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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1905)
V ' THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, V PORTLAND, THURSDAY ' EVENING, NOVEMBER SO. 1905. FOR SALE FAR1I3. (HKAP PAUMH. 82fi acre of mil land Br Klamath Pell for 8.1. ouu; terms. S4.BMW120 seres. 40 im Bader plow. If I'm la boo. 0-acres o good timber, mm 3.7W 8 acres of fruit and good 8 roeaa boumc. sooo water, in oak Orove. $rv 2M ll-ocr fruit far Bad S-rooaa, . at Oak Orm. 8.1,0004. inn and good t-raou, boo. Urge barn and thlckeu bouses, all eultlvslsd and aoma fruit: X mllaa t courtbouee, 1 block to enurcn man ecrtnot. 81. 4W &-rooa kanaa and an acre of eultl . voted land. 8 utile to courtboua, 2 block U CDurco ana inHni, l'J.400 I kit, of th finest bearer dam ; land, only J si lies (rem PortlsaeV ai traced. awe weivr sew wen anmm. nBeua Buon. Pboao Mai 8303. S1T-1I fen tan bldg ' MORI RED APPLB LAID 100 arm, unimproved, oa Whit Harmon river.- la th apple belt, all tillable, aartlr logged, good timber remaining: river and 4 la-lag on placer a floa lor. i to for apple ranck; will trad for Portland propartj, r 1" aree, early berry land. S mile front Hood B'.ver. 4 arra la etxswherrle. 8 la clover, ainall bouee. i tncae water. es nuts road. telekoa and R. r. D.: will trad t a mall farm la vicinity of Portland. We bar a list of rood land la the Hood .. Ktver. Hosier and White ftalmua eertlooe. ' Pesrrlhe the place roe would Ilk and w wl( .jwa a tor you ir w sou t bar it, LANOIIJIB BAND, f Boot 10. Traaefer Bldg.. th and Oak.. bfiB acre at (nod aotl, bearing fruit tree of ' all klada; food B-rooni bona, barn, rlitrkcn- Bonae, ate.; good well or water; sltuatad la klllwaukl, lua ta streetcar lln and mod .' school: illO feet attest front; tbl place ta ror sal at a nargaia price: ir 70a want a Ideal suburbaa boat tnvsstlgste this Blsce. Aleo 40 acres of tl beat tardea noil on 8ee tlon l.ln road, all la cultivation, part In fralt i and berrta. good house and barn, 6 mile out; will aall la HO-arre tract. Eaat Bid Heal Estate Do., 404 Eaat Morrison at. roR BALE 0 arra (nod rand. easy cleared) 1 oil lea from Vsnoouver: 800. O. A. Way tar. urcbsrds, wasblagtoe. BABUa.1! eo-acr Improved farm t mllaa aaet of rortiajM.. LsimuBa. sn Front. . FOB 8 AMI OB TBADE 1B arrea. H mil rrora u 10 Tar atatioa, Umart job,, savar, - uracoa. 00 -TABMS, amall tracts and lot; bargain o. w. r. eieetrie tin, o. k. Aldltoa, Mats, ' Orrcua. Taka Muaat Scott car. Be. to ACRFa cleared and fenced. 1 ail la freaa - Be ear I lite. a main count f read. 1200 par acr. Inqulr MB Tillamook at. S IJ.TBO riNB appl orckard. acr, near th cltjj k-oom koa, bar, rblrken-boo. W1L . .ate.l aaae birma. Tall IfrtU. Thlnt FOR SALE TIMBER. CKRTiricn erlp. an la piece; lowest price, w. u. Uoweu, sa Ckaabr t 01 I0B 'ROMERTBADB, timber cUlaw d aerlp pprr 10 mm lnwrnii die. HORSES AND CARRIAGES. " BOR'r.S of all ktnda for aal at rerj raaaoa- mom pnoaa.- laqaira Sdv EKroa. UORHE. barn and prlnr waron for aal raeap; waaoa cnltabl ror truck farmer' or d llrery. J. A. Hton. Iata, Oreeoa. TO EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANOB T-rona botta aad mnta VH . for amall farm aoar Baarertea. Boom BOB . oooanoaia bldg. , TO EirilANOE 4 mom eettag and lot SOllOO; will tk piano, halanc InatAUnieata. 'M Ooodnanck kid. v. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. I BS 'WIRH NAIL . . , 1 toldlnc bad ...... ; 1.50 Iron bed 1.1 wool-top auttr .ts 5.0 .............. IB k S.on 1.0 Beiiaprina - W ar cloalnc out all boaaafuraiaklo at nak ana leaa. rLEMIXO. TTI FIB ST ST. J 1 OKK mantel bod. aiattraaa and pillow, two - alrtlaht wood ajorea. on lara. one amall. -all aood. cnodlUusIMtakaa tk lot. 011 42B Tblid t. 0B 8 ALB OR RENT NEW 4MD BBOONn. HAND BEWINfl MACHINEB. STANDARD PFWINO MAOHINB A0BNCI. B. D. J ON KB. 2X0 tAMHIU. ST. . MACHINERY of U kmd repaired. CouteesJa) I ro Bteal Warka. S88 Gllaa at. . WD prlat roar aim, aa 0 cllln-crd. proper la a ad atrka, B5a; Km hualneaa canto, ft. Brow m BctmaU, 228 Vint, Portlaad. Or. BII.UARD AND BOOL Ubloa for reat a lot ale on eaar paement. ' TUB BBC NSWICK -BALKS COtXENDEB CO. . 40 Third at.. Portland. LA BOB stork , goad-band Bemln-tn and fmltk-Premler trpewrttera, from 440 ap. adararood Type writer Co.. B41 Stark at. LA RO EST atack Of bottle m aortbwoatt ordor filled promptly. - Portland Bottl Huppl Co., Ml Kartk ElsktaaBCb at. - alkt B2KS. FOB 8ALE-TWO well-bred colt, no S year okl. weight 1,400 pound: other S rear' old, - weight I 000 ponpda. Oall Jamc O. liaa, . rurrlnrrlllo; tak Eataeada car. SII0WCA8B8 AND FTXTTTRB0 mad ordwi aecoad-kand ood fat Ml. Carlora m KU trooa. BW Ceeek at. fhtm Clay ill. . ONCALLED-rOB monnted peelmena and far . rags cboap. t. I. Braaaa. tua Third t- i. BABDB aV BON. haying kmtght tb mm- pleta atork of plumbing material oa th Trail : and Ooearnawnt mind, offer all th pip and fltttng and eery reason a bl Ignr! ala - tha lectrl futures of th American Inn . Co., which will go to tb bdyor at lea Uur half of coat prloa. . v roR SALE roar No. I A merles bntat br power nd lot of ascond-ksad don a ay a glnas, ultbl for toggla or hoisting par e. ror latormaiioa ana pneo eppi is D. Kaetroer, Aatorl. Oregon. WESTERN ORBOON MININO MTLUNil CO. beedqnarterki stork for sal and lo formation at 180 Mrst at. Phoa klala lOSO. FOB BALD cheap, rovBC Pa asm parrot, 647 1'attygroe at. NEW 300 piano. $1B0; second -hind plsno, 40; . organ, .4l4 rirat. or. Main,. upetalra. BOOKS bought, sold -and xchang4 at tb Old Book ft tore, 2 lamhlU t. . PARTT gnlng eaat will sell fnrnltur, almost . new, ehaapi Inqulr t 834 Beech St. FB want to hny a good typewriter; must b a karpala. BOB Second t. . EDISON phonograph complete, I dosea record. , good new, at 81 Eaat Seventh atM North. FOR BALE Almost new Nereis and flrst-elaa . Iarga-lsd beater. 