' 8444 too IBS 4, IM B3H 1134( 41S in 2" SB It Wabash, com............. do preferred, BOTal BfttArsOH Total ealee for day. 47T.3O0 share.. Tovosaa smrnre stocks.- : Baa rraactaea, March 10. Off rial closing: . . : Bid.) ' . . Bid. Belmont ..... .8.S2h! Wile ....... . .IT Caah Boy .1 JOoldBeld .84 Goldea Aaebor. 1. SB (Jumbo l.BS Home . .20 I do extension .. .SB Jim Butler.... I. MHIKendaU ,M McNsmsra .... .08 ILesue Id Midway 2.17m May Oueea , ,44A Montana . f.nOA I Hohawk .80 North Stsr .... .87 Red Top ...... 1.S2H OeJite ,,r .40 J Sendsterm nnr I-.8T H Ton. Exten.... 11.00 ISIIver Pick...... .82' Nevads .....l.on 1st. tree ---m ,4 Weet End 2 00 National Baak.. .30 Adam 10 I Denver l.SS - Atl.nt..";... "IXellpsw -iinrnt--. Bluebell ...... .11 Ittold Bar !.2H T'olamMa Mt....21 0. Bull Frog...22 Onnqner ...... -.Vi I Seataway SB Dlaseondaeld ... .11 ? BOSTOS OOPPIX MAXKIT. - Beaton, March 1ft'4HSlat'UBTnaT7aelnar Bid.i Sid. Asventnre ..f t oo i ma nsaTnionf 4a.2K areeoten. rri- t r.eeoe -rvt-cr rw so AtlaTitle 23.TS- IPhoenls " , ,i.r- - KOO nin.h.m .l oo LUiilncy I..,, Bl-1 Centennial ... 2B.MA I lloysl ........ 23.80 I Cneper naaga. leM r-e , I.7B Dalr Weet . .. 14 7UlTamarck lOT.nO lrt.TB, ea no Cnmherlsnd . T.B2H'Trlnltv .... Oreene Ovm.- 20 BO U nited Cop, Orsnby- ... 12.TB I Irak r.... M.s -r ,-vrrs 4W Vb-terfa S.BO 8.00 Mlchlraa .., 18.60 IWinoea',.. Mohawk ...-. no no I wolverine Nevada Con.. It tTlal C. S. Mlalaa.. ES.S7U North Butte.- BJ-M (Tens Cop ... 44.60 Esst. Butts.. 10.TB I SARRIEN WILLING TO o FORM NEW MINISTRY "' (Journal Special Service.) - . V -Parle, March 10. Julea Bariien, for mer minister of Justice, this afternoon told President- Falllers that " ha 1 was wllllnx to undertake the formation of a new ministry. , . ' -- - risfarreA Bbeak Caaaad ejaeSm, Alias. Lewis' Beat BraaS. Kock V If LI11I1I I 111 Central loafher ... V. m e-w"aeo e twi e i do preferred..... -, Vt - " ' ; ' r - ' ,"' ,i . -. ; . .' i9V A1UI Altf' I iiziH 123 H 123 H no iiovJ noij a d os S3H M N2 lTlit lT0i!TH The last work of - the. Sculptor Bar- tholdi, which has Just been . unveiled : at Neuilly in the suburbs of Paris, Accuses "Chief Witness Against -, Him- of f Trying tt; Kilk1 Him, When Shooting Occurred. ' SAYS MAH SUE CAME TO . ; HIS DEATH ACCIDENTALLY Entire Story ' of ' Prosecution Denied -byChinesd i on Trial for Murder and Self-Defense Set : Up as - the De- Lee June ecenptad the wftneas atan in Judge Scare' department-ofthe cir cuit" court .nearly' all mornlnr7, Ha la ! LEE JUNG SPRINGS 4oi"::::: i f - n r i in i Tin n ; v loiS'ioi ibi -t fendBJit'a Plea. i-LL' charged with tha' "muMerTofMah Hue wniamatta brldsra tf the rmmrnl-rlit- m-therrhrTr-Tbrtir7I.Thefo are aeeeptable to Mr. ptiaoner declared ' that Mah had bean killed aeddentlyv Leva said that he at tempted to wrench a revolver from the hands of Mah, and during-the acuffle the-wreapon-waa discharged twioe, km inc' Mah. ' ' " : . t Lookln , atralxht , at ' Jen . Tans. Chlnaae woman who yeaterday declared pn the wttneaa atand . that Lea had killed Mah and then tried to - murder her, the prlaoner stated that the woman had secured a knife In her efforts to aid Mah In killing; him. .All morning tha woman eat in tha courtroom and when I the prlaoner . took tha stand she looked sieaony at mm, iea juua aali ha had tried to befriend tha woman, her husband .having gone back to Chin on a visit. The prleoer etatedPthat be fore the husband left for Ahe orient he had requested him. Lea, to lend her money If aha needed It and that she would repay it.