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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1905)
, VOL. IV. NO. 234. PORTLAND, . OREGON. MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 4, . 1905FOURTEEN PAGES. PRICE TWO CENT$. , ft tRFUP 81 UPR Ii-E TITLE - ! E DECIDES MARQUAM CAS IN FAVO ME;;! COMPANY Suit to Recover tle Marquam Block and Tract of Land Is Lost Decision of ; Lower Gdurt Is Reversed! Court Holds Company - Had Right to Buy in the Property. ', IBpeelal Dispatch to Tat Jneraal.) '. ' Salem. Or.. Dec, . 4. The supreme . ' , court this morning decided the fsmous '" case brought by P. A. Marquam sgslnst the United Btatea Mortgage Trust . - company, the Title Guarantee ex Truat ' company and J. Thorburn Roaa In favor of the defendants, .reversing the lower courts and giving possession of th Mar quam block In Portland to the defen . danta. ' ."' - The record In the ease comprise sev eral volumes and are the most volum inous in Oregon courts. Property val '"- -v ued at mora than" $1,800,009 is involves. The opinion was rendered by Justice '- Bean. -. The question to be decided waa whether the Trust company had the right ' to purchase the property. Following are extraota from the opinion: "The Title- company's relation to. the property under the law and facta, wss that of a mortgagee in possession, witii t certain added dutlea and obligations arising out of a special contract, rather than as trusts of the title. A mort gagee in possession la not - trustee. which would prevent him. from purchas ing the mortgaged property at public . -. v . , - - Status of the Partis. "The trust created by, the agreement , was confined to mere possession of property, and waa limited to- It man agement, for the purpose of collecting - and disposing of rents and profits. It waa almply a part of a scheme tose--i---warth "payment -of: loan rrora - the ..- mortgage company. Tlia. i affert nf ttlft niCaUed, trus. s-l agreement was to create a trust condl . tloned on the Ufa of the mortgage, with the purpose to provide a fund for the payment of operating- expenses, repairs, interest charges,' etc.,- in order to avert foreclosure. . When the defsult occurred, ' the mortgage waa foreclosed and the truat agreement no longer - served the purpose of Its creation and was neces sarily at an end. Purchase JTo a, Trustee. - "The rule which disqualifies the .true- te from- purchasing the trust prop erty can have, no application to t-e title company under the facta and. the law case. ' "The claim thst the foreclosure suit was commenced by the mortgage com pany at the request and instigation of the Title company, with the design of securing the property, wss contradicted' by the officers of both companies, and the circumstances of the case There is no evidence U show, or to tend to show, that the company was anxious to hare the mortgage foreclosed. Indeed, the action and the conduct of the offl cers Indicated the contrary purpose." Will Improve Property. ' .The victors In the long legal strug gle will at ' an early date begin the improvement of the property. -; "We have held everything In abeyance pending the outcome of this suit," ' said J- Thorburn Ross this afternoon, "but now that It has been decided wo will get together' and outline our plans . of Improvement as soon as practicable. We will do a large amount of work there. The wiring is on Important thing to be looked after. I've no doubt the Mar quam will be rewired throughout At any rate, there will be no more patch work of any kind.' . We will spend a large sum of money on the property, but It will require a little tlms to fully de cide what Is- needed." 'The decision in the Marquam case does not materially affect the Marquam ATTENDS SWELL WEDDING IN GLARIHG PIMK SHIRT ; English Arfny Captain and Mil ,, lionaire omfies Pittsburg's , -Exclusive Smart Set. - v -r (Jn&mal Special Serrtre.) , Pittsburg.' Ps., Dec, 4. Pittsburg so ciety Is horrified over th fsct that Cap tain Edward' Harbord. grandson' of Mrs. May E. Schanley. formerly of this city, who died leaving an estate of more- than $20,000,009 attended a' swell' wedding her wearing a glaring pink shirt. Captain Harbord Is hers In- company With hl4 aunt. Miss Hermoln Schenley, who 1 being feted and dined by Pitts- , burgsl most ezcluslv set. and th cap tain accompanies her everywhere. When - at hrtme in England he cuts a wide swsth, for his commission In th Royal Ouairds entitles him to do so. Therefor "ft vvas'stipposrd that everything that he . did' wss all right.: At the Kay-Ebbert wedding lsst week, wrhlch was th social-event of th year, tii captain' wore the shirt that Is csus- ' itig so much comment. It looked like the kind that hangs. In windows marked ponly 4r cents."