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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1906)
THE . , 0REC0I1 - DAILY' JOURNAL. PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, LM AKCH1,8.1SS3, 44 FOR . SALS FARMS.' '" 12 ACRE oft, fit land and 8-room bouse, I miles from ths city UmlU fin trait, good barn, windmill and water tank: water piped berries We have eeverel stbsr pieces of deehrsbls man ecrssgs trscta near ua eiiy st. ww prices. GREGG BROS. ajrantaOBM, 1 FOB BA LB Splendid fara ( 140 acres, 100 aeraa la cultivation, 40 scree a grass, email llmtat. . e-roa . aonscbarn - and g""d m U . of nut. This .jferm la located uu a flue . treveled raad. 3 allies front a town. T miles from tha-CToirty-eat-tf Ueetna soaBtyr-sea-- tloa adjoining Uod. Will aall tola on sssy tarma at 82 per acre. ( J. L. . Walls Co, M Oread aa. ' ' -- - Savanna - 4m.m4,! farm. It - mile - railroad running water, - 25 cleared; wood Boll, or 1 chard, etc. t aU livestock consisting a burses, rattle and k all fsrmlng ImplemsnU. " harneee and everything to commence baatneaa '-wlth. for S2JI00. - If srdd-tbls Booth, term. W. J. DAT CO.. , 1614 Fourth St.. Boom 88. i . at a we. car aaei VB M Hal r - " 100 ictm, IS mtlM from rmtUn4, 8ft . . . ft. , ft. . , L,J a tree ibuhiwi . iw. " 1 . v " mad now building will paaa through a par--tlna of ble acreage. . .- . ' Room 213 Allshy bldg.. Third and Morrison. BTjenaen. ISO Park at, Portlaad. - ton 8Al, ftock ranch of t.0 arraa near Coher. ml lea N. . of Bnfeoe, Or. price lew: 1-1 caab. balaaca 6 Tea re. a per cant. r. D. Cbambarlala,- I-abba bld, Portland. ' FOR SALE 120 aeraa, 10 par aera, I aolloa frota Canbri elaared and fruit trea, H aalla . froat acbnol, H mile from aawailll, laq.ttlra r J. U. Ukea, ' Oawrgo, Orrfoa. : i FOR HKNT MIO-aere fara for I raara; ex r eelleot qaallty aoll; a tea a natnber of ten . eat anarea w reapoiwiDia panjj auv jnv arrve or gcxi lanoiotMitjipBij pwncr. wra. A Routleri. lit North Hlxteanth at. FOR SALE-TIMBER. roll BALE 40 acre of road timber, H tnllee from railroad tatfawL Win make a fin, ranch; T. timber will pa . for land. Owner. Phone - Kaat J78. ' ' ' f - JTH bare few rhotco . boaaeatead cUIbm la - Waaco and Bbmnea cooDtlaa; alas I fw ttm kr claims, fallow plna arer 2,000,000 feet; : wrtu to as tor full partlenlara. - Badaoa foil BAI.B Timber land: 0 acres eraD alt'loaV,,sl',b araaln 'if 'rkan't'oBce'' farms. r-Oaii oa -w.-Tayhw) 1 Marqaaai bkl. rwwmnmn pi. ih ataa aaeeaaa prices. W. . Howell. Ua Ckaatsat ad COM! spick If pen waat a aonoatead aJmbar claims la thai White ftalmoa nller. ' A. W. , Xatea dk Co., White Salmon. Waablnftoa. ' HORSES AND CARRIAGES. BIBB It A BARGAIN AT HOMB ' - J. D. GORDON dt Boa offer tbo Imported s nrdeadala ataUlon. Bettrr Lock," No. 11.- 6M. foe aalo. Yoa will remambar ha la the ! : stalUon that Hook second prise at the Lewie , and 411 ark fair) alao took Brat prlae aa a yearlln la . acotlattd. Yoa saa bur nla . rlfht aad be la a choice one. " ' Alao ' Royal atcKJueea." the t-raar-oM : Clrda stallion that took flrat oer the Do- - mfntoa of Canada and tret at tbo Lewla and : Clark fair; hla aire took the fold nodal at Chtcasw thla laat rear. r " -- Alao aona Clrdaadala ailloaj hts Is tbs T-bsBw- of tbo Cham pica Clyde mare of tbo - Lawtf sad Clark fair. . Alao "KIb tbs aire Of "Talr Oak a," :lu. Caab or time. . Look tbaao p. I. D. OORDON BON, Dandao. OrofOB, - TRAMS. S. TOO toSonO par teats, a lea X pair -amies. Froedaaa Bros.,' Ittb sad aOR IIAUS Two deUrerr horaaa, aonnd aad i yonntr: call at oaco, it VanfhB at. TO EXCHANGE. - FOR BALI OR KX CHANGS for Portland Property All or part of 100 acres, with new ' bo nee. barn, etc., T mllce from Vancouver. Address 110 Eighth St., Vancouver - Address . Owner, 110 .West Eighth St., . Vaacouvsr, .'. Waablngtoa. . . s ... . v ITBDRRAN rmrery, bulldlnga and grounds, at ascrlflce: WJU taks fraall farm In partpayi It has I autre rnoma. living rooms, jruod rrn, lajrre lot and good trads. noma Land FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. SECONDHAND REMINGTON AND SMITH PREMIER TTPB WRITERS PROM 80 UP. OR FOR RENT FOR $S AND 14 PER rZ MONTH. X'NDBRWOOD TIPBWBJTBR CO, 68 SIXTH BT. , FOR rain or easy psymenta, fumtrura. only In Ras t snort time, at half Its orlglMnost; this Is .a snap. Ask for Oks at Osuld A K lino's, southwest corner Front and Barn aide. Mala 807.' i - i . TWtorrs?aaBllS Phono Ualn 2M3, FOR 8 ALB OR RENT NEW AND BECOND. HAND SEWING MACHINES. STANDARD SEWING MACHINB A0BN0I. B. O. JONES. ' 280 TAMHILL ST. BOOKS nought, sold and exchanged at tbs Old Book Sovs. 228 Yamhill at. WB seed furniture aad will nav fall value. Phone Pacific TPS. Westers Salrags Ce4 uxr wsaningcoa St.. WERTRRN OREGON MINING MILLING CO. beadoartera( etoek for sale and -Infill as vjoa at iw rr-et St. none Mala itrra. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES asdo to srdert aecond-hund goods for sale. - Carles Kal. Strom. 