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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBER IS, -1ZZ3. III CARRY DIG FIR CARGO Miltonburn to Take Two Million Two Hundred and Seventy Five Thousand Feet. ONE OF LARGEST CARGOES TAKEN BY SAILING SHIP . - Ordinary Square-Rigger Does Not Load More Than a Million' and a HalfChartered for tha United , Kingdom.1 Balfour, Quthrie Co, will load tha British ship Miltonburn, which arrived last night from Santa Rosalia, with one of tha largest lumbar cargoes ever takan put of Portland by a sailing ves sel. It will amount to i. 176. 000 feet. almost as great a quantity aa la car rled br tha big tramp steamships which . have been built to engage In that par ticular Una of trade. Tha ordinary' sised lumbar cargo tor a square-rigger does not comprise mora than l.SOO.uuo feet. .,;...- Tba ' Miltonburn ts In command of Captain Benson, who reports that tha passage up the coast from Banta Ro salia was uneventful. Ho was 18 days completing tha trip and had to remain . off tha bar the better part of a week waiting for favorable weather. - The vessel Is anchored In the stream, but will ablf t alongside of a dock In a day or two to discharge her ballast. She la vnder charter to go to tha United King dom. - - Accompanying the Miltonburn up the river last night was the British ship 8L Mungo, Captain Bttqhannan, which came from Guyamaa in ballast after a passage of J days. She la under char ter to the Northwest Warehouse com pany and will begin loading by tha lat ter part of tha week. She will be aent to Queenatown or Falmouth for orders. ; Two more ships have reached Astoria . and probably will leave up this after noon. ' -A - . ' . CONTEST IS CLOSE. VorUamA stay Mad aa whipping Port at and of Oalenflag Tea. Honors as a wheat shipping center for the calendar year which ends De cember SI, HOJ., aparently will be about evenly distributed among Portland, Pu get sound and Galveston. 'Statistics lust compiled by the department of commerce and labor show that on De cember 1 the sound district, comprising the combined shipments from Taooma and Seattle, waa slightly at the head of the column, havlna exoorted 1.49T.REI bushels" tor the 1 1 months. Portland comes next with a shipment of S.3I0.1SS bushels and Galveston third with J,10(- Bo far In December Portland baa made a splendid showing, havlng dispatched a number -of big cargoes, and It la be lieved that aha stands a fins show to win. Before the first of the year half TO SELL TOLEDO. fot Tnltod States Ooart Tames T 'Sato of WeU-Kaowa Steamer. A decree for the sale of the ateamer Toledo, which formerly plied between ' Portland and Gray's harbor, was Issued this morning In tha United States court. Tha craft belongs to Fay brothers of Eureka. She Is practically new. For the last three months she haa been lying Idle at the foot of Jefferson street. The aala la set for December la. COAL FROM COOS. Steams ATMaaee Brings Tirrt Cargo of . This geaaoa.' - Fifty tona tt coal were among tha shipments brought from Coos Bay on -the ateamer Alliance which arrived yea - terday from Eureka and way porta. This is the first shipment of coal from the Coos Bay' mines this season, nearly all being aent to San Francisco. Lumber and shingles formed the remainder of the Alliance's cargo. The ateamer la scheduled to sail on tha return trip to morrow night. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. .' ; , a . A reward of 160 haa been offered for the capture of Hue On, a Chinese stoker, who escaped late Saturday night from the British steamship Croydon. Hue On waa the second Chinaman to get ashore this season without complying with the Immigration lawa. While assisting In tha work of load- ing the oriental liner Arabia yesterday, Martin Haley, a ' longshoreman, waa struck on tha head by a sack of flour . and seriously Injured. Ha wsa working In tha hold when the flour bounced out , of the chute and fell on him. ; The Simpson Lumber' company ahaa chartered the schooner Churchill to load lumber at Portland for Manila. She has a carrying capacity of (00.000 feet. For the second time In tha psst three months the stesmer Bailey Oataert haa ... been -placed on the drydock for repairs. After the holes which were msde by her striking on a rock the other day have been patched up aha Will