-. , . . j . Lea atatad that for It years he was sn actor In a Chlneee theatre here, but that during tha paat seven years' he bad been a cannery workms n. He declared thaCTaatTyear hstiwd-trmnprl Hip wunian $100 to buy clothes and. only, recently he let her have $60 more; . He aald that he had learned that she waa becoming Intimate -with Mah Sue, ' and became alarmed about' hla money. On tha aft ernoon of February t, he aald, he met Jen Yeng on-the atreet and had asked her for the money; ahn la aald to have told him to call at her room at t o'clock that erenlng and he - would be repaid. Ha want to tha room, he declares, where ha found Mah Sua with the woman. - . He aald that ha asked for tha money, bnt that Mah Sue advised her not to re pay- it.-- Mah, atatad the ' wltneaa,' than drew a revolver, whllo the . woman rushed for a knife. The prlaoner aald that hie band- waa powder-burned dur ing tha acuffle and aald that the woman had' received .her Injuries during his at tempt to . take i the knife away, from her. . .'. " ' ' . When asked how Jen Ten expected to earn money In order to repay that which she had borrowed. Lee atatad that aha had told him that aha was going to alng'ln a Chinese theatre during their New Tear's celebration at $10. a night. MIsa Lena Marshall, a nurae at the flood-Samaritan hospital, testified that whan Jen Yeng waa brought to, the hos pital aha did not have any scar on. her head. ' The Chlnaae woman yeaterday aald that - Lea had struck her on the forehead with the revolver. . Detect lvee Patrick Bruin, William Jones., Matt Murphy. A. C. Welch,. L..C. Hartman and L, C Carpenter. told of the arrest of Lea Jung and of the examining of- the. room In - which - Mah Sue died. There-weretmany tlffa between the at torney! during the morning, which added to the length of the trial , Tha .direct testimony of the'prtaoner waa not -completed at noon. ' , -.- OGDEN MAYOR IS - s zlARRESTEO FOR CONTEMPT , ! Ogdep-iltaiw- March 10 ('hergew-etf f maiieasanca against: -District . Attorney arann nave, bean dismissed, Former Mayor. Glaaaman, who "preferred the sums, wss nrrsste for criticising the court's decision. AERONAUTS DO NOTrr1! FEAR;.HEAVf.GE (Journal Special Berries. 1 -: PlttsAeld, Maes., March It. Aero nauts Charles Levee, a Frenchmen, and Lea Stevens, an American, began prep arations for their contest and ascent In a 40-mlla gala, thla afternoon. - . OVERBECK, STARR Cz COOKE CO ' - Membera Chicago Board of Trader - BAXSt, PXvOTlBTOBrS OOTTOXf, STOOSS ASTD BOSTDS. "r: " . 