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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1906)
THE OREQON ."DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUL2DA"4 EVENIKG, MARCH 6, IZZZ A raf Entered (t tha pas toffies at Portlaed, Oragea. for trsn-portauen UMk the Basils as Bassod, CZZll bdnkadai Far aa a. low 11- C,. p. per, 1 not; 1 to 8u sagas. 1 Beau; 10 44 pages. I oaats. Editorial niw.... J50 Business IMIkw .......isam ave rOKXIOV ADVERTIJUBw BlBleMTATTTX Vrcvlaod-BealsBila orei.l tTi l&o h asses street. New Xerhi Trtouaa JtoUa- - - imcunioi iiav- ,. - i Iiiu by Carrier. . Ths Dsliy Journal. 1 yeer ;.": ! VS In Dally Journal, with KmV, Bsoaths. 5.7 bs Daily J.!. amihs.... f 1M Daily Journal, wlta BuodsJ. gsoatha. 1 lbs Dslly journal. cwntbs .,......vs-" lbs Dally Jearaai, wlta tMiaday, 1 ne Daily, per wmL delivered. Baaaay la. ......Am .....aee.a-a . . She limUjCiaT Van. AeUvarad, -.H asptsd ...... Tha Dally Journal, with Buaday, I yaar...-T 0 Tbs Dslly Journal. 1 year. ........ . lb Dally Jouraal, with auBday. asoulba. 5.J lae Dally Journal. moatae..,.. J la hmlii JogruJ. wlta auadaz. .Maths. W Tbs Dslly Jourasl. meatto... ? lb. pally Journal, with KasAsy. I lbs Sunday Journal, 1 year fT Ihe Sunday Journal, avoause.. . The sVsml-WsslLlf' Jaoraai. Ehe Bead-Weakly joia. s t each Issue, Llustrsted, full market - .1.10 part, 1 year fci Sr. ft- BMtai eies. esprees co.ra aaa aai.ll " yJtWu - r "raff V. O. o Ul. PrOaaa. OK lb. Joaraal oaa a. Isaa a aaia at Ua HoiattTlCaHO-H. .11ar 01 W. Ma Iutjrr; Area Cuaalnsbaa ruii'Ak MnatftfftM km aaaipaal. IT iwai ateesina Bara lml i . .- . !ICNVaVBaraaWw Braa VUon mbk altalBd. ILANHaJk fail AaMtlcaa Hrr - at Demapap Brafoa. LOS ANUKUta B. & . B ir,"l Aba Brl, aWBiapar wagua. MINN8APOL1B iL J.aABaaaasV-M - leBa Third BtrBBt. . , . ' VOHM. CTTT BraataaB't, Calna BqoarBi Arthur MotallBf. BrBpaBe " CMllil allUu-a Botal aB Btaadi Mafaata Statkmary cosapsay, lu Tarauat atraU SALT IJLllIfcixi Kbbjwb Hotal B.TlRInlT - Barrow Brsa.. at Wsst aaeoad atraBt, waUt Hr. lnm. aamiwiKt -wruu- SAN DIBOO B. B. Aiaoa, aawapapar wagoa. BAN FBANCISOO W. Anting, ttlar. Bm tinldBmlth Broa.. 23 Battw atiot aad St. FraaeU -aotsl; raatar Oraar, rarry aaUd - - loa; H. ktatl.y. aawapapac WBgoa, Maraa sod Ksaracy. BCATTLaV-Binl Orand acwa Btaadi A. B. McBrwa. Bot.l Bsattlo 'Bawa Btaad. T. LOUIS Phillip KorW. 1 Lacaat atrMt) ", B. T. Jatt, B0 OUbb atnati ttaarga U j " Arfcmaaa. " ;. - . POK ANB loha "WT OrafcaBi W TACOMA Caatnl Kswa eompaoy. Bol Ta. nai aowa ataadi Acsm Main aampaay, BBwapapat wagoa. . YICTOklA. B. O. TletorU Book BUtioa- -ary WEATHER REPORT. ; f A blra Braaaara araa af fsaaldanbla atranitk 'la tantnl orur- aootbarn Idaho, and ffamllr fair waatbar, with mild tarn para taraa, praTalkj ' ta tbta dlatrlrt. Tba Nra M.itoe dlaturbaiHa- kaa bok4 anatbsaat. and tba prelpltauoa ra snnmg uarerroa . nil principally iBiaa, - itklanoma. Kanaas. Nabraaka and aaatara Dokv , rado. A dlBtnrhanca la advaactng aaatward avr aartbrra Brltlah Colnmbla. too far north, bowbw, to Infltmea tha waatbar la thla dla trlrt. Tha anatara high prasBora araa w now aaatral aaar Naw England and tba waatbar BTrywafTB aaat of tba Mlaalsalppi rlvar to fair, with tamnmtarea aaaarally halow aormaL ' : Tha tDdkstkma ara fnr fair waatbar la 4bla . dlatrlrt tonlaht and Wadnaadar. with llaht fmat In tb Intarlor of waatara Orrgoa and araatara w aahinirtoa. Obaarratlona latn at a. m., Padfle tlaja: . , Tamp, HutlMiB . Max.. JMIa. fraclB, Bakrr Ctty.-OrrgnB.. 44 8 - - M Bnataa. ilamarhoattta - " . Chiracs, Illlnol M SO . J firaw Colorado. M ' M .14 Kanaas City, Mlaannri. .... M . ' & .29 loa Antra laa, California. ..r M . 40 ' -Haw Orlraaa. Lontalana.... 4 ' N - .0 Naw York. Naw York...... 4J . Jt Pnrtlind. Oragno. ...... .... M " 40 , i"" -nl tloarharg, Oragon. . ........ -4a 40 - '.0 nt. IxmlM. Mlaaourl.. ....... M , x W V .0 .Halt lka. tub. , . 20 , T. Pan fra, Callfarala,,. M .:. .. BO . ' . Ppokana, Waahlngtoa. ...... 40 M T." " Taraxna. Waahlngtoa. .". ,.,, M o0' T. Walla WalU Wa.bJngtaa... M -40 T. ? Waabtairtoo. I. (l....,.,f,r-r- tr ., Wadding Car.. W. ft. Bmttn' Co., rTssh logtoa bldg- cor. ranrth a ad Waahlngtoa ata. - Mlaa Bartka Martin rosas all Allsky bid. 4 Plumping and fin. aaadlaworkt Isaaoas gtvaa. 'BIRTHS. jnK Murr 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Chsrlas 0. r-t:20 Ifontaw-Btraatf amy"-1-" ' GARRISON Tabroary - ta Mr. and" Mrs. . rrsnk O. Garrison, 411 Bast Ninth' straat; ' a dsagbtar. 'i HILT Vlarck 4. to Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Bolt, of Ints; two boys. BrRltmACB March t, to Mr and Mrs. rVank fVrrrlhara. aa Bt. Halaas road; a daughter. MOOriBTH Marrb S. to Mr. and Mrs. fred Moaarth, 720 Bonaavalt straat; a ana. , MELTON March 4. ta Mr. and Mrs. Edward M.lion. af thla rJty; soa. RANBRN March 4. to Mr. and Mr. H.nry M. Hansaa, 44T North Twsaty-tlUrd straat; ROBBBRTTrtll Msrr . to Mr. aad Mrs'. Karl BolibartstalB, 085 rirst straat; a aaagh- "Hnf KVSlV.rcsnr'lo"'Mrr sd Hfi." 'BBBfaa "" nteesl. 005 East BrrentB street, aorta; a dsntrtiter. " ' ' ' flMPHON Marrh C. to Mr. aad Mrs. Bobert Almpenn. 707 Tlllamnok etreetl a soa. i t CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. 1 YIALMarrk I. Loo las 0. YU1, 500 Bast Mala atreet, Bjeaslea. ... BARRETT Marc . Mary Barrett, 4)45 Sev enth street, dlplifhsrls. 