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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 3, 1ZZ3. 13 ray mm si si. III I I m w tl b mm I I J - Eatered st tat postofflos at Partlsad. Oreaon. far mwpUUM ttrougb U axatle M aacead Slae IBs Use-. " . Mut la sing Is coplsei Far en B, 18 er 1. MM WMT, 1 Mali per, l caai; ie et M M VMM, t eeattn U la 44 pal i pages, a casts. Editorial Room , ES Business OtOca ... roaxioK uTtinun befbisibiatitx. vreeuna-Beejamiu oiwi rTi.Tiii ' .. . - -. Vorki Trillium nulid- . V - iraiOBIPTIOB BATKB. Cartas by Carrier. Tha Daily Joerssi, wit Sunday. I year... ST 8" The lally Journal I "ar........ AW Tbe Daily Journal, wltk Sunday. aaonthe. 8.78 Tb llljr Joa-nat month. ...... f Tbe Call juareal, wit Sunday. I BMotbe. l the Dally Juaraal. aoUe.. .....". Tb lally Jouraal. with Sunday. 1 moots, -so The Dally, ear week, delivered. Sunday in tteM ...... Taa Dally, per week. deUvered. aaneay Tka Tba Dally Journal, will Bunday. 1 Ma....J0 Dally Journal 1 yaar. Tba Dally J.1, with Sunday. moain. im s-siiy tfwwi t. .... - . Tha Dally Joaraal, t oaiaa.... 'J, Tba Dally Joamal. with Sunday. 1 Boats. . Tha Dally Jouraal. 1 Boatk " lb Sunday Jouraal. 1 yaar. f"? taa Suadsy Journal, .Booths. Tka SeaU-WseBly Jearael. Tka Baal-Weakly Journal. 1 al8 8 aaek laeae, UioslraUd. full aarket re- - P.. I aar....v.."...:"v"-AVD0.t., mHL .i- .nT snV-1 a-o-at. ara ScuSUTl lid In--. P-S. J'VAl. f. O. Bat HI. Fortlaad. Oregon. J mri to JOURNAL HAT XOffBD. lba Joaraal aaa ka,toad oa aia a. foltowtag places! BOISE, IDAHO H aaiiw A Oa.t W. B - ruii-iott-imtatttm Kawa aeaipaay. " Dar. BEN vsi Barkatoir1 Bn, ao Depot awa KANi crrr marlea Kawi aofapaay, aawapapaf aacoa. L0 alvuELES B. B. A-oa, aawapapar wafoai Aba BarU aavapapar wagoa. . MlNNKAlDUa U. I. aaaaaih, Third atraot. , KBW TOBH CTTT BraatiM a, Coloa aqaara, Artkar HoUllac, wapap aofc OMAHA Millar Hotal aawa euad, "Jf"1 Htadoaary aoaipaay. laud rarmaai atnaC OQDKN Draot aawa atand. ..... SALT tABaT CITIT Baayoa Haal awa aUad; Baiw Broi:. 4 Wart Baeoad ttraat. aauUiS '' Mra. Larla. aawapaprf atfoa. BBM 1T1BIUV am, aa iawa a ar - BAN FBANC1SOO W. B. Ardlas. Palaea Hotal Uoloamlth Broa.. S3d Sattar atrMt aad St. . rraada hotal; Paatf A Oraar. rarry kalld. . lay; N. WbtaUay, aawapapar and Kaaraay. . . . . ' CATTLB Balatar Oraad awwa ataad; A. B. BT. LOUIS Phillip tbwdar, did Laenat atraat; B. T. Jatt. dud OUaa atraat: Oaarga U Arkaraiaa. 8lOKANB-Jofca W. Orkbaa A Oa.' TACOMA Caatral Kawa aonpaay. Beta! maaa aawa ataad; Acaa Kawa MwtMiua wuaa. TICTOB1A. a C TlctorU Book A BUtloa, ary aonpaay.- ... " "WEATHER REPORT. Tka dlatarbanra yaatarday mt Narada baa adraaerd to Wyoming aad davalopad lata a atara at derldad charartar. It baa raaaad haaTy aow la aMthara Idaho and aorthara Nevada and llaht rata la aeurbcra i'ailrorala aad la ad' dllloa local raloa kaa aacarrad aloof tba Waahlaatoa aad Orvaoa aoaat. Tba 8oatb Carolina atara baa Bioaad aartbaaat to Naw Eat laod aad bleb wtada aad anow art ra. riirtM la tba wlddla Atlantic atataa. Tba Irh arraaora mrem m tha alddla araat It aoar eratral am Taanaaaoa and aarkad falla In -taaprratnra baaa ararr4 In tha aoath At-laatli- and aaat gulf atatca. It la aun eoldar and tdaha aad. aurh warmer la Colorado. Wyoming. ' Kaiaua, Nabraaka. Ikaitb Dakota and Mlnneaota. Tna Indlratlvaa ara ahowara tanlaht and Tharaday la waatrra Ora- and waatara Waablng tna aad for fair wrathar Tharaday eaat a( tba Caacada naoa- talna. Obacrratlaoa akaa at S a. m.. PaclAe Una: -,-. i . . Trap. attttona Bakw City. Oregon. . Mai. Mia. Prarln . M ' 3 ,S4 noaion. nnwiiiinii.t..M 4 14 ZO Tl 4S Sd 14 str 4 Id 4S 4d -- d : 4 . St Id t hlraaa, Ullaola........ n IWawr, Colorada ft Kanaaa City, Mlaaonrl. ltd ' Ixm Anglaa. California.... S3 Knr OrlaiM. Loulalana.... M r York. Naw York M Portland, Oragoa 4A Roaahurg. Oragoa.. ........ 44 at. lAula, Mlaaourt SO alt 1-ba, Utah Bd Han rranHara. California...' dd Pnokaaa, Waahlngtoa....... 40 Taroma, Waahlngtoa BO Walla Walla, Waahlngtoa.. SO Waablngton, I. 0 Sd .0 .0 .A .OS .0 .0 .OS .0 .n ,0d .n T .o .Rd MARRIAGE LICENSES. u aiu. ! llarfa Wallaea. Sa. '' ItAmrt U CL Vmim. IT: daM O. BoBBOt. ST. ' William W. Baaaoa, S3; Anna O. HaaarU, IS. Rlrbard TbanioB. BT: KltT Millar. 4B. ww.. B7 a-rkaoa 41: Edith Oolaaaa. 38. Waddlna Carda. W. O. Smith A Co.. Waab- Ugtoa bldg., aor. Boartb aad Waahlngtoa aM. Mlaa Bartha MarUa raoa SIB Allaky bldg. tamping and flna aaadlawork; lraaoaa glraa. BIRTHS. BETPP rebroary tti. to Mr. and Mra. Jaaapb niff and I'nabar atraat. a danghtr. UV It TON Trbroary 34 to Mr. aad Mra. W. I. Morton, of Portland Halghta. a daaghtar. Mn.Irahraary 3d, ta Mr. and Mra. Joha Bill. arm rmnt atraot, a arm. y,,TT Prbraary 3d. to Mr. and Mra. Bcnry rM AT A T. r.r, aaraat. a aoau MIl.LEB ranraary Wi to tar. ana Him. i. oarwa r. Millar, Of roreac unm, uraarom, a oaia- BIMOKB rabrnaiT . " Mr. and Mra. P. It Klmona. of todnwnd. Oragon, a aon. Tl'BPIN rabmarr 3d, to Mr. aad Mra. J. F, Tnrprn. of Portland. daughtar. ' rliNKNKDEK Tabraary T. ta Mr. and Mra J iron Gananador, 237 Btanton llwt, a M.r Cll.l IS fabraary 11. to Mr. and Mra. Angoa Ulllla. P41 Alblna araiioa. a aon. CONTAGIOUS DISEASES, t tOX Tahmary IS. Prancla Fog, Waahtngtnn atrart, diphtheria. 1044 Baat DEATHS. BKCK ETT Ftbrnary 37. Buby Barkrtt. agad 10 aanlha, at Manria ( la land: ranaa, dyaaa twt. Rurlal at Lotia fir earaatarr. BRAtil.KS Tabruary 3d. Paraxa Jana BaagW, mwr 77 yaara. 