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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1906)
TXI3 OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, FE3HUARY 13 1C0J. IS RIFT 10 ;;v lute MO r V Verbal Fireworks . Charactsrizs f Meeting of EasSldw Im- ; provemant Association. . i. r ...i, ... . .. . -. . , i, ...., 801SE AND NEWKALL TELL STRAIGHT FACT9 W Don't Want; to Let Somebody : With Hit Littia Craft Qt in, Says ' Bola and Newhall Resents the '. Statement ' r'-;- V'''... ' . '.j'm Mlt ltd. eMee of TV JosrB.1 Is Is the - etere el J. M. t. MliMf. w . .tract. felepseae Best TTs. ' v ' "The reed that w will favor on East Third street will b the on that 'will do th moat for us. I can tall you mat. tV don't want to. 1st aomabody with his llttla graft get In and hold tha field to tha detriment of the best Inter ests of tha aaat alda." Whitney I Boise, proaldant of tb East Bid Im 1 crovement association. , "Our project Is on tha square and I .won't be oalled a grafter. You don't ' want to aay that again. I nan tall yon that." H. H. Newhall. president of the East Bid bank and on of tb Dacaars of the electric belt line that aeeka a i franchise on East Third street. . , These war tha concluding; rocket In a display of verbal fireworks that stirred the East Bid Improvement ss soclatloa laat night, and Indications are ' hat the organisation tias sprung a rift in Its lute of harmony that wilt re quire tlm and diplomacy to mend. , i The discussion started over the fran- this contest between the Southern Pa ri f la and the electric belt line and Mr. .Newhall cast the first stone. He was called t stato tha position of his com- psny and In part aald: - - . - : Tha Tint Stow Oae. ' r. "We desire to lay a standard gauge toad from Bellwood to St Johna through the heart of the east side wholesale district. W wish East Third street -nerause it la tn Beat lor our purpose "and about tho only through atrt now left In tha wholesale dletriet. - The H rrlman management now has Esst First and Eaat Second streets and If It Is given East Third street ther will be nothing left; the eaat aid will b bot tled up and will get nothing. We will connect with, both the Hill and Hani- man lines; we hav plenty of money behind ua, do not expect to sell .the franchise or msk entangling alliances, and wish to bv-neflt the 'eaat aid and ourselves at the same time. - W hear a lot about the promises of the Harrl man people, but I have been br II .. .Tear and "in all that time It la mighty . Ilttl I hav seen Harrtman -do for the east aide, though he mad promises enough. I want th association to take bold of this matter and help ua to se cure th franchise .' V ' . ' " President Boise, " replying : for ' the , property owners on Eaat Third street, who algned tha Southern Paclflo peti tion for tha right of way, said: "If th Northern Pacific la behind this elect rio project let It say so and wa will favor lis petition. Th South rn Psr.lfia hss agreed to fill th afreet, to give, us a freight depot, abolish switching charges and put In necessary witches to tha warehouse district. I don't think the association ahould mis up In thla affair, for It la the bualneaa of th Interested property owner chief- ly and tha organisation had better keep out of th fight" , Than th Ttrework. , It'wa at this point that Mr. New ball made aom remarks about th Haw--irn estate, and by Implication Mr. IjJola. th Ladd esUte, the Harrtman (Official and their policy. . ' 'It seems a small thing to do fair the big property owner to grant a rsnchls only to th corporation - that will fill their streets for them," waa his opening gun. ' "A big price to pay for the bottling . Dp of - the entire east side Is a few " loads of dirt, now la It not?"