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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1905)
THE OREGON SUNDAY ' JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDA MORNING. DECEMBER; 2j ,1303. CHINA IS CAUSING 700L GROWERS OF ROADS WILL FIGHT OREGON A LIVELY CAREER A Merrier Christmas $ GRAVE CONCERN UMATILLA MEET END MEETING WAS EIILEIi'S Much, Anxiety and Apprehension Practically All Sheep Men of Any Attempt to Interfere With Officer for Ensuing Year Elected Victim of California Shooting A Happier NeYear i j For You and Yours I l Felt by State Department Over Situation. -... County Attend Annual See- ; . Grain Rates of Eastern and Ashland Selected as Scrape Well Remembered in Portland. ' ion at Pendleton. Washington Opposed. - Next Meeting Place. - I, 'AMERICANS SPECIAL 'r.i: ... MARK IN THE RIOTS FEDERAL INSPECTORS , QUESTION WILL' BE DELEGATES INVITED BANQUETS LOST HIM ADMITTED AS MEMBERS CARRIED TO COURTS TO VISIT CONDENSERS ONE GOOD POSITION DAIRYutN commission; Japanese Resident Have Been Free From Molestation and Belief . Is That Demonstration Would Meet , With More Than Verbal Objection (Spw-bl Dlspates 17 Leased ftl to Th Joarotl) Washington, . Dec. 2J. There la the f greatest concern In the iUM department over the Chineaa situation and the con cern la deepening day by day. The 'statement following the Shanghai riots to the effect that the.aUte department ; officials were not infected with the-ex- rltement that pre railed in the European ,-. capital la over the matter were true only in one sense. The excitement ha a been kept under control, but anxiety and a p prehension are present and the gravity of the situation la only emphasised by ' the attempt of the officials to bide their ' f eellnc. V 1 Americans gpscial Mark. - China is being much discussed by' the American state authorities, to the. ex ' elusion of everything- else. It is known i that there , Is a mass of Information -' touching the rapidly spreading Chinese : Hatred of the foreigners in the possession , of the department which it has not seen fit to publish. The- off lclala have cer tain knowledge that while the rioters have directed their assaults Impartially -''against all foreigners of white skins, the inciters of the riots have made - apodal mark of the Americana. It ts not so much for the immediate present that Secretary Root fears. .' s it ia for the future. The mere matter of a trade treaty with China has sunk Into . insignificance In the fear that at any moment further demonstrations may be , made against foreigners in other parts of the empire as ths news of the ; Shanghai riots spreads. . : Japan see Bo Molested. The state department has' not - failed to note that the Japanese residents of China,, who are foreigners as far aa the Chinese government la concerned, have ,- been free from molestation, lir-thls , they see another significant thing, and , In view of the events of the recent paat it is believed In Washington that a real , foreign demonstration against China for me preservation 01 in ngnis or Axneri- cans and others would be met with more than the mere verbal objection of Japan. : FRENZIED BY RELIGION HE ; HACKS OFF HIS HAM) Special Tax Lcried for Purpose of Fairchild Insists That Bellingham Be j Fifty Member Sign Roll and Con- ' Paying for Capture and Conviction' Taken in as a Terminal Point for I vention Declared to Be Best Ever of Men Guilty of Malicious Shoot-1 State Traffic, but Roads Refuse to Hcld-Gale Grange Tenders Infor ing of Sheep, I ; Give Rate. : I mal Banquet at Forest Grove. tHomrtml rjlaoatrh ta Ths Journal. I I . fSiiael.l h t. The Journal.) I IBnaelal DisDateh to The Journal. 