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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1906)
THE' OREGON DAILY -""JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING. MARCH ir 15037 It OFFER 8625 FOR SHALL STORE Broyvn ; & Schiller Would Pay h1f Surrrfor Row & Mat' I tin's Stand. . ' " IS 'ONLY TWENTY-THREE . BY FIFTY FEET IN SIZE Cigar Men Propose to Sublet Part of success of th oilier classes. It follow then that th farmer, to ba mo auc- SpTcTToSalrt SSSJSrS Row A Martin to Move to-Ad-1 variety and quMtygr him products; and tha purchaser wno naa a anowieag and understanding or th principle or agriculture will bacoma a mora Intelli gent - buyer and thua benefit . not only himself but tha farmer also. We believe, therefor, that tha teach ing of agriculture In our city achooJa. u wall aa our -country schools, would joining Store, - - ' Brown aV Schiller, dnr men on tha -rthwest corner of Fourth and waan .ngton atreeta, ha v offered Mrs. Fannl ...xOT-. K,- Keltev ai Haaw in I 426 a month Tent on a five-year lease "for th drug--store room now occupied by Row A Martin, under tha Lane hotel, north weat corner of. Sixth and Washington streets. Tha floor apace la only x&9 ijt,"whlch makes H tha highest priced piece of rental property now under leaaa In Portland.. . The lease have- been sent to Baa Francisco to Mrs. Kelleyfor-her slg natura and are. xpeed to arrlvJack tha latter part of thla week. It la -said that the owner of th property la a free able to tha proposition made her by Brown r Schiller as. It means a much - larger- rent than aha la now receiving from the druggists. Th leaaea for tha stores under th Lng hotel expire on June Mti Rows A . Martin war de al rou a of xtndlng their holdings, but "were outbid. "--tnnt "every on-.nrt ;iHng H-rta It was eaIdThls morning that Rows at. Martin would move Into tha present Quarters of th Imperial Clear company, -adjoining- th drug ator) paying-MM per month rant. Tha cigar company Imperial people will open up another store la nroblematicaL They recently ao- duird the aUuid. at lit- Sixth street and will probably greatly enlarge It, making It the company beaCiuartera for a time at least - - .- Brown aV Schiller will occupy only nortion of the ator room. Sam Vlg- neaux. former baseball club manager and saloon man on Washington street, be tween Fourth and Fifth atreeta. will aub-leas th rear portion and open cafe.- Ha will close his present place, according to tha proposed plana, when he moves further up tn street. : Th leasing of th drug ator corner by Brown aV Schiller la a striking ex ample of tha wonderful advancement Portland la making. Less than five -years ago Mrs. Kelley offered th build Ins: and lota upon which -the Lang ho tel stands for 41,000. .During ths last T three years ah hae collected "that amount In rants. ' , " GRANGE VAHTS FARr.TK.6 ' TAU6HT Would Hav Boys Study Science r ' of Agriculture and Stay on , . Farm. . 1 - v r-' For a' multiplicity of reasons the Rusaellvllle grange believes that th general welfare of th atat would be helped by -a public school agricultural fourse. - At its last meeting th grange pasaed resolutions approving and In dorsing the oourse of Mr. Ackerman, state superintendent of public schools of Oregon. In hla efforts to Introduo uch a course. In the school and agree ing to support him. Copies of th reso lutions are to be sent to every grange in the state with a letter aaktng co operation. They follow: "Whereas, W believe the' prosperity and commercial progress of our atat depends- largely upon the Industry. In tell I gene and devotion which our rural population place In agriculture; and "Whereas, Tha more educated and in terested our farmers become In their calling, tha more greatly th state will become enriched by the Increased -qiial- THE Crown, Orchestral : Piano, the piano of ' many tones with practice . clavier, and the forty-five ' other worthy' " American : .makes, - '.v . Sol Only r Eilers Piano House -.Vortlaad. Spokane, Boise, Baa . Traaclsoo, Stockton, Oakland and All Other Important rotate. Ity. quantity and markatablenaas of Its produce! and, . "whr. The