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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1906)
THE ' OREGON DAILY- JOURNAL TRTLANDTTtfESEAlr 13 lO SUJECURE FOR COACH CUTTER flifffour' JmIc Confront! Clever ;r -Athlete at the University ; ! f -of. Washlngtonr":;- CLUB ATHLETES EASILY ' DEFEAT TH E- VARSITY Both n-Track-and-Dlainond. the Northern Men Fail to Come Up to Rrnectation-SDrtnterf nd Dl8- encl Students Rank Very-Wen.' .-',' 1.1 ntnti ta Tbe JearnaL) ' ' Seattle? Wuh., Mucb . The indoor :k meet which wu held Friday even. In between the Seattle Athletic club KIRI' T?nrerslff demonstrates aa i . -clearl y-that -Coach Cutter of. the ! University track team wUl have a hard v-" time - te- put- utawjnnlng team - this season. - The member of the club team. - t with practlcaWlliQ .training at all, were , able to win all except three nrsl places and woi the meet by a Urge martin, v Captain Kex Smith of the 'varsity took . , first in the JO, yard dash and high jump, and Bam McDonald won the shot put The ?ft ethlete. however, will llhcl ' netJea member of the team In the ln tercblleglate meet, ' Jie has taken - Thar aw of Dr.' Roller'a -work in the gym nasium, snd all hie time la taken up ' 'with, that :i:rXrjXZ-izXz Several member of the-cotlege-team were kept ,out.ollhejneljm account of their .low standing, and some of thess able to make up their work be- fore - the sesson proper peti e. tm t other valuable men are out for the season. HarTyWatOTi. th -crack- Interecnol- the Indoor meet, ' aa It Interferes with T is 'outdoor irutotn tha meet grldey ainht-tha-Unlvarstty 1 would have eertamlyadjHelaee in ribe mile "and "half runs, "-- . It Is pretty herd to pick out any par L tlcular weak spots In the team, for," out side of Smith la the sprints, and prob ably Watson In the distances, the can . dldates are only second and third place t; men. ; Bur 'Ttoach " Cutter has taken charge of the work with ' a vim, and J he may-be able ti brighten the pros- ,peets in the next few weeks. . Not aloncln the track' work are the athletlo prospects of the University bad, ' but also on the diamond there Is gloom i and disappointment To begin with, -Brtnker, who had been chosen to coach the basketball team, signed as pitches with Indianapolis. and will leave the ' middle of the month for that place. -rThiswIH- throw- the burden -of eoeeh tag upon Coach ' Cutter - of - aha - track team, and he already has his hands full In that department " 1 : Then, several members of last year's crack team are not in college, and two of those that are have conditions which will keep them off the diamond. ' Bo it "means' Ihlf -TCatn'WaTerflrve , ' practically new - team, and the ma terlal. to choose from is not of the best. - - - -Negotiations with lbs University of , Oregon baseball team for a' game In Seattle seem to have come to an and on account of the Inability of the south ern players to get- permission of their i faculty for a trip. Manager Grlnstead was very anxious to arrange a game with Oregon, ss the two - universities have never met in baseball. It seems certain that - the three cor- - nered track meet between the -universities of Oregon, Washington and Idaho r-wtll-br-held 1n-eatUer although Grin-" stead is having considerable difficulty tn securing suitable 'groan MXONNELL AND BROWN IN TRIM FOR BATTLE .. ; r: :: t Manager - Tom--Tracy-announced this morning that everything was in readl- "" ness for tonight's battle between Mc ConnTT and " Brown " at ' Vancouver, ..... Tracey had the principals examined this . morning and declared that they were in -tip top condition for the fray. Those attending the contest will be looked after In first class fashion. Spe cial cars have been chartered to carry the guests to and from Vancouver, and -.v . will - leave - Second ' - and - Washington - streets' at f:Itt,-1:0 and T:49. Besides ' the regular cars, there will be sufficient - extra ones