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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1906)
the onrzcorj daily journal; Portland. ' Wednesday evenino. fcshuary c3. iaa. A MO fleal-etaae an-ls-deta 8-rooa BMMlera . la eeerv esinsi t. urlth SUrnaOO. wll part ( city, tetweea 1 car Uo tVrtea eeauo;- urna. . . , . . Ircuo keuso, pesioea bath -and pantry, en eet side, tH tab pswly jpalated. ."' and eewer connections. , plant of (mill will tan for $38 pal moo Ik. Price M.0O. Arooa bouee, lot 00x100, plenty el fruit aad flowers, floret saburo la tha ally, la Irvlng toa. Price $3,800. . B-rooni bouee. rooma below and I nnetalra. good caller, 3 lata 10x100 each, H Ut to alresrherrLea moil ! aeeeind tha swaae. bara aal woodelred, M' black U car staa, kouaa wu-eu i or eiectnciy. rrice pi.euu. . 4-rooui aottaaa with food oentry. batfe M etoreroom, good woodshed, kit (6x100, aoroa rull, 1 block from car ltna: a natty lit t la place. Price $860; $800 er $40 daara, baUaea i agreed lima. - r. 10-room modera bonce la ntj reepeet. gas and seetrle Ugh to and (aa rsaae fa IM bouee, etoreraea aad leeroow. kitchen, dining-room, elltlng-aoon aad doubta parlora aa faewnd floor, 6 bedrooms uiielalra, worMe of roare, flna view. 1 block ta orboola. rkM ta eere. tm went alda. Price $4,000; would laka eome acreage rioea n. . 10 aeree aa (ha Bane Line road, eloaa la, ' at Setxi par acra. aa t aeree. aam locntUa, 460 per acre, or JO arm, aboat H In fruit, flna watar, liAO par acra, 1 nlla .frea Una. A fine B.aeea chicken miHi. a fair aeuee. ' barn aad cblrkrn eorral, a nice orckard of aaaurtad fruit, plenty of oerrlee, gooa wen at bnuaa and running etreem on place; oloee so wwi, a muee srum e7t pricw . . .ww. Is. block. 100x100. nicely located, eloaa ta far una, u-reeen BDOOarn collars' na ., I 1 reanoct : a concent walk In rroat of tha bauaa and 8-foot eoocrala walk around the house, alao a concrete waU In front K4 tncliM blah; flna eblrkaa bnnaa tbat coat I18S. and wire eblrkaa corral l&iMK a flna lawa and all klmla of rh rubbery, plenty pt fruit I flna 10 pric . Boon I, Bamlltna BM. - " , Third at., bat. Waablntaa and Aider. ODE IPIC1ALTT 1 ACM TBACTII rgU-alaad ttraata, watar la tack aara. ' TF.kUS dl PES ACKI CASH 110 ria CBI FEB MOHTSw Tea aa ta Jh aaraa aa tka eaae car, pa tka umVaJc fare tbe M ban para. Tka lot aiaa a yoar aaubbor, bat ka m , atrieted In aiaaritp of raatara that BMke , i a traa aiibarbaa noma. . Opaa Wadnaada and atarday araalngt, a. a cHcBcHiti) co., uca ... J . . 110 iMoad It. EIXWOOD LOTS, ft dowa and U i aa froa ITS to taoO. aaUwoad TowaalM Phoaa Kaat 4T04. FOR IAU 4-roo eotuga, taralabad. vlot ' AAxtOO, Md Kaat Twaatr-thlrd at., aorta. on Alberta at. car una., mca T BrKThl boaaa at Blfbtaad. with 1 lot) at 1.000. Pboaa icott MOT. tN TO noCRI up ram coLcimAr Baa-alar ataaaiara froai PartkiBd; caaaaeet 1 rataa froai the aoaat ta Inland aolntai no . aand. baarr aoll, aamtaal watar rtabt with earb tract, aarlbat predBcta, btraaai rtaaa lie or iaa fona n u wi rrita. HOYBB UND CO., Barar. WaakkJaTtaav roB BALX Hoaaa and lot; awdera; fine teen , tloe; Brooklya Halfbta. TS3 Beat Ktgktk at. . FOE SALE AT A BAB0A1W A flna etork ranra, eoatalalnf abaat 1.M0 acraai all under fane; eltuated aaar Boaa burg. Ore(on, on S. P. ft. r.; tbla la aaa of ; tba beat atock rancaa la the eoaat'l I alao i aara another food atock ran fa eentalntnt t 1.430 acraa, which will be aoid at a very law ." price. Par particulate addreaa t. B. tuthar Ua, owDor, Boar burg. Oragoa. BELL WOOD Cltr View Park, aa tbe r baaka ad tka Wlllaawtte, lota a dawa, aa pt BKMitki fine factory alta with water power i , ra Roaa addition 40 ebotea heaaoe frow. fsoO to $5,000. W. B. Uaorelwaaa, BMH UauttlUa are., BeUwaad. Oc. - : . ' IB.TH0 tv BOOM - aew bauaa. awell bMatJee, bet. Twantr.tblrd and Twontr-foarth. aa ' Brerett aM terma, M.000 eaah, bateaca par cent. a. u. veinta, oa norui EifBtaenta at., bat, Da rle aad Ererett ata. Pboaa Pactaa 4W. . , c . .. . j, . A SNAP. for Bala . atodera (-rooal , ranajaai. aw i aa aa; fi.000 eaea. baui Jaaea 1387, 1 areata) eat, paf e 11 par lint. . Pboaa Baal A CHOICE location oa tba peatneala! win build aeaee ta aolt; raiaU aarmeat dowa. t. balance eaay terma. pboaa Beatt 8307, a call O0 Comaercial bld. POR BALE Beath - Mooat Tabor acreaaw. , i etihnrbaa bomee aad fruit fanaa. Baa the Rontb Mtamt Vabor Baal Eatate OfBca. Take 1 . Mount Tabot-Beaarrelr car, ea Plrat at. Pboaa Eaat 44). .. . , . , BM ACBKS. konee.' 1 acra amall fro It; Bna loca. ilna. Inoaire Frank . A. WUlard, - atoata rtUa. Pkoae Eaat 412S. XEIXT ST., lot STalTO, orerlookliur Wlllaaiette. - BouO. klneell, SOS OoamarcUl blk. Mala SB2S. B4A0 VORNEB lot la Brooklyn, 100 feat from ear. 107 H Third at. 114,000 PLATS aaykkt U par eaat, ea at. 10T Tktrd eu lltl fl. TOO CORNER lot ta Bolladap, eloaa la. 10TH Third at. - I1S.B0O 80x100 CORNER on Plrat at. that will pay 20 per coat. 107 Third at. ' BS.aoo MOOr.RM B-ronm bnnaa aaar tha atari brldae, eaat alda. 107 tt Third at. - KI.EG4NT B-room home, Eleranth at., aoatk of Waahlrartnni nicely fnrnlabed Inalde. farnaca, ' all OMxlern enpenlaneaei worth tl.Ooo awrd thaa we aaki anatt be eeld rawaatlaata at once. Price 17.000. T-ronat booaa aa Ererett at, weet aide, oa 4lIO0 feet lot; modern aanranleacea. cement walka. itreet ImproTed. . Only B4.B00. -Mod era A-reon koaaa, baea bnllt a few avmtba only, waa eztra-larae resaeta, bath, larire rapboard and china cloaet,. Sreplace, kardwood Banre doweetalre, farnaca; ta fact eeerythlnf right ap to data) In eery beat neighborhood, etreeta ImproTed. cement walke laid: tbla la one of the aleaet boeaea la the eltyf can aire liberal tar an Ae tba right party. BT.T0. - f-eoaa boaae, Walfnoaaab at., between Beat Third and Union are. ; baaatlfnl areande, etreeta fully improved, ery beet neighbor, bond. Price S3.M0. . Katra-Cnnd T-rnoa bonae, Kaat Twelfth at., , between Tbompaoa and Tillamook; aearly , new. fall baaeawat; aa eatra-good bay, ;JA3.000. i " Beantlful lot TBxlOrt feet,, oa Clarkanat ' at., Holladay Park addition; newer la. etreeta ; Improved, gaa,- watar malna laid, aad only - WEaTEBK 0Ra0!f TRPBT COMPANY. . : atl Btark at. AST BIOS HOMES Bt.Kio 0-rnom rottaae with modern eon. . Tenlencee, oa Eaat Klereatk, aaar Bharari ' ' tl.ano Broom awdera cottage, bnllt for B home, not to aell. owner going ta Norway) bath, eewer. gaa, ate., alghtly lot, where rtew of rlrer raa nerer be obstructed! terma. 