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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1905)
Beat .Values" "Yoiip Eloney Worth, op Your Trloney Back" "Beat Vc,Siac3" Store diosedl Bay Monday, Deo. 2505 i i eaaa i .J lilil.ll I . I Tl IllHIIIIt.lHllvl i n r I a p Portland's Fastest Growing Store GREAT AKTIJUA1L Starts Tuesday, December 2005 Radical and positive reductions without regard to costworth or former prices. Every article in every department greatly reduced in price contract goods alone excepted. Wc inaugurate our Great Annual Clearance, Sale throughout the house. Our season's regular sales have been very large and we've reaped our legitimate profits. Now, we are looking ahead to another season's business, placing orders and preparing to supply your future needs. If we are to do this, as satisfactorily as in the. past, our stocks must be absolutely fresh arid new. In order to make this possible we conduct these Great Annual Clearance Sales in Every Section marking goods down to the lowest possible limit. Prices have had to be made to insure quick clearing. Not only Care all odd pieces and sizes, all broken assortments, and all goods mussed or soiled in the Christmas rush, but all our new Fall and Winter goods are priced far below recognized fair value priced, lower than ever before lower we believe, than anywhere in Portland. Tuesday, December 26, is the first day of this great sale. A sale that affords a bargain feast without parallel. : We Have Hade Great Prepara- Grand Clearance Sale Exceptional TH1 KlITrCX tij, for a Tremdou, Sing Apparel Bargains Spocly Low Priced If j) )i S S lTy"flP dLlS Values that ring .true, that you can depend upon Such is our confidence in the values we are pre- r. . . being satisfactory, even before seeing them. No ques- pared to give that we claim that you do an injustice to You will find the kinds and colorings i in the great- tion about styles, there's an abundance of that in the power of your money if you buy without feeing esf demand right now. You'll find "the greatest possi-" - every -garment. -It'r the T?ricw being right that is- our stock.- There is no good style kind or color that ble variety of fashionable weaves and approved fabrics creating the healthy business in this department. A you cannot find here, and prices need only be compared to choose from, such a wide range that every possible P"3 Ust to select from Tuesday. EVERY ARTICLE -with the lowest elsewhere to prove superiority of our taste must be suited. Every yard will be sold at clear- IN THIS DEPARTMENT AT CLEARANCE SALE values: EVERY YARD OP GOODS IN THIS ance sale prices. LOOK FOR THE SPECIAL PRICES. LOOK FOR THE SPECIAL PRICE SECTION AT CLEARANCE SALE PRICES. PRICE TICKETS. TICKETS. . ' LOOK FOR THE SPECIAL PRICE TICKETS. January MoneyaTing Sale of XaCG CuitaillS MUSllH, Sheeting Slides v and Draperies and Bedding The order has been issued from the office to allow a The busy hum of life is always apparent in our At this season every housekeeper is thinking of ia- discount on every article in the house.'. The ' shoe Drapery Department, because we have a large variety, creasing her supplies of Sheets and Pillow Cases. Ho- buyer has cut most every line of shoes 25 per cent and best styles and qualities the market produces ; because , tels and rooming-houses lay in their supply for spring, in most cases 50 per cent. Can you grasp the meaning our prices for the same goods are so far below the Our Annual Clearance Sale is of great interest to all, of so liberal a discount? If you can, it will mean the other stores ; because we spare no pains to see that you as we have been extremely careful in selecting only busiest shoe department in Portland. The reductions are properly served and get your money's, worth or reliable goods, and will sell them at the lowest posst- are bona fide, and every pair guaranteed worth their money back. EVERY ARTICLE IN THIS SEC-7 ble-prices. LOOK FOR THE SPECIAL PRICE original price from a wearing standpoint. LOOK TION AT REDUCED PRICES. LOOK FOR THE TICKETS, YOU'LL FIND THEM EVERY- FOR THE SPECIAL PRICE TICKETS. SPECIAL PRICE TICKETS. WHERE. Our Great Annual Clearance Sale of Women's and Children's Knit Underwear Commences Tuesday. ' It is impossible to emphasize too strongly or im- press , upon, you too-convincingly- the- moneys saving: importance of this annual clearance sale never before has such a general reduction of prices taken place. By -way of illustration we state that you can buy - Women's $1.00 Wool Underwear at. G9e Women's 75c Wool Underwear aU..... . ... ... 