to handls the fane. -- -, , x: There are two preliminaries on the ' card this evening, and Tracey says that they will be worth the price of admlea . aton. Th Jlrpt .will be between Wilson and Stanton, two soldiers from Van couver barracks, scheduled for 19 - rounds, and the second a f our round go between two' surprises that the man agement will spring. . j McConnell and -Brown -weighed this , morning and were within the weight stipulation. They are both so confl dent that it la dlffli-ult to see how-either ' ' can lose, and yet. each declares that .. there, will be a knockout. PLA8TERS A ntreraal remedy for paint In the beck (so frequent la the cat of women). Tber give Iniuntaneous relief. htrever there to pain a Platter (bsuldbe applied. 1 BalDHatllll, Colds, Cvti. Witk Chist, WiakBaok, SriaHta, "4Ce,tw. assist Ugsa Meilsg uncocks ;r.' i- rtMfe BW raftea arna BlSeera. ot for e seah ,a. urn rii rat VAUeMSa pandreth's Pills The Great Blood Purifier and Tonk.. For Constipation, Biliousness, lleadacbe. Dizziness, Indigestion, etc. YESTERDAY'S RACE CARD ' 03 THE TRACKS - Fine .Going at Mot Springs, Los Angeles, New Orleans and Oakland Courtee.-?-" - -r tJoaraal Special Serrtee.) Hot Springs, Ark.. March. . Oaklawn nn rmiltir i . Five .. f urlongs Haughty , won, . Ina Gray second. Sonnet thirds time, 1:01. Three " furlongs Nlaeawa won. Miss King ' Cotton ' second.. Miss . Cesarlon thirds time. ft:SI 1-5. ..-- One mile, handicap Barbaras won, Bullfinch second, - Charlie Thompson third; time, 1:41 I-e. - . Six ' furlongs Pontotoc won, Lusetta second." Mayor " Johnson " thlrdr time. 1 A 4 1-i . Slxm furlongaMafald won, All Black, second, Ala Russell third; time. 1:01 -tv-.-..... - ,f' - One mile and one sift Bentta San- PH- mo won. Fruit second.- Dollnda third; time. !:. ;: Journal aptctU, Her i1ce.l New Orleans, March t. Fair Grounds race results: Five and one half ' furlongs Last Cherry won, - Electrio Spark second. Olobe. Runnnr -third ; . time., 1 lOIL - Five and one half furlongs Margaret O. won. Perfect second, Owaaca third; time. 1:68 4-1. Six furlcngs First Premium won. Dr. Coffeya second. Third Alarm third; time. 1:14 tt write at)awEo - yards,- handicap- Ram's Horn won. Ben Hodder second. Goldsmith third: time. 1:41 l-S, One mile and one half Blennenworth on, Aurumaster second. Hickory Cor ners third: time. 1:11 l-S. One-nlle - and- one sixteenth Nine wot,wo4j,. " . 1 At sTew-Orleaaa Cty ; (Joarnal Special Berrlce.) New Orleans, March . City . Jra i nrr rrsnlU: Three and one . half furlongs Tom PoiinwonMerryIn.jrerseionj Lady Mala third; time, 0:11 1-. One mils -and Tmstxteenth-"-Th era Ie won, - Ryan second, " Labor third; time. 1:47 1-6 Seven furlongs Jack Dolan won. De bar second. Massive third; time, 1:17 1-6. Short course, steeplechase Pirate won. Wild Range second, John BL Owens tblrU; time, 1:1 Otte mile Begnnla won, Grenada sec ond. (Gold Coin third; time. 1:41 l-S. Six furlongs Monet won, Delphi sec ond, pat Bulger third; time, 1:14. - Seven furlongs Envoy won, Florlsen second. Freebooter third; time, 1:17 1-6, At A soot "rark. - -J. , ..:. ' (Jovnul Rpeetal service.) Los Angeles, March . Ascot race results: ; . r- Four furlongs Lady's Beauty won. Ponemah second,. Tellow Top third; I time, Six furlongs The Major won. Prince Chlng second. Phys third; time, 1:14 H. Futurity course Orlene- won. Dr. Hollls second. Bribery -third; time,, 1:19. Blx furlongs Bonnie ResMwon. Htlona iT4MeoeieVMoiele ' Mabel thlpdrtline,' Mile and a sixteenth Piquet won. Rockey second. Belaeco third; time. 1:4 1)4. Coronet Bronston finished first. but was disqualified for fouling. Blx furlongs El Veraco won.