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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. -THURSDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 3J. 1Z25. 19 i j. j 1 SB9--9f-Sva 1 1 j J ' it 'A X ( ' 7 jA I 1 II t A 1 i A J II 87 n 1 T SDtsred at the Boetorflc at Fortlaad, Oregon, f mwvartaUMi 4brauk Um ulli ea aeteed , sisae muw. ' . ..I.M u ikk Hnlai Par u t 10 H IV ' page pape. 1 ml; M to M psgso, eeauj a e4 pae. 6 nan. .Mala r0 . Basin a Mica Main roaziov tfTntion KwaxinrrATPr. ' VreeleiMl Beulasila Special Advertising Agency. ' Ifiu liiMi treet. New Xork; lriwuae BulldV tug, Chicago. s. ... . ,, . x '. , ' ( - avMcxirao bates. - .'" I , "- Torxa ay Oarraar. - ' Ths Dally Journal, with Sunday. 1 a...! '; Tl Dally Joaroal. 1 rtv.n., 8.U0 To Dally- Journal, wltk Sunday, 6 months. 75 Tus Dally JoarnaL, moot Us 8.oO Tba Dally Journal, wttfe Saoday, S months. l-M Ilia Dully Journal S aiaatlia I-JO Tua Dally Journal, with Monday, I aaoath.. M The Kali, par weak, dsllTered. Suaday ta- sloded .., ..... 48 Tba Dally, per. weak, delivered. Sunday - " cepted 10 . - - Tama ' ay stall. ' The Dally Joarnal, wltk Sunday, t yar....7 00 Tba' Daily Journal. 1 yaar.y .... 6.00 Tha Dally Jnarosl, with Suaday, gsoathe. S.76 - Tha Dally Journal, artalba. ........... l is ' Tba Dally Journal, wltk Sunday, xaoathe. 1.80 Too Dally Journal, months........ 1.40 Th Dally Journal, wltk Sunday, 1 meatb.. MS Tba Dally Journal. 1 month...., ... M Tha Sunder Journal, 1 mr " Tba Sunday Journal, moo tha. ............ IM ' Tha Semi-Weekly JeurtiL Tba Sersl-WeeHy Journal. I U 11 page eeeh luai. ulna ire ted. Coll msrkst re- fort., 1 year . 1.30 Rsmfttsaces should ba made by draft, posts! Bote, express orders aad email amount ara accepts Uls la- 1 aad S-eaat poatage etempe. THE JOUJUIaJ. i P. a Box 121. Port land. Oregon. . TIZU TKX JOVXMAX. MAX U rOOTIO. Tka Joamal eaa ba foaad oa aala at tba fnlloainaT placaas Busk iPaJia H. Bellar rV Q. W. m. M tntf rwT' CHic AUO-r oatoffiea Kawa aompaay; 'IT! Daai Horn atraet. DEN V IB, COLOBADO J. Black, Blxtaaata aad Curtla atraata. KANSAS CITY Taa. Roy Kawa coaipaay. -allNKRAPOLIS UTi. KaTaaaoca. M ioatb Third arraat. ' K' W I0RK CTTT Brantaao'a, TJaWia anaara. OMAHA Millard Hotal am ataadi Macaatk Htatloar-ry cmnnaay, IS08 raranai arraat. -ALT LAKB -CITY Kcayoa Hotal aawa at and! Barrow Braa., 43 Waat second atraat. Booth. ST. I.OUIS iTilllo Rodr. ' 61 Loeaat auwat; T. 111. and Ollra atiMt. AI rRANOlSCO W. I. Arrtlnf, Palara Hotal Mil atand aad 100K Markat atroat:' Gotd- . , amltk Braa., 2M Hat tea etreat and Saint rraorla hotel; Porter Orear. rerry balld- tnc; N. Wbeatley. movable new ataod, eor ner Market and Kearney atraata, SEATTI.B Rainier Oraad aewa atand) W. U Shanka. Hotel Aeattla newe ataad. SPOKANB, WASHINGTON Joha W. Orabaa flo..' Taooma. W A ftTTINOTON Central Kewa oa pan: Hotel Tarntna aewa atand. VICTOBIA. PdtlTIKH XLUMBIA Tlctorta Book a Stationery enannany. WEATHER REPORT. The dtarnrhanoe whir baa beea off Cape P lattery for tha la at Ml honra baa moved etlrhllr farther mlaad and haa derreaaed la eoerey. A maalmnm wind rehvlty of 82 aillee from tha nnrkhweat net aired- at North Head laat alrlit. Rain haa occurred irenerallr In Calimrnla. weat ern Oretroa and weetem Waahlnalnn. and Mailt now la reported la Nerada, eaeiera Orepoa. aoerern Waahkwtam end Idaho. - The- tndtraftone are for nnaetllr.1 w rat her In that dlatrlrt tonlrnt and Friday, wltk rain nr new. WedoJTnf Car (la. W. O. Smlfh Co.; Weak tnirtoa bide., cor. Fourth, and Waahlnctoa era. Mlaa Bertha Martin, roam 813 Allakp Md. Stamplnr and Sna aeedlaworky leaaoaa gleaa. BJTxkTrCW ClafXtXXT. -5 mafia craeee 110. Kamlly Ma 170 to tl afla. Tke only ermatory la Portland whlrn pr. petnallr malatalna aad earea for Iota. For rnd Information apply te W. B. Markenate Wali. cantor Mora. Jty. . W. M. tadd. praaldoat. -. ru oerai mraeiora and emhalmera. corner Third and afadlaoa atreeta. Offtca of coanty coroaer. Telepboaa Mala Si a m n.u. m. - ... , Donntnev kfcKntea Ollbaacaandertakera and emhalmera; modera la erecy detail. Senark and Plna. Mata 480, Lady am latent. Funeral wreathe and cat Sowera a apeeialtr at Boae City Creeohonee. T ntr aaooad and Kaat MorrmaV. oppmdta aamtarV: The Edward Holmaa TJadertaklof compear. IT ,m tun CUrta Braa. for flo ware. V Mnrrlaoa etreat. BOfW.ET. THS FIX) It I PT. 18d FIFTHTBSBT REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. ' H. B. Oearla and wlf to D. C. PeltDB. r--iirt,,hJnIk 10 Co addltwa.. $38,000 Lnieeraity Land company to A. O. . Temple, lot 4.-block ST, Cnlreralty " Park ........ ,i 4nn i- ooe. loii' Yd' . , ai9 61. Penlnaolar AddlUoa :. "fcn,4 ttt m I. 8. MrDanlel to C. L. Caae, eaat 'fto' IT lJ!.." bM '. Mur. ph'a addltios . 4 qoo William Sherlork company to C. Johneon. (.'... fractional lot 1, block . Sherlock add). tloa S 000 . E. Scott aad wife te NotUnaham" ' Second addltloa 1 O. . Hlhard to A. R. Mnaller. north 40 " feet off oortbH lota 5 and , block . J. Jotut'a Recnnd addllloa ........ 1 F, B. Dordy and wife to i. c. Atneworto. lot T. block W. Coach addition 1 Oak lumber company to 1. H. Bane. ... -f a, Nort 12, hortbera II I II addltloa B. J. WUUame to H. K. Roble. lot' XL block S. Center addltloa .....77. l Sm"r ". Kewklrk. lota S and , block 80, Pattoa'a Second; addlr t Ion . Ka-Frremen'a aakodatlon l F. 0. Bnirk' hardt, kd S. block W. fvmck addition.. F. O. Burckhardt and wire to O. Hort lot . black IW. roiirh addltloa. Oak Park land company to w. K. Wood et al.,. parcel land aortheeet corner '. Tract B Oak Park addition Ko. 2. R'al Fatata Inreator a aaaodatlon to B. M. Wehramot, hta 6, T and S, block T. Scllweod -. , B. K. Bcymcr et al. to T. M. Lyon, lot 1.800 M0 S.S00 ' a.soo B00 .800 t wwia vi a. nrara 2. l ira 1.000 W. H. rhambera et al. ta F. J. Steaer- i, .pea. lot a. Nock 2. Fraah'a Hanaro..., 1,800 A. Aaery to W. Frlherg. IUHI110 feat block BR. Klnc'a Reoond addltloa .... 