- , ' - lXonr Tlslts Xing. ' (Jnnroal Bperlal Srrk.) tiinitnii TUn I Ilnlfni, arlalf4 the king this afternoon and remained 46 . minims. . it is reported saixour has re signed. ; : .- . '.,.;;. ... i - -Mm P. A. Marquam. . Grand theatre and Its 'present policy. Those who have the interest of the house at heart have long deplored the faot that it cannot be opened on Sun days for theatrical entertainment Mr. Marquam, )t la understood. - favor able to Sunday opening, but -the-trust company is opposed and the house wllf be open ony six days of the week. aUstory of the Suit. 4-. ThllUgaUon--4ast4oMeV-ly--na supreme court grows out of the -following 'facts; ... ; ,..,.; ..-,..,. . -; -- In the summer nd autumn of lt4 P. A. Ma'fiTuam''n?aTtn owner -vt 1 tlie block of land bounded by Sixth. Sev- enth, Morrison and Alder - streets, and also of an a0-acr tract tn the Bandy road, about at mile -from the city lim its., Marquam' at that time waa heav ily encumbered and hla csedltors were pressing for the settlement of their claims. The block bounded by Sixth, Seventh,-' Morrison and Alder, being block 179 of the city or Portland, was subject to a mortgage in th sum of 1250,000, -on which -the Interest was $30,000, in arrears. This block was also subject, to two attachments - and to a mechanic's - lien for repairs effected on the Martiuam building, for which Mar quam waa unable to make pay it en t . Under these circumstances he applied to the United States Mortgage A Trust company for a, loan 'of 1400,000. ' The application- was made through the Title Guarantee Truat company,' the Port land correspondent of the United State Mortgage & Trust company? Th lat ter corporation refused to maka a loan In th sum desired by Marquam, and,' after much persuasion, consented to loan him $300,000 on block 17$ in the city of Portland and th 30-acr tract on the Sandy road. - Thla amount waa Insufficient to pay. Marquam's pressing Indebtedness .rand- in order - to meet the additional claims which had to b paid at that time the Title Guarantee at Trust company advanced from Its own funds some $18,000, and took- a deed to the property-as-security for Its advanoea This deed covered also' four -lots In South Portland, which were described' Is the papers as . collateral security. Agreement as to Xnoome. Th United States Mortgags aV Truat company, before moklng Its loan, had exacted a condition that th rentals of th property should be set aside as a fund for th payment of interest and fixed charges on th property. In order to meet this condition an agreement was 1 CRAZED UN HOLDS FORT IN SIDETRACKED CAR - ., , .- - . - Mrsv Anna Berry Is Still in Pos , session of Car Woman - - Not Widow of Officer- (Jnaraal Special genrlee.) Glrard, Kan., Deo. 4. Becoming sud denly erased, a passenger' supposed to be Mrs. Anna Berry, en route to Tulsa, I. T., yesterday drove all her fellow passengers from -the car at the point of a pistol and barrloaded herself In the toilet-room. Th oar was sidetracked here, and although there Is no Are and th woman has had nothing to eat, aha still refuses to allow any on to ntr th car, threatening, to sheot. 'Mrs. Berry Is still In possession oi th car this morning. Sheriff Walah and Deputy Meriwether entered the car thla, morning, but could not approach th woman, who aimed a revolver when th men neared th door of th cham ber tn which ah is barricaded. Th only concession she msde was to allow the officers to stuff pillows Into the broken windows. She refused to ac cept their offers to build a Are. Th woman looks weary and worn. Officers are unwilling to us fore and have seined down to "a gam of Treeseout Th closest clue to th women's Iden tity Is a photograph taken in Spokane. Th rumor that- th woman waa thai widow of Captain A. P. Berry, who com mitted sulclds at Vancouver barracks last week, proved false. J. Defendant Not Guilty ot :: Violating Any : Implied Trust y therefor entered into, described by the" parties as an agreement of trust, under which th property was oommlttsd to th ear of th Title company, . which company was to collect all rents, to dis burse them in a manner defined by the agreement and to be protected in any advances which it might make, Mar quam agreeing to repay th same, -with