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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1905)
J THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 21 1005. i - liiDITIOII OF THE CITY DEPARTMENT HAS r IS BEST i YEARS MODEL SHOP V '. '- - .' .. - u - SCHOOLS 4 Annual, Report 0 Board Shows : Affair Generally. . , NEW BUILDINGS ARE - ; RELIEVING CONGESTION ! Plant for Next Year Include E penditure of Eighty Thousand Dol Ura lot New Structural for PapUa in Suburban Districts. ' ! .porUnd,aPuWliT-'choola ere -In a ttter condittoa Uaa 'thfcV gave Uwu ''far rears, according f tha annual re- t pert ot tha school directors which wUl f be submitted to tba taxpajrere a the I aanual moating Wednesday night ; Tha director mat - reeterday efter ' peon and fixed tha apaoial U IT t 5 t.i mills ana ncomnwrani ' ,. K X ! tars of 180.000 for new buildings aha f comlnr year. Tba amount ralaad by the ! saeclal levy, together with tha atate and Sunty school funds. wHl ba safflctant i ta oarry tha district through tha year. Although tha exact amount which caa Vv be ralaed from au " it will ba somewhat in " mount expended tha past year. ' .'-. : - Many Mora Teachers. Although tha amount to ba expanded ' . far new buildings next year will not be V as large by Se.000 aa that expended '.- tula year, tha Increased, revenue wiu i ba neoessary .owing to the fact that the , teachers' ealaries have bean raised aad J at least tt additional teachers wUl have .1 ta be employed on account pf the rapid t increase la the .number W puplle and t the equipment of the new aaat aide High f school It la estimated that the attend- '.' ance la the schools next year will e reed the present attendance by at leaat i J.000. Be vera! Innovations are planned ; by tha board which will Incur a nominal ' expense, but which are necessary to f Keep tba Portland schools abreast of i the times. The report follows: "To. the taxpayers ot school, district I "Tha board of directors present to f you at this time a report of, what has I "been done during, tba fiscal year now ; -Bdlng together with their recommenda tlona tor tha oomlng year. . ... , . "It will ba remembered that at tha . last annual meeting mention was made ' of tha crowded conditlona of tha several '. schools in tha aortheaatarn part of tha ! i city. To relieve that situation a tract . j of ground In Irvlngton waa purchased of Mrs. Elizabeth Ryan at a cost of ! 11,000. A building of eight rooms baa been erected on this block which will ba ' T ready for occupancy at the beginning of ' the neat school term. Besides this one ' ; new building, six rooms . have . bean ' added to the Highland school, alx'rooma t and aa assembly hail to each of tha ? ; shaver, Ooklay Oreea and Sallwood : schools. Tha auma total of tha building contracts for tha year aside from tha :, High achool amounta to IU0.O0S.zt. Tha basement of tha aaat aide High, school ' j 1 under construction and work wUl ba i pushed apon the building so that It may . be ready for tha opening of tha schools la September. V. ' "In the way of repalra tha largest ex penditure has been for new plumbing, v (several' buildings have, been painted. ' These and other - improvements - with , ", some needed alterations have placed tha I '. aehool property In a better, condition ' than it baa been for yeara.. '. . . Maw- Tralalng Cam tar. - ' ' "An additional manual training cen ter baa been established at tha Atkln ". son and one at the Highland achool dur . i lag the f year.