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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1905)
THE; OREGON DA&Y ' JOURNAL. PORTLAND. MONDAY EVNING. DECEMBER 18, 190T. 19 Jr tend th sTloftte ertiBBd. n for tnivinrteUaa mroaga the malJe Be Bavod- i'ou tat )! nir r J w pege b-. 1 cent; la W 80 P-. a awUi w m pmss, - .- ; ..'''' Mtmnm '''" Editorial Baosaa business OUU.,.. " tnO roio advertising epbitatit. ! IreeUxl-RerilaBilB Burial Advertlelng IJJ .' ISO bJ-ssa atreet. Wew Sural Ir-uaae ataU. '. be. Ui0M . -., . : ; , , '.v mnMotmcioa S4t,v,'! ilyV" ' " Tm T Carrie. - ' 2, L T Tfie Psflr Journal, wit. au4f, 1 I...T.B0 The Dslly Journal, I yee. 8 00 The Dally Journal, with Baaday, 8 moatbe. 8.78 - . The Dally Journal ssoath.. - Dill? Journal, with Sunday, 8 Bsontba. " ; The Pally Journal months. -? The Dslly Journal, with Bandar, f axonta).. M i Tb Dally, par imk, Mlwt etoaday eluded . tlx bally, par mk, delivered, Baaday - . ceptcd J0 tat tar luu. r- . : Tlx Dan? Jowraal. wlta Baaday. 1 f....WTM - The Dally Jaarnai. 1 year BOO Tb ball JoarnaL wlta Band, moatbe. Tina Dally Journal. aiootba The Dally Journal, with Bnnday. I moatbe. 1.80 The Dslly journal 8 months...., L40 The Dally Journal, wlta Sunday. I moot.. M Tha Dslly JoarnaL I month -J - The Baaday- JoarnaL t year. r ....... J0 . II Sunday Joaraal, months IM ' Xk Semi-Weekly JeurnJ. . . The Danl-Waaklr Joaraal. t II aaaa aara laaaa. uiaatratad, tall Biarkai fa- :' pvt. I yaar -M RaailttaMsaa aaoald to aiada by draft: aaatal aotaa. aipraaa ardara aad anal aatoaata art , acoap tibia la 1 aad S-aaat anatam atampa. TBS .OVBJUX. . P. O. Bos 111. Fartlaad. Otayiav. , , . ,yjajm to jopmu. mat ss wiri. H foanat na ba toand aa aahr at to folk.wlM plaraai 1 UOI.SB, IDAHO H. BaDar a Oa. W. B. Ma- Intyra. CHlCaOO ToatotOo Mawa aaaapasy; ITt Daar . bora attaat. DENVER, (X)rOiAJDO J. Black. Hxtaaotk aad ' Cartla . atrrota. KANSAS CITT Taa Vat H . WINNEAPOUS-ai. J. KkTaaaaca. M ( j ntrv atrcat. - - HRW YORK OTTT nraBtana'a. Palaa aqaara. . OMAHA Millard Rota mat ataad; Maaaatk dtatloearr eompaay, ISO Kant am atraat. BALT LAKH CITY Kanyoa Botal aawa atandt - Barrow Rm, aa awtwl atiaat. flnath. AT. LOUIS I'hlllp Boadar. did Looaat atraat;. f ip oura atraat. BAM rkANCISOO W. . Ardlaa, Palaiw Bnfal aawa ptand aad 100s klarkat atraat; Oold - amltk ' Broa.. XV) 8 attar atraat aad Balnt i Praacta botal; roatar di Oraar. Parry balld r trie N. Wbaatlay. etarabla nwa ataad. oe- nr Markat and K earner atraata. ' BEATTI.B Ralnlar Grand aawa atand; W. h. ' Phanka, Bntol Raattla nawa at anil. ISPOKAMKV WASHINGTON-4oaa W. Orakaal A Oa. TAOOMA. WAniN0TOT Cantral Mawa aom- pant Hotal Ttootna aawa (tand. VICTORIA. PRITIHH JOlCktBIA Tletorkl t Boo A itatlonary aoapany. v . WEATHER REPORT. Gcnaral rata fcaa nwunad dorlnir tha feat ' 24 boara throochout California, waatera Oracna. . 'Waahlmrton aod northrrn Idaho. . Llabt rata i alao rrportt-d 1a tha Ohio aallry. Clarwbara . thromrhoat tha T nltrd 8tatra do nraHpltatloa 'T ,,T!ff uiuaftiunuuB iA .jriiuftadrL-1 It .lxranit'tr'nrdflr thla awrnlnK In aoatbara Or.jroo.. anatbaaatara ' Idaho, aatra Montana and North Dakota, and '. fnrrcapondlnjriy warmer la Brltlah ColumbU and aorthPTB Callforala. , Tha atorra central off tha afaahlnfrtne eaaat . ftaturday baa adnnrrd a lowly eaatward and la now eratral orrr Manitoba. A acaond dla , tnrnanra -la aantral la the laka rvylon, whlla a third orranira Arlanoa and New Mexlea. : Unanttlrd. elondy armtbor. with rala, will crttlnna orrr tha araatar portion af tba north Pacific atatra tonlrht add Tuaaday. It will bi rooW tonlyht waat of tfaa Caacada mTni." , , - i , . v.. BtaWona . a, Itoatoa, Maaaachtiaetta. . . . rtilcaca, Illlnota.v. , Dbt, Colorado..,......, Kanaaa City. Ml.aotirl . . ,. , I oa Aaavlca, California..., Krw Orl.ana. Loul'lana.... Kew Tork, Now lock..... RnaanairBT, Oron. ......... - Kt lywla. Mlaaomi Baa Fraadaro. California.,.. V Hnokana, Waahlnatna...... Taroma. Waahlnatrm. .. .... Walla Wall. Waahlnftoa. : Waahlnirtna, D. C Temn Mai. Mia. PraHp. .3d 24 M .m .no .BO .M ' .4". -.4 . .M .3". ,M .IIS .40 - .0 .0 .0 ' .0 .0 . .0 .At T ,M ,M M .lit - .0 ! 2 411 4S M- : 4 to MARRIAGE1 LICENSES. ClMatrr B. Pyl.-M; Ktbal Dnrfcaaa. SO. Waddlnc Carda. W. O. Smith A Oa Waah toatoa bld(n ear, Poartk aad Waabkictoa ata. Mlaa Barrha Martin, room StS AHaky Md. atamptnff and flna aaadlaworfc; teaaoaa (tran. BIRTHS. WILKINSON IWamhar J4. to Mr. aad Mr. Oaarca P. Wlllrlaaaa at Bakar City, a daafb- 'tkHM-IWrnilmj IS. to Mr. aad Mra. M. - K.hrll. SS Hart arroa. a ana. ' i DEATHS. , MOROAJC At tha family raaldanra on Orawl Hill. Daraaihar 17. 1903. Ellaabath Ball '. Morna. ard ST yaara. S amntha aad IT ,daya Pnnaral wfU taka placa Taaaday, Da . camhar 10. at II a. m. from P. a. Dnnnlnr'a , , rhanal, comar of Kaat Slith and Baat Aldr ' atraata. . Intarmaat Looa Fir aBatary. ' rnanda tnrltod. , " UNDERTAKERS. 