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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1906)
6 .-" THE , OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. VEDlIZCDAY. EVENINO. FE3RUARY 3. ECIEO PHI 1,110 HIS HE Dr. J. B. Mathews of Greensboro on Trial for Murdering Spouse " , - With Strychnine. KNEELING BY BEDSIDE ' HE COMMJTTED CRIME Pretended to Pre for Dyln Woman, . ' Ran Hand Under Cover and In jected Death-Dealing Fluid Law - vyera Plead Insanity. ' ' nnil special servlre.) : 'Greensboro, N. C Feb. !. The trial f Dr. J. B. Mathews, a well-known aysldaa of this city. charged with the murder of, hl ,wlfe, cam no la court today. ' On DMtmir ;1 Mrs. Mathews waa discovered-In a etatd of narooala and br case diagnosed aa morphine polsoa , Ids. -i-- -..,v ' ' ' - " Three phrslolana attended her all day and late la the evening she showed atana et reoorery. Then her husband asked to be left alone with hie wife for prayer and when the request was re fused he knelt at her bedside, ran hie hand under the cover and before the physicians could stow him administered a hypodermic Injection ef strychnine, Hla wife expired shortly afterward la great agony.. .... The wife poisoner then eoeUy told those present that what had eeourred would have occurred a number of years aoonv but for his son's sake, and In dicated that be bad killed his wife oa account of her Infidelities. . Mathewa' lawyers will set up the plea of Insanity. During" his stay In jail Mathews has repeatedly tried to commit suicide. , The lawyers for the defense sprang- a sensation today by el restating the report that aa analysis ec the syringe used by Mathews showed ' no trace of strychnine, but only mor phine. Three leading physicians who were present at the death of Mrs. Mathewa state positively she died - of trvnhnlne poisoning at tha baad of her kusband. - ,. '..':.. v Manufacturer's Piano Co. Bell the Bohmer piano at It Alder atreet. . Reoelred a carload yesterday. , ARMY OFFICER IS c f DROPPED FROM ROLLS f Joaroat Special servtee.t ' Washington, D. C, Feb. It. Lleu- - Twenty-ninth Infantry, who recently 'fled to Mexico from his army post la Texas, where he was confronted with charges of erabesslement of company funds and swindling-of enlisted men, was today dropped from the army roll aa a deserter, having been absent with . out leave for three months. Tha depart ment of lustloe and the stats depart ment win not relax In their ef forte to secure the arrest "-and extradition of Lieutenant " Freshwater. His exact whereabouts are not know to tha mili tary authorities, but Steps have been taken to locate him and to have him placed In the euatody of the Mexican authorities. The department of state, through its representative In the City of Mexico, haa arranged the prelimi naries .for the extradition of the of fender, and the department of Justice win bring him before the ctvll courts of Texas for trial. ,. V. -.A good white shirt; stiff : bosom, coat style, at SI is one of our special things 'this week. "The manufac turer says the?cuffs and bosoms are all .linen, and ;if it fails to suit, you gtt-v all your , money back here, i Men's Soft Bosom Shirts : in the new spring patterns 'and shadings. Special val-V Tues--8Jfe), 75 and 60t Men's - Seamless -Fast Color Sox, in black and tans--the 10c kind today at 5 pair. " ' ' Vy- IrlOHCLOTHin&O AGus Juhri-Pro ; ' .'! -: .. 1 ...... Outfitters to Men and Boys .. 166 and 168 Third Street, . Mohawk SeJMlaf. ........ Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teed. Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth" Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth rrrrrr-t r r r r 9 9W 9 a 9 9 W 9 W V utti Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Our Vrfcee are ' the very lowest -, consistent with first-class material ., .,' and workmanship. . Call and get our ' . prices. , , .,t oarroiT ranrus . , ti BBaTTZBTS, . . . Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Op. Iteleo a Teeth atd Vest Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth SOIH Horrlaom St, I ! Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Taetb Teeth rrrri KlDEPEfJDEOCE TO ADVERTISE Strong Commercial Organlza V tion Formed by Business f: Men and Others. EACH MEMBER TO BOOST ' , RESOURCES OF COUNTY Walter Lyon Sleeted President So- Icial Entertainment Will Bt One of I , Features Committee Named to Look Into New Electric Lino. ' (SpUl Dlepates te The Jeeraal.) t ' Independence, Or Feb. It. 1 he strongest commercial club -ever prgsn laed In Independence wss effected Mon day night. Nearly every buslnees man In town ts repreeented and a large num ber of other cttlsens. Tha membership fee Is fixed at IS, 7 Walter Lyon,' President of Independ . ence Commercial Club. and with tha large membership already secured, the club will start out with a full treoaury. It is the purpose of the club to have a well-furnished clubroom for social en tertalnment, and each member be a booster for the town and county, besides doing all they can to develop the re- sources and advertise the commercial advantages to be gained In this locality. A committee waa appointed at the meeting to wait on the Willamette Valley. Traction company and find out what It proposed to do In reference to the electric line to be built south from Bslem, via Independence. The offlcere are: Walter Lyon, presi dent; K. C. Eldrldge. vice-president; W. A. Mlssner, second vice-president; Francis I Jones, secretary; M. Merwln, thOrston teachers MEET AT OLYMPIA (Sperlal tHapateh te The JoneL) Olympla, Wash., Feb. II. The Thurs ton County Teachers Institute Is In ses sion at the High School building in this city, over 109 teachers being In attend ance. Professor It.. C Sampson of the Pullman college is the principal lec turer. . He will be assisted by Miss Catherine Montgomery of the Belling' ham Normal school, deputy state super intendent; f. M. Mcuulir and others, The meeting will last until Friday and promises to be unusually interesting. AT. THE THEATRES. , , ., The High Schoo Girls. Till week'e offering ef bafleaque at Heker le by the Hick Scheol Otrle cempeny, ervry effort hea heea eneoe te choose eh-ls i pretty feces esS erlnalng wsjra. There eoaw stost eietUret sets n the vasdertlle Uoa, sad the coaineay'e offering la ene ef best ef tha sraena at the Baker. Only aaore atstloee, gatsrday, wkieh Is the last the "Human Hearts at the Empire. Aa eM popular farorlte play, "Mania Raarta,' Is at the Kaaph-e all this week, and la batng suds twice wetreaie, first by the attendance of ritra large aedlencce nlshtly at the popelar tbeetre, and tsea by the enthoalastle appUnaa, which deamnatrstss the people'e love for a true hare aad dcteetatloB of iBsratltude eed In. Tbvre will be e sistlnee Batardar, aad every little child sboeld m this great, play. Next Week at the Empire. Tboae fnany fallows. Murray end Mack, ere offering e new comedy of corns lire t lens this eraane which they call "around the Towa." The piece le said te escel any ersrloas vehicles they bsre hsd. One of the straag features ts sa eierlleat chores ef men and female eotrsa. The east eontalaa many well-known erttsta. Peats sre now oa ssle et the Empire bos office. AU next week, sterling Besday matinee. Imperial Burlesquers Coming. ( , ; glartlng Paaday afternoon, William's 1m eerlala'Bnrleeaiie company will be esit week's ettrsrtloa et the Dakar. This oreaalsatloa Is heeded by Mlee LHllae Waahburne, wae Is called the fashion plate bartoaqne goeea. , VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. V At the) Grand. ' At the Grand this week there uTe program which the ntanasament eomlders one ef the very best given since the theatre pened. AJ BBeaiaa-vsnacTiiie art ey tne jiaraee w me festare. -The beat cyellat set an the American tare, which has appeared la Bnglaad and Europe, le presented by the Martella, who, by the way, are Portland people. The Rlslie Comedy Foar caa boast of a real coauMllan. Kins aad Stance hare a sketch