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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1906)
Tin: oREGori daily journal; ; Portland, Tuesday . evening, ; march . issj. . A TSAKI?C7etTL' Regular : Trust Butters the H&Walian Peo ple Are Getting to BeNow After the Ba- nana ComblhePropoee' Supply Coast. TO DAV'S MARKETS araaaaaaaaeaaaeaae, aaaaaBaeaaBaaaeaaeeeaaaaBeaaeaaaaaai aaaeaaeaaeaaaeaaaea. eajee eaeaaaaaaaa. aaaaaaaaeeeaaaaaaaaBBaaaaaaaBaaeaBaal Over Oiie Jhousand .Av.( i , .., v v, . .. ... v, .- i IIAIVAHAHS 170ULD DUST TRUSTS " Not - Content to Worry - Sugar Company .the island ; Peopls " ' Are After Bananas. ' - FRUIT FROM THERE - T 7" " IS OF GOOD QUALITY Proposed to . Establish : Regular Steamship Line Between This City V and. Honolulu Especially for This Trade. ' "root StrMt, Mreh B, Tb principal feature - f tbc Portland whom marxete toa.y are f ; Would tight banana, treat. - ' . ' ; ' Prorlstoa market la higher. : ' " Valley wheat followa other. -- " , -. rtou market tady- but anrtinnt,. r Egge r lowers larger receipt. . Poultry holda to top notch. ' -' California batter. arTlee today. , Local ereamery bolter come faster. . . . Mop moving t tormr figure. i . Draaaad maau holding firm. Onion adranoa aa per prediction. ' : BtMlhead aalmon la . adead ...-- ri r . Hawa llama' to XhTht Xanana Treat. Aa tract burkar tba Hawaiian an coming in the fmnt these Small truaU ere But mnlaotod- tba MawaUane 1 aftar the bU caee. . Tba eugar trait hu ba kept an -tba auioaa mt for aoaw time because el tae-taettee of ' tba laland promoters, and now- tba same people . '' cum" along-with aim met ptovueltloa. .ajrbcy ' would 'lent tha banana truat. Equipped with ZU tba sinew of war. tba Hawaiian are. In Inn to do battle quite eucce.u..7 kaniiii cnmtflne. Aa a banana prouuciu country dealera a' 7 that the Hawaiian lalanda ment to polnta not farther aaat Uian tba Mle aourrrfTr. Tha Missouri rlrer rarrltory would be tba fighting ground of tb Big corporsuona. viik . a nmmmmI 11m of ateamera from the lalanda to Portland tba Uonolula paopla would ba able to land banana in ina coi wmrar at murk lower rale tbaa would ba poaelbie wllb the present rombln fruit beeatwa of tha hear bani by ran or me unw. ptwu. wallaa banana. eouM be landed here la a amen better condition tbaa the treat fruit beue It need not be elilnped eo green. Thus tba fruit would not only hare aweeter taate, but It would be eonelderably mora healthy. Once upoa a tlm tha ntlr Pacific eoaat wa mpplled with banana from the Hawaiian lalanda, and tha fruit not. only eokl at lower price than sow. but wa hi better condition. Ereu taeu tha dealera reeeired a- Drofrt on their tneeat wient, while Dow they handle bananaa yoat be rauaa the treat eo electa arery r aold beln eltbet at mat or aa actual loea. Ia tba lalanda there again eonalderabU Ulk af laereaalng the acreage) eo ai to he la a tmnc poalttoa whea the propoaed ftght la and with tha waw relgnlB treat. mlilaa Varkat U Aaeanoaa. Higher and acarcer hog hare again oontrlb. nted to aa adrance In tba prorlaloB market. Today the Untna bleat eaapany announced a rlaa rarloaa line. The dTnre re: Picnl m, 'er otUg nam. et aboulder. He: lard of both grade, 14. Jo caaag aaa ' ; affect today. V. ' v ' ' -' - I XT Ar Lower I kaaalpU High. T -NotwlthMndln tb aeartkn of a morning report the rrlTl of (g ara ara In ebowlnf " an lncreaae. . Shipper r ahlpplng neaTler thaa-Te ana firm alaa ahBdlaa In 80- eaee , to a amgla aouaa from Albaay. Tha .market '.la weaker and today'e price are Ho lower. with dealer talkwa-af atlll lower figure. 'Tba poultry market la eery firm, with ra-. celpta eo email that price ar nominal. . Price unchanged. ." - -- Oallforala Batter Arrl Today. -' The flrat abtpmeut of California butter of any lae thl aeaaon came on tb eteamer which . waa ualoaded tbla marnlng. Tha Vocal creamery butter le abowlng larger Mipplle and tu trade la anticipating a lower range of value. Gen erally expected that price will (ty when bc '. ara tha preaent week. - A per prediction eicloalrely mad by Tba , Journal tha onloa market la higher In tha eoulk. , CVMUilderably mora flrmnea I again abown In 1 the California market and prices are reeooad Ing aulta eaally. It 4 Bow eald that an effort 1 being mad by on of tba large firm of San " Franrlaro to corner