4 WI1,I,IAM March , Pearl Williams, 505 Hal . aey atreet, typhoid ferer. DEATHS. WERT rehrnsry W, rtella M. Waat, aged 98 years, st Hillsdale, Oregon; ranaa, taharcala sla. Burial st Hood Hirer, Oregon. , - HAMRE March t. Tonnes P. Hamre. aged 22 yesra, earner .East Rlxteentb and Oolng streets: ranaa, tuberculoala. Burial at Lose yir cemetery. sUNDBERii Marrh ' 1 Richard K. Rsndherg. seed 28 yesra. ftM North- Twentieth street; - rsnaa, tnberrnlsr BtenlnglUawBnrlal at Btrar lew eeaietery, , - CARTER Msrrk 1. Edwta Csrter. seed " I ' --, - eareitha. at Bart hotel; eanae. sect tier, (ai gotta: , ration. Bnrlal st lyona Fir cemetery. CARTER Merrh 4. Edward B. M. Carter, aged M Tara. 847 Market street;, eaeee. cinrer. BnrlaJ st Orsenwond eetnetery. M" A R Marrh . Thomas T. W, Moar." aged 72 years, st Good Ramarlt.n noanltal: csaea, heart dteeeee, Bnrlal at Helliraok, Oregon, UNDERTAKERS. , Edward Tlolmsn Co.. 'the lesdlng fanersl s. dlrejrtoreyi ba the Onest eettbll.hment. the . .finest goods, the nnest vehicles and tba most reewMishlr Briers. Pine hrne Or loth -eor.rrd " ea.keta. W8 and 50. Tna Ooct wood gnoda da. from Sit to 120. Parlors 220 sad -:-rs - Third - atieat, twrnat slssna, fertUad, fHegwa. . 1. P. rialey Bna. fBneeal dlreaasea and ewfcelmia. enrner. Third aad Madleoa atrsata. Office af Beauty cotobot. Telepheae Mala ft. rtaawtag, M'letee a Ollheagh. wadertskeia aed ewoehawee: asiKwta is eesry oetsll. Saeantfe ad hM. . Mala 430. Lady asalatsat, ... . A. m W. nan ark. aadertaker aad ambalBMr. v pee Thirteenth aad LmaUUa are. Phone . BIT r Tl JWCEMXT IBY. wle'eraee. gia. PemHy bta tTI to 51. 000. aw -'r o,Biry la Pwrtlssd which per uemf atetofaiea and earea for lots. Par fell (.erwrv att-ly to W. ' B. Maekeaate, War- eM BWwrb. rtt. W. Bl Lsdd. peasldeat. SB atarrlasB stisafc. ; iarlta yoa ta atwa a Barlari aMiit Kb B. . Blla at oars. ' Your aaTlnaa will BB aaia. noioing is falBM By dBlay. iBlaraat aim.Ja-AlloBB4 -paa -aa-a--aB w prr anauB aa Bartnga atcoants and t to 4 prrttn VT aananr b tla and Ppaetat terttB catas ut dcpoalt by tba - 'Oldest Trust Company la . ., it. In Business Nearly 4 9-Years Resmircesrer $ 1,500, ; Pcrtlansl Trust Ccnipany cf-0regGn- B. ar. Id and Oak a. rbosB Bl. 71 ftXIi. OOH BM . .i . . . r. . . Praaldcat M. L. PITTIK'K,, V1cITmI1 H T.ITV t 1 1 ' L' t . . J. 0. UOLTKA...........,,.AMlaUit bacratary FUNERAL NOTICES. CARTE a In thl eliy, Marh . 1MB, at tha .. . rr'""". , Btaraac auaat, Edward - : Cmr""r' 54 4 awataa and daya. Frlrnda and arqiiaintanraa ara ra- apacUully Inrltod ta attasd tha fuaaral aarr. r-i-rr". w."' r ' cijnr; I'v.aaytartaB tavrrtir vim oaf Blvta an .Liar BtraatB, at lOtSO a. Bl., Wtdnaaday. ; Hairk T. loteraupt RlmrLw ceoxtsry. - REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. V Wllttima ta B. M. Brlggi, '"lot 15. Vlocfc. 1. CUy,TS. .-.iV. -. . . .w.-.-rrrr-vg B. B. Brown, rafara. ta Tbonua Tnr. ar. aotttli.aat 54 af aoatbaaat (4 aar- tka 84, townabTn acmlh, ranga 45 aaal,- auuiurnl "Bt'lIT H'lliaWftt , ' asuthwast K wf aonthwrat U, Bortb- wi- j. -aaclioa 24. towoahto 1. ranaa 4S aaat : all tail part aorta aaat 44 at- aauibwaat m aaKiiosi xa tying wat or rina erarg; . also lata 21. 43. U, block . Orchard Placa, City: also nortnaast 14 of aeutbwast aarttoa iW, townablp . nortli. n nr. a ml vlumhla Mmntt. MOO Mottlnghaai A Co. ta A. L. James sod wlfs. sast lots i, S, block T, Kan worthy's sddltlon B. B. Wabb sad husband to Joan Bain, lots r B, -M. 4. S. UIh tU af Mock 1, Wabb'a addition) 450 a r, usnonaa ta i. I. arsras, lots 17 to SO Incluslra. block 15. Tramoat Pisco ......r..... . 400 4. m. Ainaworta, irustas, aad wlfa ta Chsrlas 'llklna, pndlTldcd t-i part of lot and all lot 0V black B5, Car. ' tar's addition W. K. Bml Ik and wlfa to Charles Wll klas, andlTldad 1-1 Intarait Inr lot OV ' ' part lot 6. block 06, Carter's addition.. Ales Strong ta Mellsaa I. Horn, waat dftloa . Hlenalaoa's ad- flora A, Bart aad husband to M. V. Morrill,-lot 4. block -08, Bolladay a addltjna A. B. Hadaea to Maraa'ret fTe-rea.-lnn '4,000 1,150 S. 4. block S, SuminU addition to Eaat Portland ' t . W. H. Khans and wlfa to John H. IMll. man. lot "A." Notts la addition...... SO Otto fltark'and -wlfa I J Hottaii, ... , waat H af wast H loU , 10, block 2, Alblna Bomralead 1,200 Ilia r. Karn to Kdward R. Coffin, lots 5. 0. block 1 Sunset Park '' 10 Walter Bead to Bosamond Read. 45H04 -t feat beginning aeav Intersection of south Hoe Waat Mala and Stout, block ' , 10, King's ad.lltloB T Mary Phrlps Montgomery, erecntrlg, 4a - - H. C Baker, lot 11, block U. Alblas.. 480 Mat Kaiser to J. U. Baylor and wlfa, lota 18, 14. block 10. Pladoont ' 1 0. A. Burton and wife to: D. A. Baylor . and wife, lot a. block a, Barrett s ad dition. East Portland L. Beck and wlfa to R. Berk, sontk H wt4, S, block X. Brown s tract U. U. Gearln to Percy Blytb, beginning west Kleaanfa 75.4 feet aonlh of In- " tersectloa west Una .Blareath aad south 500 Una Bnrnaiae: tnr nee west swng botib - Ho. BJerewtk-S-.T- feet BerlB Una Btsrk) thenra west along north line - - Btsrk to point M fast froa northeast T". i eoraer TwaUtk sad Btark. tha corner : . , , being aontbwast corner fractional block S. Raleigh's addttloa. City; thence - Dortheaat 71.1 feet soutb of sooth Una ', Bnrnalde: thence east 100.1 feat to ' ' place af beginning 45.000 John Van -ante to John T. Dlrls and : . wlfa. lot 10. block 01. Wast Irrlngton. . , 1 Tie tor Vassenr to Anton P. Osnsneder, " Iota I. 4. block 117, HoUsdsy Psrk .... 4,775 Psrk Land .aonMwiny to B. . Jobnaoa, lot 14. block 101. CnlTerslty Psrk.... . ' BOO T. ar-ateeiar and wtfa to Ijaura McOH aubdlelded lot -r." ia tot i, owes m, .J?ortlnd.. Romestesd . . TT Bmlfh "Snd wife WoaepTaHl' ' " 1 aoa. uadlTiaaa h iBtereai aouxar-ai i aectfon 10 and northeast section 14. township S north. anga 1 west. ... ... 1 J. A. Bell snd wife ta M. I. TOmllnaoa, lota IT. la, tMocg h. arcnr riace... U. I Dala and knahand to John Yta Banta, lot 10, block 01. West Irrlngton. 