823 Miller avs.. Beltwood. DAVENPORT, wardrobe, chiffonier, ertemloa and other table, chair, carpet. ' Weatera , Ralrag Co., 427 438 Waahlnf toa at. Phoa . Paclflc TB3. - ..... THOROroHRRED Scotch Colli pap for Bale, 1HT Hkldmore at. i-V PERSONAL. T.. P. (Vital-Power) tablet win reelor t , yo th snap, elm snd ehinr of manhood; If . o ar lacking la th Bower of eltallty. It loea reenltlng from Indlacretlsn and exeeeeea, end for a bos of tbeae tablet nd k eon, elnotd of their merlk Br mall la plain pkg . It. The Armatmng. Tablet Co., lac., BM Tnkroi blk- Detroit, Michigan. FECIAL N0TICB TO WOblEN Don't risk Kar Ileea br aa -oparatlea when roe cka cured by harmless 'method; rleetrldty properly ippltrd will aaea Ufa where opera tion a bill; W 'Boaaess tb lateat laeantto to control disease peculiar to women. Dr. . W. 1. Nae. M. B., Medical Electrlele. Of. Or n Dekarn bldg. rkoa Rod Sme,0Ulc tour B-ia, S B. " . - "SClENCB Or THB MINO" Book J net pub lished by Prof, Moo, complete la 14 lecrurea; how to so pou wa elalreoyant. clalrasdlent, paTehomotrlat antomatlc writer and Intul-tVnnall-t: wonderful reeelatlnn br th anthor; . only t; aand for It today; gent wanted. - Prof. T. B. Moss, M. II. P.. snd teoeher of Life's riser rorees, Sixth at., tool 4, . DETECT! BE AOENCT Cawllrleuttal Ineeert. . gatlonai report marie n anf Indlrtflnal bust sea or property: aJaelna reletlee moated; bad debt collected; charges- reeeoaahle; eer- reenondenre anM-te-. Oreroi) DetoCtlT 8-rrl--, office til 11.1 bldg. 844 . naablngtoa aU I 1 a 1 io kulk. PERSONAL. MRU, ANNA LI ChFV and ETHEL- WABO are leiw U-rated at . Tavlor at.; prln4-il of tUe American Beauty rrUra. We cure all a-alp aiaeaaea; all klnda of balha gleen; slec trte maaMae, mscMrin sml rhlri-oody: sie Mailani K arrow a famous renieoiee, aiiiu- tkai gusrssteed. Pbons Mala -. DR. AUSPt.t'ND. dmeaaaa of womoa and sar aery. BUS Allaky bllg.. Third sad Morrlaua. TES, Pals Tablet mate roe) sleep perfectly; they cure acreoosneea and make yoa atron) pries ftue a bos. koaes 2 ku: gosrauteed. All dmgalata. or addreea Brook Drug C 141 North Third at.. Portland. MANLT elgor restored by Dr. Robert Nary Ulonhla. One month treatment, fi: I ssootbs, 15: eent aecurely sealed by mall. Areola, Woodaxd. Clarke A Co., Portland. Or. BOOKS! Her they are- 'Docsmeroa." Hep tamenm." "A Hot Tsml." "Fanny Hill." TwntTar riser," ''rorbld.len Fruit." 80 each; llata tre. lu acta ma U. !tz Flrat at LOST power reetered by tb greet Dr. Lorena a Neree Toole Tablett; JS per to, 8 hose for (I 23. Writ or rail at Kyesall' Pharmacy. J27 Morrum. bft. let and Jd. THE Celebrated Star Hair remedy raatorea gray and faded hair to It aataral color, pro. mote tb growth of hair; not greaay. Pari - Hair Stare. 80S Weahlngtoa. 1 . , LADIES Ton appear rsrs yoonger. re. moee tl wrlnklra. hay akla like !! by Being Oregon UrD Ski Feed. Phoa Laat 1M7. MEN! WOMEN ! Raymond pill posit It ly cars wroueneas snd lack f TltalHy; 11. 4 boxes 13. Plummer Drug Co., 20 -Third. WHT lie (Ion when yoa caa aecure a Hfa companion by Joining toe jnreraraie laine duclng Society, and meet or correapoad with reputable persona or toai section, ansuy wealthy; the NeeembeT rejrteter. ie cent. Bull B4 Basssll bldg. rhoao rseiiM own. SUITS areaoed wblla yoa wait, ftfle. Ladles' skirm prcaaen. pur. uuoert.' itma suxKa sk. Bast to Quelle. Phono Clay Sua. , DIAMONDS. WATCHES. JEWELRY. BOU0HT. BOLD OR EXCHANGED AT UNCLK MTEKH, PIONEER MONET LENDER, 148 THIRD ST. MAM ALIIEH. .... . FREB ssmpls ear, bunion and wart car. Ed wla L. Ileas, dept. E. Taantoo. Maaa. TTRKI8H BATHS. Son Oregonma bMg. ladle aaya, aeniMtmeo niguis. maw avoo. WANTED To know tb whereabcuta of William . Btrpbea Smith, formerly of Loa Amreloa. Addreea Kotber, box 123. Santa Barbara, Callfarala. . i . 1 . FREB to oat of tows natron, ear lateat eata- ncu or raney wora. pillow (una. center Piece, ahlrtwafat and ooreltiea. The Needle Craft Bhop, 307 Allaky bldg.. Portland. Or, DOf.IJT hospital; repairing and dressing. Tsav Dtu aad wast rara at. BINO CHOONQ. Importer of Cbtaoa mot aoedl cinea: aella Chiaeee tea ma I is certain cur for all daseaaa. , 101 Second bet. XatuulU aad Taylor. . - "-i'ii DIHBA8ES of womea a apoculty; maternity ceee aire special attention. Drtrat hosnitai accommodation! pfofeaalooal lady nuraes la attenMnee conauitstioa . rree. x-nanium Institute snd Sanitarium, Third aad Alder, entrance Z5S Alder at. -. , . SEND B. B. RICH. POBTCAND. OBEOON. J3 IX) at So ASSORTED BOUVENIB POSTALL SEND for free Hot of nt price and clubbing rate oa magaaloe. jooes' Book btors, su Alder st. , DR. ATWOOD. IS Russell bldg.. IAS14 Fourth et. Femsl dlaeaars and onflnment taken end carod fori opea eealaga. . Coassltatlaa free. . .