- Tha Interest In this branch of work la steadily Increasing , and proves the wisdom of Its In trod uo- . tton. s "In order to give tha girls an equal opportunity with the boys, classes In ' sewing have been formed dulrng tha . present term, and although tha work Is ': la Ha beginning. It la believed that the , results will ba aa satisfactory as those . of manual training. ' "Kuala, which has beea omitted from the school course of study for several : yeara, has again been Introduced In the . primary grades, and If deemed advla : able will be extended through the ' v arammar course. The bonded indebtedness of 'the' dls- trlct Is tha same as at tha last report "The schools ot our city presented an ' ' 'excellent exhibit at tba recent Lewis - and Clark fair, which attracted tha at tentioa of prominent educatore and was ' tha subject of most favorable comment. Too much praise cannot ba given to pupils and teachers for their part in Ore iron's successful exhibition. Three , gold medals were awarded this work. The district haa been greatly favored by the loan from the United Bute government of valuable tnaps and pic turea and the memorial tablets .that hung on'' the walla of the corridors of the Government building , -at- tha. fair. One mtD. that of the United Btatea, is the lsraest and one of the most valua bla ever published. Thlsmap and two of tha tablets will be placed In tha new high school. The other tableta and valuable series of pictures- from the congressional library exhibit, represent' In tha tvolutlon of the book, are al ready placed In ' the weat aide high school. y-, ; . aText Taar-a Budget, l v Several portions of the district-are suffsrlna from a lack of school room accommodatlona and It la believed tha 180,000 will necessarily nave 10 oa ex rtended In providing additional rooms for the coming year. The estimated dls- D'HigBiiieiita 'fw" 1199 ara 'as follow: reacne'S sautnes. ........... i m.uw Janitors' salaries 11,000 School clerk's salary .. 1,100 Superintendent's clerk'a salary. - 760 Sunerintsndsnt of repairs. ..... ,. 1,000 Interest 10,000 Telephone 350 Insurance 1.000 Water ..i Advertising'....' too Kent .................. .w.. , 1,000 Statlonsry ......... (.000 rual s.ovu Oaa 1P0 Janitors supplies... ....,, 1.700 Printing 1.000 Streets and sewers ........... . 7,600 Repalra and aanltatlon... ...... 11,000 High achool laboratory. .... ' 00 School , election IM School furniture.. ..... .'10,000 Attorneya -reea ............... . aoo School census 100 Extraordinary expanses 1.600 Eleetrle power Manual training New buildings In. addition to tha county and atate school run ds the board recommends a special levy of .5 mllla. According to the annual - report of Clerk H, 8. AHen of tha Portland achool district, the finances of ' the publlo schools are In a better - condition than for yeara. - There ia a balance of IS, 10.01 In tha school funda against a balance of tt.tt4.2l on a corresponding data laat year. Tha receipts ot tha year were aa follows! , . , State school fund,- 1 44.0(8; county school,' t217,41; Ux roll of l0t, spe- elal tax,; tar roll or 104, special tax, t347, (29.17; delinquent taxes collected by county treasurer and achool elark. tt.7; sundry ' caah receipts. 1105.85; tutUon, t57t.0; bills payable, tt!; rafunda on perm Ha, toachera' sal aries, a to.. t!5t.80. Total. t8t,ll7.11. Tha dlabursements were aa follows: Teachers' salaries, tll.422.80; janltpra' salariea, $28,771; achool elerka salary,' tl.tOO; deputy clerk'e salary. I74S; su perintendent of repalra salary, 11,000. Total la . aalaHea, t!4t.Mt.t0. y - Expended for real aetata, $8,000; new buildings and additions, $120,361.88; re pairs to buildings, $8t.451.1t tniscel laneoua expenaea. Including furniture. Intereat. achool euppllea, etc., 1132, 774.28; general expense, 83.055.J8. ,ToUl dlabursements. $147,187.01. Balance on band, $3.01,0.1a. v . t " ; - There la atlll due on contracts -to,- 411.20 and claims nnpald 11,105, making Hi total of 87, 458.10. The bonded In debtedness of "the. district amounta . to $U0,B00.- .;..-.' - - ; :. Aceoraiag to tne acnooi census xaxen under the supervision of the clerk there are a total of $1,140 school children in the district between 4 and 20 yeara of age. Of this number 11,44$ are females and 13.41$ are malea. .