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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1906)
n r While in the east this montVur buyer, Mr. Phil- Gevurts, concluded arrangements with a large sewing machine man ufacturer whereby this store becomes the exclusive depot for the sale of these machines in Oregon. We shall buy from the MANUFACTURER direct a-J ship in CARLOAD LOTS. Having made a marked success in the steel range busi ness by this method, we have' no doubt .that we shall repeat the result in the sewing machine line , By This Weans the Middleman's Profits Are Cut Out ; v;i : : 'i the consumer obtains from us the Finest Machines at w v vvnoiesaie Fwee This machine has all the good qualities of all the celebrated and highly-advertised makes combined into one. THE EXPIRING PATENTS NOW PERMIT THIS, -.. -:;, i '.'',!'. '.'r ;'..', . 7 V.';-' .v'- ' ' Never in history has opportunity offered to secure a tewing machine equal to this at the price. The machine is a highlpss, high-arm, lock-stitch, with the new ball-bearing stand and all the latest im provements. !';- V V.ViKA'Vr-;:. f- y,.-y--' ''.' a .. sai .... va 11 I . FT TV . . 1 1 . . v ' '. '.W-V.X t , . SF It is not a department store machine, simply made to V sell cheap. . ; 'V'V ..' . This new High-Arm Sewing Machine is of the VERY HIGHEST ORDER, built exclusively from the .very finest of materials, in a most accurate and perfect ; manner.' Its design embraces every latest feature of con r, struction, and its simplicity is almost marvelous. . ' No woman in Oregon should longer be without a High-Class Sewing Machine, after learning of our ex traordinary offer of a - n '..'?:-".V:'.v During' ..This Special Introductory Sale Commencing Monday and Lasting ,v v;'-vm4Dayi on the Special Terms of $1.00 down and j ' ' :r ' t.. Against Imperfections in Kither ,, Worknunship or material., , f 0 rrce Attachments Free ' nickel plated steel attachments as follows are furnish ed with each mii chine i Ruffler, tuck-1 er, binder, braider, foot, shirring, side -plate, four, assorted hemmers, . quitter, foot hemmer and feller. Needles, screwdriver, oil can, bobbins, etc., are in- eluded. - . Come in any day this week and'examme this great machine and witness its demonstration by lady operator. See win dow display. Do not heritateExerybody is invited tar accept this., liberal introductory offer. , We expect' to do the Improved Mechanisml This machine has the improved mechaniara, combining all late Improvements with the powerful, poai ttve (ear motion, something never before attempted. No cpringi, but positive action throughout. The needle is self -setting, cannot be wrongly adjusted and ia held with the latest patented form .of needle-clamp. The Automatic Bobbin-Winder ia a marvel to old sewing machine experts. The feed ia unquestion ably the best ever devised. It is double, extending on both aides of the needle, is absolutely positive in its action, and haa a full four-motion movement. , i ' , The shuttle la of larce site and is absolutely self-threading. . It is' held in the shuttle cradle in such a manner aa to prevent all rattling and clicking, which ia a frequent source of annoyance with other machinea. I Qevurfe THE HOUSEFURNISHERS V73-Y7S First Street 219-227 Yamhill Street " IF NOT READY Just now to make a deposit or order machine, you are invited to call and inspect the machine, and if you so desire you may file your applica tion, which will entitle you to these Special Intro ductory terma. . :.r GIRL BABY RAISED urn CHICKENS Little One Nurtured for Weeks In Poultry Incubator and '" Then In Brooder. . INFANT CAINS EIGHTH V' OF A POUND EACH DAY Mother Dies During Caesarian Op eration and' Offspring ,1a " Placed ,A4onc win aid in voumj sivw ' pital Hennery. (Jtm1 SpH1 Srr!f. ' Oakland. CaL. Feb, 17. A baby girl naa been nutured for ireeka In a thlcknn Incubator at the county infirmary, sur rounded by several dosen eac that hatched while ahe was being coddled from a, -wee mite of humenlty Into 0. chubby baby. Pussy, pecking chickens were taken from the incubator annul' taneouely. wltk their at ran re slater to be placed In a brooder. Hour by hour auraes aad Superintendent W. A. Clark watched eagerly the stranae working of mother nature under the atranga oondl- uone raanroTiaaa at tbe oountr hoenltaJ. aad all of them are proud of the sturdy little slater , of the infant Plymouth nocita. ..... Two months an Dr. Clark waa called to the heme of Manuel Floras. Be found the man'e wife lying at the point of death' with Brlaht's dlaeaae. Her time to lira waa numbered In hours. Resort waa had to the Caesarian operation end the mother died. .