2.J"0 6 -room modern cottage, aubataa tlally bnllt, beautifully tnlehed. bath, eewer. gaa. fte., algbtly mt, naobatracted view af rlrer. eloaa In, frtrlt. ' HAOEMANN i BUANCHARD. tl Fifth at ton r ARMS, amall traeta aad lota: bargalne oa O. W. P. electric line. O. B. Addlton, Lenta, Oregon. Take Mooat Scott ear. Be. POR SALE; or will exchange for rlty proaerty, . 100 acrea of laad la Clarke county, waeblna tnn; IB acrea la ealtleatloa, SB acrea la paatnre, 40 acrea good timber, the reet le ' good braab land. For fall Information In quire of ewaar. 478 Larrabee at., city. B AND T -roomed kooaee for eele, rbeap. clooe la; Iota for tale. Call at 13B Monroe at, near Mlailaalppl. - ' alnnnwnn irkn In eoed eartlratloat S- . boaae, t barna, good arch are. good water, t mllea to R. R. . B2.B004 acrea at It Johae. ea earUnei a good boy. BS.SOO acrea la good eonieaUoa. B-roora ' bonae. beaaaient, rklcken-keaea aad yard. i wood hoaaa. a lot of email fralt mile from car line will trade for amall placa Bear Oranta Pane. . m aotio acra at Bv Jokna; aaa ef the bar ga iaa . BECKRti A BUTT. - t.s'. - ISO Pint at. FARMS AND CITT PROPERTY u acrea near Delias) goad balldlnga, at ' rhsrd, fonred: ll.Xnn. i 13S acrea, Sndavlllel 40 aadaf plow, bolld' tnga. fenced; B2,u0. r . B acres aoatk of rlty, BWO. ' ' . 10 aeree aaat ef elry. ion. - V4 blocks. Portland llelghta, 1 flno, $1,100, Bl,i, B3.S0O, 2 TOO. .i imo. 14 00. B. WOIAERTON no Coaiarrclal blk., 3d and Waablngtoa ata. Phone Mala 4X ' BTTT eke Ice reetdearvs- alee bewtneee omrierty . aad abeep lata, aoest sraeB ewaar, BOB berlA, A -SMLt" BEGWiMC : fFQ& EALli-KEAt ESTATS.' CHO'CE BLIB . 1.B00-4S acrea, ' -IB ml Iaa eaat at Taa eoorer, oa good grarelad road IT arrae ' cleared, balance aliuoat cleared; aome tim ber, 1 acrea bearing orchard, mostly ap plve; good bara, good welt Ural land, county ' road on S aldee of plaee, 1 mlk froea Oolaoi- " bla rlrer.-1 ml lee boat beattaading. 8 ail lea from good Country tewa. toe locatlva. mile to good acbool: guaranteed aa idrer ' ttaed: tbla la a goud buy; It will pay yea ta laveetlgate thfe before baying. 1.6O0 3H acrea, 10 mllea eaat at Vaa- " courar. oa food graveled readi SO acrea cleared, d acrea "good variety orchard, all klnda at aanall fruit raapberrlee, blackbarrlea, ' grPoa, eurraatet B-rmm bouae, amall bara, good wall at door,1 14 alls to good eeantry town, S aterea, creaaery, cjitrrcta and ecboulj " beet of aoll. black loam, level land, level road to Vaaoeaveri guaranteed aa advertised. $1.000 41 acrea, M mllea eeet of Portland, 1 mile from Columbia river) 10 acrea cleared, 10 scree slashed and horned and Beaded, S-rooia , bouse, good para lBxSO, email orchard, 4 good . cm, t boas, aome chickens, new cream separator, en - county - road, near ockial. B ' mllea to boatlandlag. beat of aolL S2.000 au arrae,) mllea aaat of Vancouver, " en good grarelad road; IB acrea cleared, 4 . acrea Srat-elaee apple orehsfov S yeara eld. full bearing; new suodera a-room bovae, aoa ll.BOOi aew bara tWidO, aoat $000; fenced . with wire and boarda. level land, t mllea to boatlandlnf ea tba Cehjabla rtvar, Bieber a landing; flna loca t lea, aaar school. B. P. D., level road a Teacoavar) If you are looking ' for a alee boom. Inveettgate' tkla before buying; guaranteed aa edverttaed. WASHINGTON A OBEOON REALTJ CO., SUM Weahtnftoa at, Mooma 11 aad It, VorX. . . land. Oregon; or THE ELWBU. REAiTT CO., , Wllllaaaa blk., cor. Third and Mala, . Tta eeuvar, Waablngtoa. ,.a.Grcgg.Bros;rv; Beaatlfnl S room strictly aodern boaaa ea Eaat Buraalde, large attle and fall cement basement, furnace, etc.; a bargala. -. We have aevaral deelrable opartlea m Blghlaad at very reasonable flgarea. . OREUU BROS., TBOBe Mala BBOB. BIT-SIS Teatoa bldg. WEST BIDE PBOPERTT ' " Nice aomer lOOalOB, large T-room cottage, alogaatly sacetod. la Soath PortUad. BB.o00; terma. 4 aetUgea renting at $44 per month, $ H aaab. B Tooa ganders keaeaa oa Colambla at. BH.BOO; rood terma. AST S1DB PBOPERTT . . J Modera S-room ' cottage ea Eaat Balnea. . $1,800; $1,000 eaah. eaay terma. Modera B-eeoa -Booaa oa Eaat TaahlU. $1,000; $S00-$900 gash, . vary aaay terma. ' Modera B-room koaaa aa TJnloa ave. ear, 'ioawoa boaaa. Union are', ear, $1,800; 800 ak, easy terma. , room aaudera boose, Bt Jokna, $1,500.. . Bevarat boueea aa Unloa ave. ear, oa amall pay man ta dowa. balance oa Installments. , "-room noose, d lots, nicely Bxed opoa Moont Scott ear, $1,800. or woaid exchange fee . 10-eoro tract, unimproved. A Urge lief of v. wall-located vacaat lota. . ... V OTTO A CROCKETT, -.B4Bt4 Waablngtoa at SNAP 100x1 IB teat eraaad, Sne large bonne, eon enleat to car near University Park; tor ataicfc aaat will eaerlflcn, $3,100. -BENKLE A. BAKER... BIT Ablngtoa bldg. WEST SIDE A velaable eorner, close In, earn, lag ever IB per cent, aanet be eold at once, oa account of serious Illness: will go at h s bargain. BA0EMANN A BLANCHIBD, Bl PUtb at ' ' - '- LOT. eorner Twelfth and Tillamook, fall ee. ment walki cheap, by owner, t hone Main 40. FOR SALE J?aMS. . couple; 10 acrea clear aad 8 aara la alee fenced; oa a good county road, with aa aaat front; good B-room boose, good barn, good ehlrkea-keoaa and corral,' new root boaee and other buildings; goad well at the boose with puma la It; fine fruit trees, best variety; plenty af amall trait; all klnda of roots aad vegetables In the root konee for preeeat ana and for fa tore pleating; good cow, youag heifer, slews, barrows, cu U- , vatore aad all necessary tools for working " the piece; eoeoe household and hltcbee far- Bltare; boee, rakes, axea. ete.1 li Uea . from good stores sad railroad etattoa; B. ,1. I). malt to house; good aelghborkood, fine Beighboro! aae hour from the city; aaat be bold within two weeks) paay korae, good . worker. Price $1.400. t 4a acrea ta Waablngtoa" eoanty; 4 : Berth af Olencoej one awmae and aae barn; beakaaaa. emekeboaee and woodaked; B cowe are making SI per day at present; 1 8-year-eid Bare. 1.100 pounds weight good to work single