- a eve a 1.900 t.eoo tooo Kaok Saow la Oraad Bouda. '. ' (Bpwtal Dtopatea ta Tba JoaraaL) La Orande, Or., Dee. 21. It la l ported that there ia mora anow In the mountalna aurroundlng tha Grand Ronde valley at the preaent time than ther waa at any tlme'last winter. If this ba true It Is certainly good news both for the sawmill men and the farmer. When there la plenty of .anow there are good crops. Snow not only meana plenty or water, but the anow capped peaks tend to cool tha wlnda and remove all danger of burning the crops -during tha summer. The mi 11m en seem to think there la no time like the present as they' all have large crews logging. ... - New East Side Plant for Repair of Fire Apparatus Very Complete. " IS SAVING THOUSANDS . ' YEARLY FOR TAXPAYERS Skilled Mechanics In Various Corn panics Give Their Services and Jobs of Beat Class Ara Turned Out Big Lathe Needed. f ' Tba east side offtca ef The Joonial la la the All the repair and construction work of., the Are -. department , la being i;en- tered at the new eaat aide ahop and for the flrst time in. the history of the Partland - department ample - room 'has been aecured and aome of the machines and toja most needed have been In stalled, and are' saving thousands' of dollar in repair billa. , The wide platform extending along the aouth aide of the nreboat houaa haa ben converted lnto a -shop which la roomy- and -well - lighted, neither - of which rriidltlona prevailed at the old west aide shop. Three or four skilled mechanics are being kept busy with re pair' worx and the apparatua of the de partment la being placed in better con dition than it haa been for yeara, . the new .'ahop and machinery enabling ex tensive alteratJone and Improvements to be made on wagons, trucks and englnea. Engine No. I, aa extra first class en gine purchased for the -west side depot house, which failed to materialise. Is 4a the ahop at present And Is undergoing some - extensive repalra. Truck No. 1, which has long been lu aervica, la also In the house and la being painted, over hauled and undergoing much new. work. The entire Hat of trucka. englnea, carts gnd wagona will ba gone over carefully and the entlro lot will be put through the handa of tha repair workers and kept In the beat of condition, . ' x la the department are several men who ara akllled maohlnlata; several pro fessional pain tare, half a dosen good mechanics and some Iron and ateel workers. These men are giving the ad vantage of their skill and experience and tha shop la turning out aa .high grade work as any in the dty at a cost but little greater than that of tha ma terials. A fairly good outfit of ma chinery ta installed, but a big lathe la needed and if purchased would save Its cost In a year, aa It would enable the firemen to handle Jobs that, at preaent are beyond the capacity of the ahop and very expensive when dona by outside mechanics. The power is supplied by a Ova horsepower etectrlo motor. . One of tha addltfons to the plant that will be favored aa soon as aome of the aew east aide stations are established and the necessity for Increased appro-1 priationa la lessened, is a blacksmith shop. It Is estimated that the yearly shoeing, casting and metal molding' bills at preaent given outside firms amount to a aum much more than tha cost of a good shop equipped to do every clasg of work and that the aavlng that would be made If tha department had such a plant would mora than pay for the out fit in a very few yeara Should the ahop be established In connection with the present plant the utility of each would be Increased. ) MULTNOMAH CAMP CROWS . 