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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOUHNA7., TOnTLAI.'P, TUZ2DAY . EVENING, FESSUASY 7. III:. Si ..,. r"-! J (JJ lfuV" LJLi iV.. " ,L I . I If i n 1 !' . ! ' I . ' ' J if l- Eaters at ths poatofftc at Portlsad, Orsgsa. for traseportaUM through the asslis s ssossd less matter. focus far single snpleet Fur aa R, 10 er 13- page paper, I cesi; is is w psgea, pages. cu. -.. -A." .'','' . SXLSPM01IZ1. '. i'' ' Editorial Rooms Msla 286 kasltees OlUaa ....., staia aw forxis. umfnnt xctbxsx-tatitx. vrML...Kia.a.i a.ui Advertlalas Agency, ' , 160 Hum eueet, Maw York; Itlbua ltulla- ' " - , InKIDTIOI RA' .The Deity Jonrnsi. with KuxUjr. 1 ysr...$T.B4 7 a Dell Jewess!, 1 yesr ... la Villi Journal, with Sunday, amatbe. Ill 111 Joarusl, months , Tb Dally Journal, with Sunday, $ mouths. Th Dslly Journal, I mouths To Dally Jeuraal, with Sunday. 1 msath. la Dally, Mr wsek, svairsred. Sunday la- LtuiH . . 6.uu 3.78 fOO La . eis Tbs Dslly, ps feAy Ure. Buadsy ss septee ...... ........... ' - - Sanaa by 3811. , - Tb Daily JoarBsl. with Saada. I jraar. .$TO0 Ths 111 Jours L 1 yssr . f Tbs Call Journal. with Sasdsy, swaths. $.76 Tb ball Journal, nsonths.. ............ Tta, Jmirn.L arltk bundu. suoBtb. -4.80 Taa 1U Journal, 3 aieuthe Tb Dally Journal, with Sunday, a gsnath, Tb Dally Journal, 1 mouth .......... 1.40 Th Buodae Journal. 1 year LWU ih Milan, w JiuriuL Tb fceU.Waklr Jeerael, . ST.. LLIl Mkl. Jaaraai. I H 11 Pages ,,, ,. each laeaa, ufastralsd. rail market , M , ' sUBMlte'as'ld Botes, express tor and amalt aoKHUta an stptaMa la 1 aa4 -al i-ui ;yu'J1Ai P. O. Boa 11. rortlaad. OroB- VKUI TKK OTOAL ; lb Joaraat caa a Iuaa4 a aato Do UK. IDAHO B. aallar A OM W. . ata . Inrr; Are Caaalacbaa A O. CU1UAUO ruatotOg a'awa aaaipai, 1TI b"1" rt. . ; bbNVIbv Barbate Bra Cnloa p aawa KANsA CITT Aaiatlcaa taraMDar araaoa. Ula ivSyBLa 6V B Aawa, aawapapar Aba BarL aawapasar - ' aflNNBAPOUa 5. i. kafuaafB. M iootk Thlra alreet - " VKW YOHK CITX Brmtaaa'a, Caloa aar Artbar HotoUag, iwwapapr waoa. ' OMAHA Millard Hotal aw ataadj MafaaU atatloaar aoaapau, laub Farauai atraau OGDK.N Dvpet aawa ataao. . ALT tAKE CUT Kaoa Hotal aw ataad; . ; Harrow Braa., 41 Waat Becxaaa stmt, aaatb; lira. Lt1b, Marapapcr wagoa. SAN PIK0O B. B. A uxia, aapapr wagoa. BAN rBANCUCO W. M. Ardlac. Pabw Hotal aw aland: tn4 Pitta, lOUM Mark atrvat; iotdaailth Braa., SM 8 attar trat and HI. Praacla botel; raatar A Oraar, Farr HUH. Ing; N. Wbaatla, wPi a par wagoa. Markt and KatB7. ( CEATTLK Kalalar 0ran4'awa atand; a. a. Mcltraaa. Hotrl BaattM aawa rou. ST. LOUlft Phillip Boadar, 1 Locaat atrt; , B. T. Jatt, BO OUT SUMtt Saorga U ' Arkaraaaa. ' VPOKANK Joba W. Orabaai AO. TACOklA Caaitral Kawa aaapaa. Batal T eoraa aawa ataad; Aeat Nawa . coaipaa, " uta auanav vuoa. VICTORIA, B. C Vlctarla Beak Statleav . ry anaiBaBr. , ....,'-;,. WEATHER REPORT. Tb -tona rar Vaaeoaaar talaad aaabratad tats two parta; on aaoavd aaatward a ad to atrntral thla BMralog ar Naaada, and tb tbar aaorad north na at and la aow aantral raf aatcra Brltlab Columbia. Tbaa dlatarbaaraa aaard Itgbt rata la tbto dlatrlvt aad la north ra rallforala aod tb foltowlagj aaaatmnta wind valorittaa: Tatoeab (aland. Waablngtoa, U aillaa, aonthwaat: North Head, Waablngtoa, 48 - aillm. aoatb; Walla Walla, Waablngtoa, 13 lilaa, aoajtbaaat. . Tb dratnrbaae aatarda arar Arkaaaai ftaa amd to to Boatk Carolina roast and th Kaw lonalaad dtotarbaaca baa dlaarmaarad. Tha Dakota hlgb praaaura arwa, wltk It attendant"! rot win, wow wwuw lov muni poruow vt tb Catted State and awcldad fall In tamnaratni ara aota4 la Texaa, tha lowar Uta. slaalppl aallrp aad tbaaca aortbaaatward t Nw Kitgland. Tb eondlttons point to partlr rhndr wtatbar 1a tola dlatrlot tonight and Wadnaaoar, with abowara wast of tb Caaead aaonntalna and rain r anow, with lowar tanparatnras, to tb aat f thi rang. - Obaanattoaa taksa St a. ai Padflc tlaia: TrmD. Stations Msg, Mia. Prsd Faker Cltr, OragtHl 44 , . S3 Braitoa. Maaaarbnaatta..,.. 49 ' . 14 (blrago. Illlanla M S4 Kaaaaa CIO. Mraaoarl...... II - t " Paaaar, Colorado.. 44 ', Tl Kansss Clt. MlKotrri. ..... M ft Ioa AnttalM, California.... 7S 48 Kaw Orlcan. Ioalalaaa.... M 4l Portland. Oragon..... hn ' 88 St. Lont. Mlaaoorl......... M -' " SO " Salt Lak. VUh M ' B2 Saa PraaclB, HfornU... 1 . IM 4 Spokana, Waablngtoa...... 41 ' M Tarnaaa. Waablngtoa.....,; SO 88 Walla Walla. Waablngtoa.. SS ; 40 ' Waablngtoa. I. 0 4 40 V .oi .01 .0 ', ' .o .0 .08 .88 " 128 V . .01 . .48 l.S0 T MARRIAGE LICENSES. PinM llgaafrita. 48; loolaa Mllar. ST. Jaspar Waat on, ft Norwood, Oregon, tl; Oart nda Hammond. 18. Hsrrr T. Kloslal, SB; Baaata If. Da Baralas, U P. KtUott. Salt Lsk. Ctab, 18; BUacB Pood. . .1 Adolpb Waatar. t8; tmma Andarsnn. tt. Tbonaa H. Ward, 4T; Msrgarat Kannad. 48. ' Aloaa Kaboa. . 32: loa 8ralth. IS. . . Wadding Cards. W. O. Smith A 0a., Waab lngtoa bldg., ear. P north and Waablngtoa ats. Klaa Bartba Martla rooas US Alktk bldg. Stamping, aad flna aaadlaarork; laaaoaa glaaa. births. M'RBNZIB Pehraarr 38, B Mr. and Mrs. A. A. MrKanila of Portland, a daogbter. STEPRSNS rrbrnarr IS. to Mr. aad Mrs, 7. C. Stapbana. 101S Fraacla atraat, a aos. OMTKnW-rVoraar 1. to Mr. aad Mrs. Bokart Ollrar. 4M Magnolia sraoua. a son. Mt'RPHT Pabrvarr 28. to Mr. aad Mrs. Hurt Morph. X4 Alblaa saoans, s daghtr. DEATHS. BOVBTT ffhrnirf JB. Jama A. Boratt, sgwl 83 ssra, at tha 'Catasiet.botsl: canaa, spop. ' VaTf. flnrlal at Spokana." Waahtagton. WrfT Fahrnar 33. Sffl Waat. agad 33 yaars. T4S Bawtbnm aaanoa: causa, tubsrcalosla. ' Cramated at rrantatortaai. , BOBBIN ranraarr 34. tana M. RnbMns. agad 48 888 Orartoa straat; eaos, caacar. Birrlal at Ismi Fir camatary. IS 1 KH Fabmarr tt. Lillian Irish, agad 44 raara. at St. Tmraat'a bnapltal: rsasr, pasa- wmia. mirini ai ijona r IT laiuaiar. UNDERTAKERS. ' J. P. Ptnla A Sna. fanaral nlraator sad smbalmars. aornar Tblrd and Wadlaoa atraata. i Offlca of soaaty aronr. Tatapbsas Mala a. Domrinv, MeBat St. Ollbangh, andartakar aad rmhalmarai ndara la ararr datalL Sarcatk A. B. Haajalock, aadartakar sad smbslmaa Paat TblrtMBth sad UsjatiUs ara, . pkaw. ' -aat I1. - - . -.rmm Clark Braa far Sowar. 