or doable) one new $TB Mitchell baggy and harness and H set work harness; 4 milch cowa, twa Jerery heifers, 1 and S (ears eM, S af tha cowa fresh, another soon; milk wagoaa running by the piece; B H " Bala wafoa. food plow, narrow aad rout es tor; 1.B0Q strswherry pUata newly art out; $300 Worth ef radar posts on place; 1 share - In a ae ren mils telephone line; phone la house; nrral mall eloee byi rannlng water through the place the year roandl aome chick, eoa; 1 calf; 8 acrea alow laad: I acre of fall wkeet S acrea eata and tarsal "acrea ahwhlna; aeeded but fall; between and 40 sscka of potatoes; acaoolboaae mile. C Price $1,BS0. , . v - ;s ., BO acrea; ZB -aeree la eolMvatloa; 18 acrea slashed and In paatnre, balance timber, nr and cedar; an a good eonntv read: rannlng stream through the place! placa well fracedl SWa mllea earth ef oUnooe. Waablngtoa county: good t-room boaae with fireplace . I a at. kesu waelaba BkntTtn Ifl Itf KOOQ rrrtiAM ut iof swtioo wee.- r r -' mnaskl . 4BI fenced with JlJSJrSJff. i variety ot rron, P""1' "" i good team af boreee, vragoa, .awaaaajSiB heck; B plows, one fcarrow, B-tootk coltl vator; t cows, t calves. 1 heifer and eev oral nogat all klnda of 'armlnr tools; eedsr neawboa plaee to make 00.000 aoate; lota rHmleard doaea ckb-keoa. Price $0004 ion eaeyterme. Weald take part kt good ally Property, caab prlca. ' , . ao acrea. -' IB andar " rarUvatloat irood & . . . iaoa, mnA . nam. B4X40. ' and lean-u; good family orcbard. .principally epiii. ,, t .- cTaaataoma good timber, yellow fir; 40 aa ee he cleared eeally; pert of It beea iu eieenea ana eemi n,.- . v " , r rolling: good oatnlde pasture: f mile; V nlla from aewalUl .B aallee from rallroaAutloa; Itt "Ilea from btrti river. Price $1,400. - . ,-.y V- Ad'jolnlng' the Jbove ' puira. acre raot 80 aeree of which la fine, rb-b bot tom had aad half la klgh at ate of rnltl vatloa; balance eaally P ta mlllvallon cedar creek flowa threagh tba conter: nor lb aide n atoolag and eovered with fine Tel- Inw fir timber claimed by the owner to be T80.000. but ray 00. 000. enengh to twice overpay for plaee: good 4-reora keuee end ether nnlldlnge; awod bern, email orchard. "n etinaty road: Hllo ta food eol ana Urge eawmlll; T "Ilea to, ranroad: H . mllea to creamery aad atoree. Prlea $1,000. ' 1 10 acrea. SO acres level Und, tatIaaa , rich loam: 40 acrea cleared. 10 or 11 acrea under cnltlvatlon: a email bonae, good orcherd. bearing, roetbeaee and aber balldhige: BO acrea flrst-clase piling; mile to river. 8 mllea from steamboat Uadlaa and railroad; price $10 pet acre; $7B worth tools. . , 40 acrea. en bottom Und. 10 acrea aider ralttvatlon. 1$ a ores slashed, bouee af $ ' rooma, good bara. some crops and farmlne toola. a good orchard ef SI trees; H mile . from ecboolboneei will trade .for bonae and lot In city; tbla place U II mllea from railroad. I alia from pos toff Ice, ate. What have yea ta exchange? . , J TBH acrea level laad; 1J acrea beaver dsmt SB In cultivation: good koaaa; a fabr bara and other bnlMlnan) nod errbard; B. P. D. mall: milk mate by the ooor la Washington county; $3,000. H can ataad. ' M acres; en the Beea t.tne road I alee level - land, no gravel: all well Improved: Bne balM Inga; good teem, barneee. waawn, enwa, ehtca enn: $400 worth farming machinery; price $4,800. terms. SO acrea IB aeree ra caltlvatkeai aa gravel: good orchard and amall fruits: good balld lnrs; good teem, bsmeee and wagaai t flna ,. eowa; ell klnde farming Becbhsery) aa Beea Una road; arlea $4.000, terma. . , r " 40 acres; tS la good calMeallon! ' flna ar - ehard! fair bnndlnga: llear-eowth aleaet enlta elaebed and horned) Und partly level aaa a Ut of farming machinery; ea a good read: Bne eatelde paafnre: 18 mllea from Portland; I alU ta acbool; price $.o00 terma. 800 acrea hill Und; near river aad railroad: t mllee to afore; 40 clear or more; fair boose and hern Urge orckard: ea eeanrty rood l at mllea ta city: creek ae the piece; prlca $B per acre: $1,000 down, balance when yea get ready. S per eaat. Great frees ag frwjt laad; lots timber. . , -" . 840 aeree atock range; all bottom had; rinse to railroad! good Baking and banting; will Uke aome property; $1,800. J , W. W. EBPBT. . Room I, Hamilton flldf. Tkfc at, bat, Aider aad Waaaislbea, - jounnAL WAirr ab adveitisiitg " IS ITJEXPEKSIYE BUT BRINGS RESULTS AWD FarmTcr Sale 40 acrea ea the t alda ef Bead river; 4H miles eel from town, all culti vation-S acrea la orckard, ataadard varietlaa, fnem I to B rears eld. moetljr Bpltsenberrs aad Mewtowna. a few Jpuatbaaa aad Bald wins; the remainder of the tract U la ttssothy- aad eUvar; there U JO Incbee of : tree water and about IU acrea af tkla tract caa be Irrigated; ao balldluga. Prlea $8,000. 40 aeree adjoining tbe above tract: all andar eultlvaUva, 83 acrea la orchard; ef this, 1st acrea ara- la full bearing, tha re- . aselndar from S ta lairs eld and will beer a food crop tbU season; B0 lachee of ' tree water, aboat 10 aeree can be Irrigated ef th tract) food B-room boaaa and all out buildings are first rises ;, good acbool I mile; aew Mount Hood U. si. tooehee the Place, atatloa a alia. Prion $11,000, ar will aell the (W for $20,000. IS acrea, 8 mlka from Bead River, all andar cultivation; hay, applee aad berries; about 8X8 trait treee. 8 and 8 yeara old; B-room bonse. bara 88x83. aad aUcr butld lugs; bores, harness, wagoa aad all unplo menU go with the placa; S eharee of atock la larioers' ditch; good springs) selling too worth of battel per mouth. Price, Including atock, $4,!M. ' 10 acres, B mllea from Hood River; part , ander eultlvatloa. choice apple and berry Und, ao bnildlnga, bat , beautiful balldlnf alte. Price $1.5oo. - - IBB acrea. 4 mUe aoatk at Heeler: acres ander eultlvatloa, food eprlnfa, flne orchard Und, amall bouae, barn and other bnildlnga; 1W mllea to acbool. Prlea $1.8oO; $ooo dowa. 80 acrea, near Bprlngwater, la tlackaasaa county; all auder euhlvatlon and fenced, 4 aeree la beartag trait treee, IS acrea la wheat and eats, nearly all UveL, B-room boaaa Unas barnrifS miles from Ha Ueada. Price $8.Bw0. . Ml acrea. 84 mllea trem the neater of Portland; near aarllao, la blab suta of caltt vstloa. nearly all anaU fralt aboat 300 beertng treee. good booaa with basement good barn, beautiful ssxrouu dings- Prlca $10,000; terma. . r . 