- he chal lenged. "It Is ths new men on this side who sr doing things. They build .brick blocks and msk business, but you never hear of th Hawthorn or Ladd estate building a brick block, do yout Our friend Boise Is a magnetic talker, .but I don't think the-association should allow his eloquence to msk It re main' pasnlve while th Southern Pa rdf to . secures the Isst street on this ,sld th river. Lt th big property owner loosen up and spend a few dol lars, even If they have to fill their streets without the sld of a corporation; It Is tlm they wer setting a good ex ample." ' ... ! t- OlrUi'i Sanitary Talk. At this point C O. Sutherland, pri vate secretary to General Manager O'Brien of the Oregon Hsrrlman lines, defended the Southern Pacific. Hs as serted that the Northern Paclflo hsd Its ws rehouse district on the west side, hut ths east sld wss th home of th Southern Pacific In Portland; that ' 0 per cent of th property owner In th district covered by ths proposed frsn- this had favored It and that In fact the property owners had aaked th company to build Its tracks ther and to mike the fill. He sold: . " . ;v "Th Harrlman lines hav spent half . a million recently In the Alblna ahops. -We will put up a freight depot In 00 , .days that will enable you to ahlp your ' ware anywhere on .our eystem from you It home station and th switching k rcharge between the Southern Paclflo . and O. R. A" N. will be abolished and the SlOrat now charged for bringing Northern Pacific cars across th river will be cut to IS." i 8-veral members who had struggled with the Harrlman official In aeeklng to aecur a freight depot wsntsd 1 to know when the company discovered It ,wsa feaslbl to malntsln a through freight depot on the east sld when 10 days before Mr. O'Brien hsd considered . It Impossible to make prompt whlpment from th t aid. . The change of heart waa not. explained.. It waa alrfs Inquired why the , Southern Paclfl wanted East Third street all to Itself 'and whv other rosda could not us the track. Mr. Sutherland aald: ' Sight f Wajr to. Itlf. ' "1 "Did you ever hear of a railroad that wanted to give up It right of way to another company?" ... "They always want Is-all themselves, eh? piped vole In U rear of th halt.' . ., ' . - ' . .. .. "They certainly do," remarked . Mr. Sutherland, j . ' .. .. ' Other apeaker charged that th franchise application was thief ly a deal , between the property owner on East Third atreet and th Southern Paclflo whereby' th property owner had a bad Street filled without cost to them and th company secured a franchise thst bottled th salt sld and gave th Har- . rlman management control of th en tire field. . i l When the discussion had been rather tttorough aad omwiiat lass than kind ly. President Boise flrd his final vol ley that brought th climax. - "I am aorry thaa personalUU hav crept In," aald he. "I am sorry that member ' hav found It necessary to abuse any on or any" corporation, but Sine It has been charged that th Haw thorn estete and Mrj Ladd hav not don their duty a few worda will be timely. W spent 110.000 fpr cement sidewalks before ther waa a law forc ing such Improvements on th east Ida, .. .:' . -Bmm Many B Utoacss, ' "W apent 1 1100,000 in two years building residences sn4 th osly reason w did not build brick blocks wa be raus Jbuslnsa property In those day did not pay t per cent on th Invest ment Now It begins to look as though th building of auch blocks would pay and we expect to make Improvement thla year that " will probably exceed anything