388 Motiiaua atraat SJTEXTIIW CIMXTZXT. l'"1 r t1i Pamlta kits 878 to 11.000, Tha al7 ramatarF la . Pnrtlaad which par patoall saslatalna and aara for lota, par fall informatloa anpl to W. R. Msrkaaal. War. aatar bloa k. alty. JJjjJj REAL. ESTATE TRANSFERS. l-ortlano Land casnpanF to O. R. A N. -(. 230 arra aorth Hi P. Ootid do- ' ' aatloa land rlalai 1100.000 - P. U Wlllla aad wlf to 0. B. A N. f.. ssm Bropart.r 100,00 '. Oaaoata I .aad amnnanr to 0. K, A If. . ' Co., aama pmpcrtf '.. 100,000 , If. A. Ilaoatla to Jobs H. Hauatla. Ma S. S. 13 to IS, InrhMlaa, blork 83, HonuratoV; Iota I and 4. blork. ' S3. Wanajatnak: lots 4. 8. black 14. Highland Park (000 J. H. Maaatl to Aurora P. Stain carts, . lots 8 snd 4. block S3. Wolatork.. . . SM I. H. Ilanatla to W. H. Hraatla, lot IS, , bb-Hl M. Snanaald ' I K. Hrla4 to airs M. P. Aaoaraon. lot I. blork A Tlhhatta' adlltlna .. . 430 JtrttlnghSBi A To. to Alassanar Hnra. wa , Iota I Sad t. blork T, K ana-art, a a4ltloa .,....,.. J.l I'. KIMrath to Carrt P. Hlldrath. bw I M4 i black L BsaaUwa ..... TOO '-:::CliMa..-::;: To buy few acres of land in ' that will make you a good living for all time to come. , 1 We have ideal climate, pro , ductive soil, fine water and ;; plenty of it (direct from the ' melting snow of Mt. Hood), A. : good ' market f of all fruit ; ' schools, churches,' comforta ble homes, in fact everything needed for - a contented life. . Write us 'for our - list of, t farm lands of city property. You can't make a misyke in locating in Hood River. . 1. E:;lclltaicr & ; Co Jrarm Land and Real Estate - n HOOD RIVER, OREGON ' RKAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. J. U Rartman at si. to Lmlsa B. York.. lot 24, block 34, Mlosr'a sddlttoo, 9 ' o. aoons ,,..... 1 p B. W. Borcbar to Mrra O. Handarson. wast H lots 11 su4 13, block 100, korU Irrlngtoa ' S,O0 , H. Emmons sod "bmband to C. M. Magiilra, lot 22. Block C, Tlbbstt' ., .wiiwa ,sn bro tea item, to u. w. Hart, lots SS . . Snd SB. blork 124. Ilnl.aralla p.rk.. 910 D. V. Hart and wlfs to Da I Is M. Collier, ,. . oa ana aw, tuocm- las, usirarait , Park . aoo W. U. Millar to M. H. Waattr, lot 3, Arlata Park ... 100 0. W. Taylor and wlfa to Matt King. ' lot IS. block 1. South Hnnnrsloa ' T9S 1. M. Jamas to R. A. MrLaod, lots 30. ii, ii ana aorta aui lo. Duck V, Portamouth Villa Earanalon . ' 1COB B. Strlngor and wlf to A. 0. Conaat. . Iota 3U and SO, block SO. TFamont..., '. ITS Aioa ttaroid to Jamas Morgaa, lota 1 . and 3, block 4, North Eaat Portland.. A. N. Kmmona and boaland to Joseph Kapos, lot IT, block C, Tibbetta' ad- Fldclt Troat company to F, Harr and wlfa, waat 83 iaat lots 1, 4. block 11, Doachar's Second addtttoa ........ A. .A. Cook and wrta to M. Cook. lots T, 10, block S. North Alblns I- O. Grmraa and wlfs to 6. W. Bowaa. 34 800 2, ISO 1.800 lot 4, block 40, Wooeatork ; M. U Uolbrook snd wlfs to Patrick' Skslly. lot 18. 30. 31. 3a. block a. ' 380 St. Johns Psrk t.500 Sbrlff to J. D. Psrrlsh, lots 2 to 80, v . IneluilTS, block 10, Paoluiular adtll- " , tloa No. I ' . H. U Powsrs snd wlfa to C. H. Coy, beginning 40 ft waat of northwaat ' ; enrnar Cbaaa's sddltloa to Pleasant ' Homo, containing 15x316 fact. aae-. . ' tloa 30, township 1 aoatb, rangs 4 - aat ..... .- , j ' 4 Portland Trust ompaap to M'nslf M. ' Broua, loU 88 to 82, Inelaalrj, block ' S. Portamoatb VUls Uitanlrd , tTS P. U Hard and wife to H. 8. ClMlftltcr, lot T, block A, York 1 William lUldt snd wlfs to Mary M. Olllatta. southwast U block 43, ' Whoslar's addition But Portland .4,000 Lsalaa B. Smith to R. A. Flaming And ' wlf, lot 17. block T4, Sellwood ..... : 1,800 Vlrtof Land eompaay ,to O. N, Bowaa, lot 1. block 40. Woodstock . SOS JWpb Wabar to M. Wcbcr, lot It, blork 80. aallwaod 1 Jamaa Morgaa and wtf to Latr J. Aaanaa ssd wira, wis 1 sad X, block 4. Northaaat Portland . Jamaa Morgaa snd 'wlf to Lastar J. Kaansa and wlfa, lot S, block 4, Northeast Port la sd Security Sarins A Trust company to 1. Aanaad and wlfa. aorth loo faat , of waat H lot S snd aorth 100 faat lt a mA S IklAnW 9 Inh. Iaalna'a ' 64 m 160 First addition, Bsst Portland S.I00 H. B. King sad boa band to r. B. 1-0 do lot S and south H lot 4 and aorth 14 feat lot 3. block 6, Piedmont ..... 4.000 W. R. Banparh and wlf t R. L. Walkar, beginning 48 faat south of . . southwast corner tot 13, Usatls Tract, 4' -being 45x480 fast V ISO 0- W. Taylor snd wlfs to C. W. HsU. lot 5. block 1, South Sunnyald,..,. . 800 Marehaata' Loaa A Trust company to 11. S.' Holmaa snd wife, lots 1 to 8, - ' inclualaa. block 84. Sunnysld ,1400 Asus Myers to R. S. Bennett, aaat U . lot 4 and aorth 30 faat of Mat H lot t, block 18, Tlbbetts' addition.... t.BOO B, B. Moor at aL to K. J. Walker, " lot 8, block 148. Esst Portland 1,800 W. H. Souls to M. A. Rou la. andlrldad 4 Interest south 48 faat lot 3, block . ; . 18, city I- 1 W. It. Soul at al. to M.'A. Souls, be ginning waat line Twelfth near In-, tarsartloa Jefferann, 40x100 feet I ", I W. Raldt snd wlfa to Horse Hsll. ' . ' lola 1. aad block 4, Oak Psrk ad- dltkjB i.SSO H. A. Hsll snd wjfa to N. S. Brown, ,. nnrllalded 14 Kits 1 sad 3. block 4, Oak psrk sddltkm, SI. Jnbaa.... S2B H. . Sahlstrom snd wlfs to Ssbrls Rsad, lot 48 ami aaat lot 42. . - block 1. Keaelswn Annas . ISO W. B. Krcrnsa aad wife to Mrs. M. J. Jannar. 1 seres, lor n. rpring rai. ley eddlttos. East PortUad 10 81. r. Lannoa ana wue to i. Wilcox. Csnnoa'f Iota 14 and JA. blork addition. Kaat l"orttand Electric Land company to Mary Me.. Donald. V 18, block 4. Portsmouth. Leopold Dirt to B. J. Phillip Dwts. south H let t, block 1. rearer' 4- dltteB 'Llli Leopold Mats to Emma W. King, aorth u W 1, block 1. Fenrer'g addition. . . H. Hornsbuh to W. Ilormhoh lots T and S. block 4, South St. Johns.... B. E. oonld and wife te S. C Beach, lot 18. block 2. Arbor Lodge.... .... N. Raemoasea snd wlfs to John Pt- terson. lot 2. block 1. Highland. . . The lisnd Company of Oregon t J. H. McBrlde, hits T and 8, block S. City View Ps.