- Happy Chappy second, Foncaata third; time, -,:. i ' At Oakland. : . - fjoonwt Special Servtee.) . San Franolf co, March 4. Oakland race results: . .. ' a . Four " furlongs Ocean - Shore won. Peerless Lass second, Xogo third; time. Six and one half . furlongs Golden Sunrise won, Dotterell second, Bear Hunter third; time. 1:21. - Seven furlongs Bantam won, Dargin second, Mlmo third; time. 1:304. One mile and 199 yards Buchanan won, Dixie Lad second. Lone, Wo If third; time, l:4tt. - - -. . , One mile Fred Bent won,. Blsi sec ond, Jake Moose third; time, 1:46H. - Futurity courae Judge won, Bluem enthan second, Be Knighted third; time. 1:12. .. .-. BRIEF EXPERIENCE TIRES CLUNIEOF BASEBALL As predicted in The Journal last week. I A riu.U WW .... W . L a I v,,;i- , rViMK :. , ca" Francisco ball club several months ago, sold out his' IntereatS' yesterday to Cal Kwing. manager -or me Oakland team, and Jack Gleason. manager of the Ban Franclaco nine. Clunle aays that he has had sufnclent baseball to last him a life time. - He was displeased over the deal whereby Seattle secured Mohler, and' the-general manner In which the' -players endeavored tr' hold him "up for nigner salaries. Kwtng and Oleason each own 4S9 shares, and Teddy Good, man owns 190. The management Of the team will be left to Gleaaon. -. Preferred Stock Oaaned Oooda. Allen at Lewie" Beat Brand, la ShMtacra, Biibewa ar wkm, er tor ImtM. m m , im fw aaie rkMttrakal4baatMae wjMiinaMMMwwi aaaie tstabaehew lyes , JELSOn CAr.lPING Ifl VIRGIOIll B attling Dan nd HJ Manager ' , Enjoying the Wilds and -- Sport of theouth. . STURDY, FIGHTER ROAMS HILLS FOR EXERCISE Nelson Paying Strict Attention to Training in .Order .to Ba in .Fina Fettla- for Terrible .. Terry . Mc- QoTern-N.ext -Week.. .". Billy Nolan and his protege. Battling Nelson, are at present sojourning In the sunshine land of West Virginia, and the account of their routine while at cam devotees' J i tux ui. , iu,. , n eastern" palif r Nolan writes as-fol lows; --- , , t ' - "Camp Nelson. . i "Barberavllle, Vs., Feb. it. 10I. "Dear Friend: Well, we arrived here. seven miles from Huntington, -and com pleted our first day'B-work for the Nel-son-McGovern contest.- We have heard much of Virginia before, but, aa faraa climate is -concerned, these first two days would make southern. California look like a selling plater. While it was a little frosty-in the mornings, the nice sunshine that shone all day. together with the fine, fresh mountain air and spring water. Is a combination that will put the best athlete on edge for a gruel ling encounter. This week's rest here will, be a case of weight Improvement of weight reducing. aaJelaon tips' the scales at 114 pounds this morn ing, and It is now 14 days before the datamf-battle7 Contrary to the AnAi.tatlmta .n Khfl f the Rattler IS todav at least five pounds lighter than 4f'frsSvaMl boys stripped for pictures side by side ''''w"'' T on Sunday February li. and the sport ng wruerg .wno..iiMaJoin.iu..innL-ui were astonished when -they-were con fronted with the proof, and my order to Humphreys to' put both boys on. the aoalea, which he refused to do. Terry. you can depend on It, will be every ounce aa heavy as the Battler when the men enter - the -ring on the night or March 14. Our work thla week will be all done In the open air, no gymnasium or boxing will ba done while here, aa Nelson has certainly had plenty of spar ring for the past 14 weeks, twice a day. This time Is dating back tnree weeas before he knocked out Brttt. aa you know he waa on the road the day fol lowing that memorable victory, and has not had a rest since. While it is cus tomary while preparing for a pugilistic contest to refrain rrom en starcny or fat-producing food, while here this rule will be overlooked.' as Nelson will eat and drink all of the corn bread, big sweet potatoes, buttermilk, etc., that he wishes. He will also do plenty of mountain climbing and road work, as Nelson Is very fond of hunting, and mectaliv as he haa-'phwitr'Oftima.-yoi can always find a shotgun On his shoul der.