snd ('neveril hi arknnwlsdred aa the fnanlest trick violinist errors the public. " Melody at Sur. ' '-. Melody end novelty ere tbe'lwe prmclpsl teatnrae ef the Bier procrssi this week. The melody makers sre the tlswarlaa gntntet, Mlsa Vh-flnla avehmond snd Will O. -Hoyt. The noveltlae are presented by tha three Rarllands snd Ines Scott. The Hswaius isuicere here made the moat favorable Impression et euy that have appeared st the Btsr, Jsmee Dana does hnltsttons and there ere character change by Miss Richmond. - - -,. : i - "Found, a Hat" At the Lyrle theatre tale week the Lyric stars company M nroanetag e erreaamgiy runny farce, entitled ''Peand, e Bat," - Tkst lbs LyrM client. Is like eoatedy new and than la nroead by the fact that whenever a enmsey ts pmeeeed . standing rases ts al e eremlnm "rennd. a Hat." le a csmedy that Manet fad te appeal te all theatre-soars, ee lis heev' m Vreslstnle The caeasdy wtH eentlaae. let toe test ef the wees, with s sally matinee. AN EVERYDAY CREED. I believe that work Is the best pane caa far moet ilia especially those of the mind. .. t f I believe in fua and laughter. . I believe in ihe beauty of flowers, sunsets and mountains; la the music of birds and brooks. . I believe there Is a bright aids to svorything , ' ' - I believe In human kindness, , " ' I believe that an ounce of frankneas snd explanation Is worth a pound of re- pentanhs and forgiveness. , . I bcMeve In the hearty handshake, In hospitality.' comradeship, friendship and love. Boston Brown Book. OBEY. It Is very funny that otherwise Intel ligent women should be so exercised about that Innocent and perfeotly harm leas word In the marriage ceremony. It reminds me of the two brothers of time-honored memory one of whom was extremely prayerful and the othsr phenomenally profane. When, the wicked one waa remonstrated with and referred to his brother ss an example for him to follow, he replied after a few minutes of hard study: Tea, I swear and John craya. but the good - Lord knowa wa don't either of us mean It". . The application of which Is, that In matrimony, as everywhere else, in spite of words and formulas, tne nest man wins. Man or woman, with or without the promise to obey, the one In the conn pact with the masterful spirit will com- j mand and receive obedience. Anv ordinarily observant person whs has bad an opportunity -to study mar ried pairs can testiry to tna tram or this. . .. ; . iv - ft isn't an uncommon sight to see a mite of a woman leading by a atrtng a man feet 3 In bis stockings and weigh ing 250 pounds; It Is not quite ao com mon to see a woman dominated and ob literated by a man, but wa must all of us have' known such esses. , . Wherever two persons are associated,; In marriage or business, no matter In what the one who Is relatively the leader will lead and there's no help for It. except In the mutual recgnltloa of Individuality. . v In marriage, perhaps as never before, women are having their Innings, aad to the casual observer tba average mar ried woman is the one who really sxaots and receives obedience. Of late there have been poor, downtrodden men In the divorce court asking release from their matrimonial bonds oa tha ground or 'Intolerable cruelty." ' Verily the pendulum ssema to be swinging far to ths othsr side, but It will regulate Itself eventually. It waa the writer's misfortune at one time to be acquainted with a married pair of whom the woman was ths domi nant partner. The Impression made was so unpleasant It haa never been wholly effaced. The wife was a tall, stout woman with a atrong brain, and a well-filled one, but a thoroughly selfish heart. Her husband was. a abort, shadowy little fellow, but a gentleman, loyal ana kind-hearted. , He had had the misfortune to lose a considerable fortune and they were re duced to poverty; this had opened ths floodgates of my lady's wrath, and the way in which she bullyragged that pa tient, silent little man was beyond the belief of nny but an eye-witness. But without doubt by lady amaaoa - Empire Gown of Mouaseline de Sott With Lace Tha Bodice la' Drawn In to the Figaro by Braide of Black-Velvet Ribbon.