go back On her run between here and The Dalles, Captain O. W. Hosford and Frank J. Smith are making a trip up tha Col urn bla and Snake rlvera on the Mountain Gem, It la said that Captain Hosford may put a boat In service up that wsy, The American ahtp C. F. Sargent has been moved to an anchorage at tha foot of East Oak street, where the repairs being made to her will be completed. The afternoon the steamship; Arabia will movs to the dock, where ths bale nee of her freight brought-from the orient will be discharged. It Is planned to move the British ship ssaliBsWill thlaa sail flal frrtM tha TMlK 1 Jf PtsjawerTTf W T ! I f Vara " I rlVU VI "p Sva? i street to the Oregon A California dock. With the usual amount of cargo ths steamer Costa Rica arrived last night from San Francisco. She la acheduled to ll tomorrow ntahl ' The steamer Argyll sailed In ballast yesterday for Port Harford. Major S. W. Roesaler left for San Francisco thla morning to attend a meeting of tha examining board, of which he Is a member. The members of the board will look over the list pt SI1Q.7T TALKS Oil . LIFE i;jsimi;cE There la probably no subject In which there Is so widespread Interest at the Dresent time aa Life Insurance, every thing concerning thla " live topio Is easerlr read Just bow nor la It to be wondered at. for the people Inveated tl7S.118.lXl. 00 In premiums with ths American life insurance oompanles In 104. . These companies have I.IOS.441 policies outstanding. It Is because of this extensive Interest and because we believe there la a keen desire for de pendable Information on thla subject that It has been determined to publish a aeries of short talks in Life Insurance, or which 'this is No. Land knowing aa we do that the better our readera under stand the subject the more certain will be their desire for Nprtbwestern Mutual nollclea. That the publlo la taking life Insur ance In lara-e amounts and - with in creasing ' discernment , is evidenced . by the fact that the Northwestern Mutual has issued $91,600,000.00 new Insurance during the first 11 niontns or iuo, which is an Increase of 117.600.000.00 over tha corresponding period of 1(04. A large proportion of our applications for new insurance come from men al ready Insured In this company and who are prompted to Increase their lines be cause of. aatlaf action with former poli cies. -. - - To Illustrate we take a case just at hand: On SaturdajrlJast wa received an application for $16,000 from a Portland man. This la the second polloy he baa taken with ua thla year. Previous to this he took policies in this company in 118. 18(1. 1(00 and 1(01. six In all, and all of them still In force. In subse quent "talks" wa will demonstrate why ths publlo la so Increasingly placing Ha confidence In the Northweatern and why "our policy-holders are satisfied." . B. T. Lockwood Bon. general agents Northwestern Mutual Ufa, ' concord Building, Portland. Oregon.-- - United States engineers with tha view of promoting those deserving. . A steam plledriver will be Inspected at Astoria by United 8 la tea Inspectors Edwards and Fuller. MARINE NOTES. Astoria. Dec. 18. Arrived down at 1 a. m." Steamer Daisy Mitchell. Arrived down at 1:10- a. m. Steamer senator. Arrived down at :4B a. m Steamer Argyll. Arrived down at (:40 a. m. Schooner Oakland. 'Deft up at noon French bark Mlchelet and Ruaalan bark Isabel Browne.. . V Ban Pedro. Dec 18. Arrived Schoon er Mabel Gale, from Portland. San Francisco, Dee. 18. Arrived at 10 . m. Steamer Homer, from Portland. Astoria. Deo. 17. Arrived down at T a. m. and Bailed at 4:11 p. m. Bteamers Aurella, for San Francisoov and South Bay, for Ban Diego. Sailed at 4:16 p. m. Steamer Cascade, for San Francisco. Arrived at 8:60 a. rn, and left up at 11 a. m. Steamer Costa Rica, from San jrrancisco. ... San Francisco, Dee. II. Sailed at I -m. Steamer Bee. for--Portland. Port Los Angeles, Deo. It. Arrived Schooner F. 8. Redfleld, from Columbia river. San Francisco, Dee. II. Steamer Co lumbia Balled for Portland) at 11:80 a. m. 1 Astoria. Deo. 18. Condition of the bar at 8 a. m., rough; wind southwest; weathsr cloudy. 1 PETROLEUM PRODUpTlON (Journal gneelel Bervlee.) Paris, Dec 18. According to state ments published by the Commercial Geographical society of Parte tha world's production of petroleum last year was divided aa follows: United States, 11,000,000 tons; Russia. 