Ukely to be erected by those who, apeak so loudly of their achieve ments. In prospect Mr. Ladd and th Hawthorn estste started tb fill cam paign and Mr. Ladd has stood J he chief cost of th experimental mi from th river in the lowlands, where th dredge will soon be at work. He also stood th chief cos of th Grand avenue fill becauae It waa assessed to . abutting property when It should hav been as seeeed to a district and would hav beeb had h protested. Abuse doesn't help. Persona (and sslflsh motive should be forgotten, and on thing 1 certain: ths sast side won't go ahsad with new roads built aoross sloughs on stilts because somebody with his llttl graft wants to dg in." .' ' '.' Then earn Mr. Newhall' reply an shortly after Judg Baton cam to th rescue with a motion to adjourn. Joseph Buchtel, vlca-president triad to quell th rioting and several began to talk about th weather and the new moon, ; EAST SIDE BUREAU. Will Brtag Investor and Frepsrty '. Owns Tofl-ethar. , Joseph Buohtel, vice-president of tb Eaat Sid Improvement asaoclatiorv and J. D. L, for' aom tlm secretary f th Portland board of trade, will b In charge of th headquarters of th club which will be opened In a few days In the-Weatherly building, on East Morri son street, near Union avenue. Th bureau will be an entirely new de parture and Is expected to prov of material benefit td those wishing to Invest In business) roperty on th east alda and those . seeking informstlon about business opening there. All the Information available will be gathered from real estate dealer and all project of th club will be forwarded by indi vidual work ofthos In charg of tb' headquarter, who dally - will come- In touch with Inveetors, tourists and resi dent business mny A bureau such as la maintained by th chamber of oom merce, with th added feature of a real eatate exchange, will be operated. ' In response to request for subscrip tions for th work, eaat aid buameaa men hav responded liberally, and there will b little' difficulty experienced In securing funds for th maintenance of the' bureau. Th association will con duct a general advertising campaign along several linos, soms of tb things now sought being a department store, theatre and freight depot and a follow up system' of correspondence will be used by those In charg of th bureau to Interest outside capital. There will be an, electric sign placed outside th headquarters to attract pass ing strangers, card will be distributed at th union station and on Incoming trains telling tourist and colonists what th sast sld baa to offer and an effort will be mad so to systematise matter that every suburb will be In close touch with, tb central . bureau. that th-peculiar-wanta of every In vestor may be satisfied without - long search and vexatious delay. HELP FOR HELPLESS. rrlsads win Try to SrtabUak BUad Womaa la Bust ass Afte Beoovecy. , A generous Cbrvallle buslnssa ' man has com to th rescue of Mrs. ' May McErvln. th helpless blind woman liv ing at I0U Grand avenue. He baa ex tended bis . sympathy and lntsnded to how his good will by a II not, but he omitted to inclos the note through an oversight which will probably be recti fied as soon as th mlstak la noticed. Friends of th woman bop that th response to Th Journal's plea will be general enough not only to enable her to regain her strength, but to give her a chanc when sh I strong anough to work again. Not many dollars would be needed to establish hsr In a llttl lodging-house such a she had when the fir came, and Mr. McErvln ask nothing better than a chanc to make her own way, blind though sh la A few rooms In on of tb msny east aid