182 Third Street. McKay Building. Portland, Or. WB BO A STBIOTX.T , OOxODSSIOSr .. BUSZXTBSS. Contlnuotia Markets by Private Wire Quick Service. REFERENCES Ladd 4 r TUton, bankers, and United States National Bank of Portland. ' Port of Portland Commission, in ' Closed Session, Votes to ... - Favor ther Bridge. ' 10NCER. SPAN REQUIRED 7 MUST DREDGE AROUND Reported Also That Commission Will - Require Upper Deck for .Vehicles ' and Other TraTcV Mod jeskt Says . This la Impracticable. Concluding with an executive sssslon, from which all but members were ex cluded, , the Port of Portland commis sion yeaterday afternoon voted on. the question of making reoommendatione to the war department' to grant permission to tha Portland A Seattle Railroad com pany to bridge the WllUmetta rlvac at the drydock elte. Tha exact provisions embraced In the motion ara not known, but It la eald to be. In ita eaaentlal fea ture a. favorable to tha Hill lines. t Sec retary Maher today ealdt '..' -"Alt this office la authorised to give out la that tha commission voted to grant tha franchise on terms aubetsn tlally In acoordanoa with tba petition of the railroad company, with the addition of certain provisions regarding - the bridge structure and channel that would safeguard tha Interests of the port. The commission appointed Chamberlain and Thomas ae special attorneya on behalf of tha oity to draw up tha port's recom mendations and submit them for accept ance' ot the railroad company;. Data -of tha -next meeting of the -commission Is not yet fixed." "'V'. -i . - Tipper Sack fee Yeblolea. Tt -'j reported the - eommlwelorr-wlll BBBaMsTmamM . , ,j t st .ae-en-i . - SBmam MS I Ha as- require tnat an upper oeca jor f ana otner traveijoa pnui on n. unui Hecretary jaaneir. replying io a aa to Ita truth. 'said; -... . v That Is a leading question 1 -cannot answer." ' - - Provision for dredging around, above end below the bridge will be made and this the rsllrosd company win un doubtedly accept It la aald the com mission will also require that the draw epan openings be 120 Instead of 205 feet. When asked today concerning - uieoe featurea, Ralph Modjeskl, chief con sulting engineer of the Hill llnaa. aald: . "Tha addition of an upper deck to the proposed bridge) would not be advisable. It would require a viaduct B4 feet high mnA 1 son feet loner at ona end of the brtdae and about the sama length with a height of 60 feet at the other end, to get - a wagon and streetcar level onto JheJrldge. Theaa vladuota would hava 10 ex ten a niiiiiir t s irvir qwuv-u- yards. OettlaeT BVaady tow Work. : Mr. Modjeski said that tha engineer tngr departmnt-waa" making prepara 4nnM aM Iun wnrlr lmmtl.t.1v An tha Lever. Sneaking ofthe aoaivonai lenrth of draw scan openings, he eaid: 'A longer draw apan la poeaioie. vva can build a draw apap almoht any length If It .la . absolutely required. . Added length meana greater weight, slower action and a larger pier, upon which the draw apan must rest Aside. from tbeae things, there le no reason wny the draw epan Should' not be longer. There are two tlO-foot draw spana In the Missouri river bridge at Omaha, over different parte of the etream and onerating aeparately. The reason- for their great length, and for havin lnea that would. If poaatble, eover the channel at any point to which It might Tshlft. The" current-of-the- river Is' un- certain and the .: channel Is ' liable to be here today and there tomorrow. There le little or bo navigation on tha river, and the spana are eeldom opened but they are ; there. . with . four big openings." - Mr. lvey left Isat night for Taroma before receiving a copy of the apeclflo uruvlslows that seewld be required ' by- the commission. KING AND QUEEN TO -BE INVITED TO CANADA - (Special Dtspetek 4s The Joemel. ; Vancouver. B. C, March lO.