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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1906)
THE -'OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING. ' MARCH 10, . WSt sTeTSia, .- FA . r 1,1 FOR 8ALE&SALvtSTATg. ACREAGE ; Portland's, beautiful suburb, South Meant Tabor; . acreage auburbaa hosae od strait '' f rnis oOHU MT. TABOR REAL ESTATE OITICl 1'huns Kt 42i. FINB HOMB, ag Investment; block. ,T-reom house, barn, beautiful location, Improved treet paid fur. K 3d, can JouraaL 13.000 mew room boas, bara. chicken- abed aiMT 3 Iota; Improvement coat the prl -HOOM cottage, test sri. 81,860; ? terms. . Phone AND T-room modern houses; amall payment .down, balance mouihlj. 1'huu .East 87S. " A FKW chore- pit, rbeau t Bear Alberta at. Job Bala. I4 Stark el. , good buys . ll ftao OOrlOO, ea But BuTaatd. walking distance; eaay term. IAOoO Modern 4 room houee, good kwa---tlon, on taata I Inmate, v 3li.8u0 Modera new T-room house, , weet Id, welkin distance: eaay tor. -l2Mfr?SmiB. ou SecwnU BU. Htral.Jr?t Ida. - 830,000 W - block, -ear, central location! J 'eat aid, oa assy term; thla proper t will uuble la value In abort time. .. , r. IfVCUA, 1481 First . - I n I I 1 I ONLY 81.800 8-room cottage, bath, bars and alt kloda of fruit. Urge and email, ehlcken bouse and S lota, oppuelte Arbor lodge on , St. John aarllne. F. Abrsliam. lit Second at. BOO PA RMS, email tracts' and lota-r bargain oa U. vr. f, rifririr una. v. uu, svaa. Oregon. Take Mount Scott car. 6c. - - ,AI A BARGAIN A st suburben bom ef 8 7.. acre on earllne. 8 fare.; Vfc mil onieM ' city llmlta: graded school end church. Take rrT Caaadoro car, get off at Nlckum station, tint -. boua aaati after xroaalng the bridge. . MADRONA AVE. Good 6-roon Cottage, cement L- beeement, box 1 23 lot, large frill t tree, mart- age; moat aell; with or wtthoot- furniture; 1,800, liom Land Co., 146 First at. . I A IT - and a - half. 8 room -i hssemcnt. fruits and berrtea, 1 blocks from . V. Woodlaara car; term returnable. . Btowa, RfK Durham are., WooUUwn. . . ' FOR BALE 9 loll. T-room hooaa, brick foanda. tkm,-treH faoceitr -nlce-ler,-ou hwattai ' li Mala at.. Aahland, Or. - Addraa 1. O. box ST, Roaeborg, Or. . - - '- ItR MALI CHEAP ante. aearlr Dieted. SIT Thomiieon at., eo . Jofcne. - Baa 40, HI. Jobna.- Stewart, St. : IX)R SALB 4J1IRAI and T-roem booata; mod ern. part rub. 8T0 Uarfleld iffc. Take ' Woadlawa ear. Phono Raat S641. - . . FOR RALB trner lot ISSiItt. with food . S-room cottage S reera old. 1 block from car line, Tahor Helghta; - eaay- taraw. - - Owner, i i" Bait eaTa. i BT. JOHNS property for oale: f area, all lm- Dred,"Tssa -picket fencw, ft nit tiaee. veil proved, gooa piraei place; one block aerth of Cedar Park atatloa. B. - Schmrrt. The following advertlaemeat appeared twice ' , la lata paper ' $800 BACH For aome fine eaat front Into-. Mrr 100 nn the L rarllae. aolendld aerr- V ire; tber will ho aold aooa. Better ' If yesj want one. Terma or raeh. i piaaae note. lota aold thla week. . - t are left at fJvO each. Do row r - -.l. want onet r A Sne earner en Sharer gad Alblaa. I foil- nara lota, KJ. . IfTtniO wa haef gml Mallerr for 8T80, . M. E. THOMl'ROM, 848 Mlaelaalppl are. . Pboaa Eaat 3328. . MCI houea and nearly t Ms, 485 3Sd ItooeeveltjnqnlraJwejagaxdtlra HOI KS built, aaer terma: rag, furnlah lota. - Miller. 813 Commercial blag. Mala 140. LOT, corner Twelfth and Tillamook, full ce ment walk, cheap, by owaer. Phone Mala 40. FOR SALE FARMS. nmi wntt itTt-. 1A7 acrea In t'larkimae eooaty; JH gaflea - from CurrlnevlUe; 40 acrea la culnvatlnn, 3T acrea slashed 46 acrea timber. Dearly all level, a boot 8 acrea la orchard. Baa 10-raoa, knuse alaa tenant hanae. large bora Boxau. also eowbara 88x80. new ; dryboaaa a ad fur. . asre and other oatballdlnga. II cattle, resm. hoes, waaoa. nlowa. harrewa and all aeeeaaery . machinery goes with the pleoe; also aome household aooda. Price 878 net acre tT acrea at Moaler; nearly all aadrr eulM- i . ration. Moaler creek ruuo taroogn toe piaee; T acrea la beating orchard, mixed vans ties 18 aerea to Newtowa and Spltaenberga, I ear eld; B aerea ereec Bottom, m acrea -i ' - imai alanil 1 8 rtitaa' SO acre good pes rare land. 1,000 treea healed la lor planting aa aooa aa groaad la ready, 8-room house, alaa tenant bouae; I baraa, and other bulidlnea. largo aorta aear tba bouae; thla place le only 3 mllea from Moaler autAea. B19A nee aerel ti nn a.a. nnlmnrored. mllea fraoa Moaler, f mile from acbool: about 46 acrea Baa appla land, remainder eteop; ao acree umber, creea mmA Snrtn Mft the OlacO. PlTCS 81.000. 64 acree, 8 mllea rrom aaoaieri excellent a- una, wen. nouerea along one aide and 8 era-logs; pine and oak Umber; all klnda of amall fruit. - iH-otory-honors dToaaee, cellar! chicken, boaae and other bulldlnga; 1 mUa from acbeol. 168 acrea, 4 mllea from Moaler 1 1H mllea from acbool; land gently tolling, aome level; it smut trait land. 130 aerea feared. S acrea ander cultivation, eoaM amall fruit, t-room bouae, bara, wagon and woodshed Price a.HUO. ' 80 acrea. 1V1 mllea from TJaderwood land ing; pearly all level. 14 acrea ander cultiva tion, no bulldlnga, well abeltered; aa Ideal place tor orchard. Price (0.000; terma. 80 acrea, m mllea from Voder wood landing; eery choice enb-lrrlgated land; 80 acree level, an aerea silently rolllne: aa aerea at read ' growth tr timber, eultahle for tlaai SO acrea . bruoh load: an running water; very eigntly locsrtoa. Price 3,x3; terma. 