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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 30. 1SC5. SICK OR. IN TROUBLE TRANSPORTATION. SUFFERS TjllllOUT EDICAL AID Prisoner Paralyzed. With 1 No Emergency Hospital to Take - . Him To. . IIEAUY TRADE CALIFORHIA III ClilO eV aT Astoria & Columbia V ' River Railroad Co. inn culls J) x 1 ; I VMioif Dircrr, Arrives. IV' DeB. . Par afavrsra. Eslalee 11 BTJl Hall. Great Increase Is Showrv in the Transactions Oyer All Pre . - vious Periods. .' ,' j ' Pric Hra Are So High That Outsiders Would Com and : Take Trade. 1 . Tn. the Twinkling of an Eye the !"Mv.rW ' S- Clatskaale West port. Oil DEARS III1I(SGIUIIG SEND BUTTER Cllftoa, ' Astorts, War. rentoa, yiavsl, Tlsm SWBd, Fort gteveoa. Gearbart fark. Seaside. Astarla sad Beassor. txprass Dally. Alterls Kxprssa. 'Change Will Be Made In the , , Near Future. aWiA,A-Ass m av TAKES HOUR AND A HALF - TO SECURE A DOCTOR Dr. F. Cauthorn, City Physician, Is ' Unable to Corhe, and Health Of - licer Ry Matson Finally Arrives L and Orders Man Sent to Hospital. ' James Bid well, a cleaner of awnings, . aged 48 years, waa found on the side- wain Ht ine currier 01 oecona nnu xsurnv. Id streets apparently Intoxicated at B:S o'clock laat night by Acting Detec tire Hellyer. He waa taken to the city yi iaun js. .uuri 1 1 ill )i.viuu. v wmp taken Into custody the man did not ap ; pear 111. He wus seen toissk several persona for money. On making his rounds in - the Jail - this mbrntng Jailer Branch discovered -that the man waa seriously 111:. his right 1 side waa paralysed and ha was gasp. . lng for breath. . It looked. as If every moment would be his last. --v , Dr. P. Cauthorn, the city physician. waa notified by Station OIHcer IJllla and said that he had an urgent case to at tend to at the. hospital, but that Dr. ' Mataon would respond. Dr. Matson was , telephoned and told that a man waa dy ,ing at the city prison. He said that he would come Immediately. . . After disposing of the case at the hospital tr: Cttuthorn telephoned the. police station and aaked about BldwelL lie waff Informed that - hla nnunM would not b necessary, as Dr. Mataon bad promised to attend the sick man. ' As Dr.. Matson did not make his ap pearance. Captain Bailey telephoned him again, filter he again aaked the phy elelan Mo hurry and ; LIHls also tele phoned twice more, making Ave times It waa found necessary to summon tne had a spasm and the police were afraid he would die without medical atten tion. - - -r- - . - It was 8:80 o'clock, an hour and a was dying,- before Dr. Matson reached 1 h. ta t) Us mail. sl eurolew .Mmliu. Ion and ordered the man sent to St. . . vui m iiu.ii .w. v . v..w. A www lagen, mere anq nis conamon is . pro- opium or morphine and has spent a great part of . his time around Chinese saloons, with the result , that his con stitution has been undermined and he is unable to stand a severe shock. His : Injury is supposed to have been due to his failing and striking his bead on the pavement., . , ; CHLOROFORM MOTHER Tn-cwn ciicccoiMfic tfUl f atl4ilA ; ' . t Journal Special Service.) w- - Cincinnati. O., Nov. SO. Miss Anna ' Hall of this city, who recently attracted attention by' advocating thai persons hopelessly 111 should be chloroformed, In an address before the national . con- rention at Hainan JVorkera in VhOtdeXil phla. urged that Thar- ewn mother, be chloroformed. ;v'.. ' '" In the court hearing of the will of Miss Hall's mother Mrs. Slmcoe testified that frequently while Mrs. Hall la.v- dying she heard Mlas Anna urge the! attending physician to let chloroform be administered and end her mother's sufferings. Mlaj .Hall Inalated that her. mother was In great pain, and that as her death was Inevitable It was not right to let her suffer. .... The doctor assured Miss Halt that her . mother was not really In puiri. as she was In i a semi-conscious condition. AT THE' THEATRES. U. of O. Concert Tonight.'! This will b a gala Might at the Marouaa Orand theatre. The rnlvernlty of Oresoa Ule . and Msaonirn elnhe will five thetr sixth nasal ' concert.- Both the V. of t. and M. A. A. C. fonthsll erame will at tend. The carta la will . rise at 8:30 o'clock. . f 4 . . " ; "A Jolly American Tramp" Netr. nndy- afteniooa the first performance af I the great comedy drama, "A Jolly Amerlesa Tramp." will be gtveu- at the Empire. -1 ibla lav the author bold hie aadlenre vntranred antll the rnrtala rlns dowa udu the final scene, and every wrong he heen rlrhted, the JwH rewarded and the guilty punished, r - Next Week at the Baker. Km week, alartlag Sunday nattnee, the new burlesque eoatptny. known ae Winer' slerry Biirleeqiiers. will ones at the Baker. Brails- Nice, tlie dainty Utile staging enanrette. late ' of Rocer brother, hi with the rmtnr, and In ddltlnn to presenting her-aingtng and danrlt ':sneeleltjr will aaeniu aa timmrtaut role la , twin the nrst part and burlesque, ... i" ; At the Empire. ,i Jf there, r people who hare sot at anan time or nlher een the well known drama, Camllle." thee' ahnttld not wile the enrMr- . tnalty this week at the Empire. There