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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1905)
- . - . - '- ; - -r .- 7 v ' - DALLES MAY TAKE THE LID OFF Council Has Busy Session and 1 i f Disposes of Numerous : ; 7 ; Questions, ... WATERFRONT IS LEASED -TO STEAMBOAT COMPANY 'Petition Presented by Buaiqeaa .Men '. Asking for Lenient Regulation of Small, " Vicea " Granted Effort . to i Have Open Town Will Bt Made. (Special Dispatch to The Joureal.) '. The Dalles Or., Dec. . At the meet . Ins of the city council last night ma or dinance wu passed to- lea th city waterfront to the Regulator lln to fculid docks, warahouaee, etc. for a term not elated, at a rental of $50 a month..but It doe not ' give tba Regulator Una full control, becaue of provision that al low the use of this property by other ' companies at a reasonable rental. v Boms months' ago "an nrdlnanc was paaaed regulating the saloons, ' which It aeema has not been -effective, because of aom defect la ' wording It Last !alght another ' ordinance waa passed which is expected to hold good, "and aUipTesldeut The recommendation or the aaloona ia must close at 1 o'clock sharp. , - A petition was also brought before the council, signed by nearly all the leading business men, asking the council to be J more lenient In regulating small vicea. "While the petition did not ask for any ! thing direct. In reading between the lines It oould be plainly aeen that they were 'asking to have the gambling ordinance .repealed. . The petition waa granted. A strong effort will be made to mak this an open town and keep the aaloona open all night, at least until after the .AOEXb-bank railroad la completed. It seems to be Tit ' opinion of many that thousands Jof men will apend their . money here, and the town must be 'opened wide In order to get It." ' The etty tax' levy waa reduced from t ' mill to 4. and a t-mlll road tax; total. ', T mill. The valuation of property I ; I1,K0.00 this year, against 11.100,000 ' " last year.--: - --- ' The city treasury has 17.800 to . the . good this year, and If expenses are no . higher next year than thta It will have ' 19.S0U. . More than 11.000 baa been apent - on tha streets this year, and f 1,000 or 13.000 will, be spent next year, a f Ire. TT engine' house, quarters for the firemen 1 and many other Improvements are con ' templated. NO EVIDENCE TO HOLD JOHNSON AND M0XLEY . "After thoroughly Investigating the i matter," said Deputy District Attorney . Moser this morning, "the district attor , ney'a office haa decided that the cases against Richsrd Johnson and Charles , Moxley, charged with larceny from the : person should bo dismissed for lack of .evidence." - -rrrrMoxiey waa to have btn tried tomor- : row. white Johnson would have been tried the day foUowlniTTha first named' im i a ) local 'Cabman. The men wara 1 -Is i a . local -cabman. Tha men were charged with, having taken t30 In gold from tha pockets of Eric Edmark while the three were In a rear room of a aa- I loon at the corner of .East Washington -'Street and Grand avenue, on the night , of October It. . True bills were filed : against Moxley and Johnson by District Attorney Manning several weeka ago, "and they hare been in Jail awaiting ' trial. . In telling the story of tha alleged ; crime Mr. Moser aald that at tha time - Edmark waa robbed he waa ao drunk , that he did not know how. much money , he bad. . Tag of War Tournament. , Interest In tha international tug of war tournament, now being held at Mer rill's hall, 1 Increasing every day. Last night the American defeated the Fin land team in oner of tha moat stubborn- . ly fought contents aver witnessed. After Si minutes, when tha referee's pistol . announced the limit, the defenders of ! the stars and stripes had the lead by ; an inch only. Possibly Sweden will go up against the American team thla even ing. Tha Norwegian defeated tha Ger man in a 10-mlnut pull last night The Germans have one victory to their , credit ao far. Scotland lost by default . to Sweden. - . . KevolTUloa Imminent. A eure sign of f pproachlng revolt and serious trouble" In your system is ner : vouenesa, sleeplessness or stomach up . acta. Electric Bitters will quickly dls . member the troublesome causes.' It never falls to tone the stomach, regu late the Kidneys and Bowels, stimulate ' the Liver end clarify the blood. Run down systems benefit particularly and all the usual attending aches vanish under Ita aearching and thorough ef T fectlveness. Electric Bitter is only 50c, ' and that Is returned If It don't give - perfect satisfaction. Guaranteed by Skldmore Drug Co., 151 Third street- i. . HANDSOME NECKLACE BEAUTY PINS THE DAINTY BROOCH - GOLD BELT BUCKLES LOCKETS IN ROSE FINISH FINE CLUSTER RINGS NECK CHAINS ALL LENGTHS , BACK COMBS LORGNETTE CHAINS SIDE . COMBS COLD HAT PINS , - NEAT SCARF PINS THE PRINEVILLE PEOPLE INDIGNANT OVER STORY OF CRAIN ASSAULT (Journal 8pclal Barvlce.) Prtnevllle, Or., Dec t Much tndtg- nation la felt bare concerning the ex aggerated report that bare been pub lished In Portland alleging that Wil bur. J. Craln, who was struck over the bead by City Marshal Robert J." Har rington while resisting arrest laat week. waa deliberately assaulted aa a result of testimony given by him In the land fraud trials. against Congressman Wil liamson and hla partner. Cratn, It la -alleged, waa Intoxicated and refused to obey the marshal's or ders. The' marshal has been held to the SENATE' A)I0 HOUSE Contlnuad from Pag One.- atlon of forest reserves a It debars the people from -oven -the enjoyment or settlement of the land, while h con alders that there 1 a claaa In the east theft would welcome the preserve aa a place to spend their leisure time and consequently will support the dangerous measure - WARSHIPS WANTED, Bonaparte's Annual Beport BaonmmenilB Twenty-Three Millions Be Expended. ;' (Journal Special Service.) I ..Washington, Dec. . The annua! re port of Charles J. Bonaparte, secretary of the navy, has been submitted to the addition of new ships to the navy at an estimated cost of t2S.S00.000 Is tha main point.- The report also contains the statement that- tha navy deparment will thoroughly Investigate and enforce the regulations against the principal In such occurrence as tha fatal fist fight at Annapolis In ". which . Midshipman Branch, jr., was killed. BROWN SEES TEDDY. Chin Affair Slseossed by President and Portland Importer. Wsshlngtoa Bursas of The JoeraaLi Washington, D. C., Deo, B. JT. It Brown of Portland was presented to President Roosevelt today by ' Senator Pulton and accorded a tO-mlnute Inter view relative to Chinese affatnt; particu larly regarding the boycott of American goods. The president Vaked how , the boycott affected American . trade and waa told that In tha northern provinces tha boycott had not proved injurious. The president aaid that ha waa glad Itateara-thiSr-foe-ha-had -reoantly re ceived a memorial from San Francisco claiming that tha boycott waa hurting American trade materially. ... - -Tha - president ouestloned Brown about consular service in tha - orient and waa informed - that sine the Visit of Assistant Secretory of Bute Pelrce and his report, that tha consular system, by the elimination of certain abuses, had Improved, but further Im provement oould be mad by the crea tion of a court. r ' Fulton advised the president that be had a bill ready to introduce to provide for ouch a court The president ex pressed the hope of Its passage and ad vised a conrerencepetween jruiton ana Secretary Root jelatlv to the -proposed .tinn. - - - lth platform looking In the pink, of eon? . Mr. Brown also jlecusaad' the TygmaTfafttoTeaay-tU-meel. tlie Biuttlsli teauiy .i .t... .....i.tuiit. nf I k. i. h. .imiHui tM, in. tlons of ths municipality of Shanghai In relation to American Interests, and waa assured of the president's aid in tba direction of reform. - , .. ALASKA TRADE (Continued from Page On.) will be a bigger town than Butte.'pre. dieted Mr. Freedman. The copper de posits In that district are so great that It I almost Impossible to describe their extent Henry Bratnober, a leading mining expert waa up there last sum mer with a party. He reports mat tne copper deposits are vastly better than around Butte. At Butt tha mineral belt , la about two to three mile wld and seven and one half to ten- mile Ions, the ore running about per cent In copper. rln the White river country Bratnober found that tha mineral sone Is about 10 miles wide and from Tito 100 miles long, ths copper, so far -as he examined It running it per cent pure. There is enough float to keep a plaAt In operation for-a number , of "years, many nuggeta being found weighing from five to ten tons. The quarts. far aa examined; ' proved richer than any hitherto found In any part of the world. - "The country Is almost inacceaslble, but they are starting a railroad. jnn which will cost approximately. 110.000. 000, and 1.100 men are at work on It It will be about too milea In length and will cost approximately ISO.oco a mil. When thla country la tapped It will make a town bigger -than Butt evel waa. There la enough copper in the district to aupply the world, for year to com. ' . . Oold In Tundra Vow. . "Then there have teen big gold strikes sround Nome. During, the big rush 'n Hit the mining wss all on the beach. DUMB-BELL BUTTONS GOLD CIGAR ETTE CASES i GOLD STUDS , x ! CIGAR CUTTERS RELIABLE WATCHES L DURABLE CHAINS NOBBY FOBS HANDSOME CHARMS FOUNTAIN. i ' -PENS : OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY grand Jury under 1500 bond.- Craln was not seriously hurt and la rapidly recovering. ' Tbla la not the first time that Port land newapapera have published similar atorlea concerning dire threat made against government witnesses by Prlne vlll people. Last summer a story was printed In which tba aaaertlon waa made that Craln' barn had been delib erately burned on account of hla tes timony against persons accused of land fraud a A tnasa meeting waa held by cltlaen of Prlnevllle at which the Ore gonlan waa publicly censured for 1U misstatements and unfairness. ' and It waa uppoed'that there waa to gold In the tundra. nut a year ago i ihr man leased some ground about three miles back from town and there they found what la Deuevea to m the old beach Una An immensely rich strike was made, and In 0 or 40 days the three men took out over, t00.000. Three or four rich discoveries hsv been made this year on this, old beach line. On Candle creek ncn su-iaes werv made this year on tne bencnea, ana almost every man in the camp of 100 people la now well rixsa. in camp Is about 100 milea north of Nome. Tom Mnnn brother-in-law Of August Helnse of Montana: Charlie Herron. Fred Meyer of Seattle and . other nay started to build a ditch which will be over 50 milea long and which will tap the Candle creek benchea. Tha cost will be about $1,000,000, but the gold deposits are rich enough to warrant tha outlay. "Another big atrtke haa been made at Jesa creek, which runa into Bering sea, about eight milea northeast if Nome. , About 1,000 feet back from the present beach lln gold waa struck aver aging $50 to the pan. Conaervative ex perta figure that In this on claim alone there la about $1 $.000,000 In placer gold. A number of other rich claim have since been struck In the same vicinity. Each year In the Noma country aeema to Droduce a strike richer than any that have gone before and there can be no doubt aa to tha permanency of th fle velopjnenta or tha future fit th coun try.". Mr. Freedman expects to go east soon. but will return to Portland for the re mainder of tha winter, going back to Nome in June. ' Third Contest Tug-of-War; -' The American ' team won laat night after a terrible- struggle. The-tourna ment -continues tonight The second night of the Portland international tug-of-war conteat was most exciting. Th first -contest ,wa between th German and th Norwegian, but owing to a substitute anchor man In th German team tha Norwegians had comparatively a llght-stmggle. and after a strain of one minute, pulled the Germane tha re quired distance. ... : The Finnish team, after their suc cessful1 winning on Saturday evening, were conHdent of success 'last night but the American team, with blood In their eye, were -equally confident that they could not be budged off the alat The struggle commenced at v:t5, and for 11 minutea the red mark did not leave th