447 F.aat Tirtlflh atraat. north i . rauat. brancnitia. variai at niTrrririr ' ' tary. UNDERTAKERS. . I. F. Flnlry A rVn. fnnaral dlrartora and amhalmara, eornar Third and Mart I ami arraata. Offlra at couaty eoronar. Talapbaaa Mala . ' Daaalag. McKntao A Ollbangb. andartakara and amtialmara: Bwdara la arary detail. BaraBtk aaa inaa. main m. uar aanataat. A. B. Bamatork. andrrtakar and aabalt Faat Tblrtaaatk and UaaUUa ara, Pboaa Eaat arai. . - BIYIBTIEW CXMITEKY, Klngla gyavaa $10. FamHy Iota S7S to Sl.onn. Tba only eaawtary la Portland whlrh ar parnally main talna and rarra for bira. For fall Infnrmatloa apply to w. K. Markanlia. Wot' aaatar Mora. city. w. n. ina. nraaidaat. FUNERAL NOTICES. M'il!Nia la tkla alty," at St. tlncanft boa. mm rabraara 37. IPOd. Hnah Wi)lania . agad ST r-ara, S moot ha. of 67L Mlaalaaliipl ' aranna. Tba fanaral will ttka plara from ' Pt. Mary'a cfcarch. Alblna. Tba radar Banra- tng, Marrb 1. at a'rlnrk. Baaalna ar at tba aarlora of Balkf-Brraa Co. In- tarmrat Moant i'alTtry camatary. , FrUada tan part fnlly lotltad. , - BAPUA la . thla ally. Frbraary 37 ldnd, l Inula Kaaaa. arfd SB rrara. Frlrada am raanartfMlly lnrltrd to attend tha fanaral ' aarvWa. trbirh a. II I ba kald al tha family ' raaldaaaa. Bf1 North Twanty-tblrd . atraat. ' at I p. a., Tharaday, Marrb 1. Intaraaant tliaanaaod eaaatary. Barrleaa at tba grata prttnt. . " r. . MKNANR At Fa a la mk. Fabrnarr 37 IBV Mia Maiglo Manama, baloand daaghlar f Jaawa O. and Mary A. Mman. agad IS ln, 4 anatba aad 1 darn. . will bo barlad ai CaajMj Uaak Ikaradajr atI p'chKk B sa. lerelslopr : vGhaiice ,v.v To buy a few acres of land In ; ; . ; the,' ' Famous Hood Rlrcr Valley that will make you a good living for all time to come. We have ideal climate, pro ductive toil, 'fine water and plenty of it (direct from the melting snow of Mt. Hood), good . market for all fruit; schools, churches,' comforta ble homes, in fact everything ' needed for a contented life. v f Write us for our list of farm lands or city property 'You can't make a mistake m locating in Hood River. . J. Ha'-Hcilibromcr. &..Co. Farm Land and Real Estate HOOD RIVER, OREGON - TITLE II'SEEANCE Purchaser of -real estate should de mand aa insured 4it!e, because of the economy, convenience and absolute protection against defects in the titles which it guarantees to them. PE TITLE GUARANTEE TRUST CO. -240 Washington Street , (Corner Second) i PORTLAND, OREGON. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. laaaa Ofnar and wlfa Ja Aanla Uarnur. lot a. block SI, Carotkera' addition. ...fLI.OOO B. B. Nobla aad trira to Joaapb Mrllrk. lota 1, 3, a. block S4, ParUmoatk . . . BOO lotua A. ualiaraa and huabaad to A. araanarg aad wlfa, ZO a-raa waat of Burlhraat U north aaat u nactlon IS. townablo 1 aouth. ranaa d aaat.. 1.B3S avagaain aMacnanaay to M. 4 . mown. Bortnaaat coraar block B. Wlllabnrg. bo- Ing 6i7d (act am Alnawortb wntkaal bank to J. M. Brow. m o. oiocb , ubcoib rara , . . . log B. u. Baitb and wlfa to B. B. Bmlib. coamaBrlna IntaraartloB aonth Una Jrf. faraoa and aaat Uaa Fourtaenth, ba Innliia Iu0i40 faat Katla if. Morrow aad.hoabaad ta Frad- arlca Frlada, waat to fact lot aad aaat 3d faat bat 13. buck a. Maaa a addition A 000 B. Fai-aa to U. B. Forha. nndltldcd H let 3. bwck 1, Ontrai addltloa. Baat Portland ' 1 W. H. Kllla and wlfa ta Krncat Koakay. lota 11 and 13. block T, Highland 4TJ tBTrataant company to H. B. King, , aorta it raat lot 2, Mora a. rioaauat, bnlnc atrip 14 faat wlda by 100 faat long IBS B. B. King and hatband to laTeatmcot company, Borth 14 faat lot ft, block a. I'ladmont ' 1 Oaorga Bargaroa to Pat Rariia, lot 1. block 17. City Vlaw park ' BM A. II. Tanner tad Wlfa to Lotila Barka, lat S, block 3, Ooldaalth addltloa...'. S.OOO W. M. La rid and wlfa to O. O. (lammana, lota 1 and 13, block A Barrage Tract. r BM lit to oaartntaa 4t Traat company ta Jaaaa w. Brack, lota S and 10, block 3, BubdlTlitoa lota 1, 3, T, 3, aad 10. Morth St.. Jokna ' 800 0. M. Battlemlar and wlfa to Catbarlna D. Wagoner, aonth H foot of aaat u. lot a. block 1UU. Baat Portland S.TM 3,100 B. B. Moore et a I. to .oaeph Hay. lot A block T4. Beet Portland William HeloTcr and wife to Fremont 0. Downing, ssxioo feet, block 13, Uu- u tna ,140 B. 0. tiaoaard to Portland Oaa com. pany, north H black T, Coack adda tloa 10 B. H. Connlff aad wlfa to Samael C. Saltk, lot IB, block 8, wat flea- . moat - 3.000 B. U. Claytan te Ada F. Mordrn. lot S, . block rad. cltr 4,000 Joaeph day to Olaf iobaaoa, lot d, block Ta, Eaat rortiaaa Baaa Bckert and wife ta Oharlee A. , Uotaoo. lot 13, block O, Portemooth . . ISO T. U Bllot and wife to Sacnrlty Bar- laga di 7 mat company. Beginning norm v corner mnum wua ounawu x data, eectlone 13 aad IS. townablp 1 aorta, range 1 waei, men "win weat to middle right af way of N. P. f By.: the rice aouth 44 degreee ta Port lead aad Uantnn bonlaTard. bring bounded on aoulbeaat by wcat una M. Iloane denatlna land .claim, end oa . the aoutbwaet by crater Ha county road known as Unnton and Portland , baaurrard and croaelng aoutbwaet cor ner aeld eectlon 13. on northweet by . MM,,, erect and nurtbaaat C. Willamette Place ...... dO.OOS Ada N. Fergnaoa and baa band te tnlted . l. lot S. block 10, Conch addition..-. ljBOO Joaeph Goodman and wlfa te William - . . - . . sv M av tod) at Bnlsaw.Br a. V"".tt . " . . ..... . .7, . W.BOO William A. Healy to C. a. nagy. mia T and o, BIOCB e, amci m Bellwood BTB 10 J. M. Kenatb to N. M. Mariana, om o, Wenacl Bra'na to Ormood Nobla, 3 ecrea northwrat aectlon SS, townablp 1 north, range 3 aaat '".i.iiii," Victoria Hampton to Ada F. Mordan, 600 beginning nortbraat corner 2S. city, eontnlnlna 201100 feet. . . . 1,500 1. P. Mencfee and on, tat vu I ai " aw- -" HI one. a..-.....' d.BOO . i. McKlttrtck to Dan Mary, nortb H lot 4, BIOCB JUZ, i - I W I1..-1 et al. to 1. Orrtnea. lota 11 and 13. block 1, Atleta Park No. S. 187 John F. Wllaon and wire tonaie r. liirr, weat H lot 8. block 330, Holla day't addlttoB lt v ' "-11 i.Q Burkmaa et al. to I. t. Qnlna and BS0 wife, nortb H oi aowin rm ""' SS 87, Kaatwood, containing 10 acree. n M. t ook aad wife ta B Hunter, BOO TB ht 13. biocB a. tnu-Tiew Arleta Land company to C. . Mc( lure. Ma S. . block B. Arleta P"?," Arleta Land company to toward Pklllpa. 