288 Couch St. Phoas Clay 8TL - HORSES of all kinds fnr sals st very sblo prices. Inquire 276 Froat st. ' BILLIARD AND POOL tables tor rest ar 8m ,. sale ob esay pavmears. - ' TBI BRUNSW1CK-B ALKE COLLENDEB CO. 48 Third at,, Portland. MANORS by wagnnlned a carload sa O. W. P. Ry. Phone East 2818. THE celebrated Pontlac top bnyrlee. lestbor finished, for fin, st Portland Warehouse a Transfer Co., 842 Esst Waablngtoa at. SHOW esses, counters, fixtures bought, aeld or , exrbaaged. Western Sslvags Co .827 Wash, rngtoa at. Pad fie 788. B ROLL TOP deaks, offleo-tables. rug. (tTturea) all new. Collins Land r. Mala 2824.. WE print your name oa n calling cards, proper slss aad style. 8 2IU1 hnslocee cards, II. . A. W. Bcbmaia Co., 229 Flrat, Portland. Or. HOLDEN'N RHEUMATIC CURB-- rheumatism, - Sold by all druggists. .. 400 NEW nprlrbt pleno, 1148; upright ptsno 888; organ 826. sain rtrst. corner Main, apataira. ; OOOD milk cow for sals cheap. 884 Baat BUrk, . oor. Thirty-third st. .. FOR BALE Vfont launch, capacity 14 per. eons, equipped with R home power Far A Bowes ettgins, complete, appurtenaacss of tbs very ,; -best. Inqulrs 816 -Pms St. , JOO.tno BRICK for ssls. Phoas Union 1788. ADAM'S Microbe. Killer, the great germicide, that has stood the teat of veers.- For sals ""by druggists of Winters, S0H Oread ava.. N. ONE-CHAIR hsrbsr shop, mirrors, chairs, . etc., 818; rent 110. -. Phono Clay 888. , HEW Osnturr Dictionary aad lyclopedla, half , price; plan Standard drop-leaf sswlng-ascblas, cheep. 8T8 Third st, - PERSONAL CONFIDENTIAL medtsal advtes ta ' ws treat dlaeaaes of womea exclusively, citing with unvarying success all femele sllments fma the ellghtast local Irriratlea to the - avost complicated Internal trochlea; maternity cases gives special attention) . private hospital accommodation! professional H laitv soree In attendance; ennanltatlna and sdvtce fres. X-Rsdlnm Medical Instllnte and Sanitarium, Third aad Aider ats., eetraaca . 2A8 Alder St.. Portlaad. DOLLS HOflPITAI. " Repairing and dressing. 881 la mailt '" . " PERSONAL. 81ITS praaeed whlis pna wait. 6e. Ledles' aklrts preaaed, 60c. Ollbart. -1H Blxth a heat to Quelle. rbone ractfle 2088. DH W0HT.1TT BRXJAMDr ttf Tot ftnartxrrar; 660H Waabtntoa BU Rood 04. lor feat . made sound. . '7. . ' BINO CHOONO. Importer of Chinese root medl eiore: aall Chinees tea that la certain rare for. all dlasaaas. 11 second bat. Xambin FP.KS to cat at towa natrons, mi luteal eat a. lnene Of f nV n nlUna tiini KLplacaa. ehlrtrnlxfs and'norellita Tha.JJeadls trail soot). Ba Washington at.. PortUnd, Or. RACICACnB and" tldocr or ' bladder "dlaeaeee , cured with Or(oa her he: trial ataa tor 10s staapa. riummsr. xso Third at, r, DR. ATWOOD, M Ruseel bMf.. 18HH jronrtb - st, - Pamela dlsaaaea and eonflaements taken a ad eared for, opes areataae. Conealtattua ires.- - IfANLT vigor restored by Dr. Roberts' Nerre - Okrbnlea. One awuth'a treatment, 2: S moanna, sol aent aeenreir aeaira nr mail. Afeata. Woodard, Clarks k Co., Portlaad. Or. LOST powera tsetored br the great Dr, xLorerm'a Nerre Tonic Tahleta: 2M oer boa. boxes for tl.29. Write or call at fcraocU'e Pharmacy. 2ZT kCorriaoa. bet, lit and M. WBT rfBT are daaawroas. . Web toot blsakbig a saaaiataip waiaapaoax. . t , DO yam waat to aiarryt If so, Jora otrr aoetotyt we naro BBMreoa or tnemnere, eitner aex; . matrimonial rea later. 10c. lo64 Fourth at., TOrw. aaofftTieon. . nooui ae. ..;w. .. at RH. Sophia B. Seln. Beyohomstrlat. saafaaa and T propbeteaai dally 16 to . ?! ! .elrclee Tuaaday and Friday. R p. a., B4rm Taaihm. sor. Re renth. Pacific to, rnnday STSolng wieatrosa urew nau, ana sasaBS. -- . r BALM OP FIO for all femele dlsaSaaa. X - seat naiiBOBt. raoaa Baal oOSe. ZES, Palrao Tahleta make yoa alaep perfectly! they cure nerToueneee and make jou Stronc; prlea" HOe" a box, S boxea 2.Bor guaranteed. - All drogsiats, or address Brooks Drag Co., T - noria i oira roriiano, uregoa. DBTICOTIVB - AGE VCT. Confidential tnTeett gattonei reporta aede on any lndlrldnai baat aeaa or property; ataalng ralatlTsa located: - bad debae-oollerted! chsrgea -reaaoaablet our. reeooadeace anHcfted. Oeeeoa Detacrlea , Rerelee. offices 14-lf Colntnhla bldg., M wsaaingtoa at. rbotto Mala aaia. - LADI BrV Tarkleb bath rdrtatrta parlorsr atrtctly flret-claee place for ladles -only, Flat A, 1 .Waahlngtea St., Blxtaantb and Beaaatoeatb. . . . ANT aaa or woman can bs stroag and happy or using aenne fine, tne great wmic; price ai a nor, a potts ga, wnn ran gnaramea. aaomi or ceil j. a. uiemenaoa. oru ieiil. cor. Boosnd and xambin ata.. Portland. Or. HIOH-OBADB portraltai special offer for few daya; eahlnst also, cards or folders. 18 for 3: oualltr and work ha bast. D. M. ' Bteeana, 003 Ooodnougk., bldg.. Flftk aad x amain. TURKISH BATHS, S00 Oregonlas bMg. ladles oaya, gentlemen nlgnta. aaia istf. "FORBIDDBN FRUIT," "A Oa Lothario," "Story ox a Slavs " ''Fsany HIlL" "AxBea." - "Womea of Firs.' 60c each; Uats tree. A, W. Bcbmaia Co.. 229 J'lrat St. SCHOOL books sad all kinds of books bought. soia ana sxeBsagoa. josser - book store, xvi Alder st. .....