lodglng housss, a llttl furnltur and a few dollar for th first month's expenses would place Mrs. McErwIn where ah was when th fire cam, if she recover her 'strength, which Is considered prob able by her physician. EAST SIDE NOTES. . Justice Beton yesterday decided ths case of K. J. Cowlishaw against J. H. Patterson and J. O. Steward In favor of th defendants. . Th ault- waa for 117, alleged to be due aa commission for having Influenced a customer to pur chase property of th defendant. , Three dwelling coating about 11.200 ach are being built for I. Van Zant at Knott and Borthwlck streets. . According to a chemistry expert th alleged ' Nehalera beeswax recently found on th peninsula by a railroad crew waa nothing more or less tbsn resin coming from burned and decayed Or that war burled in th sands. Col onel Hawkins' guess was osocerite or mineral wax, a guess also pronounced wrong by th expert and somewhat dis appointing to th local scientists, who had built vialona of romance, and th Investors who had seen oil fields spout ing on th peninsula. A fireproof kiln that wilt dry 100.000 feet of lumber In (0 hours has been completed by th Northweat Door com pany of Lower Albino. Tb kiln is so built that It can b almost Instsntly flooded In ess of Or. . SIDNEY LAND OFFICE IS ABOLISHED TODAY , Sidney, Neb., Feb. 21. Th United States lsnd office In this elty wa abol ished today and th work of the office will henceforth be handled by. th land office at North Platte, Nebraska At on tlm th local offlc did consider able business, but during the laat five or ten years th amount of business transected hsr showed a steady de crease, which finally Induced the gov ernment to dlacontinu th offlc. ' T rrat mnrawoBMr i E. T. Lucas, wingo. Ky.. writes, April II. IOOzk "For 10 to it year 1 had been affiles ted with a malady known a th Itch.' " Th Itching waa moat unbearable; I bad tried for year to And relief, bavins tried all Kmnllu I could hear of, besides a number of doctors. I wish to Stat that on In gle application or ttanara a rjnow Lini ment cured me completely and txrma- nently.. Sine then I hsv used the llnl rent on two separate occasion for ringworm and It cured completely, tte. $0o a d J 100. , Bold by Woodar Clark t Co. . .., STORE OPEUS EIGHT 11. M. STORE CLQ32D r.::::':AT(-:J'?l six p. a 9 TO 10 A. 11. ' Children's SIJO Chlldrea'a fin kid lace Shoes, mad , with , heavy band-turned eole, fancy . velvet lac atay. spring hls; our 11.10 valu." Special at tb pair 8te) etf wlora ea. A fin assortment of Ladles and Misses' Golf Gloves. In all colore; our lie and Tie values. Special for on hour only at, tb ' pair . ..4e , ' . ' , . . Boy sea Siena Walaea le. ; An assortment of Boys Blouse Waists in medium and light shades, good wash material; rec- ular value 15c Special, each. 154 Cut Olasa Sugar and Creams. ' Spe , clal, the pair- 3.60 ' SB X riaa IS, ' ' . h Fancy1 Peacock-eye Hat Pins tn a 'variety of designs, plna well made, ' with -extra long terns; t values to lie. Special at ' each .....t&4 loo Paper Napkin. Special, pack age of 100 for ,5 . AO 10 it A. SI. IS VwealM lOo. 100 pieces beat quality Percales. , yard wide, newest spring pat-1 terns, light and dark colorings; regular value lie. Special, th . . yard 10 . as Bread Snlvwa It. . Bread Knives. 7 H-lnch blade, bol stered handles, extra good; value . Jtc Special, each 13 $ 10c Shell or Amber Bqn Hair Plna Special, th dosen 12e Wewem'a BO X XJsl Stoae St. Black Imported Lace Usls Hose, assorted patterns; regular too value. Special, the pair ....29 ; (taatVtaatUm Veekel Beeka la. Combination . Pocket s Book - for . women or girls: value to Me." Special at each ! Xac Turnovers, aom strslght around, soms divided with tab; regular lie to lie values. ' Special at, each 6e) ' Woxaea'a TBo Babbera SSa. Women's storm or low-ctit Rubbers, made by the Goodyear Co.; me- dlum narrow toe; regular ' Tie . value. Special at, the palr..39ej (None sold to dealera.) 