fitting out or a; suc cessful farmer requires a wider scope of knowledge and talent than moat any other calling, and we believe that the fullest development of tha agriculturist can ba brought about only through th Inspiration and interest awakened fn the young by an elementary course of agriculture In our common schools; and. Whereas, We believe that tha Im pressions of childhood, to a large de gree, mold the. destiny of our Uvea,, and 4t we would atop tha Influx of tha ooua- try boy and girl to th city,- wa muat cause them to look beyond th drudgery of farm Ufa and to study the science of agriculture, which will eventually make druda-err unnecessary: and. ; 'Whereas, Farming 4a tha largest and most Important Industry of th state, and Ha welfare affects the greatest number. of people, ..and tka successor Into a better appreciation of .agriculture. that which Is of Itself so dose to nature that all the people ar bound up In Us welfare; and, " "Whereas. Believing that 'the general welfare of th state -would be helped by public school . agriculture . course. therefore, be It '' ' "Resolved, That we approve and In dorse the course of Mr. Ackerman, state superintendent of publie schools of Ore gon, In his efforts -tolntroduca such a course In the: public 'schools, and that wa support and encourage hire : in th aame; and be It further rHasolved. That w urge all granges throughout th state to support and ad vocate a course of agriculture la th publio schools before th people and Jn th atat (rang at Its next session; and b It further - ; 'ReaolvedV That w .press our ap preclatlon and thanka to The Oregon Dally Journal for. the stand It has taken In- its discussion before th public iNNA fiAHSKI WAS " LOUDEST GIRL 0FALT Many a great voice ha a been ruined In childhood,"- says Mm. Johanna Gad- ski, the world-famous prima donna, who Ul be heard at the Marquam Grand theatre next Thursday night. March t, "by th effort to sing too much and as loud as possible In th beginning; and la tar on. by a restless desire to change taachera, . . ' "I did not . Inherit' my musical gUC My mother could not distinguish one tune from another, but when 1 1 was about 7 years old I was sent to a pri vate school in BerHn, where . w lived. and every morning the pupils assem bled In a big room to sing tha opening exercises. - To my Intense delight I, dis covered that; although J was., one of' th youngest-children, my vole dominated all th others. I tried to -sing louder and louder aja.'JbeT'mi a sort of a show pupil. Before, long on of th teacher took ma to alng for Fran Schroeder Chaloupka; one of th most famous singers and teachers of the day. ' ' . "Hhe listened to me a few moments In grim silence. Then she called out with horrible sternness, 8topl, It la such folly as this that wrecks; voices!' Of course I burst lnt tears, and then ah put her hands on my head and ' said kindly: j'Chlld. do not cry. . Thou must sing a little now. In order to sing much later on.' " The advance sale of seats will open Monday morning, March I, at -10 o'clock, , . .' : ,: v i , ; WILL' TRY GASOLINE V . MOTOR ONCE MORE Another" effort "Id" solve" the suburban passenger traffic problem that has con fronted - the steam railway companies for years Is to be made In Portland by tha Southern Pacific company as soon aa a new typ or. gasoline motor-car which has been" constructed in th com panya Omaha ahopa arrives. The new. motor-car was built with a view to over coming the defects found In the ear which th company tested locally a year ago. and. ou nd unsa tlsf a ctpry, it ha s practically twice the capacity of its antetype. Is . equipped with machinery of about " ISO horsepower and la pro vided with trucks eapecially designed for rounding curves st a high rat of speed., me .car-win leave vmana some time this month. After Its arrival; It will be given a thorough test, if the test proves satisfactory the new car will be put Into regular service. It Is said, either on the Oswego or Forest Grove branch of the Southern Pacific. -. The car which waa built and tested year ago would accommodate but tt passengers, while the new on ,.wlli handle B0 with ease. - Th rinm Tree," that great novel by Dayld.QrhanirhmipsuwlU interest you, for It deal with ta vexing prob lem of practical America polltloa. It will ooameao la aext Snadays Joor aal. aa sura aad get It. . . riefsned Stock Caaaed Oooan. Allan Lewis' Beat Brand. W. H. MMm 1 CO. t- ; ; - 121-123 ' grand avenue - - .1 l Sale of Folding Go-Carts Jrnew; spring line of Folding Go-Carts is very cornpletej I 1 4 extensive." Every cart is strongly" constructed, has : springs, adjustable front and back, rubber cap hubs, , , ctcTaffd"af e 1 iRlit up lu date. SpeUdHmtttSTof S445r ? 