2f armera Bat used (ftperlil Dispatch to Tba JoaraaL) Walla Walla. Wuh, Dec, 23. Auditor Honeycutt could net get a bid thla aft ernoon on ttO acrea of achool land near Touchet Station, appraised, by Land Commissioner Ross at $40 an acre. farmers attending the sale declared the land wss not worth $1$ an acre, with all Its Improvements. - ' 1 a FRUIT AT THE BREAKFAST TABLE Nature Provides Its Own Remedies Which, If Used Judiciously, Insure Perfect Health at Alt Times. y - Its Membership Sow Ore SSleven JCun- dred Mark aad StUl Xaoreaalng. Fourteen members Joined Multnomah camp. Woodmen of the World, at its session thla week and 14 Joined a week ago. These addltlone make tha camo more than 1J00 atrong and aend It a long way toward Ita gcal of the largeat memberahlp In the Jurisdiction. At tha last meeting of tha lodge two turkeys were donated to members hold ing tickets and both were won by mem bers of tha drill team, Tha practice ot -giving prises each meeting night. which originated with tha camp officers of Multnomah, haa been adopted by the majority of other aaat aide camps and haa resulted ' in the attendance being grestly increased, more than a hundred coming to tha Multnomah session each Friday night. - - The promotion commrfiee of the order In the city haa about rounded up for .the flrst time all the lodgea and will meat. With Multnomah camp Friday evening. . - -r- One of the most Important fraternal functlona given thla sea eon will be held Saturday night In the form of a masked ball in Multnomah -hall under the aus pices of tha field team of Mount Hood circle. . Prises will be given for the most comical and most original, cos tumes worn, by couples. . Aside from the pleasure of eating seasonable trulls before beginning the first meal of tha day, this custom has undoubtedly arisen from the well-known fact that nearly all fruit and mora par ticularly plume "aTfatPRUNES contain - natural laxative ptinctplea which act directly ou tha stomach and bowels. Constipation, that dread and trouble- ?ome complaint which la undoubtedly he baslo cauae of nine tentha of the dyspepsia. Indigestion, biliousness, ate. so prevalent among our people today, and which, if neglected, surely leada to more - complicated and serious organic diseases, caa surely be prevented, and 1 when not. too far advanced ab aolutely cured by tha Judlcloua use of the modern laxative and cathartic Call- - fornla Prune Wafers. 'J. They are not a patent medicine In the ordinary aanso m ins word, being com ' pounded from fresh California Prunes, -which every Intelligent person knowa la truly naturs's laxative. 1 VA dainty tittle wafer, always tba same. - - compounded In a highly 'Concentrated form from fresh Call torn la-Prunes, they ara a natural dlssolvsnt, acting on the contenta of tha stomach and bowels and not on the organs themselves, -t i They regulate the Uver. and Stomach, Cleanse the System and Purify the Blood, Cure all Bowel Troubles, Bilious ness, Bad Breath, Bad- Blood, Wind on tha Stomach, Bloated Bowels, Foul Mouth, Headache, lodlgeatlon. Pimples and Dlxslness. ... t, 'Kvery household should have Its fnnY lly parVans of CALIFORNIA PRUNE WAFERH, and at the flrat eigne ot ap proaching illness, or when under the weather, take a couple of wafera and the doctor's bills will soon be - much smaller than thsy ara now. Tou can eat what you please If you follow each meal with a CALIFORNIA PRUNE WAFER, Which - quickly dis solves, the most Indlgentlbla food, and helps to carry It through and outof the system in a" gentle and healthful in.iiii.1, wi.wjui tun 1.1 1 h ii (mm,. griping or nauaea. It Wafera for tfrs FRUIT IS NATURES LAXATIVE -. ' V.-. - ' i California Prune Wafers ' A Natural Dissolvent and Cure for Bilious ness, Constipation, Dyspeosla an1 all Bowel Troubles far, Better Than Pill or Purs ; 1 OO WAFltUS 25j CENTS S. C. SKIDMOaR a CO., Prnggbts, 151 -Third St., Sola Acsts for. Portland, Oregon. - ' - . ;.. We Will Give You a; Pair of .