100 aerea, 8 mllea op the WT)1t Balmoa rim: nearly all tillable, pert baa r logged, but much good timber remalnlag; 4 big anrlnga and White Balmoa rtver oa the plaee; 3 mllea from H usual p. O.I fruit land. Price (S.300; terma. LANCILLB RAD. T8 BUth at. - . an. am a namntn. ' B.0P8 Italian praaa treea, 800 wtatar appla treea. fine piece of land, 14 mllea rrom city: all In good order: good man can cleat 83,000 a year front fruit alona; pranea era prunei P. 8, AKIN, Chamber of Coma 833 BOMBSBRKERlt THBSB ARB BAROAIK". Acreage near 8c carfare from 8128 ta 1173 ' per acre. ' ' 8 acrea of the I flneet tardea and. Bear , 8. r. carehopa. 81.800, oaay terma wilt make - a beaatlful building elte alao. 183 acree, near atatlou, 78 cultivated, 10 ta '. pope, good bnllillnge and orchard, acbool right ' by. a anap; 330 per ncre, oaey ternte. 48 acred. 8 mllea from Portland, ana ear the arettleat placee aronad, with pereonal prop. ptty worth 81,000, for 88.000. - . - 864 acrea, ewe of the beet farma lav Waab- - tngtoa county, cloaa to forest Urove, 43 per acre. - - 82.1 acrea, tag heat farm ta Yamhill correly, bo I Id Inge alone worth SlO.OjOO, tec 830.000. 1 aaay terma. 4et partlcnlara, or Inspect my Hat of farma. If yoa waat a pood one at a bargala price STOCK reach, 800 ecree. too tlllahta laad, (rad -"wflcTtlF per, acrt A,tTor4. A.A4tft. 133. Won Uo tWlyiH-plew?- .W ,iTr ACRIS rerel timber lehaVJl.OOO.OOO - ly'mlTc? fraS rBinVAIvor j A 1 .000 40 reel nr. Ifoffl,' 188 MonMUU" IS.ono WILL bay a 30 sere farm 14 mllea from Beaverton. 8 mllea from Portland; exception. - ally good value. Hagemgna Btaachard. "." 81 Fifth at. - T 313 PKR ACnvO Here ta a rare opportenlty to . aettle aa estshsi a 410-aere farm will he aold; NO acrea ander Blew aad 40 atora really culti vated: aa Ideal goat ranch; 8 mllea front ' Rbartdaa. Hagnmana A Blaachard, 81 61 h at. 80 ACRES ST been cultivated, 300 hearing fruit treea. amall house , eprlng, (reek, Clarke county; only 31 000: 8260 down, balance easy terma. Home Land Co., 14614 tret at. FARM FOR PAL3) ISO acrea, good bulldlnga, an acree .trader ealtleatlna, fruit and berries, splendid water, aear towa, dally mall; 1.000.. IV m feet of 8ne plna ssw timber, mta wood; a lovely home la the amet delightful etlmata nn the racing meat. . Address H. B., hog 117. Wood vl IK Oregon. rrR 8 A LrV Stork raivh of 3 440 acrea, aeer rnhurg. 8 mllea K. R. of Fagene, Or.; prlc Kw: II eeah. ha I a ace S years. 8 r rent, t. D. Chambarlala. La boa kldf, Portlaad. rrr -Ws mCIT 0NEI:PAPEE!IN:P1RIIAIIB FOR SALE FARMS. " FABIIS. SO acrea, all choice land and aearlr all level, all fenced and croee tor.l;. iint acrea cnnieatert.w 100 acrea In paalur; running eirvam waier, aooae, a parna, orchard Joloa a good amaU town on railroad; talc pnoue ana electric, ugbte; coaeenlent to good college and neer rrtlandr a fine farm ana en account or ill health will euU at bargalar might tak aom trade; r l acrea 4av JJnltwii eoanie. aearle leeel lead; 8 acrea rultleated, about S.UUMKK) feet fine timber; 1 wlla to aawmlll; . good i-iuuia. omiae, gvom parn. oreaara, etc.: terjr cheap, oaljr 1.000. - . - SO acrea.. all choice land. Improved ; good oouaiuge; near ureeaam; will trade tor I'ort land property and oar eaah dlfrerenea. ' 40 acrea, all cboloe laad. so acrea et which i nearer nam; in acrea cultivated; boaae, IT' ,"r,, ru"iuit. tfAnJ -UTi-lliol4 eiiH-e, i apau gooa noraea, rowa.J vuuug cattle. S boca. 1 wagon. buggy, mower, rake, plowa: caltlvatur and all looU; la Clarke county. Waataliigtonf will , . a noma u auuuroa ol rortiaaa pri-e roc gu z,uvu, vu acrea good land, all feaeed; ST acrea cultivated, u aerca aearlr readr to Rk boaae, bara, aecbard, bophouee, Uring water, coroa gooa wooa; on gooa roaa. coo tton: US mllee from Portlandr t.t.800. SOO acrea,. aheep, goat or cattle ranch, all o4 roUlna bill land. - watered bv eurlnr wna ewe, wet orcaarfi r--eo arrre cultivated; Wautlfull located la Xaaiblll eounrj, e mile rrom railroad atatlou; will oxeaauga nor property in aome good towa. HENkLC BAKKB, -SIT Ablngtoa BUlg., forlUod. Of. ' - phok nnva. (3,000 BO acree. a mllea eaat of aaeoaeor. oa good gravel road, IS acree cleared, d acrea flna apple orchard) flret-claea. V jeare oil. full beating; new modern a-room bouae. cmt f 1.300, ballt IP04f new bara OOittO. ' coat IflOO, -belle aam timer land all level. If yea are looking fur a nice home Investigate thla baforg burlng; guaranteed aa advertieeU. 600 40 acrea, 18 mllea north of Vine. in var, oa Iewla rtver, 8 mllea from railroad, 8 mllea from boat la ad big; 10 acree cleared 10 acrea aore alatoat cleared, acrea good iimoer, email a-roem aooae. bara, ramujr or enara, 43 treea, T earn old, lu good an ape near acnooi; neei oi Bottom iaaa aaa ooa overflow; ttila ta a aaap. 81.300123 acrea on tba Cow lite river. ftttQtk ( Ot4 "atJWII't" (Miplllei tlOII ",f'tt Mill" read, boat landtag: 1ft aerea cleared, 10 acree fn Baeedow. 50 acree ander good feace, 63 bearing fruit, treea, ftrat-claen, apples, -peara. pranea, plume, peactiea, rherrlea, all klnda I amaU fruit, good 4-room bouse, oood been, food well at door, woodshed aux34, rootnoae .13il3, mllkbeuaa 42iltt, ehk-kea-boaee, otbor lanlhalldmmi ill gull plmi mill anlinl, io good timber, coder and fir; pereonal I proiierrgoeo wim piece; i mare, i wagon, ki itmm. ran, a cows, i BVUier, J 0011, ru 1 1 JatorL hay rake, plowa, harrow and other hlnga too aanieroua to mention: H rash, be: anco good tcr um ; wilt glva lei uia ; fnarnntees! s aoverrnisa.- -80 4-room aouae aad lot la ftoeeland pd- - dltlon. u blocka from tJalna eve. car, a Sntnar at. l will aell on Inatallmenta. -: WASHINGTON A ORKOOX REALTY CO. 353 H Waahlngton at.. Portland. Or. ' -i---- - Rooms it- and 13. - " Or THB BLWEI L It SALTY CO,- " ! Vaoroaver, Waah. SPLENDID OPPORTUNITIES. '- fn Douglaa coonty, hw acrea, nearly all ander cultivation, amall boose, 3 good barn a, . avjod orchard, living Boring at the house. also ether springs on the place; plenty of - outrange which can be aeed free of charge; postof floe, telephone, general a lore, acbool- aeaeo and blacksmith within a mile; tltera are -other .matteta connected wfthhletjQQa -fo,- alaca which win he aialalaed at (be offlcaV Price 83.600. 