8 600 . C. H. Avery and wife to V. A. Arerr, Cox loo feet, block 36,- Klnr a Second addrtloa ....v .....V7... " 6 B. Vandermeer and wife to 8. ftwengef! ,, Ma u, 20 and 21. block 81. Point View t - .B' Tandermeer- and wife, to Mra, W. B. . Swennel, lota Jft to 16. Ij look 81, Point E, aaWaVer'and' 'wlfi'to'k'.' Swen. .' i ' i. iota xz. -a and Z4, blork 81. Point w 1....i.av 1.,... oaa B. Va'l'tiur and wife to YM.-Perkeir ' ' " ". - il4w -I1M Wti" t VK't'T " a'.WTifl v company, lot 8, block T, Illyhland - Park 1 Inlted Statea to J. E. Wltt.n. ,122V. , aT-a aenlona t and 6, T and 8, town- ' alilp 1 amitk. ranee 2 eaat ... '.' ' nrtherd four, tli Inaeatment Trnat, - Ltd., as 14. 11. Brown, north 84 feet ' Jt 8. Eaat Varadlae Sprlnae ...... .LoAt) 3. F, Kerrlyan and wife to M. Koonla, ' ontb t rluuhle hlork W. wtjr 4.000 C. Heed to T. H. Brown, beglnnlng niilhvaat cwner aectlon IS. townahla . . ' 1 north, rati" 1 eaat. roda.... X t JT .S.. Bakci- to-i. McTrakea, Ma 1 4, Mock, 124, Concll ad.lltMi 16. (MX) w. Hrowa to . nentaooa, lota Id to 20. block d, Lanrelwood W, II. Moore et at. to J. P: Laldtaw, , Ua 8 and 4. blork 226. Holledar a ad ttltMl Title Uaarantea A Trnat company a ' - '. C. IMnc, Jot f. block IN, Holla. day Park t int addition .............. ('. Hlndlaub to A. W. Miller, lota 3f 4, K. I.l.k dti. Tremont 1. JU. Ptnllk 1" IJ Karroord. lot J V block. rt.1, Piiiiuralde Third atl'UII J. ft, Kennedy and wifa to F. S. Mj-era, Id 8. bert 4. dly K.a-thern I entitled- InTearmeat Trnat.. 1 I. Id., to 1. llrth. parcel land keainnlnf . rt Mnc Slaik. 64 fert aonlh of ancth. eaat eornrr tdorh 14. 8. Uoffla'a addl ' ttoa ; .t. ..... r. : .- . rt r. Bredlee to C. B.'1'raaa. lot 11, Merk 12. ivtnt Vl-W .,.....'..'.... J ... and ee4-M Jw-Jknyjoav, ad . block IT. kenllwatUi ........ , 425 8,300 .623 200 8,000 X.TS0 .100 73 4 ' ' INTEREST " AVING:BAMI r:'r!:.::r: OF 4 t ' v-' Tl;TiOe,Giomtcc ,..A;;Tnist'Cim Pavs 4 Dr cent on Certificates of JJcposit. fty 3 per cent interest on daily balances of deposit accounts. subject to check. . '; Banking hours ...... a. m. to 4 p. m. Saturday!.,.,. 9 a. m. to 1 p.m. Saturday evenings.. . ... .5 to 8 o'clock ' DIRECTORS : ' - -VV. M. Ladd. J. Thorburn Ross. T, T. Burkhart Frank M. Warren. Georsre H. Hill. 240 WashiiDitcn Street ' ' Corner Second." " PORTLAND, OREGON. : For mora' rti'fnra thai can hd ttated hefa. . tor aoca a compaay aa tha Nortliwesteni:: Hattal i-Li: Hoaeat, clean, conacrratlre. atmnc and . proareaalre: for offleera who have al .wave reaFlaed they ara pot nroprletora. but truaieea only, and bare alwaya ba trna to their trnat; FOR POLICY HOLD - EKS WHO ARM SATIMFIFD; for tha beat and moat loral annta la the atate: , for tha confldeaca of tha public; fur November now boalneaa. which la more than doable oar new boalneaa- of laat ; November. and for the - proapect of a Die aiielneaa , la , Deeemtter. t S.;T.:lockwoo!! k Soh;,-:' GENERAL AOEXTS, t 'C0XC0BD BLDG., POBTLASD. OB, Another Hcmeseekers' Excur- 7 : slcn to Hoyer. r: : Thd" NEW TOWN on thd new railroad now bulldlnr ud the north I bank of the Columbia, located In the bdat and earll ent tmn of tha famoua YAKIM A-KKN- XRW1CK Tallcya, Irrigated by the beat nitcn in wnaninirton. jmkw town, NEW RAILKOAO. NEW STEAMER LINE. NEW CHUJCE TO GET IN ON THE uKOUNH KIXKIR. Come and have talk with Mr. Arle Hover, vice-president of the Hover Land Company, the company that own HOVER and KEN NEW1CK. Wash.- Bis Induoementa-ts early aettlera. , Fpeclnl railroad rates to aee HUVtK. f ree iiteraenrerand In formation at ltZffilirtav atreet, corner Waahlnston, Portland, branch office Hover Land Company. Beady te oeeapr without delay, Tha moat beantlfal and artlatle property oa Portland neianta, ima. nniaira o noni, nwai beaatlfolly furnlabed, with flreplarea, fnrnace and all modern onovenlencaa. Tha property la a fall quarter block and haa a northerly view, which la Bee. Tha bonae haa beea bnllt at a etoee nr. ore and wa offer It at coat aad apos favorable terma. Portlansl Trust Company of Oregon S. B. COB. Till ED AND OAK STS. : Lots'' 50x100 Feet Eacii Hlhemla Savlnfa Bank, owner, will aell with it reaerre. a limited number of choice and deelrable Ma oa the earllae for 836 each. Title CTfect. For partlcolara Inquire at room 806 rKay bldf.. Third and Stark atreeta. Any paraoa will bay tbeae lota oa alfht. EASTERN DENTIST Would tike to boy out a Portland dentlet who haa a (nod Joeetloa. Write full partlcolara aad terma te a. cat REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. M. N. Bice tnd bnahand to W. J. Waltera. lot 3, block IS, Holladay Park addltloa 8,600 H. S. Rowe and wife to B. Carrleo. north Iota 11 and 13. blork X, unwood ... 200 B. Boakowlta et al. to L. Brcake, aonlh weet corner block en, couch addition. let roar I nan ranee aad ahatracta te- real at t from the Tit la Oaaraoteo at Trnat any, 840 Waablnatoe etreat. corner Seeeed. NOTICE. PROPOSALS FOR C1XJTHINO AND.FQUIP- ADE. Depot Quartermaater a Office, 80 ww Montromcry at.. San Francleco, Cat., Nov. 24. 1906. Sealed propneala, In triplicate, aiih lect ta the naoal condltlona, will ba-,recelved here until 10 o'clock a. m.. December 4, 1906, and then opened, for furnlahinf and dellverlnf a I cither the Saa Franclaco, Boetoe, New York. Philadelphia. Ch)cae or St. Lottie depnta of tha quartermaater'a department, V. 8. Army, 16.000 palra roaaet ahoea, old pat tern. Tha right (a reeerved to reject or accept any or all propnaale or . auy part . thereof. Preference will be 1ven to artfclee of domeatic mannfaciura. condltlona of anal- - Ity and price (Including In the price of for eign product lone or manntacturea ine amy thereon) belnd equal. Standard aamplea can be and blaak for propoaal and ftrtl Information will ba furnlahed upon appllra- etoa to thla office. . Eavelopea conulnlng pro pnaale to he Indorsed., Prnpoaala for Cloth- '- Ing. No. 10.310, to he opened at 10 o'clock - a. m., December 4. 