80 a ores, la Clack amee eoanty, pear Noedy; acrea alaabad, Tl acrea timber, beet at aoll, running watar oa plaee. Price $1,800. . U acrea. la Claekaaaa county, 8H adUs from Or egos City; all ander cultivation. aeaa trult frals and swgetablae, wel and aprluga, O-rooa boaae. aew bern and food outbuildings; atock and Impleasnte fa with the place. Price $3, TOO. ' . BO acrea. In Clark maa soasty. near Col toa; T acrea cleared, IB acrea fenced, konee, bern and shads. Price $1,060. . i. 100 aeree, la Douglas county, aaar Drain; 33 acrea andar cultivation, aome good eaw timber, nearly ell -rolling, -room boaae. barn and cattle-sheds, atock. Implements aad furniture go with the pUce. Price $1,800. 34 sores, la Douglas county, near Tooealla; IB aeree under eeltlvatloa, B aeree light tim ber, good watar, aome bearing orchard. 4-rooa boaae. Urge barn aad pen I try -boa ee and yard, near acbool and poalotflce. Price $1,800; terma. 1 acrea, la Lincoln eoanty Bear Pioneer; 40 aeree ander ralttvatlon, plenty ef good water; B-room bouae, new: Urge aara and other bnildlnga, 84 bead atock, Implaaeata aad toola go with place. Price $8,400. 100 acrea, la Lane county, near Mareola: bout 10 aeree ander cultivation. 3,000,000 i feet ef ' aaw timber, amall orchard, bouee, bara and other bnildlnga, 1 mile to aohoal and amall town. Prlca $2,100. 83 aeree, la Marlon eoanty. T mllee from Salem; 80 acrea under cultivation, all rolling, 11 acrea la prunes, IB scree la eppUe and 8 acrea In rears. In tall beating; B room bouae, : Urge barW and other buildlnga. Prloa 84.800, ruO seres, In Yamhill eoanty, near Dayton; ' TO acred ander cultivation, creek rannlng through the place, some bearing trait, B-room bouse" bara and other bnildlnga. 1 Bile to acbool. Prlca; 81.600 dowa. . 170 acrea, ta Clatsop county) aa navigable stream, 1U mllee from ocaaa beach. 1H mllee from acbool, Bla mllee rroa relornoe . 40 acrea level. 10 acrea roiling, rx-u : .i.e L.a aoll 9a acrea fencedr 30 ' nailer cultlvetlon end oasture( be la ace light ' timber; about 40 fralt treee. 16 yeara old; B-rooa boose with bath; barn 80x48. bogbonee, abed, goathmn. wadkenee and paaltry shed. team. B cattle, 10 bogn. B goats aad all Unplementa. price $8.B00. $3,000 dowa, LANOILI.E A RAND, TB Biath at ... SMALL FARMS -. -. B acrea AU cultivated, nice aew bara, oa Be canine. ' B aeree unimproved Und at Lenta, M aeree choice, land aa boulevard; over looks tbe Columbia river. 10 aeree Uood keuea. barn, nice appU . orchard, rannlng water, aa Sua roasU only , 10 miles out; wlU trade. " 10 ecrea CAelce piece at laad, ea Be car line: nice to put. . . IS acrea All Improved, food bouae, bara and orchard; S mllee oat -B aeree. alee B-rooa plastered bouse, near "U. R. station, 10 mllee out; will trade. . 38 acrea Frouta ea eleetrto car line. 10 acrea rich black bottom Und. d aeree colli vated; if choice piece ef Und; night trade. VERY CHOICE LITTLE PARM of 30 acrea, nicely Improved. ' T acrea In choice grapes, 8 acra In strawberries, other fruits; bard flnlshed bonae. nice basement, with furnace, watar piped to boaae; nice bara, 3 botbouaea - with patent ventilators end steam beat, fronts on a flne road: eaat aide. . 3? aeree At Newberg. Oregon; booaa, bara, evennrd. running brook water; trade tor a home In Portland: $2,000. - IB acrea All choice land, all liaut'esed. good boose, s barn, 4 acrea la orchard, aeer ' Orrwoa City earllne. oa Claekaaaa river; wilt trade Into n larger farm. -s Bt acrea All choice lend, nearly all fenced, about IS acrea cultivated and In paatnre. 18 acres Bna timber; food aew bouee. bow barn, fronts an good mad. Ttt mllee out , from Portland; will trade for good Fartlaad property; price $t.T00. BlcNKLR A BAKER, ' - BIT Ablnf ha bldg., PortUad. Oragoa. y ..;land -For Sale IN CLACKAMAS OOCNTT. 828 Acrea 140 eulUvated, all fenced! 4 I acrea In good orcbsrd, goad keuse and barn, ea county road; $3T.80 par acre; ana half cash, balance 0 per eeat 41 uj Acrea tH mllee eaat of Canby.-oa county road; SB arree cultivated. aeree e leaked. SO fralt Usee, living water, fair bnildlnga: $8,000. . ao Acrea a mites iroa urrgoa my; smm eeilllvarad and In - erafa. 10 la - grata. Mashed. 8 acrea ta good timber, fabr build Inge. Ilvng water, I cowa. i wagon and all fasmlng Im plena an Acres to acrea cultivated. 1,600, Oregon City, living waUr, ao bulldlaga; $3,400; $1,000 down, balance f per cent. 81 Acrea SH Bllee from Oregon City, 8 serea cultivated; 80 aeree alasked. aaall t bouae and barn, good orcherd) $1,000) eae half down, balance $ per eent - 38 acres 3 asllae from Oregon Ottyi It acrea cleared, Baerea stashed, good boaae aad , bara. living water; 83,400. Other farm and timber1 land for MM. ' T ORIUON CITT TBIJBT CO., . Oarde bid., Oragoa City, Oragoa. ' 100 ACRES, neatly all under plow, aaall kouaa, 3 good barna. orchard, guod water. Urge oat range and other matters connected with tbm farm; It le a anap for $3.1100. 800 acrea. 130 acres ander cultivation, good bouse aad barn, running water, poatofflce oa pUce: BIB per acre. 4ST acrea. nearly all river bottom, well . adapted tor alfalfa, 10-acre knprard, average buildlnga, good orchard; thla piaoe cauld be cut ap Into several small homse: It U two Mllea from poetofflca, atoree, telephone tad blacksmith shop: only $17.50 per acre, aad 8 . great many ethar amall and Urge raachee. ' Acre tracts near tba city, well Improved, at reasonable prices, also aome unlroerrrred In the eity limits; eeveral raaahaa ta trade for city A CBOCKtTr, . ' 34314 Washington at 40 ACRES of good, well cultivated land near Eef U Creek, Or all fenced, no travel, atonea or stumps: this le a good buy. 80 teres Bear tha above, a a-roora bonae. a few acrea hi cultivation, balance In food tim ber, fir and cedar, would make cord wood, piling and fence posts; eay. Eagle Creek, good : A"fond"20.acra fara fa food locality. 80 aeree ta eultlvatloa, 4 acrea la flna apple orchard, new B-room bonae, fair barn, llvinf j apiiug: would aell or trade for eity property, to acrea la high elate of cultivation, good T-room bonne, good bara and eutbulMinga, ,f acrea ta email fruits, near Mt Tabor. BCNPT-MRLRATH 00, -i t4SVt Morrtaoa at. FOB SALB FARMS-. 