4.05, 93.95, f6.05, ?7.95. - . - NewSpringDressGoodsinVariety :mterhanweJiayeejL . Mohairs and-Suitings, in the most oomilar shades. Pi ices MMgc 5)eVy&11.H7S5r?l-.50T7cT 4 yard. : -Men's Spring aolhino1l0to-$l8 Very complete' assortment of newest sprtri'g styles direct from the big wholesale tailor shops of Brantjagee, Kin- caid & Wood, Utica, N. Y., the country's bestrxlothes r . makers." Doys' AH-Vool Soils a! $3.45 Boys New SpHng Clotlte, made oj all wool Oregon clothr, strongly constructed and vtyatylish. Extra. values, - 'JOLlAri DETECTIVE TORTURED BY TO DID GIRLS Woman's Auxiliary Will Consider -7-Appointirig On, at Special ; Meeting Sunday. WOULD TRY PERSUASION -, IN PLACE OF ROUGHNESS ITCHING SCALP Eczema Broe.Out Also on Hands and Umbs Suffering Intense--Doctors Said Too Old to Be F' jpured - An Old Soldier 80. Years Declares i ... ... ' Idea Is That Girls Might Be ted From-Dcrwwwnrd Path by Shew of Force, - Without ; Unneceuary ; No toriety or Disgract. '-'--if .Th appointment of a woman detec tive, empowered with -poll" authority, whoae duty .It would ; be-M'place ob ataclea In the downward vMVK.of gtrla and yo una . woman . In PqrUanil. ianaLleifcet J then went to a Bunceon. who- 4 .a KKAiMa ka eaftll kat MIlK. I . . . ... f " . . I of tbe auaaeatlona that will be eub mltted Sunday afternoon at a apeclal meetlng. the Wokricn'a aflxillarr . ot tha MunfclpaTTiaaoclatio.Niiv'- --ThoHgh-veated jwlth plic power, the woman'' dutle would. Of a per- uaJv or deterrlnc (nattr" nttr, h"' tna t conapicuoua anir, agnresaive. une would. eX eonra. be Jxtected to "exer- cla her authority when neceaaary, but an equally Important Jind far more dlf- xicuit runction in connection wnn ner work would be to" avoid,' by ail poe Ibl meana,- th brlnIn of notoriety or dUtrac upon th - stria under aur velllance. r ' It la arraed by-thoa advoeatina th appointment of a female detective that girl who stubbornly reject friendly and ympathetlo effort of aaalstance may b Influenced by th proper dla-play- of authority, Instances are cited where young; women who have persist ently ignored - warnings - and pleas of thoa. known to. be Interested in. them havQulcwyche'clced ' their - pace whir approacheo. -by 'persona dleplaylnc em- trtenwnr Inni mta of powi Keetina at Orao Church. r,Tbe .special meeting has beencalled for th purpose ' of discussing means for helping girls and young women. It will be-hold at Orac Methodist church Sunday afternoon at 1 o'clock; and will be In tha nature of a mass" meeting. The subject to be discussed is "Prac tical Methods for Protecting Toung GiriB.', : - ... " : Men will be bwrred from admittance, Addrtaaea will be mad by a number of "women who have - devoted time . and atudy to the subject of suitable means for protecting girls. Iq the- rule barring men. from admittance at least two ex ceptions have been made, however. The exceptions are Mayor Lane and Detec tlv Cay, to whom Invitation to apeak hav been Issued. Included In th list of speakers are Mrs. C M Wood, presi dent of the Bute Congress of Mothersri Mrs. Lola G. Baldwin of, the Travelers' Aid society and Mrs. B. F. Trumbull of the Juvenile court. For two year the Women' auxiliary of th Municipal association has con ducted a secret Investigation of condi tions In-Portland. Efforta to obtain from officers of the association the result of the Investigates have been fruitless.' However, it Is said that startling revelation will be mad at Sunday's meeting and that at-least a portion of tha secret report will - be revealed, -MT. , Alfa