center. With a mighty effort the American team straightened out and secured an advantage- of one Inch,- which, they held to the finish the full length of the pull, tf minute, amid the excite ment r several hundrea people or au nationalities, . :;(.. . The team from Sweden marched onto who earlier In tha day algnlfled their In tention of being on the platform at th required time. Not arriving, the Bwed Ish team, according to tha rules, won th eonteat by default giving them two winnings during the two nights' contest Th Johnny Ducks and Willie Gooses In the Juvenile team created consider able amusement by pulling ao bard that they broke the rope. Tonight the winning teama will coma together in a mighty atroggle. and when the huaky Swedea meet the determined Americans something will be doing. Crowds are growing each night Admis sion 15 -cents. Reserved aeats St cents xtra. - - - . eeatea'a Xaatttuta Coaoert The weekly concert at the Seamen' Institute will be. given at I o'clock to morrow evening under the direction of Mrs. Ethel Webb Llvesley. - Tha follow ing numbers will be given: . Piano solo. Misa Eleanor Anderson; song. Mr. ' Kilpeck; violin solo. Mis Alice Dougherty; reading, Mr. Lives ley; song. Mrs. J. Ernest Laldlaw; piano solo. Miss Anderson; reading, Mrs. Ltvesley; violin solo. Miss Dougherty; song. Mis Alio Juaton;- reading, Mrs. Llvesley. Tha program will be concluded by the audience singing the American, Eng lish. German, and French - national hymns. j DELIGHTFUL NEWPORTe Splendid Weather at This Poanlai yaolflo Coast Basort Delightful In every particular ia the weather at Newport and the Southern Pacific and the Corvsllla A Eastern rail roads have resumed their cheep rates to this place for the winter. Particulars by ssklng at Third and Washington streets, Portland. . CUT GLASS BfOSE BOWLS CIGAR SCISSORS SEAL RINGS . Gifts for the future the lasting .kind so that one may look back with - pleasure at a rernembrance of this kind of beautiful and ' substantial gold and silver articles that have the highest quality, the finest work manship and the newest styles. Prices always attractive. BAND RINGS r Mad brdera Prompt. 1 Free Catarrh Cure Ho More Bad Breath "say X r anjoovery Qulokly Cures . CatKixn." O. M. Gaasa. way, but It causes bad breath, ulcera tion, death and decay of bones, loss of thinking and reasoning power, kills ara- Dliion ana n,rri win vu appetite. Indigestion, dyspepsia, raw idiocy and Insanity. It needs attention . - r.. nk n. .. mm' p.t.wh Bl UIll C VU ( V b win, -u u-- -- Cur. It la a qnlck, radical, permanent j J. 4sl e W avaUM nf thai poison Rrmi that wum catarrh. v w - J A s. sail rA aa ) salt 4 in urufr iu inuo w a w v ferinr from thia daniferoua and loath- aome disease uaun mM.,u -w.v will actually cure any case of catarrh quickly, no matter how long standing or bow bad, I will" aend a trial package by mall free of all cost. Send ua your name ana aai "iur ment will be sent you by return ma Try Itl It WU4 pUHI,OIT. mv vnn will rtm we cornea iniitea ox 4674 Main street, MarahalL, Mich. Fill out coupon below, - - s ' -- FRfclB This eoapoa la good for one trial package of Gauss' Combined Catarrh Car. Balled tree la plata package. Simply All la yoer name and address on dotted lines below and siail to 0. X. OaUBS, 4174 Mala treat, -----jimsa., Klea. - C..? i .JLA.. a ie a MAYBE SHE'S MARRIED, MAYBE SHE'S NOT McMlnnville Woman Trying to Rnd Whether Her Husband Secured a Divorce. 71 " Mrs. Emliy Galley of McMlnnville Is im Portland trying to find whether she Ts""aivunua" " Bt1 vlnltrd-tM. courthouse thl mornmg ana u.u record searched to find whether or not Elmer J. Galley had ever received a divorce decree In this ounty; - Mrs. Galley Bay that laat July, while shs wss living at McMlnvUle with her rarenta.,a man purporting a dep uty! sheriff served paper on her which hettook to be a notice that her huband had Instituted divorce proceedings. The woman declares that she was unable to find that he had secured a decree In Yamhill county. During her search thla morning Mr. Galley discovered that on October 10. Elmer J. Galley, whom aha aaye Is her