will be a matinee Saturday a, well aa a per forma ore ', each evening thia week. . . London Gaiety Girls Tonight. ; TnntKht at the Baker the toadon" tJalety OW - Bnrleaquera, who hare beea performing at th la theatre to crowded hnveee all week, will dte , pert themaelree In Jolljr faahlon destined to far . nleh Juat the bfikht nd frothy aort of im men. M. fne thm iiltla m.mb Tk. - tVinale, eoatnmea and eaadeellla olle all go te stake ap a llrely entertainment. . ,," VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. " : Atthf-star. , - After the Thankaalrlng dinner Tlalt the Star - today, The - serfnrmanrea will - rrm , wltbaut IrtermlMloafroia i till ln:4S. The IteUraw trio offer "Foxy Orandpa'- The Jonrital'a Una day suppleaient rharactar and Nat Frauka doe '' Impereonatloaa af ' famons. nw-a. Itnghe and Barn era alnsera and danrerei The tfaauerla al.lcra. . afreet alnerr. and Claire and Atajraard,. glra a ebarsilng playlet. , , i, Albini at Grand. ; Performance at the flrand today are eoa tlnnoa from t;0 till tO:o p. n. The head llraa I Alhlnl, one of the heat ma-tlriaa of the aye. Alblnl offer feat -In- Joaflc, eard manipulation and aa expoae of ' mental trh. palhy that tmm ene at the moae Intereatlng . and aenaatlnnal 'acta seen her la eaanVTllle.. Frank llajea, fha en median from ibr Tlrolf; - the Walrlnl brnthera trnm Knrnpe, the Uladatone etilhle-o, th lllaetrat.d aonaa and the. thrilling mnrina pir'nre, "wnirerxpe, complete we perforrminr. "Brother Against Brother." 4 ' The play at th l.rrlo rontlmie te draw crowded honee this week. Th plot la a tmng "an and bMe th InteeMt from, the rla antll , tne fall ef the curtain. "Brother Aaalnat Brother' reoilrea an ahunrtanr of ereaery, 1 Buna play all w-r.k. TURKEYS HOLDING ."I , . ABOUT UNCHANGED Dealera Are Compelled to. Sacrifice ' Chickens in Order to Keep Things Cleaned Up Canned Goods and .Dried Fruits Are Firmer. , ; V " ' '. .- V ' . . Froat atreet.'Hor. SO. Th principal faarare of the rurtland wbolraala anarkeU today are: Steady ton la turkey, j Half holiday - along treat. Home chickens ara aacrlnced. k(ga are firm but ancbanged. ' Oppoaitlos banauaa ara ia. VecHtahl bar good aaje. IVIatue are dull but ateady. ; Onion ara hardly swing. .." Canned good bar armor ton. . Taaakagrriag Trad the Largeat. A much larger Thankaglrlng trad was re ported by-all th merchant along front afreet. Th volume of bualne abowa s cooalderable Increaa orer that af srerioua aeaaona, the aala of laat year be Lag far la the rear of thia year' transaction a. Everywhere the trade w.a kept busy ailing order front the country. The great cat increase waa from thia aoorce, but cy baalnea waa sot far behind. ' Steady Tea la Tarkaya. Tkaaksglrtng trade In torkeya la sow a thing of the past for the year of I BOO. Although priree the past .aeaaoa were eery high there wa at ao time a weak feeling la the market. At aocne period the too waa juat about hold ing ateady along the atreet, but thia waa do Bur t the fart that the retailers bad tbeia aelrea parebaaed very nearlly at country polnta. High price were paid la the primary market throughout Jhj aeaaoa. Ia eomparlaoa with foraier eeent dealer paid aereral cent more for tbelr turker tbaa oa aa arerag during th paat Sre yearn. Very few buye of dreaeed trek war reported at country polnta fewer tbaa lUc and from that nrur tip to tie the price ruled. - . Comnetltioa for turkey wa ao flerc thia aeaaom that dealers outbid ark other and raised the quotations ae theta aelm. Thia la regarded b the trade -la geaeral aa Tory atifurtunat, for the rraaoa that turkaya went to toe high a price aad eon amptloa waa greatly dlecuuraged. Thia may react agaia oa th market in future aeaaona and may possibly can tb pradaeera to loss money. Thia condition la aot peculiar to Port lead alone. It I general throughout the Facile coast atatee In fact eat of th atocky nsountalna. There waa aot ao anach demand for turkere from coaeumera- thia year oa that apreont, but th rerolutlonary Osgling ha aot yet- beeotn general. Only a certain rlaae of people eaa now afford turkey and they ar greatly la tb minority. It take two day' pay of the average workman to parckaee .a turkey for kl family and few can afford It. Tnrkeys era tee high,' A reaction Is sara to erne Chiokao "Ar Saorlaead. A baa aeear told by The Journal during th put week, reoelpta of chicken were far too heavy for the tie ma ml. Thia Ja ale eye th Cass the week preceding Thanksgiving. Thia year wa ao exception to ' the general rule. Ire .yeeterday aome of the dealers, la order to clean up, aMpSed heavy mppllea to th north and aouth. Aaoy-eloanupa being aad a low aa 10c per pound. Half Keliday Aleag Straat. Today waa practically a half holiday along Front atreet and . few of the dealer were opes beyoad the boob boor. Some wrr forced to keep opea a hop la order te take car of delayed arrival ef poultry aad perlahabl goada. aa wall aa. ta ,acd oat aome holiday eon da to aearby polnta tnac naa anaeroraerea flieff Teouirementi. 