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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1905)
LOOII ON PAGE. TEN FOR PR.EOIDENT ROOSEVELT'S . MESSAGE TO -CONGRESS. 1 GOOD EVENING Journal Circulation ' - THE WEATHER. 23,402 Yesterday Waii V Occasional rain- and warmer to- . night.. Wednesday occasional rain; aoutheaat winds. VOL. IV. O. 235. PORTLAND, OREGON, TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 5, 1905. SIXTEEN PAGES. i--nv"ivi- mirst AWVTO T1AIVS A MB TsTwS rRiv.ii viiA0. ixAUDg. riva cists i 7n n r- v - 'm3Z rrzn r -.:.. - rri ri SENATE AND Hey burn Bill for Relief to be Passed Tomorrow or I hursday ; Without Reference, to Committee. . STAND PA? ELEMENT WIN OUT, V NO TARIFF Franklin K. Lane Appointed to Interstate Commerce. Committee Bristol's Name ' Sent in to Senate For Confirmation. (Jooraal Spedtl terries.) 'Washington, Dc. I. The feature of ..1 the second day's session of both, houses . of congress was . tha reading of the president's message. Shortly after ad journment coplea of tha message war ZZ received from tha White House' and read to both house and tha senate and distributed amour mwnnere. The read ing of tha message-began In the houae at llrlj. eight mlnutea later than In tha senate, end it required three hours' time to flnlah It. . , .. am. me galleries were crowaea ana - many visitors were unable to find seats. The Hepburn bill, appropriating f it,. -4 100,000. to be Immediately available for canal eonatructlon. will pass the houae ' tomorrow or Thursday without reference 4a th. AimmlM Th. Kill vtll w. nlk roaded through either by unanimous eon sent or y. special rule. There la practi cally no opposition to the measure. Tha : bill provides emergency funds to be re imbursed to the treaaury out of tha pro ceeds of the sals of Panama bonds. It J Ian unvldethat--t--detlled statements regularly to congreaa at the opening of -"each session. - -. ... . - .., -. . ":':.: To Tariff Beform. , ' It la predicted by the best pasted men " In both houses -of congress that tariff revision 'talk will 'die out In the next few days. They regard the queatlon of revision as settled so far as this session Is concerned. The stand-pat element controls the situation In both branches) of congress, and the understanding is perfect between the leaders in both houses and the president - When the house rules were adopted at th last eongreas it put s damper on the tariff revlalon talk. Under the rules adapted tbs speaker and committee on rulea have absolute control of legisla tion. Speaker Cannon Is jperhapa the most stalwart stand-patter in eongreas, snd his right-hand man on committee . rules is Dalaell of Pennsylvania, another stslwsrt Grosvenor Is hardly leaa stal wart therefore there is- not the slight, est chance of revision or reciprocity. ' t sTur Mosaiaatlons, A large number of nominations wss . sent Into the senate by the president this morning for confirmation. Among them was that of Franklin K. Lane . of . California for member of the Interstate LEAVES HIS WIFE FflR ARTRFSS President Corey of Billion-Dollar Steel Trust, Is in Love With - Mabelle Oilman, r.-' , ' PAYS SPOUSE FORTUNE ' FOR SEEKING A DIVORCE "Umiitt Waa Verv Devoted to Wife - in Earlier Day and One 'At tempted to Commit Suicide Be. cause He Heard She Would Die. . (Amraal gDeclal Berries.) Pittsburg, Pa. Deo. B.-Wllam El lis Corey, prealdent of ., th United State Steel corporation, la.ssld to have arransed with hla wife for a aeparatlon. Thla will be followed .