-r-Mr. Bell court M. P., gives notice of a motion of an address br" ther Canadianparliament Inviting the king and queen to honor Canada with tneir presence on mo oo eaalon of the opening ef - the Quebec bridge across the St - Lawrence river, which la an Important link of the trans continental railway. - TRANSPORTATION. Opera tlag IS Pssssager Steamers far " SAN FRANCISCO aad Los - Angelas direct. - Bl-dally raervtes. . Cabin, flf. Steerage, ff, K. THOMMOX. Assat. u- Fhene Mala BBS, . IBB lAi.O ex. ALASKA rABT AXD POFTLAB BTXAMSBIPB - Leave Seattle ' -,' "JXTTXXSOX," Wrangis. xniBIOO." Kereh Bl. TaTSjsSa4aBjaae seanaBjAreae ' aAeBBTtAVehe "AxBsaTt S4nax4Ve oVeAagta aensi wsywaa. eu vanam aana. era v ana wsray t.r All Boathsastsra Alaaha Porta. ., Call ee send for "Trip ta Wonderful Alaaka." "Indian Basketry.' r TBX ALASKA S. S..0O, -l Bcrw-aTjre, sxoFKJsie CO, WSXXAT A MB BTOCX SBOKIU (SaUbllsbed If ft.) - l 4, Srvwaad moev. is ex oo: OB. .'a S'?nrnrLir:ri sxeswel . Jess I A Trains fo the i East DaUy 3 .Through PuUmsa standard aad tosrlat sleep. tB-can dally to Omaha. Chicago; Spekaual toorlat aleoplngars dally te Kansas City. iV. Sk. I."uAod ehalrcars (seats fxeel is . tbs Beat dally. Csloa Depot ' . Leave. Arrive- -",'-o-Portlnd Special for V Tif HunMngton. dly. 8:lt am , B JB pm ?JV.eFlysr for Eaat era . . " Ws.hinrton. Walla WalU, ' : v n.?J?''Z'-.?ar S'Aleae ani ' i ' - ""'.."erthcrn points, dally. t:18 pm - IM as Atlantic Exnreaa fee tb East la Huntln.fnn, deUy. .. .. ... 8:18 rm T:1B am L r. .foi''k8U BIYBB DIVISION. area mer fee llwsco and North (Uaeh. ateamer rm Ash-st. dock, lesvss B p. SA, daily, '"oeyi Saturday. IB , sa,- Arrlvaa -shout a p. -m.. except Sundsy. -1 - ' Vl-WTTTT r ' V 11 niJJT. ."" on aty sad Yamhill rtvef - Points, ate. niers Ruth and MeeVwt. A.h. dock. mtLI' " except Sunday jwstsr per. lunluyV' ' , Antr 1:8 P su Ssfly. ssespt , - :izzV!AKM.Jl,r1tm sormt. - irmlZi -. " apoa arrival Trala daV-exeefTt OTr.V-'- J e.i-aei vuiee. Tbird sad Wssblngtaa Bta. , . . Telephone Main T12. ; . a 'V T7 k aTIN,0F.R. City Ticket Agsat A. L. CXAIQ. Generel Paaeenger Agent. fot SaJem. Knurg. Aah" i, Sacramento. Osdea, eraaoace, Stockton, -It .SI. Peso. New -Orleans sad the ea.Lt nsvrt Jt aatT """I xram eenaeeta at -Woodbura dally except Sunday with train for- onnt AngsL Sllvertoe, r Wndllng'snd Wtrua! BlflO sa f :Bf f Eugene paaaengor eon- r ,- . neeta at Woodbura with : '. Mount Angel and Silver-- -' toe loeal , S4:18pta 'lOtBS am Cee-ellla pa wenrer. ...... am . es:o pa SheHdan peeeenser. . . .-. .. e:5om 8:2S am Forest Or re peeaenaer. V (110:48 -m UlMpm Dally. IITlelle except Bnsdsy. fOBTLAXnlSWCOO MUBUBBAN SSSTIOS -x - - AND YAMHILL DIYISIOIt. Leave Portland (depot foot of Jefferson St ) datlv for Osweao T:BO a. m.: I2:B0. l.OB. 4:00. s:so. 10:10. ii:s p. m. usny (except Bnndayl.. 8:80. I .fu. f B. Bk Sunder onlv. S:00 a. m. Retnrnlng from Oewego. nrrlve Portl.nd Balls' B:80 a. m.; I BB. 8:05. 