1 Pendleton. Or.. Poo. 13. The best L Seattle. Wash.. Dec. 23. A fight in I Forest Grove. Or.. Deo. ts. The Ore- meeting of the Umatilla County Wool 1 the courts will follow anv attempt on son State Dairymen's convention closed Growers association ever held convend th t f th ranrott(i commlaslon to here today with th ejection of the fol-l In than vaasflnsask 1.9 t ha rnm maPAl a I ilnH I I 1 a. Zr.iimuZ . i .h. Zr. Interfere with the grain rates of east- lowing orncera: ,. eniulng year: President, B. P. Oould; ; vice-president, " " J?80"1 fveTett anar01" D, Perrossl of Ashland; treiaurer and Douglass Belts; secretary-treasurer. Dan w I IMUM P. BmythC Because of their close association secretary, Professor" H. L. Kent of the A I 1 ... I u11... .11 Man. controversy was " k i,u k.h.i. a John Webb, a Mlnej of Winona, 5 . ; Virginia, Obeys Biblical , ' " ; ':, Injunction. " ' (Spert.l Dlspetek by lssed Wire to The leans!) Richmond, Va.r Dec II. Obeying the i biblical InJuncUon, 'If thy-rlght hand ' off end thee, out It off." John Webb, miner of Winona, while ' laboring under ' religious excitement,' -hacked oil bis ' right' hand at the wrist with a blunt '' pocket knife, so as to make sure of en- taring the kingdom of God. Hs left his . i home In f renal ed condition In the . early morning and cam "down Nattal- . . burg mountain, followed by his wife. , The hand, was severed while the man '.was walking along the tracks of ' the Chesapeake de Ohio railroad.. . The man was found unconscious from ., loss of blood at Fayette station. When he had. been , revived be- told In detail bow he had cut around ths wrist and z then when the" bone was reached he had r snapped the limb loose with ths other I hand. The hand and part of the broken , blade- of the knlf were found at ths point indicated. , . . Moat Tj Uoemso Tee. IRMdtl tMaeatrti to Tt Jooraal.t -Salem, Or., Dec St. Attorney-General '.Crawford today rendered an opinion In . wdkd ne noma, inai sv corporauon snust , pay Its license ' fee from the time Its articles of Incorporation are filed, oven , though it does not get fully organised , and dof n to business until a year Or more laier. - Sow the sanel and you reap only grit Ir. your teeth. - :. Open Until Noon Vwmmm - J HAWUPACTWIWG ornciAws ; jl COB THIRD a WASHINGTON STl J A Merry Christmas ' . c To You All, and Many Thanks ' for Kind Favors The Joint whsat with the sheep men and ths Intimate re- " liZLmi The next pUcs of meeting 1. to-be Ash. latlons that have existed between the floa . fne Vm2. iV.fon5!r!??,.f!T land. ' , sheep men and ths federal stock In- 'Tl.;. AftM th adjournment of the con- spectors. Dr. K. N. Hutchinson. W. H. nd Harrlman ne who met the com- tn aeleBu, visited the con- Lytle. M. 8. . Lants. federal Inspectors missioners in .i"1?" denser, an invitation having been ex- n. L J rate question waa an incidental feature th. ...lotinn h H H. ship in the association. Since tbe-most " li.TAn mi Stuart, the manager. Tv. k i...,. I head of the railroad commission, at-1 ,.,.,, .i.a k r just returned Trom a-divlsion of the tempted to get through an agreement Tmle.u t0 y,. deisjaus to visit ths rangs In Wenaha reserve at Walla Walla lth thf r11.awd affeot'n ih,,! J! HiUsboro condenser. ' that aubjoct-wsa discussed In an enter- bm ru tn tlms the Beaiue. ua- Thm conntion waa declared to have taming way by those present and gen- com .vere controv.r-y w --'- been the best ever held by tbe dalry eral satisfaction Is felt over the result " . Tn roa1 Tfu"?d .to ly men. Over to members signed ths roll. of -the division. Irate. Since that time nairman i Th- hnuet tendered the dairyman's The forenoon meeting was devoted aempa ra association' by the members of Gale H,inin.n. nen,n4i Ai...mmtn I tne agreement o m rai u muiuiuwi mm. informal in character and of the geueral interests, and signing ofJh f B1" T" I much enjoyed by ths vtoltora There the membership roll. - ;.. ' I ' , wers to guests, bmiiot m. rr. iu In the afternoon the annual dues of.,n "7" ", actea as toastmaster. w. ti. noma .k...i.i- - ....i.n. I ciuae juvereii. wnicn wouiu ibwi. inokt on tne Denenta aenvea rrom uie lu.uiirai.Miii .m ui, mm m i.m.v.wu n . - . A. . . . i w - - placed at