-' mt . " a jim Intm a anal sl " STS too 00 800 1.000 600 block 184. East Portia ad " Oat year insurance and aha tracts to real ae tata from the Title Onnraetee A Trust eompaay, 340 Washington street, corner B.cnnJ. NOTICE. BIDS INTITED. m m Mn Um-i at. laos. at the office of ths grand clerk, . U Wright, fort ta no. tireaon, iw """ snd mslllng of the Psclfle Bcbe, ths monthly efflelsl paper ef the Women of Woodcraft, contract to ma for three years. aniaieatiej.a Kama reading matter space as In present form of tbe Echo. ' roanf? ems of as and whlth of comma. genera Fratan oral maae-iip arm v1 1,1 ' v r"ic " tarsal Monitor: with eorer. Bids la MM easw oi woow -'" ly, snd eo PC 10 ! taf sddltlonal l.OOoV. . A complete new mslllng list to h set Bp snd maintained from list famished by the AcoopTnymg bid must be a ats tern ant ef aiacbaalcsl eqnlpmeat press, typesetting . ma rhlnae and mailers, snd a guarsatee of ability to carry out contract. It secured. If th work or sny part of tt I to b enblet, then the material equipment, asm aad resnnnslbllttr of ths proposed as bron tractor must b gtrea. Tha rlgbt Is reeerred t reject any and all WBy eroer of th board of grand managers. ' J. I.. WRIGHT. Crsad aerk, P. O. Bos No. 308U. PortUad. Or. IN THE dtetrtct court of th United States for tbe district of Oregea. la the matter ef the eatata of L. Oraenberg. beskraot. Tbe nsdarslgned will reeeirs sealed bids for s stock of aierrbsndlss. coaslstlsg prin cipal ef clothing, hate, ranees, trunks snd geote' furnishing goods, of ibs Invoice rains of (8.4AT.0T. together with flit area ef $44 00, , located at Sixth and Ererett atraata, Port land, Oregon, ap to 13 o'clock aooa ,of Frl dsy, March 2, 1808, , , A certified cheek for 10 per cent ef tb amount offered mast accompany each bid, and the rltkt Is reserved to reject sny gad ' all bids. , tBaentory and laepeetloa ef stock may b had ea appllestlna. . . Dated February tn, 1308. ' , J ' V ' R. ta SABTrl, Trrw lee of" th Rstat of K Orcenbers, . Front and ABkeay Sir sets. Pertlaao, Oregea. . , , , . , , . v - ,'" ..r. , . - f.., NOTICE. KOriCM ef public sal of th Irani, hi aae snd Kro party at tb Orgoa Tractloa company, otic .la boreby that tu atock bolder at the Oregoa Tractloa eoaipsny bars sdvpted S raaolutlua sutliorlslng aad directing lbs dla ' sotutloa of tb ssld oorporatloa su4 tha Uls- poaltlou of stl Its proper ty. ' ' Pursusat to aald reaolutloa and the rssola tloa of In board of directors satborlstng and directing tb sal of all ef th property oe aVaiglng to tba eompaay. 1 will, at tna hour of 10 o'clock a. at., a Tkursusy. too lota day of March, loud, st tb front ooor of Hi county courthouse, to tu eiqr of Port land, Multaomah county, Oregon, offer st Public ssls. to tha highest bidder for cssb, . toe franchises, roadbed, track, rights of way and eoutracta for right of wsy. together with All maps, proties, of flc futures snd furni ture, and all propertr of wbaterer kind owned ; by said corporation. Tb aald property will be suM In bulk, snd as aa entirety. The ssld traoctilaea of said comaaaF ra ferred to are as follows, to wltt A franck lea aathorlslng tna construct In of a railway Una through too city of Utllsboro aod a frsachlss granting tb right to oonatroct a railway oo sad orsr certain strssU la tb rlty of Poreat Groao. Waablastoa coanty. . Oregoo, snd s frsneblss granted by tb cltr i rnrxiana, or., oy rdinanc yo. ie,ooa. an titled, "Aa ordinance grsutlng to the Oregoa Tractloa company. Its succnaors and aaalgos. ths right to coaatruct, lay dowa, malaula snd operate railways aad polee snd wires snd uu dargaound conduits la th city of Portland, Or' (Approaed by ths msyor of aald city OS tba 8th day of April.. 1K0S.) Tna constructed trsrk belonging to Bald com pan consists of about 3.880 feet of doubi trsrk laid en Twelfth street, hi too rlty of Portland, Or bstweea Burnslil and Orrto streets, la ssld city, aad 360 teat of double track oa Pettygror atraat, bs tweea Thirteenth and Fourteenth atraata. la ssld city', snd thru croaslrtga oa SIxteeBtlt. Twenty-third and Twsotr-flftu streets, at tb , Intersection of Psttygroa street. The maps and profllee referred to show tb surrey of the projected electric railway .line of the , company from tba city of Portland, Or., to toe my or roresi iirore, ur. For full Information aa to all pronerty of th company. Inquire at th office of th company, room 63. Galea block, city ef Port land. Or. - j . . Th aald corporation la now hdebiad la about ths sum of .'(!. 000. Of ssld sum shout th s mount of fa, 500 Is do tb German I a National bsnk of San Francisco. Cel.. for which 3100.000 par rata la ameaat of tlx boade of th company aeeured by mortgsg or deed at trust oa all ths property of the company ar deposited as eol lateral and of which aald total s mount shout the sum ef ? 14,700 Is escared by sneehsnlcs' liens oa ha frsneblss. roadbed and constructed track of ths comosne In ths city of Portland, tba I remainder ef said lodeb leasees being bbso ' The ssld property shall b Sold to ths highest bidder. Tha purchaus price shall b paid la full, la essh ar by scceptahls-caTll-fled check, st or before 3 o'clock p. m. et th dsy or sale. Payment to be mad ti the nartaratanarf aft th offlca of the com pany. Unloa block. Portland. Or. If tba..l parsoa ortenng tn nigneei ota ror an m aald pronerty shall not pay to entire pnr, rhaa arte by 8 o'clock p. at. ef aald dar of sals, ths person offering tna second highest Mil shsll be entitled to th eoBsapaac of ssld property. If be shall par the entle urn bid by him before 4 o'clock p. as. of ssld dsy ef ssls; snd If eeltUer the aald blrhest or next highest bidder shall pay oa ssld dsy ef aale tha amount bid -by him, the directors of the company at their aotl-m may sail ssld property to any parens bidding st ssld ssls who make fall payment oa th day of aald ssls of tb sum bid by blis. Th rlgbt to reject any snd sll bids Is leecrred. By order of tb hoard ef directors. ,. , W. I.. OOt7T-, Secretary Oregoa Tractloa Company. CHATTEL MOBTOAOB SALE Notice Is hereby glren that nnder and by h-tos ef a certain chattel mortgage, which was sxecuted ea ths Sd dsy ef July. 1S06, by M. O. Nesse. uarly of toe first part, te Psnl Weeamger and Hanry Wagner, trastass. parties of tb second pert, to secure tbe payment of a certain rromlssory sots, dated the 8d day ef July, 1106, payable oa demand after date for tbe earn of $2,360. fa gold coin ef tbs United State, with Interest thereon hi Ilk gold rota at tag rate of S par cent per annum from date until paid, and each farther asm . the court may adjudge reseossbls as attor neys' fees, together with coats and dlsbnrse aients. which ssld mortgsg wss duly filed for record In th county clerk's office for . Multaomsh county, Oregoa, ea ths 6th dsy of ..'July, 1808. and recorded la book IS. oa sag 318. Records of Chattel Mortgagee, and upon . the following described good and chattela. altuate aad being la thoee certain premise known as No. 131 Fourth st, Portlsad. Ore gon, and described a follows, to wit: One burglar-proof ssfs. 1 set of bar fix tures, eoneletlng of bar aad back bar, 1 metal eaes table. 