880 acree. -430 acrea la cultivation. hooaa and barn, running water, poatofflce piaee, one roue rrom ecnooi tm rMt acre. 457 acrea. mllea from rmllwry atatlon. aalUa f rasa BMtnffUe.. store, lalenhone. black amlth ahop; a larro part river bottom, we'l . adapted for a If alia; 10-acra bop-yard,- gool orrhard, a vers re bulldlnga; 81T.6Q per acrel can he eat ap lata aeverai email aomee. ITS acree. S mllea from Salem. 80 hope; everything complete to run a flrat-claee . hop-yard, hooaa and bard, large bophovee, good "-alegaar aoir Tof- an Tlnda-6r fruit, team ctt - horsee. waceav caw. an a tone or lmpieroeniaj , pvif- fO,WV, 7 w,j -"UIU um .w. m ranch or general merchandise to too extent Of about 83,000-88.000. la eontbara Oregon. Ion aerea In Baker eouatr. 3 mllee ft mall towa; 30 acrea ander ealttvatloa, HO acrea under fence, good boaae and barn, well ; near house, brunt Ion ditch. gPUO water etoch. Cod orchard: gt.pno. A 30-room farahmed tel la the little towa. ground lOOrlOO. rente - at 840 new month! baa good aatronaa-a: 84. cum; i would exchange either one, or both, for Wll- lametta valley property. - We have aereral ferine to exchange for city : amnertv. a. larew Met off farme to Ulacka' man. Waahma-tom Pout. Loan. 1-lnn. TamblfL 1 lWatonMarWtTrrXiekaoar-eoaBl In etate of Waahlngton. for eaia. , - OTTO A CRO0KBTT, S45H. Waahlngton at. - t 18 ACRB8 oa river front, 3 blocka to earllne; , aooae and barn, food aoll. ' 30 a ores All cultivated, living water. close la; 3138 pot acre; boat ha la Clacka mas county. T acrea Flaa orchard, grapea gad berrlea, rHTB h t. t-nrn rd water tower, flna view of Portlend end river. TO acrea Half cultivated, boaae aad bara. to town and boatlapdlng: cheap any. tesod piling oa 10 acrea lor lale cheap. ml I a from river. Small acreage aomea far Bala aa aaay terma, cieee to earllne. , KELSO A BTAN8, . f Mliwaukle, Oregon. Can every IS mloutee from Flrataad Alder, FOR SALE 20 acrea grata aad stock farm all under cultivation. In Big Bend country UBCoiB connty , vv aaningtoa ; near at. K.; will axchanga for Portland property or any good property within 80 mllea of Portland; great bargain for a man who wanta a farm;, prlve 810 per acre. Call oa t. B. Taylor, room 618 Marquaa aioaj. 140 ACRES MTBT BB SOLD NOW SO .cleared. 10 of seaverdam easy to clear; IT head of cettle. 10' giving ami; xarm equipage, noaacnoia rnrnitarei an goes iur a.i.wai; a mtiea eeet or Vancouver. Thla cannot bo beat for the price. Call or addreea I. oh neon, Vancouver, Waahlngtoa. Route Ne. 1. - - - SB ACRES H mllea froai Boat, K. B. aad tewni aeering rruit treea, . ruaning water, good ashing, aloe meadow. Waahlngton. - , .Boa M, CAatle Bock, FOR BALK Splendid farm of 140 acrea, 100 acrea w cnltlvatlon. 40 acrea In grass, amall - timber, a-room bouae, bara and food well , of water. Thla term la located oa a fine traveled road, 8 mllea from a towa. T mllea rrom the county eeat of Benton county, ata i tloa adjoining land. Will aall thla on eaay terma at 8M per acre. Sea A. U Welle k Co., B4 Oread are. . . 44 ACRES of timber la Cowllta eonnry. Wash., for aala at a bargala It takaa aooa. V. W. Faalkner. Aalta. la. 80 ACRES. 319 per acre. IB mllea of Portlandi good road, acbool; B mllea Hnlhrook. 448 Sherlock hide-. - - ta of FOR SALE TIMBER, CFBTTFIID acrto. any alas pricea. W. ta. HowslL 838 Chamber af 0ee HATS aeverai flna timber clalnia for location! aa money aepoait required. 80S Mohawk bkl. A SNAP 180 , acrea timber ; land, with aew rinme and wharf, eultahle for a railroad Ike mill. Addreea Pred Tenecher, Rainier, Or.' DO It now, before It a ton latei use yenr atone jmiaLLWUvJiau l . II. will paanai le wiaaail. gate what wa hav oa bend af present. Wr 1".',?.''.wh!l71.i?7?r'm!'.!..Jit''l.JlnJ I p'mrW.llOT' A.Mree4 HORSES AND CARRIAGES. : 30 TXAMS, 1,70 to 8. per-team, arm I patr wsa. rnvaoBs airoaH aara aaa riaaaere. FOR SALB Einreee bores haraoaa aad wagon, cneap. moot, Seat, Dim, WoodUwa. , - ., 0. Pauley. HACK. and harnena for pale. Aaderaoa Proa.,. and Jefferenn. - , TO EXCHANGE. FOR BALK OR BXCHAN0B for ' Portland Property AU or pert of 100 aerea, with new bonae nee, bara. etc., I mllee from Vancouver. Addreea 10 Eighth at., vaacearer. Addreea Owner, 110 tv got sigaiB sv, Vancouver, Waehlagtoa. FOR aele ,er at chasge. t acrea. Irrigated lent on aear aorth bank railway; noet leads hi front, depot 14 mile; extra choice; wuuld take cJty proporty, ; rkoaa Kaat 884a. r a tvtttv ' ial Will tell ylDUT WeQltS tO tllCllS4UldS CI pCOplC , . r rn, a lis Qulckly: TO EXCHANGE. irvi-HANIIB 400 arrVa. all nret-ctaaa laad. oa Taalatla elver. Uaslilnetim countr: oaar reach to Part' Uattda.,flyiU-a...toauueiL;iUJailiCJJLi " e aH"( malTafJ Pyivvdnd' weK v -1 - - - i.t . .-ru ,. l. nA oaw houee and barn near ear Hue:. S mllea from Portland; will trade Into larrfer farm and (pay cash dlBor- 8 nice, new honeee;' rehtaj vain about 890 .Per BJontli; will Irene ror a goeo " 6 a.-i-ea. choice ple.-e of kxnd, near Kenll- I Trortui trade Into B -farm. gixono worth off good nropertr in a grow tng Oregon towa: rental value Bow anottt 6118 per month; will trade Into a food U- 1. n. .11. t.,n What ras TOU off ST T 64,000 New bualnese building. In a good. aew, prosperous Ore goo town: rental value 84d per month; will trade for PorUand proji erty and pay raah dlRerence; wUl ,tak Ltfa or ImnraiiJ nrooertT. 