-...' MBS. Sophia B. Selp. peyebometrtat. sraraaa and propnetess: daily 10 to e, T to V; circles Tuesday snd Friday. 8 P at. 84.T4 Yamhill, cor. Ke reatb. Pacific 108. Sunday areata meetrng Drew hall. 1S3 Second St. J.. .. PERSONAL Instruct Inn ta shorthand, bookkeep. lug. penmanship snd Engllah at a tuition fee leaa than required by rhe business college. Addreea M. A. Albla. M Sixth at. , HATB yoa aeon our holiday apectala! 81. - BtO dlo, Ollr. Fifth and Washington. DBS. N. A. "K1SBETH. ''Bwedlah oectllts. care racumstiam. kinney, atomaeh and urar trouble, chronic constipation, obesity and aU i, chronic and aereous dlaeaaes; ao draas; ao snire; iu per saonta. tonsnjraiion ana aem onstrstloa free. Hvsd 1H2X 411 Murrlaoa at. TUB 8I'RISOSTEE5 sIRDlCINB CO.1, til De- UIB JPing.. agent ror tn cricpratea Mountain Roe reouMllea; cure all feme I trouble, ala atomach and llror trouMea; consultation free.' ORDER Or WASHINGTON Foremost fraternal eoclety of aorahweat; protecta the living. . 813 asaroueia dki. , roriiano, irregon. GET married: Meal plan, best results; eend 0c ror pamcuisrs to to rciiw corraapooaeuce Club. Alma, Oregon. ART EMPORIUM. PBOFE0S0B - B, MAX METER, 148 Alder. Portrait ana la ml aca pa artiat ad tescaer. AUTOMOBILES. HOWABD COVET, Fifteeatb and Alder, agent for Cadillac and Pierce eutosaobllrs; Biacblns rented, repaired and atored. - ASSAYERS. 0ARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO. aad atontas Aaaay ornce, in wornaoa at. ATTORNEYS. A. H. TANNER, attorney, SOS Commercial blk.; Second aad Waeblngtoa ata. Phoa Main o-t B.-T. BCBLF.IQH, Uwyar. 121 Or id rsM Ban I'ortiaM. - ,, . EDWARD T. TAOOART, .ttorney nd oa eelor. 41 chamber or com mere oiog. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE, DAVIS KILHAM, 10S-11I Second st. Blsnk book msnuraeturers; agent for Joan Improved Loose -Leaf ledgers; aee th saw Eureka leaf, th beet ea the market. accountant". CHABLE8 B. PPAHLET Publl auditor and expert accountant. Boor .7, Chamber of Commerce bldg. : '' sssssxaxeasasBiii 1 11 a 1 a BUTCHERS SUPPLIES. S, BTRKENWALD CO.. 804-808 Everett at. Lara-eat batcher' enpply bona oa tb coaab BATHS'MASSAGE. TOt'NQ lady gives vanov. alcohol and medicated bathe. Parlor 37, 268H Stark. THE BNOWDEN BATHROOMS Two lady at tendants: 3S7H Alder St., bet. FtMtrth and Fifth; rub aad vapor aad ma aaa as. Pbon Main WW. BLACKING. WEBFOOT Blacking, abaolatele waievproof. pre. aervr tne leather, make anoe wear no per cent looser. Fog sal very where, 10 aad IB CHIROPODISTS. IF your feet are out of order, go to Dr. W or ley Benlamm, sen 14 Waabmrrou at., toe mot enerlallat. Phono Hnod 004. ' CAFES. THE OFFICB tafl Waahlngtoa St. Pbona Mslp 71. Famuet vigno. COLLECTION AGENCY. ; COLLECTIONS by tha. .Northwest OntleVtwa Agency; your business gandled in a kaalnaa nana! try aa. , 14-1T Lab be bldg. DOES any on owe yoa moneyl W collect bad debt or all kind. 133 oread ., room 14 and 18. Phone Fa at 4434, CRdCKERYANDGLASSWARB. WM0I,EALE crockery and glassware. PrasL Hegel at Co., ion to in rirtk. cor. mar at CI0ARS AND TOBACCO. KSSKRO-OCNBT CO. . , . .. Dlaulbutor of . . ' FINB CIGARS. ' y . FtirtuiBtt, DANCINQ. W OOO WARD'S dancing oehool of th W cetera AcaJemy of Music, Morelay and Tharaday. Suecutors nailed. Leeeone COc Dsaclag S to H. Ow. Second and MorrkaM. DETECTIVES. TKl-L as your troablee; we aerer 1 .even an cr. 11 ,aq cninins. Henlnger. J4-1T Labbs bid. CHIROPRACTIC. POMITIVELT cure all form of rheumatlam. Dr. Era Hoc an. Jfflo Rail at. Phoa Mala 004. CARPET-CLEANING. STANDARD Carpet Cleaalng Co.. largoat plant oa tb roaet, Loring aud Harding ate., tele phone Eaat MO arpeta cleaned, refitted, owed and laid: both ateam and lateet eem praaaad sir proeeea: rsaoyatiag BMttrossaa aad fee Lb ere a aueelalty. SANITABT carpet cleaalng. sort Ins and ooav pi nwwa air fwmoinea; earper Cfmneo o ihnw without re moral, klala fifiSd. East BSB4. CARPETS lenrd aa tb floort wo rawe aa dost. Phone Clay 831. fro daamaatretloa. 1. HUNTER Steam carpet aad martrea rieaner. arm jeifereoa. Phone Main ai. CLEANINO AND DYEINO. XAMHILl CLEAN! N V PRESSINO CO. wore called rue aad feUTered. Phoa Clay B&2. . .. ... Portland Steam Cleaning A Dyeing Works; prse. uesi astier la caaoectloB. Bit 4tk. cuy to. CLOTHES cleaned end areased SI per 1 1 Unique Tailoring C.. 847 Weahlngtoa H. W. TCBNEB, pcofeaslooal dyer snd cleaner. 80S Jefferaua St. Pbon Mala ZS13. , NEW pmcess lace curtain cleaclag. DO ta II pair, act uuaaa. Mala . CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST ST. OEOROB ORMONDE. Eryptlaa acer, T Waahlngton . Paychle palinlat. heeler, dead trance medium ; -reatest ad t leer krre. . heel f aeaa. sk-kneaa. mines, tresanr. change. Mir ' tier a. family troubles: bring back loecd one; unite separated: reading by Ball 12, S qbos. (ion; tell everything. MRS. STEVENS. Portland'a leading; . palmist, , sstrologist and ptrltual llfereader, caa glv Importaat and rvltabl fact almut tb paet, - praaent and future. 16V Seventh pC, rP. Hotel Portland. Pbon Padde 714. MADAME HELONIA KOTPTIA Th Eastera Myatlc, Aetrologtat. parchle Palmlat. Atr Magnet, give reliable lirereadlnga; praoUcal help and advice. 