II. of this amount 11 a yearlItr KtLUl rom Beattlo to that point, agricultural college and these -various goes to the county association. II to thai1"1 - . siaie roeeunga. rrmimm in. nni, ur ..... ...i..n --a at k. -. i man. la Insisting that Belllngham should James Wtthvcombe. Professor Kent. W. ...unn. a i.i ... ... i.,. be taken In as a terminal point for k- NewelL Georce Weeks. Mr. Slnha. for the purpose of paying for the can- I staie uima im wwt wno is a irum mu i u turs and conviction of men-uUty ot I is) to demand that the Northern Pacific Oregon Agricultural college; William malicious aheeo ahootlna-. Each mem- should haul from Auburn -to Belling- Bchulmerlch, A. T. Buxton. A, H. Lea k.. . ii t i u hun commodities shipped to or xrom of Portland. J. it. Atcheson, J. w. of sheep sheared last spring, this money O.R. N. territory at the sama rato BaUey and H. M. Williamson of 'ths to go Into a fund to pay rewards of fered I cu"ru"u " , , 1'V" " ' "" r for the arrest and conviction of sheep shooters. Two such men have already mereiy vm ru been caus-ht and sentenced, for which I a reward of 11.010 will be paid by Ho I , I FAVFQ HfiMF . ..A.,1. t irwt I S.fc.n mmM I W mm K, O. .Warner was elected stock In spector of Umatilla county to succeed Inspector Bean, All cases of scab must be reported. While Here, Living Under an Alias, Claimed to Be Brother of' Cele brated' Nordica Now Say H Might Clear Caleb Powers. (Continued from Pags One.) vice. .Just what they told each other will likely not . do Known, out woen i COLLECTING FOLK LORE . FROM INDIANS 11 A at -a.. waaf.a. I I - J " sfA.A I " af 4 rill TnH turn I unr nonnec r,u WM '- v"" v" "":! uniiea oiaies inuian.. oervito rUblUII IIIL.U ll U I wr rwOU I oay morning jonnnie sou " j aa n 'ii boy failed to answer to ineir names, i vjeriua ivioii su wmauiia Then a search began and attenoants D.S -(Continued from Pags One.) . beitan-rushlnsrbout-ths-ilacs-illng t p.n.Mj ii,. ..j vilnlr on the missing pair. - it was nnvM a rr.p it h.. k.fnra th. iim. I early morning when they departed, but ni. . . ji.. y . the search at ths home was continued. I fKoaelal Dlaoateh' to Tbe Journal.! by a number of leading senators, who Meanwhile two tiny lads, clad to blue Pendleton. Or, Dec. II. Harold I A. advised, me that any resolution on the overalls and gray caps, were trudging Loring of the TJnlted States Indian subject would meet with strona? oodo. bfavely through the mud toward the service has been In ths city, for a few sitlon, 1 then conferred with practically city. It ts a long walk from ths borne days and went out to the umatiua all the members and was assured by th business section three miles reservation, bis mission being to collect ..'" ',.. ' nerhans but they finally reached their J the native aongs of the Indians so that pwivibm smw RWMiU.ValWMi' vuifUMSj I r w - - - . k , . . . - -. . . . any resolution and bv many that they IJourney s and and Degan tne searca ivriiney may ne preservea or me nmrw . .. 7 tT!"' . - i7 aanta Claua They soon became-sepa- ment along with ths folk lore and other and, J .could uot escape the conviction, I raieo ana juurucjou wu. " i - tnas to insist on tne resolution under I T- ... sucH conditions would only be to In-1 I , A 177 ..'.-. J'T flict keener anguish on ths already At 11 o'clock yesterday morning fo- ',, T grief-stricken friends of ths dead. andlHceman.. Tlchenor was walking along merel y makes JMUsetlon of suoh so . k... . I n.nnH . ..r nurnsida. Ha waa I that they will not be lost when the for having preclplUted a public discus- thinking of a littls boy over on the east Indian has passed away. Most ot the .ion so plinful and distressing. slds who a. longingly waiting for th. I h"wr,PK M'iT.,,iLV' All that any of bis friends In the coming or eania wiaua. Z . ' 1 . sensts advised was that I should slro- Suddenly he was confronted by a lim- "V " V .hi ply announce his death without offer- putlan in blue overalU and gray cap. by a number of old niembers in. ,..i, i . ... He looked r ravel v down upon the dl- tribe snd after be has beard a song Journment To do that It seemed to me mlnutlve Overalls, twisting bis mus- s-o was only to accentuate ths fact that I tacne and wondering now it nappenea ... hi. ....i w. j I In ha thnra -.1 am aninow u ut irauui L- rr"". -"V..7. ,"u"r d7.... -.!...