12 metal chslrs. 2 rerolrlng office chairs, 1 rolltop desk, I chandelier, $ ale trie ' wall brackets. 2 celling electric fixtures. thre 3 artificial palms, 3 Jardtalsres, 1 cash regiater, 1 lot ef bar glaaswsrs. 8 brass . rusptdors, 1 Opal refrigerator. 1 ash can. 1 heating store aad pin, 1 mahogany finish redwood partition, 102 yards graaite lino leum. 14 yards cork carpet, 1 a lot machine. " A wooden chslrs, 4 plush curtains, 1 lunch counter. . Under and by vlrtn ef a power ef attorney and appointment attached to ssld cbsttsl mortgage, duly Indorsed, whereby tbe aader signed hss bees duly appointed agent for tba aald awrtgageea for the purpose of f orec losing th ssidrhsttrl mortgsg snd making aale ef tbe a bore deectlbed goods and chattela, by Tlrtoe of aald authority, I base taken possession ef snd -will st tbs request of the mortgagees asll the snore described goode snd chattels st public auction, tn tb highest bidder for caeh, oa tbe Sd dsy of Msrch. ' 1008, st tb hoar of 10 o'clock a. m., at ' No. 181 Fourth at., la tba city of Portland, Oregon. Portland. Or., February 28. ISOg. P. A. MARQUAM. JR., Agent NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING tn accordance with the authority seated In me br tbe by la we ef Iwle and Clark Centennial and Aararleaa Psclfle Exposition and Oriental Fair, a corporatloa organlaad aad existing nnder tbs laws of tbe state of Oregon. I, II, W. anode, preeldeat of ssld corporation, hereby call a apeclal meeting ef Its stock holder, to be bald la tbe office of tbe cor perstloa, Admlnlatratioa build mg, I'pnhur street, between Twenty-sixth snd Twenty seventh atraata, Portland. Oregoa. oa Thsra dsy, th first dsy of Msrch. 1B08. st 11 'clock fa th morning, for tb purpose ef sntnorlslng tb tllssnlntlnn of ssld eorpors - tkm and the Battling of Ite bosmeaa, snd dl . posing of Its property and dividing the capi tal atock In such manner ss to the meeting may seem proper, ssd for the trsnssrtlntt of sny and all bualaea la connection therewith that may properly coma before ssld meeting. H. W, OOODB. By order ef tha Jpfestdant. , HENRY B. REED. ' Sai istsry ef Ssld Oorporatloa. ' Pert lead.- Oragon. February 10. 1808. WR. th andarejgned faraltttre' and alano , tooswrs, will raoulr tb psymant of all charges wnoa dellsrry of goods after Decem ber 1. 10061 H. 0. Hasck. C. F. Harder, 0. F. Hussar, Cnsgrors Bros., Portlsad Ds ' 11 eery Co.. Post Specie! DellTery Co.. Pack ags Delivery Co., Holmsn Transfer Co., Northwestern Transfer Co., Oregoa Auto Dis patch Co., Jnha Hampton. James McLlnden, Owen McLlnden. Pacific Transfer Co., Oregoa Transfer Co.. Portland Taa A Storsg Co., Wskemsa. Mors Transfer Co.. Esat Slds vTrsnsfsr Co.. 0. O. Pick Transfer sV Storage . Co., C. M. Olson, Baggags A Omnibus Trans fer Co., A.. J. Murphy. Kadderly Transfer A Commission Co., John A. Love. Andrew . J. Murphy. F. M. elralaad. P. Millar, Flaeh Hano. NOTICE of Stockholders Meeting Notice la ' hereby gives that a special meeting of tha stock holders ef tbe Homebuilders' aaaodatlon, a corporatloa, will be held at room 40T Mae leay building. Portland, Oregon, en Wednesday, i the seventh day of Msrch, 1808. at tbe ' hour of 3 o'clock pt m., for the purpose of ' considering ssd voting apnn the dlseolntloa of aald corporation and tbe aettllng of Its buslneea and dltlrtlng Its cspitsl stork snd property among ths parties entitled thereto, snd such other basiassa that may come, before said meeting. . Date of Srst pnbllcstloB. February 81806. By order of th board of directors. ' -' W. HOSRA WOOD, Saeretsry of the Hometntlldtrs' Aseoclatloa. Dstrd February 6.- lHoS. LOST AND FOUND. REWARD Return ef a backskla pony and a small bsy pony, probably straying near minvlsle. Address Oreenlcy A Craw far d, 204VS Wssblngtoa at. LOST Female foxterrier, black head. Pindar will planes rstara to stssaier Aetorlaa, foot or serrcraoa si., sua receive rswsre. j .. HELP WANTED MALE. . ' PORTLAND Barber College To! tloa reaaoaabU ss say school ea eoaet- 38T Flaadsrs st. SCHOOL tea cha ra snd students, single you as mea netwaea m ana as wao win waat good employment during the eo aimer, write P. O. hot 834. Portias, glrlng parti csUrs. WANTED At sacs, a (nod dreeser, tends and . drawef in of warps; good pay, , ateady work. . Apply Ho Jobs P. Wilbur. ' guperlateadeat . t'oloa Weotoa MUla, Valets, Of. HELP WANTED MALE. WB waat a Us. 1 traveling salsamaa to repre sent aa sa the road, oa a commlaeloe. Hotal A Beatauraet Supply Co., 3u Secoad at. WANTED Solicitor Bar erokersg Bras. . Apply to Booai 604 Dekam bldg., city. WANTED For United Ststes Army, able-bodied anmsrrlvd mea betwaea ages f 21 aud 86,elt. Bene of United States, of good character - snd temperate habits, who ess speak, read : snd Writs English. Apply to Bscrultlug Of- Seer. Alasworth Mk., Third sod Osk , st.. Portlsad. Oregon, i . - WANTED at once, by a maeblnery-bouee, competent young; single man atenograpaer; ' give experience. X 40, rare JournsL WANTED Csblnst-askers; alae man to do gluing. - Oregoa ' Furniture Masufscturlng HELP WANTED FEMALE, HANSEN'S LADIES' AOENCT, SiSH Washing toa St., cog Seventh, upatalrs. phoa Mala St3. Fsmkle hsls wsnted. , PORTLAND SEWING SCHOOL Faahloaable dreasmsklng. 