300 100 . " W5" i A N ra.7 mta . .Jf block ld.'cvnick addition .... 3J.B00 A. R. Beard ta Multnomah twenty, rail acre beginning aonth Hoe Plyaptoa Kelly donation tand claim Minnie K C. Younga and buaband to Jame. dhlree, lot S. block 11. Waat aVher'al?"j'ka-iiy a'nd buaband Jo jnlioi Btark. lota lirf. ISA. Arleta Park.... Joaeph H. Natb and wlfa to Mary F. B. rhiwan. Iota 13 and 14, block 3, Ntth a Flret addition ii"',' t. U Woodward and wife to Cbarlee Townaend. lot' a, block 103, Beat Portland B, Laraea and wife to Arnold Myer, lots S aad S. block fH, llwood .......... Mary Rlcbet et al. to John 0. OolUtte et tl.. lot T. block 88, fltepkeoe' ad dition. Baat Portland Jv . Kennedy and wife o Joha N. VJame. lota 1 and A block 4, Alblna Ilumeatead ........ Title (ioarantea A Traat company, ta Homer -J. Snilth, wt T, block IS, Weat Piedmont Truatee eatata Stenben Mead to A. C. F. Biirrkhardt. hita B and 6, block 37 Mead t addition , 100 1,000 400 3,000 " S30 1.300 B.TM 300 .one Oct your tnearaace and abairti'W ta real aa lata rrom rne tiim uaarentee m Iran aamyaay, aet waaaiatapa atraat,. tat a a maaa. NOTICE. MOTICI of pablw aala of tha fraaeblaaa aad arouarty of tha Oragoa Tract loa company. ! hen torn U barahy glraa that tlia atockboldara of tba Oragoa Traetloa eompaay hara adopiad a reaolatloa aatkorlalng and dtractlng lba dla aolutloa of tba aald corporation and tha al- poaltloa of all lia property. pBraoant ta aald reaolatloa and tb' raaola tB of tba board of dlroctora authorlalog and directing tba aala of all of tha properly be longing to tba coot pa ay. I will, at the boot of 10 o'clock a. in., oa Tharaday. tba lota day af March. IPOd. al tha front door ol tba county courthooae. la tlia city of Port land. Multnomah cwmtyr Oragoo, offer at public aala. to tba blgbeet bidder for caah, the francblaaa, roadlied, track, rlghta of way and coutracta for right of way, together with ' all ma pa, proniaa, office ftaturaa and rarnl tore, and all property af wbaterer hlad owned by aald corporation. Tba aald property wlU ba aold la bulk, and aa ta entirety. To. aald francblaaa of aald .company re ferred to ara aa folhiwa. to wit: ' A franco lae anthorlilng fhe eonatroctlon of a railway line through the city of Hlllrbore aad a frnacblaa (ranting the right ta ouna tract a railway on and oter carta la etreeta In the city at Foreat Orore. Waabbigton aannty, Oraron. nnd a fraachlaa granted by the city of rnrtlaad. Or., by ordinance No. 14.BH4. en titled. "Aa ordinance granting to tha Oregon .Traction company, I la aocteaaora aad aaalgna. tba light ta cooatnict, Uy down, malatara and operaia rallwaya and polea and wlrae and nu dergaound condtilta la tha city of Portland. Or' (Approred by the mayor of aald ally aa the die day of April. 10B. ' The auaatracted track belonging to aaM eompaay conalate of about S.HHO faat of doulila track laid an Twelfth atraat, hi tha ' city of Portland, Or, between Barnalda aud Orartoa atrarta, ta aald city, and 300 '" of double track on Pattygroae atraat, be tween Thirteenth and Fourteenth etreeta, la aald city, and three eroaalnge on Sllteenth, Twenty-third and Tweoly-flfth atreeta, at the . Interaectlon af Pettygrote etraat. The ma pa and prof Ilea rafarrad to thow tba anrrey of the projected electric railway Una of tba company from the city of Portland. Or, Va tha city of Foreat Orore, Or. For fall Information aa to all ""Party- of the aompany, biqnh-e at tha office of tba , company, room 62, tnloa block, city of Port land, Or. , ...... The aald corporation la now Indebted tn bout the aaa of S-'rvoOO. Of aald earn about the amonnt of SS.BA0 la doe tba Oarmanla National bank af Baa Franc teen. Cel.. for which- f 100.000 par talna ta a moon t of tlia bnada af tba company encored by a mortgage or deed of traat oa all tba property of the company are depoelted aa collateral and of which aald total amonnt about the ana of . 1 14.700 m aecured by nnechanlce' lbma on tba fraachlaa. roadbed and eonatrorted track of tha company In tba city of Portland, the remainder- of said ladebtedneea being unae- Tbe aald property etin ba anld to the fclghaet bidder. The pare ha aa price abaH be paid ta fall. In caah -or by acceptable eerlt fled check, at or before S a' clock p. m. of tba day of aala. Payment to be made t) the nnderalgned at the office of the com- t.iuw i,i.n rn. - if the peraon offering tha blgbeet bid for all at aio properly annii noi p"r um " k-- cbaaa price by S o'clock p. a. of aald day .( i. . mmm nffarin. .the Mcoad hlabaat bid aba II be entitled to the eonaeyanoe of aald property. If he ehall pay tba entire aura bid by bin before 4 o'clock p. a. of aeld day of aala: and If neither the aald hlrheat or neit klgbaat bidder aball pay on aald day of aala tha amonnt bid by him. the itiracfiva tt tha comnanv at their nptlm nee a. n aald nrenertr to anr neraoa bidding at aald aala who makaa fall payment on tne da af aald tale of tba earn BM ny aim. iw right te reject any and all bide to reeem By order of tba board af dlractora. W. L. OOTjLD, . Reeretary Oregon Traction Company, (HiTTri. mortoaOK R ALB Notlca la bereby given that ander aad by rlrtne af a cartala . chattel mortgage, which waa executed en the 3d day of July. 1906, by M. O. Neaee. party of tba ftret part, to Fanl W aaa Inter and Henry Wagner, traateee. parttee of the aecond . part, to aeenre tlia payment of a certain .iwnhMn awkta Mated tha Sd daT Of JulT. laoB, payable on demand after data for the BUIB OC ee.eDU, in goto com oi uiv uniiva atatca. with mtereet tbereon la Ilka gold cnin. a, the rate of d nar cent Bar annnia frcm data ant II paid, aad noon further aunt aa tba court may adjndye reaeooable aa attor ' M.a' feee. tnMthee with coata aad dtebnme- menta. which aald mortgage waa dnlr filed for record ta the county clerk a office for MnltiwHnah rnontr. Oreeon. on the nth day of Jnly, ISOA. and recorded la bonk IS. oa page SIS, Reenrda of Chattel Mortgagee, and apon the following deacrlbed' goada and chattel, altnata and being ta thoee certain premleee known aa No. 181 Fourth et., Portland, ire- m. .., AMcelhMt aa Collowa. to wit: One burglar-proof aafe, 1 aet of bar flf tarea, conaletlng of bar and bark bur. 1 metal raee table, 13 metal chain, 3 reTOltlng office rha Ira, 1 rolltop Jlcak. 