AV pvr Mill J U V 1 w . The revenues proved wholly Inadequate to the -. payment of Interest and - nxeo charges and the Title company made ad ditional advances' from its own funds for the purpose: of meeting these chargeaj In this manner ita debt grew from $1$.000 to upward of $40,000. - - Notwithstanding th advances which were mad by th T1U company, a de fault was made In th payment of in terest to th United States Mortgage A Trust company. Finally, on the 80th of October, m, th United States Mortgage at Truat company brought a ault to foreclose it mortgage. Joining th Title Guarantee A Trust company as a party defendant . Uarquam's Beply. ' ' - : " ' ' The Title company .Died a cross-bill, setting up Its claim to. a Hen on the property in the sum of $40,000, and Marquam mad hla defense to both claims. He charged" t he Title Guaran tee A. Truat oompany with misappro priating th rental of th property and with grows fraud, and, negligence in Various particulars. , - . r Th caa waa tried out and tha issues were determined against Marquam, both In his controversy with - the United Stales Mortgage A 'TCUgf "CAmPariy" griff With tn Title Guarantee A Truat com pany. The findings were that th Title oompany had been careful and most honeet and had discharged ita dutlea In the premises. The Hen of th Title com. pany waa fixed as a second mortgage on the property. . Th final decree waa passed on th 27th of October, 1800. Th property waa aold at sheriffs sal on th 10th of December, 100, and was purchased by J. Thorburn Ross of th United States Mortgage A Trust company and th Title Guarantee A Trust company. Ths Title company subsequently psld th United States Mortgage A Trust company about $100, 000 and th United States Mortgags A Trust company accepted a mortgage for $300,000 for the remainder of its 'claim, ' I . The' Tltl company being unwilling to execute a mortgags on the property, th tltl waa transferred . to th Oregon company, a aubsldlary corporation, cen tral led by th Tltl company, which, ac cording to th contention of th defend ants -in th present litigation, has been th owner of the property ever since. -. Pour Appeals Taken, . '. 4 ' Marquam appealed from the decree' of October 37, 1900. and also from three subsequent decrees settling the ac counts of th Tltl Guarantee A Truat company, discharging it from all of its obligations and confirming ths purchase made by J. Thorburn Roaa. All of these matters were litigated tn the au prom court and the decrees of th lower court, passed by Judge Cleland, were in all cases affirmed. . . Notwithstanding these proceedings, on the 11th of November, 1902, Marquam brought th present suit, in which he contended that the relations of th Tltl Guarantee A Trust company to the property and to himself were such that (Continued on Pag Two.) J- MANY DELAYS IN PAYMENTS BY MUTUAL RESERVE :( .tie Insurance Investigation ,Shows Liens and Assessments Taken ' . From the Face Value. (Joeraal Special 'Vrvlee.t New Tork, Deo. 4. -Senator Aim strong, chairman of th Insursric In vestigation committee, aald this morn ing lhar n hoped there would be Ave sessions this week and that th work would be ended by th end of the month, but th committee would If necessary continue after January 1 without a new resolution of the legislature. - Oeorge D. Eldrldge, vlce-preeldent and actuary of the Mutual Reserve Life Insurance company, .thla morning re sumed his testimony "concerning delsyed payments of policies. He ssld thst his company usually paid their policies five or six months after proof of death had been submitted,- . A mass of correspondence between the company and attorneys of the bene Aclartes waa Introduced by Attorney Hughes which showed that many delays htd occurred and that Hens snd assess ments had been taken from th face value. - , ' fcord Cursoa la Xaglaaa. - - , (Jnaraal Sporlal Service.) London. Dee.;4. Lord and Lady Cur son arrived today from India and wer met by a great crowd of distinguished eltlaens and gtvea a warm reception,- - LIE IS PASSED Dr. E. L House Electrifies Min isterial Association by Bitter t Words Directed Against Dr. C. T. Wilson. HISSES AND CRIES OF "SHAME" FOLLOW WORD Thaft Preacher Apologise for Bitter " Wor5, But Maintains That There Was No Truth in Statement of Dr. Wilson That There Was a Plot to Run Suffrage Indorsement Through - -"It Dr. Wilson or any other man says that there waa a plot to run this matter of woman's suffrage through,'! say he is a llarl" , . The Portland