1 1 je nppmllteej ear et banana, aevaral day everdue, wa expected le during th aaoraing. There waa a good eal la vegetable during ibm paat 14 hours and prices la that Una Arid vary arm. stateea Ar Inll Bat Steady. Aa waa told, yeeterday, the potato market I steady bat the tone la aome v. hat dull. ' Out aid marketa have a firmer feeling, bat -price bow ao signs ef responding to tb new demand. Th fa tare of the potato market la etrletly a weather affair. -n .... Unkma ar very gull with as eoUre aheesce of anyoutild demand. - Orowers, however, re very arm la their view and refuse te Mil under present valuee. ... . ; Caaaad Seeds Have firmer Tea. -' All throngs th eanaed good market a firmer tone la raliag. finite of all kind ar being held ateadler than at any lima la recent yeara aad ao eoaceeelona ar sow being mad la Hated prior. ..Thai la lis Itself n tadlcaUoa of strength. . ' ' Dried fralta are atill arming ap bat price are unchanged from prevtoua Hat. Prune ar especially arm with aa spward tendency. Xethlag Doing la wTieat, TSre waa nothing doing la either the wheat or aViar market today. No cables were re ceived tit her from ' Kuronaaa market ev the rlat No local trading waa shows. The market he a etrletly holiday character. ' Th trad paya th following prlcea for first class product la round lota, f ront atreet srlcea to producers ar so epeelSed: ..':'':' Vraia. Floar aad rd. WHBAT Nw elub. Tie: red Beaalaa, S8e blneatem. TSe; valley. - .. . . BAHLtT reed. 2 1 fc rt 22 IXU rolled. '23.M JW.00: Jirewlng. ji.50i3a .k C0a Wboio, wtiJ.Csil cracked. 121.00 per tea. -' RTK-gl M per ewt. OATS Prod seers' "rlc N. I white. 138.06; rLOIlB New eatra Oregon patent. 14.36; tralght. a.Wfia.TO; Siport. .1.i(a.4; val i. ai tAAsi no mhasL Ul r ... sqb. bale, . ..... " f Mlf.UTUrrs Braa, , IIT.ofl pr ton; mid; dllnr. (in. oo: anorta,- coaairy, ie.ou; cny, IIS.M): crop. $18 00. HAT Prodoeera' price Tlnjothy. Willamette valley- fancy, 111.00013.00; orrlleary., T.00O my eeeters Oregon. iM.fmtlla.on, . entxed. $a.riOa.O0: Mover. O0(flt.0O; grain, SS.BOQ.. .00: sheet. ta.00MS.ta ' Sutter, Egg sad laltry, BUTTKK rAT r. e. b. Portland Sweat cream. sonr. Hlia. . BUTTER CHy ereaaiery. Sort on raid- fasey, 17 We; ordinary. 14c; store. IdQlTe. E(!S No. 1 Frrab Oregon, candled, . S3; sold storage aad eaatern, S7CZ8Ve. CHKESB New rail cream, twls, HHe; Vonng America. iro; Cheddar,. MHe. OAMvV-JackraMilta. 1.7 per do. POL'I.THY Mixed chicken, lie; fancy hen. lltlz per id: rooster, nin. sue lb: freer. lIHtjlle per lb; broiler. HViil IPC par Ibt dacka, 1415e per Ihrt gees. e - per lb: tnrkeyfc. l7ITH- rr Ibt dreaeed, Joe per id; sunao. g2.T0(( 00 pr doa. v : . , , Wee! aad Kid. HOPS IBOS Oregon, (hole, iPVtQtlet prim. 7flc; jioor grade. evttf7et-(WahlBg-Ion. 10c;lo4 crop, Ttfne for choice. WOOL IIK clip, valley, eoara o aMdlaaa, i4Hvt2SVtei tne, ' MOZ7r aaaaarv Oregoa, IStlair. . MOHAIR Nominal, t081. KHRRPRKINSgiMarlng. lltjJO. each! abort e-ool, sn40 each! medium wen, HO4 76 seek I Ion wool. 7ncll.00 sacs. TALLOW Prim, sor lb. HQ4c; Me. 8 and grease. 7l2He. rniTTIM BAB SH3e ser HIIlFS Dry, No. t. IS lb and op, ItUO ITHe nee lh;idry k!l. No. I. a to It lb. 14c; dry calf. No. 1. andor B Ibe.lSc: talted bides. teer. aoend, SO lbs aad over., tool lej pw, tVitOHc; stsgs and bolls. Bound. Q7-. kip. TWELVE CENTS FOR INDEPENDENCE HOPS 444 . g (Niwclal nispatrb to The Joumsl.) - - - independence,.. Or .L .Nov;- , 4 'Two ssles of hops sire 'reported d d . msde In this city during the pest d 4 week at tl rents a pound, lnd 4 . highest price . paid in recent d trading. This Is eatialng other d 4 'if rowers , to hold thetr product d tighter, e44'4Ve PORTLAND HIGHEST MARKET IN COUNTRY Competition Among Local People for Cream Causes Quotations to Ad trance Far Beyond Limits Else- where. 1 There will b a Sght la ' the butter market Within the Beat few weeks. - ' - Tb Portland market remain about the high est lu th country and dealera elsewhere are looking to thia city to ahlp their auppllea. Kaateru manufacturers are willing to unlosd a large amount of butter en tula market , at ma terially less quotation than ar. ruling her at the moment. California maaafacturera ara llkewla aurveytng tb field for another- acrlm mag with the local people and shipment I rum that dlrecttoa ara Boon doe. ' A year ago juat abont tlila time the California men Invaded thia field aad eorceeded in gala lng a good foothold la tb market despite th fmt trouble with tb product from that state. Laat year they changed their tact lea and 1 nates' of sending their poorer butter hare for sale they shipped only the choicest. . Prlcea were forced dowa aereral exitchae.Jbat tb California ablppera were not d la lodged. Tbey held th field antll higher prlcea la their ewa market fnrra thass to anit. bat tber SPS coming bark. Thia information ha a yuat bean Imparted to The Journal from aa Insider. -Acs In will . the butter manufacturer ef th state be forced to compete with outsiders for their owe territory. That tbta,U eaueea mostly by tbelr ewa actions may be taken from th following reenarb of aa. eatenetve handler ef ereemerv nroiturt In this market: "W will soon be compelled to flght the California batter