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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1905)
It TTIE OREGON.. DAILY . JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 30, 1905: COUIICIL STRIKES ; LEGAL SHAG Can Investigate Bruin's Appoint . merit, but Can't Really Do Anything. ( Y at Takes .arge PAUL CUSTER FOR STATE PRINTER Formally .Announces Candidacy for J. Rr Whitney's Position -on Republican Ticket. FOUR NOWJVORKING . . hUR-WEttr-fATP-JOB Others' Are. , Willi ; Duniway, W. J. Clarke and Present Incumbent Must Make Stand on Question of Reduction of Emoluments. -- : '. "'f . ' . . - -V1 Teu may announcs that I am coins out after th nomination for ' atate printer on the Republican ticket." said Paul W. Cuater yesterday. Mr. Custer la a membar of the Union Printing- com pany of Portland and hia entrance Into the field Increases the number of those who .aspire, to that.ofllce to four. The othera already .openly working for the nomination- are Willie Dunlway ., of Portland. W. J. Clarke of Gervala and J. R. Whitney 'of Albany, preaent in- cumbent - . .' ; . Mr. Custer was not prepared to out line the apeclnl featurea of hla cam--palgn, which of course must be made . under ' the '.direct primary nominating law next, spring. He haa been In Port bind for about three years. : Me cam .liere from. Seattle, where he conducted the Dally Waahlngtonlan, ' and previ ously waa a publlaher In other Bound . rltlea. . ' Mr. Dunlway and Mr. Clarke have been candld&tea for several monthe-and Mr. Whitney la understood to be askfng for renomlnatlon. 1 Polltlolana expect that othera will appear aa candidates. Jt ie believed generally that Frank .C Baker, Republican state chairman. Is Interested In the. state printing; eatab- , llehment more closely than as the owner of the plant used In the state 'sprinter's office at Salem. -Those who study the .political ' game claim quite ' unanimously that Mr. Baker, shares In J the profit of the business, , end - that FANCY SET-RINGS There are prcfty single stone, 1 spliold rings with garnet, amethyst, topaz, opal, ttirquoise or pearl sets. n Many in two; three, four and five sets in barfd Shape. And then : again thosc'cluster set rings surrounded with pearls in odd and unique designs are attractksV " " ' " ' r CHILDREN'S RINGS There are jhe plain ones oval and square shape. And the . fancy, ideas with- tiny $ets. Many arc -in rose finish. Get One v Away f?r .rn l vb- r- that tc BWrtR BftovvTi -CAM tRA is the camera that takes skrooo picture?, ir Atso taki s TUB CAKE. iTTAKKVERY llTTtt TftouBLtT&WORK IT. IT TAKfSr yfRY UTTU. flONtT To BUY IT " . i fcUSTK BROWN dandy tlAx2 picture. We do and Brintins' The cost ! hut a trifle: ; " She, 2'Ax3'A . . . PHOTO SUPPLIES therefore he has a personal interest In the Identity of the person occupying the offices - Mr. ' Baker, aooordlng : to rommon report, accumulated the com fortable ..fortune he now nJoya while serving as state printer, end has aug mented that fortune materially since. , - Whoever becomes a- candidate ' thia campaign, ' well-Informed, politicians claim,, will be compelled to"taka a posi tion on the laaue that has been before the- people- for-SS- years . a "reform In' the conduct of the office by reduction of the emolument - It Is generally admit ted that the agitation -of the past few years haa worked up a sentimenCsum clently, powerful to force action. - ; - I . . THANKSGIVING RECEPTION- PROVES GREAT SUCCESS -The Commercial club'a Thanksgiving reception last night wae one of the moat brilliant social functions of the season. Six hundred guests attended and the club members achieved a decided" sue ceaa. adding to their slready high repu tation as entertainers. ' The committee in charge was com posed of W. E. Coman. A. M-' Bmith. R. F. Prael. F. A. Nltchy, P. C. Bates and J. K. Bronaugh. The rooms of the club, which Includes the entire eighth floor of the Chamber . . Of Commerce building and the tower room, were lav ishly decorated with, flowera, potted plants, evergreens, palms snd Oregon grape. . Orchestral music waa given by Paraona and Wilder. It waa dealgnated as an art .evening and 'a number of paintings were dis played. The club members took pride In showing a number