Ministerial association waa electrified by this statement this morning from Dr. EX I House, pastor of the First Congregational church, after twos hours of heated discussion, teeming with csustio persons lltles, fol lowing th attempt of the Suffrage as sociation to secure th Indorsement of Ita cause. A moment of silent amass ment followed, and than came criea of "shame" and hisses, and Dr. House angrily repeated th statement, though the "strong word" was drowned, In th sounds -f disapproval. "I apologise for the strong Unruase." ha. said as calm second thought am to him. "I waa aroused; but I want to put .myself right In the eyes of the as. Eotilatmu ana tell tluiu that then no such plot as Dr. Wilson imputes to me." - And th hisses were followed by cries of approval. . ' . Bisons si oa Bitter. The words followed a bitter discussion by. the members of. the Ministerial as sociation of th relative merits and de merits "of woman's suffrage which came up after a 'resolution had been offered indorsing ths movement. The body of ministers waa made up of men with firm convictions on both sides, and a large number of women were present, to hear the results of an interesting debate. among whom were Miss Gall Laughlln, ths attorney for th stats association. . Dr. Clarence True Wilson, who Is conspicuously against women In politics, talked long on hla aide of th question, giving what seemed a carefully prepared address. When at the close of his speech Dr. B rougher msde a motion that th speeches be limited to 10 minutes, and then added, with a sparkle of (Continued on Pag Two.) F REFUSED BY t VANCOUVER RANCHISE TO Unless Town Council Grants Some Less Restrictive Permit the , Line Will Run Direct From Portland to Sound Via - - Lady's Island Bridge. .. -; financial powers behind the Vanoou ver dc Suburban railway . have refused the franchise granted by the Vancouver city council. It Is reported thst the re sult. If not remedied by th passage of another franchise, will be to send the traina of the Chloago, Milwaukee St Paul railroad direct from Portland"to th sound via a brldg at Lady's island, leaving Vancouver off the main line. At tonight's meeting of the Vancou ver, council th franchise matter will probably be brought up for reconsidera tion. Forbes A Ooudy of Portland, financial agents of the eastern capital ists who a re- back of th Vancouver A Suburban road, are hopeful of securing desired ehanges In the franchise. On of th principal objectionable features practically cancels all privileges granted If for any reason th company does not hsvs In operation every foot of the right of way conveyed within a certain limit of time. Should the company pro ceed to construct Its main line and branches, but leave . single- block of granted Tight of way Inoperative, all of the rights and privileges described in th franchise would revert to th city of Vancouvr. - Will Ask Mmw rranohlse. Mr. Forbes of the firm of Forbee A Goudy was ssked to confirm the re ported refusal by his company of -The Vancouver franchise. He' replied: "Our people have declined to go for ward with the project on account of certain restrictive provisions In ths franchise." . "Do you intend to ask for a new franchiser r . "W will' aalc for a new franchise. eliminating a few - objectionable , fea tures and making It a proposition that our people could safely accept." It la -known, that the oompany has made- a survey from Lady's Island .di rect to Proebstel. Hocklnson snd Bst- tlsground, and la making preparation ti push- the. survey on to th sound. -. A I RUSSIA FACES Mutinies of Troops Occur at , Warsaw and Many Other Stations Throughout : - ; the Empire. .''-' MOSCOW REPORTED TO BE IN HANDS OF MOB Telegraphers Strike in Finland to Assist Brethren, Tying Up All - Wires Many Mutineers at Sevas topol Courtmartialeo aqd , Shot as "Traitors to the Car.' ' (Journal BpeeUl Stnrlea.l - Berlin, Dec. 4. Dlspstches received today stats that mutinies of troops have occurred at Warsaw, Kursmlnlk, Sarar toff, .Kherson, Novgorod, Grodno , and Kharkoff. The imperial guard at St. Petersburg is slso reported to be tn open revolt . General"" disorder - prevails throughout the cities and th govarn- fment is powerless tq quell disturbances. Many regiments of artillery have been concentrated about th capital, but th soldiers have refused to- fire. Rumors com from Moscow that ths city has- been sacked and burned' by mobs, who have butchered th police and Cossacks and pillaged th -imperial granaries. No