1. P. Ptalar A 'Son, fnnaral dtrartara aad amhatmara, anniar Third and Madrana atraata. Of flea ef eaeaty aorooar. Telapbao Mala . rhmnlnf. MeKatee A Gllhaart. aadartakare . aad rmhatnarra; aiodara la erary detail. Bereata . aad Pine. Mala 4S0. Lady aaataUat. Pvnaral wreathe and eat flowera a epertalty , at Roa City Graanhooa. Twraty aaeood aad Kaat Morrleoa. eppoalte cemetery. ' i The Bdward -Rolmaa rndartalrla( raapena jr , ,i fnnaral dlraotora and embalaiera. . S30 Third i.:, U Pbooe HOT. ..... ( . - J A. B. Maeiatork. andartakar aad am bat mar, i Tart Thirteenth and Umatilla are. Phone Kaat 4T3L ; i cl Br" Sowara. SSS Morrtaoa atraat" ";- . avrrtRTirw cncmiT, -rmnyle (raace t'- Faainy Iota $70 te (I.OIW. Tha only eametcry la Portlaad which par i pataally malntalna and rarea for lota. Per fall Information apply to W. B. Mackanile, Wor t ' W- M- Udd' PW'detrt. I REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. , rrink P. Caldwall to C. M. Hint la. lot T. Ainina rlontftrad addition ... . t Handlay and naehaad to " B P . Mathawa, wpat fto fact krta IS and Id, ,.: Wot IB. Kliw'a S.oond addition .... K. Handler, admlnlatrator, te B. 0 800 1 5.500 300 100 STS STS w. r. Pall and wife ta U v lot a, bhwk , KlTaralda addltlna.. .' , Ariota Land rotnpaiy to M. Haha. lot 12. MoHt 10, Arlcia Park No. a .... William Marka aad wlf. to S. K. TarW lot IS. Mock 2. Heat Portland IIHrhta. . William Marka aad wife art S. E. Tar lor . V4 Id. block 2. Raat Portland Oclahta. " C. A. Price fliut te Ik. Hertart. let IS. bkk 14. North Irrtairtoa I . O W. Shirley to Otto OrlcaerL at al , I ecrca 1. D. Prcttymaa and wife ITS ketloa land claim 7 ., .. .1 "a,S00 a. ti. rpencer to w . mmnn, iota jn -" ani 11. block I. Cook 'a addition ..... 1.081 . . Ta.well to I. bt., T.iar.ll, k.ta , j, B. and T. block 1HT; lot 8, block IT7, rarntnera- anninnn "IT A. WrH row anit wtfe -tw ft. H ad T. r ea z. in a aaroaa aimtioaj. Peter Vltea and .wife te 8. O'lkmneU, lot 8. block 1. Klnv'a Second addltlna. J. T. Mw and wife te O. II. et al., bt 8. block 21. Wnodlawn ..... . P. Sender aad wife te L. O. Hal.ton, kra , block VnS, tVterb addition.. A. Ktne -and 1fa t H. . Klllla. 4, 80t 1.054 AW lata 4 aod A. block S, ricaaant flea "- ddt(lei ..i Aal talata Inaeatera' aeanctattoa tn air lea Apnb'ate. -lota 8 and . 1 bl.k M. Sellr.a fe P Vonraaa and wife to 1, (. Honatoa, lot 81 be 84, block O, Portaaaoalk Xtil a 800 LOANS We htTep.mp1e funrjs to loan In amount . on improved business residence property in Portland vicinity, at lowest rates. - . v . ' 'y- Titles' Icsarci Abstracts Funilsliejl any and and The' TMc. Gloaraitcc y 240 Waslilntfia SU Ccr. 2d PORTLAND. OREGON.' ' 'IIE-WOMEN on woaiea are Jnat a trifle tlanld about miner te a bank to tranaact bualneea. And abrt pimply berauaa they era out famlljar with the rule of bank ink. Thl ehould not be an, and la not ao with thoaa who corn to thla bank. Mlaa More- hcaae, superliitenocnt ot . our women a ir partment. . alma- to male , every Uranaactlon ao clear and a plain that dcallni with thla nana eooa aeoomaa to . ma wuiuca an oaay hdii ana a picaaura.- - - j We annrectate the Batronaee or woman. Thetr baaloeae with Ba la already larca em ateadllr Increaalna. If yoa are ant now a patron, urn pieaae coaioer met aa tariia- a te aacoaM one. i. . i . . . Portland ; Trust; Craipaiy COB. THIRD AND OAK Tak ' T a.' Pbona Iichani Ti ,t' y,. '.::IUIUAL OFJHEWAUEEE ' OtJB ' POLICYHOr.DERS , ARB- ' lATISriED. J Concord Bid?. Portland, Or. A v.." : SPOT"CASi:;FOt FBMIUIRE - Wa tlao on eemmlaaion. Onarmn te beat raaulU. ' PORTLAND AUC TION ROOMS, ail First atraat . A, Bchubach, proprietor.' Pbona Main StS5. NOTICE. WB, tb aaderalgaed fore I re re and plane aw era, will raqaire tne payment or au eBarre ; apoa dellTary of goods, after Dee. 1, ISOA. ' H. C. Haark, 0. P. Harder, O. P. Bnaaey, taaartore uroa., roruana veneery v., I'oaf Bnelel ruiI.e.V . fV, P,i4,m laalleeew rv,. Holmae Tranafer Co., Nnrtbweetera Traneferl Co Oregoo Ante neapatck Co., Job Hamp ton. James MeLlnden, Owe McLtndea, Paclne Tranafer Co., Oregon Tranafer Oo., Portland Vaa A Storage Co., Waksman-Morae Tranafer Co., Eaat aide Transfer Co., C O. Pick Traae fer A Storage Co, O. M. Oleea. Barks re A Omnibus Tranafer Co., A. J. Murphy. Kad deely Transfer A Commission Co., John A. Lot. Andrew t. Murphy. P. M. I raised. P. Miller. Cinch A Benderaoa. THB undersigned will receiT sealed bids for a stock ot mercbaonee consiatina; nrincipauy ef dry goode, fomlahlng goods, rubber aooda, clothing, bat, akoea and nottone, of the In voice price ef ST. 188. TO, together with fixtures araonnttng te 8408.04, located at Pa Ell, Washington, ap to 12 o'clock aeoa, Tbaraday. Deo a i her 21, gog. A certified check for 10 per cent neat ac company each bid and light ta reaerred t reject say and all bide. Inventory may be aeea at my office and Inepectloa et prep arty may be bad a Pa Ell. Dated at Portlaad, Oregon, December 18, 2808. . i R. X. SABIN, ' 27J2B ui MEETINO NOTICES.' NOTICE OP ANNVAL MEETINO OP BTOCK- HOLDEBS, the Oregon water rower at itaii ' way company Notice at hereby given that the regular annual electing of toe stockholders . ef tbe Ores on Water Power A Railway com pany, a corporation, will be bald at the ' office ot the company, corner Plrat and Alder gtreeta. In the c(ty of Portland, MuttJ noeiah county, Oreroo. at the hour of 10 o'clnclf a. m. of Tuesday, tha 8th day of January, If in. 1 The said meeting will he held for tbe purpose of electing director for th enaulng year end for tbe transact Win of such other bnatnesa aa may be legally brought before It. Thla notice la glvea pursuant to the requirements of tb by-lew of the eoaf . . '. w. t; Mt;in; Secretary The Oregon Water Power A Ball way Company. . A REGULAR meetlnf of -the Portland -Meat- dealer' asanctatroa will Be neia nn Honnsy evening. December IS. at Allsky ball. Third and Morrtepa eta.', at 8 o'clock sharp. All dealers arc . requested te be present. P.- St'HERLAKD, - President, M. P. JOSMN. t Secretary. LOST AND FOUND. llTrrrtm pemr wrtman, prrktlartt contain in f.t-.; artmoo wwAiofioa ir?i; rwrtx w 4, Jnnrnal. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Land company et al., parcel land begin ning eaat aide line Twentieth, Bortb.-L . . and 19 feet aorth of aathweat corner 1. block 2. Sherlock addition 1 W. C. SailU et al. to H. P. Smith, lots ' T and s. block 21. Highland .... L it Title laser a see A Investment-company ) to J. 1. Marker, vesat Iota II and IS. block 2. Weat 1'iedtnnnt ." 1,400 ' 800 (lundorph te W. P. Scaontsy and wife, lot 111. block 8T, Srllweod J. Pltageratd and wife to C. WludV laab. lot p. block s. I'lalntleld 7 Daa t. Malarkey et al. lo R. Cetlln - et al.. kita 8. S. block Tl. Cetwh ade Attaaa ...... a. l.i4v.Viai, . . 1S.500 ml REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. K. B. Hahjbt 'to B. A. Miller, lota .18, tl, block S, Maegiy Hlfhland H. B. bllllln. executor, to 1. A. Bnyce, lota 4 and a, undlrlded M block 8. Plraaant View addition H. B. Kllllo. axecutor, te J. A. Boyoa, HIM " lWntidrTt W I T . . . . 1500 TO "TOO 8. I. Crowe to Joe Carter, lot 22, block iHwomorninx aimitioa A. Eechman and .wife to M. Hamaan. lot 8, block 6. Point View A. B. Caatnr and wlta to L. Lrwla. lota . IS and , 14, block 18, Moaut Tabor Vllle ..... ! Ktnlly Eatvh te t. P. Hamilton, lot 4, block 8. Uml.l Talua Villa too 800 , 1 J. W. Cook and wife to N. Jobnaua.. lot 1. block 14. Cook' addition I. W. Cook to Jouaa Newman, lot S, 850 .880 '600 block 14. Cook'a addition v... Title Guarantee A Truat company to rrea K. idincerrnrd. lot is,- nioca au, Plrat addition Iltilladay addition... R.Ahepberd to J. T. V bailey, eaat H of nia-rhweat hi. airett IS fere ' off 'north aide and weat H north eaat "4 aectloa 22, towntblp 1 aortb, ranc. I weal .V.... 8,260 830 1000 M. K. Swlsert to W. 8. Oeborna. lota and 40. block S, aubdlraloa lot O, M. : Patbifl Tract Bdward E. Moore- et al. te G. W. Gib eon, lot 8. block 14s, Eaat Portland. I, Barley et aL to A. A., Leonard, IM)il2S feet P. Pretfrmao and wife ' donatloB land claim. Berth . tea-a-- ahlp 1 amth, rang S eaat ! J. I'aouet and wife to P. . WTTtaweea. 800 bk" k ST. ICaat t'ortlantt a-.r. .y. J. Chandler to A. W. Ijrohert weat 2B feet bta S to . ana eer ib re .lot 1 to 8, block 42. Eaat Portland.. 10 Oat eonr inanrance and abatracta ta real e rata from th. Title Oaarantee A Treat eonpaay. 240 Waahlrurtoa treat, comer Second. HELP WANTEDMALE. WANTED Bariwra to know that O. N. W. Wllaoa Co,- barber aupply honae will more beck to their old etnre. 72 Sixth at., oa De ; cemher 18. where that, will eontUme the eale - ef their flre-damaeed yooda, and will fill orders from their new slock, that baa fuel ' arrlred, aa fast aa the earne are reeelred. New cataloene for 190A will be ready by - Pebraary ,1. Goode dellTered la the city limlta tree or enarpe. ii wau rlty aaleamaa to call on yoa. drop a a postal card, or phone Clay 1634. . MEN and boya wanted te learn Plnmbln trade, paya o day after completlnf eonree of practical Inatrnrtlon ' at home or Ho ear s-boola; rradoate admitted to nnloa and Maat.r Phimeer' aaanclatlon: poaltlona ae- - . -Sm. . CV. PtHmliln Wflrtl r jw tork. St, Loo la. Mo Cincinnati, 0, Free catalogue. MRU. can eat ateadr work load In a ties Into car rrntn obi sew ai ooc (wr ew, "".i... . llilna, Incline. -Orefoa A Waahlnftoa Boal n Co.; , - ' ' Wi NTKD Parilla t learn te leers dot: arowlna armand for operatora;.. poaltlona eecored srad- . nates. 48H Third at,, room . law e p. m. WANTED Clerke end wtndow-dreaaer to Brady show-card writing at I. M. u. a. nigni achool; personal Instruction. Apply for pay tlcalere. Portland Barber Oollere. Tnltlon , reaaonabla aa. any, achool en eoaat. , jht rutaoara n.-- WRAT t the Red Z Crass Dyapenaaryt At 43 H Third, corner A an. - 830 TO StIS per week easily made eelllna sick , and accident baneSta for Cnloa MatuaJ .Aid Aas'B.,T0S Marqnam bldf. . WANTED Good, reliable man to handle cof- fre end tea roata: most Bare capital anoego to own his own horse and wagon. STANDARD COFFEE A SI'1C MILLS. ; .... .... .. ,. ,aos aaeood St, ... , YOI NG man to take charge ef department et reliable real eaute arm, oa year a contra rr; rets, with reply; caab security required. V la, ear. Journal. WANTED Good, all-around printer, sober, re liable: married man prererren. aonrese aw vlewJTtloSeThlrlr WANTED S carpenters; most be both work men aad 'workers. Inquire Fifty-first aad 'Coueb, any time. - . ' - TOUNO man to tend bar and manage saloon, ' week! S1SO aeceseary for one hal.': a snsp; reference. Boom 801 Worcester block. 1 HELP WANTED FEMALE. BANBRN B LADIES' AGENCY. 843Vb Washing- toa at., cor. seventa, apsiaira. a-aone mata 2602. Female belp wanted. WOMAN, eve 23. .-energetic, reliable, to taka charge et a VUrl efflca. Call or address room tl Uwta bld PORTLAND SEWING SCHOOL Paahloaable dressmaking 27 1H Morrleoa et,. aorner 4th, U. .Byatem yagnu . , ....... PERSONAL Inatraetlna ta enerthaad, bookkeep ing, penmanship and Bngllali at a tnitioa lee lese tbaa required by the bualneea colleges. Address M. A. Albln. 88 Sixth at. WANTED At wace, a on gat, energetic, pre. eatable maa or woman, a food talker, te : take ap aa attractive propoelUoa. laqalrt ' 7 S3 Chamber ef Commerce. 0 a. ax. WANTED 8 good agenta. salary at eommaMlea. CaU room B. Lab be bids. BELP wanted and eunplled. male r female. B. Q. Drake. SOftH Waahlnytoa at. Black IBM. WBSKZl-JHBSStBEKSK&BOU, .J. aaaae3B3eaaaaBaalv SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. WANTF.D Te tmlld fire mornings la fUts or residence, eoutk of Waahlngtoa st. Phooe Mala 10T8. - . ., , TOt'NO ana would like office work In the mornlnga, principally dlstatloa and typewrit ing, fur practice; no pay expected. Address W 2. Journal. , SITUATION wanted by an engineer and ma chinist ; reference glvea. - 388 . Sixth St. Phone Pacific 1030. - IN all kinds of work acauelnted, traatworthy- proving -eiaeriy laborer neeirea. ny moaerata aalary. any sort of inside position., W . 