of rare works of aVt procured during - the Lewis and Clark fair by the managing board. These were plecea , of . statuary ana vases bought at great coat and with due at tention 'to the canons -of high art and which will add permanently to the at tractiveness of the rooms. i After the presentations had been made by the reception committee dancing was enjoyed. Refreshment were served from booths. -r , i . MARCUS MARKS MEETS PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT (Washlngtoa Bares ef Tbs JesraaL) Washlnaton, D. C. Nov. SO. Senator Fulton called upon the president' yester day to introduce Marcue Marks of Portland, who is vlaltlng the capital. Owing to - the large numbers of vial tora at the executives ornce, uiton did not get an opportunity to dlscnss Oregon matters with the president GOLD NECKLACES x.Xn array of elegance of . the latest chain festooning - and in rose finish. ...Many u. come in the French; enamel and are decidedly --effective.---- Mounted either, with diamonds, pearls, , baroque -pearls, fancy sap- " phires, amethyst, topaz, ' aquamarine, peridots, tur quoise or garnets. : -'f - SEAL RmS -- Both small and large ones, are in very handsome de-; , signing. At very favora ble prices. Now and Stow It for Christmas M m. - J U. "V i ESS: developing . $2.00 BRITISH QUARTET PLEASES : BY LIGHT CONCERT Audience "Finds Watkin Mills, Musical Humorist and Others - Most Acceptable. Miss - SteerS and Miss Comsn last night offered something radically dif ferent from all previous attraction under their direction Watkin Mills, baasoi Mlas Edith Klrkwood. soprano; MlJWjacrmido lnsdale. contralto; Har- oia vvuae, lenor, ana iauai pianist a company from England. There waa no promise that the program would be heavy. Ballads and folk aonga mado up the repertoire, end the audience man ifested ita appreciation to the extent of encoring every number, and even asking for a third in aeveral Inatancea. Watkin Mills la essentially a musical humorist, find probably the disposition to make fun. although he finds It dif ficult to refrain from it In the rendition of serious compositions, was the thing that made hla sppearance pleasing laat night .... It waa the unanimous verdict that the clear enunciation of the alngera was aomethlng so refreshing that it alone waa compenaatlon sufficient Every word waa spoken distinctly; and even In the German songs by Miss Klrkwood the pronunciation and enunciation were so excellent that a smattering of knowl edge of the Teutonic tongue enabled one to understand. It doesn't make .- much difference whether or not Mills Is England's great est baaso. . He elnga pleasingly and there waa a burst of applause at the ending of every number by him. Probably he aang Schumann s "The Two Grenadiers" because ha felt that he muat add aomethlng serious to the pro gram, and because a basso is presumed to render something on that order. He waa more pleaatng In the aonga that permitted the man to bring the laugh. A lamer Mesa, y "Bis." , Prosi the Lincoln Joorssl. Tit twaon of a miliar dnck stewed dowa antll then are ma Jalnee coin ta waste, s beked potato about the sis of a conaeexe. twe ellrae of Boeton brows bread right set of the oven sod sprsd with butter that ha aa athletic fwBatatlea. s sponarnl ef repbrr yun a rap of Tonne Hyson of smderatt strenctb. a piece of nompkia pit, bus's slse, sad yoa have s dinner that oosht to heap 3 of In good heater antll enrfew rlnrs. - - You can buy. them here with-the above assurance with the certainty that every article is made l, , ' . -. -j-.- .-:a..'.J..--..and patterned, from ' r - -...i THE FOREMOST GOLD AND SILVER ' E '-. This places -.tis' in the lead . for -it ti . :.'.:!-.. It iu n pnvnctjc v iuviyhij; nunudv learns inai arc just aa reprcseniea lor true ana worthy value aad with our personal guarantee also. ' Prices are the lowest as a -result of . . direct buying, from first hands the manufacturer. , '.''