2S4H Second t. COAL AND WOOD. KINO COAL CO. Sol acenta fov-Cbe famous DUaond coal; try It and yoa will alwaya boy . It. Wyoming and Waahlngton boas so Is. ' Virginia and Washington smithing coal; full wslght guaranteed. TL Main 143S. A. U Stephens, manager. CHTJBCHLET BROS, base lamoved uavla at. to 428 Kearney et.. Bear lira: m Bow the largest woodysrd I tb dry, carry. Ing aU kinds of wood aad aoaL Mela 1. GBEflOBY A) MORRIS, sacresaora ta Cala McEsa. dealer la wood and oeel t lew eat prices; oatUfactloa guaranteed. Oar. Tectk and Irving. Phone Main 48TS. . WESTERN reed S Fuel Co., oa Front, betweea ' OMaaa and Hoyt, dealer la all kind of Bouao coai aad BiaekemitB anam. Mala 1018. ALBINA FUEL CO Dealers la cordwood. aoat . and green and dry slehwood. R. B. and AI bin ., S block ssat of ferry. , Bast 874. BTEEL BRITX1B Ft' EL CO. Dealers la cost cordwood aad dry" elabwood. Pbona East 434. BOXWOOD snd planer trimming. Btaadirw Wood Co, Pbon Eaat SS15. Foot East Ftn. 0REOON TVTXj CO Alt kinds of coal sad wood. SOS Alder St. Pboa Mala SB. KIRK HOOVER, 818 Wataa U wood aad eesL Phone Mala ofiOS. DENTISTS. MET CHVBCHMAN. deathrt 89 M acq nam bklg, sixth aad Morrtaoa. rboao Mala 17 tux. carpentersSand builders: AUTHORS A WOOD, eel ueulei . bonders re pairing and Jobbing; store aad office fixture ouiic. coop mar uoiumoia. - saaia azanj. WASHBTJRNB FI-OTO, wagoa baltdcra aad general )ob work. S8 Bth at. Phono liooo osu. F. B. VANDERBOOF, carpenter aad Jobber, 387 Stark at. Pbon Main 747.- , WTal. riSHBISCK. cai'peatar; repairing and Job bing don. 381 Barnelde et. Pbon Main BasT. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. LENSCH BEOS., rrommlsalon anorcbanta. Soar, efred. bar and produce. 263 to 286 Front at. Phoa Mln 2308 ' EVRRD1N0 FARRELL. prod oca and commie- ton marcnaata. iv rront at., roriaina, w. Pbon Main 1T. -'T. DRESSMAKING. KRISTER'S LADIES TAILORING COLLEGE, BOS snd 400 Aluky bldg. writs tor Booklet. DRESSMAKINO Strictly ap to datsl katsst atgue. 48 CI fC FIRST-CLASS parmra. 317 Allaky bldg.;. enlta. gown, coat, jacseta. laieex tyw; aairta ' hound and Jackets relmed. - DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL. DR.CH BROWN. D.V.S Dog. Horse hos pital. 2W Bnrnaide. Phones: Mslnedlei; rmtJHO. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. KORTHWEST ELECTRICAL RNOINERRIN Company. 80S Stark at., Portland, ts, B. tor everything la tb electrical Ua. Pheas Mala 188. FACinO . ELECTRIO CO. Purl users, coo tree, tor, repairers, electric wiring, aupplle. 84 Flrat. cor. Stark. Mara SAS. R. H. Tats. mgr. FURNITURE FACTORIES. ORBOON Furaltar Manutactarlng Cxmpaay ' ktanufactnrer f faraltur - for tha trad. Portlsad. Or. 1. . - rnTANI'TTTTrlt snsnnrsetn-tne sad Seed a I te Ra-veasky's furnltur factory. 870 Froat at. FURNACES. BTIfTOP mtrm tnrmaf m9 fnL I. 0a Bit FiiTMtM Co.. SA-t Bttw-Bd. Mala Ml. GROCERS. . J- WADHAMS CO., wholesale grocers. bjb facturer and ommlssloa BMrekaata. F earth ad Oak t. ALLEN A LEWIS enmmtssioa Bad prod sea ..chant. Front nd Da via ata.. Portland. 4r. HOTELS." HOTEL Pendleton. Ptadletea. W. A. Brows, mgr. HOTEL Portland. America ptas: ta. 84 per day. HOTEL St. Oeorg. Pendleto; kaadlag botoL BELVBDEBSJ; Fumpee plaai 4tk aad Alder ata. INSURANCE. ISA AO U WHITE. Bra taaaraac. 800 Dekum LAMBERT. WHITMER CO Fir rn ears nee and reel eetate; offices inT-lo Sherlock bins. Msla 1008; dept. 404 Eaat Alder. Ess 4kL IAS. Met. WOOD, emptorer Mobility ad la - dividual accident surety bends f all kind. Pkeae 47. SoS McKay bldg. H. r - BARTEIS -430MPAST rtre liainraai 448 Sherlock bldev Oregoa Phone Clay 828. LOCKSMITH. I. H. RICHARDSON, erpert mch and ksysmttht . general repalrlngi reatlrna brsstngt an work gusrsntsed. 304 Foartk at. Fboae Hood 17S3. BBOWflB'S IN TOWN E tort lorkeealtk aad bicycle ,. repairing. 84 Stark. uay Clay 823 light aaoBO. Mala tS. , ; ""iir' 11 ' v FRENCH BAKERIES. TUB culv nlace ta Portland to get French broad. Barrer A Maylle. 407 Sixth el Dally deliv ery, rkoa ereea bos. GRINDING. Baaora, ' halve, ertasore sharpened to porfea. tkm. Ksrlsoa It Co.. 40 H N. 4th. Pc1fc 70S. HARDWARE. Portland Hardware C. aotfclta opportunity ts Quota price. 13B lat at.. AW. Alder. Mala 1884. OSTEOPATHS. DBS ADI YS KdRTri rfCP". 416-IS-1T Dekum Mdg., Third aad Weahlngtoa ata. Pboa Mala aaa. ExamlpatltHis free. . -J- DBS. OTIS MABEL AKIN, 408 Maeleay bldg. CUy 778. Res. M. S16L, OocwolUUoa rree. THE vary best lade osteopath la town. Dr. L. O. Jolaieptt. suite 1H. Helllng-Hlrach bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. BEADQCABTERS FOB SALARY LOANS, 17 Oregoaiaa bldg. ' Ladles or Or n tie men. No PutHclty. f f yoa borrow 420 yoa pay back. 81.88 a week. If yoa borrow 821 yoa pay hack 81. An a week. If yoa borrow 1 10 yoa par back f . a week. If r borrow g-tt to p.r bark 82.85 a week. If yoa borrow $A0 yoa pay back $3 00 a week. " FtBMata suapended In caae of alckueea. ' Strictly Salary Loan. , THB CREHCENT. LOAN CO- .JL -S17 Orsgoataa Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN . Oa Improved city property or fa be 11 din purposes. Any amount oa from to IS rears' time, arlth pel rile go ta repay all or part of tuaa- after one . rear. Loaaa ap- R roved from