-' by a' dlvorc," , Corey Is then to marry the actress, hi. bell Oilman, of whom Jis became enamf ored four years ago. It Is related thst Corey hss settled $700,000 on his wife, whom he married It yeara ago. A son. Allen 'W. Corey Is to get JOO,O0L additional. Ha. will Join his mother In the west somswhere r. a- .k. m Willi .r7 . mini . i" . " reside In Nevada ontll ah secures 4 resldeno. then apply for a dlvOrc on , th ground of incompatibility of tans;, --. Corey Is rated to be worth. II 0,000,000 He-mads his biggest strike -In North Butts' mining-stock, buying shares al IIS,' and they recently had a. phenom enal rls to f 7S. Corey resided In Braddock all his life - until be became president of 'th Car negl Steel company. . When he suo ' ceeded Schwsb of ths United Btatei . Steel - corporation he rentoved to New York. Corey was very devoted to hi 'wife In earlier dura snd once attempted it -eoremlt sulcsle because he heard that his wife would dls. HOUSE LISTEI1 of the; Panama Canal REFORM IN SIGHT commerce" commlsalon and William C Bristol as United States District attor ney of Oregon. - The ; president appointed the "follow ing postmasters, which were sent to tha senate for confirmation:. California Daniel H. Cos tea of Camp bell, Albert B Hill of Coalings. Adeline Balthachs of Coronado, Wllltam A. Long of Hanford, Frank H. Dunden of Jack son, Angus J. Drydan of Bedding snd Edmund L. Brown of Ban ' Fernando. Alaska Frank M. Boyle of Valdes. Oregon Arthur Wbeelhouse of Arling ton. Louis J. Simpson of North Bend, Merrltt A. Baker of Weston, .Frank W. Welcome of Burns snd Harvey 8. Buck of Bumpter. ' r- ,- Waahlngton Henry L. Votaw of Ta coni . Daniel .' Crowley of Vancouver, Robert H. Stapleton of Monroe, Jacob FV, BH) of Davenport and Frank. L. Turner of South Bend.' Utah George W. Bryan of Mercer. Montana Orson B. Prlckett of Bin Inga and' James McTaggart of Belgrade. Daaoaacea "lCasaaersav " iHimeaiatuiy srtti ma rwann ur tim messsgs in the houae, Ooldfogle of New York presented a resolution denouncing the massacre of the Jews In Russia. It waa referred to' thi committee on for eign affaire to b 'debated later. Tha annate adjourned at 1:4k. as aoon aa ths meaesge waa read. , Lecey of lows Introduced two bills, on repealing th timber and stone act and the other creating a bureau of mines under th interior department- 1 HEYBURN'S WARNING. , ',,-.. - ,,-..V Idaho lens tor Sees Orav Saagwr la reratatlon f (Km rreserve. (Jooraal SpeeUl Berrlca.) Washington, Deo, a. The propoaltlon of the gam wardens of Idaho, Montana snd Wyoming to Create -a gam preserve In their respective states has called forth a strong protest from Senstor Heyburn. who calls th attention of the Idaho people to the threatened danger that exists in th cresting of such a preserv as contemplated that would embrace 4,000,009 acrea. He considers th dsnger Is more serious than th ere (Continued on Pag Two.) RACES TO SAFETY WITH CAR AFIRE Blazing Din'eV in a Train Hurried at Flying Pace to Nearest ' : Water Tank., ' ' CREW WITH BUCKETS SAVES OTHER COACHES Exciting;. Run " Through ' Western Nevada of Southern Pacific Pas senger Train No One Is Hurt but Passengers Get a Scare.; ;; . . (Joaraal Rpeelal Berr1.) Reno, Ner Dec. With throttle pulled wide open, th engineer on west bound Southern Pacific, train No. S ran Into Lovelock at 11 o'clock last night with 'th dining car biasing like a fur nace behind. While between Wlnne mucca and -Lovelock tha dining - cat caught fir from a defective heater and th draft caused by running tha train mads It impossible to extinguish the Are. Ths' conductor wired and found he could reach Lovelock befnra f h. enn. flagratlon apread to th- other coaches1 All steam was put on. In a few min utes th car waa a roaring furnace, and th attention of tha crew was directed to- preventing a spread of yia flames Ths trsln reached Lovelock, across ths desert, none too soon. The dining car waa cut out and a bucket brigade aoon had th fir under control. The entlr coach Is a wreck. Nothing but th stee? snd Iron: work remain on the forwsrd portion. No on was hurt, although th passenger wer much excited. Cons ell Saabs J (Journal Sprclnl lerrlre.) . ( -. Chicago, Deev-. The aldermen of this city , at laat nlsht's session of th city round! rejected both the gaa rate snd traction plan of Mayor Dunn. 1 " '. ' - . ' ' jjj ' Mi', f 3 "- M ( ' ' f .. $ 5 $ t V o f "'-41 v COP.Yfi.