11103." C A. Davot, Depot Quartermaater, C. S. Army. NOTICE TO PRESENT CLAIMS Notice la here. by (Ivra that . A. Bnnrte or Arlington. Ore gon, baa tranaferred to the onderelgned all of bla property, aa trnatee, for Ihe ben-flt of all of hla credltora pro rata, according to tha ' amount of tbelr reaiiectlva clalma. All per aoaa having clalma agaloat aald C. A. Sharta ara hereby notified tef-preeent ' the aame to the uudrraigned at Ma office la Ihe Oregon Sevlnga bank. No. 821 Morrleoa atreet. In the ' city of Portland. Oregon, duly verified, within throe montba from the date hereof. WALTER H. MOORK. Troetee. 'Portland. Oregoa. October 12, 1006. NOTICE TO PRESENT CLAIMS Notice la here by given that Hhnrle A Weir com pane of- Ar ' llnaton. Oregon, haa tranaferred to the under. algned alt of lie property aa trtatee. for the beuafU-of all of ltaxredltora pre rata accord. Ing 4. the amotint of tu-lr reeperiiva clalma. All neraona bavltlg clalma agalnat aald cor pora tMi ara hereby notified te preeent the aame to the anderalgned at bla office In the nrrgoa saving! ban, no. nzi Monieoa arreer. In the Tdty off Portland. Oregon, duly verified, wltbla three montha from the date 1 ereeff . . WALTER H. WOORB. TraateeTt Portland. Oregon. October 12. 1006. HJBJfcEV Cam dew end ate ew poartry-fie-4 MEETING NOTICES. WEBFOOT CAMP, No. , wooameu oa ma Meeta every Friday night at W. o. w. aau, and Waablngtoa atreeta. Bafreahmenta will ba arrved. All vtaltlng aalga bora welcome. M. T. WOODWARD. O. . A. L.TUBBCB, Clerk. 21 Third Street. ANCIENT ORDER CMTKD WORKMKS- Memhera of I -or 1 una louge c.. -queeted to attend lodge Friday Bight, De cember 1, at which time yoa are to elect jrout office -Xl "c?T. Vpi-toITeR. ' At teat' ' Maater , Wutkmaa. T. H. FEARBT. Recorder. B. P. O. ELKS Tha eiembera of . Portland lodge No. 142, B. r. o. Kit, era aoreoy noti fied that tba regular aeaaloa of the lodge will not ba held eu Ttmreday evening, No vember 80. 1HS' tThankaglvingdayl. By order ef the lodge. JUJiN b. COKFET. Secretary. LOST AND FOUND. STRAYF.D flrey horae. welgha about 1,076, with left ear aplll at end; aaia norea naa part of iarneea when found at 2T8 Front at on Nov. 27. Call for him there. ,- LOST Brtweea Waablngtoa and Alder oa Flrat at., a gold loci ex ana cdbib ninn - 1. e. R.'; pbotographa ancloaed. Reward If re turned to Mlaa Webb, Olda A Kins, accommo dation deak. - on a white Rnallah aetter dog. with eare. Return to son nacona at. newara. LOST Gold chela bracelet with netting; re ward. Telephone Mam "iu. aai niiin . HELP WANTED MALE. 820 TO Sod per week aaally made aelllng alnk ana aecinenc oenenta jot unwm aautnai me Aaa'a., 706 Marqaam bldg. seci'rb a noon POSITION. Wa aaalat competent offlce men. bookkgtpera, 'Btenographera. caahlera. Collectnra. bill clrrka, Snera clerical, technical, commercial men. oalneaa Men'a Clearing Ilouae, 110 Second. MEN and horn wanted to earn 86 day, after S montba' ina traction, poaiuoa- guaranieeo; apeeial raltlon kalf price, a few dare only. Coyne Brno. Co. Plumbing Schonle. New York. Clnclnnall, O., St. Louie, Mo. Free catalogue. WANTED Puplla to learn telegraphy; grewlug demand Tor opera tore; pnaitiona aecurea grna aatee. 43 14 Third at., room S. after p. m WANTED Clerka and wlndow-dreaaera ta atndy ehow-card writing at Z. M. o. A. aigni acbonl; paraooaJ lnatractloa. . Apply tor par. ticuiara. Portland Barber College. Trtttlon reaaonabla aa any achooi en coaat. sot riaaaara at MEN WANTED 100 man te get rooma and hoard at Oolrlea Waat. Be Ten IB ana , reran; iBvaatlgaU; It will pay yoa. FRE B Waterproof ah me with every pair half aww-a; 11 onm --,, , j v. , aaenU wanted. 2H6 Bnrneldo at. WANTED 'Man to do concrete and excavation. Inqalre SOB roar t a. WEEKLY guarantee and permanent Income to good agenta: beet aelllng noiiciea oa mar act. I'nloa Mutual Aid Aaa'a, 706 Marqnam bldg. WANTJVarpaoter or contractor to build honae in erchange ror property. qoreaa n. it, care JoarnaL MAN and wife wtah to take care of lodging- bonae; eiponencee; man nanay wiu tonil and paint: aalary or eommlaakm. . K 11, care JournaL . - WHAT la the Red X Croat Dyapenearyl At 40 jniru, rurnrr j.a. .1 WANTED Advertlelng enltrltor; beat propoal tloa la city. I47Vk Front at. FIRST-CLAXS woodturner at Portland Saab A Done-Co., HO Front. WANTED A reliable man of good Branding and ability- to Inveat I2S0 In aa honorable and Tegltlmate boalneaa: guarantee 'Jr week; thla la no grart; iz yon wani to ntaae emwr. Inveatlgate thla. Call at once. 103M, 4th at. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 343 H Waahlng- ton at., cor. Seventh, upetaira. t Dose Main 21B2. Female help wanted, : WANTED Good girl who cea be depended upon for light nouaekeepmg: gooa aomo lor nut party. Phona East 1666. , WOMAN, over 26. energetic, reliable, to take charge of a Vlavl office. Call or addreea room 23, Leorla bldg. . - PORTIND SEWIN0 SCHOOL Fashionable dreeamaking. ziih Mornaoa at., corner ain, room 0. Hjatem taught. WANTED Experienced aalealadtea for cloak and suit bouse, can Between ana ju inarsaay morning, zss waaningtoa at. WANTED Girl a boat IS aa aaras for child aad some second work. Apply rriaay roora- Ing 2U2 King at. 1 HOME and good achooi prlvllegea given a gent rlrl, VI to in. la aicnange ror oeip even nga and Satardaya. Addreea or call oa Mrs. Mattle Stone,. Leata, Oregoa. WANTED Lady hrpnotle subject to travel with mntlemaa lecturer ana aemonerraror: at a re where roq eaa ba seen. Addreea K 13, care of journal. ' MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTRD-Immedlatelr, 8 mea or women to do caavaaalng. CaU up Eaat 637! good propoal tloa. WANTED At ones, a height, energetic, pre. eon tab la man or wo ma a. a gooa uiaer. 