plan and BMner advanced a alldlag prograaaia; mortgagee takea ap and replaced. FRED H. STRONO. Ffuadal AgoaV, ' I4t Stark Strsst. V . . ' THB STAR LOAN CO. , ; Any sslarled employe. wage-earBor, oaa get . aa hi Bote. Without Bmrtgage . Moath. H Month, "Week. wi 00 Repay to aa iis.M ar 84.88 or 88 M 8X0.00 Repsy to as I It! or 8X.8S or 81 M 118.00 Repay to o 8 4.00 a 12.04 r 1.00 S10 McKay bldg. WHY PAY RENT when wa caa furnlah yoa money to buy or build Too a homer SMALL 'MONTHLY REPAYMENTS with LOW RATES or INTEREST. Drop a card, ' or rail oa J. H. Hubbard. Stat Agent. E. Morrison st. MONET to loea, aalarled people, te meters, st.. without eeur!tyi eaay paymenta; largeot buelneea la 44 prlnclpa eltle. Takua, 321 Ahlngtoa bldg. Pbo Msla S4BT. . . MONEY TO LOAN. Privet money' to loss at 4 and T per cent Interest -foe S to S years H amounts of I-Vaj and apward. Boosl 403 Commercial bldg. MONEY to Inaa en reel, personal and collateral security: special attention to chattel asort. Kgea: ante bottght C. W. Pallet, 8044 .be mlAm OA eS ' HIOHLY respectable place where ladle aad feat caa reWroinoner oa diamonds and , fewelry. CollataraT Loea Bank. BM Wash ing! oa ex. rnooe Black 71. CHATTEL loana In amounts ranging from 828 to 86.000; roomlng-koaaea a apeclalty. Mew Era Leaa A Treat Co., SOS Ablogtoa bldg. WB make all kind af loana aa good security t wt rata: a pedal attention glvaa to caanei aoaaa. ibb Mis it sob at. MONEY to loss la an ma of from 88.000 to an.onoi term to cult tb Borrower. Boo ma 300-10. Commercial blk. MONEY to loa a large or small a mounts aa good aeenrtty: loweat rata. William O. Back. SOT Falling bldg. MONEY to loan n Clackamas county land. B. F. aad P. B. Bile, 60S Chaabar f Ooav LOWEST rate aa furniture and pianos. Beat rn Leaa Oa 448 Sherlock bldg. Clay 838. TO LOAN Snma to suit oa chattel BMUillj. b. A. rramo. CIS Tn Msrquam. . MONEY to loan on M kind of Mcarlty. Wa. Hon. room 8. Wasklngtoa bldg. l.OfeMS.OOO TO lnaa by prtvat party aa real carat eeermty. rrj tjommemai ruug. HAY AND GRAIN. B. O. COOPER CO. Potato, feed aad flour. 138 Union are. Phoa East 1817. MUSICAL. PIANO, violin, etrtng and wind rmraaaor Bdwia A. smita. so rareirtu. Maui 470S. - - PIANO tunlog. S3; perfaat work gasrsDtsed. . Phono Mala 1811. C w. JobBsoa J. A. WESC0. vVlln-maker aad repairer; wort Brat ekaa. 3D Buesei bldg., 4 IB aaa aiornsoa. EMU THIELHORN. teacher of violin, viol, corset. Srudw, 198 Sixth. Tsl. Mala 38SS. FREE lessons on th violin, mandolin, guitar snd bsnls. Lsvy'a Music Hooss, 1TI ronrta. MACHINERY. PORTABLE locomntlv bailor snd engine; lest . the H price; 44 horsepower 0. H. Plg gott' Uw offlc. Mulker bldg. FOR SALE On B-tncb Smith stick sr. en arm esnder, on two-apindl . ass par. aalta aad pulleys. 304 Foartk at. THB H. C. ALREB CO. Srroud hand amchlrtery, aawmiiHa. et. 3n orand v. : MONUMENTS. METJ KINOSLBY. zdS Flrat t Portlaad'l leading marble work. OVERALLS. BOSS OF THB ROAD OVERALLS nd see. cbautcs clothing: union made. Baataatar Bros., ata an facturer. Portland. Or. PLUMBERS. DONNERBER4 RADEMACtlER. aaattarf FOX A CO.. sanitary plnmber. 381 Second, bet. p"i anq aiinna ipi egoe rnone m.ib e'wi. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. F. R. BEACH CO. Toe Palat Oe-I . wlndow-glaas and glaalng. 188 Flrat at. ERNEST MILLER m CO., Second aad Taylor Wall paper, paint, ell at market prioasi .ires dellverr, ' BASMCSSEN CO Jobber, palnta. oil. glass. aaaa and doers. Becnad and Taylor. r y PRINTING, WFLCTI DAVIS. fTMiter Doer f clever thing with ink an typ oa paper, atearaa bldg.. Sixth ead Marrlaoa. Mala SHI. ANDERSON PrNlWAY COMPANY, prinrlog. ntnograpning. aiaak book, raoae msib 11. 3ns Alder et. MFTTBOPOLITAN PB1NT1N0 CO .Every tkhtfl ta printing. Main 1X14. 14T rent -aa.-- RIDIN0 CLUBS. PORTLAND RIDINO CT.fJB Saddl orsea end carriage lor raat.i W. O. Brown, 0V Alder, RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WOHKS. 34 Alder et. pooa Mala 110; rubber ata tripe, ace la, ateoriie, trafls chsckei eend for ratatoa aa. lu. SECOND-HAND GOODS. OOODE'B Faraltar Hoaso Highest ntcea paid aecond head fur altars. . XI Baca a raws racine eve. SCALP TREATMENT. 0RAY, falling hair, daadraff trsated; abampoo Ing. maaicurlag, chiropody, face work. Mr. B. F. Rya. idoVa Foartk. ens. ktarrawa. ax. rnoa racine sua. SAFES. WB repair asd rebuild aTatoesebllso. gss eagles a, print In a nreesee. Urn lock a. aafea. open lock- outa, do all kind of machine work. Oolumbl aa Engine A) Rat Works, 84s 00000 a Psoas iaclfie 676. Frask I. Snoar. aupt. DIEBOLD Masrsseea , precf work; U as Lfesi Ora aad burster- prkasa work : lockouts act sad: repairs. 1. . Davis. Third et. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES af eery desert at toe baafe. bar ad tor fx teres msds te ordor. The Latk Mannfactuiing Co.. Portlaaav STREET-PAVING. WABBBN Cuaatructlou Co., etreet paving, aide walks asd cvoaawalka. Tig Ovw-oBlaa bldg. THB Trinidad Aapkatt Paving C4L ad Partlsad. Office god Worcester blk. . SIGN-PAINTERS. GOLD SION'S, window lettering, cloth banners. economical electric fane and eigne of all ktnda aude quickly. Foater Kletaar, Flflk aad Everett. - phono Exchange ad. HOLIDAY SIONS Offlr) doors and window lettered at cut price. Elrnglebel, 21 1' Weahlngtoa at. upatalr. PIhiu Hood 1TM. TYPEWRITERS. NBW typewriter, all makes, rented, sold and repaired. Coast Agency, 231 Stark. TaL 1407. BLICKENSDORFER typewriters, aonptle. im pairing. Roe Roes, SOS Stark. Mala 1870. ROOFING. TIN ROOFINO. guttering, repelling aad gaaerel Jobbing. 