- V... 1 rouses F ree V - !; For $22.50 we will make a suit ta your measure and give you an extra pair of trousers made to your measure without any extra expense. You may have the suit of. an all wool cheviot a fine twilled Thibet; or a blue serge. 'A .J-'r "'V' " ; ' : V..";1 ''rU The extra pair of trousers will be made frortf the same clothas the "suit vr you may select a different pattern altogether. l" : i TJieseNare NOT old styles that have accumulated on our shelves, but are brand new fabrics, fresh loom. -They are the . latest, patterns and are guaranteed to be all wool. , Remember the suit will be made to your measure, right here iruour shops. Every garment will be hand padded hand sewed and lined with imported Venetian cloth or wool aerge. v f f $22;50 THE BLUE SERGE arrived from - the" mills last 'week. It comes in both wide and narjow.,-, twill. This is as fine a piece of goods as was ever shown in ' Portland. Blue 'Serge is - al- -ways in 'style and is always neat. You may have an extra M . Eatr of trousers free REME1 ER. That practically gives you two suits as a, Blue Serge , Coat and Vest goes nicely- either with " trousers of r the samecloth or a neat stripe. -The price on fabrics has gone ' up very materially ..since we contracted for these Serges. ,,.No tailor on the Pacific coast. , : can buy the same Serge we are -offering; and make' it. to your . measure for less than $30, to J say . nothing of the .extra pair. ; of trousers free. " -.-- -THE BLACK THIBET is the same as our famous $26 Thibet ,only a shade lighter in weight. . It has'thc same closcweave, ... 'Will not become rough or ; shipy and is a splendid wearer.'. Lined with an all wool serge.' ,...' .. . .' '.'.- Made to your measure and an ; ; extra pair of trousers,, free from the 6ame cloth:or a dif-?, i 'ferent ' pattern. Practically f a , V- two-suit proposition j as one'-; coat and . vest will drdinarily: : . outwear two' pairs or trousers. .sJ. . . THE CHEVIOT Also -con- V- C tracted 'or before the" rise in '- prices is a fine grade of cloth r ix i-r all, wool and represents ,: about a , half dozen . patterns ;, . .. -t. L .rit j. i. - . .never anuwu in ruriiiinu ,uc. fore. An extra pair of trousers '.A.y, il mi free. vr a Remember, these are not shop worn goods but are all brand new fresh from the loom. If "you '. take advantage of this of fer you . practically get two tailor made suits , for $22.50. in ' iv m sawa. Fit, ':' ' -J.-:.- Finish and ' V Fabric guaranteed. OLEN . Elks D'Wg . . The price will suit ana - -The suit will fit ' .' ; '' We handle no ' Ready-Made Clothing, but make 7th & Stark vour Clothes to your order at from ' '. .. $20 to $45 the suit. 5r MAY CLOSE RESORT ' Devoat Aaaoyed ay Billiard Balls Click ... aad nay Saforee Soaday Zw. Singing; praises to the accompaniment of clicking billiard balla and "ribald mirth doea not appeal .to the Cong-re-rational church metnbera of St. Johna, who meet Sunday afternoons above the town billiard hall and endeavor to drown oat the noise below. It la averred by the members-that, when the singing be gins the noise, below Increases In -volume and that strung remarks float up about the time the pastor preaches his peroration; ' that the. exhortation to be good '1s frequently ao mixed up that the casual hearer ta liable to think that if you are real . good, . you will not miss the -"blank-blanked" ..ball every other shot. . - . Beoina private exhortation haa not Succeebte4Jn lessening the racket ot the billiard room and because there ap pears to be a disposition to outshont the preacher on the part of the men and boys below, the leading members have dectiledto start a campaign agalnat.the Sunday opening of pleasure resorts in St. Johns and to secure the ' enforce ment "ot the stat TaW. - fle the Improvement haa stood the test and proved lta great euperlorlty to gravel roadwaya, which have