2T1H Morrison St., aor. Fourth, room C. Xystsm tangbt. EDUCATED, refined, energetic womea to en gsgs with Tlsvl company: lefenaeea. Apply room 33 Lewis building. BEAUTIFUL dresses: save time' sad money by , lesrnlng how to,msk your own at Kalater's collar, AlUky bldg., elevator 308 Morrison; booklet free: patterns cut to measure. BRIGHT young girl to lesra millinery trade. rortlaad Millinery Co. WANTED Immediately, very eapabi ronk and secoad girl, private family; wages $36 and tat Swedish prafemd. 30 u Yamhill. Pboa Mala 6413. WANTED ladles In search of employment to Investigate eur aewtng-marhlus offer: plain eewlug la always la demand; $1 cspitsl .gives you sa Independent business. , I, Cavorts A Sons, 1734 First St. . BERPECTABLB woman tn do bonaeworT"' at the Grand Rooming. Houea. AVk North Third at. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTED Teacher, flu) month; 8-moo tha' . term. fish Teachers' ,, Ageacy. 1200 W ti lls ms ave. - r . THE NIPPON BMP. orriCE lananee help ruralahed. 28 North Third at. Msla 6164. HELP wsnted snd atipplled. aiale ar fsmsls. R. O. Drake. 206U Wssblngtoa st Pseloe 1870. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. PRUNING snd ether Iswa work wsnted.- Bast 4328. Address 478 Vancouver ava. YOUNG mas wishes work la or eat of city; weald take poaltloa ss Janitor or s leva tor. Phone Mala 4M8. . Csll 411 Fourth. YOUNG man wsnts a poaltloa where he caa lesra aad work ap; pre fare bard work; afflcs Siberia see; good at figures; best refers sees. O 33, sare JourssL , YOUNG msn with experience want work ss , gardener or caretaker. Address O 38, Journal. WANTED By steady . young man of good 'habits, sny kind of Indoor work; references. Pbone Mala 4oS. 411 fourth at. MAN of experience la hardware basinets waat poaltloa la hardware eg Implemeat a tore. O 35. car JournaL SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE YOUNG woman, graduate of state normal, de alree position ss ssslstant In office. Ad . dress 284 Montgomery st., cor. Fifth. WANTED weekly engagements far wssblng. .10 ShsrldaB. . A COMPETENT woman wsnts day works ales experienced Iroaer. Clay 1663, room 3. YOUNG widow wwald llks sstlre charge of hows for sldsrly eoupls. 0 80, care JooraaL RESPECTABLE woman would like houaeelean Ing, washing aad Ironing, or any kind of work by dsy or hoar. Address Lou la As mood, Lents, Oregoa. RESPECT ABLB widow want poaltloa as bono keeper for widower la city or out. Esst 43M. D-i wante: CENTS. WANTED Agents ; something sew! good seller, big wsgss. 206 McKay bldg WB want rellsbls mea la every town k Oregoa to ssll sick snd accident Insurance. Psclfle Aid association. SOS Deksm bldg. FIRST-CLASS a rents la Portland aad through state: big wsgss to rustlers. 410 Fsa toa bldg. WANTED Responsible men snd womea to eell Buyer's Csab Boad; liberal commlasleos. 81S Ablngtea bldg. WANTED Energetic aad competent agents to represent us la all parta of ths northwaat; cash weekly.. Cspitsl City Nursery Co. AGENTS and csnvaeeira. city or country, want ed at once; gnnd merging; young ladles to tsks ordered Call today ar evealaga. 200 3d St. WANTED Lady agents, best raring article In tbe west. Inquire 630 . William ave., room 8. t EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. O. -AND G. EMPLOYMENT AND REAL - - ESTATE COMPANY. Reatala. loans, real aetata sad rnomlng housss: send orders by msll of telephone snd - Ws will csll: msla snd female- help furnished free to empkvyera "We buy snd sell baamess chances of all klnda. 11 H North Fourth at., ror. 4th aad Bornslds. Telephone Main 6168. THS Portland Employment 0a., 20854 Morrtesa . st. Phone Pad f Is 23S. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OPTICS. FOB MEN. 24 If. Second St. Pboa Msla 1620. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN EMPLOYMENT Co., S North Second, furnishes all kinds am , ployment for . mea aad women.- Mala 8088. BIG FOUR? BMP. AGENCY Help supplied frea. . 18 North Second st Pbone Mais 16. YOU . MAY FIND Your SemntSg Your ;- : Errand Boy, Your r . : Gardener or Your : Lost Cat THROUGH JoariiMitit i4do EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. SHERWOOD A BOTT, rssl eststs and employ. meat, nials or female. S06m m Morrison, reus) A Phone Mela 4783. JAPANKSE-CHINEHR EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. Heury Tsbsra, . 307 Everett t. Phvea Pa cific 640, STANDARD EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, 36 -e. Jluntalds St. All kinds help ire w aa nlyers. Phone Mala S48T. WANTED TO RENT. ' - - WANTED TO BENT HOUSES, COTTAGES. FLATS, ROOMING HOUSES. STORES. ETC. Our rental department lies ansa enlarged ' and provided with additional staff. W Invito listing from LANDLORDS. . offer nersonsi BttsnTloa. to aad coatlaaoas topervlalou wrsr sll prscaaHf kstrasUA to ear PORTLAND TRUST COMpAVtY OP OREGON. S. I. Cor. 3d aad Oak st. Phoae Ex. XX WANTED By yonng man. room la private family. Addrsas. ststlug pries, O 27, Journal. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED To buy from owner, 10 or 18 acres highly Improved land, rloas to car, with good bouse; give full particulars snd phoae number If possibls; stole lowest cash price. B 000, est JournsL WANTED Lot or tract toa, close mi give kca. iioa a so price, uoroou, ma roarto at. WANTKD-r-Aerssge asar rarllne ea eaat aide, sultsbm for pastar. X 4, ear Journal. WANTED Small boos snd lot between Fifth snd Flftssntli streets and aorth of Collegs street;, as sgaats, X 6, care JournsL WANTED A good farm. 180 acres, with goM buildings snd nnder good at ate et eaitivatmo: well located: will exchange good residence property la Portland paying good rent, and pay difference la cash. FaraMt, address X SO, csra Journsl. WANTED Home of S orilo scree, near Port land, near car line; some Improvements; from $300 to $800. Y. P., Journal. . ,- IF yon. wsnt te build, bay all roar materials st the American Ian; you will save T6 par cent; Sne doors, window, plaater boards, rustic or siding, flooring, stsb-s. timber and lumber. Phone owner. Psoitis 1070. WANTED To. bny lot with goose of 6 or S rooms: have $100 essh; caa pay $26 to $36 monthly. O 21, car Joarasl. WANTED FINANCIAL. WANTED Loss ef 36.600 ea real eststs. two or thres yssrs; will psy S per seat tBvi tercet. Address w sa, care Journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS PAINTING, snrsrlaa ssd whltrwaehln tree. basementa. barns, docks, etc. ; Isrgsst gasoline spraying outfit oa tba coast. M. G. Morgaa A Ca.. 322 Ualea are, Pbone Esat MIT. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID for furnltsrs ta asy guantlty; also tsks ssma, ea emuilaloa aad guars n taa best results. Ths Portlsad Auctloa Rooms. A. Schabach, ro tit. First St. Pboa Mala 6466. chine. J it, care ef 'joaraaL WANTED "frond-bended boat IS fast long. Phone 6802. wb Will buy. sell or tradb ant old THING, WESTERN SALVAGE CO.. S27. WASHINGTON. PACIFIC TSS. WHO IS M. O. MORGAN A CO. I O. A G. EMPLOYMENT REAL ESTATB CO. Ws hsvs ths buyers sad moat have the property, real or persoaaL Write or phone and ws will csll. Pbone Mala 6166. 11 "4 ' North Fourth at., ear. Fourth aad Bursal ds. 1 POSITIVELY guarantee ysa tbe best trade , pries for aeassbold, hotel or reetaurant fur niture; he eure to consult me before dispos ing of your goods elae where: this beats sell- ' Ing by auction. Address or csll, Oks, car Gauld A Kline, 8. W. ear. Proet aad Bora- aide. Phoae Mala SOT. WANTED A respectable family to adopt ale hoy baby 4 weeka old; for refereaces call at . office, 14 Sua eel bldg., or phone Hood KB. Hospital phoae Unloa 1504.. SPRAYING aad pruning of trait tress; white washing ef dock and basements. L. S. Fone. Scott 660S. WANTKD A reSned elderly gantlemsn ef homelike dlepnsltloa rsn grid room and board with private family for $10 per month and pari of hi time for eompaay. X 80. JooraaL WANTED Te bay mffee-boua or Innch counter; state price aad tocattoa. 0 34, gars Journal. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THE GRAND. 48 4 North Third at. Roses for gentlemen $1.60 par wash sad Bp. . NICELY furnlened ronm close In. west side. . bath. gas. pbone, $6 per month. Call 138 North Thirteenth. , THE RICHELIEU. 38H NORTH SIXTH ST. Elegantly furnished, strain heat aad hatha. NICELY - furnfsbed boaeckreplnr-rnorns: slss alngle rooms. SOt Russell St., MrKsy blk. - NEWLY fnrnlsbad rooms now open for bast. pass st tbs Btemark. Fifth snd Alder ate. We ales have sa office -room for rent. FRONT room, enttahl for I or 3, very rsasoa-- able: private family. 106 North 1Mb at. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. tl.TS PER WEEK Large, etsea twralshsd hooeekeeplng rooma; laundry aad bath. 184 8 her man. South Portland. THE MITCH ELI Flanders and Seventh Rooms, hoaaekseplng snd trsaaieat; ana. esnleat! prices reasonable. FOR RENT Faralshsd housekeeping ran me ta beet brick block oa eaat slds; gss rangss, bstb, etc.; no transients; prices moderate. Log as blk.. 108t Unloa are., sorssv East Aider. Pboa Kaat 4834. - ll.RO WEEK ap. elees furnished hoaeohaep Ing rooms as of parlor, yard, bath, laundry. 234. Bun toa, coraer Commerdslj tsks V esr. ...,..'..,... THE ALBERTA For rent, nice right boas. beeping snd singis rooaas, 61.3B per week a so Bp. 211 H First at. 228 MARKET Furnished alngle and Housekeep ing rooms, all conveniences; asoaerst rent. Hood 270. 4 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, nsth and gaa. cms in, rent reaeonanie. soi sveretx st. NICELY- furnished hooeekeeplng range, bath, etc. 428 Stark at. NEATLY fnrnlahed beasskeepmg snd sleeping room, closs In, $1 up: bsth. 84 Tenth st., nssr Stsrk. 1 ' t NlCKI.Y furnlabed front rooms for boas. keeping; gas, bsth; $12. 211 Sbermsa st. VERY deslrahls wrllnrnlabrd large hone. , keeplns-rnnm, -Srst Boor; quiet bouse; central, - 4o0 Yamhill. ROOMS AND BOARD. BOARD and room -for tw gentlemen, $4 par weeg. mono s,st osia. BOARD and mom for en or two; bath, best, etc.; working pereoas preferred. 484 B(t Morrlaoa St. - ' CAN sccomtaodat nssr dsy boarders. 880 Taylor st FOR RENT FLATS. STRICTLY modern 8s t; S Isrgs. light, tinted rooms ; Isundry and furnace; eeatrsl. Cell Si Sixth st. . , 4 ROOM modern new fist, fireplace, aorcekiln bath, furnscs. 1 none sisia uibi.- y . TWO new modern flat. 8 and S rooma, with furnaces, in a;ast lout atM - Bear tseimoni. AROOM flat for rant; water paid; so small ck I lores. bb mui. MODERN 6-rosm Sat t hmrk north steel bridge. rroatlng nrrr, inauu-g xbb isutsd. . YOUNG lady dee Ires typewriting work to As at boms evenings, each as copying letters, addreaalng envelopes, a l a poor a or asy kiad et typewriting work; owas Underwood ma for rent irer "i i KADDEBLT TRANSFER CO.. prompt sad re name pisao silo rurnuars movere, aiae frn aga. Pboa MSa 1M6. OfSoev'lO N. lain THS CONTINENTAL COMPANY- .r vi , 243 STARK ST.. ' . ' INSURANCE. BENTALS. SEX LIST. FOB ' RENT Hones ef 11 rooms, gaoMera Im-, S'JAy IVth ' arraet. ' Auol kZt lath street. . - f . . :. MODERN 8-rooai Senas, walking dtMaar. i'kwiS u -, .... . - ' 1 mrnirn tw... - S3 FIVE-ROOM bouse, larss bssement.r Kay st O'Neal s grocery, aor. Hood sad GrsaL . FOR RENT Furnished f -room boa la. Mouth Portland; complstrsy furnlabed; will, rent S rooms or all. ss tenant wlabea, 1 Jeanlogs A vs., o&. w aeoiugKMB si. . . MOI1RRN 8-mom bonss. 280 I .area bee st.,iM MUlea sddltloa. lnauh-e 288 Larrabss at. FOR RENT 8 -room furnished ' eottsga. ssnt $30 per month; etnee la. as H, H, Hlglcy, UNFURNISHED ROO-iS. THREE anfurnlsbed housekeeping reosas. . 466 E. Morrlaoa st. Phoae Baal. 1016. . ' ' S UNFURNISHED rooms oa ground Boor; steam best, hot aad cold water, free bath sseVgaa; front rooma. 402 Third st. ' HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI TURB FOR SALE. ': FURNISHED boos. IS looets,. Imoaekeeplag flats: excellent location r rent reasaaable. S. W a Idea. 146 V Thrd etreet. ., . 71 . $800 NEW furniture of II rooms', "Chess teat, good bwee: th beat- paring email boss la towa. 107 H Third, near Waahlagtea . al. ,- - . 1 : FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. STORE la th commlaaloa bouse district y apply 143 Front. ., - , j OFFICES, anfnratshed. ' and sampl rooms; also hall 60x20. Good sough bldg., Apply at Ua ' slsastor. ... 4. ! . 