the available euppltre of ' dlapoacd to aacrlk their atock. . Jtaelbealneujg Price la the aalnion market have at lt re ponded to the condition In thl city and the price or eMelnem t up to vc a pound today. Aupplle Tery light. Receipt In other line In ; the f Mi market are quite fair. Price otberwla unchanged. . Tha trad pay tb following price to Front treet. Price paid producer ar lea th resv Ur oommlaalon: ' Orala, flour and red. ' WHEAT fcew-elah, 7ej-red Baaalaa,- doe, bliir.tcm. Tc; allc.. 70e. - -, KA KMC.. Feed. e3.!ki relltd, $24 to; brew. lag. - $23.81. - COB.N Whole, $27.00; cracked, $23.00 par -tan... .. . - , .: : .. .. KVE l.W per cwt, OATS Producar' price K. 1 whit. $21.00; fray. $27.00, . - , - FLOUR New eaiter Orcgoa patent, $.1 S0O 4.10: atralchta. .0t3.o0: eiuort. Aa.l3i ralley. $a.aoaa.8; graham,..?.- $3.7S- rye. . aua, eo.u; oaiea, .o. ' MlLLSTfKKa Bran. $17.60 per ton; mid dling. $2ft.O0; ahnrta, country, $10.M; city, $m V); chop, $18.00. HA Y Prod ucc re price Timothy, Willamette ealley, fancy, $IO.0nt 12.00; ordinary, $7.O0l ; eaetvrn Oregon, $14:00(15.01); mlxrd, " $S.Mt 0ii; ckTer. $tl.SO(.00; grata, $0,600 .00; cheat, Ss.00. Butter, Egg aad Poultry. B1TTTKB FAT K. a. b. 1'ortland ireet cream, 31c; anur, 20c. BUTTEH Clly areamery, S2Hc: ' outalda fancy. Hoc; ordinary, 27Vto Itnre, 18017c. . KOl No. 1 freeh Oregon, candled. 14. ' CHEEAK New Full creem. Sat. ISe; Toimg America, lc Cheddar, 15c. -OA MB Jackrahblta $1 Dual. 75 per do. ' ' ' POULTRY Mixed chicken., ,,HQI4d per lb; fancy hen., 14c per lb; rooetere, eld, ll'Ao per Ih; aura, 12 He per lb; fryer. l2le per lh; broiler, luffiue per lbr dnefca. lac Det lh; geeae, lOHttlle per lbr tnrkera. lSAldc per Ih; dreeaed. 21c per lh aquab, $2. 70413. OS , Rep, Wool and Hi. " HOPS CouUacta, 1B0 crop, , loe per lb; 100ft Oregno, prima ta choice, Qllc - pear grade, lot He; Wa.hlugton, 10c; 1004 crop, 'Ac for choice. . I WOOL Contract 1900 clip. .beat ea.tern Or.. I fon. 20"! 22c lh; 1005 clip, r.ller, coarae to nia- niara. n-,u-iw, una,. wic .tra ur gnn. l22c.- -1 MOHAIR Nominal, S0t$lc. ' . HHEKPNKIN8 Ahearlng. 15320? each; abort Wool, 2St40c each; medium wool, W17S each) long woof, 75ct$1.00 eecb. , TAIXOW Priam, per lb, $MQ4c( Ma. 1 aad areaae. 2ttlHc. CI1ITTIM BARK S per lb. HIORH Dry, No, 1. 1 lh and tip. 1IHQ - 17H per Ih; dry kip. No. 1, 5 to 15 lha, I4e; rm Ml K'A 1 HriM IK. a. I tmA k I u teer, immd,-00 Ih and orer. 10(9 11c; cow. TUESDAY PRICES IN ' V TH E-WH EAT MARKET . 4 4 4 4 4 d 4 4 4 4 4 f MaV, - July. $X.7T $ .1.1 A . .74B ...... -- Chic gen , Mlnneapolla ... Duluth Mllwatikes .... Nw York Kanaaa City, a, lMverpool 8t. lyOlll..,,,. New York...,. Ban Franelaro. .7H .7 .cH . - .78 aHd ;T7H t il X.:'., -t4 J.2$ :? 4 Decatriber.- - , ,4 t JOURNAL'S- DAILY TIPS ON MARKETS " ... -i 4.d 444444 4 By W. B. Olafka Companyi 4 ' Ecca for ' the pat fw days ' 4 . hava khown a Terr decided weak 4 4) ' naaa- aivt iha tnarhe4-tlay afeB--4 OiAt aA 4 Ha. Tbaa aoiia.Uoini. 4 4 , ara due to tha extremely low 4 4 . prloea now prevailing io the eat r d -d am market, which to . a certain 4 extent controla the. weatern mar ; 4 4 ket As It la a little too early to 4 4 store, the market will likely con- . 4) 4 tlnue weak for a. short time, but ' 4 4 wa dotibt very much If the mar--t-4 4 ket'wlll ga below the abovs quo-. 4 4 tatlona. ' -.. 4 4 Poultry .contlnaes rery . high 4 . wlth light' receipt. Bhlpmenta j. 4 4 are being cleaned up upon arrival 4 4 . and are bringing high 'prices. flo; 4 far receiptg of broilers are Very 4 a light -- . "V V.VV.--- 4 r HeHc:'and bnlleT auund," 97e; kip, 16 to $0 lb. c; calf, oud. under 15 lba. lie; Sree. anaalted, le leaa; .cull, lc per lb leea; oraehldee. aalted. each. $1 26l.f5; dry. each. $l.ontl.6; eolt hldea. 2B0e; St rtlria, common, each, 10016c; Augor, aach, 25c 0 $1.00. ' - Trulta aad Varetable. POTATO E8 Bet aorted. SOc per eck; Bre- aucera' price for car lou, 70070 per cwi; ordinary, S5Q70c; producar' Brlca, 45O50ct weela. t2.AO oer crate, - ONIONS Jobblag prl Or ago, no. l, 01.25; producer.1 no, 1, bouc; no. X. aoiaTnc! aarllc. fimlOc ner B; ooloa aeta. Tc, erdlnarr. $1.003150; fancy. $1.7602,00; Hood Hirer fane Soltaesbern and Newtown Plpolne, $2.76aa.00i orangea. aew navel. $2.60t-26; redllBg, : banana. 