1 chandelier, S electric wall bracgete. a ceiling emcrric imam. iIim. jni artificial nalma. S lardlBlerea. 1 caah regieter, 1 lot of bar glaeeware. d braaa ruapldora. 1 Opal refrigerator, 1 aah can. 1 healing atom and pipe, I mahogany flnlak redwood partition, 1&3 yarda graBlte lino ia varda cork enrnet. 1 a lot machine. d wooden cbatra, d plaah enrtataa, 1 lunch connter. I'nder and by atrtoe of a .power of attorney and anoolatment attached - to aald chattel mortgage, duly tn domed, whereby tha trader nlyned baa been duly appointed agent for tba aald mortgageea for the parpnae of forecloetng the aald chattel mortgage and making aala of the abore deecrtbrd gooda and chattel, by rlrtne of aald authority. I hare ttkeg pnaaeealon of and will at the reqneet of tba mortraaaea aell tha a bore deacrlbed goode and chattel, at pnblla auction, to tka blgbeet bidder for caah. oa tha Sd day of Harcn tona at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m.. al No. 181 Fourth it.. In tha city af Portland, TporUand. Or., February 33. lod. P. 1. MARQCAM. JR., Agent. NOTITB OF STOCK HOLDERS.' MRRTINO la accordance wtta ine noinorny rwareo rn m by the by-lawa of Iwla and Clark Centennial and Amerlcaa Pactfta Bipoaltlon and Oriental Fair, a corporation organineo and eiiatin muter the la we of the at ate of Oregon. I H. W. anode, preatdent af aid corporation. bereby call a apertai meeting or tta atocg holder, ta be held In tba office of the cor pnritton. Admlaletratlon baildlng, I'pahnr ' atreet. between Twenty-aittb and Twenty aerentb atreeta, Portland. - Oragoa. on Thare Am the ftrat dar of March. IBOn. at II o'clock la the morning, for tba porpnee of anthoiialng tna niaaoiatinB or eaia corpor. lion and the Battling of Ita hnetneea. and dlt noting of Ita property and dividing tha capi tal atoch la auck manner aa to the meeting may aeea proper, aaa roe tne traiwacttoB or any and all bindneaa la connection therewith that may property nan wi'ti .aio meeting ' By order of tba preaMent. ' HENRY REKT.- Becretary of Bald Corporation, Portland. Oregon. February IS. IftOd. There's No . Use fettlng Mad . If that For Sa sign you stuck on the front of your va cant house has not .brought you a tenant or purchaser. Your sign has been read and re-read , by practically the . same people, who pass by it every day and who are too intent on other things to stop and look over the property. If you would advertise in Be Real Btatc Columns 'Of THE JOUMAL' It comes before the eyes of all the people looking for real -estate. This is because they , are accustomed to have. The. Journal tell them what prop-f; erty in Portland ' . " NOTICE. MOTTt'B of Appointment ot Baeentora and ta Clalmanta. la tha county court of the atate of Oregon, for tba. county of Multnomah. la tha matter of tha aetata of Frank BantnoTlck toummonly Jtoowa aa Frank Baa), deceaeed. Notice la bereby given that tba . nnder alkned have been duly appointed by the a bo re -entitled court eieeatora of tha laat will and taataaant of Frank Xdnlnevlrk, commonly known aa Frank Baa, deceaeed. All pereon kavlog claim agaluat tka aetata of aald deceaeed ara hereby required te prateat them with proper tourbera wlthla tit ntantba from the date of thla notlca to the undersigned, axeenrora aa aforeeald, at tha offlce of Teal A Minor, room 814, War ceetet block, In tbe city of rortland, county of Multnomah and atate of Oregon. Dated this seventh day ot February, ISOA , . - , JOHN KKIXT. FKEn DKKHSER. Bzecntora of the laat Will ot Frank Bin. Inovlch, Comraoaly Known aa Fraok- Ban. Deceaeed. - BIDS INV1TBD. Blda will ha received VP to March SI, 1808, at tha office of the grand clerk, J. l Wright. Portland. Oregon, for the printing aad mailing of the Pacific Bcbo, tbe monthly official paper of the Women of Woodcraft, contract to run for three yearn. 8 pacification. Ha rue reading matter space aa In present form of the Bcbo. Form, elaa of, page and width of column. Perioral make-up and quality of paper of tba r eternal Monitor; with cover. Blda to ba on bail of 40.000 eoptee, month ly. and ao much par 1,000 .copies for each additional 1.000. ' A complete new mailing list to be' aet ap and maintained tram Uet fambeuV by tba Urand Circle. Accompaaylng blda must ba a statement of mechanical equipment pre, typesetting nu rhtnee and mailers, and a guarantee of ability te carry out contract. If aecured. If tbe work or any part of It la to ba sublet, tben the material, equipment, name and responsibility of tbe proposed eubonntractor moat be given. The right la raaerved ta reject any and aU blda. - By order of tba board of grand managers. J. L. WRIGHT, Oread Clerk. ..P. O. Bog No. aoeo,. Portland. Or. IN TUB district court of tbe United States for the district or tiregon. in tne mailer of tha eatata of L. Oretnberg, bankrupt. Tbe undersigned will receive sealed bids for a etock of merchandise, consisting prin cipally of clothing, hale, ehoea, trnnka and gears' fnrnlsblng goods, of the Invoice value of $.1,487 0T. togetnar with ft it area of M 00. located at Sixth and Everett atreeta, Port land, Oregon, ap to IB o'clock noon of Fri day. Marrb 3, 1S0S. A certified check for 10 oer aaat ot tba ' amonnt offered must accompany each bid. ana tne runt a reserved te reject any ana all