(CHT R1 President ROBBERS CRACK ESCAPING WITH r . rs .-v Three Highwaymen Enter Mercantile Establishment in Wash- . Ington Town and Get Away Boys Who See Them (Special Dispatch to The Jooroal.) Spokane, Wash., Dec 6. Three rob bers this morning blew open the safe of tha Coey Mercantile company at Rock ford, IS miles southesst of . here, secur ing ; 11,100, th safe being . completely wrecked by the rorce or tne explosion, - After computing the worS'TOeobnerTbe-"caplured "before -nlghtr"- aecuTgd' a MUVflcar 811 LIU U. ft. ft Hi In which they rode for half a - mile towards Spokane, ditching the handcar WAR DEPARTMENT FOR IMPROVING THE COLUMBIA (Washlnfto. Boreas ef The Jenrnat) Waahlngton, Deo. i. Senator Fulton conferred with General Mackensle today relative to eatlmatea to be made by the. war department for th Columbia river Improvements Mackensle la working out the detalla and. will scale . the amounta aa cioaeiy aa poaaiDis ana sun LAFOLLETTE KEEPS SOLONS GUESSING AS TO ACTION Wisconsin Governor-Senator Will Only Say -He's Going to the ' Senate Unless (Josrnal ftoeelal Servtce.) 1 Madison, wis.. Deo. 8. Oovernor La. follette's message-to the -extra session of tha legislature- was read by th ex ecutive personally to th Joint senslon this morning. It still leaves a mystery surrounding the intentions of Lafollette regarding the aenatorshlp, but It Is be lieved that th governor will give up th aenatorshlp, retaining the governorship, unless th legislature acta favorably upon hla measures . , - At ths end of his message Lafollette announced that he would go to the Ben ate at th close of th present special seaaion of th legislature, "unless un foreseen events" forced him to change his plsns. - The message deals with primary law, railroad regulative measures snd Insur ance lawa. Lafollette recommends ths appointment of a committee with power to summon wltnesaeei snd examine the methods and expenditures of Insurancs companies and report next November st th regular session, ths Investigation to be conducted upon llnee similar to those followed by. the New York legis lative committee. .- .' TALK ACROSS COUNTRY ON EFGHT-INCH WIRE (Jnarasl gprHsl Service.) Pittsburg, Ps., Dec Professor Pupin, of Columbia university. Is work ing on an experiment to prove that con versation can be carried on between New York and" th Pacific const on a wire one eighth of an Inch thick. ' He haa Invented a series nf onlls 1"W st way stations which carry the sound wsves. The first successful test waa made today between Sewlckley and McKeeaport. to prove hla theory. Th American Ball Telephone com pany I assisting him In the experiments snd ths Una from New York to San Francisco will be completed by Thurs day. There remains a stretch of tO mile in Dakota, to be completed and an other short tin in Colorsdo. Saltan Baoka Sows. (Jonraal Hwlil Smtr. I ' Constantinople, Deo. . It is under stood thst the sultan with minor reser vations has a greed to the powers' . de mand for ths financial administration ef Macedonia. , . ... . .- .. j t Roosevelt SAFE AT ROCKFORD 82,100 IN COIN on a Handcar Fire at Posses Hunting. and taking to the woods.' They were seen by two boys rooming over a store. The robbers saw the boys snd shot at them, but the bullet went wide. A posse of Rockf ord cltisens are now out after the robbers snd four men hav been dispatched from the sheriffs office i her It believed ttiat the men-will "ii nf n r-'-'-'-T ' "r llii lured by the explosion, a bloody bandage being found In the stors this morning. ASKS MILLION : permit the' improvements to be carried on deemed necessary by his department. This smount will approximate 11,000.. 