4HC5c per lb; lemon, choice. $1.7502.76 per box; faacy, $3,004)325 per box: lime, hfextcan. $1.25 per. 100: plne- applee, $4.50 per do; pea re, $1.75 per pox; leagertoee. $1.26. VKOKTABL.KS Turalpa, new, 75 per met) carrot, - 004J 75 ack; beat. OOcfllLOO pal aac: Oreeoa eadtabea. 25e ner doe: eabbace. Oregon $2 00 per ewt; CUforata. $!. 00 per cwi: greea peppero, uc per in, liiuw.ii tomttoM. $2.600500; Florida, $7.00; Mexican, $3.00; paraolpa, Bocettl 00; atrlng beana, 25U peaa, 10Q12H per lh; boraeradlah. 07c per Ih: artlchokaa. RAcAll.OO oer doa: hntbouaa t1ertuCer$1.505t.T5 prxTiTeTy7WB5.oa- rtiraoae. per crt i pumpxina. like: quaaa. i jac, prouta. 4 per lb; erenherrle. Jeraey, $14.00 per bbl: Cons bay and Tillamook, $10.00; aapara gua, 12c per lb: rhubarb. Tc ' DRIKO FRUITS Apple, anporated, ISO Ifte per lb; apricot, 13e per lb: peach, 10HO 13c per lb: sack. He per lb leaa; ruii, SO to 40. Hr; He drop c each rxteenth mailer aiae; dg. Cll'orni black. 7c per lb; California white. 5ac per th; d.te. golden, S par lb; tarda, $1.85 per 16-lb bog. wrooari, Vuta, Kta. ' ' SUCAR Sack haala Cnbe, $6.05; powdered, S5.S0: fruit arannl.ted. $5.70: dry graaulated. $5.70) conf. A. $5.70: beet granulated. $50; extra C, $8.20 golden C. $5.10; D yellow, $5.00; bole, 10c; H bhl. 25c; boxM, 50c ad T.ace oa .ark baala. lea 25e per cwt for caah. 16 daya; maple, l4iB16e per lb. - - A bore nrlcea DuIr to le ef lea than car lota.. Car mta at apeclat price aubjact. to Suctnetlona. ) ,!,,.. --HONBY $30 per rt. ivrra.B, fie no. - - . . -8ALT Coarse Half ground. 100. $7.00 per ton; table, dairy. 0a. $11.00; 100a. $10.75; lm- ported Lleerpaol. 60a, $17.00; looe, m wi; T22ta. $16 00: extra ana. bbla. 2. Ba. 10a. $4.60(1 6.50: bulk. $20 lba. $4.0035.00; aacka. 60. a64c; Liverpool lamp mek. $18.50 per ton; 60-lh rock, $7.00; lou. $4.75. ,N GRAIN BAGS Calcutta, 7 H. y RICE Imperial Jan.. No. I. oc: No. 1, S faster- New Orwan - bead, ' 7e; AJax, $o; Creole, -' . BBAJ1S eaill wait, s. lora.uu; large white, $3.26; plak. $2.76; bayou, $4.60; Umaa, $5.76; atexlcaa rada, 4Hc NITS Feanata. )umboa, Se per Tb; Virginia, SHSo per lb; roaared, 8H per lb; eecoanat. ho4r0 per doa; walnut. t616H per lb; plneauta, 104lJlse per lbt hickory ante, 10c per lb; eheetnuta, ematera. lselSc per lb; Braxll auta, 14 per lh; Blberta, Haiie per lb; fancy pecan, 16HQlHc; almonda, 14HO awutBiM, taefJSM VlaWf a, at ROPB Para Manila. 14.e; at.nd.rd. 13 lie; lie. . . COAL OIL Haari ar Atri-avae, i?m par gal: water white. Iron bhla, 14c per gal; wooden, 17c per gal; headlight. 70deg, caaea, 21H per gal. UABOL1AB ae-aeg, ceee nne per gai, area bbl 18c per gal. BE.NZleoJ-0i per gal. Iron bbla 184e tier gal. TURPENTINE la caae S$e per gL woodea bbla 4.1c per faL WHlTeT LEAD toa lota. Te per lb; 500-lh lota. 8c per lh; lea lota, SH per lh. Wlttic w AIl rreaeai oaaia ai ..00. . I.INSKED OIL Pure raw. In 6-bbl lota, Mr: 1-hhl lot, 8c; can. 68c per gal; genuine kettle boiled, caaea, 00e per gal; B-bbt Int.. 54c: 1-hhl lot, K!c per gal; ground cake, exf lota. $20.00 per ton; leaa man ear iota. ju.w per m, p Fam-aa Prevtalon. FREBn MKATS ont street Beef ateera. 405 per lb; eowe, 84e per lb: hoga block, -per tb; packer. " PC per IbVTwlla. awoe oer m; veai, extra, inun per in; ordinary, II 9 H per lb; poor, 7 a 8e per lb; mutton, xancy. eiojiiic per id. HAMS. BACON. ETC. Portland pack (meal) hama, 10 t 14 lba, 13e per lb: 14 to 1 (be, I He per lb; break fa.t bacoa, 14HH8 ..per lb; picnic. Oc per lb; rnttag. PMie per ib; recular abort clear, una ranked. 10c per Ih; amoked, lle per lb; clear baeke, unamnked, lHe per lb; amoked. 11 He per lb; Union butta. 10 to 18 lha. anamoked, ac per lb; amoked, 0 aee - lbt clear aelliaa-- anamoked. 11a Detain: amoked. 12c per Ib: ahnulilere, Pc per Ih. MOArr LARfKetrle- leaf.lOa. 11cpr hTbT-Bar IIHc per lh; 50-Tb tint lOTic-per-Tbr team renaerea. urn. jmc per to; oe, ivu ir Ib; compound. 10a, TWc. CANNKD SALMON Columbia rlrer. 1-lb taTia. $1.80; S-lh talla, ft 75: fancy, 1-lb Sate, $1.00; H-lb fancy flat. $1.16; fancy 1-lh or. la. $2.75: Alaak Ulla. pink, 85380c; red,' $1.60; aomtnat , tall, 82.00. F18H Reck and. 7o ae lh: nnundara. Be aer lb; kallhat, Sc per lb; crab.. $1.60 per dn; (trlped baa, 12H per lb; catfl.b, Tc per lb; aalmon. eteelheade. Be per lb: Chinook. 10c Ih: herring; be per lb; aolea. Sc per -lh; ahrliana, 100 per lb; perch. 