- promised meekly enough to 'lota, honor and obey" her husband. . : . . . Tha pair bad a daughter,' an Intense but repressed young person, who, though never In open revolt, chafed against tha mother'e domination, under which she also suffered, and while It la not probable that father and daughter over spoke - critically of their autocrat, the comradeship and tha sympathy between, them, which was evidently tha result of their common slavery waa beautiful to see, snd waa almost tha only solace either appeared to extract from lira - Like Hamlet, ths wife, and mother waa "fat and scant of breath." and not equal to a long- walk, while both father ana aaugnter were more oa tna grey hound order. " They used to take long ramblea together and oa summer after noons would be gone hours at a time. Whether- or net the woman will ev discover that her selfish dominance lay Ilka a blight oa tha Uvea nearest to her I do not know, , but It waa apparent enough to any one elaa familiar with their family Ufa, . . j, Despite Instances ef thla sort Mrs. John H. Judge, president Of a Society for Political Study aad a wall-known clubwoman, la enlarging on tha slavery of women aa a remnant of the old days of wain an slavery but aha wrttee beau tifully, and while "obey" la that, con nection Is totally lacking force, her suggestion of a substitute is a vary pretty one: . ' '' "Let ua on tha threshold of tha twen tieth century, when our lovely daughter walka up tha aisle oa the arm of her father to become a wedded wife, hear a change in tha marriage ceremony. "Let us hear tha minister say in tonea of grace aad beauty, In place of Who- glveta - thla woman T" -. "Who choose th this woman T Let her place her hand in his. her lover and her choice, ths emancipated, tha free wom- i, his equal before Ood and man. -. "From time Immemorial all nations have had aoma form of marriage cere mony, some outward act of tha parties to declare them married. - - "The first waa forcible If not elegant, aa the savage went out to a neighbor hood tribe with hla club and felled te the ground the woman he wished and carried her off to hla tent. , , "Then came the period when a man sent gifts to the male parent and In return received the daughter. "We are not quite out of that period yet. "We have marriage by capture, mar riage by proxy and free marriage. - "la every country except jknerloa you find marriage by purchase, and when some of our rich parents wish to in dulge In that form, they cross the watsr. v "For centuries - every form of mar riage euatom and ceremony haa bsen practiced, but in our own country ws have laid tha cornerstone for tha true marriage. ' -r . "Here we believe in ths romantlo mar riage, - courtship before marriage, the consent of the woman being asked first aad that of the parents afterward." SPECIAL TRAINING FOB WIVES. While the American clergy bemoan, Oerman laymen are. taking the matter up In a practical way. - They propose g law requiring knowledge of the married state. "If," they ask, "ths young man of Germany must serve the stats for three years In preparation to protect it, why should not ths young- women, who must bring Into the world and raise the coming generation, be required to spend three years - of "preparation for thslr still more Important duties' They say that "the young women of tha em pire should maks some sacrifice for the good Of the state," and. It la contended DoYoa Feel Chilly, Then Feverish and Ache t!l Over ? Few! Warn out. Bum aad Tired 7 Have Yea a Proas) Cold, With Frcqaeat HackJag Cough? Senaatloa of Soraaaaa - . la the Cbea or Back? Dont 1st roar ease rnn Into bronchitis, or some other obstinate and dangerous malady. . The very best medicine to take In such a case Is Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery. Made without alcohol or dangerous drugs, it contains thai rare combination