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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1906)
THE OREGON .L. i4r L.C1I C, 111 SflillTr FOR rfnvnvnrz. KJS KJ Ki UJ U 0- Fourth and Washington Streets Church Janitor Had Decided toJ t , . .. 1 : - . .: Ill I A stitok U j )fiaritha-4ntruder .Z- : .a Bed. y. - .LOCKED AGAINaTHIM Man Told First Congregational Keeper He Wu Merely Seeking Shelter From Cold, u Ht Had -No Ifi ' SUIT CASES I 4 i V'1 1 1 1 iii 'fTfl'" frfl i i I' l .v,:..-. i in ws mi i j v, v x n . i . r u i .. . II . . I, . ii .... r i i - m . j ' - en eji in " " s-p. . " ' rj: ' Pegtaond, Wether-ProofRiv-"N. frZirnacc O ' eted, "' Double-Action Lock, ". Mrs. Panl V. Stfflman and her dauch f P (fT) j l-ji --dr- lit ltzzri Z ;"r Cut Glass Specials -Berry Bwli Q NtDDies Boiv-Bo P j-Water.-Bottl-..-.. . Tumblers, set of 0 . Tumblera, act of 8 Sherbets, beautiful . Sherbets, set of 6. deatal eulaif J.OO Soeelal S3.40 Regular $ 3.25 Specialtl-OK .xReular 4.00 Special f a.85 ...Regular $ 4.S0 Special" 3.05" Regular t Special S3.65 cut. set...... Regular 112.00 Special fs.20 Regular 7.50 Special 4.85 iiqqmpmis Money to Get 'a Room. "vFir.ipJUJ--srer.'v--'- - r, - -t.:-. . Tw more church robberies were re ported to the police iaat nleht, those of the Flret Consresatloiuil end Wastmfn eter .Preebrtertsn cfrurchea. : The rlret occurred about two weeke ago and the eecond last week, but pelthar -was made btto until lis 1 paator " learned" that' sumeroue rther-ehrohe hav eeoeatljr been broken Into bx'burslare. ., The Janitor of the Flret Congresa tlonal church happened to be aaleep In the church, the night of the robbery, oc cupy Ins e small room on the lower - , story. He wee awakened at an early hour In the morning by hearing the sound made by a match as It was scratched.' v "Who's therer he -eaDed out. i Xh, It's all right" came a voice from the dark, "I'm merely looking for some plaoe to eleap. It's a pretty eold night ; end I haven't any money to get s room . st lodglnehoueaH v - -- The Janitor eaid that there was no -"TJlace-Tor theTnan-tor-eleep ana aeked him how he got In. He was told. that the door had Jbeen left ajar. Whan the tnaa left, the janitor aroee .and started for tha door. Ha had concluded to try rto provide ' somaTlttndof " bed "tor the wanderer. He waa aetonlshed at find lng the door cloeed and locked. It had .... s epitm wild Hie tjunlar. fei euuli ' lh man wtrAvmA n b. hA aulatlT doaad It en learHnr-ttte-chureh, ee that the . mother Sppealed to MrSV RoosssslC ..Janitor was . debacre4jrom . immediate snreulC The next ' mornlns practically erery room In the church showed evidence of tha nreaenca of tha intruder. All be " seoured wae about II In email clanael 0 , . . . . ', in i ehiidren'e bang in the prtmaryp San Francisco, where he Is charged room. The amount repreeented , the contrlbutlona of the little onee. T The Weatmlnster Preebyterlan ehurctl was entered after the. lock of a door had been forced; The tohurch waa ran' sacked thoroughly. The burglar car ried away about til In pennlea. H..B- AJbaa reported the burglary. EXTRA SPECIALl Set of six 12-oz. TUMBLERS, Scotland cut, tegular $2.50 Special . $1.38 AT UTTLEr PRICES Coke's Dandruff Cure, epecial.. .. . . .. ........... ..68 Witch Haiel. Dickinson's pint, special 14 Bay Rum, bint, epecial .........;...28 Camphor Spirits, 6 os., special.. .lTe Alarm Clock, guaranteed one year, epedal................T8es All 25c Pepeteriee, special ...,v........ .14 Frost King or Queen Chamois Vest, special 12.09 Wire Photo Racks, special...... ....... .Tf Extra Fine Tooth Brush, special. ........ .V ,.,,..13f J-Qaart Whitr Rubber Water Bottle, epecial. . . . . . .. . .i . . ,48e 1 7-Ouart white Kubberrountain Syringe, specii The police are eatlened that John C. Fabrlclus, the noted church thief re cently released from prleon. le the per . patrator of the recent church robberlee. and detectlyee are trying to locate him. It is deemed probable that he either left tbm city yeeterday or is in mains. ' . ots obool lsoo. :.iT ... - fkMi.i TMfMtHi a Tfc Jnnrnll) Toledo, Wlu. March . The annual . alacUon.of school, dlrectore wae held here Saturday for the purpoee of eup : plying the vacancies made by .the two retiring offloera. The board elected for tha ananlne- term conalata of O. L Boylaa P. Beveraon end William Ray, sasTias otrrnTTiso oohajtt FASH TOPCOATS, SUITS, : TROUSERS, WASH m ABLE AND FANCY VESTS JUST AR- . RIVED. The gtylea,.- - designs and tailoring of V "these garments' ; are ' " faultless. Select what veryoii "please-and" pay : for same at the' .-rate of $1MEEK EASTERN: OUTFITTING COMPANY the Stan Where Tear CMIf a Seal WASHINGTON AND TENTH STS 4 The interrentlon of the president's - wife was responsible for the arrest : of the child's father by detectives In with abduction. ' AUGRY MERCHANT THROWN OUT . v...'.' . ;:. .. A'.''C :" Jacob Asher Abuses License In. " spectoj and Is Ejected From r-j-r T'r: City Hall.------ J. A. MEAROW WANTED AN AUCTIONEER'S LICENSE Intended to Sell Out Ashers Baal. . ness, and When Council Committee Refused ..Application, Merchant , Heaped Abuse on Hutchinson. . . Because the license committee of the city oouncll.refuad-te - grant-J. A. Mearow a license ss sn auctioneer yea terday afternoon, Jacob Asher, a mar chant, of 129 . rirat etreet, heaped s tirade of abuse en IJcenae . Inapector Hutchinson, with ths reeult, that the angry marc nan i was urowa rrom oe hind the counter In the lloenee depart ment at the city hall and. Polloeman Qninton erdered-thermanrfrorg ""the building. Judge Fraxer Orermles Demurrer in Which Attorneys Moody and Tar pley Asserted That Circuit Court laiNeJurbdictio: naaSssVaftf aTSr class suctloneer. He eald that he de sired to go from etore to store and sell goods. -He had planned to eell out S etock belonging to B. Maserowekl of III H Flret etreet, who formerly hed hie seoond claee ' auctioneer Ucenae taken from him for defrauding hie cue tomere. and Jacob Asher. On Inquiry the committee learned that Mearow had no regular place of bualnesa and could not be oalled a flret class auctioneer. When the license wae denied Aeher be gan to abuae the committee.-. - - -- "I muet have a license: joh.iujm to give it to me," he demanded.- "I don't see how you sre going to get It," was the reply of Councilman Wills, and the meeting adjourned. ' - - - Asher then demanded of Llcenee in apector Hutchinson a llcenae. but the latter flatly refused. The dleturbance then "occurred 'whlch'reeulted In Asher bain thrown frem behind the countet and ordered out of the city hall. . The committee drafted new ordi nance for the purpoee of Imposing a li cense on all doctore who daal in the occult sclencee to cure patlenta - Hereafter hominy, horeeradlsh end pickle peddlers who walk from houae to houae and sail rrom a sucaei wui oe charged tit a quarter. ' v . A Card rrosa Chief Koldea. Portland. Or.r March eTo the Edi tor of The Journal I noticed In laat evenlng'e Journal, tinder the heading of "Weak Buildings Chler Menace, tne first paragraph: "More Important than