6c per Ib; black cod. 70 rib; tomcoa, Tc per in: oolumhia rirer amelt. per lb; llTar amelt. 7e pee Ibf lohateee, lft per id; rrean macxerei, ac per id; crawgaa, 25c per on.; aturgeon, 8c per lb, 0Y8TRB8 Sboalwater bay, par gat, $228; per' aark. $3.75. CLAMS Hardahell. per ace, $2.00; raaor clam, $2.00 per bos. CATTLE IMPROVEMENT IS MORE PRONOUNCED Advance, of Ten Cents Yesterday a Help to the Tone Receipts In All Lines Nominal Today . Portland TJnwa Btscararda. March I J re. tock recelpU: . 1 , . , . Bog, cattle. Bbeep. T5dP ' r - SO l ... Week ago ..,,....,,. : ' .,. , ; , , , Moath ago , 82 DO 254 tear ago It) ,, Mine tb advance of Uje la cattle wan" re ported exclnalrely la Th? Journal yeaterday. the market ha. tak.a on a 'etronger .tone and the trade la rather tmlllaa aa the altoatkm. Receipt a la all line were nominal today and qiiutalkma did aot-moia. Today-29 boraea came la. - ofMclal llreatocl price: 1 -t Ho Beet eaatera Oregon. 8T.004tT.a1l Mocker ndChlna fttlMSlJIWckeri and feeder., $. 25(3(1. 50. Cattle Beat eaatera Oregoa ateera," 4.00t 4.25; hAt cow and heifer., $3.26; light and medtum ateera,- $2 S0f ' light- caw. $2.80; Mocker and feeder., $2 TO; bulla. $2.35. Sheen Wether aad Umha. (Aac: mixed (beep, 6Q3HC. . Cairee uooa veaa " 10 poaaaa, tg tc; roug and baary, St4Skc e ZAITEBV BOOS STBOMS, Chicago, Mareb $.Uteck recelpmt ... ..... . Hoe ., Cattle . Sheen Chicago ,....,.10.0ii0 4.500 Ig.otio Kanaaa City 10 (mo 8,000 S.OHO Om.ha $.000 8. and .0n0 Hn-e npenea tnmg at yeaterday' rloalu nrlcea with on. 13s left over. Receipt, a rear am were 25.000. Tnday'a prlcee- Mlted. $H.20 f4.50: rough. ia.30t.52Mi aood. 8fl.10tXd.25i light. $,d.45. attia -troag. ' . beep Strong and toady. - ACTIVITY WAS AT Chicago Wheat Market Generally "bull With " Opening Rather ' p WeakPrice Dips Once. RUSHING OF SHORTS-. : TO COVl-R AT CLOSE Prices Three Eighths to a Half Cent . Higher With Largest Gain in the ' May Corn and Oats Get" Help IquI3ations in ProvMona. xtnaoars wheat karket. ' - . lioaa 1 tine Cloaa Oala x : - Tuea. - Moo. . 1910. . TUea. 1000. TUaa. it.. y$9ja Julr ... .$ .T' - - $ .T, $1.61 .... .lA - .! Sept n -.T.a Chicago. March Jut (or a teamen ttla morning tb wheat market dipped under ye, terday' clue lug figures, but preaaere being light trader, tamed their attrnttoa, forciag the taw remalnlne ahorta. The market thrauab- out moat of tha day ruled dull, hat firm, and not until the laat half hour did they (how eny activity. The eloetag wa at tb top. Statlatlca coetlaue beariah eaab market ara mw and tha weather m atlll aU that could be aeatrad. Theea ar th factor altoaethar reanon.lble for tha otecllne tha market ha had. Cora and oat took Kt utu ta rrom wheat. Buying waa largely made at abort aarerinav but th too throaghout the aloa clearly ebowed aa upward tendency. - rrovBlon uriara from proiii-taaing, xor run.ra- boldinga bellertng ft time to take proflta In a moderate way. Tb baying ma nil la atlll in evident oa weak .not..' Official Quotation by Oewbech, Start a ru. e-wnw Ha aaaaMaawa. WHBAT. Low ', . Qce. aTEM PORK. Mar IS TO 15.40 18.76 .15 45 16.0T 1$.50 18.T1 16. 45 July - LARD. May ... July ... Sept ... May ... 8.06 T 40 T.M -'.J T 84 II ."7I.M T.42 . T.05" B a 10 8.13 S.OS $.0T- fHORT RIBS. ---r - S.$6 : -8.89 Ml 80 A S.40 ' -7 a 40 " r S.S0 rzx J-82 B ' i July. ... Sept .... LTrxapooi aaanr etamxrr. LlrerpeeL March $ Official prkaat , WHEAT. ..Ooae- .-" Cloaa'" 'Lea G!n - ' Tua. ' Mon. Tim. To. Mon. luea. --eT h$4- ea Btid 7.. 4 5d ... March ..v.e. .-v..'. f May a 5Hd July aa end . CORK, .. March 4a 2d 4 U May 4 1M aa ll iav nuioiaoo exanr mjlxxxt. Pan Francle. March g OfflehU mornlag closing: ', , , " TV till AT. ' , Open. High.- Low. Close. - My .$L27Va $127Va $127 $1 Zt Dacambar.... 1.24 .1.2S l.M ... . ' - BARLET. .. May....... 1.14HB , . 1.20A PtcvinlMt' aa -96B -' MA ';nuaua eaanr itorxirurT. . ,-' . Chicago, March a Primary receipt; ... Today Tear age ' ' - ' - ... Boah. . Bnah. Wbt 482.000 , 558.000 Oora 7.000 471,000 BhlDOuiata: . -j, . , Wheat .' 1 78.000 - 104.000 Corn 500.000 471,000 Total elearln! Wheat, Bono; corn, 461,000 ba.; oaU. 51.000 bu.i flour, 14,000 bbla - wheat: No. No. S No. t hard.... No. 8 hard.... No. 1 northern. No. 2 northern.. . S aprmg....... 