180 acrea, oa Pa fry creek, 8 mllea rroa . Vanning, In Washington eoanty, Oregon; haa 1.000. 000 feet ef eaw timber, t Bllee from a eawmlll. food land. Ilea aearly Ural, . a r amall house; BT.BO per sere. 100 aeree. 14 mlmp frora KaUma. Washing ton .s II UveL It acrea cleared, bouee, bara, ' good orcbsrd, 40 scree piling timber, H mile . from Kalama river a good bwrlnf atreea; a good atock range; horse, aaddU and aome logging tools go wttk tbe place; $! . B-acre trade ef Sret-elaaa berry and gardea land, 84 mllee from eity, ea Powell Valley read. I Bile from street can fare 8 easts; easily cleared: 3129 to 8180 per aara. . BLAIR A nL'BLBUT, BIB A king ton bldg. BUnrRBAN BOMB rooa beaae aad bath. S aesow ewi, e" .,.. f ""m et Courtney atatloa. $d.ono. Snap 1414 acrea at Courtney atatloa. oa 0. W. P. 40 acres la Tambin eoaaty, R. F. D. Im aV. " a- n. uiitunv. MUWaajlt, Ota - VVaNir:!" an aa w v All i . ti aw 4 FOR SALEFARMS. FOR SALE Stock ranch af 3.440 acrea aaar Cobarg. S mllea N. Bt of Eugene, Or.) price low; I I easb. balance 8 yeers. 8 per coat. P. D. Chamberlain. Labbe bldg., Portland. 880 ACRES la Una county, about TB mllee traa Portland; lis acrea In cultivation, balance mostly pasture; B-rooa bouae. 3 barna, t walU and rannlng streams, 4 miles from B. . atatloa; price $0,000, H eaah.. lUsaall, 403 Commercial blk. . , FOR SALE TIMBER, CERTIFIED eertn, any ata prteea, W. O. Uoweli. 888 Chaw bee at Oesn TO EXCHANGE. 130-ACRB farm. 80 acrea cleared, at View. Waab.l t kouaea: will trade for booaa aad tot la city, boom Morrison, room a. WANTSV TO EXCHANGE a lady'e Ideal" Rambler wheel for a geatlemaa'e b Icy da. Addreaa 0 38. JournaL FOB BALE OB EXCHANGE 1 room bouae, 1 acre: 8800) Mlddlseex. 8 Ufa, amall bouae, : Kern Park. Will exchange for good draught horses. Apply owner, Haaelwlld Lumber Co., Arleta, Ore ton. . EXCHANGE SO aeree, SH mllee front Portland, near tbe O. W. P. earllne, good aolL half clear, tor residence. 10744 Third et. EXCHANGE SO aeree, S Bllae from Vancouver, IV acrea in orcnara, sine eon; win uie aad lot la Portland. 107 Third at. HORSES AND CARRIAGES. BEBB IS A BARChllN AT HOME J. D. GORDON Son offer the Imported ClydeadaU stallion. "Better Lock." No. 11.. BUS, for eala. You will remember he ta the etalllon that took aeeoad prise at tbe Lewis and Clark fair; also took first prlna aa a yearling la Scotland. Yoa can buy kla right and be la a choice eae. . Aloe "Royal McQueen." tbe t-year-otd Clyde atallloa tbat took Brat ever the Do minion of Caneda and Brat at the Lewis and CUrk fair; bla aire took tha fold medal at Chicago this Uat yeer. Also eome ClydeadaU fllllea) thla ta tbe home of tbe champion Clyde Bare of tha . Lewie and CUrk fair. Alao "King 8.," tha lira af "Fair Oake," 1:1814. Cash or time. , Look these op.-" " J7 D. OORDON A SON, Dundee, Oregon. 30 TEAMS ST00 to 8000 nor Freedaaa Bros., Twelfth aad Flanders. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. SECOND-HAND REMTNOTOIf AND SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITERS FROM 880 CP. OR POR RENT POR $3 AND $4 PER MONTH. UNDERWOOD TTPBWRITBE CO, BB SIXTH ST. . FOR SALE OR RENT NEW - AMD SECOND. HAND SBWINO MACHINES. STANDARD SBWINO MACHIXB AUENCX. B. 0. JUNKS, 180 TAMH1LL ST. . BOOKS bonrht aoM ' and ar changed at the . via sees a store, aaa xessauj ex. WE need furniture aad will pay full vales, I Phone Pacific TBS. Western Salvage Cs I Ml TT WHUBgHSI L. WESTERN OBEOON MI NINO A MILUNO) CO. beadqoartere; atock tor sals and Inform e tUa at 180 First at Phoaa MaU 1838. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES Bade to order adcond-band gooda for aale. Cerlaen A KauV stroaa. See) Couch nt Pheae Clay STL BOSSES of all klnda tor aaU at vary abU prices. Inquire 3TB Front et BILLIARD AND POOL tablet tor rent a Bar sale an easy pevmeuto. THE BBUNBWICK-BALKB OOLLENDEB CO. 48 Third at. PortUnd. MANORS by wagnaload ar ear load ea O. W. P. Bp. Pboaa Beat S81S. THE celebrated Pontine ton bugxlea, leather flnlebed. for $08, et Portland warehouse A Treuefer Go $42 Beat Wssklngton at. CLOSINO aale official photographic viewa ef exposition, souvenir postcards, view hooka, ate., greatly reduced pries. Exposltloa Store. 848 Morrtaoa at SHOW re sea, counters, fixtures bought, eold a excBeagee. Waetexw eleege tMw. bit Wash ington at Pad fie TBS. t ROLL TOP deeka, orSee-tanUe. rug. flrtureai all bow. Collins Land r- Mala 3334. WB print your name ea no catling cards, proper else and etyU. 8!le) SnO hnslnees cards, tl. A. W. Scbmata Co., 338 First Portland. Or. BOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURB- -aura rheumatism. Sold by all druggteta. for $400 NEW upright pis no, $14fl) upright plana BMI; organ tii. 341 M first corner Main, apaUlst. THOROUGHBRED erga and atock for aaU of . White and Brown Lrghorne. White and . Barred Rock. Llg Brahaaa. Buff Cochin and Black Mlnoreas; $1 50 per aeltlnf . C. 8. Arnold. Mllwaukle, Oregon, FOB BALE Oooee neck eoda fountain. Madrons ave. W. Garrlsoo. 1614 I WILL aell for the next two daya 370 fine restauraai raniee rroa too rair gronnoa at T5e each; also a Urge qaentlty of ehslra and household fnmltore on easy terma. Oka, at Oanld A Kline's. S. W. ear. Front and Bum aide. Phone Main SOT. ' FOB SALE. , CHBAP-rOne Al Incubator. 1X0 egga; one Edison phonograph, 38 re aor da. B48 Eaat Fifteenth at, aouta. FOR SALB Freeh cow with calf, and chlckena and eome furniture, good conk atove, and wood and bouse for rent. Call at rVeO East Inth nt after S p. a, at North Third at any time. FOB BALM CHEAP 1 gooseneck at earn wood, aaw. In running order: alao team and bar new. . Inquire SM Russell st Phone Eaat ' 508. . FOB BALE CHEAP Beeutl fully carved cow. boy aaddle. Apply Foster A Kleiner atabta. Fifth and Evarstt. . . . e FOR SALB CHEAP A brand aew phonograph with 1 Concert aad 1 home bora end V) records. 