818.008 tlnotce woer Income-bearing- a-ori- land property and aome vacs at lots; trade lot eaatera Oregon grain or atocg rarm. - . - 3 1. acres Of choice Improved' lead, aew T room house, all comnlete. barn, etc., tn New berg, Or agon; will trade for Portlaad prop 10 acree good land, improved, alee S-room hard bilaliad boose; aoavenient to roruauu will trade for a borne la Portlaad. ' t . IIFNRLH ftBARK kblngdoa ui WILL exrbange wallpaper or painting and dece ' rating for light delivery wagon. 8S TimhllL 3 riNB -. change bnrne. ma. for Portland real eotste, city ee ou tturns Land On., 146 nret at. FOR SALEMISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALB, CHEAP New- Rambler - wheel: . eoaefer brake, cuabloa frame; alao complete hunting outSt, hammerleee ' abotgnn, eeet, raincoat, hat. hip boots, too rounds abella. -" etc. t parrlea Waving dty ,. Eaat IU28V 3T0 Broadway. ' FOR caab aV easy paymenrg, farnttara, aoly la use a abort time, at bair iu original coat; - taw la av oaap. Aok log Ok at tesuld - A Kline', eouthweat aoraer Front and Bora aide. Mala 807. POOL- Aable (ee. aala, I'bone Mala 3083. cheap, (is Froa at. FOB BALR OR RENT NEW AND BECONI). , HASQ BEWIN0 MACHINES. STANDARD SKWINO MACHINE AGENCY. B. D. J0ME3. 380 TAMBlU. ST. - - Books bought, gold and exchanged Old Book Store, 32S Yamhill at. at the 837 Waahlngtoa at. WESTERN OREGON MININO A MILUNtt CO. headiiuarterar stock for oalo- and lefeease- itloaat180. Flrat aC Pbeoe Mela .l3n. SHOWCASES AND FIXTCRBB made ta order; aecoad-band goods fag aele. Carlaoa A KalV atrom, 2te) Couch at. Pboaa Clay STL BORSES of all klnde for sale at very able pricea. laoulre 378 front at. BILLIARD AND POOL tabwa for raat or THE BRUNSWICK BALK COTXBHDKat CO. Tblrdat., ragoelead i IL, Portlaad. MANUBR by wagoeleAd a carload aa O. - By. Pboaa Eaat 0818. ..... w. r. S BUYS a cocker apaniel poppy. Inqnira room a, . namoac ot commerce. aettlng " from " thorotighbred Black $1.50 per eetting. 858 Boath Bra.; Ho 11 wood car.. A. D. Randall. M 1 aorcas, Portland. TUB celebrated Pontlac top rmrrlee. lea tber at Portland Ware bouae SHOW cases, conntera, flxtarea boaght. Bold at x changed. eetera Salvage Co.. SET Waaa- ingtea at. raeine tb. WE print yotrr aam oa 60 railing cards, proper aixo ana sty te, anot zn naaineae esros, ai. A. W. Scbmam Oo.. 338 Flrat. Portlaad, Or. B0LDEN & RHEUMATIC CLI ihenmatiem. Sold by all draggleta. FOR SAI.g 23', foot rannrh, capacity 14 per- aona, equippeo wiui o-nor ae power r ij ax trowea engine, complete, appurtenance of tba very aeac inauue aiv rue ax. 300,000 BRICK tor aala. Phone Ualoa 1788. ADAM'S) Microbe-Killer, the a-reat germicide. that baa atood tbe teet of year. For aala by draggleta or winter, aOMi Grand are., N, HEW boaaeboat,- below city, - at a bargain owner leaving city. Addreea K SI, Journal. EDISON Victor Ulklng-machtawa aad aeeorda: suisll pjusicmi Inarrumsnte, piaaaai xpert plano-tnnlng, renalriog. AlneK Co., 180 Third at. Acaderaoa FOR SAJ.E A mar T thla eprlng: gentle. afraid of nothing; will work any place; aa buggy Bora, rnoo raeiae ixsa. MOYINQ-PICTURE Buchrnao, Sim. view, snai Hoe, gal machine, paooog-rapha Bonght, eirbanged and rented. Itawmaa turn change. l5t SlxU et. X A NEW Columbia wheal, aoly saed aa weak, Phoae Mala 4061. STRAWBERRY plant for aala. Wlleon. Magwm aaa sixteen to one, by men, eipreea or at place, i mile weet and H eoath of BockwooA H. W. Turner, Oreebam, Or. PERSONAL. CONFIDENTIAL medical ad-He tasvremea V treat dlaeeae of womea eicloslvery coring with unvarying aocosa all female allmenta from the slightest local Irritattoa to tbe moat aempllceted Internal troublee; merernlty esses given- (pedal attention nrivnte hoanltal accommodation? prefeaaleae lady nnree In attendance; ooravultatloa aad adrlce free. X-Radlnm Medical Inatltnte end Sanltartam, Third aad Alder t eatranoa 3S3 Alder t.. Portland. MADAM ANNA LUCK BY evjre all eeelD dli eaaea and positively guarantee to grow Bair; all klnde of bath glvea. electric massage; Ml as Cathera' French Past for removing wrinkles: Mm. Karraw s r a moo a re men lea; satisfaction gneraateed; will receive pet lent a at my some or First -class aoraing ana rreet menls. half arlce: references. Call oi phono Pacific 1363. 830 Taylor Bt. Port land. Oregon. GRADUATE maaaear will go ta yotrr boma and give treatment; toferencea givea. Eaat 2888. DOLLS' H08PITAL Repairing and dreeelng. 881 Yamhia SUITS praas.d whin yon wait, SOe. Ladte' aklrta preaeed, 80c. Gilbert. IOR14 Sixth at., neat to Qnelle. Phone Jaclfl S086. DR. W0RLEY BENJAMIN, the Font RpeeUlhrt, 800H Washlngtoa at. . Kood 804, Bore feet made eoaad. , , . BINO CHOflNO. Importer of Cblnea root aredt- ctneat aella Chine tea mat ta certain core Tor- all disuse. 181 Seeoad bet, Yamhill and Taylor. FREE to not of town pntmta. oar rarest eats. logo of fancy work, pillow tone, renter pierce, ahlrtwaiata and Boveitiea, The needle Craft Shop, 881 Waahlngtoa it. Portland. Or. BACKACHE- and kidney of Madder dieeeoae cored with Oregon her be: trial alaa tog 10 la stamp Plnmmer, SM Third et. DR. ATWOOD, 19 Raeael bldg., lH Fourth gt. Female nlaeaaee and ronnaemenm takra and cared tort opea eves logs. Cer.sJtatloe freo. MANLY vigor restored by Dr. Roberta' Nerve wonllie.. JS: rent '"'"''y eealed by rnafl. Ag.lg-.r-ri.rke STTJe,, PoeTtkad. Or. lirMmtea. una monrn a treatment, ni g LOST power restored by tbe great Dr. Lnrena'a Nerve Tonic Tablet 1 zoe per box. tbnxea for 81.33. Write or call at EreeeU' barmacy- 327 Morriaoa. bet. let aad 3d. WET FEET ara dsngerwo. Wsbfoot blacking la abaohitely waterproof. MRS. Sophia B. Selp. paychometriat. Iiinsg aad nrnpbeteeai dally 10 to B,'T,to a: circle Tneeday end Friday. 8. m.. S4ti Yamhill, enr. Seventh. Psrlfhr 104. Sunday analog meetlngn Drew ball, 163 Second.