.". .", . ;. '-'' Prompt Attention to Mail Orders Diamond Importers 1 MUST WAIT ACTION OF CIRCUIT COURT If Court . Decides Police Captain Holds ' Position Legally, Council men Must Abide by Its Decision Bsby Trick, Ssys City Official ' " Although the special meeting ef the city council yesterday ' was called pri marily to investigate 'the city health department, no action was taken against that body, and it waa made to. appear that the sole object of the meeting was; for tha purpose of . Inquiring 'Into . the legality of the appointment of Tatrick Bruin aa captain of police. Any action, which tha . council may take In this matter will carry no weight with tha civil service commission or the, city executive board, until the decision of the qno warranto! proceeding which have been instituted in tha circuit court to compel Captain Bruin to show why he holds his position In the police do partment The council may withhold his salary and bring findings against Bruin and may ordor hla discharge, but he still will retain his position until the courts decide the esse now pending, and if the decision Is in his favor the council will be forced to pay hla salary. - ' Actios Takea Wrenurture. - The action of the council la' appoint Ing CouncllmenJI Wills, Holding and Gray a committee to investigate the proceed ings of the civil service commission and the city executive board relative to tha appointment of Bruin was taken In the face of an explanation, of the legs, status of the matter by "Councllmen Vaughn aad Shepherd, who predicted that their fellow members may regret their premature action. It baa been said that the proposed Investigation has been incited by mem' bers of the city council who desire, for political reaaona, to hamper the admin titration of Mayor lne. Prominent at torneys who have made a careful In- veatlgatlon of the appointment of Bruin say that the proceedings of' the civil eervlce commission and the executive board are regular under the charter and the civil eervlce rules and that the captain holds hla position rightfully. Chief among those who hold to this opinion Is P. 1 Willis, a member of the commission, who looked carefully into the matter before he passed oa the eligi bility of Bruin, Shepherd Issues Warfciag. The police committee of the council will meet next Saturday afternoon. - It haa the authority to call in auch wit nesses and demand the display of auoh- records as it may deem necessary. Be fore the reaolutlon calling for ( the in vestigation was paaaed yeaterday Coun cilman-- Shepherd deelared-that 1t was uaeleas for tha council to withhold the salary of Bruin. t . The proceedings of this council will be for nothing, if the court decides that he holds his position rightfully," said Shepherd. "Whatever we aa a coun cil might prefer regarding thla matter will make no difference If it la decided RlnBruIn has been appointed legally, ies lfgaTrTI-n 'Ufflt 111 entU tha court decides that he is not'i Councilman Vaughn waa of the same opinion. He satd the council could, ap point as many committees ag it desired, but the reaulta of any investigation It might make would carry no weight "Let the court decide thla matter, and let ue bow to its decree, aa we will have to do." said he. "We may have a right to look into this matter, but what good will It do at thla time? Whatever the decision of thla council may. be will not render Captain Bruin one whit more eligible for the office or one whit more Ineligible." ' Councilmen Annand, Beldlng. Gray, Kellaher. Menefee. Sharkey, Wallace and Wills voted to hold the investigation and Councilman Preston. Shepherd, end Vaughn opposed It "It's another esse' of baby, play 'by the city council." said a prominent city official yeaterday. "It can accomplish nothing at this time by such sn Investi gation other than placing the members In a ridiculous poaltion before the pub lic." v ' ' Nine members of the city council re cently held secret meetings and formu lated plans for Investigating tne city health department Men were employed to learn if the health authorities were giving sufficient attention to their du ties and a special meeting waa called for the purpoae of hearing thea report and calling for an open investigation. If the situation warranted auch. - When The Journal announced Sunday xfenralafa Pains. Rheumatism, lumbago and aclatlo pains yield to the penetrating influence of Ballard's Snow Liniment It penetrates to the nerves and bonea and being absorbed Into the blood, Ita healing properties are conveyed to every Sart of the body, and erect some won erfut cures.. 