1 Bobert C. Booeer and wife to A. A. Brace, south H Boa threat section 28, . nMkln a north, rsnas t west 800 Portland Lon rtr Cametery roornanr to - P. Becker, lot . Dtoca aa, . t n. Marieff - SB Joaeph M. Healy at at to C. B. Fields y et al. . iotb i i int ... wiw. 9, East Portland 1. tt.OOO east - H wta sv awoioca jvu, x.asi Portland Carl A. Berg to WllllSm J. HiiiyBrn. esst H west H Bontneasr eection xe, .AwMhln 1 south, ranee 8 east t28 Carl A. Berg and wlfs to J. M. Hlllrsrd an scree west n weei 1 e-m. aecttoa 14. township t south,, rsngs 1,075 T.V.-Mr'nlei'ana' 'wife 'to Mr's EL "iL McClarsn, tots 1, a, a, usu .1, u IWl.iul . ... ..................... 50 00 tame to Imogens Reed Johnson, lot 14, block T. Esst Portlsnd....... ........ John P. Miller and wlfs to MJchsel IP, Donshns. lot . block 8, Lincoln Park . , w n..leM end wife to Mrs. U T. 228 Bsrtow. lota 15. 17. block 15, Tremont , . Pines ....,......- ' 5 Alliance Trnet company, limited, to Paul Bossier, tjas.100 rest Bear Bereniceem t . snd Ellssbeth. City "',,052 Paul Bossier to Eeelya C. BUck. aama. . 10 flet wowe Insnrsnss and abatract to real Ba tata from tba Title Onsrsntee aV Trust aovsnaay. SeO WasninglOB atreet. rerner sercvev. MEETTNQ NOTICES.' KOTICR of teckboldrrs' Meeting Notice la - bet shy-greew- that a special aaeetiag at tha ' stork holders of ths Homehullders' sssnrlstloa. .a corpora lion, will be held at room 407 Mar ies, building, Portland, Orrgoa, an Wednesday, tba aeeenth day of March, 1000, st tbs hour of 8 o'clock p. ml for ths purpose of considering snd eotlnf apoa tha dissolution . of ssld corporstlon and ths settling sf Its , business and dlrlrtlng Ita capital stork and propsrty among ths parties entitled thereto, snd sarh other business last may coma before aald meeting. .. . Data of first imbltesttnh February , 1904. By order af tha board oA directors. ,".ir.' . .;..; , w. . H)SEA . Woor,v , ' Beerrterr of tha Momchullders' AssoclaUoa. Ie;ed rebrusry 5. lood. , . HARMONY LODf.B NO. 11 A. -P.- A. Mi Speolsl oammunlcsllon this (Taesdsy) arenlng, 7:80 p. ra., Maeoale- temple. Third aad Aide sts...Work la tha B. A. degree. All M. M. wslooDS. By order W M. ' BtTFL'S R. BALL. Sea.. SPECIAL MEKTIRO. Thara will be a anerlal meetlnsf af tha . board af directors of tha Portland Mining company held In tha efflce, room If McKay bldg., at 8 o'clock p. m. on Haturrisy, March , 10. for tba purpose af transact log special bwslaess. " - . M. J. CL0HE58 Y, Asst. Aerretary I. A. 0. P. OBNERAL BELIEF COMMITTBnVX . Memhers a re requested to meet at tha temple at 10 o'clock a. a., Wednesday, to sttend tha fanersl of enr kite brother, B, R. M. Carter, from Clear, Preehyterlaa 'church, tbeacs la BlTerrlew cemetery. V . 0. JAMBstON. PrssldtaU NOTICE. 3 NnTica mt mblle sale of tba franchises sad Kotlcs la hereby glreo that tba atockboMerd af the Or. rua Traction' company nara aaepieo sohit'on'of t'le'aa'coraUua" sad tbgi dla poet lion of all lie property. . Pursuaat to aatd reeolutloa aad tha reeero tlon of tna board af directors satbartolng snd directing , the as Is af all of tha property be longing to tha company. I will, at tba boor 'of lit aVInek a. x, ea ThBredar. tba litn Wflay- of Wrc,' St ttie t ths eonntr roortbpune, 1n uia city land. Multnooiaa counly.Dreroo, offer" at publie ssls. to tba highest bidder for eseb, Jba Xrsacti lass, , roadbeO.- track. lights f way . and anotrscts for right of way. together wlta sU msps, praties, office futures and fnrnl ture. and all nrooertv of wbsteTsr kind awsetl by said tiarpnrstloa. Tbp sakl property will - be-sold ta balk, snd B. aa entirety. The said franchises df said company ra- hiMJ .a ah . . 1 1, . ,M altt - A franctilae sathorfslng tba ooMtrortlon of : a railway line llirough tha city oi "'"" - aad a fraawaiaa-eTraaOag tha fight to on tract . a.ratlw.. am . nA M,til. atreeta In tLS '.slly of forest-Oroeo,.- Washington connty, wregoa, and a rraacblse grnnteu or i" tr of Portland, Or., by ordinance tin. U.6H4. en-. titled. "Am ornlnenre erantlne to the Oregoa , Traction company. Ita successors BBd assigns. tba right ta construct, lsr down, maintain and opersls railways snd poles and wires snd mi uergwid roodtrlts In the- ally-at. PortlamL -DtJZ tinnmaeil he the msror af ssld city an tha Otb day af April. lBOo.) The eooetrerted track aekwrlng .to aald company consists ' af shout , 8.80O feet of double track laid en Twelfth street. In tba elty of Portland. Or., hetweea Burnalda and Orerton atreeta. In said city, and 200 fe-t of doohle track an Pettygrore street, be tween Thirteenth end Fourteenth streets, lo said city, snd three crossings on Sixteenth, Twenty-third and Twenty-fifth atresia, at tba Interaertlon of PettygrorB straat. Tha maps and profiles referred to show tha Surrey pf tlie projected electric rsllwsy Una of tha company from tha city of Portland. Or., to the rltr af roreat Oroea. Or. ror ran intormatioa as to an l . . . - H af the cornpsny, fnqulrs st tha efflce af tha comnsny. room 52, Union block, city af Port land. Or- . )T 1aTtt1t "about ths asm of Arm. 000. Of said mm anoat the amount of $3,500 la doe tba Oermanla Katlntisl hank of Sea Frsnclsco, Cel.. for which f 100.000 par rains In smonut of the bondiof tha company secured by a mortgage ar deed af treat an all tna property af the .compaay .ara deposited aa collateral, snd of which said total a mount shout tha sum. of 814.7O0 ts seen red by mechanics' liens aa rha fiancMesi roadbed and -ansatrtictad track . ci in. nwp.B m ii,e ' ' ' r . . . . 1, said tndsbtsdnses being ansa- highest bidder. Tha pnrchass price eball ha nsM la foil, hi cash or be acceptable certi fied eluwr. -at-or before; erbxk p. m of tha dsy of ssia. . rsyment to na simh "the undersigned aT-the orftca of tba earn parr. Union block. Portland. Or. If ths prrwsa offering ths highest hid for all of Bam property ensu not pay oe enure pnr chass price by S o'clock p. m. of aald ds of sale, tha person offering tba second highest - bid shall ha antltled -to tha eonsayaace af . ssld property, If be sbsll psy tba entire . snm hid by him before 4 o'clock p. at. of aM dae of ssls: and If neither tha said "highest or new btghsst bidder sbsll psy aa ssm dsy or saw tna amonns oin ny nun, tha directors of ths company at their anttia may sell ssld proparty to- any person bidding at aald aals who makes full payment aa tha dsy af ssld sale af tba aam bid by blm.