1, rare Journal. . YOUNO nisn wanta poaltloa Ceith plumber to learu trade. Addreaa A 1, care of Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE MIDDLE-AGED lady wapra general hooeework m a amall family; permanent position. Call or addreaa B20 (jmatUla are., Sellwood. REFINED yooag lady would Ilka position aa companion to lady or elderly couple; will do light housework. O Id, Joarnel. ' REFINED young lady waobj posit loo la doe- .' riu -mm aa eeahlee mImum n II Journal. - . ' WOMAN arlahee work by tbe day, washing or cleaning.. Mra, Anderson. IBS North Tenth. WANT family washing and Ironing to do at . my borne. Mrs., Larsen, SSlfe Roosevelt. I'bone Main S710. feMPLOMENT AGENCIES. KATTONAL Employment and Labor Agency. 812 Pine et. Phone Mala 1304. - HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT' OFFICB. . FOR MEN. 98 B.' Second aL Phona Mala 1828. JAPANESE-CHINESE EMPTIYMENT OPFIca Henry Tabara. SOT Everett et, Phone P. dBe B40. ... Bid FOUR EMP. AGENCY Help (applied free. -18 M. Second at. - Phone Mala IBIS. . SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN , EMPLOYMENT Co.. 8 North Second: fnrntshse alt kind em ployment for men aad women. - Mala SOBS. THE Port Is ad Employment Co., 200 et. Pbona Pacific 2SB. ; PROBABLY TO KNOW HOW MANY '.' OP TOIB FKIENDR AND ACQUAINT ANCES ARE NOT ONLY Journal Want Advertisers , BIT riEOVLAR BEADERS OP WANT ,. ADS. FOLKS DO KOT DO THESE SUINOi WITHOlT HOOD BIAS0N8. YoaWMlOcSiirpriscd -er- WANTED AGENTS. AGS NTS to Inanrance. hum bldf. ell the beet In alck and accident Pacific Aid Assoc 1st luu. 800 De- WANTED Agenta; something -new; good eel lor, big waxes, hub Hcaay oiug. 1 i 1 WANTED Agent, either aex. In each town; te aell hlith rrad ahlrtwalat materia ax aney ' dlee aultliwa by the yard. We furnish eaiuplee at email coat. Direct Clolo Co, 8U liOiila. MO. WANTED REAL, ESTATE. H A V R boyera waiting for city real estate; what have yoa la nnwee. Income property or vacant Intel I, care of Journal. IP Toa have a ftrat-claa farm far sale, as aa. We always bar buyers for that kind of property. Gregg Hroa., , 817-31S- ran ton bldg. I1MNM Main 8S0S. ..!., WANTED TO RENT. A WANTED to rent farm, IB or to acres, neat rlty; bonce and bar. - M. G. Morgea, STB Mllwaukle at FI'RNISHED rooming - house. 10 to 20 rooms; must be acme Income) beat ot care guaran teed. . O -12, Journal. WE want desirable honae and Beta, all part ef tbe rlty: have blgh-claee elte.ita waiting; rente collected, property eared for. THE CONTINENTAL COMPANY. Hi Stark at. Phene Mela 18T8. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS PAINTING, spraying and whitewashing tree. basements, earn, dock, ate. 1 largeat gasoline praying eutflt on the coast. M. 0. Morgea A Co., 0T0 MUwaukte at. Pkoa Eaat 2611. P. J. RTDBR. printer. Second aad Waahlagtaa eta. Phone Main 838S, SEE tbe Lewie and Clark fttr at borne; send eoe ta stamps for handsome photo boo, aesrly too photon of fair, THxBH Inche. Western View 3ook Co,. Portland. . Boa SM. HIGHEST caab price paid for bottle and yank or every oeeenprion, t-nrtuna tiottie nuppty Co.. 881 North Eighteenth. Pboae Bala 2288. WB WILL BT. BFt.L OR TRADB ANY OLD THINO. WESTERN BAI.VAOB CO., B2T B2B WASHINGTON. PACIFIC TBS. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID for fnrnltnre In any quantity; alao take earn on eosimlsala and guarantee beet result a. Tha Portland Auction Rooma. A. Scbahacb, prop., 211 tint at. Pbona Mala R61I5. r WHO 18 M. O. MORGAN OO. J WANTED To bay a good delivery bore oa mooiniy paymenca. txx East Oak at. IP roa want the blabeat nelM foe nse rne. nnurv, ran aril oeiore yoa ring up mix in wi. ask sor uit, ... OLD upright plane for experimenting; must ha cheap.' Address W 18, Journal. WANTED IMMEDIATELY Cocker spaniel or Spit puppy, 2 to 8 montha old; moat be eeaaonehl Oell Waa. au . FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THE HAMANN. !.W N. IStb., cor. Port Newly inrnianeo rooma. op: convenient tocatloa. 18 minutes' walk to fair kroaods: Morrlaoa car at union depot direct to house. Pbooe S470, r, - ---- CHEAPEST end heat heatiut room, la Portland wees ana up. unman, rirst ana Alder sts. BEADTIFUL front suite and t other desirable rurnisked rooma In modern pome of private family; phone, bath, furnace heat, walking di'tanea. . 680 Fourth at. Pbooe Pacific Sid. FURNISHED rooms, single or en suite, SS per mmiu inq up. note rairarannt. awenty txtb and Tlpabnr and Vaughn ata. THE ORAND Newlv famished roon Bf TbdnTB.- JSTWT arand-art NICELY farnlahed rooma at moderate prices for rem in large private Bones, close m. uail at 14T Tentb ai, near Alder. HOTEL NORTHERN Single rooma, room and Dosro, and rooma for housekeeping: gio per month ap. 12th and Marshall ata. Main 1408. HOTEL MONARCH. 85 Stark t Mra. Aekley, x-rop. neetiy rurnlaneo rooma; transients.