word hss been heard di rect from Moscow for $ hours. Thirty-four provinces of European Russia outside of Poland, Finland and th Caucasus are now in a state of in- "Tii than. Jutll tion of European Russia red snide In tneai districts. A number at Kief? is renort. ef to have been promptly quelled by troops aftar a pitched battle In which CO persons were killed and 100 wounded. Two regiments at Odessa were disarmed after having refused to obey orders. The mutineers at : Sevastopol were lined up against th walla of th bar racks and ahot to death after a drum head courtmartlal. Including th leader, Lieutenant Smith. Aroused by th fat of the mutineers, workmen throughout southern Russia are arming themselves and th situation is desperate. The telegraphers of Finland have gone out to assist thslr brethren in Russia. Th strike of the telegraphers Is abso lute. No news is being received at the capital from outside towns. Xlgnteen Still In Mia. uneyenne, wro, ueo. . only - one body has been recovered from the Dla- mondvllle coal mine. Relief workers are -n earing th twelfth level and expect to reacn. in is oeaa some time today. MILWAUKEE THE ROAD 1 per cent grade is being adhered to nearly-all the way. It lr understood that th Lady's island rout will be the Milwaukee's gateway into Portland. Soundings ar being made at that point In the Columbia river, and the Oregon Water Power Railway company la said to be directing th work. Ths a W. P. company has surveyed and se cured rights of wsy from its present line at Gresham to Falrvlaw, on ths Co lumbia river at Lady's Island. While no Official statsment is obtainable at this time .from O. W. P. or Milwaukee officials, nor from th Vancouver A Sub urban people, it is now aifopen secret that th same financial powera who con trol th Mtlwaukee have secured con trolling power In the eastern financial affairs of the Oregon Wster Power A Railway company and that the Mil waukee will com Into Portland over that line. J t mysiery or me ouiwauaee s inactivity In Portland with regard to terminals, vithlls It Is known to be actively secur ing terminals and rights of way for Its line from Wallula to th sound and Is buying rights of wsy dowA ths north bsnk of th - Columbia river from Wallula to Lady Island, through - ths medium of the Wallula Pacific. It ia a significant fact that while the work of acquiring the entire i30 'miles of right of wsy from Wallula westward Is nearly finished, and ia. now on th verge of -"a final round-up In th courts through process of condemnation and Injunction suits, -th company baa not acquired a foot of th Isnd , west of Lady's Island. Should th Vancouver city council and the Vanoouver A Suburban Railway company permanently disagree. It la said the only reeult would be the elimination of the company'a spur froty t roe betel to vsncouvet, and ttie entire plan with thla exception would- be carried forward, making one direct line from Portland to th sound,, CONGRESS QPES WITH BCIEF . . p r t ; i I -. - r.,-;'iu iii.ii. & I " i i ' ' . ) . .' !- ' . ' 4- J Arke-President ' -Fairbanks - fUnllflOUrSltEflCF? IN SENATE No Response When Names of , Mitchell .and Burton .l ; Are Called.' BINCER. HERMANN AND . WILLIAMSON ABSENT Soma . Adverse . Feeling Against Ore gon Senator Among Members- Representatives r Are Not in the Capital City., ; . Waeh!ngtoa Bsreaa of Tbt JoarsaL) 'Washington, Dec.'-4. -There waa 4 noticeable stillness In the sensts when the names of Burton of Kansas and Mitchell of Oregon wer reached in the morning roll call and when no responses were returned. Conversation - with a number of senators on the subject Indi cates there Is - much . adverse feeling against Mitchell on account of hla ef forts to retain the chairmanship of ths lsthmlsn canal committee. ' In the case of Burton thla' feeling ia absent, for his committee, forest reser vation, is not an active working one and his retention of the chairmanship does not retsrd or intsrfere with public busi ness on account f his absence and in ability to attend to public duty. Mitchell-would help hla standing In th senate by .voluntarily withdrawing from the chairmanship. Oregon was - not omitted when con gressmen wer summoned by statea to take the oath today, but neither Oreg'oA man appeared. If Hermann and Wil liamson had been . present they could probably have, been sworn in today, though It would havs been possible for any member to object. Their absence occasioned no Surprise,-for there 1 a prevailing opinion that under the clr-j cumstances th Oregon men should not attempt to participate In the proceed ings of the house. Representatives Hermann and William son, however, failed to respond when their name were called by th clerk of the house. They are not In Washing-1 ton.