50e) Women's 50c Cotton Underwear at ............ 27 Women' 35c Cotton Underwear at. . . . . .. . ,19 Children's 50c Wool Underwear at. ........... . .25 Children's 35c Cotton Underwear at. ......... . . ;'19t SPECIAL PRICE TICKETS IN EVERY , ; . DEPARTMENT. Grand Clearance Sale of Men's Goods ' We expect a big rush Tuesday because of the un . usual values we are offering in the line of Men's Fur nishings and Underwear. Every article in the depart ment marked at a greater saving than at any previous sale. SPECIAL PRICE TICKETS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT.'.-.,;. :.:... . ,7 : . Special Price Tickets in Every Department Each One Tells You of a Saving EUGENIE'S . FLIGHT TOLD III DET1: Ail Paris Discussing Memolnrof American Dentist, Dr. Evans, Just Published. LAST DAYS OF SECOND IV ' . EMPIRE ARE DESCRIBED .Book Unusually Well Written ani 'Bears Testimony in Every Lint of Love lor unnappy n-mpresa wno nr V -J V IMmt. Wnriil LMMd By Paul Villlera. - (Conrrlsht. Hert Neies Perrlce. by Wlrs to The Journal.) Pari. Dec. 3. All Pari la reading and discussing the memolra of tha American den tut. Dr. Erana. tha friend tf- Napoleon III. whjoh hara Juat bn published and whlen contain the moat excellent deecrlptlon of tha laat daya "Of 'the aecond emptre arer pbllahed. Tha moat Intereatlna; parta-of thla moat lntereatln work are the five chaptera In which the American ' dentlat telle of Empreaa Euerenle'a flldht from Parle. Everybody i knowa ' hew the haplena woman fie. from the Tullerlee to Dr. kvana houae, accompanied by Mme. la Breton and M. De Metternlchtuit for the flret time all tha detalta of the fllht from Parla to DeauvUle are told. Tha empreea heraelf, who deelred t get away from Purla aa quickly aa poe alble, had planned to to to Poleay In m domed carrlaaa and. there take the train for Havre, where aha Intended to board a boat for Southampton, but Dr. Evana Inaleted that It waa too danaeroua to travel by rail and that. tha whole trip to the coaat muat be taken In m car rlaajn. ..." Mini. EVane waa at that time at Deanvllla, and It Waa' decided that the emcrrf n nhptild ico on .hoard- boat at i that- place. The 6th of September at ( o'clock In ' the 'morning- the four traveler aet out in a carriage from Dr. Evana'-houae. ' iThe empreea -and Mme. La Breton were d reused In, black, and carried no baggage at all, and neither at Porte Mot Hot nor at Saint Germain nor at Nantea were they recognlaed by any body. At DeauvlUe, Dr. Grane, Dr. Evana aaalatant, and Mme. Le Breton took rooma in a hotel while tae empreaa waa aecretly taken to Mme. Evana' apart menta, where ahe nearly fainted In her arma with the exclamation: "My Ood! I am aafe." Leaving- the empreaa with hta wife, the doctor, who realised that it waa out of the question to croaa the channel on the regular boat, began a search for a suitable vessel and found the -Gaselle. a yacht belonging to an English noble man. Sir John Burgoyne. He went on board tha yacht, and having frankly ex plained everything, asked Sir John If he would take the empress to England. Sir John at first refused, but finally left the queatton to Lady Burgoyne, who moved to pity at the tale of tha dlatreas of the empreaa, consented. Before dawn the next - morning the yacht with tha .empress on board weighed anchor and it hours later the woman who had ruled the gayest capital in the world landed at Cowea and from there went to Hastinga, where aha met tha prince Imperial. Dr. Evana' book la unusually well written and every line bears testimony of his love and admiration for' the Un happy woman, who- la now respected and pitied by the whole world, and who, la aplte of her vanity and love of pleaa ure, nevertheless loved Franca above all countries In the world. KAISER DISTURB Id II ED PU WON Bad News From Russia Which ': . ...f? Threatens Teace of Empire Causes Unrest! T NEW BOULEVARD FROM ' TACOMA TO SEATTLE - - (RpteUl rttapetek te The Tneraal.) Seattle, Wash.. Deo. II. County Sur veyor Valentine has been Instructed by the board oT county commissioners to commence the survey of a permanent boulevard between here and Tacoma. The lines "for the new road will begin shortly after tha first of tha year. The