1 . BBASBTEIEra OXATV SXPOKT. CTi -Af.rch " 4. Rradatreat. ranoet af graM TlaiMe aupply:" vv neat r-mi or ttocaiee. oecreaeea v,uoo rm. : Riirop nd afloat, locreaaed 4,400,000 bu.l total Increa. 4.801.0O0 bu. ..1 Corn Increeed 1,47,000 be. Oat Decreed 1,821.000 ba. " chicaoo exara; cam lots." ' Chkage," March Oala car iota: ' Oara. Orade. Eat. lam Wheat IT 1 ' 15 IM Corn 854 . It tno r. OaU. 230 a 211 Sig COTTOfTFUTURES FOUR TO THIRTEEN POINTS UP New ' Tnrk. March 4. Cottoa futaraa ekwed 4 to 18 polo 'a up.. orriciai qnntatlon oy urerbeek, Starr m Cook company: 1 10am g Oven Rich Low Tuea. Mon. March 1055 ions 1054 ion. 104 April ............ 1IKK1 1048 1008 1070 1057 May 1078 104) 1074 102 1070 Jun .... 107 .1075 July ........,-... loan.flOOT I0g KX8 100 Angnat v.i.v,vv.r 10M IOM 101 107 1074 September 1048 1050 104T 1048 lot 7 October . ..,.,..., 108 10S0 ; 10R8 108 1028 November ........ 10.18 I0ST 108T 1087 102 Oecember Jinaary . IOM ' 1043 1041 1044 lata 1023 J040 1044 1031 115 ' trrarpoat Ooto Higher. LlTerpoot, March . Cotton future cloatd ateady, 3 to S polnta higher. ravr toxx coma xaaxxT. New Tork. March 4. Coffee fnrnree eloaed IB potato lower. Official quota tlaaa: nio. am. , Din. Aaa. ..$8 0 $4 Sept i..,.. .$T 80 $7.38 ., a d.PO Oct T.88 T.40 .... ami f OOlNoe T.48 'T.60 . 7 04 .10IIear,rvr,i' t.6 r T OO ,, T.16 T.2o Jan ....... T oo : T.M TV-T.20 rl.sol Fb-TT. m ir-T-gg" T.T0 March April , May Jan . July .. aog .1 Feralya Ceffe Market. H.rr. March .a Coffee anchanged to 4 ffnarnr TTimhurg tntrhangetf Rio. recelp la twe day, 3,000 bag, market (Irm. 10 ap. soo xxonr saais.r-7r (8pcli rjlapatch t The Jouraai.) BeDoner. Or., March a la what la know a tha lower county. In tb Bortbera part of Mor row county, bearing will hsghi beat the 16th of March. Th clip thl year la arery part af tha county will ba heary and ef excellent Qual ity. The winter haa ban favorable and sheep generally have -bad plenty ef feed aad aee la good oadltlnn. Morrow county tola year will prod ore 200,000 fleece, the aura her of aha. being a trifle eenaller than laat year. The price f (bearing will ba 1 cent pa bead. , r POXTLAXD XAXX BTATIMIXT, ) . Clecring V ....$P41.1MT Balaacaa .M...e..f. .... ....... 14,64341 I . Ann. niah My ..-.7HA 7 - S ,7i euly .... i .7H ,TPk ,. .77 8pt ... .78 s .n .w .7lf .-- CORN. , . March .4414 May ..... .48 " .48 .48 ,48 T July .... .48 ' ' .48 ' .481 Spt.. .44 .44iJ .48 ,HA . -- . oats.- - : flarcb .. .80 .80 .80 .0 May ... .80t V .IKMiy , .80 1 JO"; July ... .4 -.. .2Bii . .29A Snt ... .28 2 .284 r .2Sm .28 iB I - . .. Tuday . , Moa. Bid. A.k. Bid. red. ......;.;...$ .aou $ $ .novi red ,0 . .78 - .74V4 . .78H .7(IU .78 .77 . .72V4 ....... .781? : .SOU. .78l2 .... .7Vs .81 .78 .... .78 .7 .74 GOVERHOR'S VETO "ISIEIIEIP Pennsylvania's Executive Passes 7 OpT Legislature's Bill to Pro ; hibit Roads Owning Mines. " GENERAL MARKET IS -i5r r BOOSTED UP TODAY Seaslon Is Mostly Professional end Clique HasNo Difficulty in Put ting Prices Where They - Want "TTnenvTJo lssertJEowu KIT GAINS. Anacenda ........ fl CVio. Boothara Amalgamatod .... IV Atchiaoa Sugar IV Smelter V c Tr ; -. .-. . ri Brooklyn. ......... V txurar do 3d"pfd ".!. Great W eatara III. Oantral : Loularlli eiiuaw. ........ Colo, Fuel ....... 1 84. Paul .- a K. W....... a.ivnuM. ....... Cent. Leather .... Cottoa Oil ........ LaoomotlTa ....... Cheaapeake canaoiaa Xatr . . ........ 1 Max. Central Rock island do Bfd OO BIO . ....... a. Mo. Padfl Norfolk ... aoutaera ay Routhera Pa N. X. Central xai iv, eatara.. 11 ..... 1 Ont. a Wi Pennaylranli Part fie Mai Tbx Pectf L.IUUS ru-iu, ..... , V. m. BUDber TJ. S. Btael.r. Peonl- Oss Praaa. 8 teal Car waaning . 1 . Bapablie Steel a- Vil I av mrvmatia. 3 oq yra Wa IliO oa pia ... a hy. ah g. ha lull! Mil to punish th earlou railroad of Pena yleaala for tha awning of coal mine con trary to ur w th -bud of th- general ra ctioa In tha UkA niarkat 'today and U laaue closed higher. The market waa thor oughly professional aad trading wa limited moatly to that cllaue. Official Quotation by Orerbeck. SUrt 4 Cook companyt - ... SK8CBIPTI0N. Ana 000 da. Mining Co. . AmaL Oopper Vo Atchiaoa. com........ do preferred Am. Car Found., com. w t" .1.1 leo . . , , , , . Am. Sugar, com Am. Smelt, pm.,,t.... do preferred .......... Baltimore a Ohio, com.. as preferred, a ..... , Brook! a Rapid Transit. Canadian Pacific, cein. Chi. A Alton, com - da - prefiTed.