- THB ORAND, 4K4 North Third at. stooma for gentlemen, par week and ap. THE RICHELIEU. SSU NORTH SIXTH ST F.I.EUANT FUBNIHHKD ROOMSl STEAM HEAT AND BATHS'. THE OTIS. East Bnrnald at. and Cnloa eve. , newty romlahed room facing south; price ressooaoie, eiecineity, oatn ano pnoae rree. THB BELLBVDB. SIS Fourth at Neatly rurniaoea room; s tec trie iignta, porreiaia bathe; very low rataa by week or moatii. Hood TOJ... -. vi THE HUB, BB Eleventk at, cor. Stark Newly Turnisneo. eteam Beat, gas light and baths; one block from eerllne; rataa reasonable CLIFTON, First and Columbia Single rooma per wees ana ap; tranaieats Hue. aac, oue per oay; ao children. THB KINO. 808 Jeffersoa at Everything new ana moaern: all outsioe rooma; rates rrom as to g 10 per montn; tree hatha. . THB LINDA VISTA. .2471 fifth New maa- eg ementi bedrnome alngle, double; low rates. LARGE well furnished rooms: beat, . bath, gas and plmne; la private house, cheap. 1 No. 41 Eaat Eighth at., N. Eaat 28.18. - ELEUANT front rooma. private- family, SIS: bath, beat, light.' phone; a block from Portland hotel. SI 2 Seventh at. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING FOB BENT Furnished boaaekeeptng-room la beat brick block 00 east aids; gas range, ' bath, etc.; no transients; prices moderate. Logaa bib., loen Unlso are., corner . East Alder. Pbooe Eaat 4824. . . THE MITCHELL. Flanders end Seventh Rooms, housekeeping aad transient; convenient; price, reeeooable. . . - j -' THE GLADSTONE 812H Sevier et, furnished rooms; under aew management; price reev - aonable. SI TS PER WEEK Large cWaa furnished . house ceplng -rooms : Isandry and Beta. ' 184 Sherman, Boat Portland. NICELY fnrnlslied front rooma for light house keeping: gss, bstb. phone; cheap. 108 N. 17th. Pbona Mala 8018. HOME for working girls with boaaekeepms privileges, tl per week. 428 AMer at. THE UN' DA VfRTA, S4TH Fifth New management-, for light housekeeping; low rate. ' NICKI.V furelebed flat of three rooma for bouM keeping, with batb, gaa and- phono: t2ft ta ' permanent part lea. Phone mornlnga, Mala HorSF.KEKPlNG rooma. 2 Hi and ap week; electric light and phone included. , SOlVt Wa ter at. TWO alee light honeekeeMng rooma; gaa, bath, phone. Main 862B. 1(11 -aeventeeath et. N. THREE furnished bnnsekeeplng moms' hath hot and cold water; rent reaaonabla, BuO Firet at. ROOMS AND BOARD. ROOMS with board for permanent breams, reeeoasblei Brst-clsss fcosae eenklng, 28 Sixth t UNDRLL HOTEL, Fnarth and Market New brick, -elegantly furnished, apodera through eat; rata, reeertnabla. THB COMMEnrlAI-Select fstr.'ly botel: nicely fnralshed; single or ea sultel table Brst elass; fre haths; ateam heat; rat reaeoa- tOS S4S.M0N. bet. Front aad Plrat Board aad mom 84 to SB week 1 mod era brick bldg. ROOM with breakfast or board; IS mlante walk to let and Washington at. s Eaat tk at. North. .... AT SMI Taylor yoa can get flnt-claea board . at. t per week. THE MANITOI . 281 Thirteenth St. Elegsntlr furnlahiHl rooms, single or en suite; excel- . lent home cooking: stesm best, abundant hot water; term eery moderate. - Phone auia save, ... ' wA'fa'- 'St iff .' ,.f .M &S a-- yiJ FOR RENT HOUSES. 8 ROOM modera cottar on eerllne. east aide, t20. Inquire, ate Waahlngtoa at. Beam 'For Rent. Rent Collected. EDWARD I HYNSON. Boom I Hamilton bldg. Phona Black 8108. HOUSE, 2ST North Twentieth, T rooms, porce . Is In bath, ' rsmaee, cement basement. R. i, .Gllaaa. 420 Chamber of Commerce. KADDERLY TRANSFER CO.. prompt and re . liable plaao and furniture movers; slso stor age. Pbona Main 1088. Of Bee, 110 N. Third. MODERN 8-mom cottage, porcelain bath and basement, Hnlladay's addition, near steel - bridge. Inquire room 801. the Dekum. . Tale phone between 8 aad 8, Pacloe 488. HOC8E for rent; 8-room modern bouae on eaat aide In good locarloo. 825. Hartman, Tbomp eon A Power. S Chamber of Commerce. A NEW modera honae. of T rooma, with furnace. Inquire 83 Eaat Eighteenth., cor. Washington. HOI SB for rent; 8-mom modern bona- on east aid In good condition. 818. - Hartman, Thomp aoa A i'oa era, S Chamber ef Commerce, WESTERN OREOON TRr8TCO., " Pknne Pacific eu.l. 201 Stark 81. - We make a epertalty of renule; take full charge of properties, a crura teuaula, collect . renta and oversea repairs. FOR RENT Hot honae. good orchard, en two - rst tir HU.a, el. ue inwwi wavJitew. w . . m or without 8 or Broom cottage. O IS, JoarnaL ' FOR RENT Five-room cottage. . Apply. 808 Fourth bt. . - FIVR-ROOOM honae.' with batb, corner Rodney are. and Beach at.; large yard. Inquire Sod Falling at. Phone Eaat 801. .' . FOR RENT New modera cottage, 818 pet month. Pbooe Eaat 2578. ; - ' SL'HI'KBAN home an car line; fine for chicken, vineyard, berries, fruit. Phone West 38U1. 8-ROOM bonse. 402 Cfaiy at., near Fourteenths good condition. Guy O. Willi, 811 Commer . elal block. Phona Mala 1281. " 8-ROOM honee. 42T Everett at., near Tenth; rent SIT; key la saloon. William Den holm. Falling bldg. ' . T-ROOM bonse, hot and cold water, foil base ment, fruit, . flowers. large grounds, eae block -to car. two block to Highland achool, east aide, SIS. Pbooe Scott 1042. NEW 8-room cottage; gftlc. basement. . 80 Esst Sixteenth. . Phone East BT. CHOICE modern new 8-room 8t, 880. - 188 North Union, near Holladay. HOUSES . FOR r RENT FURNI TURE FOR SALE. FOB heat results oa - ' , "FUBNtTrBi" r ' l: Whether to bay ar sell, ring ap Main 8888. PORTLAND AI CTIOS ROOMS. . ! 811 rirst at. 8 ROOM bouae. batb and Xrd, 821 ; all or part of furniture for sals, all for ISO. JO East Seventh at.. Booth. '' FURNITURE of 8 rooma for sale cheap, 843; rooma for rent, SB per month, water aud base aient. B3T Montgomery at- - FOR SAI.B Fnrnltnre of priest boarding , - Boose. Including piano; cheap rent, good ki e,ton close In: a bargain for caab: full irreafljV teauderg Bust. 1 ": FOR RENT FLATS. 