10 take op aa attractive propoal t Ion. Inquire 7&I CBamner of imnmerro, v a. aa. WANTED 8 good agenta, aalary or commission. Call room , Labba BMg. HELP wanted and supplied, mala or female. It. O. Drake. waaningtoa ac Biaca inos. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. WANTED Janitor work for Sunday afternoons only. Address KM Koaney a vs. BOOKKEEPER, yoang man. thoroughly compe tent, with 10 yea re experience, dealree pose tkm j. AAtlreee n, i, care 01 Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE WANTED By yoang lady, position ss stenogra pher, halt oay; eiperieocea. f. u. boi im. city. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. . HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICB. FOB MEN. V tS N. -Second at. Phone Mala 182. PACITIC Cnaat Bmp. Co.-Rellable ampVtynMnt ageata 13V N. 2d at. Phona Mala 0070. - JAPANESE-CHINESE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. Henry Tahara, 307 Everait at. raoae re el Be 640. ' BIO FOCR BMP. AGENCY Help mpplled free. 18 Second at Phone Main 1016, NATIONAL Emntnyment and fcsbor A gene. 812 Plna at. Pbooa Main iju. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN EMPLOYMENT Co.. a Nortli Second; rnrnianea all ainoa env ployment for men and women. Mala .Kris. THB Portland Employment Co., 206 H M t. Phone paeine ga. Usasj WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Agents; something aew; good aellar, big wages, vn Mccay oiog. AGENTS wanted, to aejl nursery tor new and complete outfit fomlabea tree; eseh weekly, (spital . city ri unary eompaay, Salem, Oregon, A W1NNEB for agenta Tleallh and accident rneitraoce on popnlar monthly paymenta. For , liberal terma, addreea O. A. Lyman, mana- tee, rvmttnental Casuatrr -Co.,- N. Wr Dept.! W Mohawk bldg., Portland, Oregoa. AaEWTB-wsatedt- sesiethlng new-parllcnUrA WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED A kome ef Y rooma, eaey walking dlatance, value not more inaa o.wu; pay 6,(aa cask aad balance oa reasons tile terma. F.'Fochs. 14vi Flrat aC WANTE1V To hoy from one- te tea scree of lana oa or near orriva nj cwumi m. m. Oelser. 221 Vi Morrleoa at. v . : ' r mvr bor.ra waiting to hear of amall In or sear' Portland, any dlrecttos; If yoo are ready to aeU. addreea F 3, care JournaL UST YOCB LANDS WITH US FOR QUICK Brm'RNS. FARM LANDS A 8PEC1ALTK. ORBOO BROS., 317-818 FENTON BLDO. WANTED To bay or lease a building lot close Is. MePberaan. Ollmsa hotel. Flrat aad Alder. WANTED Lot close In. alas amall farms; bare coatomera. 208 Fourth at. WANTED T er, S-rooa bonae oa eaat aide and vacaac reaiaenm e on wwi vv Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Acreage near carllnee; have plenty buyers. F. Fucbs, 140H tint at. - WANTED Corner lot. west aide. la good loca tion ; aave eaan oarer, e. rums, iw- r -.. WANTED-1-T0 RENT. WE want deelrable booses and. flata. all parte of tha city: have high-claaa cllenta waiting: rente collected, property eared for. THE CONTINENTAL COMPANY. 248 Stark at. Pbobb Mala 1876. WANTED To rent farm, 15 or 20 acres, neer city; honae aad bars. M. G. Morgan. 7 rVltlwaukle at. ( WANTED 8 rooma fomtehed for noasekoenlnx: maat he clean and reasonable; tor 6 adults. P. O. ho 1. city. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. SEE the Lewie and Clark fair at hornet eend 40c la atampa for bandaomo photo book, nearly 200 photos of fair. TVixhH Inches. Weatera View Book Co.. Portland.- Bob 804. PAINTINO. -spraying and whitewashing trees, basements, barns, docks, etc. ; largest gaaollna apraylng outfit oa the coast. M. O. Morgan Si Co., 870 MMwaukle at. Pbooa Eaat 26.17. STAPLES. THB JEWELER, BOYS OLD GOLD . AND SILVER, BIOHEST caah price paid for hottlee and junk of every dtvcriptlon. Portland Bottle Saoply Co.. SB1 Nortk Eighteenth. Phona Mala 2238. F. J. BYDER. printer. Second aad Waehlngtea eta. Phons Mala S630. . WHO IS M. O i. MORGAN T. Sr"tXR CO. t WE WILL BUY. IX OR TRADE ANT OLD TTTINIJ. WUVTEBN HAI.VAIIB Vtl OXI 620 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC TOS. wiS'Trn 1400 cedar nolee. Apply to O, t, Brown.' chief engineer Oregon Water Power at Railway UB., rirat ana Aiaer am., run land. Oregoa.' HKiHBST CASH PRICE PAID for furniture tn sny quantity; also take aame on eommlaama and guarantee near remits. -ins r ori 1.0.1 Auct'oB Rooma. A. Schabach, prop., til Flrat at. Pbooa Main' 6666. WE want to hoy-r goojj. .typewriter; aroet be g bargain. 2 Second at. WANTED Wa want to buy a second-hand btinri It muat he a bargain. Standard Coffee A Spice Mills. 200 Second at. LADY going eaat ' wants chesp ticket st once. Phone Msln 1876, or addreea K 8. Journal. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THB KINO 800 Jefferson at., new balldtna. handsomely rumlahed. wltk every moosra con venience; all ontatde rooms, with beat, gaa cr electric lights, porcelain hatha; rates from 68 to 318 per month; special rates to 2 or more pcreona. , THB HAM ANN, 186 N. ISth.. cor.. Hort Newly furnlabed rooms. 81.60 np: convenient locettos. . 16. minutes' walk to fair, grounda; Morrleoa car at anloa depot direct te bouse, mono 470. THB HTJR, 05 Eleventh at., cor. Stark New roomlng-boase. newly rarnieBea, atesm nesc gas light snd baths; closs to basloesa sec tion.' 1 block from esrllue; all the comforts of a home; everything np te date. Mrs. P. A. Clsacy, prop. , WEIiL fnrnlahsd rooma hoard: good locatlont car service. 