- . - 'We have been Invited to a 'possum dinner on Sunday next by a delegation of colored sports from this section. Now, we do not know whether they are friends or not of Gans; ..neither as a general ' nils are we suspicious, but there is one thing certain, we won't at tend that 'possum dinner on the above date.' "Rules for training while here: Arise in morning T o'clock; IS minutes' slow stroll before breakfast; I a nw break. fastL-lft a, m.. slow tramp over the hills for two hours;' IS noon, dlnnsr; In ths afternoon we go horseback riding or driving;- gupper," ,p. m.- We retire at 1:10.' !"Thle will be our routine until we leave here. My main aim Is to be In the open sir as much as possible, as there nothing - as bracing or- invigorating aa; this good, - fresh mountain air. Training a pugilist -is-only the exer- lse of good, plain Judgment and com mon aense; It i a cane of "taktng good care of yourself and having regularj temperate-habits,-which-is -bound to Improve one's condition. - How often you hear of one of the boys going to the springs for a few weeks, after bo ng on a spree for awhile, and on his return he attributes the benefit to the llL ' "u,Z- '. '"7.7 tZ .kI .'-'"It ' ' - mountain - air, taking -walks, .and, away from, hie congenial companions, taking his regular sleep, etc. To be brief, he has been doing a mild system of train ing, about on ths same lines that an athlete must do. It's that training and taking proper care of yourself, not the water from the springs., aa Is generally supposed. - The same reeults can be q re tained at any good country place with out Ihe springs. Of course, there may be some exceptions to this rule.,-, .... "Very respectfully. "BI1XY NOIiAN." COMBINATION SALE OF SPEED HORSES tJoornil Special Serrtce.) Cambridge City, Ind., March (.Horse breeders and dealers from every section of the country ere rounded up here for he nineteenth annual combination horse sale, conducted by John S. Lack ey, which began today to continue until the end of the week. Some of the best horses of Indiana, Kentucky and Ten nessee are listed to go under the ham mer, Among the horses -to be -offered are about (0 with records from 1:08 to :I8. There are also about the same number, with trial marks of - 1:10 . to Among the trotters with marks that wll be sold . are: Enchantress, 1:1(44! Bora Tip. 3:24Vii Captain King. 1:11V, Bonner, 1:11 H; Martha B. t:lH: Joe Husc-ll, J:lVi: Fanny Riley. :1U; Dr. Gray. S:l; Wllquette, 2:I8H: Foxy Boy, 1:11. and Georgia Webb, 1:10. Msrked pacers to be dlspossd of to the highest bidders Include: Anglln Wilkes. t-.UM; Gilt Edge, 1:1(4: Mao t:lH: Billy Thomas, S:l. Pearl- mont,-:40;-OeOrge- Patcheni l:11H Golden Rule, 1:18V: Edna DUIard. 1044: Minnie Coaateas. 1:1744; Lady H., 1:1144; Mlrthy C, 1:11H( tdy Nor- wooo, Marie. s:iih; lmot -., II; Murr vEm, 1:1444. Prince of Pll- aan, 1:14 4;. Lone 8la,.z:lS: The Doctor, :l444i Red' Light. 1:1144: Frank, :11 '4; Prince Albert. 1:14; Dessts C, :1044: George R. Peck. 11T44: Bletk- bird. 1:1444. and Alleen. 1:1144. '- - yarkino me Boa OaJlarae. McMlnnvllle, March (.On Wednes day svenlng "Kid" Perkins of Portland and "Kid" Gallagher of Sheridan will spar - before ths McMlnnvllle Athletlo club. The .bout will be for 10 rounds snd be decided on points. Severs! club members will give preliminary exhibi tions, i . There puree, but It Is under- stood that each one of the principals f is guaranieeo a certain amount i DIG SCULP FAILIIIG III Had to Ba Cut to Save Any Scalp Now In Good Condition and No " Mort Itehlng Another Effective CURE BY THE CUTICURA REMEDIES "I will gladly givo you aU the inf or mation oonoarniag my eaae. I used the Cutioura Soap and Ointment for diseased scalp, dandruff, and constant ; falling of hair.