1 ISO MODERN 8-mom upper flat, basement. Mill, Bear IBID. nairmai . Mrpi. vol lorn. MODERN B-mom flat. - 1 block north eteel brblge. fronting river. 1 Inquire 288 Larra- bee at. ' -- . STeRE3OPFiEi OFFICES, an furnished, and sample rooma; ahw III VUUUBinB nu. erfV M www eievatca-. CENTRALLY located office-rooms, with phone, light and heat, ST.80 per month. B. U Cete, IIS Second at. - - ----- BOOMS" and offices In Lewis bldg. Inquire of I. L. White, 'SOS ' Dekum bldg. FOB RENT Large atore. Sixth at near Wash ington. Inquire B. Morton Coen,-8M Oak at. Phone Main 138. FOR RENT Large light office. Sixth at., near Washington; can be need for light manufae-. taring. Inquire S. Morton Coha, 88 Oak at. Phona Main 188. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. r - HOTEL FAI AMOUNT. , ' ;." Twenty -alxth et., from Upekar ta ... , Vaagba. ' Barth furnirhad and aafu relished, alula aad aa suite, tl per week and ap. A permanent modera bonding, plastered aad with bathroom and modera plamblng. - - PIPtTD FOB OAS FOB COOKINO. f ALL OUTBIDS B00U1 . . ' vr-:.-:. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. FOR RENT About January 1. 2-story brick . building 100x100. northeast cor. ' Third aad Msdlson; will remodel and lease whole or part to desirable partlea. Apply te at. T. Cox. No. T First at., room 10. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE; Oa account of sickness, alee, dean, - motley-making bualneea oa east aide; sale from 18 te 138 per day; price 11.400, or will ' Invoice; ao agent wanted. O 60, care JoaraaL WANTED Year baslnee to sell; we aU all kinds property. 288 Burns I de at. - WANTED Responsible maa to maaage branch , office and depot fur large coffee and enlce . company awning Ita awn mills; salary Srnt monthly and commissions; references and tn , vestment of 11,000 required. Addreea maa " agar, 18 River at., Chicago. ON account ef sickness, win aell ear two stores of millinery . end ladlee' furnishing goode at sacrifice; 8500 down balance - on time; fine location; no eompstltloa. Ad drre p 14. care Journal. FOR SALE la th beat valley town at 8,000 tnhabltsnts, clean stock of aboeet Invoice about 14.000. Inquire 73 1st at., Portland, Or. WHO IS M. 0. MORGAN A 00.1 FOR SAI.B A welt established aad good par ing grocery business In best town of soothers Oregon: good location; price 11,600. W 6, ' cere Joarnel. GOOD paying reetaursnt. cigar and confection ery store; Sitnrea complete, -aheap. 802 2d at.. The Dalles. a Ftrtt SALE Shingle mill, capacity 100 M. For fertlcnlars write C. A. Sturm, Oea. Del., on land. Or. 0OOD hnstneaa for young man. no experience necessary. 820 a week; t80. Room 3B1 Worcester block. v FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. THREE new honaes, reatir sale; snsp. eeM Foarth et., room IS. Owner. WESTER!-" OREOON TRUST 00. fine.) Phone Pacific 0U.1. 2B1 St.rk at.. Portland. Oregon. Real eatate, timber lande, renters, fire Insurance. Take full ehargs ef properties, eecare tenant, oversee repair aad collect . rente. W" I ACRES, ell clear and In cherry trees 10 year old; Be eer fare; Iota sdjolnlng 8100 to 1M $3v0 pet acre. 1 11, tart of Joaraal, 'UrF 1 WMfilm FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ' ACRB TRACTS I .'':.-.' OUB SPECIALTY IS ACBB TRACTS! Full-slssd st rests, water te each (era, . " ' TERMS 1A PER ACRE CASH -l0 PER ACRB PER MONTH. Yoa go te ' these acre oa tbe asm car, tar th asm. 8c fare th lot mea paya. The t maa Is your neighbor, but be la re stricted la majority of feature that . make a true suburban borne. Open Wednesday and Saturday evenings. . AO. CHHRCHILL A CO.. INa S " . r 110 Second et. , MT. TA MO R 82. BOB-. IflOv IO0r- 7 -room -barn, fruit. Owner. 120 Third. 11 H ACRES. U. mile from electric line; ne rock or grevel; fine soli, essy to ciesr; mn - alng water, mad ea S aides; STS per aura, easy terms. I BO, ear of Journal. FOB BALE at a bargain, modera T-room bos as oa nasi i.jior, nw mr wrmm m purchaser. Apply F 41 .car Joaraal. FOR SALE S 8-mom cottages oa eaet aide; basement and yard, not and cold water, bath I price 11.800. Addreea O 40,' JoaraaL FOB SALB Modern aaborbaa cottage, close te earllna, Bne location, ground loOxiuO. O. W. P. Tuwaelte Co.. 184 Flrat at TWO nn lot, 100x100. corner: good view ef earner mountains; en sap. assb new moaern furnished 8-room bouse, bare. , Eaat 42a, ag Main 1418. HOW la thla I A nest room boose, nice level lot noxlOfl. ea Eaat 14tb at., en block from earllna; the beet bay la Baat Portlaad! 81.000 M 18. care Joaraal. SELLWOOD LOTS, 88 dowa and 88 a raoothj rrom 79 to szou, , Bsllsrood Tgwoalts c. Phone Eaat 4T04. . . IF yoa want to buy or aell real estate call ea aa; we do ant deal la cusps, but list yomr property wltb aa at Ita real value; we will cell It for yoa. Soaare Deal Real Eatate Co., S6B Morrison at.. Allsky bldg.. roam SUA ' Phone Pacific SOL W. B. Her, manager. 13.700. A SNAP Comfortable modera bnass. cloea la aa the esst side, Mvtng -rooms, bsts etc.. gaa aad electricity, large basement con taining Isandry, twe atore and fee It enseal everything shoot tbe house In Brst-clsss re pair; tbe lot la 1B0 feet deep, contains chicken, bonse and yard and number of Sue frail tree; aa Ideal ho ate for comfort and con venience. Call or addreea th owner, room 800. the Marqnam. Phone Mala BBS. S to 4 B. ex. II. TOO FOR lot on Kearney St. Tyaoa Klnaell. aug Commercial blk. Mala 1828. 