mew and tower prlcea are ex ported to rale. Butter sien here have aot yet leerned the lesana that tbey cannot bold ui price far beyond what tne asm clss ef good! eaa be purcriaaeil la saarny marart. mere s aa end to all thing, and tbla moke aa If tb trade her wa going to have the taforoiarlou pressed Into their beads. Portland ia alweya the highest market on the eoert. except perhaps when there I a alight scarcity, of th product for a abort time elsewhere. ' Tan It year u and rssr oat and roe will find this to be trwe. There la too marh boosting of hotter prices kero. avere- msnkfactnrer t trying ' to 1 re cream producer awn tbaa hi fellow manufae- tnrera and Ilia reaait M tnai priresi on un finished product always go higher. They find It mars, easter to pat no tbaa dowa.' rev of them car to take the latter roar, so matter whet the condition of the marks. "There la ao reason for this action, however. Oregon ta an Meal location for dairy ranches. and If the prlcea her conld be kept down to those ruling In other market or s trifle below tuem. It would eaa heavier consumption Whlw at the present time with our high prlcea we meat be content te bold tae local rraoe,. with lower values wa would net only keep the bom territory, for ourselves, bat we could nna markets for oar -product in outer centers. IB to SO lb. Se; calf, sound, under IS fha, lie; green. wnaa.fM. le lees; cull, le per ra isss; borvehtdee. aalted. each, fl t1.rst dry. each. II.009I.S0; colt hides, KOoiar: goat skin, eomnioa, each. 104) 102 Aagora. . each. .- tScgl 11.00. . . rraH. amd - TssstaVlaa. . ' POTATOES Best Oregon. BOe per aack; ear lot. ftnerflO per aek; ordinary, eOaxARc: ear Iota. 0Mci wts, II AO sack; $X0OCJ2. Pr . OMONS Oregoa yellow Danvari.'- lets, si.unvjl.iu; garlic, atfliue per in. rRrs.II FRfllTSI Annies, (lreeon. H.OOtlt SA: fancy. tl.T6tit.00: oraage. new aavot. a.03S.7l; - eeedlaas, - gg.0OQa.aa; nana... .--'4U eY.lue nee lb: esalss. ass hast rs. ose hAVf M...u UIM 11 VA nee 100 1 Pineapple, $4.00 doa; grapss. f I 604J1 1ft; pear. II ZQI AO per box; poowgrasatae, P boi: tangerine. $1.75. i - .. v cugZA RLF.S Turnip, new. an .no per !-; carrots. 11.00 -par aack: beets. $1.0041 1M nsr Beck nrsen radishes. fJHe as doa; eabbag. Oregon. eoT6e per ewt; greea eenners. Te IK. r.lirorstia Ttomatoea. $I.O0 l.2r,: nsrsnlns. $l.00etl.2A: etrins beana. Set 10c U einllflnwse II SAaixnn nee easts : rh a barb. In: green eeas, nc ner lb: borsertdlsh. 10 per Ibj artichokes. T5cOtl.3S pee doa; aotbonae lettnc. $1.0001.75 per box: retory. local,- snftdoe per do: eggolant. 1 1 BO per crate: pamnklna. IHe: aqua.h. lite: eranberrle. Jersey. 1 3.004111.00 C-r not: coos oar aad .liuamoos.. iwwi n hea. 2Re nee rios. DRItD FRUITS Apples. " evaporated. 1041 lOVbe nee lb: ' aurleota. lOVafill per lb peaches, lOHftlte per lb: aarka. Ha per lb lees; prunes. XI to 40. SHr; He crop es eacn alxteentb emaller slae; tga, California black. 5Ua ner lh- rsllfoenla white. B Ber lb: drtea, golden. e per lb; tarda, $1.S9 per 1Mb ool. ,, Oreo rla. Xuta. Xte. .'. SrOAIt 8eh bast Cnb. $r)S0; powAered. $S SB; fralt sraaeleted. $ dry 'graaalatee. tn.M: Cuaf. A. $AMI: beef r-rannlaTed. extra C. IS. OS: goldes C. $4.M; t yellow. H IS; hhls. toe: H bble, gle; boxes, BOe advance on sack hssla. ' tes m pee ewt far eeah. IS day: uaanle. HtylBe pee lb. A hove prlcea apply Is ssles af leaa tbaa ear lot. Car lor at special prlcea eubjeet to turtnatlnn,) nONrT $.180 per erat. - ( - COFrsH Pack a re hraede. Ill TB. SALT Coarse Half gronad, 100. per te. table, dairy. BO. fli.Ofl: 100a. SI0.TB: lav eorted -Mverpool. SO. SIT.nn: Ino. SIS.B0: K4. tldOOt extra awe. bole. Ss. Se. 10. Is BOeHH rw); bulk. S2 rtet, M OOaTB 00: ark JOa. nrlejwie. , ' SAIT-t-Coatar - Wstf mend, lOOa. see ton, 7 Oft: (in, pe. ton $T.IUi; T.lveeaonl. Inmn rock. $1 Ml pee ton: BA-rh reek, IT.noi 1O0. M.TB. OWAtN aAOg Calcutta, f We. . ' Btrg tmnerlet Japan. Ka. 1. Set Re. t. MUlVie: New Orleaaa bead. Tet AJax. Be; Creole. Rtje. Bp:AN"i nm.iK white. gx.Tn: terre ., tT3.1i pink. 2 75: bayou. 14.10; Mmaa. $.1.00; rein. Rt4. , NTTTJ Peanut, tnmhos. H per ' rh! Ttei-inla. TUe per lb; reeseM. Sc: eneneaat. ar.ayinv ner dw; srslnnts, lUeJIflUe ner th: pin nnta, leeilHr per lb: hickory net, tne pee lh! etiesrmtrs. esern. Tf 'tae pee !' eteeetl notn. 14e ner Th? fllheets. I4l-c ner tb: faacv pecan. lAV-Oldte: elmoexte, IBellTr per lb,.. -. "Faints. fJeat On. Ft. ttorR Par ManHa, ;44n tsodard. ISHc; leal. lie. ' i . , ' - COAf. OIL Peer! or Aafrel Case, tntfc pet gal: water white, ten hhls. the per salt wooden, lie per gal: headlight. 170 dec nee. $2Ue er rl. flAarT.l!tie g-de. ewers. 