00000, and Senator Fulton believes .that be will secure this amount In th sundry civil bill, which will be framed by the house appropriation commttee after the Christmas holidays. . . . HUNDREDS FORCED TO FLEE, BURNING ORE IN MINE Fire Which Has Been Smoulder ing in Butte Mine for Sixteen Years Breaks Out, (Special Dispatch te The Journal.) Butt, Mont.. Deo. I. Fire, which has been smouldering in ths St. Lawrence mlna of the Amalgamated Copper com pany for the past 10 yeara broke througn last night, driving 300 miners pell moll from the Mountain View mine, an ad joining property, the levels of whtch were filled with sulphurous gases. Tweit ty-flve of the men who were working In the St. Lawrence, mine . were forced to flee. Many of the miners were al most overcome by. the gas snd were staggering when they reached ths sta tion landings. ' The St. Lawrence fir haa resisted' all efforta to extinguish It, slowly feeding on the sulphiy contained In the copper ore, and all that can be done la to re strain the fire Wtta' original territory through the uss .Of airtight -bulkhesds, preventing the emission of gases. - The 'exclusion of air Is of no avail, because of th fact that the burning of aulphur In th or liberates enough oxygen . In the ore to . keep alive the combustion. Th loss occasioned bv the tire runs. Into many millions of dollars GOVERNMENT INQUIRES INTO KANSAS FRAUDS ( Jnnrnal Sprlsl Service. ) Topeka, Kan., Dec. I. The-investigating of alleged land frauds In Kanaas la to be taken up by the special grand Jury called for that purpose snd which bcganJtLWork today., However, before ente'rinK Into 'the slleged land fraud in vestigation, the grand Jury will first take up tha fencing of public lands nf western Kansas by cattle barons. The first case involves a charge that John A. Kelly of Stevens county has fenced 14 square miles Into one huge pasture, more half of -which Is government land. - - - : - - ... - - Shake-Tp on Drainage OaaaU. 4 Jonraal Special Berrtre.) Chicago, III.. Deo. . President Zlna R Carter and tha other members of the board of drainage canhl commissioners step out today and President Robert R. McCormlck and the right other members of th board, recently elected, will take their places It Is expected that ths change of ednilnlstiatlnn will he fol lowed by a general shake-up among the employes of th drainage board, ... ' CHAOS REIGNS ALASKA TRADE SPOILED IV1EAT IHMRUSSiA $11 ,000,000 SOLD-NEAL Cossacks and Infantry With Ma chine Guns Hold Revolt From l Bursting . Forth In , St. Petersburg. SOUTHERN PEASANTS . v SPREADING DESOLATION Mutineers Burn Prisons and Slay Officers in Score of Placet, While Reservists Freed From Service - Traverse Streets. Asking for Food Warsaw Without Martial Law. (Joaroal Sprdal Berrlca.) St Petersburg, Deo. t. Tha situation today is incredible. "Complete chaos reigns , throughout Russia. ' Order ia only preserved In 8t Petersburg by th 16,000 Cossacks and Infantry who are patrolling th streets and guarding ths centers with piachlne guns. News from th interior is slow and but littl of It ia being received., Th peasanta in southern Russia are in open revolt and spreading desolstlon through, out. Lhm rountrv. " Abolition of martial taw was gaseTtdt at Warsaw today and Poland Ia for the first time completely free from military rules A proposed meeting of th strik ing postal and telegraph employee haa been prohibited. In retaliation the men say they will now' continue the Strike until the government, abrogates all measures tending to prevent their organ- lsation and grants liberty to their allied comrades Sevastopol dispatches' a tat.. that th government haa ordered a courtmarttal of mutlneera In accordance with tha pro cedure at war tlmea. 