proved such general fallurea on the east aide . . ipi,. mII.v .nnrnvtd bV tha Improvement association of finishing one block and opening n vt wiu work was commenced on anotner diock ln-any contract la being followed and . . " . I- lm.1v lnM Kilt me impruveniBuii --- Morrison is now wui up outleta lor tramo aas no w the district. The work on Eaat Water atreet ia progreaslng. tna nrai course 01 t. . kMa mnrm A .Imnit tha On- rut in. vcu - - . Ura length of the atreet north of Eaat Morrison ana we east nan 01 m. between Morrison and Waahlngton hav ing been finished and open to tramo J - - . tha Imnrovameni or nau nm "" ...t. u..,iun h.fnr. tha entire diatrlct la ahut off. which la nearly the case at present. -The atreet to the south - i . imMiHhii .nd haa been bar- rlcaded for the publlc'a aafety, but the need or tna iiorounir . .v. kaw4w fcflv hiMin torn urgent m - - ... down and teamsters by floubllng up with their teama manage to imm.w uiui through tne aea ox ciay. , POUND DEAD IN BED BY HIS YOUNG SONS . n as. aw fTla. Tisirttal I ptpQCUU VWPa Wfj Id m. trm svni aw. r Eugene. Or.. Deo. II. W. 1 Connett, . .i.r..v.. nt Vr-Krnila'l BrldK. KS miia aaat of Eugene, -waa found a i- hi. ya mttrdir marntna by his two voung sons. The old man re- .1 . Ji.- .i.k h.fnc. In annarent aood healtfC Heart trouble waa the cause of death. Tha body will srrlva In Eugena tomorrow ana ai once om sou w viiu City or suruu..-. ' ' . .Zadepeadenee'a ew Cltlsaa. (Rpeetal Dlfatrh to The Joorsal.) - F. Jones, formerly of Toledo and Ta oulna bay, haa thla' week moved hla law ..mim n this eltv and wllk make hia r, it nr home here. Mr. Jonea la known ... fni Tanutna bav and In dependence la congratulating Itaelf on Securing him aa a futurwltlsen. jl ' "...i-.-i: ,,'-.'. :v:- 'r-; 'v -. ----.J -v - V EAST ALDER IMPROVED Ceatral Slatrtot Booa to Be Olvea One . Oatlet of a sfodal Sort. Eaat Alder 1s going to be one of the very few streets on tne eaat aide In tha central district that can stand heavy traffic and that affords a wall Improved highway between the river wholesale district and the suburbs. The atreet is being -Improved from Union avenue to East Tenth street, most of the way a macadam pavement being put down, but for three blocks across tha Hawthorne gulch an elevated roadway la being built. The flrst block of the macadam, that between Union-and Orand avenaes, haa been completed and opened to traf no, iM under the strata of heavy traf- ila obei 7 O . o o O- o o o o I WE I WISH OUR MANY FRIENDS' AND ' ' PATRONS A Merry Christmas and a .;-. Bright and Happy New Vcar: We wish to thank those who nave made tnia one ot tne prosperous years most - v ' v oar business career. The. Store That Makes Handsome ; Presents to Its Customers -i No. 7,673 ''' '.V.' . " WAS GIVEN THE V ' V. ' HANDSOME BEDROOM SET . . .- . ,f ,- - - ' Don't fail to jct in prf our Fifth Grand Advertising Award. A" most elegant LIBRARY SET, consisting of a gorgeous CURLED OAK, QUARTER SAWED LIBRARY TABLE and SHADED STUDENT'S JLAMP. . ' ' ' A beautiful COLONIAL TURKISH LEATHER COUCH and a massive RUSSIAN LEATHER QUEEN VICTORIA ROCKER.' ' Telephone or mail us an. order and we will deliver your coupons with the goods. ' - - . . x , OUT OF TOWN TRADE We prepay all express charges and Sena you rour i) tug, run yuarxs oi ovxo) icar wiu oiUDDi-ii RYEforl535. ; 1' ' ",'.:v ' '"'.' "1 Send us a trial order. Your MONEY back if 'you are not sat isfied. " '' ' : "-:. : - - ' ' "''"'.. '" (0)reiiIiD . .'. .... .. iFiltai Cimpaiy Phone Main 3S0 ,195 Third Street PRESENTS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY .MADE TO D. J. CASWELL - - V .698 IRVING It'.' - : JOHN MAIR v - 291 ELEVENTH STV - .REV. GEO. E. JACKSON V - 455 MAIN ST. 1 ' '''. ' , ' ' . ' , ) " ' - j -I . '.' a- ja -a. -A. .a. a a a. -a. a--. a a -a -a. -a- a- s a -m r-'i: t c 0 0 x. I C V'