blda. ' Inventory nnd Impaction of stock Bay ba Bad on application. Dated February 30, 1S0B. y B. U RABIN. Trnctee of the Batata of I. Greenherg. Front and Ankeny Streets, Portland, Oragoa. WB, tha anderelgned furniture aad n Is no- movers, will require the payment of all charges noon delivery of gooda after Decem ber 1, 1005: II. a llaack. C. F. Harder. O. F. Ilusaey. Coegrove Bros., Portland De livery Co.. Pott Special Delivery Co.. Pick are Delivery Co.. Holman Transfer Co.. Northwestern Transfer Co., Oregon Auto Die natch Co., John Hampton, James McLlnden. Owen McLlnden, Pacific Transfer Co., Oregon Transfer Co.. Portland Taa A Storage Co., Wakemaa, Mora Transfer Co.. Eaat Side Transfer Co., C O. Pick Transfer V Storage Co.. C. M. Olaon. Baggage A Omnibus Trans fer Co., A. J. Murphy, Kaddrrly Transfsr A Commteiloa On,, John A. Love, Andrew i. Murnny. r. au ireiana. r. Miliar, inaca HSBaerena. MEETING NOTICES. ATTENTION NEIGHBORS . WHIBT AND DANCB TONIGHT Com aad bare a good Mate. REFRESHMENTS LOST AND FOUND. STRAYED -A email Jersey cow. Bead Informs tkm nr ttlenhoee or otnerwtae to c. a HyskeU.'Baat Ninth and Park are, city View rara. BBWABD Beturn at a bnekskln pony aad a email 07 putir, ' yiuu.ui u.iof near Hiiiapaie. Aaortss ursetuey utvatii, autt wasningion sr. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED -Nigh twetehmaa for betel, from aid night to morning; give references, TT 83, care Journal. ... TAILOR WANTED A good all-around man. Apply v. B. Mroongtll, mala Clothing on. Albany, Oregon. PORTLAND Barber Cel lege Tal t ton reasonable as any acnaoi on eoast. xoi rianoars at. 33.38 A DAT. FRRB FARE! Office Fta SI That' All. Brtckaon A Petteraon, contractor on tba big Bnaha River lob from Blnarls. Wsshlrut ton. to Lew Is too. Idaho, have Increased wsgea SB centa oa tbe day; nothing less than 83.38, and want 400 tee rasters, labor- era and rocg ana concrete ' men. HANSEN'S OFFICE. 3d NORTH SECOND ST. BOY wanted for factory. , Apply at 883 Eaat Tweaty-oret at. WB want a No. 1 traveling se Iceman ta repra- pent as en tba road, oa a commission. Hotel aj Keataeraet Supply Co.. aua WANTED Solicitor for broksrsgs Bra, Apply a Hooa oua iNitn eiog., city. WANTED Ttblnet-aakera: also aen to do gluing. Oregon Furniture Msourtctnnng HELP WANTED FEMALE. HANSEN'S LADIES' A0ENCT. S48K Washing, ton at., cor. Seventh, apatab-a. Pbona Mala 3093. Fsaale help wasted. PORTLAND BBWINO SCHOOL Faahleaabla draaemaklng. 171 H Morrison at., eoc. goaru. V. ayawa taugnt. EDI'CATRD. refined, enertrstle woman te gage with Vlsrl company; references. Apply as Lewis Dunning. KKAtTirtiL oreaaes; sve rim ana mooer wrj learning how te make your own at Keleter't booklet free; pattern cnt to meaeare. WANTED- Ladlea la scare b of, employment to Investigate cmr eewing-aacnine orrer nlsln nswlne la alwava In demand: SI eaolta glvae yo an Independent bualnsaa. I, OsTurta A ' Bona. 1T8-8 First at. WANTED Olrl or wntaaa to help tba cook amall wage. O 84. care JonraaL w r. 1 r. iwuiniiaiBi , T 1 V" " - - - w.v second girl, prlvat family; wsgea 338 and Bjn ; Bweoisn p-wivrrsv. eourt snmniii. Pbona Mala MIA WANTED Experienced dishwasher, at once; Boat be strong aad neat. 381 Thirteenth at. BRIOHT young girl to laara millinery trad. Portland Millinery o. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTED Teachers, $80 month; month!' term. .' Flak Teacher' Agency. 1300 WU llama av. - THB NIPPON BMP. OFFICE Japanee kelp . furalabed. 38 North Third at. Main 8184. HELP wanted snd snpplled. male O. Drake. S08H Wsshlngtoa at. r female. R. Pedftc 1HT0. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. 0 y , , w .... . . . WANTED An opportunity to take ap driught , log af aay kind, by young maa, good ednra- SITUATION wanted by hardware clerk IS j care' experience; can manage, window decorater, algnwritari beat references; fair ' wagsa. . "Hardware," care Joamal. OOMPBTBNT Ban wltk reference desires post. tlon aa stenographer, bookkeeper, or both. - O 86, cars Journsl. T0UNO man wit he work In or out of city; would take poaltloa aa janitor er , elevator, pbvae aala 8683. Call 411 fouitk SITUATIONS . WANTEji MALE. PACKING and other lawn work wealed, Baat 4&M. Addree 478 Vi scourer aye. JTOI'NO nn wltk etperience ttente work aa gardener or caretaker. Adtlraaa O 3d. Journal. MAN of ai parlance in hardware bualoeaa wants noaltlon in hardware or Implement store, 0 ZO, car Journal. - SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALB SITUATION wanted; experienced woman cook, . boarding bone or hotel. In rlty or suburbs. SHOW Yamhill. Phone Mala MIS. WANTED Bowing by day or- will take bom! shlrtwslsts, enlta and children's clothe. 0 3U, care Journal. " BXPERIRNCEU lady atvnograpber desire posi tion; will use own msrhine, Bemlngton. Ad dress O 80, care JonrnsL -e SITUATION wanted by young girl of 18; aatet In general boueework preferred. Eaat Fortr fourth' and Belmont tta. Phone Eaat 407 A SITUATION WANTED Young lady composi tor, s years' experience, desire position, 0 ai. care i -journal. WANTED AGENTS. HUSTLERS averywhere; wonderful efnea In vention aigntaciiar; agents coining money; entirely new sample mailed. Toe, . 218 Brad ley bldg., St. Paul, Minnesota. " WANTED Agents; something naw; food caller. Dig wages, sue acaay oiag. WB want reliable men In every town la Oregon to aell sick ana socmen I Insaranca. racttw Aid assoclstlon. 000 Dekoa bldg. FIRST-CLASS agents In Fortlarrd aad thragh atate: big wsg to metier, tin ran ton bldg. WANTED Responsible men and woman te aell Bnyer'a Cssb Bond; liberal aommlsslpaa. SIS Abington bldg. WANTBD Energetic and competent agent te represent ne ia all pane of the northweet cash wsekly. Capital City Nursery Co. AOKNTS and etravasaera. city or country, want aa si owes; goon mergine; young laaiee to tale orders, t all today or evening, xoo ad at. WANTED Lady arertrs, beat ptrlng article in the weat. inquire K Williams are., B, . EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. -. AND . EMPLOYMENT" AND BEAL ftentate, loana, real aetata and roomng- ST.1AIB ivsrini.. aend order br mall or telephone and we will call; mala and female help fnrnlstwd rre 10 employer, we nny and aell Baatneei chance of all kinds. 