- BAI.M or F10S for at female dlnana, 828 Eaat Belmont. Pbon Beat eoae. YES. Pal mo Tablets make yoa Bleep perfectly; iney enre aervoaansee ana oibbs yoa atmagi price tine a hog. 4 hove 13 60 1 gnoranteed. All drurgtata, or addreea Brooke Drue Co- 83 North Third et., Portland. Oregon. DBTHTTIYE AGENCY Ooafldentlsl Inveett. get Ions; reports made on any Individual na. bees or property; missing relstlvee located: bed debt collected: charges res sons hie; enr reapnndeaet anlMted. Oregoa ,. Iieteattva Service, office 814-818 Coramhls bldg, 888 Waabtaftoa C rhoa Msla 6418. .1 as yea can tell then personally .1 a. . Sf ;t; i.m, TifM;i; PERSONAL. LATTKS parivra , auictlr nrst-clssa place only. Flat A, 661 Waahlugtua. aL SUteeath aad Seventeenth. . betwe ANY mea or woman cao be strong and happy by using Bexlne Pills, tba great tonic; price 81 a box, 8 hexes (3, with fall goereatre. ' Address or call J. A. Clemepeon. druggist. cor. Seeoad and Yamhill ata.. PortUad. Or. HIQff-GEADB portraits: gpocUl offer tor few daya; cabinet alaa. card a or (nldera, 16 for 83; aaUty aad work the beat. D. M. -iurena, 80S Ooodneiuh hldg.. Fifth , aad Yamhill . v .. TURKISH BATHS. 800 Oregnnlaa bldg.i ladlsa ' daya, gentlemea alghta. Main 1388. "FORUIPDEN FRUIT," "A Oay Lothario," . ''Htory of a Slave."- ''Fanny Bill" "Agaaa," "Woman of Fire.' 80c each; llata tree. A--W. Schmala Co.. 330 Flrat at. - SCHOOL booka and aU aold and axebaugad. klnda of booka boagbt. Jooaa Book Store, 381 BOLDRN'S RHEUMATIC CURB Sure care for rheamnthtm. Sold by all drugglata. PERKINS' Amoricaa Herb are for aala Y Third et.. Portland. Oragoo. -b-- a. general egeat. COAST afencr Dr. Crlatloa'a ' French toilet article. Roome 11-13, Orand theatre hldg., Pa.h A Wr..hlfinr ' Phpn. Mat- J7 1 YOUNO lady glee vapor, alcohol and Dedicated be cha. Pewsaa-anV- eagii --- MairT" EDISON PHONOOBAPHU and recorde drltrered anywhere free oa receipt full retail price; ' largeat stock Edlaoa recorda weet of Rockies. Send for circular. Peter Bactgalopt, Tad Mission. Baa Fraacteae. NORTHWEST Rug Works, now located at 163 i Union are.. Bear Eaat Morn eon. Ruga from old oarneta. TeL Beet SS80. - DR. O. Y. KRTCHUM cttraa promptly private . disc a ssa, kidney, nervous, akin end a peel si femel troubles. CslI or write. Red Croee Diane naary. corner Third aad, Ask ata. Pboaa . Faeine aoi. . DANCINO taught; ,. clog. anas - and dance, - bark aad wing,- walta clog, LaBcaahlra . clog. aad )lg. Irish Jig. reel and all tbe latest fancy a a acre tangnt nv Mr. and Hra, l Charlew-Crrbtrra.- lata of New "York Cltr: -13 yseee' -eaperlenee lav-ataga daneea; all wessons strictly privara. For parnewiar -ap ply to aio4 rourtB at., atarna houee, reeme a and d. gfj-Tst Hlrk 1m, CHIROPODY manlrarlag. face, ecelp aad elee. rneai tresimeata. 14BH Blzta- at.. Aider, room 36. YOUNG widower with mean woo Id Ilka to meet C fined lady ander 80 years: object per. Addreea R Tl, Qnlmby hotel. A RESPONSIBLE party going east for a trip vvnis vcno-eei nny tmsineaa-roa may bv, DR. M. T. COLE Horn for maternity i rrnmen narse ansaiia ax w xsat ojov. . . .. . Y0UN0 lsd gtvee far ai manlcn-ring aad chfawpody. id ecalp mnaaaga. in nixxa ax. DO yoa mat to marry f If no. tola enr aoetetvi a oave aonareae of mambere. either eext Bistrimoaiaa rvgisrer, iur. I . Xf. nog onw. AUTOMOBILES. CO TRY A COOS Motor Car Co.. nd Steveno-Dnrvea mntor-aarei chine rented, repaired aad stored. ART EMPORIUM. noPTCRSOB B. MAX METER, 348 Portrait and landecapa artist and Alder. LAT-TORNEY YW fA WIff aa aa-a BP gggfatA VTfa Ksba AJ7 " BP iIi B"BVVl BaalBlB V laaeV UIBag. I od WsUblBfitoa it. PlMtys Mala Ml J. i. WINCBKftTKH. ttoftlw. mttmn ARCHITECTS. R. R. MENOES. Architect. Ill Second at. "ASSAYERS. OARYTN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO.. aad Montane a aaay umce. lna Mnrnooa at, --- BLANk.BOOK MAKERS. - BOWEL DATT8 A KILHAM. 108-111 Becoad St. - PJenk Book msnnfsctnrers) egente for eoae improvea kooeo-Leer ledger; ee u Eoreka leaf, the beet w tbe market. - BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. s. ' BIRKENWALD CO.. 804-80S Ererett at, Largeat batchera' supply boose on tbe coast. BATHS MASSAGE. TWO ladle tie be tba, face aad scalp maeeage. BUS,' S1I1B BX. ' TWO g ladle give maeeage, tub and vapor hatha. llOt fourth, corner tv asonig ton. THB SN0WDEN BATHROOMS, yrru Aider t. Tab and vaoor hatha our epeclalty; also electricity aad aiaaeag. Pboaa Mala 6O06; treetmeata. MISS RAYMOND givea betna and meeaage tree. Bnta. Th oeeane,. awavk CHIROPRACTIC. CURES appesdlcltle wltboat 61 agg or fealfe, A Monro St. Dr. Eva Ilogan. f'nloa av. Phone Woodlawa 87. CARPET CLEANING. Rega a MPkA D 84, e"t dw -- ee,!... IMlii'SHif a ei ln V I'B in mbi w.e tmr BieBe uiani n tm vac. 1 trine Hiram r th- It jracmu; t- .TaUnff ttf aJ 11 W I T A at Y Mrowf "eUinf hsr. aartloB an prmm air nmrniM: rrpr m naof WltrVrvSit rrT10TB.L MftlS Mr14, Et CARPENTERS "AND BUlLDERSl WASHBURN B A FLOYD, wagea ballder snd geasral Job -work. Be BtB at. rBoa Hooa 000, WM. FISHBECX, carpenter: repstrln and Job bing done. 381 Burnelde St. puna Main B4T. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. EsrtRRO-OUNST CO. Dletrlbaten of , - FIRE Old ARB. Portland. COLLECTION AGENCY. DOES any on ewe yea money t Wa enlVet had debts of all kinds. - Northwestern Law CoUerttoa Co., 123 Grand av., roome 14 and in, fill sens Has biog.. vvt wis oai. FBM ONLTrPAPERilN iPORTIiiin) to a dozen ' J- CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST A. SPECIAL 86.00 READINO-FOR 81.00. CIIMH AT ONCB1 ATTr.N TIOM AI.WAYH BEIUHI.K SEK THM BKNT. ont()M)E. KliYP-rlAN ASTRAL nr.FH or JEOlIZCDeiri' l&wZi lumT"elAWvvy1e;' palmlet. astrologer, peyi-blc healer, talli of nisrrlsga, love, buelneaa. health, law aulta; restores bait or falling vitality, break weak . habile, looxtee mine, burled tress urns, miss ing one; uia kee good luck, removes evil la Suences, hasteue marriage, auttee the se pa ra ted. settles love, business or family trow- -t)lesr-Te1UtrT--re JTnii tt1 alallT" lao loaenr treatment fur au aliinenta, HI lurx; aeveupa clslrvorance la Atbera. - S38t4 . Waabiagtoa. -Tba noted palmlat. win coallnaa to give bla : celebrated 83 reading for 60 rente for one week longer. 