26c, 6O0 and $1.00. Sold by Woodard. Clarke at Co. styles' as Well. These facts we are tf.trj... ..l.. i CORNER THIRD AND WASHINGTON ; STREETS L Expert Opticians,Uy Didn't Hurl a Bit V-".. Jhe.Chicago Painless l Dentists - 303ya 'vVasbJngton St,' . ' Corner of Fifth St. Opp.Perkina ; . ; ., Hotel . Special Rates on Dental Work Full Set Teeth that fit...f5.00 Gold Crowns, 22-K......f3.50 Bridge Teeth, 22-K......3.50 Gold Fillings.. ..........f l.OO Silver Fillings. . , .'. . . ,,. . 50 ' - A ' 12-year guarantee with all work We 1 do -atrictly as we advertise. Open evenings and Sundays, Ban reference. : CHICAGO PAINLESS dentists -saafst morning that the special meeting 'of the city eounotl had been called for the pur poae of .Inquiring into the condlttona of the city health department, all rur ther inveatigationa were abandoned. "The announcement of what we in tended doing spoiled all our plans," aald Councilman Annand yeaterday. "Aa aooa aa .the.atory. came out .we called In our men, aa we knew, it would be of no use to proceed further. If the health authorities had been neglecting their duties they would have become more caret ut after learning that, the oounoU wee conducting an Investigation." - L GUYS VINEGAR AGAIN . OFFENDS THE LAW " W. J. Guy waa arrested yeaterday by Conatabla Lou Wagner on the charge of -saUl&gvJLmpure vinegar. Four com plaints were filed again: Food and Dairy Commissioner Bailey Tuesday on the charge of selling vine gar that waa not what It was repre sented to be. Guy, whose business house Is located at the corner of Eaat Twenty-seventh . and Division streets, was arrested by Wagner a week ago on the same charge aa waa filed against him yesterday, but waa released on $100 bail. - ' ' Mr. Bailey, during the present month, has filed over SO complaints In Justice Reld's court, and the crusade has luat begun. The cases filed . recently have been against sellers, or butter, vinegar, plcklea and milk, which Mr.- Bailey tested snd found te be unfit for food. Every raae reported to him will be thoroughly investigated, and if the case warrant the actton an information will be filed against the accused dealer. COUNCIL MIGHT HAVE 4 PASSED RESOLUTION ' "Resolved. That the preaa of this city be requested to urge upon the cltlsens of Portland, and especially upon those who employ large numbers of persona, such as factories and department stores, the necessity of taking the usual pro cautions to prevent the spread of con tagious diseases." f The - above reaolutlon was prepared to be presented to .the city council at the special meeting yesterday by Coun cilman Gray, but could not be con sidered because it had not been placod on the official atatement of the bualneas to be transacted which had been handed to the mayor. The - resolution would have been adopted, aa the majority of the members of the council were in favor of it efa justly proud'of, for it offers ' ". . v.. ' Goods Reserved for Future V ' Delivery Manufacturing. Jewelers CPS .BBBBBBBSnnnnBnnBnnfXtK Ageate tot ' ' ' ', Dismal and Jaeger Underweae. THANKSGIVING IN TWENTY DOVECOTS TODAY f-- 'i. ' . . 1 ,' y Many Couples Start Life of M ar ried Bliss on, Turkey j : day.-'-- There is joy and thanksgiving in at least S new homes la Portland today, for the home - were - made yesterday when SO different couples secured mar- Hag licensee, from County Clerk Fields.'- It was one of the largest record a numerically that ia on file in the ounty clerk for a single day'e business. Early In the - morning ; heitating couples began to enter the of floe. It waa the dey before a holiday snd such days are always crowded with applicants for marriage permissions." The rush con tinued during the day, and even this morning, when clerks wsre gone end the office waa deserted except for Mr. Fields himself, others came. They must return tomorrow, however. Those who secured licenses yesterday are: Jay W. Shipley and Beatrice Gopd necht.. James Imlah and Jennie C. Kay, Glenn B. , Cllne . and Maybelle Lowe, Charlea Bender and Mary Maaka, Fred H. Irvln Snd Canrle . Hlbbard, John L. Fowls and- Harriet B. Menalnger, Jaraea Morrow, vend- Wlanlfred C McElroy, .George M. Cohnelmann and ' Anna Borchere. J. V. Bethel and Irene Alleky, J. IL M liner and Georgia A. Campbell, Harry C. Smith snd Georgia P. King, Hiram Hager and Nellie Hansen, Carl Eyerg snd Rena J. Weavenf Iee M. Gleason and Juanlta M. Boyd.' Thomaa J. Kllleen and Alice M. Scott Michael A. Scheppert and Mary Johnson, Orover Morin and Stella W. Womelworf, Jacob W. Peters and Mary Bernhardt! Fred Holloway and Marguerite A. MoEachern, Beijjamln Maxley and Roaa Vetsch. CHRISTMAS IN MEXICO. , Special Pullman azoaratom Tsaia ' vis oataera aellle Ballroed. On ' December. 