- The child waa taken ttftoe mnrmary. - ume anas inorea waa placed tm a flewny oouch In the tray flanked by egeev- .There ahe remained until the ssa Were hatched. Teaterday all were remored to the brooder. The child haa gained ene elhth of a pound erery day w. un aa inuuoacor, , - awetawred Jteoek flaauua Ooaaa. Allen dk Xawls Best Brand, A II... HI. - raawUl Dtoeaira la The Jonwl. Canyon dir. nr. a-.K t r. t... been decided by the school board to re- piao om acnooi ouuding whleh waa re wnuy gramma or nre at Dayrllle, with a modem aaracture to cost tt,5oe. v U' 4vl Is -r ' . , I DLUESTEM ' T9 te,te. . Is made from best east "ern Washington bluestem ; ; wheat and treated with the best aginf rrocess i known to . science. A I high- .priced ; flour and ; worth the money." Every guaranteed. . BioansaAXSi wcuamm oo. .W' sssH.wj raaalagtoa St. ... r4 Mane aula , IMS. REALM FEMININE THE OLD, OLD MAID. v Sometlmea the very best way In the world to measure our progress la to take a look backward over the road we have traveled. Kindly do so now Just to note the impaaaable gulf between the genuine, sure-enough old maid of two or three generauona ago ana tne bright, attractive, well aet up aad well' dressed bachelor maid of today. Although it haa never yet .been put oa the statute-books by our hard worked legislators, by some myaterlous end occult process to which society and Mrs. Grundy seem to have given their Joint consent, the woman who Uvea to or beyond the age of It unmarried, baa been granted a renewal of her leaae to "life, liberty and the pursuit of bappi neaa," , She is no longer considered "soft" or "designing" Just because her self-respect and her Innate love of beauty and health Inaplrea her , to keep aa well groomed and well dressed aa her oir- eumatences permit; ahe is no longer sneered at for being "strong-minded" If she ends her brain ao active that ahe must give It something to keep buay on, ao don't be surprised ir you nna bar supplementing her school education with the study of some language, adding to her atock of general information Dy tne study of history and literature or keep ing abreast ocjthe times by a Judicious reading of the beet new books snd the dally papers. ' ' Tou will alao And bar aa attractive and valuable accession to . the social circle to which ahe belongs and she la welcome at teas, receptions and wherever people meet for social recrea tion. ' J"-; , . , - " This bachelor maid ia in offices and stores working side by side with men. commanding their respect by her own self-respect but at the same time never exacting the attentions from them that would render her presence In places of buslneaa a hindrance ' rather . than a help. . ' u - Unconsciously te nerseir. pernapa, ene discriminates between the elaborate courtesy of society and the abrevlated sort that meets the .requirements of the place of business. For this and other good reaaona ahe is in the bualneas world, aad there to etey. ,. She Is a nice, bright, lovable. Intelli gent girl. If, she likes you she'll be a good friend; she Is helpful and full at resource both for herself and others. There are hundreds -of her In Port land. In offices, schools and stores. , She's part of the -salt of the earth from San rranelaoo to,i the ' "golden strand' of Cape Cod. ''A She e such a tremendous advance oa want to fling ons oa the serosa for yeur inspection. . . . , Hare Is a back-country type of her taken from Ufa ' Peace te her asbesl Bhe haa a prooounoedl Romaa noi aad ahe wore her "front hair parted and combed straight down te a little above her eara where it was made Into three little corkscrew ' curia aad bar "back hair" was done up in a pug. Bhe waa stoopy - in the shoulders, swollen and stiff and rheumatic-in the Joints; she took snuff and carried a cane. -' Her voice was cracked and disagree. able and if ahe ever smiled It was at some particularly toothsome morsel of scandal, of which ahe carried a large aad varied line that ahe waa wont to pro duce when ahe went out "to spend the afternoon and stay to tea." . She waa materialised, aolldlfled gloom and chronle discontent wasting, rust ing away In order to play faithfully the role that waa expected or her. -. Her name waa Polly. Poor, Polly I Finally ahe . died and . the heartleas man In' whose house she had made her home for aome . time prevloua said "The laat rational word she , ever uttered waa a slander." - And that alander waa about a bright. blameless, blithe' young woman. Poor Polly! ....... , ' v How natural it Is for - poor, weak human nature to hrte in another what above all else It desires' In Itself. . When, this pretty young woman heard of Miss Pollys laat utterance she amtled and merely remarked that doubt less Miss Polly would "work round Into heavsn some time." Poor Polly I ... A few weeks sgo when the Rev: Dr. Van Waters spoke to the Home Train ing association he referred to the po tency of mental suggestion, ana I eue pect that mental suggestion wss to blame for the "old. old maid." Bhe STOS auwttwosv ' X T. tiucaa, vringo. ay. writes, Anril it. 1902: "For 16 to 11 Tears 1 had been afflicted with a malady known as the tic 11.