408 Lovejoy et Pboaa P setts 138, PERSONAL. CONFIDENTIAL seed Ice I advice ta We treat diseases ef women exclusively, ' curing with unvarying encase all femele allmenta from tbe slightest local Irrltatleu to tbe moat complicated Internal troublea: ' maternity cases given epedel nttentton: ' private hospital serosa mods tloa: brofisslsnsl . udy atrres la attendance; eonaultstloa and advice free. X-Radlnm Medical laatltute and Binltsrtum. Third and Alder ata.. aatraaea 308 Alder at. PortUad. DR. O. V, KETCHUM. till recently phyelriaa at tba St. Lenta Medical aad Borglcal die- ' peneary, U now at the Bed Croee Dlepen. aery. Be will give all a equere deal, charge anederstely. and eeperlally Invitee eaeee ef vital weekaeea. dally aad Bight drains, aner- : aatorrboee. lapotancy, gonorrhoea, blood talata, hydrocele, varicocele, chroalo ailments and special femsle treohles. , Correspondence -. solicited. Red Croee DUpeaaary, cor. Third and A ah eta. LADIES A never-falling veaedr rellevee ad obstinate eaeee; perfectly ba 'leva but a poet tire relief) receipt with tall Inetree tloes $1 (stamps tskenl. Addreaa De. A. BadA San Francisco, California. DR. WORLET BENJAMIN, the Foot Enootallat, 8004 Washing tea at . road 804. Sore feet Bade eopnd. - i POLLS' HOSPITAL AepalrUif and ereMVaklnf , ($1 Ytmhtn, LEADS. - JO PERSONAL. BINO CBOONO. Imanrtse af Chlnanwi mot aaedW cines; sella Chlneea tea that U certain cure tor all diseases, 181 Second bet Xaavblll : and Taylor. . - FREE to eat at town patrons. latest rata losrue et fence work, nil low tor, sen lee arerk. pieces, ehirtwalate and aoveltlau, Tbe Needle Craft Bbop. 1x2 Waablngton at. Portland. Or BACK Aon sad kldnev or bladder disease cured with Oregon herba; trial slee fa 10 la ataaaa. Plnmmar, 880 Third et - DR. ATWOOD. M ammal bide.. 10814 St. Female d loesses and confinements taken . nnd eared tart apea evenings. Ceaaaltatloa tree. . ... MANLT vigor restored by Dr. Roberts Nerve Globulee. One asoutb'e treatment, $3: Bontka, , fS eent eecurely aeaieo ny mau. .Ageata. Weodard, CUrke A Co.. PortUad. Or. MBS. Sopkle B. Seta. Myenonaetrtet. suries sod prophetess; dally 10 to B. T.t B: elrelea . Tuesday aad Friday. B p. a, 4S lamnm. ' aor. Beventh. Pacina 108. Suaday avanlaf meetings Drew ball. 101 Second. SUITS pressed while yoa wait bOe. Ladles' aklrta-prsaed. 80c. Gilbert, loots) BUth at, next to yuyef- rnone uiay eaea. WBT FEET are daaawroaa. Web foot alaektaf ' Is absolutely waterproof. BALM OP PIOS for all female dl Beet Belmont Pboaa Beat 408a, XES, Pahne Tableta make yea eleep perfectly: they cure nervousness ana make yon atrong; Xrtee BOe a box. 8 boxee B3.B0; gaaranteed. II drugglsra, or address Brooke Drug Oa.. 47 . sMrtB Tku-a at, rertiana. uregoa. SHORTHAND. typewriting, Btaaaoavaphlnf, 408 Chamber at Coaaeree. Mala MoT. DETEOTIVB AOENCT Confidential tuveett , gatlona; reports Blade ea any Individual bual. Beea or property) mleetng relatlvea located) ae ai. aKbmm - -aae. - reepoBdeaee eolldted. Oregoa Detaetlve . Service, offleoa 814-818 Columbia bldfW 80S wasningwa as. roooo maw v,v LADI EfT Tnrktah baths, aasaafe, - kydriatrie Crlore; Udlea will find wkat tbey want la tha at flat A, BB1 Washington at ANT Baa or woman caa bo etvoaf aad, happy by alng Sexlne PtUe. the greet tonic; price 81 a box. S boxee $8, with tan guarantee. ' Addreaa or eall I. A. CUaseaeoa, .druggist aad xaaaulll ata.. roruano. w. LOST oowers reetored by the greet Dr. Lorstis's Nerve Toale TabUtai SB per box. S boxaa tor 81.38. Write ee call at aysneiia Pharmacy. 227 Morrtaoa. Bat let and 3d. BIOH-OBADB Bortralta: enedal offer few few . days; cabinet elan, cards or tsldera. IB tot $3; aaaUty and work tbe best. p. M. Stevene, 401 (eaodaough bldg., Fifth aad XaahUL TURKISH BATHS, S90 Orefoalaa bldf. Udlea aaya, gsutiemea aignta. main wo, , "FORBIDDEN FRUIT," "A ayatharia)," "Story of a Slave." ''Faany Bill" "Ageee.'' ' "Womaa af Fire." BOe each; Itata free. A. W. Bcbmale Co.. 138 First et. SCHOOL hooka and nil klnde of books boaurht. eold and uchaaged. eonee' Book Store, 381 Alder at MUS. ANNA LUCKBT AND MRS. CARSON cure all scalp dlseaees; all klnda of baths given; electric massage: also have the French mad for removing wrinkles: Mae. K arrow a fa moan remedlee; natlafactka fUaraateed. : Phone Pacific 1888. 830 Taylor. DO yoa want to marry t If so. Join our society! we hers hundreds of members, either eex) matrlmonUl regtater. 10c. 100 Vt Fourth at, eorner Morrison. Boom 94. , BOLDRN'S RHEUMATIC CURB Sura cure teg . rhenaatlsa. Sold by all druggUta. i LADIES A aevar-falltng 'monthly" remedy; ro ll erea all obstinate cases; perfectly bsrmloea but a positive relief) receipt with full to. etractmne 81 (otampe taken). Addrasa Or. . Ti J I a - .IIImmI. PERKINS' American Herbs ara tor aaU at 80S Third at. Portland, Oragoa. by A. B. BUoaer. general agaat -- . COAST agency Dr. Crtotlon'a Prone toilet srtlclee. Rooms 11-12, Oread theatre bldg.. rark 4t Washington. , raeae Mstn ai. BADAM'S Mlerobe-KUler. tbe arraat germicide. that haa stood the teat of years. For sale by druggists or Winters, BOH Grand ave., N. TOUNO Udy rlvee vapor, alcohol and asedlcatsd hatha. Parlor ST. 38814 Stark. AN honest, true Udy deetrea tbe acwuntntanre of a gentUaaa who does not aae Uqnor nnd knows bow to appreciate a lady'a company, to apend evenlnga and Snadaya with. Z 84. care Journal. - AUTOMOBILES. CO VST A COOK Motor Car Co., Fnth aad Alder Agents for Cedlllaa. Ptarco. Oreat Arrow and Stevene-Dnryea motor-cars) au Chinee rented, repaired and stored. ART EMPORIUM. PROPESSOB R. MAX METER. B4S Aider. Portrait and tandacape artlet and teacher. ATTORNEYS. A. B. TANNER, ettoruey. BOS Com ner rial bib.. Second aad Waablngtoa ata. Phone Mela 843, B. F. BURLEIGH, tawyor, 133 Oread ara.. Beat PortUad. I. S. WINCH werrER, attorney-at-Uw, Botary puMIc 80 Washington bldg. ARCHITECTS. H. H. MENOES. Architect. 118 Second at ASSATERS. 0ARVIN CTAN1DE EXTRACTION CO., ai Montana Aaay flfflce. 108 Morrtaon et. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. BOWB. DAVIS A KTLHAM, 100-111 SeceuJ st Blsak book manufacturers: agsnte for eonee Improved Leoee-Leaf Udgera) eee the aew urate tear, tae newt oa tne msrmev. BATHS MASSAGE. MIRS LILLIAN RAYMOND fives batba and massage treatments. Tbe Oneaoa, 388 M Morrtaoa at, room 14. PUme Mala 0811. TWO ladlea give batba, faos aad ecalp asaaage. 80S Fifth at BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES.' 8. BIRKENWALD CO.. B04-808 Everett et Largeet butrhera' aupply bouee en the coaat CAFES. THE OFFICE SSII Waablngtoa at, T7I. Samuel Vlgneaux. Mala CHIROPRACTIC. CURES append lei tie without drugs or knife. Dr. Eve tlogan. SOB Hall et Phone Mala 004. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. WASHRURNB A FLOYD, wagon bull dsn and general Job work. 48 Btk at Pheae Hood BOB. WM. PiKHBECK, carpenter : repairing and job bing dowe. 301 Bamalde et Phone Mala S487. CARPET CLEANINQ. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co., lergeet plant an the enoet, Lorlng end Harding ata., tele phone Bast 300 Carpets cleaned, refitted, aewed and laid: both ateem and la teat com pressed sir proeeea: r evatlnf Battreeaea aad ieatbera a epectalty. SANITARY aarpet eleaalag, auctloa and anas. nreeaea air eomoineo; carpexe cjeaneu on ooor without removal. nits ooov. Eeat 4288. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. ESRERO-OUNBT CO.-. Dtatribatera ef - FIRM CI (JARS. Portland. Oregoa. COLLECTION AGENCY. DOBS any eae owe ye money 1 We eel Vet bed debt of all kinds, Nortkweetara Law A . Collect tea Co., 123 Grand are., reams 14 and IB, Cltiseee- N.nk kldg. Cat UU asu. taeae Beat $044. . : tARGER MM CLEANING AND DYEIN0. ' Sietliwl a,, team Cleealne A Dyeing Works: prso er la eonnectLa. 811 nth. PacUle BUT. tlcnl hatter CLOTHES eleened and pressed 81 nor aoata. Unique Tailoring Co.. '84T Wahlngtoa et B. W. TURNER, grefsaelonal .yer end eUaaar, BOB Jefferaon at Phone Mala 301 A NEW PROCESS lace curtain clesnlng, BOe to $1 pair. 404 Ollsaa. Main 4400. SARTORIAL Tailoring Co Ls dies' and aen'e clesnlng and pressing. BOO Week. Pee. 1317. COAL AND WOOD. CHURCH LEY BROS, hsve removed trem toot ' Da via at to 428 Kearney at. near 11th l ta now the largest woodyard ta the city, curry. Ug aU klnda at wood and eeaL Mala ML WESTERN Feed A Fuel Co.. ea Front between Ollsaa and Boyt. dealere la all klnda et noose eoeia ana oiacxenuia soais. . Mala 1018. ' AXBINA FUEL CO. Dealers ta curd wood, coal and froea aad dry slab wood. R. R. and Al bion are., S blocks east et ferry. Eaat BT4. STEEL BRIDGB PUEL CO Pea lew ta eeaL eordwood and dry eUbwood. Phone Beat 434. OS BOOM FUEL CO. AU klnde of coal aad wood. . SOS Alder et Phone Mala eft. KIRK HOOVER. 818 Watar st Weed aad anal. Phone Mstn 4604. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. BVERDINO A FABR ELL, produce and eommte. aloa merchants. 140 Front at, PortUad. Or. Phone Mala 1TB.,, CROCKERY 'AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE arockery and glassware. Preet, Begele Co.. loo to 104 Fifth, aor. Stark et CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST A SPECIAL 80.00 READING FOR $1.00. ST. GEORGE ORMONDE. KKKR OF KGYP PT. WORLD-RENOWNED Oaa-royant, Palmist and Psychic Healer. , TUB ONLY YOGI MEDIATOR t of Secret Influence In America. Curse all nervous dleeaaee. weekaeea of every kind; telle tuet wkat annoya, perplsxee, woc rlea you; what your wtah la if the one yoa love hi traa or false, kow to gala the one Cm Uve or admire) brloge bark the estranged ver, bueband or wife; atrelghtene out family troublea aad assists yoa In gaining your wish or desire ; glvsa names, dates, facts ef Bar. (lege, Uve, taw, money, changes; all without yoa speeklng a word. Fee,, one dollar. Permanently located. Open Sundaya, 38814 WASHINGTON ST. Tha noted palmist, win continue to ftva bla celebrated $S reeding for 00 cents for ooe week longer. StibVa Morrison at., parlora 1 aad 2, Tbe Cosmos, over Royal bakery. MRS. STBVRNS. Portland'a leading eelm let. astrologer and clairvoyant 10V Seventh at. epa. Hotel roruano. MMB. EMMA BERNANDER, medium, asrrolo- gist healer; ealy Bwedlab medium tn fort . land B yeara, will be before the public egaln March 1; aeeda no Introdactlon; eome reed affldavita. 388 Fifth at. Headings ZSc; toll readlngn $1. Downstairs. - SEE THE GREAT NORMAN! King af Astrologers, palmtat and Medium. I tell year asms, tha a amee of friends end enemies; everything yoa wish to know. Hours 10. a. as. to S p. at 328 Fifth at EENOBIA, THE GREAT EGYPTIAN, Talto yoa just what yon want ta know. , 828 AL1BKY BLDG. SOB Morrison et, cor. Third. DANCING. WOODWARD'S dancing acbool af the W set em Academe of Mnale. Monday aad Thursday. Spectatora Invited. Leaanne BOe. Dancing $ la le. vox. ananna ana ssovrnma. . PROP. R1NGLRR. BOB Alder, aaar Sixth; clans er art rate iissane. bob. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Coapeny. 84 Beventh et, PortUnd. O. K. for everything la the electrical Una. Phoaa Mala 1888. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. En si torn, repairers, electric wiring, supplies, 44 First aor. Btark. Mala 480. B. H. Tata. agr. FURNACES. BOTNTON warm -sir fnmscee eave tneL J. C Beyer Farnnee Oe., 304 Becond. Mala 481. FRENCH BAKERIES. THE only niece la Povtlend to get French breed. Bsrrero A Mar lis. 4flf tUxth at Dally delivery. Phone Oreea BOS. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRB A IRON WORKS 888 Flanders at. ear. td. Phone Mala 8008. GASOLINE ENGINES. AT eUetaf-aut prices, eeveral eoapta geanltna anrbsea, marine end stationary; write fad prteea. Belersoa Mechksery Oe. Portland. FURNITURE FACTORIES.11' OBEOON Parol tare Manufacturing Company Mannfaetarsra af furniture tor tbe trade. rec Or. Portland, FURNITURE aannfarturlng and special ardi L. Bavenaky'e feralture factory. 870 Front et GROCERS. WADHAMS A CO.. wkolsaole groeera, aewa. fscturers and eomnUssloa BMrcbaaU. Fourth aad Oak ata. ALLEN A LEWIS, eoamtaaloa sad prod nee saer cheats. Front and Davis etc.. PortUnd. Or. GRINDING. I. 1. CASTERLINB A CO., tn van tor ef the famous steel tempering process ; tools sharp ened reasonsble. 41 Fifth et HARDWARE. Portland Herdware Co. eorlette opportunity ta guoto prices. 