-.-.-. Tf OhL t O. W., com. .... cm., mil a at. Chi. a N. W, com Chi. Terminal Railway.. Cheaapeake Ohio ... Oslo. Fuel a Iron, com.. Oolo. Southern, com.... da 3d preferred...... da let preferred...... Delaware a Hudson...,. Denm R. O., torn... do preferred.......... Erie, com do 3d preferred de let preferred...... Ultnot Central LouiaTllle NaahrlUe... Metropolitan St. Ry..... Manhattan Railway..... Minn., St P. a Bte, M. Missouri Pdfle. M.. K. a T.. com da Preferred New Tork Central. ..... Cotton Oil.. Federal Smelter, pfd. . . . Norfolk - a WaeCcom.. do prfrrd North American ....... N. Y., Ont. a Wt... PnnylTnla Railway . . People O.. L.aC. OB. Preaeed Btoal Cur, oem. 8HL5i do aref Pacific Mall S. B. Oa. Eeadlng, com do 2d pfd ..I. do let J)fd Bejv rrow 'JT4TrenTH 00 prererreo Rock UUnd. tc Southern By., can ... do preferred . . . ..... . Southern Pacific do preferred St. U a a P.. 3d pfd. St. U a a W com..., do preferred ......... Tax a Padfle Tenn. Coal a Iraaj ToL, St. U a W., oem. do preferred Union Pacific, com .... do Preferred .....v..-. 5 88 V4 148 85H Central Leather, eom T. Ir.4in5 TJ. B. Rubber, om do preferred V. a Steal Co., com... do preferred Wheeling U X.. com. . do 3d pfd da lit pfd Wl. Central, com , .... do preferred W. U. Telegraph Wabaah, com do preferred ......... Am. IocomotlTB ....... do preferred Total a. Ira for th day. 1.018,800 aharea. Call money cioeed S per seat. ' Toxorax xnirrxa ttooiu Baa Fraaciaoa. March a Official morning closing. . PIQ. Belmont ....$ 4.75 Caah Boy .... .21 , Ooldea Anchor. 1.80 Home .27 Jim Better .... 1.50 Bid. . .18 ' .78 1.60 .25 .00 ,. ...IB . Mile .. Gold field Jumbo Jumbo Kxten... Keadall ...... Lagu May Queen .... Mohawk j..... Red Top ...... Randatorm McNamara .... .87 Midway ...... x zt H Montana . ... . 2.80 North Star .... ..68 ! .80 -.48 1 Wl 1.60 Ophlr ........ .68 Toa. Kxtoa.... 10.60 Hllrer Pick .... .81 Nad ..r.... ) ) Waat Old .... . X70 Adam ....... .10 Atlantic , .80 Ht. lean Nat. Bank .... Penrer Be 1 1 pee Oold Bar , .2A .82 . 1.60 -X. .83 .80 Blue Bell .... .11 Booth 0.--BH-P Oolumhla Mt... .25 Conquer .18 Stelnway .88 bav rXAjrcnsco local' btocxs. Ban Franeldca, Cloalng: March a Official axternlng Bid. Aak. 47 Sett unorra uvieTa eiTW.......,...,M . 44 Spring Valley Water $ Mutual Electric. Giant Powder 80 J 81 Hawaiian 7'omaierclal..... ii. th t lloaokea Pueae, We,we io!84 1 isj. $4 HatebHieoa auger Makawell Sugar. Oaomea gogar x.r In? I i uc.r... nfi J8 ckera.--. : .'. Mt Mf, Fruit ('annera'. ......... 4 Ml Paanhau Alaak Pa. California California W,ln aaaoclatloa FMtri atatee xeiepaoae ostox oorvza xuxxxt.- Boatsn, March . Official copper clnalng Bid. Bl Bid. Ad' 8.M Old Oomratna $ 44.50 Oacania R5.0O Parrot $5.25 A) 38.60 ' 8 .50 3X7$ 8M.60 SH5.0O 24 60 rl).25 40 Arcadia .... Atlentto ..... Bingham .... C'alnmet , Centennial . .. Copper Hear. !aly Weat... Fr.nklln I.... Oreen Oopper Mohawk Nerada Coa.. North Bntte.. KU Butte... Pbnentt , Qntncy ., Hhannoa l.oo .. 87.00 1. .. 4.50 .. 107.00 .. 7t4 Tamarack Trinity , I'nlted "2.50 81 1 7 25 TOO IS 00 MM 43.00 . ID I2f t tah (Copper XI .mi 65.00 lfl.60-' T28 10.60 v icvnria . . Winona Wolverine ... IT. S. Mining. Too a. Copper. H ..... , Of .THE JQURNALv have already availed, themselves of this opportunity of securing! : , be openedeepd preseo One of these ----- .- Mnre ' '' and have opened an account with the OREGON TRUST & SAVINGS BANK, and are today regularly depositing their savin es fn the bank, and are loud in their praise of THE - JOURNAL for starting them v.'. ";.r v proviae a competence ior ine iuiurc ; - , -- - All that-is necessary to secure one of these Banks Is to show a receipt that you are a subscriber to THE JOUR : NAL and sign a receipt for a bank.-Apply at the office of. THE JOURNAL or to "one of Fifth and Yamhill Streets DL00D POISON TOR afOH TIM TwrsTT TUtt we hare made tba cure of blood polaoo a pen laity. Prtaxary.aaosndary or Tertiary Bleed Pelaoa PermanenHyOursd. Yea eaa be treated at home under asm ruarantr. Capital I6O0.00Q. We aolislt the moat obsli nato eases. It you bare exhausted the old methods of treatment, and atlll hare aches and pale. Muoua Patchae la Mouth. Bore Throat, Pimples. Oopper-Colorea ttpot. 