- Tla right to reject any and all bide la rsssrrsd. By ardor af tba board af dlrertors. , , . . W. 1,. OOUTjp. . Sec tarflDregoei Tract loa Oomplnyt T- WB, tha anderglgned fs ml tors and ataaa. Ill re on Irs tka payaseat af all charges upon delivery of gnoda aftsr Deeam. bee 1. luuni h. i.. iissra. u. r. Msroer. " 0. P. Bussey, Cosgrore Bros., Portland De ll eery Co.." Post Special Dellrsry Co.. Psrk. , sgs Dellrery Co., Holnun Transfer Co.. Northwestern Trsnafsv Co.. Orsgon Auto Die. Ktch Co.. John Rsmnton, James McLlndtn. ren MeLlnden. Pselfle Transfer Co., Oregoa Transfer Co., Portlssd Yaa aV Storage Co., Wakemsa. Moras Transfer Co.. Esst Bids ' Transfer Co.. CO. Picker see fee Btorsgs Co., C M. Olson. Bsggsgs Omnibus Trans fer Co., A. I, Murnhr. Xadderly Transfer . A Commission Co., loha A. Lots, Aadrew t. Murphy. T, M. Ireland. P. Millar, Pinch A Henaaraoa. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN t 6. l. Keller as no longer guinea wen ro inonT num. coiierx moneys, or maks contracts on behalf of tba nndsrslgasd, baring resigned kls ooaltlon as manager. , GERMAN PLBU8H1NO CO. Portlsnd, Or., March 5. e LOST AND FOUND. LOST Jonrnal ' pocket bsnk, aomewhara be tween Fifth and Yamhill and East Tweh ',' tleth and East Conch. Retura to Jonrnal omen, newaru. . . . LOIT Female fo terrier, browns apota oa head; wears nickel-plated collsr. no llcsnss; return -to 081 Vk L'nlon btb., north, snd Te- eel re reward. LOST Aa tnrday afternoon, diamond ptnl re ward. Journal office.. HELP WANTED MALE. ' tl A BAT. FREB PARE! urnca hsfg-Aa Brlckson At Petteraoa. eontraetorg - aa tba big Busks' Rtrer lob from Rlparla,. Wsshlng ""ton, to "Tw1strA.olionBMiii8sse' wsgss 20 cents oa the asyt notning less tbaa 82.20. aad wnt 400 teamsters, labor ers and rook snd concrete mtn.'1' HANSEN'S OFFICE. 25 NORTH SECOND ST. WANTED Foe United SUtea Army, able-bodied anmarrled men betweea ages of 21 and 85. cltl- 1. asaa of United Ststss, of good character and temperate habits, wha caa speak, rssd .. and writs English. Apply to Recruiting Of-. - fleer, ' Alnsworth blk Tktrd and Osk ata., Portlsnd. Oregon. PORTLAND Barber College Tul Hon reasonable aa any school oa coast- 267 Flanders St. DRUQ saslstsst wanted. La Oraada Drug Co., 10a.. Or. - " : DETBCTIYE8 wanted by.rallraada aad eorpors tlona; demand greatly siceeds tralnsd snp- ;.ply; Instruction glreo st borne; encloss stamp fnr particulars. New York Detectl re School. 44 t'ntoa Squara, Naw York. WB want s No. t traveling salesmaa to repra. nt as en tna roaa, oa a.aommissioa. , noiai A BeaUuraBl Supply Co.. SOO aecead at. BED CROSS ataada for relief ia acuta, chronic and malignant diseases; call or write. Bad Cross Dispensary. Third aad Ash a is. WANTED fltssdy, honest young man with some rssh, for good legitimate business, to sttend office aad sblp goods; no sgsau or shoppers. Address D SO, csrs Journal. WANTED Young1 men, we prepare you for posit loss paying 580 to lloO per month, quickly and aaslly. Csll 408 Stearns bldg. CABINETMAKERS WANTED. - U-Baesnsky, 572 Front at. WANTED A gardener; ma who can orient land sottabla for predoclng tba different ' vegetables; will psy salary or oa shares; bare 40 acres In city limits; stata year sx perlencs. Address U 500, care Journal, WAStTKU Bcr for aenarsl office work: In own handwriting, siting sxpsrlence. Ad drees A 82, ears Journal. WANTED Carpenter, also lather; one who will buy a home and apply part of wages In payment: elesdy work. W, J. Burden, . .58 Casoa atv MoaUellla B0Y sbont 18 for office, with knowledge ef stenogrs phy aad ty pswrlttng . . 885 Shsr- kork bldg. . WANTED A wslldlgger. Call 25 Clsrsmont sts.. Monnt Tsber, sftar 4 'dock, ar pboae ' 'Cast- aign. ----- .- -- BOY wanted ta printing office: good onportaaltf for advancement. Alrln S. Ilswk Co. WANTED Aa opto-date meat markst'msa. 018 MrKsy mag. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HA "BIN'S LAPncr A0BNCY, 541 U Wsshlng ton at., ear. Bsrsnth, apstalra. . Pkoas Mala 2O0X PsbmIs help wsnted. EDCCATrD. refined, anergatle gage wltb Ylsrl compaay; re far I mas. Apply room 2 Lewis building. BEAUTIFUL dresses; as re time and money by learning bow, to maks your awn at Kslstsr's . rollegs, Allsky bldg., slerator 2nS Marrlsua; booklet free; patterns rat to measure. WANTED Lady eapertenred la business to act aa solicitor for Investment bmkerege MwV 5V4 AHkuat bldg,, alty. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED A flrst-rlsas pantry-woaua. BobarV CurUa,1 Pourteeath aaa Jaffersoo. LADIES to '.do embroldefr work; only thusa sVolPw'sshuigton st. naewHk j weimwii e-ewee.w-aiaieia WANTED Mrl for light housework; Senna a or Swedish girl with home preferred; salary reasonable. l North Psrk. WANTED Middle-seed woman for bouaaworl snd sestet with clitlOrsa; smiTI, Tsmlly. " ,' . asm lentn St., norm. Lnloa ava. car, gs 3 -Parting- as. MALE AND FEMALE "HELPrT BELP wsated snd snpstfed. mala ar femels. B. u. ursas. buoh wssningtoa St. fad He 1170. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. F0HIT10N as registered druggist; tha best of rnirreucca, aw vujecilOB 10 fotiaur, Sb AV, care Journal, , .. PRCNINO ssd other lews work wsatsd. Y.Isst A32S. A duress 4 TV vsneouvar are. - Y0UNQ man desires employment where thara la a chance for advancement; orace work preferred;, knnwledga. of bookkeeping.