husband, secured a license to marry Rlasle Heath. Galley gave hla age aa X5 years, whim that of his bride-elect waa given aa 10 years. ' Boon after tha papers were served on her. Mrs. Galley sirs that ahe received a letter from a Portland lawyer In which he stated that he waa Oalley's attorney, but that If she would send htm $10 a certain attorney in the Chamber of Commerce building, no name given, would file a demurrer for her. Mm. Galley says It appeared to her that some lawyer waa trying to persuade her to pay her husband's legal fees snd she did not pay any attention to the letter. The Galleys 'were marled some flv yeara ago, but wedded life waa mt a success so Mrs. Galley returned to her parents home about 1 month since. ' if Aamued of Gambling. Milton. Or, Dec. I. Ed White, pro prietor or the First cnanc cigar nore in the southern part of the city, was ,i i caitrt. vjr . ' ...... with allowing gambling In hla place of DUSiness, wmcn is contrary w in, vuy ordinance. He pleaded guilty tq the I. . mnA IffnApann, aC til fact that It waa unlawful to conduct a game of chance for treats only.. Ha wss fined 125 and costs. FINE OPERA GLASSES , DURABLE UMBRELLAS nz i Annual Suggestion Holiday Gifts .- , Third and Washington Sts EVENING. DECEMBER 8. AGED PINE TREE MUST GO Landmark on Postofflca Block Declared a Menace to Re modeled Structure. ITS GREAT ROOTS PRESS HARD AGAINST MASONRY Other Treei on th ;Lawn Will Be Trimmed, . Dead One Removed, Lawn Will Be Reaeeded and Roaea Will Be Planted. - th. ... lawn of tha nostofflc block near the eornr of the building there la an old pine tree mat mrtsm Injury to the remodeled otructur and .v... ...,nn it will . be cut down. At the same time two dead trees on tha south lawn will be removed ana muw trees and shrubbery will be trimmed. : - A special agent or tne governmeni visited th city recently and Inspected the building and grounda of th potof ... n ..aminln, the cement work of th basement he discovered danger sign and -investigation enowea mat senoua damage might reault If th venerable .u. wnh twtrmttted to stand. Its roots have grown large, and being barri caded from expansion by Fifth street on the east . have etreccnea out aiesaiiy .,.-. .k. mummt Asm reault there la a mass of roots pressing against th ce ment masonry OI U oanmnis wmu, In tha opinion of tha special agent miM - 1 1 a flimin. All. cordlnxly it was ordered that th tree Lb removed. -. ... f mmiA -On,n.aA Mint, 'fnr tha roots of the tree are pressing too strongly against iiiw cvnoni niKaunr. aiiu w staes tne tree is oi no e nw th. itit It nhBtriiota In tha winter and do not need Ua shad in summer." The tree has stooa . tnere since ins po toff ice block was selected and for wm-m nHn, tn ttiA iNM.Hnn nt tha building. It la on of the landmark of the city. In place of the trees that ar to be nn.l sMataaaa war (11 Ka V.le VtteA tA tPtdl ICIUVVVU B vesss yutuxMt waw grounds will be carefully tended. Th entire lawn win D reseeaea. i ne im provement In the appearance of the lawn la in accordance with an order from th department headquarters- in Washlng- ' Workmen ar today trimming the treea and they will remove the old pin tree, the largest, on tha lawn, before th nd of th week. FAMOUS JENSEN CASE ONCE MORE IN COURT Oblections to the final report of R. O. Scott - former administrator of the estate of Rudolph Jensen, killed In a streetcar accident last spring, were heard before County Judge Lionel It Webster this morning. Scott waa dis charged recently . as administrator and Endre M. cederbergh waa appointea in hla stead. When Scott' final report was mad he showed that t?t0 had heen paid Richard W. Ruffin, who had made a contract wun tne orouier oi xtuaoipn tamatna tne aauiaa suit with streetcar . company. Ruffin a contract called for a fee of to per cerftof all' the money collected from the company, j R. O. Scott in the meantime, bad made a contract with H.. H. Riddell to act aa attorney for the esute for a per cent of all tha money collected. Frank Bchlegel. attorney for Ceder bergh, declares that the contract made between Riddell and Bcott'cajled for 0 per cent of the money collected. On