1. Loali. 212 Jeffereoa t. TRANSFER AND HAULINO. SAFES, p la no end furniture toovst. pecked ready for shlptilng and shipped; all work guaranteed large. S-story. brick, 8 re-proof warekooee for storage. Offlcs 12S First at, 0. M. Olasa. Paoas Mala 847. ' THE BAOOA0B OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO.. coe. Sixth and Osk ate.; baggage checked from hotel or reatdeuca direct to deetlnatkuit paossnger therefore avoid rush and aaaoy. anco at depot. Private Exchange 88. a O. PICK. fSc 88 First at., betweea Stark aad Oak ata.. pbons BBS; piano and furaltar ameed and packed for shipping; com mod leas brick wareboaae. Front aad Clay ata. . oreoon Transfer CO.. m North suta. Phone Mala 48. Heavy healing aad, sxsvsge. EAST SIDE Tranaler Co.. A. B. Holcomb, prop, . 133 East Water at Phoa Eaat 88. , . POST SPECIAL DELIVERY N. SO0X4 Waah lngton et. Pbon Mala Snt. ' TREES. SHRUBS. ROSES. W bar them by tb tboaaend: strong, healthy fora. - trur lsva limaxrafea an pncea cat, logo toll all. PORTLAND SEED CO, Froat and Yamhill ete. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brnab. eoes, 81 per Baonta. Law re a re Bra.' Towel Supply Co., Foartk and Coach. . Pboaa 438. TELEPHONES. THE only exchralve telepboa boass. - B.-E. Electric A Trlcpboo Maoufacturtng eom - OS"'. 8 Fifth st. L WIRE GOODS. AST PORTLAND FENCI WIRE WORKS 3NS Eaat Morrlaoa at. Phone Esst 821. FINANCIAL. PORTLAND TBT78T COMPANY OF 0EEQ0V. Th Oldsst Truat Company la Oregoa. , RKSOUKCBB OVER fl.230.00U. . Ocasral banking. Exchans oa all Bart of to woria. Bering account. ' Time certia. rates, 3 to 4 per rent; short-call special eer tin ea les. s.-puo ar aver, to t per cent. rll Ane KeoS .f I r.lTBTB A TlnVI . Boatheaat Corner Third and Oak Btav Phone Private Exchanes 79, BENJ. I. COHEN P real den I H. L. PITTOCK ,.,...Vlc-Prraldcnt n. FAtlRToju,,,,,' secretary 4. u. uultkak Aaaiataut Beers tery ERCILABT8' NATIONAL BAaTt. . " . PORTLABD. 0RXO0BT. i. FRANK WATSON ..President H le all KH AM ,. ,. TIOB-PreelOOOt R. W. HOYT Cehler 6E0R0B W. HOYT Aaalatant Caahlsr Transact a OsasreJ Banking Baslnaaa. Drafta and Letters of Credit leaned AvaiUhl to All Part of tb World. . Collecttoua a Specialty. LADD TTXTOV. BABXZRS. (Establiahod -ta 148.) " ' Trmaesot a Boaoral Baakiag Baamiaa. Col lection mad at all Botnt oa favorabl term. Letter of credit lee tied available la Europe and all polBte In the Called States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Traaafer old aa New York. Washington. Chicago, St. Imia, Denver. Omaha, Has rraacleeo aad Montana and Brltlah Columbia. Exrhangs Bold ea London, Pari. BarHa, Fraakfort, Hongkong, Yokohama. Manila and Honolulu. ' . FIRST RATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. 0RI00B. Drslgostsd. Dspusltnry and Klnasclsl Agaut f tb United Bute. President.... A. Ie MILLS Caahler J. W. NEWKIRK Aaslstsnt Cashier W. C, ALVOKD Second Aaslstsnt Caahler ..B. F. STEVENS Letters of Credit Issued Available la Europe nd th Eaetern State. ' Ste-ht Exebansa snd Tslversnhl Tra safer rid oa Naw York, Beaton. Chicago. St. Louie, St. Paul, Omaha. Ban Frenrlsoo ana th principal points la th Northwest. Bight and. time bill drawn In aoma to buii a London. Pari. Berlin. Frankfort-oa-tb Main. Houston Yokohama. Copenhagen. Chiiarlsnls. Stockholm. SL Pater burg. Mox- eow. Enrich. Honolulu. Oolleetlona Mad oa ravorabla Tar ma. . MIXED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. 0BC00H. BORTITWTST COR. THIRD AND OAK STB, Traaaaot a Beaeral Banking Bualaeee. - - v.-' DRAPTfl 1SSLED. AvaDabl In All Cltte of the Cnlted Stare aad Europe, Hongkong aaa Maalla. -.. .. OOLLICnOBi HADE 0 FlvORABLE TERMS'. President J, C. A INSWAP! H Vlce-Preelrtent...... ....W. B. AtEB Vic. Pvralilent., BV LEA BARNES Csahler ...i,...'. R, W. BCHmker Asalatant Cashier rV.A. M. WBK1HT Assistant Cawhler W. A. HOLT SECURITY SA VINOS A TRUST COMPART. 848 Merries St.. Portland. Or. Transacts a Osnsrsl Basking Buaiadfca. BAVIMOS DEPABTMEVT. iBterart Allowed on Tim and Saving Deposit. Arts ss Trustee for Estates. Dratfta kBdLetter of Credit Available la All Ae WmU t.' F, ADAMS... Fvealdenl U A. LEWIS',. ....... ...-.First Ylee-r-reetue! A. -LrIILI.S. Second Vlcd Praaldent R. 0. JI SITE Secretarr GEO. F. RlRSKIX....-....,Amlataat BecraUry M ORRIS BROS. Itl Flr4 St.. Fertlaad, Or. Offer Ollt-Edg Inveetment la Mttnldpal sad ruiiroa noao. - writ r laiu "HE C0STIBIBTAL COM FAST. y . v STOCKS, BONDS AND M0RT0A0ES. 43 Stark Street. rhons Main IB7S, MORTOAGB LOANS Oa ' Portland Reel Iatata at Loweat Pate Title Iasnred. Abatracta rnralabad TITLE OUABAWTFR TRTlgl CO. , 144 Wasklngtoa It,, Cot. Seeead. IIWED0EI1DEJR fsiprmi of all Exports. Worth Hundred Thou sand Dollars Mors Than In October. MORE GENERAL FREIGHT, ' FLOUR. BARLEY, LUMBER More Flour snd Whist Sent Cosst. wise Thin In Any Previous Month Nesrly a Record Period in Cosst Lumber Shipments, Too. !. OVEMOBBR EXPORTS. .'; VJu. 4 Flour, 08.8S barrels ...... r. f 110,18. Wheal, TTt,IS( buahela.. 