2Hk Morrlaon at,, parlora 1 and 3, Toe Coemoe, over Royal bakery. MK8. STB YENS. Portland'a leading palmlet, aatrologer and rlarrvojaaA. . loV Bevaatlv.aA "-opp. Hotel Portland. . - i CLEANING AND DYEING. A Bt,..m Cleaning A Dyeing Works t preo. LaTTirTn connection. Sit 4th. Paclfio 807. CLOTHES cleened and preened 81 per month. Unique Tailoring Co., 847 Waahlngtoa at. . B. W. TURNER, arofeeelonal , yrr aad claaaag. . BOB Jefferson at. Pbone Mala 3S13. ' SARTORIAL Tailoring Co larllee" and men' e leaning and pressing. 800 Wash. Pa. 1317. CAFES. THB 0PFICB 3NS Waahlngtoa el, phone Mala 771. Samuel Vlgneen. COAL AND WOOD. CHUBCHLEY BROS, have removed froal foot - Davto .at. to 4 Kserney- at., aear Utat t aow the largest weedyerd ta tba airy, carry ing all klnde of wood and eoaL Mala SSL ALBINA FUEL CO. Dee tare ta cord wood, anal and green end dry alsbwnod. R. R. aad A " bin are.. S blocka eaet af ferry. Kaat 874. WESTERN Feed A Fuel Co., oa Front, halo ooa u Ilea a and ttoyt, aealere la all Biao Boaae eoela aad blackaaxlth Mala 1018. STEEL BRIDOE FTrBT. CO. Dealer - hi anal, eordwood and dry alabwood. Pboaa Eat 414. rnoaiTiBer arood. 808 Alder at. Phono Mala 86. KIRK HOOTER. 313 Water Bl Wood aad aaaL Phoae Msla 480S. : COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EYBRDlNfl A FARRELL. ptadaua and eaeamlev loa hwrchenta. 140 traat at., Portlaad. Orc Pbone Mala ITS. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE ororkery and gisas Hegele A Co.. 100 to 1raJ Fifth. DENTISTS. DR. WILL JACKSON, thr Drkurfl bldg. r Dentlet. S14, -DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING Shirtwaist sewing. 436 Eaat Pin St. aulta aad phala DANCING.- WOODWARD'S dancing acbool of the Waster Academy of Mualc, Monday and Thursday. ' Spectators Invited. Lessons BOc. Boaetag 6 - to 11. - or. Second aad Morriaoa. - PROP. RINGLER. Sua Alder, Boat Btxtht sua or privet irsaoaa.- boo. . "ELECTRICAL" SUPPLIES," NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL EN0INRBRIN0 Company, 84 Seventh at., portlaad. 0. K. far ' everything la tba electrical Baa, 1888. PACIFIC ELECTBIO CO. Englr tor, repairers, elertri wiring, e First cor. Stsrk. Msla 868. R. B. PPIls. B4 Tate. FURNITURE. FACT0RJSSa OREGON FBraltor Maaufacttuiag furniture for Com oa ay Manufacturer ef PorUand.' Ot. ' the trad. sTURNITURR mannfactorin and perta! Ruvenaky a raraltnr factory, tin rvoai ex. FURNACES. BOTNT0N warm-1r fnrnare Bare faeL . a. Bayer v-nrusee tm. ie airua. FRENCH BAKERIES. THE ealy place la Portlaad ta get Ft en eh bread. narrere A May lis. 40T sixth Delly delivery. Phoae Greoa 80S. GASOLINE ENGINES. ENOINK8 Btetloaarv aad marina: "LJttia BTetar gasollne launch, HPS; aecond haad alee trig laaacbe and hulla. EEIERSON MACHINERY CO.. lNi-4-4 Mnrriaoa et. - . .' . FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRE A IRON WORK slander at,, eor. 3d. Pbon Mai Sooo. GROCERS. WADHAMS A CO., wholesale a g'tieeaa, wchaat. faeturere d oa nd Oak ata. . at. Fourth ALLEN A LEWIS, commlmloa aid produce 1 cnant. rront nd Ksvls sts., rorriaeo. Or. HARDWARE. Portland Hardware 'Co. Bollctta ovpot I unity ta cjnnte pricea. 133 let at. .ear. Alder. Mala 1884. T HOTELS. HOTEL portlaad. Amerieaa plaat 63. SB par day. RELTEDERB; Enropoaa plan; 4th and Alder eta. THB BROWN Grand aad Hawthorne av HAY AND GRAIN. suo- .COOPER. A. COL PoUtoee,. feed -aad 138 Union eve. Phoae Eaat 1BIT. Senr. INSURANCE. ISA AO te WHITE, fire I no re see. SO Dekaa) bldg. IAS. McL WOOfX emptayeee'-liability 4 dividual aerldent enrety bonda af U kino. Pboae 47. 803 McKay Mdg. IJBTrr.S CoVffiST Hre Tneoranc. 443 Sherlock hid. Oregoa Phono Main 3418, LOCKSMITH, w. SSt RICHARDSON, lockrmttt aad taaaliliig. Bametde, ' pectSe IO88. MUSICAL. . e. r.ow, T.iiiB-p.iw ann wpeireri warn flret-claae, 38 Koaael bldg., 4tb aad Morrlsoa. EMIL THiri.HOBN. pupil ef Svelk, vtolia tee Cher, a ladle 11W hlxth. Tel. Mala LE"ON8 60e; plan, palter, Banlo, mandolin. violin: inatrament for eele. 841 Vb Fust St.. in; ii Mali Mr. Martin. MAGNETIC HElALINO. DR. Io n. HART treats oft disease, stoma ck trouble, aei auoBBceo and fanctnal weak; 18S Seveath St, A-Bop Mais 41 T3. vy. r rnrrt Urrry -MACHINERY- THB H. 0. ALBBB I'B. Bseond-Baad mnehlaary. aawmllb, ete. 348 Oread see. in BTPPBf.Y A MYBRS. marhlntstn end elee. ery aad xaaoiln eaglsee Oek at. Phone Mala UUU. epeeUlt. S34 CENTBNN1AL IRON A STEEL WORKS, ma rina and stationary gaaolln origin experts) all kloda machinery repaired.. 3hS Ollaaa ex. AOA-'P saalessi gsaniina, sinfnitt" marina; any apeed; beet aiade; right price; la stork: ea exhibition; running In salesroom. Call Flrat - and Stark ate. Fairbanks. More A Co. ' MONEY TO LOAN. Y0CB FRIENDS CAW TELL TOO, r That we treat patrwse fair aad liberally, - and If yoa want money you cao get It fl4 to 3100 oa your salary- wltboat delay or pnhllcltp. ; ' ." --' , , W give yon the caab.' all yoa aak for, m an lamp, and the amall amount required each pay day ta pjt oft tba loan wllTaorceV be noticed, ' - If la aeed af money da not hesitate ta eall for a confidential talk; we make no oatr berraeslng Inxjutrtea; require no Indoraer or reference tot frlenda; treat yea oourteuoaly whther yoa borrow or oof. . - It will pay yoa to get tba money yea aeed . from ua eo tbe pay men I plaal It eoata yoa less ana gets yoa oat or sent. V Opeg Wednesday and BatoraaF SBUt . BTJTT0N CREDIT CO ' 13 (fifth floor! Dekum BMg.7 Coraer Third , and Waahlngtoa Btrset.- MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE And other upon, their awa names ' without eernrltyi rheapeet ratea, eaeteat paymenta; offices is 63 principal el Use; aeva 7 our all money by gatilng ear term Srst, TOLMAN, 323 Ablngtoa bldg., 1yS Thtrd-at, ' HEADQUARTERS FOR SALARY LOANS. - 438-S Mohawk bldg., or. Morriaoa aad ThlrA - Ledlee or GentleBaea. No PntUctty.- , If yoa borrow 870 yoa pay hark 81.88 a weak. If yoa Barrow 2S yoa pay bark 81.88 a week. If yos Borrow 6.H0 yoa pay back 83.00 a week. If yoa borrow its yoa pay hack 13 38 a week. If yoa borrow 864 yoa pay back $3 00 a week. Fayaseata snspeneed la ease e aUkaee. . Strictly Salary Loaaa. CBBSCENT LOAN CO-"' 4ES41 Mohawk bldg., aor. Morriaoa and Third. ' MONEY TOIiOAM,. a fmpiovsd etty property or for building i. far from S to 10 Veara time. wit I two v.Vr. rZIZ fllJZJ'ZJ? .! Boo. Piifo&tl&k&mt' agVken"or.a ' after -aiirvm. BBortgegoi IBBI1 1 nn aad replaced., mini, nasaaisi 343 Stark at. THM BTAB LOXhT lav ashried employ, wage-earner, aa fat hla Bote, without mortgage B.OO Rep .00 Rep .00 Rep . . - - . MontB. vi aionra. wen B. WW. .or 83.83 r 81.88 ti-OS ' on Repay ta aa 818.83 or 88.06. et epay ta a 8. on er x ss epa to us i 4.00 or 83.00 810 McKay bid. SunlT to Inaa oa real, pereona 1 gad collateral iniyi spoeiai atteaaoa. to chattel mart Pallet. 304-1 -gaeesi ooteo Featoa bldg., 84 Sixth pt. HIGHLY respeetsble place where ledle gent aaa borrow money on dlamnada nd - ieweh-y. Collateral Loaa Rank. 388 Wash. rag too at. Phone Blsxk 71 HON NET . vo loan oa Clacfcama eooaty .uaa. L aaa r, B. niey, BUS oibm as voaa. LOWEST ratea oa furniture and pinna. Boat, ara Loaa Co.. 448 Sherlock bldg. . Clay 838. TO LOAN Sams to salt oa ebsttel eerarity. R, A. Pram. 814 tbe Maronam. ' - MONEY TO LOAN aa air klnda of aeenrity. -William Holl, room 8. Waahnrtoa- building. COLUMBIA LIFE A TRUST CO., Sixth Soor Concord blda, Snd and Stark ata. Money to loaa aa city property. OONPIDENTIAL' loan- orT aalarlee Insurance , pouriea, plana, fornlrar. oslpt. etc; ny deserving r wa may seenre a liners 1 advance, repaying py aaay B-eeaq or monthlr lnatallmaiitm. . . NEW ERA 11 AN A TRUST COMPANY, bub Biagoa oiag. MORTGAGE and taetsllment loaas ew eeet est terme offered- es-ertladj aavoa yoor rente; 316 000 at S per coat K 83. ear JoomsL OSTEOPATHS. aa-a eaay eoxiBa. AD1X A N I., Third a DRS. NORTH RUP. 416-10-17 Dekoaa and Washington ata. Pboaa . bid Mala 848. Batamlnatlona free. : DRS. OTIS A MABEL AKIN. 4US-4 Maeleev bldg. Pbon Clay 7TB. Baa. tha Hill PriT THB verr bast lady osteopath la towa. Dr. . I O. JohaeoB, eulte IS. Beiung-H orach hldg. DR. O. L.' CUNNINGHAM, a gradnated oateo- Rath, suit 101-103 Browa hldg. Consults tloa ree. - . . - 'PAmT8,OILANI-GLASS-4 F. B. BBACH A CO. The Palat Ob.1 wlndow-gleaa . aad glaalnc Pboaa 184. 186 First st, ERNEST MILLER A CO.. Seeoad aad Taylor Wall paper, palat, all at aiarket arUa, free delivery. PLUMBERS. DONNBRBBRG A RADBMACHBB. eaoltary Foartb at. Both phnne. plan FOX A CO., ssnltsry pmmbera, SSI Second, bet. Mala aad Bala uregoa raoa aaaia aout. FINNBOAN BROS. AV CO. X83 Third St. Phowe Mala 3600. Plnmbers and beating engineer. PHYSICAL CULTURE. PROF, RINOLER'S School ef Physics I Culture) ill breach. SOB Alder St.. a Sixth. PRINTING. THE MODERN PRINTERY Arthvtl printing. m missel oiag., (oaria aaa Horrsvoa. Parlfle 1634. ANDBRS0N A DUNIWAY COMPANY, printtni If: lltbograpblng, blank hooka, pheaa Mala 1 sua aioer st. WEIH, DAVIS A CARSON Printing that Par a the payer. Roome 808 and 304 Steams bldg.. Birth and Morrlooa. Pbon Mala 417. PATENT LAWYERS. R. a WRIGHT, domes t to snd foreign patent! Infringement cases, go Dekam. PHOTOGRAPHS. views ot oiboeltloa. eouvenlr nostrerde. view book, L -t. -Sjeatly fednctd price, , iTpnallloa oiore, 0-1 w siomson et. ROOFING. TIN ROOFING, guttering, repairing and gsaeral winning. 1. Loan, sis jeftereoa st. RUBBER STAMPS P.C. STAMP WORKS. 34 Alder at., shone Mala Tin rnnoer stamps, eeaie. atenctig, naggage. Trait ' nVHT arnd fH--"AtsI..aiie vNe. BAT , SAFES. DIF. HOLD Lead agahnrt Fir and Borgiar. -Thin -, a.iiii.ui-, j,'" iw. ss pnra.rv Jack Ageacy. Mstsl Ftxtaro. Lockout opened. Safe renelred. Phon Mala 160A, Joha 1. Davla. ad Third t- , . THE germln nail' Safe A Lock Co. 'a aafea; IB Herring Mall Marvln. Portland Bafa Co., gents. 83 Seventh at., aear Stark. STORAGE. WB bar storsgw apace fur fnrnltare, pianos. etc., st low aa 1 rates; eetimatne free. If you bar any ftirnltur We ere buy are. Cell ap loon Oka, Time Asetioa A Storage com pany. Mala SOT. SHOWCASES AND . FIXTURES. SHOWCASES ef every deecriptloo; beak, bar and evir aitare mod to order. The Lath Maaufactarlag Co., pertlaaA. ' , , THB Barber Aawhslt psrinaT Co. Of 6c r6 Wereests buk SECOND-HAND GOOD3. wOODE'S Farnltnr Hones Highest prioea we'd for aseend-hsnd f ami tar. i' Beeewd riRRRj r sifri 1 1ST ' ,LrKGiCAXmiri:r7 KARLSON A CO., Ankeay and Eighth at., pboae Pa clio 70S Maker of surgical in. --etmmeata aad deformity appUaaeee; raanrn, ; knlveei aad arise ore aharpened to perfection. SIGN PAINTERS. GOLD 8IONS. window lettering, cloth Bssneea, eonnooilcsl electrle alrne and atgns ef ell kind mode antckly. Footer A Kleleas, Fifth aad Everett. Phone Bxebanae 68. . SCALP TREATMENT. GRAY, falling hair, dandrnff treatedi ehampoo. In, manicuring, chiropody, fare work. Mr. n. r. a.yna. loha r earth, Room 83. Pbon Paris 8B. TYPEWRITERS.- NBW ty pea liters. ri Brake, rented, eord sad repaired Coast Agency. 