-.. MM B. ANNA LUCKBT AND MRS. CARSON euro all scalp dleeaeee; aa klnde or batns , siren; electric meaaage: alao haeo the French ' mud for removing wrlnklea; Mm. Karrows ; famous remedies: rsatlafaettoa guaranteed. r Pbona Pacific 1368, - 8S0 Tayloiv BOLDE-N'S RHEUMATIC CURB Rnre cure for rneumstlsm. Bold by an druggtata. . ;: PERKINS Amsrlcaa Herbs are tor Sato at xos Tblrd St., Portland, Oratoa. by Aw B. Bloomer, general agent. . , FACB and bust developed perfectly by natural nnaHia. lev- rxenanse sor Bice room, cioas in. A 2S, JournaL .. . . CO AM Sgency Dr., Crnrlon's Preach tntlst t, articles. Rooms U-12, Oread theatre bldg,, rare waaniagtoa, raons Msin sari. TOUNO lady gives vapor, alcohol and medicated baths. . Parlor 27, 268H BUrk. MRS. R. B. WEBBER, historical tribe evanre llat. now located for business at 882H Mor- rlana st. Call aad sxsmlns this wonderful work. fres. MADAM ENGLISH, mametle healer: rheumatism sad aervoueneee w It boot drna-s; Prof. Rakard electro radiator used? 145 '4. ' Sixth at.,- room 24. . . - T - - IF Daniel Haley, who about 12 years Sftr treed In- aoulhern - Oregno,- and who once had" a ' brother living la Paaadena. California by the vis roe of Michael Haley, will Qhrreepond with " the undersigned hs can learn of something to Ibis advantage. William for bee. Clerk . of Paaa4ena Camp, W. P. W., Paaadena, California. . - -v y ' EDISON PHONOGRAPHS and records delivered ' any where free on receipt full retell pries; . 1 arrest stock Edlaoa records west of Rockies. Bend for. circulars. Peter Badgalopl, 786 ssion, aaa rrancisco. . NORTHWEST Rug Worka. now located at 168 Union are., near -Pleat Morrlaoa. Rugs from DR. O. . KETCpUM- cures promptly private .diseases, kidney, nervoua, akin and special female troublea. Call or write. Red Cross Dispense rv, corner Third aad Ash ata. Phoos Pacific 861. . - - ARTISTIC dancing taught: clog, song snd dance, buck and wing, waits eloe-. Lancaehlre clog. Sand Jlg.irlsh "Jig, resr nf lit flir . latest rancy aancea taugnt ny Mr. ana Mrs, i nsries uiinurn, ists or new tots city: 18 jeers' experience la stags dances; all lessons strictly private. For particulars sp- Sly to llOtt Foartk st.,-Msrtln bouse, rooms snd 6. - - - "AUTOMOBILES COTET 4T COOK Motor Car Co., F-s-satk snd eiioer ' m genie roe i euiiiac, nerre. ureal Arrow and Sbrvsns-Dnryea motor -csra; ma chines rented, repaired and stored. - V ART EMPORIUM. PROF1ISOR . R. MAX METER. 848 Aider. Portrait and landscape artist snd teerber. ATTORNEYS. A- H. TANNER, sttorney, 808 Commercial blk.. Second and Waablngtoa sta. Phoas Mala 642. J. S. WINCHESTER, attnrney-at-lsw, notary rmMle. 80 Wsabtngtoa bldg. ARCHITECTS. H. H. MENGES. Architect, 118 Second St. ASSAYERS. OARTIN CTANIPB EXTRACTION CO.. Bad MoataaAaMipOWca.lR8 Morrison at. . BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE. DAVIS A RILHAM. 100-1 11 Seesad st Blank book mannfaeturerei agents for sours Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; eea tbs sew - Eureka leaf, tbo best sa the market. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. I. BIRKENWALD CO.. 804-808 Everett st. Lsrgest butch era' supply bouse oa the cehet. BATHS MASSAGE.- TWO lsdles give hatha, fsea aad scalp a saiga. 208 .Fifth at. ,. . TWO young ladles gtvs msassge. tub and vapor baths, lioa rourtb, corner vvasiilngton. MIHR LILLIAN RAYMOND glees baths snd mesasgs treatments. The Cosmos, Stutti Mor rleos St., room 14. Phoas Main 8811. THB RNOWDEN BATHROOMS. 287 A AMer at. . Tub and vapor hatha stir eperlalty; alea , electrlciir sad aaseage. Phono Mala DOM; treatsiente.' CHIROPRACTIC CUR 1 8 SppesiTfCIHs wlrboat 6 re re en balfe. Dr. Ira Iiogaa. tot Ball St. Psoas atala 804 1 ' 1 " 111 " -;. ?1W' MI IMfVl -CARPET CLEANING.1" STANDARD Csrpet Clesning Co., largest plant oa the coaatLorlng and Barding ata. r tele phone East ItO Carpets cleaned, refitted. swd init IMi taotk ateam aad latest cosa- tli Broceea: v. .ova una aaiueeass aaa :naijapeclalts. BiVITARV earner e lea nine, enctlon and SOB- preesVd air combined: carpets clsaned an Soor without removal. Main 6084. Esst 4238. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. WASHBURNB A FLOYD, wagon builders snd - general Job work. - 88 6th st. Phono Hood 686, WM. FISHBECK, carpenter; repelling and Job bing done, 2B1 Burnelde st. Phono Main 8487. l CIGARSJsNnTQBACCOt ESBERtMlDNBT CO. Dlatrlbutora st FINR CIOARB. COLLECTION AGENCY DOES any one owe yea money t We calatct bad debts of sll kinds. Northwestern Law A Collection Co., 122 Orsnd svs.. rooms 14 snd IS. Citlsens Rank bldg. Oat taU Ml, Phono Xaat 6046. - CLAIRVOYANTS AN L IJALMiSI xpTcmrMs.w RfAcrKO rfm-irtXKT CUMaVAXONC14J ATTENTION 1 1 . ALWAYS RELIABLE 8KB TUB REST. OBMONDH, EGYPTIAN AST UAL 8EBR OF DELHI Dead trance medium, clairvoyant, palmist, astrologer, psychic healar, telle of marriage, love, biislneaa, besltb, law" suits; restores lost or falling vitality, breaks weak habits, locates ainee, burled treasures, in be ing ones; makes good luck, removes evil ln- auencss, n as Lena insfriagea, unites tns aeps- atea. settles lore, pusiuess or xamuy trou leai reliable readlnga by mall: alao absent treatment for all ailments. III luck; develops clairvoyance is others. 288 Washington. Tbs noted palm let, will continue to gtvs bta celebrated 88 reading for 60 cents for ons week longer. 