11 V4 North Fourth at. cor. 4th aad Burnttde. TsUpbooe Mala 8158. THB Portland Employment Co., SOSU Morrlaoa at. rnoo raein at. . HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFF1CB. FOB MBN. 3d N. Second t pbona Mala 1B3A BCANDINATIAN-AMERIOAN EMPLOYMENT Co.. B North Second, furnishes all kind em ployment tor men and women. Main awa. BIO FOUR KM P. AGENCY Help supplied free. is north neeoaa et. none aala ibid. .1 DI, TT ... 1 OT'. 1 , , I ra,.,,.. ' u ni,w" meat, Bala or female. 300t Morrlaoa, room n. rnone Mats 4TBS. JAPAN E8TC-CHINESR EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. Henry T share, 38T Everett at. lnone fa dfle 640. . STANDARD EMPLOYMENT AOENCY. 34 Bnrnstdo at. All kinds help free to em ployers. Phone Main S4ST. WANTED TO RENT. WAfTTEO TO RENT BOrBRB. OOTTAO Re, ri.ATH. ROflVINn MCIIIHEH. STTUHKB. BTIUL 6nr rentel department haa been , enlarged and provided with additloBai Btan. . Wa Invite Untie from LANDLORDS. Offer personal attention t and eontlBaona eaperrfsloa aver aU property tntraatsd to oar PORTLAND TRUST COMPANT OF ORROON. S. B. Cor. 8d and Oak sts. Pbona Ba. TX WAKTBD-r-By roans maa, room In private . in 1 1 J . aaanr-., siaima prn-v, v . i , evurna, ' ' 1 WANTED REAL; ESTATE. WANTED To buy from owner. 10 or IB acre highly improved land, close to ear, with good house; 'give full psrtlculara and pboaa Bomber it possible: siaie toweet casn price, -a bvw. care JonraaL . . . WANTED Home of 8 or 10 seres, near Port land, near carllne: noma Improveaeata; from S00 to 8800. Y. F., Journal. IF yon want to build, buy all your materials . at tba American Inn; yon will save T8 pet . . , Jt - - 1 - Am , rustle or tiding, flooring, stairs, timber and lumber, none owner, ractne luio. WANTED To buy lot with boost of S or S roome; have $100 rash: ran pay $28 to $3B mommy. i zi, para journal. WANTED FINANCIAL. WANTED Loaa of 88.800 an real aetata. two or three years; will pay 8 per cent In teres t. Address w nn, ears Journal. , WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED 1 to B Jersey cows; aaat ba food, Address IT. Monroe at.. Aioua. . PAINTTNO. anrarlng and whttewasblng treea. baaementa. harne, docka, etc.t largevt gaeollne spraying ontnt on tne aosst. a. tt. ai I. Mortal sat So IT. A Co., 823 Union are. Pbene Ei HIOHEBT CABS PRICB PAID for far nl tors la aay quantity; also take ssma oa commtaeloa aad guarantee beat remit. Tbe Portland A action Rooms. A. Bcbnbacb. prop., 311 Find su none asm oaoo. XOUNO lady deatree typewriting work to do ai Borne evenings, such sa copying attars, addressing envslopse, wrappers or any kind af typewriting work) own Underwood an cbibo. s in, car or Journal. WR WILL BUY. BELL OR TRADE ANY OLD THING. WESTERN SALVAGE CO.. 827' OZV WABH1HUTUN. PACiriU TP. 1 WHO IS M. O. MORGAN A CO.! O. A O. EMPLOYMENT A REAL ESTATE CO, -We hart to buyer and must have tbe . property, resl or persons 1. Writs or phone . ana wa win call, rnons Main Dion. Nortb Fourth at.. cor. Fourth and Barnsids POSITIVELY guarantee yon tba beet trade price tor hoaaebold, hotel ar restaurant rur nlture; be aura to consult ma before dispos ing of your good elsewhere; thla beat aell hi by auction. Addresa of call. Oka. car Gauld A Kline. S. W. cor. Front and Burn- aide. Pbona Main SOT. SPRAYINO and pruning of fruit treea; white washing of docks and basetnenta. - I S. Fonea. Scott C&oO. WANTED Horse, wagon and harness. , either, for. the ' grocery baalBcea. Address O 83, rare Journal. WANTED To bny a coffee -house or lnnch connter: at sts price and location. ' 0 34, ear Jonrasl. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT 3 BMALIa clean front rooms, folding-bed, water and pnone. s I a- - im wetn rare, near siorri arm; respectable people only. THB ORAND. 48 U Nortb Third St. far yen tie men 81.80 per week end ap. NtrELT furnished room clsae In. west aide, . bath. gas. phone, 88 per month. Call 128 North Thirteenth. " - THE RICHELIEU. 8H NORTH SIXTH ST. Biegsniiy mrassiv, e.vwaa -in -...---j. NICELY fnmUhed llso single roome 66 H Ruasell at., McKay blk NEWLY fnrnlsbed mnma now open tot bod. nee at tha Blamark. Flftk and Aider tta. Wa alas have a office-room for rant. HOTEL CLAYTON, 83 Nortk Sixth at. 38 newly furalabed rooms; price reaaoeable. FRONT room, suitable for 1 3. ver . able; private family. 108 North IBtb at, FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. YBRY desirable well-ftu-alohed largs boose- teeptng mvm, Br St torn; quiet bouse; central. 4SO Yamhill. . 7 LA ROB. airy, unfurnished housekeeplns- moms, wiw free water snd siscirie ugnia, fur rent at Vita Rest Tsytor and Baat Forty-Brat eta. . Phone Eaat S3A. 81. TS per WEEK Large, clesa famlabad t hoaatkseplng rooaa; laundry and balk. . 184 stiraaa, sou in reruaaa. THB MITCHELL. - FUader aad Beveatb Beaaaa.. kooaekeeplng aad Uaaawnii aaa vealont; price reasonable. FOB RENT Furord hoosekestrtng rsoma la Beet ones oiocs on essr no; gss r..s- bath ate I M trasstratal netcsa BOderata. Logaa blh., .10SH Union an., .earner Baat Alder, f bone cast aox. --4. THB ALBERTA Far rant, nice light Hones. kseplng and single rooms, per weea ana up. 31114 first et, , . . ta MARKET Fnrnlsked alngle and bouaekeap- Ing rooms, an ooavsnlences; nwoerata rant. Hood 27A . . - d FURNISHED hooeekeeplng rooms, bstk and gaa, close In. rent reaaonaoM. aai reran at. NICELY fnrnlshed housekeeping rooms, gas range, bath, etc 438 Btsra at. -- - NEATLY famished hoaarkrrnlnaj and sleeping noma, close In, f 1 up; Data, an lenm si., near Btark. $1.80 WEEK an. clean, furalabed bonsekeeplng rooaa, wtta yera. psrior. wonuvy. sua, Me nace neat. 303K Btanton at. t car. LARGE, airy, nnfnrnlahed boueekeeptng. rooaa, with free water and electric llghta. for rent at 12SS Bast Taylor and Baat Forty -Brat ata. rrRNIBHBl bonaekeepl ng-rosms . ground Boar; cottage. aio visr. cor. skvbii. 