401 Tsotb St. Phone Pacific - bflS. . ' 1 - HOTEL PALMER. Centrally located at the corner of Alder and rark eta.; ateam neat, not ana eoio water, free porcelain hatha; rooma 60s, T6e aad 81 1 special weekly rates. MARQT'AM HOCSE. 146V, 6th Rooms en suits or single; housekeeping-rooms; gss stoves, bath, electric lights; tranalrnta solicited. CFIEAPECT aad heat located rooma la Portland. 81 aad up. Oilman, , Flrat and Alder eta. BEAUTIFUL front salta snd 8 other desirable . fnmlebed rooma la modera boms ef private family; phone, bath, furnace heat, walking alliance, oou anuria at, raoas rsctaa aio. FURNISHED rooma, alngle or en suite, 8 Be . month snd np. Hotel rslrmoant, Tweaty alitb and TJpehar and Yaagha ata. NICELY farnlahad rooma at nvoderate prices for rent m largs private honaa. close la. uau ai aat lento at, nesr aiaer. ' . FRONT parlor for gen tie ma a of refinement who . wianea room Dear tka oenter 01 city, obj Kverstt St. , EOTEL MONABCn. 8r RUrk et.; transients so liclteo); prices reaaonabla. Phone racine wo. THB GRAND Newly furnlabed room by the weeg or month. ZS3di uraoa are. ONE er two rooma. lovely home, reaeonable . breskfsat If wanted: could he arranged for housekeeping. Phone Eaat 2336 mornings or eveninga. HOTEL NORTHERN Single rooma. rooma and board, and rooma for housekeeping: 810 per montn up. iztn ana Msrsnsu eta. aiain l-o NICB rooms, reaaonabla. RT3 Aider, opposite Arllnatnat eTmh U.l SOSS I THE BENNETT. 861H Morrison Furnlabed rooms, ooe per day, f3.60 per week aod a p. THE DORMER. Thirteenth and Jeffersoa Ele gantly furnlahed rooma, modera brick, steam near. Da in; reasoasois. Main osco. THE BEI.LBY1IB. 2131, Fourth et. Neatly furnlabed rooma; electric lights, porcelain hatha; very low ratea by weak or month. - noon 7ui. , . - CLOSE In, snap to right party, nice front room, nay wtnaow ana alcove, ano laraaiu 848 MONTGOMERY St., tel. Maid 6183 Modern large front room with grate, to deelrable tenant or tenants; gentleman preferred. THE OTIS. Best Bnrnalde at. and I'nlnn are. Newly furnlahed rooma facing south: prices reaeoaanie; eiecrricity, ostn ana pnone rrea. THE RICHELIEtT, 8314 NORTH S1ETTI ST. ..ELEGANT FIRNIMHED. ROOMS; STEAM lir.Al AM n.vl tin. LARGE nicely fnrnlehed room, hath: half block rroia car line: s.rar montn oil Hodney are " nearJttteeell at. it FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING FOR BENT Furnlahed houeekeefitng-rootne . is beet prick block aa eaat side; gas ranges. . hath, etc.; no tranafentai nrlcss moderate. Logaa blk.. los I'nloa ars., corner East Aider. 1 none bbsi an-a. , THB MITCHELL: Flanders snd Seventh Booms. housekeeping and transient; convenient! prices reaeonaoie. --"' HOUSEKEEPING-ROOMS Very reaeonable; . electric light and phone Included. 801 Va water at. - , THE GLADSTONE 612H Savler at., furnlahed rooma; under new management; prices rea sonable. 8LTS PER - WEEK Larger el ft I Tnratohed hoaaekeeplng -rooma; laundry and bath, .dad Sherman, South Portland. HAVE your rooma papered and painted, Call Bp Bast SHU. S3.C0. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, modern and reaeoa able. Telephone t)2. 666 Flflh sL tNfON block. Flrat and Stark 4 b1ue.rwDluTeIB.- 34 r " wvakv farnlebed FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING 8 FURNISHED hoaaekeeplng rooms, ni phona, 6 per month. Sod Bevsaih at. FOB BENT Furnished light aoaaakaaplnt room. kmi I'erla at. - v FOR RENT 8 anniralahed rooma a pa ta Ira for iirnc Bouaeaeepiug. an noon at,, sear Mlaelsalppl are. ROOMS AND BOARD. BOOM AND BOARD ' . FOR ONE. Boom with board 622.60. for one, or 820 each for two; without board, 88 and 810 per month; references. 48 Esst Ninth St., north. THB COMMERCIAL Select family hotel; nicely furnished; Mngls er aa enne; tanie flrat elaas; free balha; steam beat; ratea reaeoSable. . 4S8 Waablngtoa at. ' FIRST-CLASS rooma and hoard for permanent people, 322.50 and 826 per month; table board 84 per week. Aator house, Ttb and MadlaoB ata. Phone Mala 6231. . BOOMS with hoard for permanent tenanta. reaeonable; nrat-ciasa noma cooaing. so. Sixth St. LENOX BESTAUBANT. 90S Salmon; board ami mom; modern brick mag. LINDELL HOTEL, Fourth gnd Market New ttrlck, elegantly hirnlabed, modera through---eut; rates reaaoBable. , FRONT rooms, modern, close In; select hoard) home cooking ; 846 couple, t none main jf-a,n. THB MAN1TOU, 261 13th at- Handsomely fm , nlahed rooms aad aultee; ateam neat, una hatha, abundant hot water; excellent table and service. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. HOTEL FAIBM0UNT. North Twenty-elirn at., froi m C pah or te . . .. Yaagha. Rooms furnished and anfarntshad. single and ea suite, fl pep woak aad aa. -.A permaaeat modern batldlBg. plaetered aad lth bathrooBis snd modera plumbing. ; PIPED FOB GAB FOB COOKINO 1 , ALL 0CTSIDB BOOMS. ' FOR RENT HOUSES." FOR RENT 84 Sacramento at., S-mom bonae ; gas, bath, window nhades, fine yards, freshly rapered. scrupulously Clean; 818. Phone East 817. Key next door. -BOOM hoase. errlctly modern, well nested, eaat aide. Call 420 Commercial bldg. Houses For Rent. Bents CMleeted. EDWARD L, HTNSON. Room I Hamlltoa bldg. Pboaa Black 8108. $18 MODEBN 6-room cottage, nice location; yara. ostn)- east &nseny, 603 Nelaoo. Dr. Darling. - , HOUSE, 267 Jtorth Twentieth, T rooma, porce Ista hath, furnace, cement baaeaient. B. L 01 lean. 420 Chamber of Commerce. 10 HOUSES, large sad amall, modern and otuerwlss. SS to 616; nesr car; electric lights, school, etc. Also ba re-etna for Investmeui. Improved or unimproved. Home I .and Co. University Park. Phone Bast 670 toffies), er Scott 129S (residence). NEW t-roora bonae and quarter Mock, Hancock snd Beat Twenty-sixth sts. $.17.60. B. M. 1 Lombard. 814 Chamber of Commerce. FOB RENT 8 new t-room hoosaa, fall baee. menta, bath. 462 North Eighth. Phona Eaat 1780. ' . AFTER December 1. 