268 Morrison St., parlors 1 aud 2. The Cosmos, ever Roy si bakery. MRS. STEVENS, Portland's l'sdjng palmlat, ., astrologer and clslrvoyant, jde BsrsaUi at., Pp, Hottrf sPtnT'tleBllil. CLEANING AND DYEING. Portland Bteaa Cleaning A Dyeing Works; praa. tlcal batter la eonnectloa. 211 4th. Pacific 807. CLOTHES cleaned and pressed 81 per month. - Ualan Tslleta-Oo;t 84T Weahlngtou at. - B. W. TURNER, professional yer aad cleanse. 806 Jaffsrsoa st Pbooa Mala 2618. SARTORIAL Tailoring Co. Ladles sod men's cleaning and pressing. 600 Wash. - Fas. 1817. CAFES. THB OFFICE 2S Washington st, 771. t Samuel Vlgneeua. - COAL AND WOOD. CnrRCHLET BROS, hrvs removed front foot Dsvla-st to 428 Kosrnev at, Bear 11th; Is aow tbs lsrgeet woodyard la the city, carry ing all kinds oc wood saa cosl msis sat. ALBINA FUEL CO. Dee tars la cord wood, seal and green and dry slabwood. R. R. aad AV wna are., 8 etoesa esst or rsrry. a sax sis. WESTERN Feed A Fuel Co.. aa Froat Glleea and Hovt deelere la all klnde ol boo so coals aad blacksmith seals. Phoas Mala 1018. , - -- . STEEL JHUDQB FUEL CO. Peslere la seal, corawooa aaa ary aiaowoos. rxeas kosx saa. OREGON FUEL CO All kinds of coal aad wood. 808 Alder st FIioiisMaiaaB.. KIRK HOOVER. 818 Water at Wood aad asst. Phone Main 4898. - " COMMISSION MERCHANTS. IVERDING ft FARRELL. produce snd cobbIs- si on merchsnu. 140 Froat st, Portland. Or. Phono Main T7B. ; CROCKERY ANO. GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE eroeker :ertfcefnd glaa JstTind Fifth. aswara. PrasV Hfgele ft oo cor. Stark st DENTISTS. DR. WILL JACKSON, Dentist 814, the Dtkum bldg. DRESSMAKING." DRESSMAKING Shirtwaist salts snd plain sewing. no Kset fins St. DANCINO. WOODWARD'S dancing school of the Western Acsoemy sx Muaic, Monuay aaa inoreaey. Spectators Invited. Lesanna 60c. Dancing 8 to 11. Cor, Second aad Moarlsoa. . . PROF. RIN0LRR. 808 Alde near Sixth; as. neivate li eenne. BOn. - - r i. : ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES.' NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Company, 84 BeventB St., rortisad. O. K. ror everythlaa la tbs electrical Ilea. Pboas Mala PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. Engineers, csntrac tors, repalrera, electric wiring, supplies, 84 First cor.' Stark. Mala 8n8. R. H. Tata, mgr. FURNACES. B0TNT0N warm-sir furnaces save fssL' T. 0. Bayer Furnace Co., ga Beeoua. Mala 481, FURNITURE FACTORIES. - OREGON Faraltur Meaof setaring -Ceenpeee-. Manufacturers si xuraitars xor. xas trase. ' Portlaad. Or. . ' FTRNITURB Bannfacturinjr sad special orders. L. Ruveuatys fnraltnrs fartory. 870 Front st - FRENCH BAKERIES. THE paly piece la Portland to get French preed. Parr see at Msrue, eor . guxta st Delly delivery. Phone Oreea Boa, FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRS ft IRON WOBR8 868 ylsnders St., cor. Bd. Phone Mala pxai. GASOLINE ENGINES. AT cloemg-ent prtcss, several scrapie gasoline sngines, menne - sna eiaiionaryi wrire ise - prtcss. axsMTSsa Mscuosry ve rem msnwsea .'i.iIuj 1 1 1 GROCERS. WADHAM8 A CO., wholesale grocers, mans, facturers and ceaalsstva vsrebsauv Fourth and Oak lis, . . ALLEN A LEWIS, eommlesloa and produce v etiiBra.-FT)n(1tng Davla pts.: "Portland. tn HARDWARE. Portland Bardwers Oa. solMts opportunity to quoie pneee. in let at. .cor. Amer. Mam ism. HOTELS. HjOTEIJoa4eaaerABtawtcatt plan; par day. BELVEDERE; Europssa plan; 4tb and Alder ata. THB BROWN Grand and Hawthorns svss. HAY AND GRAIN. . O. COOPER A Ca Potatoes, feed - Sour. 128 L'ntesi in. Phone Best 1617. INSURANCE. ISA AO la warn. Bra lmsuraaoa. BOA Dekus IJAS. Mcf. WOOD. erapVe, era liability and In-TdlvldssTTleclflenr-aurety-nonds of alT kUda. aroeais-st.. . an aexir i B. F. BABTELS COMPANY Firs Ineursnce. 448 Sherlock bldg. Oregoa Phone Mala 8418. LOCKSMITH. jm;" RICHARDSON, Joetemltt aad rspaartag. B8T Burnelde, Pactoe 1068, - MUSICAL. I. A? rVEBL0, vimig-matW 688 rapdllirTWuiT nret -class, aa uuasei Biog.. sta aad Momeoe. BMIL 'TBIELHORN, pupil sf Bvelk, vtolra teaeher. Studio 1M Blitk. Tsl. Id sis 868. TODEB'S PIANO STUDIO, 5M E. Couch Half rates ror closing term, rnooe aiaat ojos. ., LESSONS SOet plans, guitar, banjo, mandolin, .violin: Instruments for sale. 241)4 First st. oor Main. Mrs. Marriu. MACHINERY. Ml U. II ALBBg W-MctatTBanri ' aawmllla, ats. B4S Grand a vs. BIPPBLX At MYERS, mschlnlata and ales. trlslsesi eleetrte elevstors, alectrbral macbln, cry sad aeeailos snglnee a v.asnsutv- xcm Oak at. Pbooa Mala 1820. , . CENTENNIAL IRON 8TEBL WORKS, nf rins aad stationary gasoline engine sxpsrts; sll kinds machinery repaired. 388 Ollaaa st BOAT engines, ga online, Sheffield marine; any speoa; Best maae; rigot price; u eioca; en exhibition; running In sslesroom. Call First and BUrk sts. Fairbanks. Moras Co. MONEY TO LOAN- . ' Y0DB FRIENDS CAN TELL 100 - That wo treat netrona fair and liberally tnd If yon went money you can get It 410 to eiuw oa yoar. salary wnnoui oeiay auhllcltv. - I Ws alTtjyou. tbs cash, an you aak for, a ons lump, snd tbs small amount , required each pay day to pay off the loan will scarcely ba Botlcad. " If la need of mousy do not hesitate to call for a confidential tslk; ws asks no em barrassing inquiries; require no Indoreer or . reiereucs to rnenoni treat yoa uourMoweiy whether von hnrmw em not. It will nev MB to eel the sisnsv von need from ua on the payment pUn; It coats pan less in gets rou.ouL or tleut, . Open Wednesday snd Saturday aat! - RtrrrnN rarntr nn BIS (fifth floor) Dekuta Bldg.. Corner Third . ana Washington streets. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLB And others upon their own names without security: cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices la 63 principal cities; ssvs yourself wiper pv geiiing our icrma nrax, T0LKAN, 228 Ablagtoa bldg., 10Ve Third st - HEADQUARTERS FOB BALABY LOANS. 828-8 Mohawk bldg., cog. Morrison sod Third, . Lsdles ar Gentlemen. No PubUctty. If yoa borrow IK yoa pay bach 81.86 a week. If yoa borrow 826, yoa pay bark 81.66 a week. If yoa borrow tso yoa pay back It 00 a week. I If yt barrow 88 yoa pay back 62.88 a week, r yoa borrow (no you pay pack 18.00 a week, 'aymsata snspsndsd la esse of alckassa. Strictly Salary Loane. THB CRESCENT LOAN CO. ' 8-8 Mohawk bldg., sor. Morrlaoa sad Third. BONBY TtV LOAN Oa fm proved city property or for building purposes for froa 8 to 16 yesra tleis, with prfvtlegs to repey sll or Dart at loea after two years. Loans approved froa plans sad Bjoaay advsneed as building progrsaaea; - anortragse Uk FRED H. STRONG. FlnaneUl Agsas, S42 Surb st ' '" 1 rTHE STAR LOAN CO. Asy Salaried employs, wsga-earner, aaa get WM., wiuosi npnrrasss Month. H Month. Wees Monin. va eioniu. new. ay to ua 818.88 or 68 88 or 68.88 ay to bs I 6.86 or 8S 86 sr 81.86 MF to bs 4 no or 12.00 ee $1.08 818.00 Repay 210 McKay bldg, MONEY to loea oa real, personal and eoHarsrsI -security; apodal attentloa to chattel mort- 'gee; . notes bought. 0. W. Pallet 804 6 FcBtoa bldg.. 84 Sixth at HIGHLY respect a bis place where ladles sni El cs s hormw money on dlsmonds snd try. Collsteral Lnaa Bank. B68 Wash- - St Phono Block - 71. If ON BY to loan on Clsrksmaa county lands. e east s, ax. auiey, sua unoea ee LO WEST rates on furntrure and pU nee. East ara Loos Co., 448 Sherlock bldg. Clay 828. TO LOAN Sums to suit- en chattel security. . A. rreme, 614 the Meroual PRIVATE money for private loans sa realty, B sad t par sent V 20. Joornst MONEY TO LOAN on all kinds of. security. William Roll, room a Waahlngton building. COLUMBIA LIFE ft TRUST CO., Sixth Boor Concord bids.. 2nd and Start sta. Money to loan on city property. CONFIDENTIAL loans on sslsries, Insnraace policies, pianoa, rurmtnrs, wsrenouos re eelrta, etc; any deserving r son may eeenre a liberal advance, repaying by sssy wseklj or monthly installments. NEW ERA LOAN ft TRUST COMPANY, . , 206 Ahlngton bldg. WILL LOAN 88,000 or lea, 6 per rent, reel relate security. Partington, 818 member ot Commerce. . - MAGNETIC "HEALING OR. L. H. HART treats alt dlaeaaes, stnmsrh tmuhls, nervmsiaeea and fnnctual weskssss. 188 Seventk st Phoos Mala 4178. OSTEOPATHS. DRS. ADIX ft NORTHRUP. 416-18-17 Dekua bldg.. Third snd wssbingtoa ats, raoas Mala 848. Examinations fres. DRS. OTIS ft MABEL ARIN,- 408-4 Msclssy bldg. Phono Clsy ITS. . Bea, tns tlill, . 111-. . .vals asehaags TBI very beet lady osteons th In tows. Dr. L. o. Jobnaoa. suits is. neiiing-nuraca Biag. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. P. . BEACH ft CO. The Ffsjneer Paint Oe t wtndow-glaa . aad glaalpg. iss aim st. Phoas 1884. ERNEST MILLER ft CO., Second asd Taylor Wall paper, pslat, all at saarBea pncee; srss delivery. PLUMBERS. DONN1RBBIIG ft RADEMACHSR. ssrdtsry pmabers. 64 Fsortb st Both FOX ft CO., ssnltsry ptamtsera, 881 Becoad, bet. Msi a aaa aim an. ursgoa moas stsus swi, FINNBGAN BROS, ft CO, 48 Third st. Phoas alsla 2900, Plumbers aaa assunf sag laaara. t.,'-r .J 11 1 ,, . PATENT Lawyers. B. 0. WRiOHT. 4 iBfrtageaient cae nsatle aud foretga pa tests; e4 Uvsum. JRINTIN0. ANDERSON DUNIWAY COMPANY, prtntlna, lithographing, blank books. Phone Mala 17. 208 Alder at WELCH. DAVIS A CARBON Prlnttaa that Pare the payer. Rooms 80S and 804 8 teams sins., mala snd Murrlaon, rnone Main 414? PHYSICAL" CULTURE? PROF. RINOLER'S School at Physical Cultare. all branches. 808 Aider st.. soar Sixth. PHOTOGRAPHS, CLOSING aU aftViUl -paAaographle views at exuoaiiioa, souvenir . poatcsroe. ' view nooaa. etc., greatly reduced prices. Exposition ItT"aTflsfefiyTJr ratr- ROOFINO. TIN ROOFINO, tfuttsriag, repairing and geaaral Jobbing. 1. Loall, 11 J Jefferson st ' jROTBRTAMM P. C. STAMP WORKS. 248 Alder st. phono Mala , 710; rubber aUmpa, seals, stencils, baggage, trade checks; send tor estsloguo Ne. 86. SAFES. DIEB0LD Leads egslnst Firs end Burglar. Thin am oaiee aareiiaoiej r,te-(w ss nvrirr Jacks Agency. -. Metal Fixtures. Lockouts opened, safes repaired. Pbooa Mala ItKU. John E. Davie, 68 Third St. THB only genuine Hell's safe the Herrtng- Tfh8f., neafBfark. STORAGE. W B have stnrsgs apace for furnltms, pianos, etc., st lowest rates; eatlmates fres. It you bars any furniture we are buyers. Call up John Oka, Time Auction A Slur age eom peny. Main 807. 