1 Th tide agalnat th government la rising rapidly and It seema as If nothing dwsiaeisr it Mutinies nf anlfllwrs srii reported front a score or places Mutl neera are burning prlaons and slaying their officers Reservists who bavs been let out of th service are parading tha streets in Polish and aouthern Rus sia cities asking for food. GOVERNOR LUKE E. WRIGHT HOME FROM MANILA Minister Griscom and Wife Re turn From Japan tor Vaca- tion In Native Land. . (Joaraal Special Serrlc.) Ban Francisco. Dec. s. Th Pacific Mall liner Manchuria, carrying Governor Luke K. Wright of th Philippines snd Lloyd Orlscom, American minister to Japan, arrived at T o'clock thla morning from th orient via ths Philippines snd Honolulu. Mr. snd Mrs. Orlscom are en route to their home In Philadelphia, where they will spend their .leave' Of absence. . Wright la on hla way to hla home In Memphis. It is currently reported that he will not return to tha Philippines snd thst his departure from th island while -ostensibly only for a vscatlon ia permanent. W. Cameron Forbes, commissioner of labor and police In the Philippines, was also a passenger on the Manchuria. Th liner also brought a man named F, War ten, a Philippine agitator, an advocate of Independence In the Islands who Is en roille to his bom in Massachusetts. TAKES CARBOLIC ACID WHILE DESPONDENT (Speelsl Dispatch to Tie Journal. ) Wood burn. Or., Dec. . Mrs, M. Benjamin) residing near Woodburn, com I muted suicide yesterday arternoon by taking carbolic acid. Despondency over the recent death of a daughter la ths cause assigned. A doctor was summoned soon after th act waa committed but all efforts to save her life wer un availing. , She leavea a husbsnd and children. , Woman Aooosed ef Murder. - tnpeciai uisparrn to i os jnthi.) Helena, anonc, &'ec e.-i ne coroners Jury which Investigated the death of Corporal; William F. Cyrus, at midnight returned a verdict charging Nora Menale with havlpg fired th fatal shots Ths woman was remanded to Jail. ENGLAND (Special ri tops tc te The Joaraal.) London, Dec I. After a conference of an. hour thla morning with the king. Sfr Henry Campbell-Bannerman accepted the position of premier and agreed to form a new cabinet Within a few dags the new government will be organised.-. -.i -7 - " -. - - -yz Before going to ths ,fclre Campbell Bannerman received a visit from . the Duke of Devonshire, representative of the ITnlonlata and Fr Traders - It Is believed that If Campbell-Bannerman has allied himself. with Devonshire that th Issue of horn rule will be afde tracked for the present for tariff, and that for a while at least free trade will be the paramount laaue of the new min H. Y. Freedman Says Portland Can Get Big Part of This Enormous Business Simply by Going After It. DO NOT HAVE TO WAIT v FOR. STEAMSHIP LINE Residents of Nome and Seward Peninsula Must Ship in Practically Everything They Eat and Weai Portland Can Quote Better Prices " Than "Frisco and Seattle. - "Portland merchants hav an oppor tunity to do an enormoua bualnesa in th Noma country if they will only go after It. - Government statiatlcg show that over 1 11,000,000 worth of mer chandise was shipped Into Alaska In th first nine months of this year, and Seat tle is doing the biggest part of th busi ness. Portland merchants sa get -the business if they will mak an effort for it" . . H. T. Freedman, ' formerly a resident of Portland, but for the last six years located in th Nome country, on ths Be ward pen tn aula, madeth foregoing statement-in th course of a conversa tion this morning relative to the ex traordlnary developments that are taking place In Alaska. Mr. Freedman la . an attorney, and before going to Nome was with the firm of Cotton. Teal Minor In this city. He Is- aow associated with Judge Dudley Dubos and aa attorney for the Alaska Bank 4k Safe Deposit company, the North American Trans portatlon Trading company, tha North- western - Commercial . company -and ' a number of mining companies, he hss en joyed peculiar opportunities foe gaining an Intimate knowledge of th great projects now under way fox th develop. ment.ef the Dome country, in addition I to... hlaUw. practice, Mr. Freedman has aome mining Tnlertsl. ' Most Bring ta