of native medicinal roots that will allay a cough (Iron It out, as it were), restore tha circulation, assist the appetite and digestion, and consequently restore tone to the entire system. That Is the reason people, look kappy onoe mora after taking It they feel like living, because their liver Is active, the blood In their arteries Is fuU ef that Ule-glvlag quality rich, red blood. Tha blood la turn feeds the nerves. Nervousness knd neuralgia are only the Indication that the nerves are not fed on invigorating Mood. This "Medical Dis covery of Dr. Pierce ia nature's own restorer. It tones op the organism and lavlaoratoa Its functions, furnishing; to the body one,of Its necessary constituent principles of which It Is i In need. ; This preparation la of pleasant taste, agrees perfectly with rebellious and sen sitive stomachs, and la extremely effec tive In restoring tone and vigor to the entire system. It cures troubles of the stomach and at the same time the blood-Tsssril- are given such a toning up ag to with a wisdom ao evident that it will not permit of argument, "A training In domestlo matters. In the: art ef good housekeeping, should be mads compul sory for women In the same way that military training la eompuleory for men." In the first year housekeeping In all Its branohes ahould be practically studied; the second year ahould be de voted to the instruction and bringing ap of children, sick nursing, ate. The regulation uniform for-those enlisted in thin domestlo etady should be made aa compulsory as the military uniform in the army. Twentieth Century. H0'7 CAS2EGIE V HELPED TO BUY CHURCH ORGAN : Ironmonger Promises to Con ; . tribute and Then Falls ' to Product, r. J " (Joareal gpedal Service.) New Tork. Feb. II. The members of the First Methodist church of How Ro che Lie are a eadly disappointed lot. Borne time ago they eante to the con clusion that . a . new II. 000 pipe organ would be a highly dee Iran le addition to tha equipment of their church. One of the members wrote to Mr. Andrew Car- -negie to assist the congregation. Mr. Carnegie replied that If the congrega tion would first raise MOO he would eee what could be done. Thla response waa ao encouraging that the members of the congregation soon hsd the money pledged. Then they Informed Mr. Car- Wliait Gae You Bo? To entertain your friendi In your own home.1 Are you an accomplished pianist? Are you a Ul ented singer? Are you possessed of great reading or dramatic ability? Probably not, for these - are the exception, not the rule. - Do you ever run a little short of conversation and wish you had ' some little diversion for those friends you wish to entertain? NO doubt you do," and here is the very thing you have been looking for. It ia a want and a necessity as well aa a luxury for every home and through this .-r . ' - . ..' - - ''.. UNPARALLELED FREE OFFER ; The Journal is now enabled to present to each of its readers, old and new, one of these rich" toned instruments v ' ",;-,;.'', ... .-...v.. .V : - A $7.50 Columbia Qraphophone Absolutely FREE C ) It brings to your home all of these accomplishments you would so like to possess, and it 1 ,so simple in construction your little child can easily operate it. This is a reduced reproduction , wf the e?7.5U COLUMBIA QRAPHOPHONE. It cannot be MAIL THIS COUPON TO THE JOURNAL' TODAY v or inquire at i i-''- A'i Colu : Phonograph Co " 371 WeUhiRlton Strett i and get in line for one of the graphophonea! i,r. throw a n'l Oe v7 ri r-t why It restores the healut of mn-weu, pale and emaciated people Is .becanse It first throws out the poisons throog a the liver and kidneys. It then begins lie reconstructive work In building up fleaa and snaking good, rick, red blood. . I have been a sufferer frees ladta-estlnei foreome thirty years, st t'-ee writes t a B. W. hiuUenex, of (UlrclevtueW. Vs.. S d have need Bseutclae fiusa several of ear hst physicians, which gave nva only a little tem porary relief. They said I could never be cured. Last