work on the Seattle-Tacotna boulevard la the Klna- county portion of tha high, way that tha ' Good Roads association advooatca aa a beginning of tha pike to extend from the border of British Co lumbia through Idaho, Oregon, and Call fnrnla to the borders of Mexico. Be-' tween Seattle And Orllla the road la satisfactory but' sooth of there a new line must be laid out. ,-' v MANY GERMANS IN - BALTIC PROVINCES While Emperor William Is Anxious , to Protect His Subjects, He Will Take No Step to". Render Csar's Position MoreTDifficult. (Copyright, Rearst Mews Rerrloe. by Leaied , . Whre to The Jnvniil.) By Malaolm Clarke. . Berlin, Dee. 1!. The Chrlatmas joy of the kalaer and the whole Imperial family has been greatly disturbed hy the continued bad newa which la coming from Russia every hour and which threatens the peace of the' empire. While the kaiser la anxloua to render protection to the thousands "of German aubjecta in the Baltic provinces whose Uvea are In danger he Is at the same time determined not to take any atep which might render the position of the csar's government more difficult than It already la unleaa It becomes abso lutely necessary. In the meantime the German govern ment haa at the- order of the kalaer chartered a number of large steamera from steamship companies at Hamburg, Bremen and Stetln. which during this week have left for Riga and Reval, where they are anehored ready to give refuge to all Germane f desirous of eacaplng from the reign of terror exist ing at these places. - Many German papers are today de manding that Geiman men-of-war be sent, to protect the steamera and force the revolutlonlata to allow German aub jecta to escepe, which , ' they might otherwise not do, aa the population of the BaiUo provinces' art tUsi wlUt la- tense' hatred of everything German. Thla the- kalaer, however, opposes, con vinced that the csar, from whom he haa received several personal messages by courier during the last week, will notify htm whenever thla abould become necesaary. - -Everything remains quiet In Oerman Poland, but It la evident' that only the presence-.of an Immense body of troops In that part of the country ia preventing a aerlous outbreak. In government circles the opinion pre vails that , In aplte of the seriousness of the present condition In all parts of tha Russian empire the csar will ulti mately aucceed in restoring order and thla view la considerably .strengthened by tha report made by the former Ger man ambassador to 8L Petersburg, Count von Alvennleben, who Immedi ately after his arrival here had a long talk with the kalaer, whom he asaured that the'csar personally-had no fear of the outcome and that both he and the csartna seem to be In the beat of health and spirits. I sm able' to announce that In the very near future the engagement of an other prince of the house'' of Hohen tollern la to be officially announced. Prince Frederick Helnrich, the eldeat aon of Prince Alfred, prince regent of Brunswick, It Is aald in-eourt circles. Is secretly engsged - to Princess Alexan dre Victoria, second dsughter of Denies-wlg-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glucksburg. . REFUSE TO LET YANKEES i WREST THE LAURELS By Paul Vllllers. I (Ooprrtfht, Meant Wews "ervtee, by teased Wire to The .Joorl. ) "- - Paris, Dec, 11. The news of Mr.. Al fred Vanderbllt's new automobile, which Is being built in New York by Frsncols Richard acd which It- Is hoped will de velop a etfeed of ' lit miles an hour, haa created ' much 1 Interest here and automobile manufacturers are planning to build French cars which are Mo de velop even greater speed. One of our most famous designees of racing auto m obi lea said to me yesterday: "Wo are not going to let tha Tankeea wrest the laurels from ua without a struggle and I do not think the time haa yet come to surrender. A French firm of world-wide reputation but whoaa name I am not at liberty to give has even now started constructing a racing car of 10 horsepower which they claim will be able to make 100 miles an hour. "If the car cornea up to expectations It will probably be sent across to com' pet with Mr. Vanderbtlt'g car." . ALSATIANS CONTINUE TO LOVE FRENCH German Empress Embarassed by Schoolgirl's Request, But Grants Iti - " tessed (Copyright, Rearst Sews Bervlee, by wire to The Journal. By Malcolm Clarke. Berlin, Dec. 11. It Is a well-known fact that In spite of all efforts of the German government to Germanise the people of. Alsace and Lorraine, these continue to love the French language aa much aa ever.