- ibort hand sod typewriting; references. O 89, cars Juurnsl. . Y0UNO msa, 15 years old. wants position, any Una; shoe store preferred. Address James WANTED A position aa planer rasa or. night wstrnmsa; asvs oaa eipsrienre; caa sjiva rafarsncea. Addraas A 24, Journal. X0UNO man wants poaltloa la soma whole- aaia or ausinsss Douss waera ne caa work himself un : aood rsferenees. Address A 28. ' Journal. . , . . POSITION as driver for delivery wagoa af any sinu. - sv, care enmih ilTUATlUNS WANTED-FEMALBl SITUATION wanted by a nest woman 1 by tha day. raona Mala 4875 or 187 Montgomery at. WOMAN, good worker, wants work Immediate ly ey uay or pour. . annrsss a aoonrnai wan. wuj nee owu msciiiua. Asanas kvn. as dress O So, care Journal. WOMAN wishes erst by -tha day washing -er la Mrs and SITUATION wsntad with elderly couple ar ngnt noasswuik, wwaia gs in ssuamy. ar an. Journal, - YOUNG lady desires typewriting work to da at horns avanlngs, snrh ss copying letters. addressing envelopes, wrappers or any ktad af typewriting work; owns Uaosrweod aa - chine. J 18, cere of Journal. WANTED AGENTS.- WANTED Agents; somstklng as big wages. 205 McKay bldg. WB waat reliable ajen la every towa ta . to sell alck and arc? dent Insurance. - Pacific Aid association. BOO Dakota bldg. WANTED Responsible men and women to aell Bnyer'a Cssh Bond) liberal ssmmlsslona. ' 515 Ablngtoa bldg.. WANTED Energetic and competent a seats to represent as In nil parts of the aorthwest; cssh weakly. Capital City Nursery Co. MALE and femsla. aa soil ct tors for tnveatmaat brokarsga cornpsny. Apply at 504 Dekum bldg. - - EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HER WOOD. B0IT. 2051, Morrison at, Mala aad ferns U help. Pbona Main 482. 7 THS Portland Employment Co.. 10511 storrtasa su rnona rseltle zaa. . HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OrpiCB. P0B MEN. M If. Sacead St. Phone Msla 15M. CANDINATTA!f. AMERICAN BMPLOYMBNT . Co.. North Second, furnlsbss all kinds em ploymeat for men aad wonsaai . Msla 8085. BIO POUR EM P. AGENCY Help Bupplled frsa. 15 North Second sC Pbona Main i15. JAPANESE-CHINESE EMPLOYMENT OFP1CB. Henry Tabara. 20T Evarstt st. f beaa rs- cine Ban. WANTED-TO REI WANTED TO BENT HOUSES COTTAGES, PLATS, ROOMI NO -HOUSES. STORES, ETC Our rental department baa beaa anlarged . and provided with sddltloosl staff. Wa mvlta listing from LANDLORDS, effsr personal atfsntloo to snd eontlnuons snperrfaloa over all proparty mtrasted to oar PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OP OREGON. B. E. Cor.' Sd and Oak ata. Pbona Ex. 72. WANTED To rent ranch from 5 to 15 scree, part orchard; house snd outbuildings Bust Be to good eraer. 88. Commerclsl st WANTED To rent. 4 to -room mttsga or aa-.- . -r-Mfc- . .sfc. e m -seweawsv , i-ae- j.-.aiiSBieassiaw ssswsaewsa. T" TI8T OH pfll aTiuv. TTiOT.9 F.8wT, BnvT . WANTED REAL ESTATE. BAVB you city property to sell? Save yon a rsrm ts ssii or rentr uses yon a nusuiees yea Wish to dispose eft Wa bars customers for all tbssa waiting. - List your propsrty with as: wa gat results-. . Sherwood A Boyt, 206 Morrison it, room 5. HBNDERSON-SCOTT LAND CO. Wsnted A o-room house with modern con- - venlencee aa west slds. Berth sf Washington t' at.; prloa about 53.000; torma, part-cash, rest at good ni teres t. . A 5-rporn bousawlth modern conveniences - an the west aide end In meet ssy location, ' for about 12. 500 N - If yon have property aad wish to asll list It with ua at once. Phone Main 0284. , ' HENDERPON-SCOTT LAND CO.,," 501-602 Pcntoa bldg. WANTED. WANTED. " If yoa bsva bouses ts let. list fbam with -use- at once. 1 neve calls every dsy I rennet fill. - P. DuhnlA Waahlngtoa bldg., room 1. Pbona Pacific 1230. WANTED Lot la Lower Alblaa; stata price. locstloa and terms; owners. Apply A Zl, Journsl.. ..'.' I WANT to bay modern cottage and lot, with 5aa; slve -exact location ana pries. A 22, oarnsl. r PeWic'Patroiiag is f HB TRUE TEBT OF ANT 7 '.' ' KEWSPAPER'B VALUEv :siliervIoMraai'- Gees Into the Homes of the JWHO CAW BUT PBARI OR : .ANTTH1NO ELSE WHICH THET HEED OR DESIRE ' -.1 .AND THERE ARB EN07JOH . OF THEM TO MAKE T0CR PROPOSITION Yield ;tefeisj a.-. - ih ,-77- WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED-To buy small modem cottars' la ar asar city. Bead full description, price, eic. to W. P. P., 410 Fsatoa bldg. WANTED. BAD All hinds of leads la aay quantity ar locality, to asll to customers who wsat It bad. W. T. Barnsy, room 17. Wasb- toa oiag. 70aCT.OE1N lot. aad' 8000 cash to pay oa small suburbaa boms. Hoass Land Oa lsflk " , WANTED To pnrrhsss 50 to- 100 scree near -- S. tml I . . - ..k... ' - .... ... i,u, ,v ,,inu,iuf iuw 7 raMr Ing lota; load must be wlthia raaaonsbls dlatancs of Portland and aultable as a suburb or ss s summer resort townslts: In reply you must state pries and, full particulars to i id, cere journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 4" POSITIYEIiY ansrsntsa ou tba beat nrica tor your furniture; it you nave any lor . aaia. you will isae money iiy ypa . fill to veil an soon use, jaain . WANTED A good secoad-han4 baby csrrlsgs; ruiwsr urea prererreu. a, cars sourBSk . WANTED Double-deck showcase. 584 Third PAINTING, snrsrtng sad whltewasklng trees. ., basements, bsrns, dooks. stc. ; largest gasdllae sprsylng outfit on ths coast. M. O. Morses Co.. 823 Union ara. Phone Beat 2017, HIGHEST CASH PBICB PAID for fsrnlrsre bj any quantity; also taka same on sommlsslea ana guarantee past recalls. tub ror uses Auction Rooms. A. Srhnback, proa., til First at. Pbane Msla 5035. WE WILL BUY. SELL OB TRAPS ANY OLD THING. ' WKNTKHN SALVAGE CO., 527, 2 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC TaS. WHO IB M. O. MORGAN CO.t , ' BrBAYTNO" and' pruning of "fruit 'trsaa;"whitw. w a ah log of dorks sod baeamaata. L. 5. .rones, jscon dc'iv. PRIVATE-loan of W0 wanted, 5 years; I real eetsts security. A 51. csrs Journal. WANTED Horsa," wagoa and harness, ar - slther, ton, ths grocery, buatssss. - Address O 82. care Journal. : - . FURNISHED. ROOMS FOR RENT THB RAN b'"4SVt "North Third St. Tor gentlemen $1.50 par weak and as. NICELY fnmlshed room close ta. wsat aids, - bath. gas. pbona, 15 per month. Call 120 iorth Thirteen tb. , THE RICHELIEU. 