8 ACRES very fine land, leva tbaa one mil. rrom electric line. 11 ml lea rrom rortlan-l, oa fine road: there le ao rock or gravel; Use level end essy to clear; HB per scrA any kind ef terms, -1 40. -ear of JoaraaL ANY ONE wanting snaps In Woodlavrn home call ap Baat 4018 and will be taken direct t . owner. , , , . . NORTH PORTLAND. WILSON'S ADD. , ..'V BLACKISTONB'S ADD. Lot 11.008 to ll.TBO. " : - JtmUttl XU -JflW t.ment In PortJasqV. -ro-ar.--tJttt Bjvttter- 814 Chamber of Commerce. I HAVB a beautiful residence lot ea erect clue which I will eacririce at once; bayera ealyi ne agent. P T. care JoarnaL 8-ROOM new boose, 4S4 East Twelfth, N., fi.Tnu; aouo down, balance, easy monthly payments. Owner, pbona Eaat BTS, T-ROOM colonial bonse, 82.600. SB00. dowa. bal ance to auiu rooae seal btb. . jots. oraca car, csoa ia; Balance 810 moata; - price R0. ... ; STATE INVESTMENT CO., . 118 AbtogU bldg. BUSINESS lot. Union are. : Call 880 B. Waah. BEAUTIFUL building altee, bluff aorth of , crematorium, overlooking tha Oaks. , P hurts Eaet 4006. WE aell lota and build houses to salt: easy terms: estimates farnlahed. We are cotnrac - tore for building. Sherwood A Co., SOSVt ; Morrleoa St., room 1 37R FULL let. Upper Alblaa. 100 feet from . Unloa are., face city park block, treat - Impraved, really worth 300. Plttlnger, room '8, 248 Morrison at.. A T-ROOM modera house In Weat Irvingtoo; mast ecu; owner leaving city; moat he seen to be eppreclatcd. . Apply oa premises, 480 Tbompaoa at. BIOHT-ROOM modern honae logood location; electric llghte. furnace, cement walks, ami In gaa district; for eale et sacrifice: owner leaving city; can be seen at 408 Baat Twenty-third St.; take Waverl or Wood stock ear; a bargain. 82.100. Alao 8 choice lota oa Brooklyn Heights, 4O0 each, Call at above addreea or phone Union 8088. FOR SALE Cheap; sightly corner and tnelde lot: Lower A I bine. Inquire 871 Market at. BOUSES for rent and fnrnltnre for eale; we have rare bargains is Improved aad en im proved residence property: sere re property . close In. Campbell 1 e mcmi cMtllan, 278 Bth at. :'OOS BAY Partner wanted to take half of 40 scree oa peninsula: Inn option expiring anna; adjoining land selling 2B acre mora. Address or call at roam .20, 100 11th at.. . THREE acre St. JobB Una.. Owner.; 227 tl.ann 4-ROOM cottage; hot and cold water. netfi, woonaneo; riooa per. lAncoin ana Han-, rente for 1B; west side. Inquire 188 Arthur st. Call fter 8 P. ai. FOR SALE 8-room modem cottage on car line; bstb, toilet, hot wster; sidewalks down: lot 48x100; price I1.2A0, t.100 cash, balance per month.. Tit Villa ave cor. Smith. - , ; ' - ' v too FA EMS. email tracts aad Iota; bargain ea O. 'W. P. electric line. O. R. Addltna. Leata, Oreatoa Take Moaat Scott eer, be. FOR SALE FARMS. e,ey .ee. aaee MOSIER. s - 1 180 scree, 48 cleared. 20 in wAeat, 8 be ing plsnted to standard apples: all easily '. elesred; several springs; partly fenced; price lino per acre. ' 88 acres, nearly atl level. 14 mil 'from town, 12 acres la besrlng orchard! ao bulld Ings; price 1TB per aers. 280 acree on road between M osier and Rood Rlvert T springs oa the plsce. About to acre elesred; price 30 per acre. -. This la all good apple lead and well Adapted to amall frulte. , The real tea ap f klnd.Hwo RIV1;R w ALLEY. 80 acre. B ml he ;rem town. 40 In eel tlvatlen. J."0 folt teees, loo la full besr lng. Urge spring and nader .Irrigation canal; house snd bsrn en place, telephone and B. F. ir D.; everybody admired the apples from this place at IPe isiri price eno per err i- . 20 seres, la- same locality aa 8)hove. T ; seres cleared, 120 yoring apple, trees; amall bonse; price only II. 800. f , 800 seres. 24 miles from town on line of new railroad; will have spur oa place; 20 acre In cultivation. 12 In two and three-year-old orchard; new l-mnm honae, good bare and other bnlldlngs; price f I2 psr acre. . CLACKAMAS COUNTY. ISA acres, between Estscada and the Molalla river.' TO acree In cultivation, all In crop or meadow except T acree;. good 8-room bowse, 8 barns snd several other bulld ingT postnfflce and store on the place; we rr commend thla 8 fine farm; let as give particulars. v HO acree. bear Ooltnn, nearly all tillable, T acree In good cultivation, small orchard, creek through the place; bog boaee.'. barn. ' etc. 1 price Sl.onO; this fa In a new and promising section; the soil Is excellent. : r LANOIM.E A BAND., BoomKL-.Iransfer.Blilg.a. SIXtb dnd Oak St. IMPROVED On-sere farm: slxhtly: new bouee, orchard, bring water. Address Bos 88, B. F. D. No. t. Vancouver, Weslilngton. ONE OE.IHESE BAYS ' A JOURNAL WANT ! ADVERTISER ' WILL 0PFEB FOB SALB SOMETHING YOtr HAVE LONO I10KED Fon BI'T ' YOU WILL BB NONE TUB WIoBR IF ' . X0V 0VEBL00K TUB, AD, JOURNAL "Wait Ad" Rates tTaTDIB A3TT CLAaSniOATlOf '. , Five Cents per Line ; Ne ad taken for leas tbsa tne' per day. Seven words, ,as a rule, constltnts a Una, bat esrb line ta charged regardlssa ot th nnmher of words, WEKKLY BATE T tDaertfrm (uinlodmg onaSuadsy Issue) SO CENTS per Jlae par MONTHLY RATE (malndlng an thiaday laanssl S1.00 nor line par me I a. ABVEHTI8MENTS meat be ta FeerasJ , bualnesa ofxoe by IS e'oloch eeeh day end by 10 o'clock Saturday evening te the Sunday Issue, to eecare slasslflosxioc plsy yatea glvea epea appliaaue at . tae etsee. - THE JOURNAL ' BRANCH OFFICES . AT) YEBTlUstElfTB. Win he received at reeniar mtn-fle Tstea, Pnllowlng ts a list of eethortaed s rents, who will forward year advertise ment la time for pubUeattoa la tbe next laaaa t SrOSTK STB. R. A. Preeten. drag gist. Tweaty-thW ad Tbnrmsa streete. 7 Neb Hill Pharmacy, 888 OlVssa street, corner Twenty-flnrt. A. W. Allen, pharmacist. Sixteen th aad Marshal! streets. - MiToaiman'a Phsnnsry. ' Wlueteeath - aad Washington atreeta. ' .'