fire limits end ef almoat. as great lm- portsnce-ss-tncreasedenglno- Benrrcey Is the strict enforcement of building lews Inthe central east elde dletrlot, accord ing to Battalion Chief Ires Holden and others." Then 'follow eeveral para graphs In support of the construction of frame building in the warehouse dis trict of the eaet side. Thle etatemant as coming from me la eorreot. but the reet of the article -Ooe.4ot meet with my -views on the eubject at all, ss I think that brick or stone should be used tn - all congested districts and every building should be- built ea -near "frre proor'as it can be made, and la order, to aceompltah thle result there muet be a Ire limit established, end in regard to ths practicability of placing all of ths central east side in the fire limits. I think it could and should be dona Hoping you will oblige me by publish ing this letter, I am, you re truly, U O. HOLDEN. Battalion Chief Fire Department .-..'A eleatlSe Weader. The curee that at and to Its credit make Rucklen'e Arnica Halve a aolen tlfto Wondar. It cured E. R Mulford, lecturer for the patrone of Husbandry. weyneanoro, i-a, oi a aistrsssing cane of Pllea. It heale the worat Burns, Boras, Bolls, Ulcere, Cute, Wounda, Chil blains and Bait Rheum. Only tte at 8. ii. Skldmore A Co.'a drug atore. V?':''H Hard and- soft ' wood, ddufcl pointed. 500 mpacluige. . rfiO,000"BOXESSPECIAlr t 2C Box JElaveuanlL Garden Seeds - Everything in : Seeds, vfor the flower beds or garden Swet Peas, Pansies, Petunias,- Carna-; , tions, Wild Cucumber and Marl- , gold. ' Get them in early this year.- For' the-garden we have . very choice Corn, Peas, etc. All ' and 10c - . . , .. . ... , TRY uRATTOH itIJD ULLI They Must Face tha Charge of Conducting a Handbook in - yy. Owl Saloon. X- NEASE AND READY MAY BE STATE'S WITNESSES . -- ---. - .hu,vu will have to stand trial on the ehara-a nT maintaining a nulsanca'bv conHnatiiw ' branch efflce of the Mllwaukie Country clab at tha Owl saloon, corner of Fifth and Alder etreete. Presiding Judge Ar thur I Fraser this morning overruled the demnrrar tn tha lnfnpmaiA rn-ji sgalnat them. In the Information filed, they are alleged to have maintained a nuisance oy Having a poolbook kept it the Owl saloon, the agent In charge f the buoir-Iitirlng a private telephone wire eonneotton with th, . uii..,,i,i. Club. . . : ... 7 . ; . , ' . . Ralph E. Moodv and vr ir,ni attorneys for Oratton and Culllson. filed a uamurrvr 10 xne inrormatlon, atatlng that ae It had haan harut . of . the alleged -nulaance was committed in roruiira, wmcn is in Multnomah county, and a part In Mllwaukie, which la In Clackamas muntr ,v. a ln..i .1. cult court would have no power to paae upon me case, judge rraser eald that while there might be a doubt ae to whether the crime charged wee dlvletbls he waa ' sure that the information charged that a crime had been com mitted in thle county. t) . Deputy District Attorney Bert Haney. for the etate, cited many authorltlee to ehew that nulaanoee In whloh two coun ties were effected had. been ' tried in counties other than the one In. whloh the nuisance originated. . ' Tt le aald that M. CI Kuu Mil tin Reedy ere to be witnesses for the aubia. maur nsa won arraaaa twice on the charge of keeping a poolbook at Hi. nl aalrtnn enr th. lllw.i.lrl. V of which Oratton and Culllson sre the alleged owners. :- .