8riH NORTH SIXTH ST. Elegantly furnlsbsd. steam heat aad baths. NICELY furnished honawkeeptng-rooma: alas alngls rooms. 85Vs Buassll St., McKay but. P0TEL CLAYTON. 51 North Slrth St. 2 nswly furnished rooms; prlcsS reasonabla. THB BISMARCBi. "Fifth and Alder ata. New and neatly furnlsbsd rooms by dsy or week ; excellent lorstlon; prices ressooebls: fraa - bath and pbona. . - - - - NICELY furnished room, wltb ar without . board. - 525 Morrison st. NICELY furnished rooms, low pries, by day, wssk or month: -by tha week, 52.50 and up; - transient business solicited.' Tba Grand, 3d, ; Yamhill at. .. . . " . UNDER new management; tha Pioneer roemtag bnuee; Irst-clsss rooms by tha day, wash ar . month. . 54814 . Morrison. . FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. 11.75 PJtR WEETCLarga, cleaa rural shed . hpnsekeeplng rooms; laundry aad -hath.---184 . Sherman. South Portland. - ' THB MITCHELL, Pleaders aad Seventh Hoocoe, housekeeping snd trsnslsnt; . ooa . venlent; prices ressoaabla. ' FOR BENT Puralshsd hoosskeeplng reams la .best brick block oa sast slds; gaa ranges. bsth, ate. bo transients; prices moderate. Logaa blk., 1081 Unlm avs.. aoraar Bast ' Alder. Pbona Esst 4024.. THB ALBERTA For rent, nice light bones hseplng and single rooms, 1.2S per week aad up. 21114 First st , tM MARK ET-Furnlahed single snd boasshssp Ing rooms, all conveniences ; njoderato rant. . Hood 175. , . : . . - 11.25 WEErTup. elesn. furnished housekeeping rooms, Wlta ysra. psrior. taunary, sau, sur ascs best. 20814 Stastoa at. - U ear. 8- LABGK, airy, .anfnrnlshed bonsekseplng rooms. i with free wster and slsctrle lights, for rent st 1228 East Taylor aad East Forty ara t ata.1 450 YAMHILL Large well-furnished housekeen. . ins-room, first boot: very desirable -locstloa; quiet noose. -ROOMSAND-BOARDV CNION HOTEI SI North 'Sixth at., serves ths r d. 51 60 pa.- . week. J. Anderson, prop. CAN accomawdste mora day boarders. 585 Taylor st. At 53.25 per wssk up. , ROOMS and board for 22.50 and up. , 228 Twalfth St.-- ' -- -- -- - CAN ' aecomnodsto mora day boardsra. - 585 Taylor at. ' BOARD aad room for gentlemen onlyi flT per month. 814 Nicollet st. BOOM and board. (07 Grant st. FOR-rRENT HOUSESj- EADDEBLT TRANSFER CO., prompt sad re liable plane and furniture movers ; also atnr aga. Pbona Mala 1685. Office, 110 N. Third. THB CONTINENTAL COMPANY 242 STARK ST. i V INSURANCE. RENTALS- SEB LIST flS-nT-ronm hones, slsctrldty. bsth, flns view. 880 Esst Twsnty-seventh, Ksallwarth Curve. Mala 4520. . . S-ROOM houss, with gss and furnace: ass, walking distance! ressoaabla rant. Inquirs 505 Third Bt- , . - . SO.OilO 8QUARB feet nf floor spars on ground floor la new building oa North 20th and Vaughn snd Upshur sts. B. M. Lombard, 614 Cbamhar sf Com meres. NEW O-room bouse with hot snd sold wster to let; Urge lot and chicken park; very " cheap to right party. Apply at Mrs. Mann's, ens block nortk of Tramoat stars. FOR RENT S strictly modern 5-room houses , st Runnyslde; fine location; 818 per month. ratterson Stswart, 100014 Brlmont. Pbona '' Esst 883a - 11-R0OM hones, good condition, west aide, walk ing dlatancs from business renter, 830. 1 HATFIELD At SMITH. , r " " a -10514 Fourth st. ... T-R00M bouse far rent, between Collegs snd . JschsoBev 448 Tenth St.. Key at 408 Park. HOUSE 6 rooms, 525 kast Salmon, Bear ISthT 318 per month. COMPLETELY furnished 7 -room heme and bathrooitvt 804 Ellas St., asar Union s vs. ' Apply cm premlsea. - TOR RENT FLATS." tTrJPUBNISHED. appsr fist. ' .ynoma, bath, - gae. Twentieth aad Oertno; .good- repair; cheap rent. Phone East 1071. Msrrlngtoa, 014 "lrst, near Oak. t DERIRABLB 5-room flats. Just flnlsbsd; .. walking dlstsncs; 14th and Tsst Burnslds. Phone Esst 1815. . " t NEW modern Bats. and rooms; furnaces, . tinted wslls. 17 Esst 15th at. -B00M mod ere flat with furs see, tinted walls. 545 23d St., north,,' , -room flat for rent) orator -paid; aa small children. r26 Mill. . . . FOR RENT FARMS. -ACRB farm: 18 if cultivation; snltsbla for farming at stock. Poena Bcatt 5270, , , H(!rrnm. HOUSZ3 FOR RENT FURNI TURE FOR SALE. . FOR BALE Purnltara of 7 -room bones, eoaa jlete: .srsug and.Af th. , sJl Kaarstt si price .-), teat !. FURNITURE of a modern 12-room centrally In. rated roomlog-houee for sale; one of the - beet local lone la the city; bouse fslrly. Well lied at present. Pur full particulars address v ee, cere euursei. FOR KENT 4 -room modern cottage, new furnl turn fur aaia cheap, inquire Out) Montana ava, FOR- RSNT STORES-OFFICES. TORE, Barrlngtoa brick bnlldlng, Union ava., .. East Ash; reasonable rent. Phone - East , -ion. Harrington. ovt4 First. Bsar Oak. MALL efflce. ground floor.- First near Oak. Pbona East 1071. Harrington, 5 V4 First. esr uai. .... . .. , . - . OFFICES, unfurnished, sad ssmnla-rooms: alee 1 hall 6ux20 -Ouuunough hldaV , Apply at tha eisvatov. OFPICB rooms, aafnrnlshsd and sample rooms for rsat, tioodnongh - as to. .. Apniy tie- LA ROB office, third story..' eentrsllv soceted. PA RT of large corner store for rant. Inquire r . m. iHsrn as lAi,, use rawvar rsint tyB.0 , irsi soa aiasr sts. , . BUSINESS CHANCES, DO YOU wUh to Invest 51.000 or 51.500 In a lodging-house where yoa caa double your . money aver six nwatba for tba next two years T Or da yoa want to Invest yeur money in building small cottage thst will rent snd Siy a big Interest on tha money invested 1 r da you- want to pat your money In land a. Man log sad srr or It suitable for cordwood. ailing and small tiaauusi ir so. call on or sdiirras . ; ors a. loveobun, -. -. " , Btsvsnsoo, Washington. " " ' FURNITURE of room bouse for sale: Dries l 8-400 - full of roomers. Fumitura of 5-ronm bonee; price $2.VI. rurnlture of 40-room house, rhesn. Purnltnrs of 20-room bouse: price o00; full of roomers. Purnltnrs of B room house. 