verythlna'. ' "Everything we use In ths Noma coun try hss to be brought in, continued Mr. Freedman. "Nothing la raised there except a few small vegetablea. In ths spring. Everything we eat, wear or use. all clothing, mining machinery and supplies of every description is shipped In to us. ' Portland merchants do not seem to realise how big th bualnesa Is nor how It must InCreaae In the hear future. Th Nome country alons will produce In th next five yeara at least $50,000,000 in gold. Thla year th large companies bavs been so busy building ditches to tsp new territory that they did not produce so much aa they might. In spits of this fsct snd th shortneas of th season th output for the year Will be nbout f (,000,000. "Th trad of th Seward panlnsuls Is well worth going after. - Noma will be longer-lived then most placer mining camps.. There will be a camp there fot 10 years to come at least and possibly for to years Many big projects are under way for th development of ths country. During If 0s a new railroad, about to miles In length, will be built from Port Clarence bay Into the Kougarok mining district, and It will open up a wonderfully rich country. Ex tensive ditches will be built and rrom $2,000,000 to 13,000,000 Will b expended In development work. least O After It. "These enterprises show whst sn Im mense demsnd there will be for supplies. Portlsnd can get the business, but If sh wanta it she must go sfter It. Ths big buyers up- there are not coming down here to hand their orders on a silver plattSr to ths Portland merchants But they will readily buy If Portlsnd will send representatives to - secure their orders. Heretofore Seattle and San Francisco have been th only cltle to aend men to -solicit bualnesa. Portland merchanta can't do much by writing let- ters They must send their sgents and then they will get th bualneas. They do not have to wait for a ateamahlp line from Portland In order to set tha trade. All they need to do la to go after It "Prlcea have heretofore been better In Portland than in Seattle or San Francisco. Many of th people In Nome are old residents of Portland and would prefer to trade here. But they like ths energy shown by Seattle and. San Fran cisco, so they trade there." In discussing the mining developments In th Nome-country, Mr. Freedman gavs an extraordinary picture of th richness Of recent discoveries Copper deposits sr of almost fabulous value and rival th gold flelda In their possibilities Wonderful Copper Deposits. '. "In th neighborhood of White river. about 100. miles from Falrbanka, there (Continued on Page Twa) HAS A NEW PREMIER istry. Joseph Chamberlain today stated that he waa pleased with Campbell-Bannerman' a scoeptsnc. ' It Is regarded aa certain that Lord Rose berry wilt not have a plc in th new cabinet, but that John Morley will be Sir- Henry chief adviser, and will probably be offered the Indian offlcs Sir. Henry -Astjtttth Is slsted for chan cellor ef th exchequer. Lord Elgin for secretary of foreign affairs Sir Edward Grey as- secretary ef th colonlea. Dissolution of parliament will prob ably not be effected until after th new year. In A speech last night James Kelr Hurdle, Socialist snd member ot the house of commons, frankly Invited an sllinn'-e betwe the Irish snd Labor lartla in the new parliament. , Manager of Pacific States Pack ing Company Says That Carcasses Rejected by In . - spector Are Marketed. , FOOD COMMISSIONER SAYS HE'LL INVESTIGATE' Bailey Does Not Believe That Neat Is Right in His Assertions and Doubts That Butchers Can Evade the Present Close Inspection by Officials. ;."'"-..X ' ': :"', " of the Pacific Btatea Packing company, declared that meat that haa been re jected by government Inspectors is be ing offered to th publlo through local markets. - J. W. Bailey, state food and dairy commissioner. Insists that ther la no truth In tha statement. jar. xseaj aecisres mat me eaus or th present low prices of dr eased meats In ths .wholesale msrket Is due to (that fact that r. 1..f 4 imm la h.ln. .. A . VIM. 11 4U . W OTUWW fliVUUbl. bear th government stamp of approval cannot offer the meat at prlcea aa low. mwJ .I.m ...... 