8TREET PA VINO. WARREN Cons true tins Co., street psvlng, slds. SHOWCASES " AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of every deecriptlou; bank, bar -and stars art area made to order. The LuUs Manufacturing Co., Portland. SECOND-HAND GOODS. OOODB'S Furnltars House Highest prices paid for second hsad furBltara. S16 Bssoad at Phone pacins 48S. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. KARLSON ft CO., Ankeny aad Eighth ats., phone Paelflc TPS Makers ef surgical la - StrumeaU and deformltv ahnllancaei rannra. snivsn snq scissors snsrpenea to perrectioa. SIGN PAINTERS. SOLD SIGNS. vrinAViWs lettering, ctnth ha economical electric signs snd signs OBBrBlfl'aS, if all kinds msds quickly. . Foster ft Flelser. Flftt Bud Everett Phone Exchange 66. SCALP TREATMENT, 'aiaisjsttsacaeft: GRAY, fairing hair, dandruff tree ted: sbsnrhoo. Ing, msnlmrlng, chlrspody, fees work. Mrs. b. r. nyae. irnj rourta. sor. Morrtaom. Koom us. rnone paciac sno. - TYPEWRITERS. NEW typawrltera, all makes, rented, sold snd repaired Coeat Agency. 231 Stark. Tel. 1407. TELEPHONES. TBS only exclusive telephone) house. . B.-B. Electric ft Telephoas MsnafsctuiiaA ssss - psey, 2 Bifth st - 1 -TRANSFER AND HAULING. SAFES, plsass' sad furniture moved, packed ready for ahlpplng and shipped; sll work gusrsnteed; lsrga, 8-story brick, flre-preof - wsreneoee for storsge. Office- 128 Fires st. a U. Olesnv Phone Mala 647. THB BAGGAOB ft OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO., cor. Blxth aad Oak sts. I baggage cheeked xroB sotsi or reeiaeaco oirsst to aeetlsanoa; ntherefore avoid rush and aaaay aaco at depots. PrlvsU Exchasrs 88; Ce-4;-PltrTrof fics 88 First st, betwssa Stark ana uaa aa., pnone ova; plsnos snd ruruiture Bovod and packed tor ahlpptng; eomaodleus brick warehouss with, ssparaU Iroa rooms. Front and Clay sts. ' OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 184 North Sixth. rnoas Mala en. Heavy healing aad storsge. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY Na. BOOM Wash ins-sow -ax. i Done msib sua. 0. W. LINEN ft RRO.r 284-2 at. rnrnltora npsirina. ruriniantng, pacaing aao anipping. IF yoa are going to move, ring up Main 241, i nmn -irsneier ijo. ; prompt sna reitaow furniture movera. 12At4 North Sixth. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brush, soap. Si per xooata. Portland ..sundry aad Towel npply Co.. Ninth and Couch. Phone 410. -t UNDERWEAR. BOCKWQQTVS all-wonl knit underwear la sesr. nstursi gray, camel hair and white, mads from purs unadultereted stocks, la the beet; aak your dealers for It: wea awarded tbs gold medal Lewie and Clark exposition. .FINANCIAL ' ( UEITXD STATES NATIONAL BANK J OF PORTLAND, 0RXOON KOXTKWEBT 00R. THIRD AND OAK STS. .rvftuaaets a oenersi Banking Bustassa. . ,'nerm Available In All Cities f the United Btstss aeu auTODs, nongBoeig ssd MaaiB. - eOttEPTIONB MADE OX i AVORABI.E TERMS. r-reeio-ni e.... ....... 7. O. A1M1WORTH Vlce-Preeldent. W. B. AVER Vlce-Pvealdent lira nsnvra Cashier..... R. W. SCHMEER aesisrsnr CvsriTer, ',-,",, A. ' M.-WRIGHT Assists nt Ceebler. W. A. HOLT TBI BANK OF CALIFORNIA. .1 (Established 1884.1 Head Offlce, Ban Fraarlacs, Pat. ' Capital paid Bp ...84 fsvt.8nn.n8 Surplus sad andlvldod pn6ts....,ta.TT0.148.U 'A General Basking and Exrhangs Business . Trsnsected. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest paid on time depnalta. - Accounts onened foe soma of 810 and apwsrd. Portland Rrsawek rhssahee ef Cesssseeee bnlldlne?,- -' . WM. A. Hirtlt - Mens see 1. T. BURTCHAELL. Assistant Maaaga SEOTTRmr SAVTNOS ft TRUST 0OMPATTi-i 888 Merrissa St.. Portland. Ores so. Transacts a General Banking Bnslaasa, iriini nxaiiTscXT. Interest Allowed en Time snd Sevlngs Bwpselta. Acta aa Trsetee for Eststes. prafta sad Letters of Credit Available la All Parte ef Ik. WaeM. C. F. ADAMS...;.,,, .....Prealdem) L, A. LEWIS.,.,..,.,..., rtret Vlce-Preeldent A. L. MILLS ....Becoad Vice-President R. 0. JUBITR , Secretary CEO. F. BUSS ELL Assistant BeereUry MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK. PORTLAND. 0RIO0N. I. FRANK WMON President K. U IM'KIIA'M. TICS-President R. W. HOYT. Ceehler GEORGE W. HOYT...., Aesl.tsnt Cssbtet Treauaets a eaaral Bsnking Buainssa. Drafts and Letters ef Credit leaned Arailsbl ts All Parts or tbs World. - tuuveueos a aveciaiiy. " 7,7. "1.7 'I ' rj:Z' I V-we--.--v.-,--.vsk - . " ' 1 :v v -nurn uu i-m-ri-nrft FINANCIAL LUST RATIONAL BARTf i f . - OF P0RTLAJID, 0REOOK, -w. -t-aalgaatad Depositevy asd s toaacUl' Ages! f . ; tbs Lulled States, j ... Cashier , J. W. NEWKIRa Aeslsisnt Cashier W. C AI.VOBD feeood- Aeetetent Cashier B. F," STEVENS Lsttera-8 Credit leased Available la Europe . and the Beetern Steles, "lghr. Exchange and Telegraphic Trans fees sold. on New Yorb. Rcetoa. Chlcego, St Loots. : .p'. Omaha. Ban Francises . sad tbs prlnripal points In the Northwest -" Bight aad time bills draws in en ma to entt Ji London. Peris. Rerlie, Frank fort-os-the Ml". Ilongkonr. Yokohema. Coeenbagea. Cbrtsrlanle. Bimklndiu. Bt. rsfsislessgi Msa ' nnnnisis. voueoiioaB Made aa Favorsbis Tsrrea. LDP s TIL TON. BARKERS. - (EaUhllahad be 188.1 Traneaot a General Baaklag Buaraaea. ftPMllu,l - , - ... . . , . . . w ui.u. sc sii nninis on rsvorsniv rtartnar- lrrers- or sredlf-.lseued' sa''ibte 1aT "jT" to sii points In the United tstes. 