the wlthness-stand thla morning Riddell de nied ever having aaid that tha contract called for such a share. - Rufua Mallory, who was attorney for tha atreet railway company at tba time the aettlement waa made, was also a witness at this morning's hearing. Judge Mallory aald that ha had aeen a eon tract eald to have been that made by Riddell which called for a payment of tO per cent. -"-- - . (-j - DALLES PuPILS help PORTLAND CHILDREN ' LSnMl.l Dlanateh to Tha Joarnal.i The DaUes, Or, Dec I. Today the ahlpment of donatlona made by- tha school children of The Dalles was made to the Children's Aid society Of Port land. It consists of nearly everything Imaginable and tft In cash. The total donatlona were estimated at tl00. FOREST GROVE MAN" ; ; KICKED BY. A HORSE Special Dtspsteb to Tba Journal.) - Forest Grove, Or., Deo. Alfred Shannahan of thla plsoe was kicked In the face this afternoon by a horse which was being led out of the Varley feed shed- . Shannahanj accompanied by the Rev. Cephas Clapn. waa passing In front LEATHER WALLETS V SILVER ; BELT- PINS Chart HAT , BRACELETS , IN SILVER BEAUTIFUL PUFg BOXES JEWEL BOXES . . - 3''' 7 NEAT -v-,' PIN "CUSHIONS Article fteeerved PIN -BALLS 180 AAAAAAAAAAAAAA SASs-W CGESTERFIELD CC?.nECT C10TCES k l?ew -."--To-'thQse who contemplate buying Christmas -presents for Gentlemen. This store carries the most select stock of any on the coast of the following sensible articles, wljich will make nice presents ;- FIRST A' JIOUSE COAT, of which we show a choice selection, in fine cheviots, silks and camels hair. Priced $5.00 to $15.00. V SECOND FINE DRESSING . GOWNS - and BATH ROBES. Priced $5.00 and up to $20. THIRD A line of very fine TRAVELING BAGS, HAT and SUIT CASES. Priced $5.00 to $20. , FOURTH An immense variety of fine : CANES and UMBRELLAS. Priced $1.50 to $15.00. FIFJH A most beautiful line of SUSPENDERS in lis"les, silks and satins, with silver and gold plated buckles. Priced$2.0Q to $5.00 a pain , SIXTH An endless variety of SILK and LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, plain white and latest de ; signs in fancies. Priced 25 to $1.50. SEVENTH A gift always acceptable to a Gentle man NECKWEAR and such an array of beau- . tiful and exclusive neckwear never shown 1 in a : western city. Priced 50 to $3.50. FINE GLOVES Dents and Fowns imported and the best domestic gloves. .Priced $1.50 to $4.00 a pair. And a great many otner uems wnicn.we will be pleased to show you." Never any trouble v to show goods here. '' v ; V : ? '"A El 269 271 MORRISON STREET JUST STYLE ANH QUALITY ; . 4 tha stable whaaj eTahart Hmftr wg taking out a horse to be shod. Shanna han waa kicked with auch violence that several of hla teeth were broken and tha lower maxillary badly crushed. Dr. Via waa called and attended the injurea man. Shannahan was unconscious for some time. After he cam to t knew i Grand Xmas Offer 91J00 10-bach Columbia Dlso Iteoorda ...... SOo BOo 7 -inch Oolnmbla Slso Beoorda . .SSo Columbia Phonograph COWpany p Ctumbta Building, S6S ST! Washington St. Owner of the rundamental Patents" COLOGNE BOTTLES CLOTHES BRUSHES PINS JAM POTS BON, BON DISHES : SUGARS AND CREAMERS COIN HOLDERS r EMBROIDERY. v scissors CnESTERFClD oiiomrss rzBxsT zv Til WOlD. nothing boty-rhe i accident ' H 1 about to years old. . Preferred Stock Canned (roods. Allen ar Lewie' Bast Brand. Durum wheat la attracting favorable attention tn eastern Oregon. and Carolling? IA8T VATXXVTS IT DESimZS largest MasBfacrarare la the WerM a MATCH 'BOXES i , BUTTON . HOOKS , CARD.,, CASES . MILITARY BRUSHES SILVER . , POCKET KNIVES VELVET ..BRUSHES ' LETTER 'scales DESK CLOCKS FOLDINO PENCILS ' TABLE BELLS' NEAT 'TIE CLASPS SALTS AND - PEPPERS - r . STAMP. BOXES OPERA 'J bags' - CHAIN , bracelets; FANCY SET . RINGS . EMBLEM CHARMS GOLD PENKNIVES ly and C archill for Future DeUvery , TKamond Importer STomw orav Attended to. Manufacturing- Jeweler TIIU1UI i. . . . POCKET pencils' : UNIQUE COLLARETTES -rr BAND . BRACELETS LINK BUTTONS. ROOKWOOD. - VASES FINE MINIATURES INDIA 7 SILVER TIFFANY HAND MIRRORS silver -; BUFFERS,', FIELD - - ' .r 7, ? GLASSES FILES DISHES