- FOUND SALOON BUSINESS: , NOT ALL PLEASANT .. ' ' f Becoming disgusted with the busl- ness, your pen t toners closed 't heir.i aa-4 loon February 10, and will not reopen It again." ,n i"V""ft Thle wee the unusual statement of David- Pyper and C - M.. MoCallum In a petition to the city council. They took eut a license on the flret of tha year to conduct ' a saloon It II North Blxth etreet They did a nourishing buelneee for a time, but they did not approve of the sort of trafflo with which they had to deal end closed their doors February 10. In their petition they aeked for-a refund of the unearned portion of their llcenae.- .......... . ' -., ' The judiciary, committee considered the petition yeeterday afternoon. Coun cilman - Vaughn , thought . that they should forfeit the unearned portion of the license, but the ether members of ths committee decided, otherwise 'and the money will he returned. . FOURTH MW-VJASHIUGTOtl STREETS CHRISTIAN RELIGION PAYS, SAYS DR. IU People Become Prosperous in Proportion as They Live Ac cording to Its' Principles. ' Rev. Clarence True Wilson, D. D., was ths leader of the noon day Lenten serv ice In tha sssembly room at the cham ber of eommeroe today.- He read as hie text the fourth chapter of Flret Timo thy, eighth versa: "Godliness la profit able unto all things having the promise or me that now is and of that which la to come." . . "It has been claimed that the Chris' tlan religion ie the religion of the pros perous and well-to-do," eald Dr. Wil son. "This is not because it makee Its appeal to theee only but because people become prosperous In proportion as they live according to its principles. God has promised to do great and won derful things for ua I know of no com mandment .without a promise attaohed, and it la a statement capable of vindica tion that he .enrichee us not by legacy but by exchange, ' If we give up Sin and seirrahaTworld llness, he will give us holiness, happi ness and prosperity. For godliness Is profitable unto all thlnge having the promise of thii life, and that promise Is dally fulfilled. It le fulfUled finan cially; it paye to be a Chrlstion. So cially, righteousness le the passport to ths highest social circle. Politically, ever- before" was it so marked that good men were coming to the front aohoolS' and colleges flourish; the re ligion of Jesus maketh wise the simple; Morally, for churches are eheaper than Jalla; revivale do more good than court eeeelone sad ' ths Bible prevente more crime than ether law books, and preach ers exert more influence than policemen. Spiritually, for man has a spiritual na ture, and godltneee le the only thing tnat satlsriee it no wonder saint Au gustine exclaimed: "Oh, God, thou heat made' ua for thyeelf and our hearte are reeUeee until they reet lay thee I' " M - - Caorek Incorporates. . -. Artlolee of incorporation for the fol lowing new ' organisations and firms have been recently filed in tha offlce-of County Clerk Frank 8. Fleldei -- The Firet Weeleyan Methodist Church of Portland, - the Incorporators - being Harry Clifford, Fred Snuff in and T. 11. Grlffeth. ; -. . 1 :V : ' The Plumbers Protective association, the Incorporators being W. T- Jaeobaen, II. K Rademacher and James Blgga The capital stock is M00. . .. ..; , Ths Enterprise Planing Mill eompany, the incorporators being J. A. Malarkey, Aug Borln and Wirt Mlno"The capital stock ts $i,ooo. : '--r 'The Scenlo Una of the World." " The Denver Rio Orsnde, in eonnee. tlon with the O. R. N., has estab lished, toirltft sleeping car service be tween Portland and Denver, leaving -Portland at 111 S p. m. datiyr-ThlsTuts passengers in Bait Lake City at 1:40 tha second morning, where they have ' the privilege ef spending