8-ronra hoaee. No. dot Broadway, $20 Inquire 236 waablngtoa at. FOR R E NT 1 1 -room honae on WMUame jva, and Beach at., close to esrllne. Inquire 771 Wllllame are. T-ROOM furnlahed honae for rent. 800 Seventh St., aear Colombia. Phone Union 6646. A 8 ROOM cottage, 8 acres of land. 1 blocks from ear line, raoae umoa 4034. 6-ROOM cottage, furnlahed. or es t honaekeep Ine suites: water, both sod nbooe. S33 Mont. gomery. FOR RENT FLATS. $10ROOM nst Ke'w'Nelf roeeryT Hood snd Grsnf. . - FOR RENT---OFFICE ROOMS. OFFICES, unfurnlahed. aod ee is pie-rooms; ahm hall 60x20, . Goodnoagb bldg. .Apply at the e leva tor. OFFICB and deak room for rent; also room suit sble for small club or lodge meetings. Boom 8. 00 Sixth St. . CENTS ALLY located office-rooms, with phone. light and neat. WIM per moats. aw L, Cats, 118 Secosd St. FOB BENT Desk room and everything ftrr- nlahed. B. S. Jackson a: 10. zed stark at. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI. TURE FOR SALE. 4-ROOM 8at 403 Morrison st.; fnrnllure for sale at great reduction; leaving city. Call aad Inspect. u ' FOB best results on "FUBNITTTBK1 Whether to buy or sell, ring op Vain 6668, P0BTLAND AUCTION ROOMS. 211 First St.' FOR RENT FARMS. FARM. FOR BENT 240-scre flret-claea datrf Tarinw leaaa. aioca sun implements ror ssw. Apply to The Dunn Lawrence Co., 14BV4 First at. SSO-ACRB dairy ranch for rent, stock for sals. Call or address 2RRV, Second at. FOR RENT-e MISCELLANEOUS. FOR RENT About January 1. 2-etory brick building 100x100.' Bortheast ror. Third aad Madiaoa; win remoari aaa leeae wsoia or art to aeairanie parties, apply to aw 1. ax, Ne. f Flrat St., room 10. ' FOR BENT Hot hones, 8.000 feet of glass, hot - vele nlaat- -nm X ear llnae' fine Lieellin with or wlthoat a-room hones: plenty of ground; will best Inepectjoo. Address K 6, , 1 n,ei u FOR RENT New Weber piano: cheap to da- . slrsbis party, eirc mark, or wit renton bldg. FOB RENT S-atnry Warrhonee. 100x100. oa trackage, northwest cor. Fourth and Hoyt. ' Apply J. N. Teal, 814 Worcester blk. Mala Bon. " " BUSINESS CHANCES. WE. the anderalgned furniture and Diana mov era, will require the payment of all ebara -anon delivery or gonna, arter uec. 1 iuoij. H. B. Haak. C. F.' Harder. 0. F. Hoaaey, Cfiagrnve Rros., Portlaml Delivery Co Poat Special Delivery Co., package Delivery Co.. ITolman Transfer Co., Northwestern Tranafer 'o Oregon Auto iiesnatcB t,., J0110 Hauui ton. Jamea McLlnden, Owea McLlndea, PscTflc Transfer Co.. Oregon Tranafer Co.. Portland Van A StorageCo., Wakeman-Morae Tranafer Co., Eaat side Trans rer t-o., c O. Preg Trane fer A Storage Co., O. M. Olaen. Baggage A umaions -iranaTev te a. e. Murpuy. rOR SALE- Cigar . tobacco, news and hllllard- . hall: boelneas doing $1,400 a month; Invoice atoCB snn nTrnres. anonc sa.taai. aaareas C. K. DeNefre, Sampler, Oregoa. .. FOB SALB Bnltermllk ' mate, horae, harness and wagon, cheep. Address 363 North Twcn tr-secoTUt al, ; BUSINESS CHANCES. NOTICE TO BUYERS AND SELLERS OF ; , BOOMING HOUSES. , REMEMBER, this efSce does aot PClt - CHASE roomlug-houaes, , discouraging owners by telling them there la no market, and thsreby baying the boose st a BARGAIN and tbea putting It ea Ihe market at a BIG ADVANCE. , We give a BUYER the benefit -of any , BARGAIN we know, of, aad charge only a ' moderate eouimlealon to tha BsXLEB, We employ no "DUMMIES," WE PROTECT BUYER ' AS WELL AS SELLER AND ACT ; STRICTLY . . AS AGENTS. ' If yoa want FAIR DEALINGS and NO MISREPRESENTATIONS, yoa will get U la thla ofgee. Watch our ada. , PORTLAND BKAL ERTATB AGENCY. Rooma 1 aad 2. 1334 Fifth at., cor. Alder. Phone Main 6118. WANTED Partner, to take half Interest la book on "Life's Finer Forces." Just publlahed, . to travel with author, who will lecture, teach claaaea aud aell hooka: amall capital required; lady pre furred. Address K 13, cars Journal. PARTNER wanted ta good real aetata office; amall Investment required. Apply scuvh saur rlaoo, cor. First, room 6. WHO IS hi. G. MORGAN A CO. A SHOOTING gallery doing a fair boalneaa; . rent rraeo uahle. A ana p. Fruit confectionery, cigar ataad; a bargain at $176. A good restaurant oa Bums! del a bargain, $8110; call early. - Clgara. coufecttoaery, fruit tores, well lo cated; call for pricee. . - 60 acrea land, all cleared, with etreetear lino through It. cloao In. very drelrehle fcc acreage property, $2ii0 per acre, easy terma; fir at -Clara land: a bargain; call early. . NATIONAL BBALTY CO., .. . .. 812 Pine at. NOTICE The office of tlie Northwest.' land Co. hss removed from room ill aiiasy dkik. to room M Ooodnough bldg., on Fifth at., opposite the poetoffh-e. where we will be glad to meet all eld patrons, alao new ones. AnJ one looking for anything la toe real eataia Una will do well to aee ee and mok ever our Hat before buying. .George W. Turner, manager. , - CONTINUED llmeea eompala me te aell er ex change fumlehlnga and boalneaa ef heat S3- room aotei in roriiana; vwoirai whiiw, . -- 111 mJk IIJU. A RESTAURANT oa Sixth at. doing a good baalnesa, alao one oa Barnetde at; both are bargalna. $12 Plna St.. National Baal Ea- ' tats Oa. SALOON doing buatneee ef $36 per day, fins location, very cheap rent; It clears $300 per month: will eelf at $1,260. . Address B 46. JoarnaL- FOR SALE Oa aeronot ef sickness, nice, clesn, moaey-maklng business ea eest aide; sales . from $16 to $36 per day; price $1.40Q, or will Invoice; aa agenta wasted. G 60. care Journal. FOB SALE 16 room lodging houee, chesp and easy terma. Inquire at 107 Ve Fourth at. WANTED Torn? buelnesa to sell: we aeU all klnda property. 2H3 Bnrnalde at. - BLACKSMITH SHOP doing good bualoeaa past 12 years. rn supplr of tools, quantity of ' Iroa end coal, dwelUng-hoaee. bearing frail trees, chicken-hones. 