Wallace tJnruh, chairman of the committee In charge of the meet ing, w'll likely offer, the suggestion with reference to the appointment . by the city of a female detective. "Thin meeting I of far wider signifi cance than merely the gathering to gether of a few earnest women to dis cuss an ever-present subject," said one of the women.,;, 'Kor several, months of feeling, that If young girls of tha city are to be 'rescued It muat be dona In -a different way from periodical Talds, where packed Jurieaj. and politicaJ mechanism turned It Into a burlesque. -v "With this In view - th Women's auxiliary of th Municipal assoclHorl went quietly to . work Interviewing prominent men and women, as' well as 4-erganlsatlons of bothr ftnd at the same time collecting Irrefutable evidence that wilt convince th most callous of where the real causa of ' these condi tions exists. There are things of a tartling nature that will be xposed and made plain to the women at Sun day meetlns." i . Folltics will mingle closely with th deal re to aid the girls of Portland at Sunday's meeting. Members of .yie auxiliary nave turned searchlights upon the records of every sel f -announced can didate who will come be for the primaries for Indorsement The records of .various candidate will be discussed. It la said. .' . -r Candidates who desire to know all about their 4aat have vainly sought per mission to attend the meeting, which wilt be non-seclarlan and wow polltleal. I ; All women are invited to attend. "CUTICURA TREATMENT - ISTAT6LESSING -' .At all time and to all people I am ' wuling to teatiT to tha merita of Cu-ticu-w- Jt aaved id irom- won. thao tbtorturc of- hades, about tha year 1900, wnh itchinr on bit acalo and temple, and aiterwarda it commenced to break out on tny hands. . Than it broke out on my limbs. I waa advised to aalt and water, which J did. commenced treating m with a wash of borax, llua treatment did me no good, but rather aggravated tbe difoas. I then told him r would go and ae a phy sician iir Erie. Tha reply waa that 1 : could go anywhere, but- a case of .ecserna like nun ootid not ba cured; that I was too old (80 f. .1 went to an eminent doctor in the ty of Erie and treated with him- for six months, with like resulta. I had read of th Co . ticura IRemediea often. I waa strongly tempted to give them a trial, so I sent ' for' the CuUcura Soap, Ointment, and - jieaoiveoi - ana -eonunuea - taamg too Resolvent until I had taken aix bottles, stopping it to take tb Pills. I was now getting befter. -1 took two bath a day,' and at night I let the lather of the Soap 'dry on. I used th ' Ointmentwita DRIDEGRQ0r.1S130 PATRIOTS 54 Thirteen February Brides Older -Thanibandriswerity: ! Nine Grodmt Outsiders' FOURTEEN OUT FOR "ESTATE LEGISLATURE All County Officer but 'Judge Web- gter File Peclarationa of Candidacy! :. and He WU1 Run Forty-Six Pris oners at County Jail. great effect after washkg. in .WaflftJ Chief reputy County Clerk Fred W. water, to atop tha- itching at oqca. ana now 'enred, '" The Cuticura treatment Is a blessine Ulrr MTMea Jy every one wno i a. . . . I a "lal baa Honing of tb skin, l can t any any more, and thank God that Ha has given the world such" ,;tiitr?!:sc-You ja 1 use this letter aa you please. A very August z, iwa. . 7 ; . Cimtrlm gilmri lin mI Tmiaul tar eiif 9wmtr. hum ItwgilM t Sarofnie. frmn Imtmnrf I At wMht W Catlnrs k Ik, GtensaM. IUr, ,mt, Mc (l fom CkMolut Ctiut Pill. SM. pr tU 'af S,ei7htka4sJItn(tl. A a(1.MMwa, gtMMr Draf S Cba. CmMM fropm.. IkaUIlK STluMliiasaCMliUnkBiMa,' FIGURES 10 PROVE ALASKA - LINE WOULD PAY Board of Trade Committee .Will Show Merchants What They -Are Missing. . .. J ' February was a busy month at th county courthouse, blushing, bride grooms and-peopie willing to serve their countrymen In publ'e omc being mucn, ln evldeneeJjhroughput I3h .shortest moiith of th year. One hundred and thirty-eight marriage licenses were Is sued,- which proved that Cupid apent th busiest Tebruary he . ha ever known In Portland. County Clerk Frank & Fields says.that men coming to Port land to se th lair war charmed by Portland's beauuful women and decided