11 TO 12 A. SI. $1.10 Solid Back Real Ebony Hair Brushes. Special . 89 lOo EUt Enameled Kettlea. Special . ....... ,.......30e) Belt Buoklse tea 10. ' Metal Belt Buckle In French gray, -oxidised and gUt; value to 10c Special at each .....104 th. Scott's 11.00 Electric Hair Brushes. Special, each 65 Lightweight Dress Shields In whtte,- for summer wear. . special, pair -10 afsa's S&M to SSO Shoes St M. Men's Shoes msde of patent kid and colt box calf, vslour calf and gunmetal leathers; values from tt.10 to tt.00. Special at th pair . t 92.39 Otmu AppUtue Seaarea Half .' : . lee. - . .''..: Travelers' sample line of German Applique Squares, 12-Inch sis. In ' plain or scalloped borders or open . or plain centers; regular prices 40o to 2.00. Special at , each i ; . . . ....... .sTIT.T FBICB. 1 TO 2 P. SI. Box" of t cakes Toilet Soap Oat . meal. Witch HaseL Glycerins, etc. Special . ............. 104) , ... ' ' i - i ' . ,. . S8o Keather Belt la. , : A line of eoft crush Leather Belt; values to lie. Special at each. 19 ' " - ' '. ' ' '.' -. . ''i ' . ( OstmeeJ Bowla Te. , Very fine German China, decorated with choice floral and gold de-' signs; value at, the dosen, 11.10. Special, each Te Wontsa'e SS.00 Shoe $UH. Women's fine kid lace Shoes, -light- -. weight sole, patent tip, miliary heel, circle fired, well made and ' lined; our $1.00 valu. .Special at - th pair 91.59 Whit Waxed Paper. S4 sheets in v roll, else 12x11. . Special .....44 ' 1 ,. ' Slen'a wold-rlUed Watch Ohaiaa ' sijs, !. Men'e v fine ' Gold-filled Watch Chain; our 11.71. 12.00 and 12.21 value. Special at, esch. ,f;l,2sS Tomorrow We Hold the Last of the Season's Great Hourly Sales Portland folk know full weU what .these sales imply: matchless bargains for everybody- women, men and children. We combine with this event tomorrow a Monster IHEMch v Safe l EomFMMm Dining Ware, Kitchen Utensils, Silverware and Household Sale to Last Balance of Week Which means big family savings. DON'T MISS THE SALE OF WOMEN'S SLIPPERS Another ALL-DAY FEATURE of THUR DAY'S SELLING. Cut Glass, Helps , - FIRST FLOOR. SPimiTsU SBZJUBw ; SUCH A VALUE IN Women's Slippers READ : ' ; Woasemw 8LTS to SSJO SMypara ' .. ALL DAT. Women'a Fine Patent and Kid Slip pers, a lot of odda and ende but ' all good, stylish . and desirable . numbers, simply what are left of broken Una which must b elosad out nearly ell- slsea; values from , 11.71 to 11.10. ; Special ail day at the pair 98e - YOU KNOW WHAT YOU CAN WE KNOW WHAT YOU CAN In the Gnat Sate of China, Cut Glass and Home Usefuls Kitchen Furnishings Ever Conducted PEND AVE Third Floor. The Greatest Sate of in This City. a ' W tWl JJttil 1 a- Yon Spend f l.OO 1.1T a.oo 1 6 .50 .57 .63 .TT f 34.SO 19.04) Yon Save) .50 .58 .T .10 .21 .25 .28 "Tib" fir.SO f 0.50 You Get A covered "Elite" Berlin .Sauce Pan, A covered "Elite" Berlin Sauce Pan. A covered "Elite" Berlin Sauce Pan. An "Elite" Lipped Kettle, An "Elite" Lipped Kettle. An "Elite" Lipped Kettle. An "Elite" Teapot . An "Elite" Teapot An "Elite" Teapot - A yerr handsomeljr decorated 100-pIece Haviland China Dinner Set. A fine China Dinner Set of 100 piecea. prettily decorated in goia tracing. Genuine Haviland Ware. READ ONI t37M KITCHEN RANGE $30.00. Yoa 8av 17 JO STEEL RANGES with HIGH CLOSET and guaranteed for 20. yeara. Special at fSO.OO value $37.50. ..',.,'''... The body of this Range is made of the very beat polished steel, lined with heavy asbestos and cold rolled ateel. .' Oven made of one piece of steel, flanged in the middle at bottom, making ft airtight It is so con structed that it gives quick results with very little fuel. ' SPECIAL.. ..fSO.OO $25.00 COOK STOVE $18.50. An excellent Stove,, has four holes, weighs 255 lbs. 1 POR $7.75 WE'LL SELL YOU The famous No. 8 Cook Stovetthat has four holes. $41 JO "QUICK-MEAL" RANGES $34.50. A well-known line of these popular Steel Ranges at a price which saves the buyer $7.00 of the pur chase money for other uses. .Worth while, en? DINNER SETS AT SPECIAL PRICE. 1 60 pieces, White Dinner Set Special.;. B3.60 100 pieces, White Dinner Set Special. f 5.T5 60 nieces. Decorated Dinner Set Special.. t. $5.15 SPECIAL SALE OF TOILET SETS, u 6-Piece Decorated Toilet Sets Special, set..fl.95 10-Piece Decorated Toilet Sets Special, set..V.25 12-Piece Decorated Toilet Sets, with Jars Special, aet S.S5 SPLENDID SILVERWARE IN THE SALE. Extra Good Plated Silverware, 6 each, Knives and Forks, set 1.35 Tea Spoons, set 52? Table Spoons, set i. Forks, set Dessert Spoons, set ". Sugar Shells, each 'A... J5! Butter Knives, each ...20) Berry Spoons, each ...t.49e) . The Magic Metal Shiner is one of the most useful cloths ever made for cleaning and polishing silver ware. Special, each 10t EXTRA-SPECIAL A Hundred-Piece Haviland China Dinner Set Worth $40.00 Sella for $25.00. Very beautifully decorated, a splendid set of high-class ware. A rare bargain for the lucky purchaser who becomes its new owner. 100 pieces, Decorated Dinner Set--Special.;. .37.95 "Elite" Egg Plates.... .......v..20a) and 30 , ' CUT. GLASS WITH PRICES EVENLY SPLITYon Save Half. Water Tumblers; value $14.00 dozen Special at, doaen ...fT.OO Whiskey Tumblers, value $9.00 dozen Special at, dozen ,.34.50 Wines, value $14.00 dozen Special at, dozen....... 37.00 Cocktails, value S19.50 dozen Special at, dozen.... 39.75 Cordials, value $13.00 dozen Special at, dozen. ...... . S0.50 Saucer Champagnes, value $22.00 dozen Special at, dozen fll.OO Goblets, value, $24.00 dozen Special at, dozen... ; 12.00 Finger Bowls, value $17.00 dozen Special at, dozen , V....S8.50 Water Bottles, value $3.50 each Special at, each........ $1.75 Handled Decanters, value $7.00 each Special at, each .....S3.50 Decanters, value $6.00 each Special at, each... f $3.00 Plates, 3-inch size, value $1250 dozen Special at, dozen ............$6.25 IF IN DOUBT ASK THE COOK HER KITCHEN NEEDS No matter who officiates as cook at your house, -she or he is sure to appreciate the savings indi cated by these prices. Compare the values, please, with those exploited by minor stores, . and you'll readily recognize the maintainance of superiority by the OLDS, WORTMAN & KING establishment in value-giving and bargain-making. . f "Elite" Enameled Ware Covered Berlin Kettles." .00 .07s 84S7 .90 kind (1.00 kind il.2S kind (150 kind f2 (1.75 kind $1.17 Granite Iron Salt Box ,....SO Granite Iron Handled Bake Pan........ 22 Granite Iron Berlin Kettte, 6 quart.... 39e Granite Iron Milk Pan, 2 quart....... ...lie) Granite Iron Windsor Sauce Pans, 6 quart.. 63 Granite Iron Lipped Sauce Pans, 2 quart.... 194 Grsnite Iron No. 8 Tea Kettles Special OSe) Granite Iron No. 9 Tea Kettles Special.. ...SO) Bread Boxes Special, ....42) Fry Pans Special ......J..........10) Flour Sifters Special 12) Cuspidors, white lined".... '. ..lde) Long-Handled Dust Pans .......19eV Pepper Box Dredgets le) Covered Chamber Pails 40 Mop Sticks ,...lOe) Carpet Beaters .,11 Toasters , .5) Mrs. Potts' Irons, Set....... 95f $1.25 Food Choppers ........ ............ ..90) Wire Dish Mops JT4 Kettle Knobs, each ...14 Mincing Knives .5 Wire Egg Whips 3a) Potato Mashers ....1. 3 Asbestos Mats .8 Galvanized Water Pails.... V7 18 Tin Water Pails .............12 Clothes Lines, 50 feet.......... lO) Cooking Spoons ..3 Jelly Cake.Tina .....4) Dish Pans ......20) Can Openers &4 Coffee Pots 19$ Tin Tea Spoons, per dozen...................... 7fV TinTable Spoons, per dozen..; 1? mURlY: SALES 2 TO i '3 P. SI. Boys' Ta OoK Snlrla 40. j Boys' Golf Shirts in tan. bin and light affeots, on pair ot detached ' ' cuff; beat valu ever ffared at Tie. Special at, eaoh ...te..43e : 4e Hon Toilet Papw, l-oa. ala. Spaoial. aoh m MH4 ' Or, dosen .. 30e SS.TS CmxUla 3sdSB..'-'.. 100 pair Lao Ovrtaina, Brass) sffect It lnohe wide. IH yards Ions; resnlar valu 11,71. Bp- clal. on hour only, tb ( pair .i......M....$a.3S Odd lot of CbUdrwa'a Jaokets, mad of all wool materials, eolor bin, red. brown and are en; sa S to 4 ' years; regular prio to 11.00, '. Special at eaca ,.,,mmm.TS , Thr dosen pretty nww SOk Rata, trimmed with popples, forget-me-nots, roaea, aigrettes and fancyt , wing; eaa be worn all summer: , ' values from It.lO to $1.00. Bpeclai - for en bony only ..,.... 83.73 . Zstdtoa 81140 Xjadl fin X nam si CbaMaiM , ' Watchea, varloua color of blue, green, turquoise, red. eta, with . fin gold-filled - ontatat atont wind and stem t; fully guaran teed; our I11.SI valu. Special at eaoh v. J80.98 44-inch Ifflt ua Wool Crepele Chin In aXXi svenlng and street : eolor; regular $1.10 valu. Spe cial for one hour, yard.. .89) ' 3 TO P. SI. , SSa Orep d fthta S4-rnch all-silk Crop d Chine ta white, black and all oolora; rsgn lar llo value. Special for on hour only, yard 694 ;. - .". '. ' ."' Oklo Tirlsg Wottm fios lo. :.,-.'.( .,- Fliat Floor-." ' ;.. '; r . A lot of odd and nda In vefMngs. gray, black or whit dot; value from lo to 11.00. Bpeclai at, th . yard 10 Tie Bneu Baca ana oia unoa B pedal . 451 Oriental X.s Italf Oriental Lace hi cream and wblta, from 10 inch to II lnohe wl4e; oar $1.00 to 11.10 value. Spwnal for on hour at...XAJUr moa. ' . S38.00 Blmsse Bet 81SSO, " ' Th latest In German China Dinner Bets, very thin, beautifully deoo rated with neat roe design la natural oolori regular vain tit, l Special, th set 815.50 Wosaam'a TBo TJnloa I Whit Llsl TJnlon Suits, hlgb neck. long sleeves, half open front 1 regular valu Tie. Special. .33) Another Sensational Millinery Offer SS.TS sad SSM : About 4 dosen ready-to m see Ha worth IS.TI to 11.00. SpMkal for -en hour . ..........94 t' TO 5 P. f.I. X80 OasabrU Oowma for OT. , 1 Women's fin Cambrto down. wtUa square yoke, mad with 10 lus ters of tucks, smbroldery In front and embroidery edging at neck and sleeves; our $1.10 valu. ' Bpeclai at, each ............97 , Womaa SS.00 . -. v . Women'a plump kid Lace She. , mad with neat extension sola, patent tip, military heel, black . fair stitched; our $1.00 valu, , Spools! at, th pair 81.89 lo Packag plain, smooth finish, whit wov Xnvslop, Bpeclai -., .......3H4 . IS Stole Taffeta SUbbeaa Sa,', ',' Moire Taffeta Ribbons, from 1 Inch to Its Inch widths; worth up to lie yard. Tor on hour only at. yard ,...,..84 Women'a Sl.TS 9mlUM SVS4. Women'a fin kid "comfort" -Jull-ettes, patent tip, low broad heel. , . best grade elastic. .Ths shoe are recognised a th greatest comfort shoe msde; our ll.TI valu. Special at. ta palr..$1.24 IS for Pospoaa and wtrr XTwcT' SB tXTS. Ponpona and Wing, pew y - shades: sometblrv t t your bat! values t. Jt l.s tt $1.71. Specal. 1 Fancy cot fryaUl t ' 1 t sorted eoiora, we i 1 ' w- t 1jv 1 V K t. !l ,