3.11 Stark. Tsl. leuT. TELEPHONES. V i IBB enly -exclusive a.ieeuic et xeiepaoaa - Maaaraexanaaj pany. 4 Ftfth st. TRANSFER AND HAULING,' SAFES, plajoo and fonrltar msvad, poakad - reedy' for ahlpplnd aad eh I oped I eO work guaraateedi large, 8-story brick, fire preui warehouse fog storage, office 131 First eW C. M. Oleea, Pboae Mala 847. . - TUB BAUOAGB A OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO., eor. Sixth aad Oak ata. 1 baggage checked '. from hotel er residence direct to aeetlaetloai . paasengerg uererore avoid roaa aad Boca at dopota, Prtvato Exebaago aa. a O. PICK, office 88 first ex.. between Stark ad Oak at., pboaa 804; pleaoa aad furniture moved and packed for Bhlpprngi coaaafrdlead , an warenouse viu wparaia Bri . Front aad Clay Ma. ... 0RBOOM. TRANBFBR CO,,- 14 North - Birrhj ' Pbaao Msla W. . Heavy healing aad storage. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY Ma, 300m W. Ingtoa at Pboaa Mala 843, --. .Ir ' Fn8 to mov.v ring Bp Mai 841. isa.f.'Ci. i "&wtu -thumir' , rurnltnr. mover. ISP North Bbtth. TOWEL SUPPLY.'. CLRAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, , 81 pet month. Portland Laundry aad 1 aaPP'y vo.. ninth and Coach. Pheaa 410. UNDERWEAR. BOCK WOOD'S all-wool knit underwear la aear ' . let. natural gray, camel hair and white. Bud from pure anadalterated etoeka, I the best! , , 7ur dealers for It; wa awarded the) golA aiedal Lewie end Clerk expoaltloa. FINANCIAL. FIBJX. STATION Af. EAbTST OF PORTLAED. OS OF Mirt lsn nsvan DealgBatad Pepoaltoey and Ftnaactel Agwat at -. . tba United States. rsWe8t...... AL-IV MILK ' shier..." il.... . ,sw. a 1 .... m wJ.-Jt. NEWKIRK- Aeeietant Cashier W. C. ALTORD yerono assistant Cashier. ,.....). P. BTBTENB ' Aertters f Credit Ueoed Avallsbt ta Borop - . . and the Eaatera Bute. High Exchsnge end Telegraphic Ttaaafer !. 1? ewTo'k, Boston, Chicago. St, Loots. ZiF Omaha. San Fraaclaoa. aa4 tha Brirtrdpal points la tbe Northwest. Sight and time bill drawn la mm to ant Loadon, Parta, Berlin. Frankfort -a-tbe "", Hoagkong. Yokohama. Copeahagoa, . Chliatlanla. Stockholm. Be. Peharalmra. Viae. f ,j;'G9r.Hwl4BOn9imm" oati it1 BI4-" T -- v w aam xiiectioaa Made 00 Favorable Term. . 1 ADD TTLTOaT, BAB ERA r - - (Eaxaillahed ra 14a4Xl - ' ---- -Tr""-4 General Baaklaa; Y Mill lea - Collection made at all point ea favorable tarsia. Letters ef credit leaned v"-bl la Europe and all polata In the United State. Sight lExcbang and Tslegrapblo Tranefor nld aa New York. Washington, Chicago, St, Loot. Denver. Omaha, San -Fraaelaoo . and . Montana and British Columbia. - Bxchang aold eo London. Pari. BarUn, B nVm Boa'kol XAaxa. Manila aad PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF 0RIOO3T, 1 , The Oldset T,mi Ouuipaay ta Ors-oa. , RtSOUBCBS 0YEH 81.600,000. Oeaorsj Banfcmw,--Bxijawg ea atl part of" the world. Sevlng croanr. Tim certl- J, to d per oeatt ehort-cen apocUl aartlAV te. 8600 or vr. 8 la to 4 per cent. Call for book of Southeast Comer Third and Oak BtB. . rnone rant BUchaag TA ""- I. COHEN... Presldeat th T-J'JTfMK-- Ytoe-Preeldeat B. LEB PAGET Becretarr 0- GOLTBA Asshrtsnt Secretary Xet MOBTOASE OwawaiTTr-E - a A TiniT xVlla-PAWW w aww. . Bonda and; Mortgages Boagbt aad Sold. Interest Paid Time Depoeits. CapltaL , $1(10.000 00 X W. Watarbnry... Prssideet 0, W. Mill ..... . - - 0. B. Clement... ..i...Seeretarx Elks Temple, Seventh pad Btatk Street. Phono Mala 184, MIRCHAJfTS' NATIONAL BANK. PORTLAND. OEEOOM. 3. FRANK WATSON....... ..Preeideot R. U PIRHAM. Ylca-Preeldeet R. W. HOYT..., u ....Csshler GEORGE W. HO TT .Assistant C ashlar Traaaaota a Oeaaral Banking Bnalnaaa, Drift aad Latter of Credit leaned AvollabaS , as All Part of tb World. , - . CoUeetaoa a Specialty. U KITED STATES VATT0NAL BAEX . - OF PORTLAND, ORE AOS V01TKWEST COR. TRIED AND OAS BTB. IVaaaaata S Oeaerol Basking areata. DRAFTS ISSUED Available la All Cltlea ,.f th United BUta aad Kurupe, Bnnarknri aad Manila. . COLLECTI0ES MADE ON i A V01ABLETYEBTS. President.... J. & AINSWOBTH Ylce.Presldent..a.M..'....a.-.-. ' B. - AYEB- Vice-President S. LEA. BARN F.S Ceehler B. W. BCHMBRR Assistant Cashier , A. M. WRIGHT Assistant Csshler W. A. HOLT THB BANK OF CAMT0RWTA. " tEatabllahed 1804.1 - Bead Office, Ban Francis , ca1. ' Capital paid ap 84.0fJ,f)n .9 Sarproa aad ndlvlded proflt. e.7T0,148-38 A General Banking and Exchaogo Bniaas ., '. Transscted. AYINGS DEPABTMBITT. ' , , Intereet paid oa time depnelra. Aeenant opened for name ot 814 ad awwerdL .. Portland . Branch .Chamber f Commeree knlldlng. 1 - --, WM. A. MACRAE. ...... ...v.i Manage J. T. BURTCHAELL Aaaletaut Maasgse 1 OECTmrrr ilvtvng a, Tartar noatpasrr. IO - 808 Morrlaon St,. Portlaad. Oregon. Transacts a Seneral Banking SAYIE0S DEPARTMIET. laterest A Unwed en Tim snd Sarin Deposit. Att ae Tr nates for Eats tea. Draft and Letter ot Credit AvUbl a All - 1 Parta at th World. .. . a f. Adams .-. ..pveeMeet L. A. I.FIWIS rirst Ylpc-Preaidont A. L. MILLS ,.SeCOd Ylf-Pi eeldeel R. 0. JI RIT7! Ssu i levy . . A BlewT Offer jOIH-Kdee Investments ta Mnnlrlf Sal Irosd-noede. Writ a Cell. MORTOAQC LOANO . 0a Portland RU Xetata at Leweet Revea, ritls laaared. Abstraet TaraUhed. " TTTTE wOAEAimE A TETST OO. - 840 WaahlntTxea St.. Ose. BTw Cbura for CbhU. " (Speelnt Dispatch to- Th Jearaat T - ChatiBlta, Waali.. Alarch 18 Kv. A. C Vail of tha CbrlatlKit church boa boon In Chehalls thla watik In th Interest af Ihiit denomination. Tliurday night A L metlns w hld st whlcb It was da- ricieHi 10 ouna w i - - Tha rhiirch will be) locate ticar tha Hlsh sk hool bulldlrit. It will b 41 wr 71 feet In Bnl will bava txpiHty S' seating; 460 fenipl. When tha lorturw room and sudlturtum ara Ibfows t fatbsr, , 1 I