to atop for the rest of their days. " Only 2 of The February bridegrooms were from points outside of Multnomah county. One came from each of the fol lowing eltles: Grand Junction, Colo rado; Omaha, Nebraska; Brooking, South Dakota; Freeport, Illinois; Dorchester, Nebraska, and Salt Lake - City. Utah. Thirteen of th bride were older than their new husbands. Deputy . County Clerk C. C. Ros Issued legal' permit to 80 couples- to wed during February and th young women employed In the county clerk' office are making a wed ding bell sofa pillow to present to' him Hope of getting a steamship line established . , between Portland and Alaska ha not been abandoned by th board of trade some of th member asserting that the pro pec ts neverArchle Ray. Is dead. Praap Issued tt marriage license last 4month.DpntyCounty-CIrk W. O. Kerna Issued II. Deputy county, Vlerg , 11 mmA a aakfiutv-.t iilin W WSBswaBpssias j luayasss i ty Clerk Mackie, 4, while Mr. Fields Is sued !.' " Fifty-four men last month filed their "fntehUona to ills petitions a eandtdat for various offlue that ar to be filled at th .coming Jun lctlons. Fourteen of them - want to represent Multnomah county In the next state legislature a renresentatlves. while on wants to be a state senator; six ar seeking th con stableshlp Of th west aid Justice court and four th same offlc with th aaa. aid Just court; three want to b Justice of th Pc for th west sld district and five ar asking for the east side Justiceship. Four Bepubllcana and two Democrats cam out in February zor sheriff; four filed for county commis sioner, three for auditor, three for coro ner, two for treasurer, two ror-couirty Judge and on for county clerk. Every county-offlciai--wno -omc i affected by th Jun ejection last month filed declarations for renomlnatlon witn tha exception of County Judge Lionel R. Webster. Whll Judge Webster did not take any 4egal"actlon seeking renoml natlon he did announc that he waa go ing to run. f Sheriff Word and Jailer Harry Grafton received 4 prisoners In the county jail last month, fiv of them being women. One, Le Jung, Is charged with murder and It wer accused of larceny. One, ALSO Uricqln, DenrieU & Co:, SCLLAGENTS fV: 7 311 Morrison $L -VppPostotflce XAf lae In vl tea Ton.. Lafe Pence Invites the general nub ile to visit the sceno of his hydraulic work beyond Macleay park, where he Is leveling a big hill and with th dirt filling In a gulch and a portion of Guild's lake. The easiest way to reach the. point of Interest -Is to take the W car on Washington street, which turns off on Twenty-third street and then goes out Thurman street Get off at Rugby, which would be Thirty-third street If tha thoroughfare was numbered numerically, turn to-the left and walk about1 three blocks. TH BUT COTOK STatr. 8. -I Apple," ex-Probate .-Jndx7OT. tawa t'o., Kansas, writes: "This is to say that- I have used Ballard's Hore- hound HvruD for years, and that I An not hesitate to' recommend It aa the best osngh ayrup I have ever used." 2Kc, 60c and 1.00. Woodard, Clarke ac Co. Teeth .... ... . r ' ' -Teeth . youinja j Teeth ' 7 : '. : .. . ill eein Hreeth lilTeelH Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth. Teeth Teeth TeAth Teeth ztarasrvtf er r tr r b . Our prices are ry lawsst ronslstent with fl rst-clss niaterlal and worKmanshlp. . Csll and get our , prlcea ; - ostobt VAnrxsM . . siitiiti, Opp. Meier " m Traak - - aa restontoe. 1H Korrtsoa a . 1111111 Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Tee fh Teeth TeatbJ Teeth .Xfielli Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teelh Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teih Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth looked mor promising. --The committee having this matter In charge haa been notified to draw up a atatement showing the tonnage that 1s moved from th various Pacific ' coast porta to th far north in the course of a year. When thla data haa been compiled it la the In tention to call a mass meeting-or all of the leading .merchants and- prove to them by figure that th venture will b a most prontabl on..