8:0B. 8:18. 7:39, 8:88, 11 :10 p, m.. 12:B5 a. m. Pslly (except Sunday). i l T'i&lljSO. 11:4S a. , si. Sunday only. : lO-AA - m Leaves from seme depot for Dallas an, msdlsts points dally 4:18 p. ss. Arrive Port land 10-10 a. m. The Indepeodenee-Mnnmontb Motor fins oner stes dally to Monmouth and Alette, connecting I T1"1 Boutbeea Paclflt I toViwi Fj CI fljeapan'S tracks at Wsfc from utnrtlsnd va Sacra si ante ad Ban Fraaelseo 820. berths SB: s.csad elsse fare (IB! seeond-lsss Berths fl.BO. Tickets te Beatera nolsts sod Knee pel ' alee Japan. China, Honolulu ant Anotr.lla. City Ticket Office corner Third aad Waak tngtna atreeta. Phone, Mnla T12. - T ft W. STTNOSX. ' ' . A. ti. CSAtfl. . City Ticket Agent. ' . Gen. Pass. A rent- TIME CARD OF TRAINS aClft Portlands-" I IT n Ion lepo4 ' Leave. Arrive. Teb.w,unm . V'ui"1!!!! Cliy-St. Loals SpecUl for Chebslls, Cewtrslis, Olyss-. Rla, Grays Harbor, Booth end. Taonma. Seattle, Sps kana. Lswletoa. Butte. Bil 7 St. -1 and lings. Denvsr. Omaka. Ban-.-.' aiiliM.t. dalle 8:80 BS, :8tna. North l oeat Limited, alee-, trio lighted, for Tacoma, Seattle. Snokans. Butte, a rsui sse the Bast, dally ... 2:00pm T:00sm pnget Sound Limited, roe . ,, , Ch.hslla. C.atralla. Tacemr -. ssd SatU only, dally.... 4:80 pa 10t pm Twla City Bxorsss for Ts- ' noma, Seattle, Spokssa, ; . : Helena. - Butte. St. Paul. , , Mtnneapnlle. Llneom. St. Joa.pb. Kansas City with- - out cbangs of cars. Direct connections for sll points Ksst snd Southeaat, dally.. 11:48 pm 10 SB pm i p. CHARLTOM. Aaalataot General Finn. ger Agent, 2BA Morrison street corner Third... T-ortland. Or. -- , , Astoria & Columbia . ; River Railroad Co. TJnloa Depsrb-.: ... , -.Leave Arrive Fee Mafers, Balntar, Oat- ...... kanle, weatport Clifton, Astorts,' Warren toe, Kla- . - ''.' , vel.- Hammond. Fori Btev- ena. Oearb.rt Park, Seaside 8:00 am 11:20 am Aaterla and Beeabert, ex- praaa dally T:00 pm S0 pa All trains dsily. - i i 7. 0. MAYO, O, F. and P. A, Aatoris. Or. 0. ' A. STEWART. Commerdsl Agent 848 Alder street Pbone Mais SOS. - - ,7 Overland Trains Dally 7 'Ths Oriental Limited, the Fast Med m. T" VIA BBATTLS AMP BPOKAWB. . j--: Dslly. - Deny. - ' ' Leave, Arrive, ' Portltad time schedule , k To end from Spokane, - 1 St.- Paul. Mlnnsapolta. r Pulath and aU points " Xaat via Seattle S:Sftss T:0Bsm -v 11:48 pm 8:60 pm. id deesa St. pseii Mlnoeanel Dalutb.. 'and ' nil- i potttta Beet lyis.8poksns 8 :jEp8 :0? t m raat ' Werthara Steamahlp Oo. Belli ng teem BeeUU for Japsa snd China oorta and Manila, earning pas- toagers snd freight , S. ' S.-Tmksts. March-It. " -' . S. S. Mlunaaeta, April 88, . XIPFOX TT8EX KAIBHA f (Japes Mall Steamrtlp . I , S. B. KA1XA0AWA MA KU will ssll from Seattle about -March 20 for J.paa and China ports, carrying paaaengor. snd freight. - . For tickets, Tsfes, bertb rsservs. tlooa. etc.. call oa or address Xj- PTfTXSOW, 0. F. T. A., Iff Third etSartlsae. Oregsa. Fbsae Bala 89. S. S. F. A: Kiiiarn Far Coos Bey,' Xurska snd Baa Franclace. . tut sailing from Portland Tnea., March Sit, . e (ftTjtf , Q TIH COBWDSftMiX WAV, 1 IKext Si Next sailing frosn Baa FrssHers, Wed., Mer. 14. W OBBBNOVOH, Aat- 4rsealkv Osak rasae aai iia ...... i