2 psesenger-hoatsr car - e era lee each dav, 8 mlnutee' walk te each place; all for $200 if taken anna. Apply ta Thorn psoa Foster, Bldyeneld. Weahlngtos, , FOB SALE Beat paying stork dry goods, cloth ing, ate. good valley town; sell all er pert; good tehee: Invoice a boot $12,000. If yoa mean bualnees. addreea Harrta, care of JoarnaL EDITOB would Ilka teaee oa Bond aewapaper Slant with option to boy. Address J T, care ooroaL FOB BENT A very dealrabla location for res taurant or lunch coaster, pertly furnlahed: a anap for right party. 02 KiUlngsworth ava. JAMES W. GREEN 30 years' experience ta well-boring baalnesa la snd shout Portlaml: beet of references. 800 Vancouver ava. East 2062. $600 INVESTED will -make several thousand dollars; safe and legitimate baalnesa; only ordinary risks. P. O. box 1H8. city. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. IH ACRES on -WTberg lane: all cleared and fenced, no gravel, old bonae, plenty hearing orchard. 61.830; all or half caah. Beautiful corner lot 8.1x70, oa which la a good large and modern 6-room honae (costing ever 84,000) and a 6-room modera bouse; la central residence dletrtct, Eaat Portland; rent of both bouses 836. Price 66.400. 2 or 8 half kits. East Portland, closs In. sufficient -to build 6 or s-roora cottage; abort walking dlatance to weat aide; coot of U lot aod auch bouee limit $2,600 or leas, 8 urge modern bonaes snd. 73x100, Similarly located, rent . 310.600. $2. 2W) Corner lot and S-mom new modern cottage, full basement, rooma large, arrange , xoent eoovenlenr; Hawthorne'! Flrat addltloa; ternvJ. CULVER. 823 Chamber ef Commerce, , , NASHVILLE ADDITION la tha only Portland sddltlon where yon can get Jnat what mi want; all ready to move Into, all plaetered. ' large lota, picket fences, full haeementa; 8-room cnttagea, $330; 4-rnom cottages, 6500; 6-room cnttagea, 8760; also 6. T and 8 room bouses already built, and en oa: 860 down and $10 per month; alee one hi ere tract for '$450; building lota. $76: Sunder or any other day. Sea the owner la the big while honae at Naahvllle ata lion, on Mt. Scott earllae; remember, 6 already bnllt. dieonunt for caah. THANKSGIVING. . Young folks eeated around the table, cele bvattng Thanksgiving today, shoo Id make-np 'their minds to enjoy this dsy more snd more every year. By buying a lot near Hawthorns are. for $.175. paring $10 cash and $10 every month, yon force yourself Into thrift and economy, and la time you will be glad to have the foundation of a good home la a alee neighborhood. . . F. FUCnS, 140 V, Flrat at. . FOB SALB at a bargain, modern T-room bone on Eaat Taylor, close In; terms te suit purchaser. Apply F 42. care Journal. FOB SALB 8 6-room cottagea oa eaat aide; he cement and yard, hot and cold water, both I price $1,800. Address O 40, JoarnaL A 8 STORY brick building. 100x100. ea Eaat elds; will psy S per cent net en 810000; Erlce 826.000: eaa give terma. Addreea B 1. care Journal. SUBURBAN home of 4 large lota, good bonae and barna. ahade and fruit trees, and all klnda of shrubbery, I block ef carllne and achooi. This place la tha cheapest buy In Portland, aa owner la leaving city. 833 Broad St., Alonla- ' vl Us. THIS la away ahead of paving rent. Have 4 modern cnttagea. east side, good locations; terms, 160 to 3400 down, balance eaay par menta W. J. Day. lOSt, Fourth at., room 88) BRANp-NEW "6-room cottage on Dtvielnn St., with bath, basement and porch; lot 60x100; only 81,330; anap for amall family: esay terms. Tyson Klnsell, 603 Commercial blk. Main 2R2. FOR SALB Cheap, sightly rntsv-rmss In, Alblna Inquire owner. BRS Market at. n. Lower FOR SALB 6-ronm cottage. 6 lota, all klnda of fruit, berries, ftM anil, good water) 20 mm- ' ntea' walk to car line. 10 to Southern Pacific, 12 ml lee from Portland. See owner, S. Draper, 838 Waablngtoa at, dry. TWO fine lota, 100x100, corner; good view of enow monntstnsf chesp. Also nsw modern ' furnished 6-room bouee, barn. Esst 428, or Msln 1418. IOB SALE Modern suburban cottage, close ta carllne. Sua location, ground 1 001 100. O. W, P. Towttelte Co., 134 Flrat at. SELL Wood LOTS, $6 down and $3 a month; from $76 to $200. Sell wood Townilte Co. rhoaa Esst 4T04 . ' ' LOTS, arrears and residences ea Portland Heights. J. C Shofner, 8A6 Yamhill, ear. Park A GOOD corner, qrterter block, neer Norther, ' pacing terailrrsty good- Income pi nieii 1 1. Cell early. 812 Pine at. National Real Estate Co. WAGNER A PETTT. ttrl Commercial bib., have soms of the beet buys la tha city. Bee them ' before baying and be convinced. $ ACRES very fine lend, leas than cms mile , from electric line, II miles from Portland, on floe road: there Is no rock er gravel; .llee level end eaay in cleer: lo per acre, toy -'-Bind of lermi.-f $. lr-6f Journil. " T ; JOURNAL ''WaitiCtates TBDXB ABT CLA8SIT0ATI0X Five Cent per Lias; . Na ad taken for less tha ISe per day. Seven worde. ss s ruls. const I lot a a line. ot rh ne charged regardleae et the number of word. , WEEKLY BATE Y tneertwna (taelodlng weak U U'") CtMXt pe Uae per MoSiITtT BATB flaeludint all auBda iaanaa) 81. 00-per tins par aiotith, ADVEBTISEMENTS must he Jearnal bmainaaa of doe hy 13 a'eleek veses days end hy 10 e'oleok Saturday evening fer the Sunder leave, te secure elsesiaostioa. Display ratea glvaa noes appUoatiea at Us efuos. . . THE JOURNAL ' . BRANCH OFFICES ; ADVZBnSTarEirTS ' Will be received at reaalar marn-offW ratea. Following ta a Hat of sutUortaed sacnts. who will forward your advertise ment la time for publicatloa la the next vobtk irss. B. A.' Preston, druggist. Twenty-third son TnurmsB stresTs. Nob Hill Pharmacy., 880 GUsaa strsot. Corner Twenty-flret. . A. -W. Allen, pharmacatt. Sixteenth aad Marshall atreeta. McCommoo'a . Pharmaey, Nlnatesath and Washlngtoa atresia. . i' " I0TJTB BTDX. ' B. F. Jones Oe druggists. Front aad Oibhe streets, , Cottsl Drug company. First aad Grant atreeta. ' . . Fahlaa Brer lev. drugghrt, 400 Jeffersoa atreet. corner Tenth. Bettmaa's Pharmacy, earner Sixth end Harrleon atresia. Phi turner Drug company. 