- . -"- - - It. Is thought that, arrangements, can be made to have this meeting held the latter part of the week, or by Monday or Tuesday of next week at the latest. When the merchants hav boon con fronted with the proof of th tremen dous amount of business they ar losing because of-the lack of transportation facilities with Alaska It Is said there la no doubt that they will work for th bringing about of th enterprise mor faithfully and arntly than-hreto- fore. - -r- Those Interested' fh an Alaska lln being established say that a thorough canvass among th merchants to ascer tain how much they are willing to con tribute to th venture has never been made. It is asserted that when the business men were first visited and th subject broached to them it waa merely for the -purpose of creating an Interest III the proposed line. When this had been accomplished the members of th committee wer of the opinion that mat ters had progressed sufficiently far to begin negotiations for a steamer. Later It was found, however, that this step was premature. An effort will be made to Indue all of th business man to attend th mass meeting and go on record as to Just wEitrtney win aw TWO HUNDRED COMING TO DODGE JACK FROST As tha result of an advertisement In. aerted In several eastern papers by tha Dunn-Lawrence-company, 14afe .First street, mor than 200 families ar com ing to Oregon within the next four months. In the number is th well known Dr. Ring, one of th original 11 who mad Minneapolis the' milling cen ter of th northwest. Th advertise ment, told of the comforts of th tem perature of Oregon and the vast oppor tunities In all lines of Industry. ' It fol lows: - .' ---i J "Ye good people of th northwest and east: We ask which win ye have, y freeslng ones, while In tha same latitude the" people of Oregon " a'hd thlPacflo coast enjoy the comforta of" a tempera ture 40 to 30 degrees, almost summer heat. Th sun shines Ilk a magnetic mirror, th grass grows, tha birds sing d-tha nprlngtime flowers peep through wrestling with th might Jack Frost and his whirling bllxxards. The-land where roll- th Oregpn. Read about, this to your families. - It I a subject. of great Import Writ to n for. information of th wonderful opprtnlMe t net await y good people who. ar ahtvering with ed ears and framing noses and moan th inclemency that .nature puts upon you, whlle you Should be here where the soil is cheap and rich, where heallh. wealth nd t.mnrT .shines upon every face. Where wagea are good, labor Is well paid and the working man can obtain-a home. Where opportuni ties for every pursuit of life -Is un hampered. Illustrated Iltaratur de scriptive of this, th promised land, will be forwarded to any address by address ing Th Dunn-Law re nee Company, 44tV First Street." , - . i .v - One of theee adr was published In th Kansas City Journal, resulting- In 44 re plies, th Pittsburg Times, 24; Pitts burg Press, II; Boston Herald, IJ; Ft. Paul News, ; Rural Weekly. St. Paul, f. and Farm Loans and City Bonds, Chicago, 14. - . i , ; - , . . V, ', -. - Fortv-nlne nerson wer mad cltl- imi of the United State. Of these It wer born In Germany, ven In Ire land, Blz in Canada, fiv in Russia, four in Norway, four in Scotland, tnre in Austria, two In Holland, two In Rou- manla and-on each in th following countries: Denmark, Bwitierland, Fin land and England. . Durlnr last month 4T persons took out their first c.tlzefishlp papers. Eleven' of the prospective clt liens were born un der th union Jack of Great Britain and th aame number wer from Sweden; Germany furnished eight, , eight wer from Russia, seven from Norway and on acb from Belgium and Switzerland. Deputy County Clerk Herman Schnei der Issued 40 hunters - licenses, ' wnicn made a total of H Issued sine Jan uary 1.' . ...vx . .:. '' ' . r od Xraagwllat to breach. Rev. Joseph H. Smith of California, a noted evangelist, will begin a series of union meetings tonight at th Taylor Street Methodist Episcopal Thhrcft under the auspices of the First Baptist and iFlrat Methodist churches. Kev. Mr. Smith Is recognised as 'on of th leading expoiiltQry-jrt-eachers In America. Last night Dr. Short spoke at the Whit Tempi