the day. - Leaving Bait . Leke City that avenlng givee a daylight rlda through Colorado's won drous Rocky mountain eoenery the fol lowing day. t That you may form eome Idee, of theacenio attractions of the W C McBrlde.m . Third street Pert- J i David Morris, who tells a marvelous tale of battle with Santo Domln " lean bandits while h was acting as deputy receiver of customs there. THp Fari TdIIc 1 is. a a la. a Lii.i Whether o'r not we have, been luccttt- ful in nur treatment rii Aerttil ilia .nil rin't htrltf. . rrneff crrviri lnna. . Rrt if old customers come back to u it doesn't mesa .that our first work wasn't right imply means that they require addi tional care, and are satisfied with our skill and care. Good example for you. WISE BROS. Main 2029. . Third and Waahincton. Open evenings and Sundays, Work done on easy payments. - r- , . j M ' -BATKASwerr- - I A Perfa-ed Lssary 1 r -SathaSWixt- J I RICE PQWOCR I - Far the BATH COMPUXION SOAI( I .1 Stoat t.U.1 aswSar. Aa- J - uj U.i ' J Seftaaa aad whitaM Sael f I j-V tlaeatically para. v - : Min. hum naavy i I I X. Believes wlpd t,ai(Sf, llm , Ji,,J"r rX S I I I I X-aheav-Vary ,3C- . furoa; IS aaths X a3c" NsfragraaU TnrnXyT J I , SMELTS - - 3 Cents N" Herring e 7 f ' e a 5 t , s r -y ; - Halibut, 3 lbs v-.T. ; ; . . . V , ; . 25e- V" ; Oysters, per qt."... ............ . .50e .; Crabs, Clams, Smoked and Salt Fish ' - tSTANDARLV-CRAB-COMPANV- 171-173MADIS01STREET AT. BRID GE ' UIZZXSZXXCaXZSXXSZXSSXXaKXXXSXXXSS. DETECTIVE DAY WANTS . BURGLARS KEPT IN JAIlI Whan Detective Joe- Day wasln formed thle morning that an effort wee being made to secure a pardon for Wil liam Outtman, sentenced ' January 10. 1001, upon ble plea of guilty to serve even years In the penitentiary, he lm mediately telephoned a protest to Oover- nor Chamberlain and personally called on District Attorney Manning, who etgned the petition for the pardon. Governor Chamberlain telephoned from Salem to Day that he would not grant the par don until he had gives the detective a ehanea t tell hlnv U the facta of lhe caaa .-. ....... "Outtmeft'e story to the effect thst he stole some articles from a former eweet heart In a aplrlt of ..revenge, and thai thle constituted the uurglary charge upon which he wee arreated la a He, pure end simple," eald Day. . "Outtman Is a crook end has been in' jail several tlmee. He robbed the room of a woman who llvee on Union avenue. He wee not personally acquainted with the women and had never seen her. He alao robbed hie arreev " '" " " - "I understand that a elster ef Outt man is making the effort to eeeure the pardon, and while I appreciate her feel ings I do not thlnk . lt safe, . to, bare such a man at large." i UMATILLA HUSTLING - , IU ULI HUMESEEKERS' Pendleton, Or., March . The com mittee to which waa Intruated the work of gathering and compiling etetlettcs and other Information to be used by the , tlon, le busily engaged, and in a abort time every westbound homeaeeker.over the O. R. N. line will have informa- tin. DAHMmlntf T'm.fMI. nMw Into hie hande aa soon ss his train eulla out of Pocatello by an authorised rep resentative of the association. Ths O. R. N. Co. will furnish free transporta tion to the distributor of Information tlons of the county, 4ira,.viri. U I L. -DLUESTEM DL-END S Is made from best east era Washington bluestem wheat and treated with the - best 'aging' process "i known , to science; .-A high - priced -flour-and. worth the money. Every " ( aack guaranteed. ; BIOTJliU TTT.t.TT C sssh waci?-rt-a r-. f,. '" ...... r...