- n.nt a tinin. sing because of th rousing effect It wj in. BauBie. a ieii mat i preierrea. I - . I . . m .iv. ... ncVoVn ac'rir" r''' SSS cTaV.70" UU " ' " l- thl Tndran. show tolhL-uZ silence to an acrimonious discussion s Bant tlausr ,-.HaH. r h. to whether or not there should ts 'uu At ponce neauquaners aonnnie ST" .V. '-T to his memory ths slight tribute of I Mt br simple adjournment. In a sttustion so difficult and delicate I felt that I should be governed by his old-tlms friends in the sonata Senator Teller, for instance. ths stovs .mi tribes. Ths songs of ths Sioux are hand his feet. He held a thumb In his , nd-warlike, while among ths m,..h -n mt first Urn tear. tribes less ferocious the music Is more ered in his syes when friendly officers Pr,, . , , - . I . i, ..i,.. k. I After having visited on ths reserva- who at flrat favored nfr.rin, . I cams from and now no reacneu tne l""" -.r" .rr""" .ri lutlon. after canvassing the senate, cm. '.r. h. was .hoe. .U to .nd wUSJS1 Vuwa.-.!.0.: ."dsTf -. 'wTm .ST KwS rs. ws upon th. rea.rv.tion. Senators Bpooner. Hale, Forsker, Lodge, Allison ana numerous others." - cold. . As hs besams warmer he told his is nim niun niimirn nrnnnrn The secretary of tbe interior has todav '?'?. " reachln down In his pocket I 1 1 1 1 Hh MMrK nrMIKI A withdrawn from entrv . -. exhibited a big, sninmg nickel that a I w.--...- ww land in Washlnvtrnt rrnm anv e.w n diannaiiinn .h.ix.o.. ... .... I As Jie became warmer ha became more r,Mtinn wi.h .h. v.bim. ,.. r. I communicative. H. was telling about . -- t-'". k. kMII k . ... is wm fSjes i amymiirxl la lraksl I 1 1 i aa as e . ga vi wmu s w saw uessaa ss wa ivi vv saai wa dess. which are to be used as storage land b?w hiP to find Santa Claus. reservoirs. ir. r. V. Jr.7.- ""T: lu i in ...J u.a.i Senator Fulton today appointed W. D. to1c" m",rmw ln" "" orncer mai i nunuicu rwum iviuuciii nuiui at ON UPPER M'KENZIE twi , t, .1 . "- vY; I two boys had run away from the Chll- " W... V ill. 1 . , . . T.l I. WIJJI. I ton and when questioned the lad by the I Four of President olfs mm. lo aamitieu mat it was ns tn.y .... . . . I sousht. ' uinim. if, mn.r.i nrnp. in tra.nn .r. I " clerkships on ths claims committee. McKenzie Bridse New Bath- House at Hot Springs. polntees to federal office In Oregon are waiting confirmation by th. senat United State. Marshal C. J. Reed, United He regretted more than he could tell not being able to find Santa Claus, but State. District Attorney willlan C. Brls. aaln "h'blted the nickel and salT hs . . . . f It an.nA It mil fn. nr.lnti.. (Rpeelal DItnateh to Th Journal.) Eugene, Or., Dec II. The summer re sorts on tbe upper McKensle river will be greatly Improved between now and the tlm. for th. outing season to begin. W. O'Leary, proprietor of the McKensle Bridge resort, 'is preparing to erect a modern hotel with 100 rooms for the accommodation of the pleasure seekers. fSoeelal Dlaostek br Leased Wire to The win put up a sawmill and manu- New Haven. Conn., Deo. II., Tale I '"ciure uis own lumoer xor me ouiia university hs. established a new ,n- FOR COLONIAL WORK Ths owners of th. Belknsp hot toll District -Tilda C . Wnlv.rUr. tnienn-a m apeno n au xor wainuta. and Receiver J ' M. Issnnn of ths i Roeeburg land office. With the exception I yE NEW SCHOOL w. " " ,.w...wu, uvii. vi moo mr- I pointees had been Indorsed by Benator ruiton, and two or them Marshal Reed and Receiver Lawrence were known to be distasteful to him. Indeed, Senator Fulton declared In posl H.M . I' 1 1 1 . K.fn.. ImH. en. WaahLM. .... ",. """ ,,,vl,,, aohool for colonial work and a mm. . monm mat unoer no cireums ance. - - - f - -- '-rJd springs will soon begin the erection of ZELZJ? "Tn- . ma.I.n 7.. work in American colonial Dosaeaalona nw bathhous at their resort and U wTtMrth.nato;'s no'w.r 7 Hawaii. and the Philippines, L.T52 V" conflrmatl.n If he so desired, antf the la".we" 'V f.0"0 ? F. ' " SuiidinVa situation tnreatenea an open breach be-1 " "I. -LT..rL" . Jli '.T. ... A number of imcrovements ars slso aua a. i -mm. . tk. ....u.i v a. try. a. i in uiuiiBiiinifJiit ubiiibt rnHfisa nnga . . - . - iwwu una miiu iiiw vi came in. x im I " -: . . - " : ' r - . in inn a tttm VnlAir snHnn ?",??!- "0M "ac,fl0 LL v0,s;h:l"rlanl .nd when the season open, this" .oVt PiB niTt pr.vimo. i : vrr . will b in solandld ahAM. - avuff awrijr cvnuruiauua ox au I Our oil - . " a. a a . . . I atiltiml aAnas fT VTtsftn t I'AllfffJsia Will TAA sured. Marshal C J. Reed, who was ap-1 flvsn In physical and commercial go- EARTHQUAKE VISITS pointed oy tne president last May, will I osrapr. murvyuj, """r " x- - . TUT C1PTFOII nri rrr hold office for four years from that date. I Port commerce, etc, Th. exhibit In-I IHt tAo I tHIi O I A I CO District Attornsv Bristol And Rsrslvar I eludes practically every prouuet that V ........ . . a ..... I ..nw. In th. fTnftd Slat., hnrt. tlnA I . appoiniea mi. i V . , 1 17 " .7". . . ' I (Special Dl.patHl by Lmsts Wlra to The Joaraal) montn. and will hold their respective of-l nawaii ana ana vanumn grams i Hagerstown, Md Deo. 21 The town llces for ths same length of time. Judge and Alaskan fruits. These will be used of Hancock In the western end of thl. Wolverton'a tenure 1. for life. I to teach th. condition of life affected by county waa shaken bv an eerthn,.nir nk. m. .1 . . .v. nAili.. .1 n. .nil I . " - ii. tuiiurra.uou vl rf. . mi. uawnnot " - I for a raw seconds about 10 o'nlrwl. ... wui oe louoweo oy me reopening or me Roseburg land, of flee for regular "BUstness. Ever since the suspension of ths former receiver and -register. In January of this year, -ths of floe has been In charge of a special agent, and no proofs havs been taken.:; Catarrh 91 night until th. bouses rocked and the ... .... . .. .r wuiaow. rattiea. causing uie residents? f I Ths seismio disturbance wa. sJeo'YelfT ' i.i.. .. . w . i. . . ' i ,. n . . mrouRii im.... rciun in rmnajmnn ana !fhtber It Is of the noes, throat, Itomaco, West Virginia. At Berkeley Bvrlna-s ths 'rV.,V,.. a,ii .,.., n I bowel. or more dcllcaU orr catarrh It 5wa. reit distinctly .nd that town - .,. J.WI1II.I1.. .nd .hnnin n.... f.n n aiarroso. a rumoung noise use sent rrom tne city tor several weeks, and distant thunder was heard, followed by . ... w a v.iimnia m u.-1 ivkuuuu. -.- im wav.. wnicn extended Tar up In Ful- . .a iK;ii. uiai ny jj g dlschsrgs rroBi th. maoous mem- ton county. Pennsylvania, and was felt ..sisUnMn pWetf W. W. Banks, who town and vuiag. thr.u.U tha, is planning to return to private pracuca i y uuinus, wuuuvuf swviujvhs, dltloa of tb blood. sTrw Beak Approved. (laeelal Dlapatok sr Lms4 Win to Th Joaraal) Washington. D. C. 4jc Jl. The ap plication to organise ih. Escondldo Na- . a. m.k xdin.ii -nd open a ivat. chapel in his dwelling- tlcmal bank -at Kaoondldo. California, l ormf0 rrt. "(I nouM CnrUtmai ntornlng. Th. pop witn a capital of 150,000, bag been ap- permanently rvmoTBS im causa ana has bestowed a proved. . 