0,, an New York. Waablngtoa. Chicago, St. Laeala. - Desver. Omaha. Sea Fraactseo and Montana and British Colnmbla.,' Exchsnge sold on Loados.. Parla, rJsrlla. Frankfort Hongkong. T ok oh s ma. Manila and Boaolals. j . . : . . pORTLAJTO TRUST COMPANY OF OREOOB. - vee, avvani' uempsny ra ore, . ' MESUURCKS OVER 11.400.000. Wrnsrsl bsntlBg. EfChanae n sn narta f the world. Barings accounts, Time coat In cstca, to 4 per cent: short-call special cert 1 8 "tea. 8500 or over, 8 U to 4 per cent. - -i Cell for hneb at iti i.tieixH irinss . Boutbcsst Corner Third snd Osk sta. . . Phone Private Excbsngs 72. , BENJ. I. COHEN ....".....President B.- L. PITTOCK . y y . . . Viae-Preelde.l J. LEE PA0ET..;. Secretary I. 0, OOLTnA . AaalaUnt Becratarl T-JsXJtORItJAwR OtJABANTEB si TRUST COMPART BANK. Stocks, Ron da snd Mortgages Bought asd Bold. latereet Paid oo Tims Deposits CupitaL... ...8inn.ono.06 0. W, Wsterbnry... President C. ; W. Mlllr.,,........OT,Vlcs-Preeldeat U R. Clement...'. Secretsry -Eiks'Iemple. eveetk sod 8 talk Btrsetv . - Psoas Msta 164. M ORRIS BROS. 181 First St, Portland. Or. Off sr OIH-Rdgo Inveetmrnta la Municipal and -Rstrrosd-rWuds: WrtTtTir Can. COLUMBIA Oss Engine Safe Worka Time. lock experts: fire snd burglar-proof ssfss -opened sad repaired. Phono-Pacific 678.- MORTGAGE LOANS 0a PortUnd Beat JEsUts st Xeweet Bates, Titles Inaaxed. Asatrants Faraleked. 1 TITLE OUARAlfTtE TKTBT' 00. " MS WaahlaaTtoa St.. Oor. Tba Baker is knows far and wlds ss tbs Boat popular burlesque tbestrs la the- west s Imperials. . which are tbs attraction id is week, ere strong throughout. "Tbs romeduna-t ara all clever sad gst a great deal out at xbs laughable farce. "An Eys-Oosnsr." - -Tomorrow sflsrnooa tbs regular bargain day matlusa wM bs gives, and this wssk there will also bs a performaocs Saturday night at tba Baker. Murray snd Mack st the Empire. Parked audiences tsst tbs capacity of tbs Emplrs this week to ssa Murray snd, Msrk, tbs tws sur Irish comsdlans. sod their troupe of Pretty girls In tbs screaming fares, "Around tbs Town." Murray-Tina Mack will be at lbs Emplrs all wssk, with a matinee Saturday, "Little Johnny Jones" Sale Tomorrow Ons st ths biggest succosse svvt accorded a musics! plsy In America baa been scored br "Uttlo Johnny Jonas," snd Manager HeUlg't snaonacsmsat that the plsy would coma to tha Marquaa Grand for three performances, Frldsy snd Saturday alghu tnd ; Saturday matinee, March 6 sad 10. Is balled with pleasure. It Is notdlfflcuit to find ,6 reason fog. the Tu8a ef "Little Johnny Jonas" It baa all tbs cle asnU of a first -class atelodrama, fares and musical eoaady, together with a coherent story which includes a bit of lovs Interest, s through It sll Mr. Cohaa baa deftly and mas terfnllv woven a musical theme of sliming swsstnsss snd melodic charm. Tbs sdvancs ssls of seats will open tomorrow (Wsdassday) morning at 10 o'clock.- . . Gilmore fa "Captain Debonnalre. . Paul Gilmore has returned te his early love. This gifted and- handsome young star, whose successes in ths ' drawing room pUys. . "Tha Mummy and the-Bumming Bird" and 'The Tyranny of Tsars,"-are fresh In the memory ef alagoera, la again a romantic comedy. Hs will sppesr st the Merqnam Grand theatre next Monday snd Tuesday nights, March 19 and 18, In the spectacular comedy romsnes, "Cupula Dsbonnslrs." t VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. "A .Woman's Oath" From a dramatic standpoint the attraetloa at the Lyric this wssk is sna of the strongest ever produced st tns popular Uttlo Seventh street bare bees assigned a part that to particularly aulted to ble or her capabilities. "A Woman's Oath" Is a strong melodrama ha four acta, and contains much heart Interest snd a generous supply of comedy. The Lyrleenpe with new motion pictures sad Jos Thompson with pictured ballads entertain between tbs acta. Matinee every day at 2:80 e'elock. Two pertormancee every evening at T:8Q aad o'clock. . ; Quintet at Star. ; ' ClngeThs immsivaTicipvilsrlry of ths BawslUa quintet, toe management has retained these melody-makers for soother week at tbs Star. This Is positively tbs last wsek they will sppesr. Phillips and Ellsworth have a refined sketch. Whits snd Aapton are enow dlana that will mate yea leugb. Mies Mildred Manning, oomedlenae, slags snd nils ernes tog stories. - - Grand's Ne-vr Policy. - la eatabllahlag Ita new policy the Grand Is determined to grre Portland ths heel of vaude ville. Tbeflret of. the p marram under tbs ae systea wss given yesterday, snd It Tama ap to ths odvertleemente snd ths sxpeetstlona. Al though It to a greet bill, ths management ds cleree that bigger and better shows wlU he gives with sseh succeeding week. Fields ami Hsnson are the feature and they deserve tbs honor, for a better tram of really funny come dians is seldom seen here, I .nla Stanton ns bag complete mastery over the violin. A bank mar bo established in Central Point - - ' . ..: ; ." , i . ,,. ' ' I Sophl a Charlotte of Olden bury;, who has e:: just become the bride of Prince .1 IV ' . " - At the Bskerr- UlCll li II 1 11.11111 czrni ono Li:: Oil Kin jr Offered td Co to ih Resell of Count Witt by . :.