260 Third e treat, corner Madison. - ' ' CAST BTDB. ' W , Love, dmgxtat. corner Grand a van as and Eaat Bnrnalde street. Nichols A Thompson, 128 Boa sen street, comer Alblna avenue, Janeks Drug company, corner Hawthorn and Grand avenoes, W O. Cable, druggist, corner HoUadsy evenae, and Larrabee atreet, . aear - steel bridge. B. A. Wllsoa, 133 Oread aveaoe, near Bast Morrlann. K. W. Ball, 838 Eaat Seventh atreet, earner Stephen. , . r -: anORTJUrO. 1' - - F. J. Clara, druggist, 1008 North Cnloo avenoe. aUKHYSIDX. : Tt B. Worth, pharmaclat, 88 Bslxaont treat, . . . - a . w laaaavTve. ., .c- -f , Rranhlva Pharmacy company, Powell aad Mllweuklo atreeta. ' ABLETA. 0BXG0N. Arleta Pharmacy, Mora and Foster atreeta ZUW00P. nemsroeb'a Pharmacy. 648 Umatilla ava bu, corner Beat Thlrteealh atreet, FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ACRE TRACTS! , 0UB SPECIALTY IS ACBB TBACTSI Full-slsed atreeta, water to each " sera, 1 " - i TE BMS 810 FEB ACBB CASIT " " ' ' $10 PER ACRE PER MONTH. Yoa ge to theee acrea oa the ssma car, Cay the same 6c fare the lot man pars. The t mas la your neighbor.- -hut ha le re. atrlcted In majority of feararoa that make a true suburban home. Open Wvdneaday and Saturday evenings. - " ' A C. CHURCHILL C0H INC" "" 11 ACRES. mile from electric line: ret rock or gravel: fin end. easy to clear; mtr : alng water, road on 9 sideet $73 per acre, easy terms. I 80. csre of Journal.' 8 ACRES, all clear and la cherry trees 10 rear old: 6c car fare; lota adjoining 8100 to $130t $3o0 per acre, I 61, care of Journal. MUST ba. sold tbls-woek $3.2now Fine ne-.e -modern 6-room bonae. Eaat Eleventh 1 st. 84.U00 2 well bnllt 6-room heiteea. corner 4est Tweoty-flrst sf. 61.T00 New S-mocn ' house and nnarter blork. Beet Thirtieth; Com and make me aa offer. Fred C. King, 6U6 Commercial blk. . FOB aale hy owner, 60x128 at 420 North Union, with 6-room modern house; a good bualneae lot. FOB SAL E T8x 1 no-foot lot ea East Seventoeata . aod Coach; will esll for $1,260 If sold la neit few dove: facea eaat: well worth $1,400: will sell pert ef lot. If desired. .Addreea K 48, eare Journal. GOOD THINGS TO BUT. 3773 4 room hot iee aad 1'4 acrea ef frait, en block from ear la Oak Grove. 82.000 7-rnonV honae. sll modern, and t lots on corner on Mt. Scott ear. t 8 floe lot Sflxlnn neer the baalnesa center ef St. Johns for $,mo each. $1,0008 tots aad a amall boae ta St. . Jobna: terms. s $1.400 New 6 roor home oa 60x100; fruit and ahrobbery: half caah. OR EGO BROS. V , Phone Ifsla 6306. 817-18 Peatea bldg. THBEB aew bonae, rent or aala; eaap, 166M Fourth St.. room IS. Owner. $3,700. A SNAP Comfortable meclern honae, clea la ea tha eaat aide. S living-room, bath, etc., gas aad electricity, large - basement eon tattling Isandrv. two store sad fuelroomet everything shout the bouee la Srst-claes re- pair; the tot Is 160 feet deep, ceatslns chlckea- , hoase snd yard sad number ef fine frail trees; as Ideal home for comfort and con venience. Call or addreea tha owner, room . 800r the Marqnam. " Phona Main 863, 3 to 4 p. m. . ... - - - A SNAP at railway term Inne Hotel building and 81 lots adjoining railroad: cor,' Washing ton aad Broadway ata., Marehfleld.' Cone bar. Oregoa; price $d.6no. Title. Guarantee -A Abetraet Cos Marehfleld. Or. ll.R.VI 6-BOOM modern, house at Hlghlanl. - 3 eoo A-room bonae, modern, west side. $2.100 1 block In' Ilollsdsy's addition. 2MV lots In Hawthorne Avenue addlllo.i. 23.0001, block na noyt st.. ' close tn. $1.-1.00014 Mark on Bsst Bnrnalde street. 83A0 Lots on Alblna are. $2.730 -roo.a houae. McMillan's sddltloa. WIIJION A HOWE, 227 Chamher of Commerce. ' ANY ONE wanting boom ta Wood la wo, all Eaat 4il6. MODERN hnneeo. 6 to 6 moms, large Inta. on amall paymenta or exchange. Wanted Car "penter. painter, ateady work to right man. W. J. Dii-den. contractor and builder, 31 Ceann St., Montsvllla. Phone Eaat -4460. FOR SALE FARMS. ISO-ACRE farm, IS mile Bast of PortlaBd oa Sandy river: 40 seres under cultivation, good - Improvements. 16- seres es Powell - Valley -road, mile eontb of reservoir; short die. tanoe from 2 ear tines, 17 acrea good, level ., lend adjoining Motor addltloa, . W. B. Feck helmer. 227 Failng bldg. t f 10.000 FARM of 400 acrea. 220 cultivated. - bale see peetnrei 80 acrea clover; boose, twa hsrns) would sell In Inta of 40 acrea. Ad- "' dreae B. Bell. Rout 1. Rick reel. Oregoa, or , 406 Beet Twelfth at,. Pert lead. FOR BALE Stack ranch ef $.400 acne' pear Cohnrg, 8 miles aortheeet of Etigena, Leo -coaoty, Oregon: price low and terms eeev. ' F, D. ChamBorlaln, Labhe bldg,. 1'oetland. FREE LAND IN OREGON under ths Carey Irrigation Act, I Deed' direct from stale. . Write today.. Benklet and map free. sj. S. ' ) Cooks 4 Co., 261 Alder St. Portland, Or. ; FOB SALB 40 Bcrs very n land, V, la cultivation, . He nice and level, rich black loam: It ad join Ctackama atattoa and B. B.r only in miles from eeater of Portland: will offer It for - on - week - onlr r- $76 per- acTS. - jid- " dreaa O 14, care Journal. , A 20-ACRR farm, all In cultivation. $ mile from eonrrhonee. I gall from O. W. P. A By, Co.. $3-000 term to or will trade fe 1 bouse and lot. John P. Sharkey, goi Cha ot her of Commere. - - " FOB SAI.B 340 seres, sll set In young orchard leppl ireea), Inilrand Rondo, valuer Wtlle ' '" J. A. TUrousoo, L Uraous, Oregoa, .. j 4 A a ore anjruai. - I nose I'aauJS ana. ... ... . , . A raav ainnrsaa a. a. ffoeo. nana, uasaaaa, .,., : . . ' . . ,v . - . , , . ' :. . . ('.. . . (..' . Y'-r