4H Bar gal: Iron I.Ms' the per g?. RNytxy gs-de. eeees, Ve per gal: trie Mils 1Ue ner gal TfltnENTINF In rase. Age per gal; ajoodes bhts dc ner rl. r . . WFtTH LF 4 P Toe Vr. Ttte per fb, goo. n lots. Sc per Bit ew pirn. Btt p-e th. WtnP! VAtt a Present base at tS.Trt. MVaprn Oft Pare raw. In B-bhl lot. fVt t Nt lot. Mr; rose, ndr per an I r genuine kettle ktiAA -ne nee esl: n-Hbt lota. n2e: 1-nM lot; Ba per sals sroand -rake, ear kite. I30. per too:, lees tbaa ear lots. B0 no par toa. V-'-' Keata. rieh aad lVerlalone. PRESR MEATS-i-rroot street Beef- steer, little per lb! hog, block; Jri- per Ibi' pack era. Te pet lb; bnlto, 48e per lb; cow. SSvtnc per Ibi vel, eitr. THttBc lb; ordi nary. 6c par tbi soar, le get lb; mu(toa, taaey. IttTV per lb. HAHS. BACOl. rrr. Portlang each (loeall ham. 10 to 14 lb. I2e per lh: 14 to IB lh. USo lh: breaafest baeos. lBaTIBHe per lh picnic. NVsC per lb: regular short clears, on aaioked. 1l per to; smoked, tit per lb; clear back, an. rooked. W4r per lh: oard. 114 ner lb; Culoo butts, 10 te II Ins, aa emeked. Me per Ibv moked. sw per Ibi clear bellies, anamoked. II per lbs amokeg. IS pot lb; shoulders. IS per lb. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. Ida. lie pet lb; Ba, lltt pet lh: 50 lb tin, lOVie per lh; team gendered. 10. lOe per Ibi Sa. 10 per lb: compoond. 10s, . CANNED iALMON 5olfirIlbla Hear. 1-lb tall. tl.BO; t-lb tall. II. TB; fancy I -fa lata, II. PH; 1-lb fancy Is is. .1B: fsney 1-lb vle. $I.Ti Alaska telle, pink. B54J0OCI red. $1.10; Bamlaal 2s. tell, $?.oO. riSH Hock end. Te eer tb: Bonndera. Be pet & halibut. v7e pact. Uf,varab. $1 Ml per -Qua; trlped bee.1 UH ;per lb: rat f lab. Te pet ll; slmon, sllrerstdes. ee per lb; teelbed, Te per nr- aeeviog, ae. per mi so tee, or par id; shrimps, I0 per lb; perch. B per Ibi btaeg end. To par th; silver melt. Te per lb) lobsters, IBei fresh mackrL ae per lb; erawBa, SB per doa e , OVarRKa-Ahoalwiter hayy per gsi, $S.SS par sck, 1 7. , ' CLAMS Hard-stn, get hot, 1X00, faaat Clams', ft.oo per boa. FLOP WHEN GROWERS . SELL THE MAJORITY Shorts Speculating: on Their Own Ac count and Believe pricea Will Go Up Before Seaaon Cloaee Ruah to . Cover When Journal Telia Facts. Bute, IPOS, prime to choice, par Tb......lBClsV Htate. lPOft. eommoa te fair, per lb. . , . 10 Ifte State, 1U04. eholee, per lb .,12'lKo Bute. 1V04, prime, per lb..... 10jlle racirie roaat, item, prime te cdoh-s, in..iioc Psctrte roast, loos, eommoa to fair, lb..lotl2c Pacific coast, 1B04, choice, per lb Il(tl4e Pacific coast, 1U04, prima, per lb ...I0Ulc Old okla, per. a i Be Instead of bone ahowhur a aevere break, aa predicted by the boar ODeratora. the market la showing more etrengtb at the present time than alnre the aeaaon waa eeianed. The (one ia even better - tbaa whoa prices were aevaral cents higher. Tb heavy baying by the shorts la order an fill eontracta made before the hope were grown baa been tb sole cans of the Improved tone. Of course. Tb Joamal claims Its share of credit for this, bees use It waa the sole cause ef title heavy baying: Patting th grower oa to the real sitaatloa baa .not- beea tne beat taing from the etandpolet of a abort cellar, but It has been money la th pockets of the producer. New York hope are not cmlte ee high thia week ea - account of tb termer Bailing of Pacific eeect aad especially Oregon growers, bat now. that they are aot. ss willing ta sell their product aad lose mane ' on their year' work, the better fcae bars le very likely to be reflected there. - Over B0.OQO balea ef 1B0S bops have already been sold M thia etate and the sales eoatlnne very heavy. . Thus far England baa aot bought a bale ,of thia year's Oregoa growth m the open market, bat aome abort eel lev have beea filling eontracta made te dealera there a year ago. If England com Into tbe market and buys her aaual Bomber of bale It win boost this msrkst. O rowers and deal ere there believe tbla will happen later ta the season. Th heavy as la ef 1804 hop during tne laat week aha a a Juat bow Beared th shorts are getting. Tbey are baying these etoeka when ever possible aad are paying severs! cents rkdvance for tbem erar what waa offered before Tbe Journal begaa its present agitation m order te osva tbe producers from bang fleeced. Taken together with the 104 bops, .-the sales ef hope thia season see surprising. . i rowers became alarmed early la the season seat the- record breaking prod act loa throughout the . world thia season would cease the prices te allde down to abont Be s pound. Short sellers encouraged them In thia belief and the reaait wss that prices went te place. Conservative dealer ae aert there waa so tangible reaaen for tbla break in price beyond tbe fact that the grow er became too greatly alarmed. None had expected very high prices to rale, bat 15c waa considered jest -right for tbla yeara-price. Many ara the expressions thstythe market will g to 15c before the present aeaaon I ended, -When aborts have aU the hop tbey seed for epeculative purposes they themselves will advance the price. Then they wlU talk a higher market and a better demand. Now Ihey want to buy. "nope are weak and low,"- la their present statement. On the aide tbla ta Kelc . iipaWr- --Wstt- nnrfl the- emsiei'H sell moat of their product. Wa wlU show them a thing or two about acrobatic acta. The actors on tbe atage will not ba In It. We will above by the simple twist of th wrist bow easily e null ran be made out of bear. If very slmpl when yon -know how. Jastt leave It to aa." i-' t . --' Caster snorts are si HI with aa and at ending eat rlreulare telling of the likelihood Iff- Ill - I- " the la over. The seme dealera are send ing their representative to bay all the hope hi sight t present prices. Thetr own traasactlons give the direct- He to their statements to the grower, i " W are Just buying to help them out." 1 thetr explanation of thia. That the shorts are epeenlattng oa tbe future of -the market themselves I abowa by the re ceipt In th New York market thia aeaaoa aa compared with the earn time a year ago. If aborts believed the -market waa coins to drop they would send the etoeka to market In the east aa oulck aa th railroad could take them. Thia tbey are not dotne. Tbe bone are being kept oa the coast for a higher market. This la witnessed by tb fact that the reeelpta in New- York to data thia aessoa amount to B0.TOI against O9.04S balea a year aeo. with all this record ore Xing crop less than na it aa many balea ef hope have beea sent to the New York market that aeaaon a yeer ago. Thafa th ettuatloa hi a nutshell. Speaking of the condition af the market, th tatat base ef the New York Producers' Price Current says: "Export demand for Choicest bona la keeping an eteadlly. though price save nerhane heen haded about He under mat week with puitlnses t IBerMe. bat the lower grade of stste bops are rolne begging. A much firmer feeling haa developed oa th Pacific coast -far all gred-e. and w beer of severs I ssles brine made aa high aa IBe In Orecoa. while eradee that were aplllag fortnight ee- se eon far TeTBe are bow com. mending BOloe. Heavy ssles are reported hi Sowmbs eoantv an te 10c. and of the S3. eon In that county only abont B.ROO bale rem In In grower hande. . Tb flerman nerkct t weaker ei atl grade ev ceo ting the fine even green -eolored' hope. Reoeet from the a-neltsh market are firmer en their better qualities." ,. , I ale. . s.jni .A0.T04 . g.eOT , R.ltJd .43.401 IS . 4.W1 . 3.4J teeetnta Tor week r.r: .T.Tr.T.".-. . eJeeetnt from geotember 1.... Kerelnts ssne ttm laat year... "ximrtn Eaeone for week..,. evnnrt from ' September I Ixnorta seme tl"e last year..;. t re porta for week ts from September 1....... import urn time last year.... "s. POLK r.niiwTY.HPAVY l: - SHIPPER OF TURKEYS I (gpectal Dlapatch tu Th JourasJ ). ' Independence, Or., Nov. Bo. -There were prob ably more turkeys shipped from thft rlty thai week than any other one point In the elate. Miller. Alcorn A ('. seat In over the motor line from Alrlle and shipped from here by ex prese B.T02 ponnd of turkey, gnndny. Oa the three I sat day of last week tbey paid out BI.1B2 for tnrkeys. Six bnmlred and twenty three turkeys were bnnxbt at an average of II pounda. Tbe price paid was 17e for lire end lOe for dressed. Tbe average price net head wa Bl.Bn. It took Ave men three dare to prepare the bird for tb markote There ha probahiy neen Saore bin a tor the Thanksgiving market shipped te Portland frees Polk eountv la the- last week than from any ether county la Oregon. EPIDEMIC OF TYPHOID - PREVALENT IN BOISE (Special Dtepatek to The Journal r Bdlse, Ids., Nov. 10. Typold fever of a virulent type Is. epldesnlo In Boise, Fifty-three well developed cases ara re ported by the city- health physicians this morning, 14 in hospitals and If In private families. Measures are being tskeh to arrest the spread of the dis ease. . JOURNAL'S DAILY - TIPS TO SHIPPERS - " Turkeys" srgtoo nlgh.": "v4 4 Chickens will be quiet. ' e 4 Kggs to hold steady. . 4 le , Potatoes will not drop. 4) tinlpns will sell later. e " Cheap applea plentiful. - 4 - Ilressed meats steady. 4 ' SEES ZttNOBIA ... The great Egyptian life reader and oo oultlat. Natural-born clairvoyant. She curea with native '--roote, herbs and harks. 122-123 Allsky building, XII Morrison street, corner Third. For Sale by the Portland Real Estate Co. C. R. DsBURQH, Manager. . SXaX BITATS, LOAM AITS ZaTTSST 1UITS. . I OOoe, 819 AMorton Bldf. , rboae raolflo TT3. - We wish to rail special attention to our bargains this week. Don't overlook these. ivvxiuv on r irai, cniiiiun mim. , good Improvements and good income, IB per cent on the investment. KOxlOO on Park, between Stark and Oak, only 60 feet from Stark, adjoining the Oregon hotel on the west. 10x100 feet on Taylor, adjoining the Art building on the east. 60x(0, First between Oak and Pine, 2-story brlt-k building. 60x90, Front, between Ash and Vina; rood t-storv brick building. 60x0, Aider, near 12th and Washing ton. . , , We have line resident lota and frae tlonals in all directions. Quarter blocK, East Morrison, and eixtn. 60x100 on East Ash and Sixth. 66x100. Kaet Morrison and Sixth; good Improvements. 60x100 on Williams sve, bet. Claek- amas and Halsey; two good 6-room cot taaes. all Improvements, good terms. Quarter block on 11th and East Mar ket; two cottages. b FOR GOLDS N GEO. H. STRONG, 163 West Park St. KZCITOTB OOKXncXAl! nOTOOSAVBIl PHOTO COPYING AND ENLARGING A SPECIALTY Besldeaoe Tlewa, rnaeral Work. Ilaah- - ugnts, axoaaa xyeveiopiag, rramtng, RELIEF for LADIES FRENCH . Tansy Wafera Orlgt nal and only genuine -Ppt .upln.. -yellow "t.tappef and ' Crown" trademark. For sale by the LEADING DRUGGISTS. HOLIDAY TONE RULING IN LIVESTOCK MARKET Demand in No Line Is Very Great but All Prices Are -' . Maintained. Tort land fnlon Stockyards, Naa. S0. live, stork receipt: flog. Cattle. Sheen. Today '............. J7B- 2d . . . wees age ss 27 - T30 ITevlous week B2 1TB Month ago B8 HU Th 11 restock market I entirely, a holiday affair and little tone la shown Wany of the various line. Hoga ara atlll rather dull with no Indication from tbe peckers that tbey consider present prices sstl. factory. There la. however, no glut to the market aad present arrtvela are selling off at tb price, evea though the market ia dull. The sheep market la not weak, but there ia very little demand at the moment. Frier ancbanged from yeetar day, tattle are sot coming very freely line tb recent decline la valuee and the msrkst haa a fair demand. s OfSctal livestock prtee: Hoga Beet eastern Oregon. SS.50tIS.aO; blockers and China fata, BB.UO; storkers sad feeders, Be.othjit.lBl. tattle Heat eastern Oregoa steers. SS.SSO B.So; light aad medium ateera. l B6; light eowe, 12.2ft; Uickrrs aad feedera. 12.26; bulla, I.B0. Sheep Wethers, Be: mixed sheep, 4HN Straight ewee. Be; lamna. Be. t'alvra ood veal, 1MI to 2U0 pounds, B6Viv rough and heavy, - g34a. . i COMMEMORATE MASSACRE OF WHITMAN PARTY (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Whitman College. Walla Walla, Wash., Nor. ao. .The fifty-eighth anniversary of the massacre of Marcus Whitman, in memory of whom Whitman college was founded, and of his missionary associ ates, six miles west of Walla Walla,' was commemorated yesterday. Special serv ices were held in the chapel In the morning.' superseding class work. 8 pe dal music waa furnished for the oc casion by the college choir. Professor W. D. 'Lyman, of the department of his tory, gave the main addresa of the' day, considering Whitman as a missionary, as a hero, as a patrioy but most of all in the capacity of a great statesman. It wss a very eloquent and able address and met with great spplsuse. OVERBECK, STARR & COOKE CO Members Chicago Board of Trade. " . t. QBAUT, rXOTIBIOsT! OOTTOB. ITOOKB ABB B0BBB. "fZ", 101 Third Stregf McKay Building. Portland. Or. T--" ' ' Wl BO A' ITBi TLT COBfBniBIOB BUBZVBBSV, - Continuous MarkstsJiy Private vVlre. Quick rvlc. RErttRENCES Ladd h Tllron, bankers, and Uni .cd States National Bank of Portland. Nash ville Addition It the only PORTLAND ADDITION where you cn get Just what you want. All ready to move into, all plastered, large lots, picket fences, full basements.' ' . 3-ROOM COTTAGES' .........8350 ' 4- ROOM COTTAGES ..w,... ............. ..$500 5- ROOM COTTAGES ...... ....t.4.... $750 Also 6, 7 arid 8-EOOM HOUSES ALREADY BUILT " And so on. $50 down and 810 $450. Building lots $75. Sunday or any other day. See the pwrier in the big. whi tejiouse at Nashville Station, Mt Scott car line. Remember. 9 already built, discount for cash, ,. BMp. Daily. Dally. J. V. MAYO, O. r. and P. A.. Astasia, vr. 0. A. STEW AST.. Commercial Agent, 24B Aids WW wvv. BMJBw sVaillB WV UPPERCOsUUMBIA IUVE1V routb: Pram Portland to Irrlgoa end way point, ta connection with Regulator Use aad State Por tage Hallway, . steamer ' " "MOUNTAIN GEM" Irsvsa OTLXUt ' vary TVXSSAT for AallgOTOsT and WAT MIITa. and Every rUDAT for IBI00aT AAUaOTOat as wax rviaia rraiarht received at AIDES STSZZT D0CX every TUIBDAT and ISIDAT. Special rstee for Umatilla, Wallala, , Peace and Kenaewlck. - - . For further Information addroas aupx. w. r. Gray, CaUlo, Or., or laoalre at efflee of Heg Istor Line. Pben Main 014. ALASKA: ' FAST AMD POPULAR BTSAMSHIPS Leave Seattle B a. aa. "nrnMOI," irvma SB, Wraagal. "D0LPHIM," gevemeer B, IT, la Wraagel. "lASAtLOeT," Veverekor IB. Si. via Wraagal. tetlhaktl. .. -- CALLIN0 AI ' Xetaklkaa. Tsaaaa, Pnglas. Hiras, Skas way. Ceanscta with W. t. m T. reae far Atlla, Dasissa. Tsaaaa, Xsma, ete. Ver All Smrthaaatera Alaska Varvs. Can er send foe Trtp ta Wonderful akeika,1 "India a Basketry," "Totem Pols." .,, TUX ALASKA aVS. 00..-. , Freak Woolasy Co., Agent. tl 0k St. Portlsnd. Or. Hotel Eaton Cersar aturlna sag st rark aHraaka. NILW BasdsaSMly furnished, (legastlr eealpeed, trepeeof, gve mlnata walk from saert f shopping and has I nana district, all Urge, airy, eatald rsoms. ateesa heated. ltrt llghuv telepaeae ta sees aoaiimaaa, ra Larg efSeaa, Wanglng. amok lag. writing, Is dies' rseeptloa parlor. . Baasst ky Bali a tsispsos. rrtvata smsfka atasts Kwoma $I.OO tm $3.00 a Dmy gpseUl Ratas te Cemmsarlal ataB. ' ' atBS. stAS SATOst. V (Formerly e( Betel Bedpsta. gparaaa.t Every Vcr.2n k Winxasastod sad ahoaia knew . snout me weoosrrui MAIVXL wMrikwi Stway Aakvaaeenaiatatssra. If he osnnotauralv the MtSI IL, aouspt BO asnsr, hut ssnd siomn for lllustrstsd book essb. It Tun parti outer aad trrsmorn ta-' value his to Udlaa. M1SVII. r m mm mm Bi ttrMa. FOB SALB BT WOODAaU). 0LABXB as CO. Scott's Ssntal-PejsLi Gepsulss A POSITIVE CURE ForlnBaaiBiStlea evCsttarrliof Bladder and PliiaiH ant. aeys. soooasgerAX. uures o sickly sad permaasutiy tb worst esses of SJawi Tea Isle to Wsedsed. Oarke Cm. Offering BT THB PORTLAND SEAL ESTATE CO. ' DcBURQH, Manager, rhoae Faolflo TTS. SIS Akdrng-toa Bldg. Will give you 100x184 on Balmon and First, fine brick buildings, Income S6B. for fdl.000. y ., Will give you IBxlOB on Park, bet. Stark and Oak. adjoining the Oregon hotel on the west, for $15,000. Will give you 10x100 on Taylor, ad- Joining the Art building on the east. ror sio.ouo. Will give you 100x100 on East Morri son and Hlxth, 90 feet from Orand are., for (18,600. Will glva yotrtwa nleercottsges and 0x100 lot on Williams are., bet. Clack amas and Halsey, for $1,800; rented cheap, $10 per month. (4x100 on East Morrison and Sixth, $10,000. BOWsTTsTCr, 0atTirfll CO ; f . Established !$.) WZliT ASTP BTOOst BBOXXBB. Boost 4, Oroand Sleo. v ewa ara or 001 per month. ' Also one-acre tract for T od s. m. 1 .,.tvlV ,U, 1 assJjeeiseii ttriiiaiii la I. a,A-. i? f ... "' ' aV- (. . ''.S)sW iff 1 1 aad Seseea, se ssatler of how toag etaaaiog. Abaeltly narmUsa. Sold V drnggist. AThani(sgiving - r r 3 Trains to the East Daily 3 Through Pullrosa standard and tourtst lsea. Ing-car dally to Omaha, ' Chicago, Spokane; tourist sleeplng-eara dally to Kansas liirl tt.roueh Pnllmss tourist sleeping-cars (persua- ally eoodoctedl weekly to Chlcsgo. RecUalag chalrcara (sesu free) to th Xaet dally. UNION DCPOI. Leaves. ArHrss. CHICAOO-PORTLAND - BPfcXIAL, B:lB,m Bp.m. for th East via Bast- Dally. Daily. lng ton. . BPOKANS yt.TrK. for Raatarn Waahlng- toa. Walla WaUa, Lew- grlBp.. BrOO s. BV latoa, Coeur d'Alea Daily. - Dally, nd flrsat Korthara points. . - ATLANTT0 EI PR KM. 8:1B p. m. TIB a. St. for the F.ast vu Uaat- Dally. Dally. logton, ' ' t OolamhU Blver DtvistoB. ' FOR ASTORIA aad way I B:00 p. an. point, eoaaectlng with Dally Ahont atmr. for Ilwaee aad ex. Sunday. B:P0 p. m. North Beach. atmr. Sstorday. ax. Sunday. Hasaalo. Ash-at dock. 1 10 KM p. m. I TamkUl miver Beat. FOR DAYTON. Oregoa I City aad Tamhlll river T 00 a. m. T:Bv)p. m. K Ints. atmra. Ruth aad Dally Daily odor. Ash-at. doss. as. Sunday, ax. Sued ay. (Wster permitting.) , ... . . . . ' Saaae River Boat. ' ' FOR LEWIBTO. Ida.. : . nd way pntats from ff "P" V r..,' Rlparts. Wish., atmra. 2Ti ?",''' r.11!.,.. Bpoaane and Lewiatos. "a.4.Dalsf as. Wday. tickkt OFFirB. Third aad Washington Sts. ssiepnone main Tlx. C. W. BTINOER. rite Ticks Aaread. A. U CBAIQ, Oessral Psessogsr AgsaC EAST va SOUTH Lsaves. I CKIOM DEPOT. Arrtvee. AviDniNrL.xtPRKflB. IT a In lor aaism, "o-i h. IUUU. HR.' AmIa rrsB- B: a. sa. Cisco. Stockton. Lee As- T:SSa.ab Clse, CI rsso. new v. ins aad th Beat. necta at Wood burs gaily eseewt Bunas j with trala for Mount Angel, 8 1 1 v e r t e a B:B0 a. m. BiOB p, ms field. WeadUag sad Katroa. WnmiA MSeenesa 4 .18 p. a. necta at Wood burs with 10 :N a na. Ut. Angl and .auvet toa Veal. r-rwalllS n:80a. i 4:00 p. I 10:4tf eg-jo p. av ' Sberldaa- paaaangw. -Forest Ovov psssengsr. 'I y a. aa. 111:60 p. m. SllT. ' - ' ' -V. f 1 lIDally exeept Soaday. -- rorUaad-Orweg tubnrWa arvts aad TaaahlU Divlslso. . TMpot- foot of Jstfsrson tret. tear Portlsnd dslly for Owego T:SB a. p. as. Dally texcept Soadsy). B:80, B:B0, B.8B, ' . L "''-,.-r-4.rrVTves-ft.Vi 10i rro- depot fn. D.I1-and rnfer- medlate polnta dally 4:18 p. av Anrlv Port land 10:10 a. m. tJl Tbe iBdepeadaara afoamoatk Ke - Ltae eperataa dslly to Moamouth eaa Alrll. eon SrtlnTwlth nBoutbsru P.cls eompasy'B tracss St DaVlae aad ladependenc. Ftrst-eUs far from Fortliad t te Beramonto .nd San rraadM taoj bjrth. JB; taeaad-eU fare 818. eecondtaaa berth $S.B0. Ttckate te Eastern polata aad Bueopet ale .a pan. China. Hoaomra aad Australia. City Ticket OfBee eomer Third aad Wann ing toa street. Pbeaa Mala T1S. City Tkk.t Agaat- w TIME CARD -. OF v . TRAINS Portland: DEPOT. yUevretnee Park-Kas-aaa Lttr-St. tsmla Spe .1 (ne ( -sella lis. Cew- tralla. OlTmpta. Orr Harbsr, Sontk Bene. Ta ms. Beattle. Boefeane. towtatoa, Batta, - Blr- lines. Deavsr. Ostaha, Kan Cltjr. St. Loala an aoatbrssL ' North Coast Limited, electric lighted, for Ta ona, Seattle. Speaaae. Butte, Mlanes polls, BL Pan! and the East. Pugst 8nan4 Limited, for fbeaall. Centralis. Tacoass aad Bsattl SUIT. Twla City Bipiass. Bar TacosM, Seattle. Spo kane. Balsaa. Butte. Xellowston. fsrh. Mln aoasnlns. SCfasl sad the Kast. - A. O. CH A RX TOW, , v Asalatant Oeaeral r'asseager Age as. g&B llnrrieoa at., ear. Thar, i . . rortlaad. Oregoa. ' ; TNK COHroRTABiX WAV. OHf Tiaket OfSes, 1x8 Sd sa. IWh tea. 2 Overland TrIns Dslly o Tk Oriental L unite, tea fast tUj srz.Bsnn bbbtic TXF-TO-DATBl QUlfatBalT OOTJBTBOXrB XMVlVOg ' LEAVE rroaa Vertlaaa Vha BeatUg lalpVkaaa (O.B.B. Co.) ARRlVt T 40 a, an. v 8:80 a. an 11:48 p. m 4:10 a. m. l"ltp.m. i .00" a. nu Great aTorthem BteaaiMi Cs, ftnlllng frnrnv Akeattl , -S t. CttOTa. BIO, II. M. U. KientaOTA, f Is. X. Tot Japan an1 t'Mna fvcts and Manila. BlrrOM TTJgeSJ gilssA (Jnia Ma)l r1!'"""''1" tumpany) a. b. ito aov fcsl'e-fr.m --l'i tor 3"X Chin r-1 eil A-i"tic lui,. A hotil T e -r 1 ' tat; UH IT. I" J I Q loot .t snJ -I I all souTta. frj PATLT. J Depart. Arrive. '' -;Nl.a 4:BBnV 8 Ma. at. r:0Sa. BV . -1 t ' - 4 . :8Bs. aw tOASBVav.' ll:ttB.. 8.40 a. w. unit