1 TJleers an aor nart of tba body. Hair or Eyebrows falling out, writs for Stools af eurea. iw-page book rree. COOK REMEDY CO. 1396 .UttIK TtaWa. Imtege, all Lett's Mal-Pepsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURE TorlnflammatloB or Catarrh of th Bladder end lilaeaead Bid- leva. 0 oua ao rax. care utckly aad permaati: worst eaaee of aad Cllo-a, no mattor of how long steading. Abeoltly hrmla). Bold by druggiat. rno ai.ox, or ay matt. pala. $1.40, 1 boa. $.I. THE SANTAL-PEPSIM CI fUllaeoataiaa, Oada. . RELIEF for LADIES FRENCH Tansr Wafer Origi nal aad only genuine Put up la yellow v rapper and - "Crown trademark. For aala by tha LBAD1NO DRUQOISTS. i OMRemtdf. Xewftrm. I1T18 KBXFWBT T4) A1I Tarraat a KaWae ef Oabeb and Oapaibala OAP8ULIS. . TheaiHilMi. e-Ssh aad ii.afai fa geauiiheaa. gleet, white. , Xaey la take, eeaeeaUat to rry. Flltr eeaaeeaiiu see. ameaei. a ene newe at atartia ., aoi waiagiea i.. r-orxiano. vregoa; ar ay mail Krone aoe Tarrant Co.. 44 Hudson St.. New Tork. OOaCSTOCX 1UX1X0 BTOCXJ.- Baa Francisco. March a Offldalxmoralnf rloalnal . Bid .' 1 Bia Btack Btrtto sb.$ .08 - Oold field .60 Tramp ......... .80 Sunset ......... .18 Scepter .41 Dexter ......... .80 Manhattaa ..... .80 Montgomery aft. .6$A Ceav-CaLTnt 85H Ophlr.......... 8.43 Mexican ...... l.w Caledonia . .48 Exchequer ....... ..54 Nnrcroe ..' 1.1$ Oold Bond ..... .81 Rescue ......... .11 Monetary Xatee. Kew Tork, March a Sterling rate: , De- maad, 486.00: 60 daya. 482.80. Ttr saiaaeraa Tandtura.' Thr house occuple try fj. 0.-t3ammng, 13S Twanty-flrst street, caught Xlra at S:4i o'clock this morning and tha flame were extinguished after a Dart of th roof TiaJ been burnedVaway. The prin cipal damage was to the furnishings of the house and waa by water.. A., still alarm whs turned In when the fire was discovered. The loss Is 1 119. The fire Is supposed! to hare ' been caused ' by spontaneous combustion, aa tha attic waa filled with excalaior. L A. a. U -;'iwvV iiijr ts Sal ar i a. . OVERPECK, STARR 2: COOICE CO .... . . - . Members Chi cage Board of Trade, -r raOTWOXfSL OCrTTOX, STOCKS AK SOSTBa. l$l Third Straet, McKay so a iraicnt Continuous Markets by Prlrata Wtra, Qvtr r T ; TUton, baakara, aa4 United) SUtaa K 1 I , t . . z . ' 17; J ; nickel plated along the line of saying to its regular, souatorsi TRANSPORTATION. ALASKA ' FAST aXD WtTLAX STXAMXHIPB - - lAuras amsttl JaTXXXBOX" lfareh 1 1$, 3$, a4 $ p.-m.j-Tia ajaagla.-' tt - "SIXIwO," atatak B. 31. caixiko a 'j Xetohftaaa, Jwaeas, Peagiaa, Kataaa, Shag way. Oeaseeta with W. V. a T. xwata let Atlla, Sawsoa. Tsaaaa, Varna, eta. Fa ail Boathiaafra Auaaha 3rta. Cn r oend for "-Trip to Weadarfol Amaka.' IadUa Mskatry. Team Poles.'' txx Alaska a a 00. BBS Oah BC Fartlaaa Or. 1 -. Opera ttag IB Paseagr Btaamera for - SAN ERANCISCO and Lo Ange lee direct. Bl-dally - aarrk. . . Oabla. $13. Steerage. $8. a H. TBOMTBOV, Arut. PhoM Make 88$. IX x THTXD ST. (DeanseYoiirDlocd!) BaaaaaaaaBaaaBaaav, to cure all tail's Natl va The true way Blood Dtseaica Basaatl Herbs drive out pc4a ens, annua, anaailnm . Beat far RhaaeaaMc, B lemma. tJ and 41 m prugSMei a. keeaj WW to PBCB artt'e Nare WaaaaCaj I7cn:a:n and ahoald know MiweeiUlel, If he cannot eat oly U PtAKVKA aoapt Bp ' H otner. bet eead auuns for - -lllueuated booh w.lia. ft ate lull ana rfleaetlona la. Taluahl to Uutlea. MtKVIl, rX aa n. aad ar.. aav ontt. a. 0. BXIDMORX a CO., 141 THIRD BTKXXT,-; AVBB wuoiuxv, m.aaaa uy, . atOWarWAK XOrXTJTS t CO, 'wxaaa'T aro'arrocat BmOBtaaa : .. iXatabllsbed !$$! fAooai 4,' Sv4 rw, OatAVM SXOR tVA CwaaaaavmOSk Building. Portland. Or. coerr - rai tT-Trr- vSaSX-Efcnr f ...Tv Mxahanmmd . eel-U oat rofrrae tent. iaBiaawSlar HIMam laalaatjT ,4J.g ....... ME 1 -I'liaiAV. 3 Trains to the East Dsily 3 Taraagfe Pullman Masdard aad tsarlet alaaa. , Bg-are dally to Omh. Cklcua, Spakaaet tourla dally ta Kaaaaa City. Thraugb reclining efcatocarg seats tree ba aaet dally. . Union Depot j-' Leer. Arrrea. lhee, .-gay . . . -fla-a I" Huatlugton. dly. am BiXf Bat Sr-"".. eiysr or X.eter AtWinn) r.nrmt nm 4VS.. m.-a . - P S HnaaTlalMSiaah J i 1 1 . ,g I I Pal TlSJl ty , . . . , , , , FgTTW J LtlMBIA RTTXR DTTrBIOTf. Far A.torla and way aetata, eoaa.etl rsr Astoria and way point, eoaattng with "JTr or IJwac and North Beach. atma "V0- Aib-at. dock, lea rea $ p. av . dally. ha Ra! ."UDa,r; Baturday. 