1730: full of roomer, Fvr- altnra of 12-room house; cbees rant;- price Snno. Theee are ana lie and sloee in. Two fm ulslisil - cottages-- for- rent. Sea - H. - al "'g'-r "x ik "-''I'"- np-to-dsts manufacturer or w noises is firm wishing to sdd a prlntmg pisnt to tastr business. Address I 1, csrs Journal. ' . ' . .A SNAP. Nice grocery with living roams and 1-yeer leese. sast slds, close -to; rant 313 par mouth; only ftsoo. Washington Bldg., Boom 1. " . FOR- SALE OR EXCHANGE Grocery . and crockery stars. In Hlllsboro, Oregon; slso - good residence proparty csoss - u nusiaesa center. What have yoa to exchange? Ad ' dress J, A. M rasing er. Hlllsboro, Oregon.. $800 ONB of the bast located cigar and news atanoa in city; cieere giuv awnin; gooa bmsb, 402 Coramsrctol bjtlg. IP you have aionay to tnvsst In aa astshllsbed msnurartunng ousiocee. oparatea la fortiano for over T years, which seeds additional ' capital for enlargement. Address for particu lars, 0 57, cars JsaraaL A SAWMILL Bear Seio, Oregoa; capacity 25,. uvu teet per aay, plenty or nna timoer witn coenplete logging outSt; yoa bay direct from owner; aa real eatata agents! mast be Bold aoon and at a bsrgsln If takes st sacs. In quire 48814' Wsshlagtoa. - W. J.. CURTIS, the broker. 215 Commercial cix., pnone wain oxm, is eeinnr tna Hurst Railway Switch atock af a big dlsroont ' WHO IS M. O. MOBOAN a) O t BLEEPIN0 and hiiueakee frier rooms for rent. Bee M. a. UlgJay, roout 80.. 32714. Washing ton at. I - . SHORTHAND. typewriting., mlmeocr ashing. saw vnamoer unnmerca. main boo.. SEE at writs J. T. Hurst A Oo, for safs and prontsbls Investraanta. 204 McKay bldg., Portlsnd. Oregon. FOR SALE DrseemsklneT narlors. with 4 Itrlna- I rooms, sll furnished. Csll between esnd i, is iwiii is bu. near wssningtoa. ,. WB bsvajrbsst lsniLgtockIand. fruit lsnd, AcTSsgs, Improved and unimproved city property, end a gnnd sxchsngs list.- Seem before baying. Northwest Land Co.. 3j0 Ooodnorjgh bldr. ' FOR SALE. (AOO Royal Cigar Stors, Orsgon city. Oregon; , stock snd nx tores; doing a good bus! ness ; suitable room tor saloon at tached; will Inventory. CalL IP energetic and competent. $100 and set ilies win give you an interest in Business thst will pay yoa 12S per moata. CsH 27114 Morrlaoa at., room C. t , .... A NTCI' cigar and confectionery store; good natures, gooa siocs, rent meap; oolng good business; a bargain. 180 Madison st. . FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ELLWOOD LOTS. 58 down and IS a mesrk; from 875 to $200. Bellwood Townalta Co. Pbona Beat 4704. v - ACBB TBACTBt ::rU . 0UB SPECIALTY IS ACBB TBACTII ' PaD-clsed atrsata, water ta sack aora. ' TEEMrV-tIO PER ACRE CASTT ' 110 FEB ACBB PER MONTH. Tna aw to tbeee - acres aa tha same car. , psy tbs sams 5e fare the lot mea pays. Ths . W te.a ta your nelahbnr. but he It ra. atrtrtea in mejonty ar leaturvB saes bh a true snbnrbsn boms. Opea Wsdnssday strd Saturday evening. A. a CHURCHILL CO., I NO. r . 110 Seoond SC ... ON TO HOVER! . Ill- 1MB tAL,USllStl Regulsr stssmsrs from Portland: rheepeet rates from the coast to Inlend points; as asnd. besvy soil, perpetual water rlghtwith eech tract, earliest products, largaet prteee; tba California of ths Northwsst. Writo ,, - HOVER LAND CO., Bovsr. Washlngtoa. FOB SALB AT A BARGAIN-- - , .A Ins stock rangs, eontnlning about 2.800 acres; Sll unaer i-ut-w, .i"""c burg. Oregon, en B. P. B. R-l this Is one of the bast stork rsnasa la tbs souaty: I also bars another good stork rsngs containing 1.420 acres, whlek will be sold st a very low price. For psrtlculsrs sddresa J. B. Sutbsr lln, owner, Bossburg. Oregoa. - ELLWOOD City View Psrk. oa ths banks of tha Willamette, lots $5 dowa, 5ef month: fins rsetory site witn waive power: Jh R4e addition 4 choice homes from $oiW to $5,000. W. H. Moore bouss. 65014 UmatlUa ava Kellwood. Or. $8 THO 0-ROOM new honsa. swsll location, bet. Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth, aa Everett at. I terms. SS.OnO cssh. nalsnee a per rent. A. E. Velruth. 00 North Eighteenth St., bet. Davis aad Krsrstt ata. aPbons Pscloe 480. . . a .. a nap. i . pya. Beie Modern 7-renm bonss. furnished. 58.500; 51.500 cssh. balasev terms as ss Investarsat, paya 12 par seat PkOBS Bast 1207. - - .'- TNYESTORof pats some flue opportunities to I'nlveniity fsrs property just now. uisb W. Scsrrltt.- 118 Second at. FOR SALB Corner lot In Holledey Park. Ad- irswe n rw, mi iviiiii.i, WILLAMBTTB. Best residence part of the penlnsalst only a fsw lots left la Wlllsmette; tske our choice now; sll kits srs 50x100 feet: $228 esrh; $28 rssh. 38 per month. Apply C. A. Eygowskl, Wlllsmette station. , rOB INVESTMENT AO seres ef good appls snd, S wiles from wnita naimon: part cleared, plenty water, rlrh soil; only $20 .pee-sere.- Uses good towa property snd timber lands for ssls; slso homesteads located. R. FIELD. Whits Salmon. Washington. ! - 4 SIGHTLY lots rlosa to Alblna rullroed shops ft. ..i. ..... ..i a... aKon sua sw v4 ewe... ... , Wmi Ad" Rates B . . . , . , , . , UNDER ANY CLASSIFICATION .. ' Five Cents Per Line ' i No ad taken fas less tbaa 15c per dsy. Saves words, as a rule, soostltuts a Has, bat eseb timr-ts cbargtd TtganHess "at "th number of words. WEAJCT, Y ' BATE f lnserti.s tlnctodlng oue Sunday leeue) $0 0ZBZS par Use per ' Week. M0BTHXY BATE floclodlng all Bead, wtsnreiei per una per moats. dpvEBTISXVtlin, niuat be, la . Jonrnal nfdee by 12 o clock week days - snd by 10 o'clock 5s tar day evening tor ' the Sunday leans, to secure elaeeiacatlea. DISPLAY E4TIB gtrsa apaa appllcatssa al .