1 STsroomss all tba aSscta, Qt Booa'a. I recognlUonof hsr church work. Hood'sSarsaparilla Byan's Vtlvat. Ohapel. (psetal Dispatch by leased Wire to The Jearsal) Washington. Deo. 11. Thomas F. Ryan, the Insurance 'millionaire, will C E. Ehler, who was wounded In a mysterious shooting affray at Bakers field, California, December 7, and claims that he has Information which will clear. Caleb Powers of ths ebarge of murdering Governor 'Ooebel of Ken- tuoJty, Is well known in Portland, where he bad a short but somewhat checkered career. He is said to bavo been a trav el lng saleaman for the Western Bakthg company of this city, last winter, but Was discharged after he had caused his employers considerable trouble. A prominent, business manV of -Oils city, who Is well acquainted with Ehlers and who has suffered somewhat from his practices, declares1 that th. wounded man Is a faker, and says h. knows whereof he .peaks, a. h. has his record for several years past His true nsms is said to b. J. V. Ehlers,- but he fre quently goes under the. nam. of J. VT. Reed. The Portlander - first knew of him as a traveling - salesman for the National Biscuit company of Cincinnati From there he went to Chicago for th. same firm and later left for Fort Worth, Texaa, where h. wa. known by th. nam. or l. V, Reed. From Fort Worth, he cam. to Portland last January and se cured employment aa traveling salesman for th. Western 'Baking company. He was assigned to territory In Washing ton. Instead of working -for ths inter ests of his employers hs la said to havs spent more than he mad.. In giving dinner. In- th. different cities which hs visited. His ; career with th. Portland com pany was short-lived. -After his dis charge hs wsnt to Sacramento. There h. secured employment as traveling salesman for th. Capital Candy com pany. H. wa. on the road but a ahort tfmo when his' employers had him ar rested for embesslement and h. was placed in jail for several weeks. ' Dur ing his career In Sacramento h. became acquainted with State Senator Emmons, from whom h. secured recommendations. Emmons was on. of th. senators who was convicted for-, receiving bribe, over which there was such a great scandal in th. California legislature. After leaving Sacramento Ehler went south, and ths next heard of him by his acquaintances In this city was ths report of his escapade in Bakersfleld, followed by his statement that h. had Information . that would clear Caleb Powers. . ... Hs is said to bs a mart of polished manners. "While in Portland ho claimed to be a brother of Madame Nordics, ths AUNOUtlCEMEliT Some few weeks ago we ptaced before the people oi Tortland a plan for bettef'Sunday hours for.arug clerks .and asked their approval of same, .and called foXwSugfj-es- tions as to the hours our store should be kept open Sun days. The recognition of our efforts was immediate and aroused far greater interest than we anticipated. Indeed, . replies and votes were so showered upon us that; we were forced to' take care of the correspondence and to separate the votes into their divisions. Votes and letters of ap proval have come from all parts of the land. . From Phil adelphia, Denver, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle ; and Boise, besides the thousands, from - Portland and ' Oregon. We have had many excellent suggestions, fo which we offer our sincere thanks, but the vote has been so overwhelmingly in favor of keeping the store ; open Sunday for four hours-4rom 10 a. m. to 2 pfm that all other plans were 'completely overshadowed., and ' sinr- we acreed to abide bv vour decision, so he it. . v-r-'I Beginning January 1 1906," this "st6re will be open Sundays.from 10 a. p. m , ; , fc , . . ; . Onvjehajp of our employes who are made happy by this change we wish 'to thank the public for the interest they have shown in the matter, and with assurance of our deep appreciation, we are, ; : ;-. ',t : " " V Yours Truly, ' . - WOODARD, CLARKE & CO. 0i" Woo&ara, Qwie & Co. FOURTH AND WASHINGTON STS. svUnHlaTZXKZZXZZZZZZKXXICa tggyiirnxKri'irMK3H OLD FEUD, HE SAYS. ' Bhlar Stakes a lrek Statement megard- ; lag Oosbsl'a Sturdsf. . t (8paclal Nspateh by Leased Wire to The looraan Bakersfleld, Deo. . Charles E. Ehler, the alleged Ooebel witness, made another statement today regarding the assassination of th. governor of Ken tucky In 1900: "I wag .s passing through Frankfort, Kentucky, on th th day 411 January, 100. while ths