10.400. 000: Sumatra, Java and Borneo, 1,000.- 000; Roumanla, 4(6,000; tha East Indies, 404.000; all others, 860,08. Astonish ment is felt In regard ta Roumania's rapid Increase from an insignificant po sition to one whieh. tf it goea on In creasing, will onabla it to compete with Russia. The Ruaslan papers are some what surprised at the presence or i rival so near their borders. The pro ductlon of 1(04 waa more than 8,000,000 tona larger than that of 1(08. Tha yield of 1(01. because of tha terrible loases In Russia, will hardly reach, that of 1(08. It -would not be aurprlalng If the figures Bheuld show It much Issa than for any year la the laat decade. The effect on the petroleum markets will be felt in many parts of the world, for petroleum haa long been regarded even by remote, regions aa a necessity. jt.c,m.ftrswUA-ciear irHUi part cargBca I GREAT FALLING OFF IN , ; .ok fm ior xoreign--ports. At the end of October Portland waa in the lead.' Although 608.88a bushels of -wheat waa exported from here during November the aonnd made even a better ahowlng by sending -1,478,800- bushels across tha aeaa In November, San Fran- clseo shipping only 888 bushsls. In the exports of flour for tha paat 11 months New Tork is at tha head of the Hat with a shlpmsnt of 1.818.811 barrels, aa againat 1,180.888 barrels sent from the sound and 116,081 from Port- - a salsa Change of Teane. - (gperui Mapstrb ts The Jour-eel. J - -r-Corvallla Or., Dec 18. In the casta of the Corvallla clubmen, who peti tioned for a change of venue. Judge Harris thla morning refused to grant tha change and a Jury la being em paneled to try tha caaea in the Benton county eo'urt thla week. These are the liquor cases that have created cpnatd- arable attention here of lata. . . f , acrs. Taggart la Chicago. (joarnal Special Berrio.) ,k Chicago, Dec 18. Grace Taggart and her sons arrived here Sunday and -are visiting her slater, Mrs. Shield, In High land rarx. - California Bankers Meet, (Joarnal Bmetel Berries San Jose, Cel., Dec 18. Tlfe execu tive council of the 8tate Bankers' asso ciation haa called the next meeting for Santa Barbara, May 17. IS and II. To Argaa Caleb rowers Case, 1 - (Journal flnerlal aervtce.) Washington, D. C. Dec. 18. Caleb Powers' case haa been aet for argument January is. VERY- Cheap Prices China Crockery Dolls Glassware Christmas Holiday Goods COME EARLY x See Oct Teisptbj Prices Grtit tni&ric&a Iaipcriltf Tu Co. tea Fire w-a. til Wsahlagtoa Si, f "rUm" .c 1 ONLY SEVEN DAY LEFT DON'T MISS IT ARECCIiD- ' ZmiHX SALE This is the store for real bargains be cause however low our prices mar bo. -quality of the goods Is there with It. PRICES CUT TO THE ROOTS ALL NEW GOODS OIMTDmi M A, I O R D E R R O M P L, V I L. E D Suits Worth $12.60 and $10 .-; ' now ':. '.' ' ' 5.63 These Suits we sold for $12.50 and $10 and the are big yalues at that, but our stock must go.' Only seven, days left . of this Doomed Sale. They're - yours for ' $5.63 Overcoats Worth $9.50 to $11-3 r . NOW - ?4.27 ' These consist of Blue and Black Kerseys and Thibets. They come In long belt or box coat.' Come quick, they will not last long $4.27 Suits Worth $15 and $17.50 NOW $7,931;; Silk and satin panel lined. These suits we sold for $15 and $17.50 but we are determined to sell put , by , next Saturday. Come quick' take your pick $7.98 Overcoats Worth $14 and $18 NOW $7.63 Beautiful long fancy Cheviot Overcoats, all wool and nicely lined, biggest bargains on earth; goods must go. . Come take a look; $7.63 Suits Worth $20 and $30 NOW $9.98 How to describe these would be very hard as there are thousands to pick from, consisting of fancy worsteds, cheviots, imported meltons, Thibets, etc Come take your pick, ;" but come quick . ?9.98 Overcoats Worth $20 to $25 NOW ' $9.ig Well, how is this? We have these In great quantities and they- must go. This price will move them. Nobby, up - to - date Overcoats, all the lat est style; worth $20 to $25. They're yours for $9.04 fIjeber & co. m mmmmmuMMM Furnish ings BIG SPECIALS ' Initial Silk Handker chiefs ; regular price 50c Doomed Price .......... 14e Heavy all wool Cash mere Sox; regular 'price 75c. ,. t . ' o5oomect "Price V.IU Beautiful SUk Muf flers, all colors; regu lar $1 kind. , Doomed Price . .191 Men's" ' large . linen Handkerchiefs regu lar 25c kind. ; , Doomed Price ... 