- That thla condition prevails waa made evident by a little Incident - which happened in ITrvllle, a little village near one of the kaiser's hunting csstles. The empress, aa ahe haa often done before, visited the girls' classes sod be fore leaving ah told the little girls that ahe would fulfill any wish they might have If it be within her power to do so,- She has often done ao in other schools In Germany and almoat Invariably the' reply haa been: "Please give na a -tot of cakes, a lot of aaussge and goosa fat.". In this esse, however, something dif ferent happened. One of the oldest of the little girls got up and with a voice which .'trembled 'm' Uttle aald: "If It pleanea your majesty, we should be ao happy If you would let Ua learn French- !at school." The empress was considerably em barraased and at first did not know what to answer, but ; at lust salt she supposed she would have to keep'her promise and she has actually done so. In this little school of all the schools In the provincea tha French language ia taught. v But the empreaa .'will probably - be more ' careful next time ahe visits Alsace. , - TT-.. 4 - J " a T i ' ' -l m now a otuaent jearnea to Renew His Strength ..'... - , '.'' . - -. A student relates the manner in that all the muscle needs to make which he had his doubts cleared up it act, is an impulse. Remember, it as to "What and what not tb eat. is the nerve that tires firstfoot the By following the suggestion of the muscle." oia proiessor, ne touna tnat Dotn . - ' 1 . - bodily and mental vigor were very , materially increased. The lesson Th most imnnrtant tnnA nt tha ' that the student found to be so val-. nerves ;and brain," continued the uable was learned in this manner professor, "is phosphorous, j The : J' - hieirest. bulkiest - muscles in the . " - - world are no good without the J5y chance one day he wandered nerve to drive them to work. That into the laboratory of physiology explains why small wiry men will where an experimental lecture was many times, undergo much greater under way. I lie professor selected, physical strain than large men." a young man from the Class and K Phosphorous," said the prof asked htm to elevate a heavy dumb bell above his head until his mus , j-les refused to work any longer. The young man did so and when his muscles were totally fatigued the professor applied an electrical cur rent to the-; triceps muscle of the arm. "TJndef this new stimulus the - young man was able to raise the 1 dumb bell above his head several times more. - v- es- sor, is the food both of mental en ergy and physical strength." ' Ralston Health Oats, by the new process, which softens the covering of the starch granule containing the phosphorous, present a wealth of nerve and" brain building' food. They have a deliciously different taste. : . -.. ; , j LA GRANDE READY FOR 4 THE FRUITGROWERS (Special rttapstrb tn The' mrssl. La Grande. Or., Dec. 23. Arrange ments have been entirely completed for the reception of the Northwest Fruit growers' association. ' which 'will meat at.La Grande, January. Mo t. . The Com- This experiment i proves" said Ralston Health Oats it a favorite the professor, "that in violent or food with brain workers. Ralston longustained exerciser it is the nerve that becomes tired first, not , the muscle. You know'contined the learned man. "that a muscle never acts until the nerve tells it to. The nerve becomes exhausted after it compels a-muscle to do the same thing over and over again and soon refuses to drive the muscle to its Work." .. ., .,, . Health Oats' are Tound on the train ing tables of nearly all the colleges in the United States. - J Try Ralston Health Oats for re newed brain energy and to gain physical strength. Remember it is not the muscle that tires first, it is the nerve. The brain and nerves 0 " live almost entirely on phosphorous. ' ' ( Ralston Health Oats are rich in "The electrical shock is similar to - easily digested phosphate At your s nerve impulse, and you have seen grocer's two packages for 25 rents. j 1 . - merclal Club building will be given over to the deleantes and visitors oh this occasion. Hieoll rallrond ratea have been aecured from all points la the northwest. An excellent been prepfd by '. I retary of the- sn' ti'' wlU be ,a ?'" t