-finally I had to eut-jBy-kair-to-aavo any :-t alLr Just at that time I read about tbe Cuticura Ranedie. t;Once tvery week I sham pooed myhair with' the Cuticura Soap,, and I used the Ointment twice a weak - m - . . ts now nvo years ago,- ana - a -saw . lovely head of hair. . The length k six inohea below any waist line, my ecalp is in Tory good condition, and no more dandruff or itching of the scalp. I used other remedies that were recommended to me aa good, but with no result. If yoa wish to publish asy of what I hare written you, you are welcome to do ao. I am, respect fully, Mrs. W. F. Onees, Clay Center, ; Neb Oct. 33, 1906." ; - ' r" FROII THE HOUE OF BffiTB Mothers Should Use Cuticura" Favorite are assured oLtheL abeoluta purity and tmfafling efficacy of Cuticura Boap aad Cuticura Ointment, tbe great BkmCarai iat ths yseasssotinn snrl puxU. nnation of the akin, scaio. hair, and hands tlleUrtsT B'ClaalA'Cil ' "Vftt 0ei" j mas, raahea, itchinga and chatiuji, a. well' as for annoying irritationo- and ulceraUve weaxneasea, ana many eana which readily gurnet themselves to mothers, as well as for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery, Cuticura Soap and . Cuticura Ointment are priceless."": I Sums OS vaM. CMlmra SM,SM.,Otat. smbI, ImHMSi. ( caoooiw js piK at, rm tol3 en, r NWWiii arauiMk M ttwmm ui QhuL Cm MtkkiBMa.- GOLF ASSOCIATION TO ELECT OFFICERS The Western Club Representa tives Will Hold Its Annual lection This Afternooru Chicago, March (.Ths Western 'Golf association will liold Its annual innallii and election of Officers here this noon. The ticket nomlnsted Includes Phslps B. Hoyt, the champion of the Glen View -club, for president; George a utn .v. . i n v. B. VW, V . HW KUV V.VU1III J club, St. tiouls. for vice-president; Al bert R. Gates, of the Calumet Country club, for secretary; Leverett Thompson, of the Onwentsla club, for treasurer, and the following nominees for direc tors: B. A. Fuller. Des Moines Golf and Country club; 8. P. Jermaln, Toledo Golf club; Judge John Barton Payne, Chicago Golf club; 8 Has H. Btrawn, Mid lothian Country club, and- J. C Brockle bank, Edgewater Golf club. There Is no doubt that the ticket nominated will be elected without a dissenting vote. The meeting will be held at the Grand Pacific hotel and a larga attendance Is expected. The 8t. Louis delegatea.wUl make a strong effort to secure the next championship, tournament, The tourna ment will be held about the fourttuweek In June. The exact date Is to be fixed at the meeting this afternoon.- - A-number of amendments to the con stitution of. the association will also be brought up for consideration. Among these are sections fixing club delega tions to the- association at two mem bers each, appointed and certified by their clubs; changing ths date of the annual-meeting from -the-first-Tuesday In March to the week of the annual western amateur championship; allow ing 10 days'' notice of all meetings of ths association, and also providing that any member of any club belonging to the association may be debarred from competition by a two thirds vote of thi board of directors for good reasons. after, however, allowing the member a hearing before the board. STRIKES AND SPARES ON THE OREGON ALLEYS One of the most interesting series of ths Portland Commercial Ten Pin league tournament was bowled last evening between the American Guilds and the Jose Vilas, which resulted in the American Guilds capturing all three gamea Mr. McMonles of the Jose Vilas had high scors, 106, and also had high average, 14 2-1. The following Is the score: American Guilds - - letr-td. !.- Tt. Freeborough .1(2 104 204 660 Yates -rr..n-rrm-.n-H-H7 SIT Kalk , ....ITS 1SS 164 . 470 Reylund IT IB! 16S 4t Barbour ........... 116 146 144 424 Handicap .J.w.S0L.i0 0S7(I Totals ...w.... 114 lit 117 1740 Josa V llas- lSt. ' Hamilton ...... ...:14 Btuhba 200 wlnnsy .......... ,17 Doe lee McMonlee 190 Totals "......... M9 ISt 47 Anothsr Interesting series was bowled between the Brunswick lea sua team and a team composed of the employee from the Brunswick shops, tbe latter team being given a handicap of 100 pins. Ths total score rouowe: - . , let. . JL JTX Rrunswlcks 74 HI 111 . llll hopmen ........ 4b ia Handicap .i..,-. 