7f 00 Pairs Suspenders; worth 25c to $1. Doomed Price ... 5 EXTRA SPECIAL f:V', on :r. Pants Extra Special, Men's $2 Pants. -Doomed Price"-vv08r . y '....' . " v!. Extra Special, Men's $2.50 Pants. Doomed Price. $ 1.23 Extra Special, Men's $2.75 Pants. TMSomefl Price. ?j..48 Extra Special Men's $3 Pants. Doomed Price. $ 1.78 Extra Special, Men's $3.50 Pants. Doomed Price. $2.15 Thousands of pairs to select from all sixes, for , the big, short or slim man. ' $2and.50 Neckties Will be sold for 49c These are Ties 'we .bought to aril lor and $1.50 and they are in beautiful boxes. Make a . splendid Xmas gift. Come early Second ' Floor 49c f 9.00, f 8.00 AND Boys O'coats Will go for $2.19. These are all woo, long and thort coats 1. 1oU to choose from,aH sixes. Come -early - Second Floor $2.19 Visit uui , Secuiid Floor. There are thou sands of bargains, to select from. Come where the crowds go. Remeber the Toys given away free with every. 50c purchase. Come get some of our Dressed -Dolls, " Me chanical Tors, Round abouts and Musical Carts. On Our Second Floor - $5.00 SILK VESTS WILL GO FOR $1.13 $2.00 Solid silver trim med Silk Suspenders. Doomed "Price ..40 49c 50c Black Silk Neck ties, v Doomed Price lie Doomed Prices On Small Thing "Fancy 'Sox. r i - T Doomed Price ..,1, Towels. ' -'V-'V Doomed Price ..4e Heavy Wool Sox. Doomed Price . .12 Working Shirts. Doomed Price 19 Black and Tan Hose. Doomed Price ...5 Caps, Men's or Boys'. Doomed Price . .15e Heavy Suspenders. Doomed Price ,.,181 Sweaters. Doomed Price ,.38 HAS THE PEOPLE'S CONFIDENCE T H E E N nr. 1 R T O c s T . "1, .7. ' Q P A Tremendous Saving in Youths Suits & Overcoats -.,'.-.-,."''r.-'-v-.':-: t v-V ;' Youths' $16.50 and $18 Suits arid Overcoats, at the A 7g choice for .41 U I O This offering includes all the styles in both Suits and Over coats in vogue. For the younger mea from 13 to 80 years of age. Not a single style in our $16.50 and $18 grades excepted or reserved.-.' " Y ' : v Youths' $13.50 and $15 Suits and Overcoats) at the ' tfQ 1 C choice for. . . ..... . . : i ........ apO. 0 This proposition takes in, embraces and includes every $13150 and $15 Suit and Overcoat in our entire stock of these, grades for youths from 13 to 20 years of age. ' Youths' $12 Suits and Overcoats, 4?iJ AA at the choice for. ....... ... . ..... . ..... ; ,T; . . . . vi .". ePUa" U Splendid styles all of them and unmatchable values they were at the original prices. Not a single $12 Suit or Overcoat in our youths' stock reserved. Sixes 13 to 20. - Youths' $9 and $10 Suits and Overcoats, ' JC at the choice for.,.. )OitO "A small price for a good Suit or Overcoat, surely two grades to choose from $9 and $10. Be sure to select the finest. CC 7C All bunched and subject to your choice for. .......... $u 1 D Cravenettes ' Any one inthe house $9.99 They are worth from $12.50 to $30. Special Value -r-inr-- 1 Suits Boys' $9 and $10 Knee Pants Suits, Reefers and Over- d f? coats, at the choice for. ....................... i....rpOa I O ' This offering consists of Norfolk, Double Breasted, Sailor. Blouse, Russian and Three-Piece Suits; Storm and Box Reefers, Long, Short, Box and Russian Overcoats for boys from V to 47 Tears of age. .. .',vr'" ;,; ; -." ;" ' Boys $6.50 and $7.50 Knee Pants Suits, Reefers and, Qr Overcoats, at a choice for. ......... ..v.........I)Oa0 These include all this styles enumerated above, in the $6.50' anvl $710 grades, and in sixes V to 16 years. Boys' $5 Reefers Knee Pants Suits and Overcoats, at A g the choice for. L7J , : All the styles known to fashion are included in this offering. In sixes iyi to 16 years. All of our new famous $3 grade of Suits, Reefers and Overcoats. Not a single' style excepted or reserved...'.-,,'-..'",. ," ' '-r.: - -; Boys' $3.50 Reefers, Knee Pants Suits and Overcoats, P at the choice for.. ................................. .)iralO The Suits come in both double breasted and Norfolk styles, in sixes 3 to 15.'. t Reefers are msde with box and storm collars; sizes 3 to 13. The Overcoats are cut in Russian style, for little lads V to Shears.''- -,".:,' ;:. ..... ..':''-. 7 second floor SHOES AT RIDICULOUSLY LOW PRICES second floor U o 128 FIFTH STREET, OPPOSITE OLDS. VVOHTr.lArj G'.KIKG r-m)