on "The Necessity of Re ceiving the Holy Ghost" Considerable Interest Is already manifested In the meetings to be held. Begin TsklfijT Oaomnlston Today) Vnd Tour Cur Begins Today, , Tht C4 Lmt Oil Uh "Far EseitUnt." la a Rich, Liquid Food, Powerful at a Nutrient and tiiu-builder. (By tit-ue-builder ,ii meant anything that pro motet Growth and Repairs Waste.) ' Oromulsion it EASY TO TAKE Because it it Sweet, Qean, Pure and Pleatant to the.Tatte. . Ozomulsion it EASY TO ASSIMI LATE Because, being Highly Nutri tious and Easily Digested, it it Quick ly Converted into Blood, and Repairs the Watted Organs and Worn-out Tis sues. J ..-.yr . .j...v A Weakened (ditipii of thT Brood leavet-tha- Syte-oEaiy Prey to Pulmonary Affectiontana Kindred Complaints. ' r Oromuliion makes Good, Healthy th already greenswaawfine arwjoo,! ration. Eminent Physicians nte in their own Families and Prescribe in their Hospi tal and Private Practice the izomulcionJjui Household Heeds A T-UTTLB PRICES For WEAK . LUNGS. CONSUMP TION, CATARRH, BRONCHITIS, SCROFUUA. ANAEMIA, SICK.. ETTS, MALARIA AND CHRONIC COLDS AND COUGHS. For Pale, Sickly Children and Nurs ing -Mothers it it a wonderful, Strength-givingr.VHallslng Tonic. .- Ozomulsion arret the oatlent a feel ing- of buoyancy and overcome! De pression and Melancholy. . . ' Uenehcial Results are Obtained after the First Dos. There are twe utee lot. and It-es. Bottles! the Fsratuls I pOnted la f language oa each. Ozomulsion .Laboratories' Pompeiian Massage Cream, special . r-rm. Coke's Dandruff Cure, special .'. 63 Witch HaxeL Dickinson's, pint, apecial,.T . .. 14 Bar Rum, pint, special.... ,..29 Camphor Spirits, 6 ox peciai.."7..;..'. ...IT) Alarm Clock, guaranteed one ytvc, special..... T8a All 25c Pspeteries, special. , 14 Front King or Queen Chamois Veat, special., ,.3.09 Wire Photo Racks. BDCcial. .....A,. T Extra Fine Tooth Brush, special... ...... .....I...V.. .......... A 2-Quart White Rubber Water Bottle, special.... , 48e 2-Quart White Rubber Fountain Syringe, special ,..j:.83 EXTRA SPECIAL! 35 Cents 5000 Pairs Guaranteed -J- .RUBBER CLOVES . Toilet Per Sale "400 Roll Mount Hood. Roll. -J-Woodlark" Roll ."Our Fair" Roll.... Sanitas Roll Aseptic Package .. Delta Package Klondike Package Oneida i f a jjjsw ' .......... ......... . . . ...v Perfection Roll .Tishu Package . Per Dos. .T2 .84 ,T3 eze :46 fi.ia rr.. ...iTU' 84t . . ...39f Per Dos. 1.80 f2.20 Case of 100. J5.5T 6.T5 86.25 1 4.96 3.50 88.40 v-SS.TS-H $6.63 83.00 Case of 50. f T.OO . .- f 8.50 Cut Glass Specials Berry Bowl, Quaker Cut Nappies ; Bon Bon Pedestal....... Water Bottle ...... Tumblers, set of 6. . X umQicrs, set vi u. . . . . ...... Sherbets, beaubtui cut, set Sherbets, aet of 6 ..Regular f 5.00 Special 3.4 40 Regular $ 3.25 Special 1.95 Regular $ 7.00 Special 4.15 Regular $ 4.00 Special 2.85 ' .Regular $ 4.50 SpecUl 3.05 . Regular $ 5.50 Special 3.65 .Regular $12.00 SpecUl 8.20 1 a SB ST A 4T 1 a at aD SF EXTRA SPECIAL! Set of six 12-01. TUMBLERS, Scotland cut, regular $2.50, Special............. $1.38 BEAUTIFUL LINE OF JARDINIERS JUST ARRIVED Liquors at Special P rices dian Club .... ..:'.. Regular $1.15 Special ii.oS t Old Scotch..,.!... ....... .....Regular $1.65 Special 1.15 Canadi Fine Old Scotch Chicken Cock' Rye "... . . ............. .Regular $1.15 Special 8 Rock and Rye. Crystallised.........;. Regular - 75c Special 68 Maryland Ctub ...... ...Regular $1.35 Special fl.lO . n l . n; ' . .... . ..-.. nr. r. ...I -r, T rucn nnnaf ar r in,, ncguiar i.uu opeciai .r Apricot Brandy, Extra Fine. . . . . . . . .7. Regular $1.00 Special T8 Fine Old Port, quart......... V1J..... Regular 50c Special 25 Fine Old Port, gallon.; r7tnrr77.7. . Regular $1.50 Special 1.00 - California Sherry.;: quart., vir.4rr.vVT-. Regular 50c Special... jSBsl Caiuorrua snerry, ganon...,. j... ... . Keguiar si.3i special ata.uw EXTRA SPECIAL! nmtsoNwmsKEr-mamnr tir-$13SrSPEaU?. SSXentsZ Woodard, Clarke & Co. . We Deliver Anywhere in the City Without Extra Charge. ; POPULAR--PRICE -DRUGGISTS -Fourth, and Washington.. - Phone Private Exchange ll. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY BEST 1