..SOUTH STDZ, H. P. Jooee A Oa draggier. Pravrl aad 6lnha streets.- Oottel . Drag rempsny. First and Orsat streets. Fshlaa Bverlerr. druggist. 400 Jeffersoa street, corner Tenth. ., Betrraan'e Pharmacy, .orsat Sixth aad Harrison atreeta. rinmmer Itmg company, 800 Third street, comer Madison, , , ZAn aarrfi. -- ' W. 1 1st, drnggtet. cornet Orand eveeoe pA Fast Bnrnslde street. ' NK-hom A Thompson. 128 ftoaseTl etreet. mrner Albtna avenne; .. " Jancke Drttg comparry. corner Haerfbceaa end Grand avenneei ' r . W C.- Cable, drntwhrt. comer HoTJsday eveeina. and .Lerrahea street, asar steel betdg. . . B. A. Tftleon. .1X1 Orand svetme. Bear Best Morrleon. B. W. Rail, an East Seven rb .etreet. rocner Stsphe.- - c,. JxTOaxXAaTD, -P. J. Clart. dragtiat, 1008 North Unloa vena, , . :, ' : wmmns. ' ' T. & Worth, pharmacist. 808 ' Belmont street. , . - . - - - BBOOKttN. " . ' ft rook Tv Pharmaey company, PoweTl aad Ullwaakle atreeta. . - ARLETA. BE00W. Arista Pharmacy, Morn and Foator etreet. SJZU.W00D, "i 1 Hematork's Pharmacy, 848 TTmatfTI ave nue, earner East Thirteenth at esst. FOR SALE FARMS. ; 2.2C0 28 ACHES, 18 scree eaHtvated; goo.1 boose, bara and outbuilding, all fenced, on county road and Clackamas rlvert 1H mile, from Clsckamaa atatloo. G. B. Dimmlck, owner, Oregon City, Ore roa. FARM FOH SAtB IOC acre. goooTTiunuTnga. 80 acree under cultivation, fruit and berrlca. aplendld wster, near town, daily mailt 1.000.. 000 fees of fine pine saw timber, lot wood: a lovely borne la tbe most delightful climate . , on the Pacific eoaat. Address H. B.. box , ' 11T. Woodrllle. Oregon. . ( FOB SAI.B . 40 acree eery Sac land. in enltlvatloa. Bee ale end level, rich blscK loam: It d - loins Clackama atatlon and B. R.; oblv 10 miles from center of Portland: will offer It "M "lie imk sulj .1 ITI m ass.., At ' drees G 14, care JoarnaL 180-ACBB farm. 18 mile eaat of Portlaad ea Sandy river; 40 acres ander cultivation, good Improvements. 18 acree ea Powell Valley road. U mire eoutb of reeereoir; abort die. . tsnre from S earllnec IT acre good, level lend adjoining Motor addlttoa. W. B. C ca bal mer, 22T Fallng bldg. . . - lio.oon FARM ot 400 scree. 320 cultivated, balance pes tare: 80 acree clover; hones, twe Barns; would sen In lots af 40 acre. AO- orese aT. Hell. Knote l, Hlcxreai. . 1 ar eua Beat twoiitb ar., rarxaana. FOR SALE 40 scree for il.Vxi; two down, balance ea time. Inquire Mrs. M. Thomp aoa. 148T Davidson av., Montavllla car line. A TO-ACRE farm, all la cultivation. 8 ml lea . from coartboose, t mile from O. W. P. A Ry. " Co.. 88,000; terms to enlt, or will trade tot bouse and lot. Joha P. Sharkey, Till Cham. ' her of Commerce. FREE LAND IN OREGON ander tb Ceref ' Irrigation Act. Deed direct from state. Write today. Booklet and map free. B. 8. Cooke A Co.. Ml Alder St.. Port Is nd. Or. 8 ACRES la fine atate of cultivation, on flna mad, mile from electric line, old honae, acree la beertng orchard: there Is nn rock eg gravel; price 81.200. M 14, car Journal. - FOR SALE Stock ranch ot 2.400 acres Bear Cobarg, 8 mi lee northeast of Eugene. Lan County, Oregon; price' low and terms eesv. F. D. Chamberlain. Labbe ' bldg., Portland. FOR SALE CHEAP An elegaat farm, consist. Ing of 00 acree. within one mile of Fslls City, Polk county, -Or.: 44 acres am resdy for plowing, 12 acree are In prune S years ' old. 4 acree apples and peers. 30 acree ere timber; a new modern 7-room house and good ' barn, spring water; price eolr In. - on I re between 8 and 11 a. m.. Edw. Oerllnger, ' T38 Chamber ef Commerce bldg., city. FOR SALE TIMBER. CERTIFIED scrip, any else pieces'. - lowest prices. . W. O. Hawaii, 838 Chamber of Com FOR HOMESTEADS, timber rlslros aad atrip apply to 808 Commercial blk. TIMBER LAND WANTED I caa handle a number of good timbre . claims In Deechntee timber belt, at once; title mast be perfect, i. N. Banter, Bend, - HORSES AND CARRIAGES. THE MODEL STABLES, Brows A Foster, prop. Phone Mam 4T. Boarding, livery and as let , e 1 press and baggage tranafer. 208 Davl at. FOR SALE One tekm of maree. 9 and 10 yea re; weight., 828. George Peterson, Ullledale. Oregon. B. F. D. No. 1. GOOD, sound bore, harness and spring wsgoa far IflO; this la a sacrifice. Bed Front Beat Estate Office. Lents. Oregod. TO EXCHANGE. WILL exchange soms valuable mining stock for unincumbered wild lead. - Ai L, 80T VI a- Ksy bldg. - - FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. WB print your name oa SO calling-cards, proper 1 slas and style, SAei SIM baetness cards, St. ' Brown A St male, 228 First, PortUnd.t Or. WESTERN OREOON MINING A MI 1,1,1 N CO. besdriaarteras stock for eele and to. ' formation at ISO First at, Pboae Mala Ifitd. MACHINERY of aD kinds repaired. Oextesa.i Irea A Steel Works. S8S Gllsaa st LARGEST stock at lertfles hi northwest; ordsra -. filled promptly. Portland Bottle Supply Cevs SOI North Bight nth at. Mala IOS8. SHOWCASKS AND FIXTURbU) msde to order second hand goode for eale. Csrlsoe a Kail, strom. 880 Coueb at. Pboae Clay STI. ' Bn.LIARD ANf sale en esev psyments. THB BRUNSWICK BAI.KE COI.LENDEB CO. 40 Third St., Portlasd. . BOOKS bengbt. sold and .xebaagad at tb4 Old Book ator. 228 Yamhill at. HORSES of all kinds for rale at vary rsaeonabl prices Inquire 278 Front at. . 4 FOR SALE Fear No. S A merles a hoist horee- powsre aad lot of sscond-hsnd eWwkey en-- Lt . MMlteKle tne e Im..H.. mm- 1, noses. Tor informs Hon and prlee -apply to F. 0. Kusttnsr, AtU, Orsgoa. i t 1 1 1