excitement over , the Goebel-Taylor controversy was at Its height. On th. morning of that day I was In ths Capitol hotel, when I heard a conversation between two persons known to me which makes me know that Caleb Powers had nothing to do with ths shooting 'of Ooebel. Powers may havs taken advantage of ths situation to In cite civil war, but he was ot a con spirator against the life of the governor- elect. An old reud caused Ooebel 's death. Ooebel years before had shot and killed General Stanford In Covington. As a result of ths feud, friends of Sanford took advantage of the political conditions to get revenge on Uoebel.- . - He denied that he had ever used ths name of 1. V. Reed. He admitted that he was Iti- Sacramento under an alias, and refused-V? discuss ths allegation that he was arresiea mere on a leiony cnarge. COUNCILMEN FOR BIG LEVY . (Continued from Page One.)' Ths city - council, however, has granted the fir. department more than It has asked and has curtailed the levies for th. other departments. This action Is also being criticised by taxpayers who are in favor of more light, and bet ter streets. On. takpayer remarked at the meeting of th. committee Friday that th city would better pave the east slds streets and. mske . thoroughfares over which firs apparatus could travel before pu-chsstng a largs amount of fir apparatus which would bs practically useless In many Instances. . Th. meeting Tuesday gives promlss of being exciting. A heated debate be tween the member, of th. council who favor and Shoso who ar. ooDosed to high taxation 1. expected and taxpayers who are Interested In the matter will also -be present and if opportunity Is offered them will participate in th. discussion. ..... j" - - - -1 m i - 1 : CHRISTMAS PINNERS 7 Co to Richard's For your Sunday Xmas Frenob-din ner, which Includes all th. dainty deli cacies of the season, with wine, 11 per cover in main dining hall. Clasalc muslo service . unsurpassed. . Corner Park and Alder streets. Christmas Day Menu. THJfltOtTVRB, FOURTH AND ALDER f STREETS. Soups Green Turtle Soup to order; Ch token a la Napolltalne. - - Entrees Pigeon Farcls Braise; Baute of Chicken Liver au Petit Pals; Brla- quet f Beef, Sauc Piquant.; Olympla Oyster Patties a la Relne.. Roasts Roast Reef, Prim.; Roast Domestl. Ooose; Roast Turkey, Cran berry Sauce; Spring Lamb, Mint Sauce. Vegetables Potatoes In Cream; Canned Corn on Cob; Brussels Sprouts; Cauliflower In Cream; Sliced Tomatoes; Egg Plant. . -- 1 ., Dessert English Plum Pudding, Hard snd Brandy Sauce; - Vanlla Ice Cream; Assorted Cake; Nuts, TUB IXMJVRE, Fourth and Alder fitrssta, 1 - - .v TO ALL, :'l And a little good wine and liquor will help you to ) ' ' enjoy it, ( Will ' ' r. 1 f . , And Liquors of unequaled purity and flavor may be found at our store. Itiis not often you can find. ' such prices as we are quoting for this week prices ' away belowjossible competition for superior qual ity. Port, Sherry, Clarety Riesling, Fine Old Irish and Scotch Whiskey, Pure Rye " and Bourbon . Whiskies, Holland and I Old Tom Gin. Mumm's . "White Seal and Porhmery Champagnes, Imported Swedish, Norwegian and Danish Liquors. Imported' . German Liquors and Wines of all parts of the globe. . Will Be Open All' Day Sunday : J ITa tiiial Wine ' Co. . i ..-. . ,-.-.. TH13 QUALITY STORE ' . Fifth andsurk . Phone Main 6499 EIRIIIIIKSIssI 408-410 MORRISON STREET. BETWEEN 10TH AND 11TH STS. " IT WOULD DELIGHT THE- LADIES TO SEB THOSB Electric Sad Irons - have now In stock.- They ar. th. kind that never get out of order warranted for a year, anyway - and , .. air that Is necessary la to "hook" th. Iron onto th ie ' trio light connection and . ..THERE YOU. ARE - - You can jrork continuously for a month with on Iron. 'Saves Its cost In Urn. half a dosen ttenefc- a year. The Johr Barrett Company OAS FIXTURES OAS MANTLES WAX TAPERS ' ANDIRONS " . ELECTRICAL DESIGNS DROP LIGHTS . w ' ' OAS BUR NEBS FIREPLACES