- . ' " KANSAS SCHOOL MARMS - WORK IN CORN FIELDS (Jmrnal Bpeelal Rarrtca.) Topeka, Kas.. Dec. 4. -A week ago Miss Cushman, a teacher In Brown coun ty, closed hsr school for 10 days and told hsr 40 boys and girls .to go hom and help their parents eave the great corn crop. Miss Cushman herself donned husking gloves and mad a hand In th com field. Other young women also helped. ' Today four other schools In that sec tion adjourned to the corn fields for a week. People are In entire sympathy with the movement, ss ths full time h th schools will be - taught "nest spring. It is believed that scores of rural schools over sll Kansas will close for a week for, th . corn harvest snd festival. Speaker Joseph Cannon Reelect i T ed by Strict Party , Vote - Over' JohrT Sharp' WiU 7;' - liams of MississippL SENATE ADJOURNS OUT. . . OF RESPECT.T0 PLATT President's Message to Be Delivered Tomorrow a Most Comprehensive 1 Document Railroad Rate Measure Most Prominent- Feature Senator Fulton Introduces Bills. L - flonrnal Special Serrtas.) ' Washington, Dec 4. The Fifty-ninth congress was opened today with a brief session in both house and senate. Th presentation of the president's message having been deferred until tomorrow there wtr practically no bualness out side the usual first day routine. Th time of both bodies waa devoted to th usual formalities of opening day.. There waa the usual exchange of ' greetings among members, th lntroduo- tlon of newcomers, the great floral dis play and ths hundreds of visitors with beautifully- gowned women predomlnat-" Ing. Corridors, committee rooms and cloak rooms were thronged and th bustle extended vea t th floor of th : chambers. , . - Vice-President Fairbanks called th aenste to order on the stroMTof It and slKHjUflacaualr f hit noma wss ssppad . order by Speaker Cannon. The opening prayers were made by th chaplains. Rsv. Dr. Edward Everett Hale In th senate and Rev. H. N. Coudca In th house. .... ' In both th senate and the" house com mittees were appointed to wait upon th president and Inform him that congreaa waa in session. In the house Clerk Mc Dowell called th roll and the adminis tration of th oath of of Ac and th drawing of seats followed. In th sen ate resolutions of respect to th memory of" the late Senator Piatt of Connecticut war adopted and tha ad journment was in further tribute to his memory. -. , Th house atf o'clock, by a party vote, elected Jo Cannon speaker. Hla Democratic opponent was John Sharp Wllllama of Mississippi. , -, rresldeaVs Message, ' Th' president's massage to be sub mitted tomorrow Is awaited with keen ' Interest, though its salient features ar already known to the members of con gress. Those who have been privileged - -1 I , Speaker Cannon. to look ovsr th document say that H'lef" th most comprehensive message Presi dent 'Roosevelt has ever submitted tn congress. It covers a large variety 'of subjects. Internsl and external,, and pays particular attention to th subject of railroad rate '.legislation and fsdsral supervision of corporations. Railroad rat teglslstton la said to be the most prominent festure of th mes sage. ' The president hss pointed out In great detail th evils now existing snd th necessity for thslr srsdloatlon. A s remedy he proposes thst the tntsrstst commerce commission shall be author lsed in declaring arat unreasonable, t . declare at th same time what Is maximum, reasonable rats, snd to msks an' order requiring th offending rsil ' road to reduce Ita rate to that mail mil m. He further recommends that lit order to Insure obedience to the order, th law contain a penalty, but thst op portunity b reserved to th eompasr to appeal to the federal court,' whnae decls Ion shall be Anal. The presiaeni bi seeks tha regulation of the private es and terminal Interests so that dlscrlroe- natlon or rebates In any form shall ! Impossible. r . . . JMgulai Oerporattoaa. Ths president speaks In s forcef il meiner on the subject of Insurance, re ferrlng to th raveletlnns mxde dinlis tha Inquiry In New York ss evidence the great need of federal aiiporvinl.m. t'nmoratlona Is a euhlect which. I ns been given serious ronalderatlon hr prMent-- il O'lJerss cnrp-ir,-" i t (Continued on I'M Ti msmm I I BtBS m t - ' m m 1 V v: