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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1905)
12 TOE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVTENTN a. NO VETITB ER MUM UK Mil ITCilG HEW ROAD OPENS 5. ' ' ' fT" . ''il rzO . SORE II HUB RICH REGION 1 - Past Season ' Has Brought Out ;; Properties That Can Pro- duce Heavy Tonnage. DISTRICT HAS GREAT LOW GRADE DEPOSITS Omar Company Hat Completed Elab orate Trara System and It Ready to Ship Niblack Shipt Steadily to Smeltert-Hadley Smelter Success. . v Mclal DteMtck to TH Joarnal.) Ketchikan. Alaska. Nov. a.-The -mining situation In this camp as the year draws to a close - Is th brightest ' known to the extreme' southeast coast. ' This part of Alaska has passed the era ; of wild boom and the work beta done ," is based upon well established knowl edge that the camp has several treat . deposits of low-grade ore which require , keenest executive ability to develop and operate economically, ' - - The Omar Mining company,' which hat Just completed 13.10 feet of surfsoe and 4.18 feet of aerial tram, la prac tically ready . to commence shipping. The Niblack haa been shipping; all sea son to. the Tacoma smelter with usual 'success. . Since the Madley smelter was blown' In that camp has been quite , busy, as the SOO-toa furnsee-ls capable of handling all of the or produced In the vicinity. The excitement at the .- head of the Portland canal Insures .'- permanent gold district there and the properties near where Congressman .-. Sulser and associates of New York are operating will' prove a good section of the mineral region when thoroughly ex ' plotted, , Ketchikan has more promise ' or making areat record next year than at the close of any preceding aeason and - the -entire 'district la sustained . by the assurance.: . . ; ... , . NEW MILL STARTED. Oak usdred-Toa nan at Bias Biver t Wit Oempleted th lresat Week. ''' 9oerlal Dlaoatcb U The JootaaM Eugene. . Or.. Nov. 10. Tha 100-ton atamp mill of tha Treasure mlne,.C H. Park manager., was to have gone Into commission yesterday. Manager Park thought to get it working earlier, but unforeseen delaya in completing the mill prevented. .All details had been com pleted for starting the permanent run this week with tha full 11 stamps drop ping. - - - "'.. .. . There la a. large- reserve of ore in . sight. Insuring permanent work as soon s the mill is ready, The Treasure will be. able to handle st leaat.100 tons of ore daily, according to tha eatlmates of .the management.. and mlllwrighta,-aa the stamps are of the rapid drop type, working- tntndtvldual mortars " which nave quadruple discharge. Treasure or is admirably adapted, to handling an im mense tonnage, aa it is tnorougmy oxidised and Is as friable as any gangu matter could be. : - - ..; - , .' . MINING NOTES. Eugene, Or-Nov. 10.- Italian-Consul C. r. Candlanl of Portland, who owna a mining property In the Blue river dis trict, near here, haa - Installed a saw mill on the property with which he is manufacturing lumber for general sur face Improvements.- Buildings ' for the convenience of the crews will be erectedJ first snd timber will bo manufactured ' for- all operations, -which - in the near future no doubt will embrace milling Bupermtendent - E. Foe h In I - has com' menced -development In the JBO-foot tun nel, where work- la to continue aggres sively , during the winter. x ; . Eugene, Or.. 'Nov. SO. An accident at the Great Northern mine In Blue rivet has put the new Huntington mill out of commission tor , about three weeks. Crushing will continue with the four jj. atamp batteries In the meantime. The - new Huntington authorised at the last meeting of the board of directors will be delivered at the earliest date Doasl. ble, considering bad conditions of win- ter roaas. ' . , rtef sired Stock Canned Ooods. ' Allen It- Lewis' Beat Brand. 11 : ' Weatoa Baal Estate -. (Special Dlxpatck tn The JoemaL) Weston, Or., Nov. SO. U H. Doud haa purchased the J. B. Hart place on Wti ton mountain, constating of 80 acres, for' 83,000. .Doud onme to Weston, re cently from northern Wisconsin. " - Contractor Alnsworth ban commenced work on the new. .Gorman Baptist church on South Water street, which will be 2( by (0. feet, with baaement. The building Will coat I J. 000. THE PERFECT WAY Scores ' of Portland Citi zens Have Learned It. If you suffer from backache; , ,.' .There Is only one way to cure It Tha perfect way la to cure tha kid neys. -w,; ;' ; . ; v; A bad back means sick kidneys. ' ,'Negleetlt, urinary troubles follow. Doao'e Kidney Wile ere made for t . kidneys only. i ; . - , ., Mra. D. Murphy, who lives at S( Ivon ; street, says: - tears ago, when living . In Kansas. I was greatly troubled wltH .Kidney complaint. At that time I wi l might say, iperfeotly -helplees for months, hat In time it wore away as myeienousiy aa it came.- It did not bother ma again nnttt last fall, when - inw was every symptom or Ita re- , Turn, ana knowing what I had Buffered . rormeriy l bfn te look around for . something to check It, and en looking rer the -paper I noticed Doaa'a Kidney Pills highly recommended, so I procured a bo. It only required a few daye' . treatment to ward off the attack." ' Blnce , then I have reoommended Dean's Kid ney rills to a. number of njy friends." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 tenia, r , FoerMlbtirn C., Buffalo, N. T, sole agents for the United States, , . Remember the name DOAN'S-and take n olhee ,'...,.; c t- Doctored for Fo! Months and Tried " : Nearly Everything, but Could Get Only Temporary Relief Better from First and -r: " : SPEEDILY. CURED. BY i CUTICUBA REMEDIES . " My loft hand was almost covered With a Urge red sore which would itch terribly. I ' doctored with it four months, also tried everything I could think of. bat I would only have tem porary relief. A eompetent physician of Kansas City shook his head and said, "It looks bad." Then s friend told me of Cuticura, and as I had tried so much, I thought I might aa well try that too, and I bought a set of CuU enra Soap, Ointment, and Resolvent. Just three days and night after I had taken the first dose, the inflammation had all gone from the sore; and when . I had taken three bottles and a half of Resolvent, my hand was all well. "It gives me pleasure to tell you of this, and if any one wishes to write to mi personally, I shall be' glad to answer. -1 am never tired of speaking well of the Cuticura Remedies, (signed) Mrs. Wm. Pocket, 11834 8tato St., Chicago, 111.; May 26, 19M.f , STILL ANOTHER CURE Face Covered with Pimples and V $ores,75klri Now Clear. "My faea was all broken out with pimples and sores. I used Cutioura Boap and Cuticura Ointment for two months and was completely cured. My f sos is in splendid shape now. Cutt rura Soap and Ointment are splendid for healing all kinds of face pimple and sores. , I am glad to reeorrihiend them; for they were a great boon to me. I know hundreds that it has cured in Scotland, where I eame from it is world wide, (signed) David Macau ley, R. F. D. No, 5, Sullivan, Ind May 20, 1905." ' mMu at Cation awj., OkMiarat, , mmt, Mb. 1 1. rm af Caocolu. CtoaHS Mlto, SM. par lUi ml a), atar ka a al all SraarM. . Mafia aat ama ami, r.ilar Drat m Caw. Carp., sow rma. po ' aaT-Malla raa Maw la Oiua llchlag. Sraly Mi U A TI L LA S TO BE DIVIDED Government : to . 1 Adopt - New Method of Dealing With ' . .Reservation Indians. m f - - ' '' I ; TO BE CLASSIFIED ;.. ?V INTO, THREE DIVISIONS First .Class; to .Be Practically.' Free From Agent's Supervision, Second to Be Assisted and Guided and Third to Be Entirely Under Agent . I - ' ' 'V.. ..V' .. : .' Rpelal Dtopatea te The Joaraal.l Pendleton, Or., Nov. 30. Information baa Just been . received from Washing ton that the Indian; department will adopt an entirely new method of deal ing with -.the Indians rh this section on the Umatilla reservation. Hereto fore alt the Indians on the reservation have been under the direct charge and supervision -of the agent and suoerln tendetjt. Practically, all the land busl- iwm oi an inr inaians nas neen tran acted through the agent, and all the Indians have been upon the same foot ing, no matter -..-hat the personal quali fications of many of the better clasa of Indiana may have been. Now It s understood the Indians will be divided into three classes. One class composed of the intelligent and sober members of the tribe to be practically rree from the agent s supervision. They will be allowed to conduct their own business, make their. own leases, select their own renters and will be citlsens in every sense or the word. The second clasa will be comtofed of the Indiana who are not entirely capable of self-support, but who will be ssslsted and ' guided by the agent In all their transactions, but who will be released from thla assistance aa rao Idly as they acquire good Jiablts and be come proficient In managing their af fairs. '.' "The third' clasa will be composed of tne remainder or the. tribe, those who are . utterly incapable of ' cltisenshln. This will comprise perhaps 600 out of the l.ioo members or the tribe, and will be under the close supervision of the agent In all matters. -.. it la understood that thla arrange ment is wholly in accord with the ideas of Major Edwarda, the agent, and meeta with the approval of the Indians sen eralty, although the older members of the tribe . do not desire to be released entirely., as - a tribe, from the govern ment's care, as they fear the younger and more .pronigare - membera , would soon dispose of their land and 'would become objects of charity aa the Puget sound Indiana have become jrhaJtave wivpvwni di mew una. . About one fourth of the tribe. It Is thought, will be. capable of practical self-government, in matters of business, and will thrive under the. new rule as under the old sVstem-et management. afew Block for Sufene. . .r u (special Dispatch te The ioeraal.t ,i Eugene, Or Nov. ' 10. Dr., IV - Al Paine of thla city will In the near fu ture begin -the erection of a two-story brick block at Tenth and Willamette streets, the entire upper -floor -jlobe occupied by the Commercial club and the lower floor to be used for bustnesa purposes. The building - will be 4xS0 feet In dimensions and -will occupy the site of ' the present quarters . of the club, a frame building. y- Independence- STainas Ticket. 1 .' (Spactal Dlapstck te The Jnorssl.) " Independence, Or., Nov. 0 A maas meeting of the citlsens of Independence waa held Monday night and named a cltlsene'- ticket for the. coming election, which takes place nent Monday, Decem ber 4. The following ticket" was nomi nated; Mayor. K. K. Paddock; council man. J. I lUnna. C. A. Maltlson and A. Huston; ,rtcorder( W. O. Snarman. . Grading on Mount Hood Line Completed to Winans, Where, Townsite fs Laid Out. MANY BUILDINGS ERECTED LUMBER MILLS PLANNED 'terminus of Line at Junction of East and West Forks , pf Hood River Preparations Made to Entertstin Mountain Climbers. (Speelaf Dhpatch te The Jorl. Wins us, br., Nov. 30 At the junction of the east and west forks of Hood river the terminus of the Mount . Hood Railway company projected line. The grading la about completed from Hood Klver'to this point, a distance of about It miles, a portion of the graders broke camp today. ' It is intended to have trains running from Hood River here by February X. ISO. i The Oregon Lumber company; which owna several thoussnd acres of good land here, will use the line for getting Its lumber to the outside world. This company is now building a sawmill at this place, which will have a dally ca paotty of 250,000 feet and wlH employ all told in Ha camps and at the mill (00 people. A-townalte haa been platted and a petition Is out for a poatoffice. The elevation la less than 800 feet and the weather la about tha aame as that at Portland. . V " Two merchandiae stores, a drug store and a barber a hop will be In operation by March 1. W. R. Wlnana la erecting a 110.000 hotel and a 1,000 livery barn. and Vis preparing for a big travel to Mount Hood next year. . One will be able to go within 1 miles of Mount Hood by rail aa soon a cars are running on the Mount Hood rail way. John W. Weldrick of Buffalo, New York, has Invested here and will opert one of the stores. His family will arrive about February 1. There are numerous varieties of tim ber iln this section, consisting of oak. pine? fir, maple, alder, hemlock, cedar. birch, spruce, etc. '" ' ; . ' w- State . Engineer , Lewis has, through Deputy 'Allen, Just completed Installing an apparatus for measuring the water Dower In llnl river. - F. A. JoneslV portlsna business msn. wss up Isst week for a few naya at nia homestead. He haa ' put about $4,000 into improvements. ' . ' Hon. A. J. Capron of Mulutnomah county has a fine ranch here. Mrs. Edyth Tosier Weatherred has one of the choice ranches half a mile from the terminus of the new rsllroad. - LIQUOR SENDS YOUNG -"MAWTO SUICIDE'S GRAVE '. 4 ' -. (Special Oil patch to The Journal.) I " Butte. Mont.. Nov. SO. Unable to sti fle hla taste for liquor. Dennis Courtney, sged St. son of former,.. Plate Senator Conine y, a well known politician of this state.- eomimuea euicme in in tom by drinking a quantity of carbollo acid. Courtney was found in a dying condi tion and expired before a pnyaician could reach' hla side. His features were badly burned. UP to the time Courtney entered me room wherein he took bis life he ap peared cheerful, and conversed in Itcht-hearted way with hla friends, and It waa only hla proiongea SDeenoe mat led to the dlacoverr'of his condition. MIDSHIPMAN GRIEVES V OVER BRANCH'S DEATH .' . (Jaarail Bpeetal StrvIeO Annnpolla. Md.. Nov. IS. In the courtmarttai nroceedinga this afternoon Midshipman Meriwether said that he was hurt and grieved beyond expression at Branch's death. He said: "I think Branch Is indeed more for tunate in golnf to sleep and not waking up any more man to oe in my piace ana live after the deplorable affair.' Under vigorous .- examination. Meri wether's testimony waa unahakans The boy was frankly honest In his repetition of the story , .of hla relations .. with Branch. DELIGHTFUL NEWPORT. gpleadld Weather at This ropala ' JPaeifle Coast Beserl, . Delightful In every particular Is tha weather at Newport, and the Souther Pacific and the Corvallla A Eastern rait road a have resumed their cheap rates to this place for the winter. Particular by asking at Third and Washington streets. Portland. . Kansas Vesper Must Shave, ., (Journal SsecUl Sarvlee.1 Topeka. Kan., ITov SO. The board of control of state' charitable institutions haa decided to make the Inmates of the various .charitable Institutions of the state shave. In the Hat of supplies on the requisition list or the board are rasors for each one of the Institutions in which adult- males are kept. DACJDRUFF Mmitoa Thin. FmHIng Hair. "Uy keed was for tea rear eer- ered with ' dandruff eltlook.S like a dla- aaa. Ilafe trSHalr aftk . n 'are and kara se Sand raff sasnf nrt or ny eraip. UalrlidarkeriDd mnch keelthtot loot Inr. "-P.IT. IMaiela. lis iiandrlxat. Positively removes elaadrnST, stoes nair lauinf . erinfa oaf ymirninl color te era? balr. Aided by HAHFI.VA SOAP, brala, tops Mrhlug . prosmten Sne balr vrnwtk. Larxe dic, dot ir. amriri'ia , Take notbinf witnont Pblle Bay CS. slfuature. Cut eat and alia thla Free Soap Offer ;;0f;i; Take te any of follnwtne droifltt and set bottl Halrhealtk and Mc. take Harflna K.. " w vre, , --HL if mile May 0., Kawark. N. J., prepaid, for SOe. and thla dr. Free aoae aot tlrra hr dnurtata wiia. out tkla eatire adv. and SOe. for BalcSaaltk. JIT -T... ...... AddrcH...... woosaad. cuin m co ream , and Waeaiagton tnv i ' .lady's T' i f I III I 1(1 II , Ha rirtt TfiMTi tnst t r Ws t dir hv dav-1 mitm ' a , A WWWWW I I llllfllirl ll '''v' '-v-' ' '-B Hrfcy-y" Cure yonr digestive organs. - ! " '-'YvsAm. I I 'IIIJIUI- I'll ' '.i --i -x.; t.'.'.. ' IV 111111111 I ' I ill IUU I . : . .: ii ui i ii ii. i I . i ruifiifii ji - i. i r. ... - ii minimi i i I I nlllflltl 11 J musk? ft J?v' suT-ii-Jit., uiMit?isar cjucr'jriu u.Ut ii lllllllll I I :! I I I II I II II I r IMI . -a. . -.' II I I I IIP l I I . I III II It IV 1 II .. . -' i. f ' . -e "..:'. - -.11 lllllllll a g I TV - I - .''The : Llttl yilyet WotKt V FOUR HUNDRED BIRDS SEKD FORTH GREETING Corvallis Poultry Show Opens to . Big Crowd Amid Cackling and Crowing. . 'v 'Special Dispatch te The Joarnl. ' ' - Corvanis, Or., Nov. 10. Th Corvallis poultry show opened this morning. - A large and enthusiastle crowd of visitors and fanciers was present and were greeted with a cackling and crowing welcome from the throats of 400 birds from Oregon, .California and Washing ton. All the fowl to be exhibited have arrived and everything was In readiness this morning to open the door. Judge - Elmer Dixon of Oregon City, who will preside as judge here, wa tha superintendent of . the poultry show at the Lewis and Clark fair, and the com ing season he is engaged to officiate at poultry show at the following places: Albany. Oregon; Aiameoa, California: Tacoma, Washington, and Victoria and Vancouver,, B. C ' The four handsome stiver cups to be awardsd are on display in local show winavws lousy. THREE TICKETS IN . FIELD AT CHEHALIS . - i " --tSpeehrt- phrpstcli'tB- Tkr Joanwl i) Chehalls. Wash., Nov. to. The Peo pie's ticket was nominated here last night aa follows: Mayor, I' Lawrence; treasurer, A. 8. Cory? attorney, 8. O. White; clerk Robert Haskell; health offl CAP,' Dr. CI. W. Kennleott; two-year coun ellmen, Robert Fechtner, Oeorge Oelsif ler, Carl Motter; at large one year, 8. A. Phillips. This mskes three ticket I th field for next Tueeday' city elec tion. ., '..'. - GRAYS HARBOR ELECTRIC RAILROAD IS OPENED - (Special ntapatcb to Tb onrnal.) Aberdeen, Wash., Nov.. 10. Thanks giving day waa celebrated by th Gray Hsroor Kiectno company by 'throwing their brnne-TfiTO" Coamopoll open to tramo. An bouriy achedul will be maintained and - passenger , will be transferred across the Wlshkah river unMl the Heron street bridge I built. Th new road, wnicn waa begun last June, Is substantially built and aa well ballasted a the ordinary ateam road. thus making It suitable for heavy traf fic, fit I the intention of the company to erect a station In Cosmopolis, a block from the river, some time la the future. T : FOR ; SALE BY WOODARD. CLARKE ft . CO. . . , , , - - rin m leiaian - - -var - -ii IiIimJ The Kind Ton Have Always f-. in use for OYor 80 years, r - And baa been made under his per- yrfxi onal sapervlslon since lt Infancy, ' f, &ccAQQ . AtiownoonetodecelTSivoiilrithln. ' All Counterfeits. Imitations and " Just-as-s;ood' are baft ExpertmentJ that trifle with and endanger the health of v Infants and Children Experience agajiut Experiments : W rCastorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor OIL Pare- fforlc. Drops and Soothing Syrups. It la Pleasant.' Ife r contains neither Opium. ; Morphine nor other Nareotlo ; aubstance. Its agre Is Its guarantee.. It destroys Worms and allays Forerlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and" Wind ; Colic. It relieves Teething; Troubles, cures Constipation ' '. and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food; regulates the i Stomach and Bowels, aMnp; healthy and natural sleep 1-The Children ranaceacThe Mother's I'rlend. , , , CCrJUiriE GASTO RIA AU7AY0 DaOM trial -aivet. wiv The Kind You HaYe Always Bougllt In Use For Over 30 Years. -Sw aerwn eeaieuv, tf MusaaV etaov, atw ve err. . ' ereenbonse mokbed. . For th third time within a few weeks th greenhouse eof - Oeorge XL Cor.kbnm st Twenty-second and East Morrlsqn streets, opposite the Lone Mr cemetery, was entered last -Saturday Bonght, and -which hail been has borne the signatnre. ef V4' StimilnM .... T f: ' f X wiguaktuv wa j - . V. night and a quantity of choice chrysan themums were stolen. The circum stances showed that tha robbery waa committed by some parson who was fa miliar with th arrangements la th . , . . - .... i (rvsnneuss. fcnjJrav- 1 . . sf? e nt $i.oo$i,oa: Turkish 1 Bath and good bed tot." ' th aigkt. an for nJ - King's BatM Seventh and waaJ ' lngtoa Sta. Finest ' aad .Urges, katasj hi tb eitr. j Fee modern' dental 'work. World-re. nowned spclallsta Leweat prloes eonsiatont wits Srst-elasa ' ,: 0te th - NEW YORK : DENTISTS rousTX Ajn mobsusow sts. IJvV n- Wl..W-.v ai I vm-' : ....' I AW ... m r;