100. i 100 .100 -100 Total - :.r.(I :(5t - 44 ' Utt The Brunswick league team took all three gamea. ; jeatdom Macksey Mores Show. London. March (.The twenty-second exhibition of the London Hackney Horse society opened today under most favor able auaptcea. Unlike tne horse shows serosa the Atlantlo ths exhibition Is not a society event, but Is designed en tlrely for the' Interest of, those engaged in horse breeding. The principal fea tureof the prise schedule, this yesr Is the 'very considerable Increase In ths harness seotlon of the shorn d. d. Tt T 1( 4 110 1M 66 lit 1 U 4 17 1 4 1S 208 s. 684 EOCEII : IHS - KMZI y: TflalfiHT Oil HAT - Lightweight Champion Catch as-Catch-Can Not-Afraid or ia-TurkUh-Oppone Woernal Bseeial Berfire.1 " New ,Tork. March (. George Bothner, thft.Hghtwalb.i champion ratf.h-Aaa. catchrcan"wreslsrTwlll. wiesUe Ibta him Kassl, the TurkUh lightweight wrestler, to a finish at the Grand. Cen tral palace this evening and sports men Jn general and lovers of thehwreat ling sport In particular are awaiting the result of the match with a great deal of Interest.""' Bothner" Is -quite-confident that he will be able to defeat the Turk ish wrestler and has made the statement that he Is flot afraid f any rough prao- tleea -which -the Turkish champion may t see fit to employ." Bothner has made a careful study of Jlu-Jltau and believes that his knowledge of the tricks of that style of defense ; will enable him to counteract any rough work on the part of KaasL - It Is understood that Both awrrVV4ron the very beginning-. During the laat fair weeks Bothner has been training carefully and practlo Ing attacks with John- Parent the big Italian heavyweight wrestler. . Bothner believes -that - after the training with Parent he Is prepared : to meet any wrestler even should he be heavier than his Turkish opponent will be tonight A large number of Princeton students will attono the match and wlir-'r'WWt" for w,'h".!;-.wh0 " "Un '"t'MP0' BRUNSWICK BOWLERS - OFF FOR TOURNAMENT -Gi J. McMenoray," C.--J-Kmse, - R. Flcken. H. W. Pollack, E. W, Capen and Paul Kneyae. composing the Brunswick bowling team of this city, left laat even ing for Salt Lake City, to compete In the annual tournament of the Western Bowrinsr-eoriaTWsThicTrTeinn row. The. local bowlers ars the best tenpln men In the city, and It la quite certaintnat trmy win noia their. own agalnat their nom pat I tore -from the other oiues. v .. To Train mt West (Joemal SpeeUl" Berrlea.) Chicaa-o, March (. The nlavere of the Chicago team of the National league left tooay lor west Baden to put In 10 days at -the Indiana resort as a sort of a pre liminary to the more rigid training with the university of Illinois team at Cham paign. Later on the players will be divided Into two teams for exhibition gamea before the opening Of the regular season. - The first team - will play at Columbus, Ohio, - Indianapolis and Springfield. Illinois. wh lie- the second team will encounter Danville. Illinois. and Grand Rapids, Michigan. ,r - SICK HAN THROWN GUT OF HOSPITAL- ALIBULAHCE IAsHa SaTISamaa) rXatPl a 14 Daa 4l AM law ; H Lies Unconscious. - (Jasraal Special Berries.! ' v " ' , Ban Francisco, March (.With a patient lost from, the ambulance, the Nightingale ambulance proceeded down FOlsom street last night for fully three quarters of a Hock Before "the accident i - was discovered. The galloping- horses were halted aa sharply aa possible and the ambulance turned about, picked up its lost burden snd continued - on Ite Journey. ' The driver, Joseph Fogsrty, waa Intent upon keeping the track clear for his wagon when suddenly the doors In the rear flew open aad the patient ahot out- Into- the street, -where he lay apparently- unconscious. ; Jystandera yelled after the retreating wagon, and after it bad gone many yards the driver turned and saw his patient In the far distance. A crowd gathered about the fallen man by the time the wagon had reached him, but he was bundled Into the wagon and the Journey resumed. The name of the patient could not be learned, but it wss ascertained that he was being transferred from ths city and county hospital to Btr juarra. TzT. OFFERED A JOB AS MEDIUM TO THE CZAR j Jowna! Special Brilta. - Brooklyn. N, Y March (.The "Rev." May B. Pepper, pastor of the First Spir itual church of Brooklyn, has practi cally decided to sever her connection with ths Brooklyn church on June 1 next, and. to accept an offer to go to Russia as a private medium. It Is understood that Mr a. Pepper has been offered splendid financial inducements to go to Russia In the capacity of a splrltuallstlo medium to ths csar. It Is well known that the emperor of Rus sia Is a strong believer In all things supernatural and particularly In spirit ualism and psycblo phenomena.. - DON'T DOSE THE STOMACH Cure Oatarrh" by - Breathing' old trades? . Onaraate. by Wooden, Clarke at Oo. -, There Is one treatment for nasal ca tarrh which Is based upon common senseand at-the ame -time- la-thoroughly scientific. - . Hyomel Is not a cure-all; It le a speclflo for the cure of catarrhal troublea. Breathed , through the neat pocket Inhaler that comes with every outfit, the aromatic healing of Hyomel penetratee to the most remote part of the nose, throat and lungs, healing all Inflammation and killing the catarrhal germ wherever present. Bo successfur has' Hyomel been In the cure of catarrh that. Woodard, Clarke ft Co. skit It under a guarantee that it will cost nothing unless It gives satisfaction, Ths complete Hyomel outfit sells for (t-and consists of sn Inhaler that can be carried In the vest pocket, a medicine dropper and a bottle of Hyomel. The In haler lasts " a 11fet1nte,and-!f mere Hyemel le needed, extra bottles can be obtained for (( eents. . - It Is ths most economical of all remedies advertised for the cure of catarrh, snd Is ths only one that treats this dlsesse without stomach -dosing, applying the medication - and healing where the disease germs are present. ! Do not dose the stomach to cure nasal catarrh; breathe Hyomel, knowing that If this treatment does not euro It will cost you nothing.-. , If .nnt emiTMilmt to ehtiln RveaMt ef Wood, art. Clark oc enne ether drasflat It will W rnrwirded troll th laboratory tr nail aa reealpt nf price. Tb B. T. Seoul Ue Bemel Baildlaa. Itkaea. Haw Jk. II SI aMafaal II I l ill I i n H DOCTOR Off ice -Tirrybtfr ofth l0nciiTaryMmutyD I 1 When Heartburn, Sour Stomach, Headache, Ba4 - Breath, Coated LTontuet Belohlnf of Stomach Cas, or any of these forerunners of Indigestion . appear. Old tr. Caacaret wants , to be right -on the spot in your pocket.. He wants to check the coming trouble -Instantly before It can grew Into a. habit of the Bowels to be costlva. ; t - Ladles, who extend to Dr. Caacaret the hospitality of fhelr Purses or their Dresa complexion, ana neauny nappineaa.. TV... will .V.... AftM the trifling space ocoupled. and the ten eentaper weeTaTcosU : , ' - r .- , . ": . ' : . s ; - Dr. ' Caacaret guarantees to euro the most obstinate cases of Constipation and Indigestion without discomfort or In hoonventence. nis meaicine aoee not (ripe nor purge, ner create a drug habit. Because It Is not a "BUe-drtver, nor: Gastric-Juice Waster, but a direct Tonlo to the Bowel Muscles. asawaBsaartaawan n fatciorotsoa naturally the musclea that -gSgi" bvSk2I Si "P?4 ; I line ., the walla-of - the Ilntostlnea and"' .