3 NICELY ' fnrnlshed front rooms for boas keeping; gss, bath; Six. n nnermsn et. ROOMS AND BOARD. SUA RU aao Ilium rnr one or oroi vein. mi. etc.; working peraon pratarreo. ' aas Baat aorriaon at. , CAN accommodate amra dty boarder. 888 Taylor at - - FOR RENT FLATS. STRICTLY modera Bat; large, Hgbt. tinted rooms; laundry ana turns cs; central, wau atw Bixm sr. 8 BOOM modera new flat, ftrepleca. pore lata . L. e..u w , i, . t a? TWO new modera flats. B and 8 rooms, arltb I urns ess. lis seat iota SI, aesr tieimoni. 8-BOOM tut nr rent; water paid; a amall children, szs Bin. - . F0R RENT HOUSES, FOR BBNT 8-rooa cottag; walking dials oca avast 14ta and Oak ata.. KADDERLY TRANSFER CO.. flromot and aa. liable plan and furniture movers: ansa star. age. Pboaa Mala 188. Orftcs, 110 N. Third. THB CONTINENTAL COMPANT . aw Biana. ni. INSURANCE. RENTALS. BEB LIST. FOR RENT House of 11 1m tirovcroents. 920 lata street. 2th atreet. Apply 82T, MODERN d-rooa boose, walking distance. Pbon Mala mm.. LIST your rentsl properties wltk as; wa rkarge nut utile ror our aervKea ana mass ever effort to secure tenants; pbona na and w wll call on yon. WESTERN OREGON TBUBT COMPANY. 381 Stark at. Pbona Pacific SUA FOR BBNT Nicely furnished S-raoB cottage, rent sis; east aide, none sast soia. FOR RENT 813 perjmootb. convenient T-moa noooe, wita nam, on neoraeaa ei. ; raitoa carllae. Inquire aai doaneoa St. t FIVE-ROOM bouse, large baaement. Kay at ll fieal1 grocery, cor. Hooa ana urant. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. THREB anfurnlabed housekeeping room. E. Morrison st. none Baat loio. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI TURE FOR SALE. NEW modern cottage. 8 mnma. near Waablng. ton at., only 14 bloeka te First, for rent; soma furniture for sale, aws v asmngioa at. Fl'RNITURB of a modern 13-room centrally to rated rooming-nouae tor sate; en oi ins best locatkaia la the city; bouse fslrly well filled at present. For full parttculara address o as. care journal.-. FURNISHED bona, IS root Bats; eirellee location. WeUino. 140fc Third atreet. a, beaeakeeplng tor aaia. . a, Saoo NEW turn It are of 11 roome: cbeso rent good lease; the best paring small boose b) x town. 107 H Third, nesr Washington at. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. NEW RTORKS la growing district on tbe eaat aide; strictly modern snd brand bow; get started now; 828 ! per month for corner and 822.80 for Inside. Deslrsble modera data la rouoectloa It de sired. - New store snd flst. Bast Tbtrty-fnnrtb and frlvlsloB sts.. 820; mercantile estsbllshment treaded In that loralltv. ' Many other good prorweltlode la store oa both aide of tba PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON - S. It. cor, inira ano ttaa. -. - Phone Exchange TA FINR Rasaell-at. comer; rear living -rooms; hnllt.ln cooler: sultabls for meet msrket. delicatessen, etc.; 818. 800 Baat Oak. Scott .' T2. STORE In J he commission bouse district; apply 148 Front. ..... OFFICES, unfurnished, and sample -ton mai alas , bsll 80x30. . OoodBougb blda. Apply a) the elevator. OFFICE rooms, anfnrnlshed room snd sample . rooms for raat, woaaaoagB oiag. appiy eie- ' vator. LA ROB efflce. third story, era Its My located, elevator. 840 per month. CoUlna Land Co. Mais 3834.' s PART of large corner store for rent. Inontre F. E. Beach to., tba rionaer rsint Co., First aad Alder ata. - OFFICB room, 2118 Oak st. unfurnished, groan d floor, at BUSINESS CHANCES. WB .ARB HEADQUARTERS FOR ROOMINU HIH MKeV-PARTIAI, LIST. 2.00034 moma near Portland hotal. 2.200 Swell 34 roome on 8tb at.; swell TOO 1 roome on 3d at., central. I. BOO IT room on lat at., rent 3A a -j noo n rnoma on let. rent sno. il.ain SB rsoma on Btark, close in; all new - 38.000 ltd rooms oa Barns Ida, great money getter. . 877.1 IS rooms, good furniture. 1st tt. I 000 24 rooms oa 4th. rent 800.. 7no at morns an nth. rent SMI. 82.80041 roome oa one lionr, lat at., Mi! T0-rnma hotel, close. 8200 per month 82.700 SO-mom hotel, lltn at. : BIIF.RWOOO A BOYT, , ' tOo it MorrlanB St., roam 8. . IF yon have money to Invest In an established mauafsctarlng business, operated la Portland , capital for enlargement. Addrtoa for parties ror over I retire. ,., ,u. , lars, o XT, care soornni. hsve several very good bos rdlsf -booses. elegantly located, at very ressonable Bgaree: alao gond grocery stores and rooming-houses and SSVOrai a toons in " ' v Kit trnu ex imn-aan, . v , S4SK waafalagtoB at. , a aatxraitt-r. neae flclo. Oregon: eanacltr S3 000 feet per day, plenty of Bna timber with , , m.,,. VMM h., Al.. tw.l. -voipieiv M-a."B ..-,,. r - - ' owner; no real ratsta agents; must be sold nrmn una st ntrttm ua.-i v-.,-.. . qulro 4SS Waahlngtoa. r A SNAP B-eekBBltb how for eele cbeepi TBstlgat early. , Al Bart, lirashsia, Or. : . JOURNAl" Waited'-Rates1 - ' tIMDBB- ABX CLASSIFICATION iplve Cents Per Lint! No sd taksn for lees rkaa ISe per dsy. . - -. twitv emiinut a use, J""" ' charged rsgsrdlsse af tks WIAKTT BATE T Inaertl ma (Incrsdlnr oa Btiaday Issue) 88 CZBTS par Uaa par week. atOBTKLT RATI including an Snnday J,S11, rr "ne per month. AOYEBTISEMkBTS mast be ta Journal baslneee afSce by 13 o'clock week days and by 10 o'clock Satnrday evening foe -JKl. nnndsy Isatte. t eeenre classlScatlon. M8PtAY BATIS alvsa apoa applltatloa al t tba efSce, . . . . t .. . " THE 'JOURNAL . , BRANCH OFFICES . ' AJTiTIUatIBT ' ..' WlU a received at rrnlar aMla-efAc rates. r i . ,r . . "t wbo will forwsrd year advertise r"" "a or puaiicatioa ia tee nexi B0BTK BniaU ' ?