winter I waa stricken with t ie worst spell the I ever had. I suffered with Inch severe peine In the pit of my stomach net I couid er work nor sleep, and my weight went ewe a liaa one hundred and alnetyHve pounds to o-e hundred and sixty pounds la about two t ocths time. I then concluded thai I won. J try Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Disrovoe-e. By the time the Arst bottle wae gone. I t some relief from mr severe sugaring so r - nued nntil I bad Used four bottles of .'o en Medical Dis covery.' I am truly the-mful tor the great benefit which I have r wired from your nlcineaaBd caa. on...all reconuaend It llStzz! s A!:ne jsjr gradients but also as the only medicine for stomach, liver and blood disorders, which ab solutely OOnTTAUrg IUSELT VPOBTABLa AhTD rKMyaCTLT BABMLsMg , uiaagjM- Kjrxe, wrra mo axoosou It Stands Alone ciee, tne maaers of which take their patients folly Into their confidence and tell them, erectly what they are taking. This Dr. Pierce eaa afford to do. because hit "Ooldk Mkdioax. DiaoorBBT Is made of anok Ingredients and after a working formula that haa thousands of cures te its credit, (lacing Its merits above criticism. - . . t Stands Alcne? chroale dis eases and Its Ingredients are 1 Golden Seal root. Queen's root. Stone root. Black Cherry bark, Blood roots Mandrake root, and chemically pure glycerine, r . 0?? oESrStvev. .aLTrr' Put up w ow w. & V. f WeAe paarf . aver Am Vaara new. and r fierce, ever ae slthougb eawch hmluted, hs have sever 1 sever been and refined sens led. Made of concentrated and refined medicinal prtnclplee. extracted froas native American plaau and roots, therefore purely vegetable and perfectly harmless. One little Pellet for a stomachic or stomach and bowel regulator, three uny granules tor s oalharUo, Learn to Wrlt 'A - Your, Own WWTX.T AJR AV- A course In1 our school thor oughly equips you te take charge of an advertising campaign to the beat advantage. , , , v . Xt wtn paw. Tea. , - BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COLLEQE negie that they had raised the required amount. In the meantime Mr. Carnegie had In stituted a Quiet Inveetlgatton through his secretary and when he wsa notified that the oongregatloa waa waiting for hla check, he wrote to the deaoona that he had found that the congregation was too email for a $1,000 organ. Hs ex pressed ths opinion that a I C00 organ would be sufficient and added that, in asmuch aa they had already raised that amount, they did not need hla assistance.- Although greatly disappointed, the deaeena of the church have not quite given ap an hope of obtaining help from Mr. Carnegie. They have dele- Qi vera Free With Subscription to This Paper 't y. The COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHQNE received V ; ; the Highest Award at the St Louis , World's ; ; ; V Fair, 1904 Paris Exposition, 1900. ; ; C0UP0H OF . Date. The journal, J '.'; Fifth and Yamhill Streets! ' " 1 Please send solicitor to my GRAPHOPHONE OFFER. Ham; . .vr... , '' i Address;;. .... ,'. . ; i . f .''11 r SAie.aT'0SIlTZTU C ,r A A A:. . ;. s,e Altae a lt,a aI. WIU UUUSUVB-WCCa plan opens the . door ' to good clothesybu .1. -can dress as well as V the tailor-made chap ' at half the price he "A , ' pays.. Our' spring ' styles are the latest -- - ;' correct in febric ,. . . correct in workman- : shiprcorrect in prica, 'r Suit or Top coat : $1 AiWEEK ho osARoa roa canon . - EASTERN OUTFITTING COMPANY 1. The Mere WaareTear Oraeifs Seed WASHINGTON AND TENTH STS gated Mr. Slebreoht, a member of the congregation, who te personally well ac ,nalntit with Ifr. Carnaaie. to call en him and Induce hlra to reconsider hfs decision. . 4 '. .. 'Manufacturer's Piano .Co At Sell the Bohmer piano at tie Alder Street. Received a carload yesterday. Drunken young boys en 'Brownsville streets Bundays are a disgraceful aesne, thinks' ths Times. - - bought for.less. y INQUIRY . .... j ... . .... . . . ,. ...... i : address to explain FREE - A- ; i , .... .