-., . ;, , k . L '" Bowels Want of Exerdae weakens and re lazes these Bowel-Muscle, juit as It weakens nn rv rr.t . Old Dr. GtsaBStaldjrecJy ie Bowel-Muscles. He wakea these them m up just a. . cold Uth would alaxy person. . up IN A-WEEK 1. We treat successfully an private ner vous and chronlo diseases of men; alee blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney and throat troubles.' We cure BTPHILia . (without mercury) to stsy cured ror ever. . We -remove STRICTURE, with- : out operation or pain. In li days. We stop drains, night losses and spermatorrhea by a -new method hi a short time. We can restore the sexual vigor of any man under (0 by means of ' local treatment peculiar to ourselves. JWe Cure Qonorrhoea : in a Week The doctors of thla Institute are an regular graduates, havs hsd many havs had years experience. ice, m ava .bean-known la. rortiartd ror is & vea ears, havs a reputation to maintain, and will undertake no ttnleaa certain cure can be effected. We guarantee a euro In every ease undertake or chargs no fee. 'Consult tlonfree. Letters confidential - Inatrue tlve BOOK FOR .J4&N mailed free , la plain wrapper. We euro the worst eases of piles la ' two or three treatments, without opera tion. Cure guaranteed. If you cannot call at offloe. write for craeetloa blank. Home treatment sue. eeeefuL . - - . , jpmoe hours, to and T te (.Bundays and Holidays. 1( te la. DR. W. NORTON DAVIS CO. : Offlces In Van Noy Hotel, IS Third 0Mr we Treafarid cureliuhdreda everv other diseases of men, such t Kydreeelev arloooela, Btelotare,. vkomaeh Kidney and Bladder Aff eotlons, TlteJ Weakness, Merreas Deollna, Zmpo tenoy, aToetamal bosses and all that long train of symptoms and troubles which arise from youthful errors or other excesses. . . . : We have a new speclflo treatment for (roaorrhoea which te prompt, sure, safe and painless.' gyp hills and all blood taints we euro' to stay cured, ' and do not re sort to poisonous minerals. " i ... Tarioooele, Xydxooele, wiles. Beotal moere and Oaaoerfwe cure.ef-'. -fectually and without the use of tbe knife. Consultation and examination free. - Write for - eymptom blank and book If you cannot call. - Office Hours: a. m. to. I p. m.; Sunday, K to It. - - - . : "CI Alilo MEDICAL -AND ills LUlilb . SURGICAL c OOMIS SBOOaTS AJTS TAJOLTLXi G.W.WEATKERLY. CoalanoCoke :J.6.PecKv efei.., t-v ,i WE ASSURE OUR CUSTOMERS PROTECTION REGARD- LESS - OEJ'COMBINE'l PORTLAND WIRE Phone Main 2000 , 283 JOURNAL WANT m m Ifl d " to the Bowels .Then Tie work them (through . ths nerves) Mil they get so strong from that Exercise that they don't need any morojielp to do their duty. But Dr. Caacaret wan ta to be r I rhl on " the epot.; In your - Pocket orPurse, where he can regulate these BoweW Muscles afl the. time, Jn health. and out of, health. Because, even the strongest Bowel--Muscles may be overworked. .. ." Heavy dinners, late suppers, whiskey, . wine, or beerdrlnking, nervous excite-' ment, sudden exposure to cold or heat -- and a dozen ether every day likelihoods tire the Bowel Muscles, - ' - - - . " In such oases a little Caacaret lnme 'js worth fifty dollars worth of Treatment I later on, to aay nothing of the auf faring. discomfort, loss of Business Energy, and loss of Social Sunshine It saves. ' ; 0M Cffet. oo"ntly lit P?k f1!' Purselsthe cheapest kind of Health-In surance, and Happiness - Promotion, that ever happened, r .',. ' Little thin enamel Caacaret Bos, .halt as thick as your watch, round-cornered, smooth-edged, and shaped so you don't 1 notice Its presence, z ; ' . . Contains sis Candy tablets Prloa Ten Cents a Box at any Druggist's. .".., Be sure you get the genuine, made only by me Sterling Remedy Company, and r- rKKX TO OUR. nUatNDSI ey HsbHs a peayeqi I We want wj esnd te ear fXane a boae awasewsfridHB OMora. it I easts avstssMS isaaaes as sae is cover cast si Mscareu, ASi ItsrUng Jtaoedy Geswaay, Calcace sr fcewiara. Street. Corner Pine. Portland, On. Fec $12.50 IN ORDER TO GIVE EVERY MAN AN OPPORTUNITY; TO TAkE AD VANTAGE OF OUR LIBERAL OFFER, WE MAKE THIS LOW FEE UNTIL ; ' ADDTT T7TT50T ' ' - -' ninnth ' wiut suffer frnm 9mimUi"mwtA RIIITS, FOBTIAaTD, OUOOI. HHCarlockj vinrrisnrt Phone East, 244., - ORlCOMPETITION.. Dispensary BAHK AND OFFICE RAILING- : WISE AND ISON FENCING -:; Barbed Wire, Wire and Lawn Fencing, ' Poultry. Netting, Etc. ' & IRON WORKS ; - FLANDERS ST., Near Third ADS PAY DEST