84.74 Barley. 145.71s buahela 87,800 Lumbar, I.4I1.74 fat .11.111 Mlscellanaoua freight I47.1U Total value ..$1,701,311 So far as tha value of tha esports Is concerned, November la the Rreateat month In tha history of the port, tak ing; the lead by about $104,040 over October, which had been the banner period. While tne . wneai auiptnonia ware not ao heavy as they were during the DrecedlnB month, there were Arrester Quantltlea of flour dispatched, aa well as barley, lumber and general freight. It ha a been a moat remarkable month In a number of reapectg. In addition to tha hoary, exporta mora wheat and flour were aent eoaatwla during- tha paat IS daya than ever before In the same period of time from Portland. Tha coast wheat ahlpmejits alone reached 841.710 buahela. which went to San Francisco and Ban Pedro. Reducing tha flour, which was also aent to. tha same destination, to wheat measure, the total would approximate 1.000, u buahela of which nothing; will be said when the government atattatlca are complied, as they only refer to tha ex port trade. ; - . 1 . -Xaots Of LtuaBer. The lumber Sent coaatwiae during the montU' amount to 11.14$, 400 feet, which, added to that xportd. make a grand total of Jl.,74l feet of Ore gon fir, greater than the bualneaa of last v month by nearly T.000.809 feet This Is alao ciosa to tha record In the lumber line. . Annt bar feature revealed hv tha rec ord at tfia cnatom house la the large number of veaaeia which entered dur- ln. the month.- Includlnc coaatera. libera were 70, nearly half of which khrought either full or . part eargoes. Thla is the biggest fleet that ever came tip th Columbia river in the brief space of SO days. Fourteen veaaeia cleared ror foreign porta during the month,. 11 of which carried flour, grata and general freight, Three were lumber carriers. . in the fleet were five steamahlpa, two fewer than Bailed during the preceding month. Many ahlpa are In the harbor receiving flour and grain cargoea for Europe and tha orient and it la believed that De cember will make even a greater allow ing than the month which la Juat draw ing to a clone. The shipments to porta across the sea In detail, are as follows: Wheat for Qeeaurtowa. November I the German ahlp Oregon cleared for Queenatown for orders with 114.42. bushels of wheat, "valued at $87,471. 1 . .' November 1 the steamship Aragonta cleared for Hongkong and way port with 44,048 barrels or Hour, valued at $155,874, and enough general freight to make the total value ' of the cargo amount to $305,352. . ' November S tha Brltlah ahlp Carsdala cleared for Dublin with 17,(00 barrels of flour, worth $(l,t(0; x.7$8 buahela of wheat, valued st $11,450, and 4,t4t bushels of barley, worth $21,450, bring ing the tout up to $104,150. November e) the Brltlah ateamshlp Volga, cleared for Talngtau, China, wltn s.ltO.OS feet of lumber, valued at $24.12$. - November It the Brltlah ateamshlp Abergetdle cleared for Yokohama with 181,600 bushels of . wheat, valued st I14I.CS. November It tha German steamahly Nlcomedla cleared for Hongkong and way porta with $,!$ barrels of flour. valued at $217,490. and enough general freight to bring the total to $29.77. . tUtdSMkl of stacley. Noveaaber 11 tha German ship Adolf cleared for Ipawlch with 111.7$$ buah ela of barley, valued at $44.1$0.- November II the French bark Vauban cleared for Queenatown with 101,10 bushels of wheat, valued at $7.I00. November 17 tha French ahlp Tour- alne cleared for Queenatown for orders with 101.840 bushels of wheat, valued at $7.1$0. November II the Britlah 'ateamahlp Agtneourt cleared for Yokohama, with $,$$$ buahela of wheat, valued at $70,- 000; 11,100 barrels of flour, worth $7$, III, making the total value 1110,141. November SI the Brltlah ship Dur bridge cleared for Swansea, with 114.014 buahela of wheat, valued at $105,178, November II the French bark Brlseau cleared for Port Plrrle with 1.445.0$! feet of lumber valued at $11.$44. November 31 tha American ahlp Hen' ry Vlllard cleared foe Manila with 1.044.4I1 feet of lumber, valued at $11,110. - - . November SI the German ateamahlp Numantla cleared for Hongkong and way porta with 11,061 barrels of flour, valued at I108.T0I: 11.000 bushels of wheat, worth 18,000, and general freight, making the total value of the cargo $262.$S. :, - .'.; SEAWORTHY AGAIN. Btaaaaer Aarella ataff rd Sgnch Oajguage tm Oolllattoa. Thoroughly overhauled and with new cabins, tha steamer Aurelia. Captain Rrrlcaon. reached port last night from Ban Franciaco after an absence of more than a. month. Shortly after her ar rival ar 'the Bay City on har last trip from Portland, the ateamahlp Vmatllla barked, Into the Aurelia and damaged her to1 the extent of about $1,000. Her house was broken Into kindling wood and she waa rendered unseaworthy. Captain Errlcaon aays that at th time of tha- accident tha Aurelia .had Juat started to go acroes the bay to Oakland, when the Umatilla craahed Into her. The eacaplng ateam almost suffocated the officers and crew. Fortunately the Dasaensera had been landed, or it la trrrmght- that aoeoo of thesa would ..have been Injured The steamer waa taken to a drydox-B and waa under refalr un til she eelled the