- in, iicning waa most unbearable; I naa inea . tor yeera to find relief, having tried all remedies 1 could . hear of, bealdes a number of doctors. I wish to state that one sin gle application of Ballard'a Snow Lini ment cured me completely and perma nently. Since then I have need the Unl rr.ent on two separate oocaalnna , for ringworm and It cured completely. lie. t0o a J Il.tO. Bold by Woodard, e Co. . unconsciously looked and acted the part people 'In their minds expected she Would. : WOMEN DRUMMERS. Clarke c From the Philadelphia Record. There are numbers of them In Phil adelphia," said a well-known traveling man, a peaking of women drummers, "more succesaful than the men. "One of the moat successful drummers I know ia an old lady who lives here Bhe Is a grandmother, and through re verses of fortune waa obliged to take to the road, carrying on her husband's business. . She's old and comparatively feeble, but ahe can sell more goods than any man. t "I understand that today she haa bought a fine house, and sends a grand son and granddaughter through col lege by her work. There are lota of women en the, road who make a bust nees of selling liquors, and, though it does not seem to be a strictly feminine field, they succeed in the work" A NEW TRADE IN LONDON. From an Exchange. For years past, writes a correspond snt to the English and American Register of Berlin. Germany. , the artiste stoppeurs have been known in Paris, but the first of their character istic blue and white signboards haa Just appeased in London, naturally In a French ouarter. An artiste etoppeu'r.. to put It badly, is a woman who mend holea la cloth. If moth holes come In a valuable gown, if a dress cost gets torn, ir a nan makes an ugly tear in a dainty twill aklrt, a Parlalan takes the spoilt garment to the nemreat atoppeur. who deftly mends the hole so that the place where the rent waa cannot be de tected. If a heartrending staldwll not yield to ordinary measures, the atop peur cuts out the offending spot snd fills the hole with her own work, which can only be Compared to weaving. Her chargea are fairly high; that la to aay. she ssks aeven or eight shillings ror mending a three-cornered tear In a silk voile skirt but sfterward the skirt that under ordinary conditions could only be an eyesore is ready to face the world without a flaw on Ita delicate sur face. To mend an uncomfortable little tear on a man's coat coats three or four shillings, and a clever stoppeur will renovate a. checked walatcoat that haa been burnt by a lighted match ao that Hot even with a magnifying glaaa can one tell where the hole has been. Independence day is a KEPT IN SANTO DO?. If.' GO - 'Jearnal gpeelsl Rervke.l Santo Domingo, Feb, 17. Today la the Sixty-third anniversary of the Indepen dence of Santo Dnmlngo, and the day is being observed through the the llad with - considerable enthusiasm, by all The Kind Ton Have Iwava Bonrhte and which haa 1 in rose for ever SO years, haa borne tha mlmata - and haa been made tmder his p 7y?T?rShA sonalsrjpervhdoa since ltatnaarargw mmm . w WO. V J WW MB VMM, All Coanterfeltft, Imitations and M Jostw.ftodM are bcr Erpcrlmenfc, that trifle with and endansr the health ? Infants and QiIMr:rjr--Ebq?erlence against I&cperJsafK)ja What io CASTORIA 'Oastorla is a harmless snbstita'e for Castor Oils . ; gotic Drops and Soothing Syrups. It ia Pleasant. ; 1 , .contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Vareo 7, 1 ambstance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Yorar , ' and allays Fcverishncss. It cures Diarrhoea aad T7ind Tollc It relieve Teething Troubles, cures Coitatlpatlaa ' -and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food retaliates the) . Stomach and Bowels, jlving healthy and natural sissy The Children -z Ieuucea---Tbe Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTOJBIAvv0 Bears ta . Signature ef ' SI -- - asaaBaasaara aj The M You HaYO.Aluays Bonit V. In Ueb For Over CO Ycirc. and brilliant diplomat:, - oception was held at the government alaco. Great precautlena were taken u I through the republic to prevent rtoto or disturbances of any kind during tha celebrations In the varloua-dlstrtcia and towns. oi r- fSsee! k Toledo. V. Patch of th's r" ous internal 1, a vlcioas year age. 1 1 of the es.r. .iactloaa. iln honor of the day1 a lar . . 1 ; '.'V fee "old maid" ef tpest days that I just