0FF1CB rooma, on furnlabed roores sad sag la . rooms for rent. Goodnougb bldg. Apply , ie- rater. . . . . '? .' LARGE efSco, third tery. centrally loceled. r levator $44 per month. Collin Lssd 'Co. Msln 3324. . ' . .. PAST of Isrg comer atofe fof. rest, - Isuulrs F. E. Beach A Co.. tb Ptooasr PalaL Cv First and Alder its. . . A , ... ,v OFFICE room. BBfuralshsd, ground fluof.. st 288 Osk St. ' r ' BUSINESS CHANCES. y WANTED A fine opening for a reCrtgsrarlng engineer; 00 with soma cspitsl desired, woe would tsks sn nrtfe Interest la the busmsas. Thla la worth Investigating. Addrsas Mas agar, bog 484. Vaacouver, Wash. , A SNAP Rlscksmlth shop for sale cheap: la veetlgate arly. Al HarU Graahsas, Or. CHANCE of a Lifetime 28 par cent prcSt la a smsll Investment; don't delay, bat wrlte for plan. Lock Box 882. city. - . 1 WE bar property la the Ismsas whaat gt uewtng Salts ef sastora Oregoa snd Wssbi - an: 'Bonis snd berry Isad la ths ssucb-ta. ed-ot Hood Ulver valley: hop land asd a ufr raacats in ra wiiiamett va iiey-. s us la the Umpcaa valley tbs mad ef b.g yel low peach ae we have some very ale fsrms , snd stock ranches; our pries) a re ss .tow ss tb lowest sad wa will givs you th best ef ma ea any of thla property; w will -tsks part psymant good Improved ee uslmsrnvad Portland pronerty; aow If yoa want a eoawtry Ufa here Is roar chase, fob rerthet gaieravB- tloa.esll ai our of. .--,. ' K0RTHWERT LAND 00-, -..IV. ; 304 Goodoeagh Mo.;- c WHO IS ML O. MORGAN A CO, 3 SLEEPING snd hoassksaping rooms tor- ssat. See H. H. Hlgley. room 80, 227 V Wssh log too st. : ' 26- ROOM hotel for Hie. ave. Price $1400. Call SOS Bawtaora SAWMILL FOB SALE 30.008 feet rapacity; fin timber, plenty ef orders; a. sags., .Ad dress J 31. Journal. v' . A GOOD chma stock ef cigars, tobaccov esa fectmnery and lc cream fixtures; this snsnt be sold by March 1; good rvaaona for eM- . Ing: this Is a bona fide offer ssd" If Mter ested csll or writs st one, as this- Will not laet long: terms If dealred. Price $1,300, Pee roe A Rlrdaell. Vanceuver. Washiagtoa. - PARTNER' WANTED Live mas ; with -malty yeara' eiperlrac la contracting dee tree part, aer with money te go Ints railroad cosalnue tloa; So opening here new, .Address ,0 40, car Journal. , - V Wlf L do your eourmeretel prlrrtfng S3 per cent , lees than Portland prices: delivered 'root bast quality. Pacific Printer. Ceoby.. Or. BEMPONKIRLB party speaking 4 atnguaga snd mechanical lileaa will Invest 8.V1O to $n.000 general mevcnaadte or ' BMimfartnror with good ba.te for enlarging bula. mt ef town mining district prafsrred. X 17, care JournsL MINERAL spring, closs to Portland, for ssls , or less. PsrUcalarB 614 Pastes Wdg., Port land. Oregoa. WANTED Good buslaees ma with espHal to Invest aad to take charge of factory ( caa ' have controlling Interest If be devices. ,.Fet particalsrs address N ST, cars JournsL AT SACRIFICE Arctic ends fouststa.- Stork toa tncubator. with brooders. . JST-, Frost, 'bet wees Vamhlll snd Toy lor. . . , 2S-ROOM hotel: fumlturs for sal - r traaw, cheap! eestrslly locatsd. . Room S, Wssb lngtoa bldg. . ..' - , -j.' ' - r' .. I- FOR SALE A stock of candle, rrats. Tobacco, , dram, canned foods, cskes. baae belle, bate, gloves, mssks. braabes snd blocking., taps snd oil. sssnrtrnwit of esrtrldgea snd pocket-knives, etc; show, rsees snd flxturea: building for reet St small rental. If dealred. Jamas Cnnatngbam. Arista No. $, Oregon. Tsks Moaat Soptt car. WANTED Ia ef $6,608 oa real aetata, tws 1 or three yeara; will pay S per cent interest. Address W SS. care Journal. THIS h) a chance of your life. J , -, For -Sale A 6-room neuae snd two Vim Sfw 100 each: bearing fruit trees snd -harries, .- city water, closs to cars and school, good concrete cellar; pries $1,260, t dowa: ea Tennis St. See H. H. Hlgley, room SO, 227 Wssblngtoa St. - WANTED Good blscksmlth to rent- or bay only hlackamlth-shon In amsll town contain ing graded school, odd Fellows' ball, cream ery. S stores and 3 churches: plenty of work; - owner would ratals half Interest la busl aees. For particulars, 12 North MuobA at., Portlsnd. . , - RESTAURANT and Innch counter for salev oa - Waablngtoa St.. Address X care Jouroal. STOCK rwmpsnles Incovporarad : If 30a have etocks or bonds for ssls let me try and ssll them for you. George M. Kellogg, broker, 346 Elllcott Sonars. Bat f ale. , ' , CIGAR and confectionery. 8128: beat location la towa; mast be soldi rent1 $16; sscrlSced ana p. Call at one lOSVfc Four I h at, . ;.. WANTED Partner with some money in good paving bnalnsa. I 'bona slain 4A68. . M. T. Wlisins, sn roann si. BRING yonv keys of yonr houaea. J rent thers fee 4f charge. Bee H. H. Hlglry, room 30, FOR SALE Lrgs ator; cigars, rcJisof.-biyks, tloa for wholeaale and retail; must If are the cliy. Address O 28. cars Journal. ' T FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. BRAND new 10-roem boo as. bath, baae meat; . lot 60x85. 1 block ear; only $1,00. $760 cash. long tlms; tbe best bny In Esst Portland; see Sunday. X 1, car JournsL it. ,1 NEW 4 room cottage, Isrg lot. ems. to ear, shsds tree,"- wood-fiber - plaater. wets IB houea. etreet graded. 30-foot alley, price -$so0:.$.vi down snd $10 pee month 1 room ' hone. $700: I room eottei. sll fdrnmhsd Jlrat-rlaae, for $M)0, port essh. See owner, no Naeh. la whit house st Nashville sddl tloa, sa the ML Scott esrllns: b discount for cash. - ' - - ' ' HOOD RIVER 820 aceea $76,000. will divide; M seres $6,000. $2,600 down: It acres' $760, S0O dowa. Frary, 853 WUUsms srs, ; FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. . ' v; .v- - j ' ACRE TRACTS? ' . ;. ,?;' .-; 0CS SPECIALTY IS ACRE TRACTS I ' silMlarw streets, water to each sera, . , . ' TERW18 $10 "per"" ACRE CASH. 1 ." ACRE PER MONTH. . 