- Freaton. draggist. Twtaty-UIM and Thnrress atreeta. - . Bob-lllil Pharmacy. 888 flllaaa streat, eornar Twenty-Srst, UVW.' pksrmscUt, SUtetntk and Msrshall street. McOaaaon'a Pbsraacy. Nlnatseatb aad Wsshlagtoa atreeta. r- . ,- - S0TTR STDB. ' ' t . ei.P.r' drngshita.' Front aad Qlhhe atresia. . Cnttel Drue aompasy. , First aad Or at atreers, Fsblaa Brsrlev.' dmggllt 408 Jrfferaoe Bettmsn'a pbarmacF. corner Sixth aad Rs-ehiB etreeta. Plummer Drag samps ay, 380 Third street earner Madlaen. r EAST STBI, ' W, 8. Love, druggist, corner Onnd a venae and Fast Fn melds street. Nichols ai Thompson. 12S BaassTl atreet. Alblna It neks Drag eompaay. eornar Hawtborne and Orand svsnoes. W. C Cable. drnggbrL onmsr Hnlladsy a vettn and Larrtbs strest, , aaar steel wings. R. A. Wllaon, 183 Orand aveaue. ' aaar "et Mortaloil. B. W. Ban. 858 Baat Beneath street Btenhetst. TsMle'a pharaaer. BS3 bflmlalppl arsaae. eoraer Bhsvsr tree. . w-rAwv ivn 1 - r: J.1 Clark, druggist. 1003 North Csloe 1PBBK1PB. 1. B. Wsrth. pharmacist 888 Bel atreet. ...... . . - .' ' BBOOBXTsT. . Brook lva Pharmacy company, Powell Milwaukee atreeta. , ABLXTA. 0BE00B. aad Arleta Pkaraacy. More aad Foster i BXIXW009. Hesat fork's Fharmsc. 848 PmsttUa aaa, eorsac Eaat Tblrtseatb atreet " ' . R. J0KVB. , V Elliott's pharmacy. . . . BUSINESS CHANCES. W. J- CURTIS, the breher. 318 ComaerHat blk., phone Msln 88B4, la selling the Hurst Railway Bwltrh etock a a bis discount. WE baaa property ta tbe fast-ms a-bekt-grewlnt baits of sastera Oregon aad Washington; , apple and berry land In tba auch-tslked-o. 1 Hood Blvar valley t bop land aad dairy - raacbta la the Willamette vsllsy i sad uj la tbe rmpaua valley the land af Mg ret low peaebea we bare Bern vary alee farmt and stock rancbas; oar ptieee are as low al the low tot aad wa will give yon the beet oi lerme oa aay of tnta propsrry: we win teat aa nart oarment good Improved er nnlmprovef Portia no property; bow u yon want a roonrn Ufa la your chance. For farther Inlorma tint, coll at oar' ofSc. ' NORTHWEST LAND CO.. . 308 Goodnoagh Mdg. WHO IS M. 0. MORGAN A CO.T SLEEPINO aad bonaakeeplng rooms for rant Bee H. a. Hlgley. room el, Bltt wssuing ton at A OOOD clean stock of etgern, tobacco, cor. rectlonery and lev, cream rixturae: tnia nra.i be anld by March I; good reaaona for aell. Ing; thla la a bona fide offer and If Inter, estsd call ar write at once, aa thla will not laat long; terms If desired. Price 81.S0O. Psare A Blrdaell, VaacouTer, Wsshlngtoa. WII L da your commercial printing 38 per real leas thaa Portlaad prices: delivered free; heal -. quality. Pacific PrlnteryCaahy, Or. BEBPON8IBLB party apeaktng 4 langnaget and mechanical Ideas will Invest 8800 tt 88.000 general merrhendtss or manufaetarel ' with good hails for eolsrgtng bualnees. enl of town mining district preferred. X IT, car JonrnaL WANTED Oood boetneee man with capital It - Invaet and to tsk char of factory; cnt have controlling Interest If be dee Ires. Fot ' particulars addresa N ST. care Journal. 38-ROOM hot si; furniture tor as I or trade, , cheap; centrally located. , Room , Wash. , Ing ton bldg. FOB SALE -A stock of candle, mra. tobacco,' cigars, canned goada, cakes, baaebalta. bats, glovaa, maaka, brushes and blscklng. hi. cycle-pumps, tape and all. assortment nl ' cartridges and porket-kntvee. etc.; show, cssss aad flxturee: building for rant at smell rentsl. If desired. Jsmea Cunningham, Arleta No. 8. Oregon. Take Mount Scott car. WANTED Lena af 38,800 on real eatata. ' tw er three rears ; will pay 8 per cent Interest Address W 88. care Journal. RESTAURANT aad lunch connter for ssle, a - Washington at. Addresa X ST, car JonrnaL STOCK rompanle Incorrtore tsd : If yon havt etocka or bnada for aala let me try and tell 848 Elllcot ttSqi aare, Buffalo. BR1NO your keys of your nouses. I rent ther. free or charge. See H. H. Blgwy, room 30, 327 H Wsshlngton at. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. YB WHO WISH TO BUY '' 3S.000 VM acres A real Taller farm, . handaoae residence and barns, BOO arret bottom land In cultlrettoe, cheap at 8'K per acre: 100 seres good pasture, loo arret - good timber, be Is see brash timber, certainly worth $10 per acre, that von get free;, several good springs, good public blghwsy, nice creek at running wster the whole year, good orchard. doO bearing treea; altnated la ' Benton county, closed station; biggest snt In the Mate. - . 3l,eat 6-acre pooltrr reach; - neat 8-roca- cottage, good barn, 8 large ponb, Iry-baasu. eubdlvlded Into departments; In- enhator; place In sbspa ready for baalasae, , on Powell road, class ta station. St.ano-Beastlfnl lot: charming T-rnors alrlrtly modern brick cottage; Ita a beaatyl ' yon should nut fall to see thla. THB DUNN-LAWRKNCB COMPANY, 14SH First at. BY OWNER, eery choice earner kit. Hawthorn Park, southeast front) all Improvement ln bargain, O 88, care Journal. HOOD RIVER 820. acre 378.000. will divide; 58 seres 88.000. 3.0i down: IT acre $780, 8800 down. Frary. 883 WHllama ava. BSTSIDB PROPERTY A very valuable corner, leas thaa' 8 minutes' walk from P. O.. wklrk the owner will let go for 88.000; a rare op portunity. HA0EMANN A BLANCHARD, SI - Fifth at QUARTER block; new 8-reom home. ball, pas try aad bath, porcelain tub, electric llghta, . ' fruit and nowere, 8 blocks from High Is nd , school. I block from 8 carllaee, 8-mlnnt aarvle. only 18 nttnnte from center el tha city I high. aad slgbtlv; pert cash, btlane ' eeay tsrma. Pboaa Scott 83UT. or caU 8u Commercial bldg. - , A GREAT bargain st St. Johns Two ate mr tagea Willi two large lots far ll.SOD. Ad ' Joining Iota eel ling for 3100 each. BbeparA, ilobl m Pateraaa, St. Jstual, Oregoa, . . tV