other day for Port land. Th Anrella Belong to th Ruaaell A ft gra line tid during ts 1 m"ntha tiinl h-'a bectv lit erpe en the l'.rf laii I in 1 ranolaco route ti.ia 1 l a V J CIi2 Price: China Crcclic Dolls Gk:sv;iro Chrktmis Hell Jay GooC cor.12 iiatxy Sea Our Ttbj PrictJ CretU Jxrfca Ir;crtl2i lei Co. B93 Tl ret Bt. . . . B31 Waahliurtoa St. flrat time that ahe has ever met with a aerloua mishap. On thla trip ahe brought 100 tona of general merchandiae and had almoat a full list of paasengera. Coming up the coast she waa forced to buck a strong southeast wind the moat of the distance, and tha officers say heavy aeaa were running. The Roanoke waa not alghted, although It Is supposed that the Aurelia pasaed her In the night off the California coast. After her freight ha been discharged the Aurelia will begin receiving cargo for tha return, voyage. She will take out grain and lumber and Is scheduled to sail Saturday night. ' TO INVADE RUSSIAN FIELD. British SUauaahip Bpsosa WlU Carry ' CrrJ ta Sotitfceem Buroye. After a rough paaaage acroaa the Pa cific from Japan, the Brltlah steamship Epsom, Captain Cox. arrived last night, coming by way of Victoria, British Co lumbia.;' Aside from the several galea encountered, which toaaed the Teasel about on the turbulent waves aa though she were a mere plaything, nothing else of Incident occurred during the voyage. Apprised of the numerous ? robberies which have occurred on the ahlpa In tha harbor during the paat week or two, the officers have determined not to permit any auspicious characters , on board. The Eppom made faat ta Montgomery dock No. I. where ahe will be loaded with a grain cargo by Kerr. Gtfford Co.-for Marselllea, rrance. - She ta big carrier and will take out fully 7.000 tone. Thta will be the first shipment of grain sent from Portland to southern Europe during the paet rlv years. It la a territory which haa hitherto been suppUed with wheat and flour almost exclusively by Russia. . WATERFRONT" HAS HOLIDAY. Omly Work of loading eTtimaalla aad - Boreka Xa Oontlnaed. With only-two exception, the work Of loadlnc and discharging ahina In the harbor wage discontinued laat evening and the of flee ra, crew and longshore men are. enjoying a holiday. Tha vea aeia on which work la being done are the -oriental liner Numantla' and the steamer Eureka. . These are dealroua of setting: to sea aa aulcklv aa noeslble. ' The Numantla will flnlah loading her cargo thla afternoon ' snd will . leave down at daylight In the morning, bound for .Hongkong and way porta. She cleared at the custom hone yeaterda y evening with a cargo valued at 4212. 482.7$. Flour, comprising $8,0$l barrels, la the moat valuable commodity. Ma chinery, cotton, malt, apples, tobacco and a lot of mixed freight make up the balance of tha shipment- . Tha Eureka la loading wheat for San Francisco and poaalbly will get through In time to aall tonight. . AL0NQ THE WATERFRONT. Two rarloada of powder will be taken from Kahuna today to the upper Co lumbia . river by tha ateamer Joseph Kellogg to be uaed In railroad conatruc tlon worhj , Many local sportsmes Are spending the day on Willamette alough shooting ducks. They were - taken - down ttyere laat night on the steamer Republic. Tha ateamer.. lona ta the only river craft which tied up at haddock this morning to allow the crew ta enjoy a holiday. She will not reaume aervlce before Saturday, aa tomorrow she will be given her annual Inspection. The ateamer Resolute- went down to Lake 'river this morning to get a raft of boom stlcka which she. will bring to Portland. The British ship Eskasont, which ar rived yesterday afternoon, will not be gin discharging the freight aha brought from Europe until the latter part of tns week- .. - ''' ' .' . - MARINE NOTES. Astoria, Nov. 10. Outside at 10 a. m.. steamer Columbia, from San Franciaco. San Francisco, Nov. 10. Sailed last night, ateamer Redondo, . for Portland. Arrived last night, steamers South Bay and Despatch, from Portland. Aetorta. Nov. Is. Bailed at 12 m.. French ahlp Vauban, for Queenatown or Falmouth. Sailed at 11 10 p. m.. Ger man ahl Adolf, for Ipawlch. Sailed at S p. m.. French bark Tour I no, fot Queenatown or Falmouth. Sailed at :I0 p. aehooner Alumna, for Valparaiso. Sailed at 8 p. m., sonooner Virginia, tor San Francisco, San Franciaco, Nov. SS. Balled at 1 :10 p. m., Brltlah steamer Klrklee, for Port land. - - ! Astoria, Nov. 10. Condition of th bar at I a. m rough; .wind, southeaat: weather clear. 1 - - NEW WATER WORKS - PLANNED FOR EUGENE (Spadal Dkrpetck to Tbe loaraaLk Eugene, Or. j -Nov, 80. The rpren tatlve of Rhoadea, Slnkler A Butcher, who recently purchased th F.ugene w tarworka. together with Skinner a Unite, an excellent site for a reservoir, hav announced that they .will begin the con struction of an additional reaorvolr f"t the plant within 80 daya They will also sink a number of additional wei.a to secure a greater supply of wstei, and will Install a number of the tec Improved Altera. REDUCED SEASIDE RATEC Tit the AV, k a b. u. u cuu- Bach. Tn order to promote a big wlnt travel tJ tha nut tli hov ccm; haa named th Y"r l rat (f 11, ilng Haturd-tV """' dsr even' iK.'. . 1 ' 1 ' r ' ' ' trip on r 1; - ' herh oilr , 1 rt r ' -1 I'"