-. tha office. . . . ...... .. .., .. THE JOURNAL BRANCH OFFICES "' A9TZBTIIEMZBTTB vTtrl be received at reaulsr Ba1a-sfce rates. Followlnr Is a list of .snthorlaed sgaaU., who will, forward your , sdtsrtlee Jjt "a time for publication. In tha aaxt 170BTH 'ITDE. .' ". '' ' ' ''Ar Prestos, druggist. .Twtnfy-thtrd and Thurman streets. . , Nob-Hill Pharmacy. aSO GlUaa straat corner Twenty-Srst. 5. W. Allea. pharmacist Slxteesth sad -"'ii.ii srreets. Wasblngtos streeu. .... Boim rax. . B. P. Jones Co., - druggists, Frost aad Olhbs streets. :.. , Cottel Drug cornpsny. First snd Oraat treets. Fabian- Bvectev. dragglst. 400 Jeffs rasa slreet. corner Tenth. . Bettmsa's nhsrmacy, sornee Sixth aad HarHtno. atreeta. Plnmmee Drag compaay. 200 Third street earner Msdlson. . '--'- " : EAST .IBS. " W. B. Love, dm r gist, eornrr Grand sveass sno. r.set riumeioe street. , ftlrholB A Thsmpsei earner Alhlne imu Janrks Drug enmpany, aaratr Bawtaoraa and Grand avenues. W. C, Cable, druggist.- aoraar - Holladay venoa and . Larrabee street, - aaar steel bridge. -. - A. Wlleoa. vl88 GrsBd avenue, near Eee frvrlsoa. ' . E. W. RslT. 355 Etot Seventh street. --" Stephens. TBrt:e'B phsrmsev. 053 Mississippi a wane, iroraer Bbsrsr streaf. . - .BiaHXAsrn. ' ; W. 3. r!,r rfeneet.t 1IW19 Meerh TTelne awkswk1 T " ' as i r , street. BronklVB Phsrmsev snmnsav. Powell aad Mtlwaakls streets. . Arista. Pharmacy, Mora and Fostsr atrsata, Hsmetock's Phsrmsev, 048 PmatlUa ass. aaa.. corner. Esat Thirteenth StreeC r-- J0HBE, vT. , Elliott's pharaucy. f- ..; FOR SALE REAL ESTATE.- NEW T and 5-room bouses, I blocks froae school and esrllns, 15 mlnntss' rlda from renter of the -city, or will build bouss to sutt; small - Ciyment down, ha lanes sssy paymsnts. pbona ala 1220, ar call 005 Commercial bldg- . THB very beet 10acree In fMts. good soli, all in clover, on nna graveiea mea, rnet ts a rarllnee, 10-room ecboel, be fare any part nf , Portland, for Its vslus; blf bargain. ' O. K. Addlton. Lents. Or. HENDERSON "COTT LAND CO. ; , ,v,. i "'"a ' Baburbaa rJoBtr" A large A room bones, all modern cos rank Bares, oa corner 100x100, two blocks from' rerllne. for. $2,700 cash, ar terms: a snip It taken within 10 days. For property . lu other rnratlons call or phone Main 0254. ' . BENDERSON-flCOTT LAND CO., - 501-503 Fen too bldg. HENDERSON-SCOTT LAND CO. . Par Sals A 7-room honsa with bath, be se men t. - In good condition, oa wast side, for $3,500: cash or aa tlms. A 5-room bouse with all modem con venl encee, on wast side, for $3,800. For good bargains an property ta at bet 'localities csll or phone Mate 0254. - - . v HENDERSON-SCOTT LAND CO . ; - ' J - 501-503 FentoB bldg. '- ' t .- 510.00 PER ' ACBB $10.00 - IRRIAATB D . L AND. ,.' Crook rounty. Oreson. PEED direct from sts to. WRITE for pamphlet snd msp. . b. s. cook tyxyo.., 251 Aider at., Portlsnd, Oregoa. - 11 ROOM bouse, bsth. Ess. furnncs beat. Mont gomery et.. orrereri ror rew oars, B4,uua. ' BATFIELD A SMITH, 10514 Fourth St. . '' T . -. - CHBAP homes aad vacant, lots la Wbadlasra riNB .14 block. Bollsdsy's addition; all Im- ' prove menu in;- owner most asll. a it, Journsl. TO LEASE For term of yesrs. with ar with. out building. 00x100 on Eleventh at., be tween - Waahlngtoa Bad Morrlsoa. . Owaer. A 25, Jouraal. , BARGAIN Fee Sals Oood psylsg buslaeas. ee- mvi eirvwi v 1 1 r , reus ew. s ' . B wmm loneer at Ih.I. It vou srlll Invsatl. gale It Will l'r fa., et F mij i nmrm. - pbona Beet 24; no sgents need apply. Aa- - ' so - T. .... I 10 ACRES, with sew 5-room btmsa. here, horse. we gon, chickens, implements; oriring ni. tones, 4 blocks of nsw eartlne; trade for house and lot and some money : sell for $2,000. A CHANCE to buy a pretty plsce ta Snnnystde from owner, new modern Turnianea cot,tsae, gsa. electricity. I lots, rosea, fruit, berrlee; . party leaving city. 103S Bast Alder. . BARGAIN Choice lots oa and near car: aasy payments. A wo lfio acres uiiliiiiumsa. tissr . Grants Psss. $4 par acre; lavostlgata. Owner, IMS Atlantic St., city. - - -BOOM honsa. lot 50T10O; sewer connections; Cook's , addltloa; 5l,500. A . 04 uoiasmita, Alblaa. 'i SEN HERB 1 flns 160-aera trscta ta Clacka . mas for 54 per acre. - rwi acres rine lmranie laaa, as-ou. . S flns homesteads, $200 eech. Bute school lsnd. wall located aad ra In stils, at $3 par acre. W. T. BURNET. Boom IT. Washington bldg. . CARPENTER work la onr business: If yoa bava -work rail ua no; eethnstes given. Msuer at Co.. rnoml.. Washington bldg. Office pbona ' Pacific 1330.- rreldeoce pbona East ,4805. 5-ROOM cottage, bsth ssd psntry, lot 50x100, One view, l ntora rrom canine, nouiu iwi ' lend. Address B 20. esra Journal. NEWLY bnllt 6 mora house and attic, with mrtooer improvemente rnrousDeui, neigsiv 15th. 1 block from Bellwood estllns. Intjulrs on prsmlsea. 7 ' . ' . NICB hemes and nearly kits, 458 EM snd RoosSTslt. Inquire Lowangarat. a rara si... BOUSES ballt, aasy terms; caa fnrnlah lots. Miller,. BIS commercial mug. saaie itrru. too FARMS, smsll trarta snd lots: bargains ea O. w. -P. elertMC liae. w. Bfc. saium, smhu. Oregon. " Tsks Mount Scott car. Sc. . - LOT," corner Twelfths, and Tnismonkr -frill ce ment walk, cheap, oy owner, romi. i. wf. P1NB RESIDENCE FOB $2,800, , - ,n. a. mm. kM.. alcove, eewlne sneim. - WceUtB bath, see end all mod.rn Improve. menrs; tnree oa. -.- Wood, room 112 Allsky bids., Tklrd and Morrlsoa. ' - THE beet bay at Lena Beach 1 rosy 0-room eottsgs. nicely furnlsbsd, etcaTlsat watori psrtlculsrs Bog 52. Oregoa City. 514 ACBESi house, 1 acre small fruit, floe tore, tlon. Also 1 nsw house, 5 rooms, lot 50xio bsrgsls: al,9""- in'Piir. r r.o m. - vr iiiaru. Motitavllls. Phona East 4122, FOR SALE FARMS. 30 ACRES 4'4 Billee from best. R. R. snd town: besrlng rruit trees, running wster, .gooa fishing, nice mesoow. Bog N, Castls kocs. Wsahlnftoa. -; . I . i '