-k.y: Vr,' i ' ' 'i ' TVVO HUNDRED MILLION V HPOR-ROAD CONCESSIONS Emporor Refuses ; Proposition and r Russia Is Face to Face With Finaiw cial and Political Criai--Cabinv; -r Maf Rtrattra. TT6TiarBneilalTsVleo.tT : f BtrPetorsburr, idarch t.-i It ta BtRt4 t-. ': that tlis caar has ordsrad discontinued tha concssaions plannsd to bo given tha ' Rockefeller Byndlrf ta for $100,000,000. ... JohnD.. Rockef tiler of ferad to- ajo ti. Premier - Wltte'B .rescoie to prevent a ' "'as'naBSH'jtBa dj Jsgiaiiii Mai ' r sertton comes Irom an. eminent atatsa- man, who. In speaking of Russia's finajt. clal crisis,. ssys: :-......,:.; j-. .vj ', ' 'Unlegg Count Witts get tnonew im- ' " : mediately a cabinet And flnanctal crisis will be Imminent. The treasury la de pleted and unable to meet current ex penses, and all efforts to obtain a ka -bava been futila. .. "RuasU must have 1206,800,60 to Bat tle tha -Mendelseohn and other press ing Accounts. Count Wltte wanted to Intsreiai leani but tha mere rumor that he had it in mind caused tha price Of former similar Issues to tum ble. Thereupon Rockefeller and a apn--! dlcate offered 1200.000,000 for a con cession for railroads - and a arrant of land on-otv sldea of - tha- prMPelTa Hnea." -, . ... - . . Today however, the syndicate's repre Bentatlve here was notified that by tha eiar's command tha concession had been withdrawn., -"- :-'-7 1 8-ifEARS-OF IIT1SAT1G.I- Estate of Hugh Li Brown of Unn - County Now Ready Jor - i , . ' Distribution. " (SpscUI Dlapatch la The Jevrrmai.) eUbanxt, Or., March . Tha will f Hugh Is, Brown, which was filed for : probata February 3, 1888, has bean finally disposed of by the probata oourt of Linn county. Tha aetata baa been la process of settlement for more than... 18 years, during which tlma one ot tba executors,- John Brown, eon of HurIV Brown, has died, The total value of tha aetata aa appralaad March t, 1118, was 11.(63, but tha realty and personal property sold for $20,171. After paying all clalma And axpeoaea ot adminlatra- ' tlon there remains for -dlatrlbutloa-amons the heirs 16.510. , " Under tha tarma of " tKa " wTlK""Jorii Brown, a son, waa named an executor, being also a legatee. Tha entire aetata was bequeathed to tha children, ehare and share alike. The will further pro vided that In the j vent of hla wife out living htm tha property of tha eatato waa to be held In trust for her to be ao inveated aa to bring; an Income for bar maintenance during; her life. . Septem ber 17, Ittt, John Brown, executor and ' aon, . died. Hla mother survived him. Tha question now arise aa-to whether John Brown aver came Into a share In the eatata and - whether - or not the creditors of John Brown have any, claim OB Tim sharer- County Judge C. H. Stewart, judge of the probate court, has concluded that John Brown came Into hla portion of tha estate and that It was- merely being held in trust during tha Ufa of his mother before be came Into tha actual possession : ot lt, L Accordingly tbjb -creditors of tba aald John Brown have a claim on hla aetata for tba amounts dua -them. ' " ." " '"" MANY: VOTERS IDEA OF PRIMARY LAW A' Numerous Unn Electors Object rr to Giving" Party Affiliations -: When Registering. - (Spsclsl Dispatch te The Journal.) Albany -Or., March 8. Tha voters eC Linn Beamingly entertain an erroneous ' : Impression In regard to tha operation of tha direct " primary election law. Many-voters) -Of - the county object to " stating their political afflllation, and conaoQuantly ara regiatering- aa tnde- pendent In politics. They do not under stand that tbla will Keep tnera irom vot ing In tha primary nominating election. Many absolutely refuse to state their ' , politics. " On explaining to them ' the actual ; facts, many change their first declare tlon. so aa to be able to vote in tha pri mary election, although they declare - that In tha June election they, will vote for the man regardless of political af flllation. Some voters ara laboring an- " der tha delusion that they must vote the way they register, and soma papers - ara endeavoring ta uphold thla fallacy merely for political advantage, ... - The preaent registration of Linn Is about too. Nearly one half of tha electors of the county ..ara now on tha . books, and by- April-18-the books will .Z.,r see the voters of Linn fully registered. . UMATILLA AND BAKER - MEN FILE PETITIONS (ftptKtat eDtaVpfltcl. Tlx rni! ) Iala aTia llasulk at T thj Uapi A K7sn iTjg us vl -e eratswe. is v. -eye aw. w Baker City today filed hla petition aab mg lO pr ntrmitisiea vn joinm smaorr on the Republican ticket from Malheur. Va.kAft, e UeeviAv tie Selraei VtleNlsa nrimhoe one. nravldevt the candidate be A Republican. 1 "T"' " " " 1L J. Bean or penciietor. nioa nie 1 . Iln n. eileontt tlldsra Of the Sixth dis trict on the Republican ticket. - Seorge Broaaoga Dead. , (Asocial Dlspstrh te TTas Jesrsal l v i . , t -- Bronaugh, one of the plope-re ft r gon. died at ma n in urday of conu ' Kentucky ab"t .i. J and teameter " t sensational s- 1 I Idaho years e and made r " li- v-s ' i