1 Tea 'go to ths acres ee the sssm car. Cy ths saaM'Se fare tbe lot maa nays. Tb t man is yoar neighbor, but hs Is r. strleted In majority of teaturta that ask - a trus subUrbsa home. x0vta Wednesday aad Saturday vvatng. , ijA-',. CHURCHILL A CO.. IKft' - -Z . "0 SeooBd SL . ..' ' UNIMPROVED LANDS, v SO acre. Djpuglss county, j SO seres, Douglsa county, timber,. . , 130 acres Bear McMlimvlIle. . , 30 acrea near Indapendsnc. -- 80m good buys. Get prices. ' .U0BDON. 200 Fourth, QUARTER block; sew s-room bouse, hall. pss . try aad bsth, porcslsla tub. electric llghte, fruit and Bowsrs, S blocks from Highland , school. I ' block from S esrlloes, S-mlaut . service, ealy 16 minute from center of th ' . city; high gad aightlyt psrt csab, balance essy terms. Phoue Scott 030T, er eall SOS - Commercial bldg. SELLWOOD LOTS. $6 dowa and II a moathi from $76 to $200, , Sell wood Te-sslt Ca. Phone Eaet 4704. FOR SALS 4-room ' cottage, furslabad. lot 60x100, 80S Eaat Twenty-third St.. aorth, oa Alberts st esr line. Price $860. BBAUTU'UL Aouea In Suanyside. slmoat corn lot, -.laws, awdera boas, near ear; : $7oo handles this houea; muat he sees to be ' apuref lated. X , care JeuraaL , T-ROOM house at Highland, with I lot: sheep ; at $1.000.. Phoae Scott 030T. . .. ON TO BOVERt - 1, . 4 UP THE COLUMBIA! . . ' - ' .-.' Ragalar atssmars from Portland: rhaspeet '-rates from th oast to Inland pel ate: ae hand, heavy soli, perpetual water rlgbt with each tract, sarlmsr products, largest prices! -" ths Callfocala of th Northwest. Writ ; , . HOVES LAND CO., : Beesr. Waablngtoa. ' , SOU SALaV-House and lot: modern: fine lorn, a tloa; Brooklyn Hslghts. T82 Esst Eighth st. is A CRN AT bargain at St. Johns Tws nice tsges wit two urge ante ror $1,800. Ad. 'joining lots selling for $80 each. . Bbepard, Dob A Pstsrsoa, St. Johns, Oregoa. FOB SALE AT A BARGAIN A Sne stork rangs, soatslning shout 2.880 . kcres; sll under fence; sltnstedVaeer Rose. . 'hurg. Oregoa. oa S. P. R. R.l thlk Is on of '- the best stork range In tb county; I sis - have another good stock range containing 1.430 acre, which will be old at a very low Klc. For particulars ad drees J. R. Suthsr. 1, owner, Kosobarg, Oregoa. . SELLWOOD City - View Park. a th hank of lb Wlllaenstts. lots $6 dowa, $3 per month: fine fsetorr sits with water powers la Rose addition 40 choice hemes from g.VS) ', to $6,000. W. H. Moorebouee. 660H Umatilla s vs.. Sail wood. Or. s . .. - $6.T80 S-ROOM sew boas, swsll tocatlea. . bet. Twenty-third and Twesty-fouvth. ea r Everett St.; terms. $3,000 raah. haUnee S . per rent. A. fc. Velguth, SO North Eighteenth ' St., bet. Davis aad KvrU sta. Phoae TadSe I .r -. .'-. '- A SNAP. ' Per Sale MoAees I-rnom hnass eamtahad. SS.6OO1 (1.600 cash., be Use terms: as sb inviwimsai, pays la pa ease . 1SBT. A CHOICE tore tloa aa ' tbs peulssals; will . build house to suit; smsll payment down, '. balance easy terras. Phoae Scott 8307. er call aod Commercial bldg. FOB SALE South Mount Tabor acreage, -uharbaa homes and fruit fsrms. Sre the ' South Mount Tsbor Resl Estate OfScs.. Take . Mount Tsnar-Bsasrrulr car, ea First et, Phen ' Esst 420S. ....... FAXON PARK v . - Is bow sa lb market. Lets at acreage cr prices. ,- . ,.. ,, - ::. Lots 6.1x200.. .....,......,'..$100 :, Lots 100x280 ,..8i0 , tots Sx280..... $400, ' Three lota are all - In culllvatlos. . sVval ' "hod sightly, ea a graded street. S mlnotee' wslk to good ,10-ruom schonl at Lenta; $-eetit " fare to sny part of Portland; water free. . Terms. O. R. Add I to, owaer. Leats, re son; take moaat Scott esr. 6. r NEW S-room boase; Urge lot; $70O; $76 dowa, .. $12 ner month: eaa sere tract. $.1M caafe: en lot SOS eeah. See owner la the White Hons at Nashville Addltloa, oa Mt. Scott car Una. 6Vi ACRES, honse, 1 ser email fruit; Sse tors. tloa. .- Inquire Freak A., Wlllsrd. - Moats . villa. . Psoas Esst 4122. '- KELLY ST., Vet 87x1 TO. over look wig Willamette, - $400. Klnssll, SOS Commercial blk. Mala 3828. FOR SALE CHEAP A brand hew pbonosTeph with 1 concert and 1 bom horn aad Ml records. 463 Lerejoy st. Phoaa PsctSe 1388. COLLEGE, near Tblrteearh St.; sightly Int. IS minutes' wslk front pnstnfAce, See owner, 418 McKay, Third aad Stsrki Pboa Red S23S. ; ' ..... .,, . . . BEAI TIFl'I. locstion for flats. Per sals by M. E. L, KM Sixth st. . $4,800 WILL buy Int gnttsbl for 4 flats, wry , select neighborhood. Bee M. E. Lee.. 83)4 f Sixth st. ' - 8460 CORNER lot la SraoklB. 100 feet from car. ..I07H Third st. . . $14,000 FLATS paying IS per eaat, oa 12th at- 1 0T Third st. $1. Tort CORNER lot la Hollsday, gloss In. 107 H Third St. , $10,80060x100 CORNER ea First st- that will pay 30 per cent. 107Vi Third st. FOR 8AI.K Two ler pieces chma to mill sits, St. Johns, $1,400 each: part time. Phone Esst 138T. . - I . $3.200 MODERN -S-ronm house near the steal bridge, esst side. . 107 V Third St. . . -. FOR cheap homes ea esst aid call ap Bast 4016. $2,rso New 6-room cottage and groaade 180x180 feet; plenty of fruit trees; location sear Forbes A Msrtln's greenhouses. Mount Tabor. F. S. AKIN. ' 623 Chamber of OomsMrcs. . EI-F.OANT S-room homo. Eleventh at., south of Wsahlngtoa; nicely furalshed Inside, furnscs, all sjodarn coavenlaac) worth $1,000 more . than we ask: must be soldi lavsstlgsto at 1 . osce. ' price $T.00O. ..... , 7-ropm houea ea Hverstt St., wast ioe, on '48x100 feat lot; modern convenience, cement walks., street ' Improved.- Only $4,600. Mndsra 8-room house, - been built a few months only, with sitrs-large cloests, bstb. , Isrgs cuphosrd snd chins closet, Srepmee, . hardwood Soors downstslrs, fur sacs: la fact rathlne rlaht ua to date: la very beet . nalghhorhood, streets Improved, cement wslks ' laid; thla is ens or ins nicest aomes in tna - city; ! can glvs llbsrsl terms to the right , party. - $7.760. , , "'. . 7 room houa. Multnomsh St., betwees Esst i Third and Union ave.; beautiful grounds, streets fully Imbrevsd, vary best nslgnbor aood. Pries $3,860. . Rxtrsond T-rosm beuee, East Twelfth si., between Thorn paos snd Tlllsmook; aesrly . ' new. fall . bsssmsat; sa xtre-good bay. Bea'iillfiil lot' TSxlnn feet, o Clac'ksmas St., HoUaday Psrk sddltlon; sewer la. streets ImnroveO, gas, wster malss laid, sad aly NVwESTBRN OREGON TRUST COM 11 NY. ... 3W1 Stark st. - , .s. u; block. Elghtvvnrh snd Raleigh ' stti poaltlvsly .cbeep al-bdovs pnoe, m cssa, baMBoa S per cant. r. S. AKIN. 82$ Cbsmber of Commerce. FOR SALS' FARMS. SUBURBAN HOME S-ronm boos snd bsth. 8 , set ee isna. aesoruui arovw, yoaag arcnarv, at Courtney station, $),000, ' Snsp 14Scrss at Courtney sUttetx ea 40 acres to Temhllt eouaty,' ft P. D. , t-room honse, $0 per. aer. . L. A. AND Ayr. D0WUNG. , . - MUwaakla, Ot.