188 let St.. cor. Alder. Main 1884. HOTELS. HOTEL Portland, Amsrlcaa pUa; 13. IB per day. BELVEDERE; Europeaa plan; 4th and Alder ata. THE BROWN Grand aad Hawthorne avea. HAY AND GRAIN. I. O. COOPER A CO. Potatoes, feed and Sour. 12S Union ave. Phone East HIT. LOCKSMITH. BROWNB'S IN TOWN Expert locksmith aad Bicycle repairing, ana rtsrx. uay CUy 833; atabt pheae, Mats 3888. i. n. RICHARDSON, Ueksmltt and repairing. xht RnrnsM. paeine ions. MAGNETIC HEALINO. DR. L. H. BART treeta all dlsoesan, stoma ek trouble, aervousaeee and functnal weekaeea. ISO Seventh et Phone Meln 4 ITS. MACHINERY. TBE H. a ALBBB Cu. seceod ksnd mschtnerv. aawBllH. eta. B4S oraad ave. BIPPELT A MYERS, Bachtntara- and eMa tridaesl electric alavatom, elect rice I il Baebin. ery end gssnllne englnee a specialty. Sad tea a et. raeae si are laaa. CENTENNIAL IRON STEEL WOREB. ma- rtne and stationary gasoline enetae eiporm) aD ktade machinery reoalred. Olleea at BOAT englnee, gasoline, Sheffield Barlne; any aneed: beat .oe r"ht price: la s'-k: ee X en:iilon; e H s-"i". f'1 lorel Bael kuk g,j, ..a, k 4 A Ca, insu: BJAAO L. WBITB, flrw I S3 C-aas neBuj.' IAS. Met. WOOD, employers Ssseoty art b oiTuraai aecioent sursty bonce eg au aiaso, Phoaa AT. 803 McKay beog. tt W,BVM a. ..... H w e 1 ' ' r avr. a e srw mrm wm aaa onerioca niag. oregoa rnone Mala MONEY TO LOAN. I0UB FRIENDS QAM TELL ZOO , ' That we treat Mtnss fata emd tlheemnv. and If yoa want ssoaey yon caa gat It $14 to $100 oa your salary without delay ee to puoiieity. - . We give yoa tbe eaah. an yon ask for, na ene tamp, nnd tba email amount rsejubred each pey day to pay aft tha Una win scarcely be noticed. If la seed ef money da not bsaiUte ta eall for a confidential talk ; we wake aa ana. barmealng tnqulrleo; reaukra ae indorsee ao -re fere nee ta friende; treat yoa eMrteoaalp whether you borrow er aot. It will pay yoa to gel tba money you need from ne ea tbe payment plaa) It seats yoa lose and gets yoa out ef dent. Opoa Wednesday aad Saturday astn P. as. BUTTON CBBDIT 00. ' . Ut (fifth floor) Dekam Bldg.. Cornar Third aad Washington atresia. ; f HEADODABTERS FOB BALA BY LOANS. dlS-8 Mohawk bldg.. east. Morriaoa and ThtrC Ladlea er Gentlemen. Na PoteUtty. tf yow borrow 8M yea pay back $1.88 a week. , If yoa Borrow $28 yoa pay back 81.48 a week. . If yea borrow 8W yoa pey beck 81.00 a week. If yoa borrow 8KB yen pey beck 82 .88 a week. If yea borrow $50 yoa pay beck $8.00 a week. Fayaeata suspended la ease et siakaaa. Strictly Salary Loeaa. . ,. .TrTB CRKSCBNT LOAM OO. . 438-4 Mofcawk bldg.. aor. Morrtaoa sad TMrtV MONEY TO LOAN . Oa improved eity property or for buflirrng pmuuess. for from 8 to 10 psare Usee, with nrfvllece to retvey sll ar part af Uea after twa yeara. Loans approved freen pUnn and money edveaeed aa Building psogrsaees Bortgsga taken up and replaced. FBED B. STRONG. Flnaaalal Agent. ' ' -A- 143 sum at tm itii iiig no. Any aalarlad employe, wage samer, .sua fat - aa bla nots, wttbout mortgage . Month. H Moefk, Wsek, 8flfl.n0 Repay to M $18.88 828 00 Rene to na 8 4m er so. on sv ea ee er $8.88 er'SI.4S or $2.00 a $L0B $18.00 Benay to us 8 4,00 210 McKay bids. ONET ta Uaa oa reel peraorial aad eoriataral security: apectaj et tea Hon ta chattel aaort. Rgee: notea boagbt C W. Pallet, B0e- BIOHLT respectable laee where Udtea aad gents caa borrow money oa dtaasonde ead Jewelry. Collstsral Los a Beak. BOB Wash ington st Phone. Black TL MONEY to loan ea Clacksaae county Undo B. F. aad F. B. RUey, 404 Chamber aa Cosn. LOWESIT eataai mm ejfattan ,M edewoa. ara Loaa Co.. 444 SberUck bldg. CUy 838. TO LOAN Bums ta suit oa chattel security. B, A. Frame, Bid tbe Maruuass. - . PRIVATR money fur private leant as realty, B and T per eent V SO. JournaL MONEY TO LOAN oa all klnda ef security. , William Roll, roaa B. Waablngtoa balldtag. COLUMBIA LIPB A TBU8T CO.. Sixth Soar Concord bid- End and Stark ata. Money to men aa city property. CONFIDENTIAL loans ea salaries. poiioiea. pianos, furniture, warehoune aetata, etc.) aay dseervlng p eoa any secure a liberal advance, reperlnf by aosyweekly nr monthly Installments- NEW ERA LOAN . TBrST COMPANY, 80S Ablngtoa bldg. MONET ADVANCED SALARIED PB0PLB And others upon their aura aeaea without , neenrity: cheapest rstsa, eaaleat payments; fflcea In 88 principal eitlea; eave Jours alt money ' by aretrlng our terma Bret TOLMAN. 328 Ablagtoa bldg., loot Third at. MUSICAL. J. A. WESCO, vtolta-aakse and repair set vrsrh tliaVelaaa. 3B Baaael bldg 4th aad Morrison. EMIL THIELHOBN. pupil af Svelk. violin teacher. Stadta IBB Sixth. TaL Mala Baa. TODBR'S PIANO STUDIO, BBS B. Coach Bait rates for cmeln term. Phone Best 8288. OSTEOPATHS. DRS. ADIX A N0RTRRUP. 418-14-1T bldg- Third aad Waablngtoa ata, Fkaaa Mala 848. Examlnatlona tree. DBS. OTTS tt MABEL AKIN, 408 Maclaay bldg. CUy nt Baa. M. S16L CoMltatUa tree. TUB very beet Udy entaopeth la town. Daw L. O. Johnson, suite 18. Selllng-Hnreeb bldg. PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. F. B. BEACH CO Tba Paint On. I FkaB as. wtedew-f laaa aad Phone 1884. ERNEST MILLER A CO. Wsll paper, paint all at delivery. . PATENT LAWYERS. B. O. WEIGHT, domestic end toraign petaasal tnfringeaeut eeeaa. 404 Defcaa. PLUMBERS. DONNERBEBw A BADEMACHBB, aaa ptambsre. 84 Fourth st Both pkonss. FOX CO.. sanitary prnmbera, 211 I Mala aad Salasoa. Oregoa Pheae FINNBOAN BROS. CO. SOS Third at Mala 3RO0. Plumbers aad beating eafi PRINTIN0. ' ANDERSON DUNIWAT COMPANY, prtatlmr. Htbographlng. bleak hooka. Pboaa Mate IT. toa Alder st THE MODERN PRINTERT- 38 Raueel bldf., Fonrth aad Marl . PnclBe 1S3S. WELCH. DAVIS A CABSON Printtaf thnt paya tbe payer. Roome SOS aad 804 Stearne bldg.. Sixth and Morrwon. Pbona Mabi 4147. PHYSICAL CULTURE. PROP. RINOLBR'S School ef Phyutaaj rwltna all brancneo. - BOB Aider et- Bear Sixth. , ' RUBBER STAMPS. P.C. STAMP WORKS, 148 Alder st.phcwe Main TiO: rubber otampe, aam, stencils, baggage, trade e kecks send for catalogue We, be. ROOFING. TIN ROOFING, futterina, repairing and t Jobbing. I. Loell. 313 Jefferson at SAFES. DIRROLD Leads against Fire and Burglar. Tkna wall Bares unreliable; Norton A Buckeye Jacka Agency. Metal Flxturca. Lockouts opened. Bafea repaired. Pkoae Main 1448. John B. Dnvta. ad Third et. STREET PAVING. WABBBN Construction Co., street pa Wag. side walks and eroealaaa. T14 Origoalea BMg. THE Barber Asphalt Pavtag Oa, at PsrtUaA, OfSce 408 Wereeater blk. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of every aeocriprtoei beak, bep and store datnrae made to arder, lee lextaa Msnufseturing Co., Portlend. SECOND-HAND GOODS. G CODE'S Furnltnra Honee HlgJt petesa p- 4 for asrond-hsad far altars, 88 sWsaeel be, Pkono Pad fie 44. ' TYPSviUTrri NEW tynewrlfere. ell ail-. J eepeh-ed Coaat Agency. I t V i ' I ' . I . tslep::c Tu s-'y mr' ve " k -wtr C 1 '