1 ,... aa those who handle Impure products. ' as a result or the statement of Mr. Neal, Commissioner Bailey .will likely eaus an investigation. In case rejected meat Is being offered for ssle In Port land prosecutions will follow.. - Why Masts Ar Cheap. . It is stated by Mr. Neal that scalpers operate In Portland who purchase cat tle st the stockyarda which hav been rejected by government Inspectors Th rejected meat la dressed and offered to the publlo at much lower prices than ths produce of firms that ar under gov. rnment regulations. -"Th 'present low prleea "of dreased Mr.y Neaiv "but to the operatlona of brokers. The brokera purchase cattle' that hav been rejected by government inspectors at very low figures Th cat tie ar slaughtered and the meat dressed and th scalpers ar able to offer it to th market at prlcea much lower than properly Inspected meat can be sold. "Thr Is no meat war ln Portland, and reports to thst street ar without foundation. Prices of dressed masts, however, are low snd the cause Is Just aa I hav,' stated. ' The . matter Is now under advisement by th board of health and th practice will likely be stopped aoon." ' Bailor Donbta Charg. Commissioner Bailey will ascertain what disposition is made of rejected cattle snd will also learn. If possible. If rejected meat la being sold In Port, land. He doea not bellev that rejected meat Is being sold.' - "I do not bellev such things to be) possible for many reasons said Mr. Bailey. "In th first place, th retail and wholesale dealera know pretty well -how they will be treated by tha firm from which they buy their supplies, They know that th leaat ausplclon or th moat trivial rumor to th affect that they handl Impure meat will break them in bualneas. Consequently they sr vary careful. Th varloua Inspect, ors of th government snd city ar also careful tn their work." Mr. Neal vigorously denies that the Paclflo States Packing company, of which he la manager, haa been pur chased or absorbed by th Swift com. ymiij v, a. ti j viu.i vumiu, 111 i 11, also Insists that ther is no meat war in Portland, aa haa been stated. Hot Owned by Swift. . "Ther have been rumors snd reports circulated that are very Injurious to our business," said Mr. Neal. "It la abse lutely untrue that We have sold out our Interests to Swift, or to sny on els. As a matter of fact, no atock Int the concern Is owned by outside parties. "We expect In th near futur to build ' the biggest snd best-equipped plsnt on the Paclflo coast. Th plant wUl'b erected In the vicinity of Portland. We expect to begin work on th plant within th next alx montha. and to have It ready for occupancy by th time our lease on our present quarters expires, i Our pres. ent leas expires within a comparatively short time snd we must vacate. - OomaoU ( Jewish Wonaam. . (Jooraal Special Berries. , Chicago, III.. Dec. a Delegates from all parts ef th country sr her for th fourth triennial meeting of the National Council of Jewish Women, which opens her tonight for a week s session. - Th sessions ar to b held In Sinai Tempi with Mrs Hannah Solomon of Chicago presiding. . - . . Right Honorabl Sir Henry Campbell Bannerman. O. C. B.. la a son of the lets Sir James Campbell, and waa bora September T, 111. He assumed the additional name under th will of hie maternal un-le, the late Umrj Manner, man Of Hun ton Court, Kent. He mr. rted adushter of the late On'ml r Charlae Bruce. He wss sd-icated t Glasgow university snl Trlnl'v -.ilif, Cambridge, His polni.jl mr-r h.r -i with hla election mm a ni"-' '-r ot house ef comrii"" In t.'" trlct In I i I r . I the Lit"'"1 ' i-i -" i'--. f ii February. .!-. I ' '. n ' - I r all i.i -.- - c-.h, !!), .! j