14 8v Arrrree " P- m.. except Snnday. AAU1 111 BJ Ea,.aUCl .taw rf. , . r-. ... a- k.M fto, -ateamar Ruth and Modoc." A.B-eC deeh. V "; dally . Sunday (watae par. amsdaf - aaily. tans - - sw - WTSR BOTfra. ! ,. ."--iaton, 14.. , aad way pel at from ''PlV W,"J;, stBMrs Bpoka and tewto. lr..,:0 Pa arrlr.l Trela fl a dalle ..a.. A 4U a a a. dally rn-i -rt. e. " ' " " T ... Ticket Office. Thtrd aad Wuhtngtea Bbj.' . TeUphon Mala T1X A T M.fA -TIJfOBR, City TVket Agea. A. Ia CXAIO. Oeseral Paeeeng.r Agent. EASTvu SOUTH 71! loa tepet- ' Orerl.nd Expree. Lear. Arrive, ior Miem. Hoe. burg, j mb rranclaoo. Stockton, T.aa . a.!. W, n ' New Orleane ndtheax B:$ Btf---Tlef4 ""'"I xrain coooeera at , W-odbaru dally - except Suad with trala for - jaeaat Angel, BIlTertoa, Brew ne rill., Sprtagrhld, wettdllag and Natron.... Eugeoe paaaengsr . coaw S:80aat S:BBbs BecU at Wood bora with staaat Aagal aad aaha -' 1 -. J toa hcal......Trr. 4:18b Corralll paaMBgwr T:80m . Bhmidaa pauentr. , 4 :80 pm Foreet (trove poesenger. . 1110:48 m Dally. IIPallT exespt Bandsy. PORTIaAirD-OSWROO STTBCBBAM 10:$BJ . 8r80pm $:$ am lUMpxa SXBTIOa AND TAMHILat D1VI8IO!. : Lear (depot foot of Jxtroa B(.) dally for f :S0 a. a.; lSiBO, 3:04. 4:00. i 4:20. B:SB. 8: ho, 10:10. 11:80 Pt a. Belly (except Sunday). 8:80. 8:80, B:CBV 10:3B a. m.. Sunday ealy, K a. m. , Returning from Oewego. arrre Portlaed dtuy 8:80 a-m.l 1:65. 8:05. 8)4. 8:15. T:8S. tM. 11 n p. m., 1 55 a. m. - Dally (exea SaadeyV. :ao. t:zo. :eu, li:s a. xa.,. ananag aaiy. ... - Lea rea from sam depot for Calls aad Inter. -. BMdlato polata dally 4:14 p. ax. AMrire Port- , bnd 10:10 a. m- Th tndepeBdence-Vonnvmtb Motor Use orer. ate. dally to Monmouth and Alrll. eoanactlng with Bfluthara Pacific aompaay'a tTMB at Da laa and Ind.pead.nce. . ; Flratlaaa rare rrom rorriana to aworemewiw aa Ban Fraactaea 4J5. bertha SB C.ea lift ae.mnd-el.a. bertha 82.80. Ticket to- KaateraBolata aad Xanpat. ams Japaa. China. Ronolula and Amtrana. City Ticket Office comer Third and wash tnatnn afreet. PhdBaa Mala T13. a W. BT1NGBR, -A. L. CRAIO. City Ticket a" Oea. Pass. Ageaf. TIMECARD OF TRAINS Portlands Caloe, Cayat Ua-wt. tmrrim W.I l a ZT" -. laaal oT. I. , NaoiE a $r - r'rfrr - & cig- a BjiisjewB)V4yBay " ------ , .. .. Cltyt. Loal Special for 4 Cheball. 0trliv--01yB.i r pia, Or.y Barbor, Booth ... , Bead. Tacoma. Seattle. Bpa- , kaae, Lawlatoa, Butte, Bil ling, Dearer, Omaha. Kaa -. eaa City. St , Lnto aad a.aA Soatbeaat, dally .......... : dJB 88 North Coaat Limited. 1 trie Hgbted. for Tacnea. Seattle. Spokane, Batt. . . Mlnaeapslhi, St. Pal aad - - vr the Beat, dally 8:Bpai taal . Puget , Bound Xlmlted. for - , . . ' Ch.halla, Centralla. Tacoma d Seattle oaly. dally.... 4 JO 4 SOM sal : Twla City Bipreaa for Ta- , ( coma. Seattle. Spokane, ' .-, , Belen. .Butt. St, . Pa-L : M- f Mlaaeapslls, Ltncobj. Bt. Joaaph. Ran City with- , . , , out ehng of . Wrect . - , eonnectione ror eu f . Kaet and Soutbeeet. daily.. 11:48 pat 10 8 pm . T eniDITn Aaaattaat fl.aaiBl j-.a.aa tr Agent. 255 Morrleoa atrtot, orar Third. portUaa Or. , Astoria SXolumbia River Railroad Co. fnloa rMBort '' taara AUTrt-a For Merger. BahaleT, fTla. kan:, weatperx, viiitea. .... - Aetort. Wanantoa. FU- . , .at nammond. Fort Ster eo.. Oearhert Park, Seaatde BlOB tat U4Baa A.torla aao a.aaaia a, aa. ;. -ee. daily i Aee ym iwp U eauy. M . afcarte ' n fl. A. BTBWART, romaaerctal tgaat. 34B Alder trt. Pheoa Mala BOB. API raA4-V Va Trie caroenjawt mm. 7 Overlssm TrtbaCjlljO 'txt Ortewtal Limit, the Fast BUST TIA BKATTLX AND gPOKANB, ' ' Portland time schedule . To end frera Spokane, ' V St. Paul, Mlaaaapolla, ; v f Dnlath aad all solute u Xaat la Seattle : am T4B am - U:4Bb B Mprn To aad from it. Paul. , Mlnaoapoll. Duluth :.v aad all sotnta Xast ' r - via Baokaaa 8.18 w $ 0 am ftrsst Verthara BtasaMhrp Oa. 'Balling from Seattle far Japan aad China port and Manila, (arrylag ssnger and freight, - - " ' B. B. Dakota, Marsh IB. ' B. a Miaaeeeta, AprO $. " . xippox rwsiM xaisxa - (j,pt4 Malt Pteanwhtp w. -- B. H. RANAOAWA MA RO win lf from Seattle about March 8U far Jaaaa and China garter- carrying e,iisngra aad '-For tlcketa, ratee, earth tloaa, etc., call ar addrea X. DICK 80, 0. X. T. "'- JIVR-VBI V AT. -' ' - - - mtmaLakahal fllafsl laammmxV V.A c q r " 4aew t-c Le . For Cone T rext a'" -1 r