1 a special exeurslon train will leave San Francisco via tht Southern Pacific, for the City of Mexico Low rates have been . mad for Dolnts on She Southern' Pacific In Oregon. Par ticulars by ssking sny Southern Pacific agent or writing a. L. Craig, general passenger, agent, Portland. Oregon- SILVER NOVELTIES . Below ..are Enumerated useful -articles in silver that 'will; surely,;bey.appreciated and still suit-your purse.- All Lare r 925-1000 fine, the. de , pendableUi'uality: ; ' , " "-' INK STANDS -1'..: PIN CUSHIONS V COLOGNES : SCARF PIN CUSHIONS : , JEWEL BOXES .;. SALVE BOXES ; BELT BUCKLES, BELT. PINS, - LOCKETS MATCH BOXES POCKET KNIVES : KEY "CHAINS . ; ' KEYRINGS POCKET PENCILS ' . CIGAR CUTTERS STAMP BOXES CIGARETTE CASES ; CARD CASES , Perhaps you no ticed some of those fine, belted Crofton Overcoats at the foot ball game. . , ' Those natt)r plaids and dressy ' gray ' ef fects were bought at Buffum & Pendle- tin's. :":T".: " Our Crofton coat ,the long coat with a belt is certainly ;"a well tailored garment It has the advan tage of being . warm enough; to keep the . weire r comfortable : during a whole foot ball game and at the same time is dressy enough for any, occa sion. 'V-M:- ; ,JJ4 In plaids and grays. HATTERS CLOTHIERS FURNISHERS - 311 Morrisori St., Opposite Postoffice '. 'The Sfear . ' Modish weelrweeav 'JL-I JL LL FARMERS TO HOLD THREE DAYS INSTITUTE J.VY Bailey, Will -Talk on Pure) Food Laws and Their Bene- - fits to Farmers. f An Institute for farmers will be held et the hall of the Evening Star grange Thursday, Friday and. Saturday of next week under the auspices, of the Oregon Agricultural collage end- the grange." Many special attractions have been se cured -and the gathrjng will be of un usual interest ... V. The Institute will open with en ad- ess hi' Meal J I, Inhninn grange, followed by en address by Dr. James Withycombe Of the Oregon Agri cultural college. Tha afternoon will be devoted to a dlscuaalon of practical farming by college professors and mem bers of the grange. Thursday night J. W. Bailey, state pure food commis sioner, wilt give an Illustrated lecture ' on "The Pure Food Laws and Tbelr Benefits to Farmers." Dr. Withycombe will lecture on "Intensive Agriculture." Mrs. Clara H. Waldo will apeak on "The Grange" and Mrs V.; W. Royal of Port land will aing. ' Friday morning will be devoted to a dlacuselon of agriculture, ..horticulture, apiculture,' dairying and ' domeallo sci ence. The afternoon will be given over to the 'Women and-. Mlas Snplt of the' Agricultural college and Miss Lillian Tingle and'Mlse Raymond of- the Port land School of Domestic Science wjll give talks. Professor Goodnough aud Mr. Bradley will furnish the music. Professor Kent of the Agricultural college will give an illustrated lecture Friday night on ."Breeds of Livestock and Practical Instruction at the Agri cultural College." W. K. Newell wjll speak on "Fryltf on a Dairy. Farm." Music will be furnished by the Russet vifle grangs. . , Saturday will be educational day. In struction will be given by County Super- . lntendent Robinson snd Professor Grout Of the Ladd school of Portland and the ' prlnolpals of tha Russelville. Monta villa. Mount Tabor. South Mount Tabpr. Arleta and Lents schools. At night there will be a special entertainment by the poplls from the county schools.. . Cearrying It a. . ' Blnhba Wigwag is alaraj going to law about something. Slobb Taat'a right. 'Ha ere going ta aiarry a girl aaaisd Sue. CUT GLASS L" Our .display is gorgeous 1 brilliant and beautiful. The ' patterns and shapes are de- " cidedly new , for the season.' The .Gravic'cnt is xtremely odd in floral effects. A per sonal inspectioals the only . ;way-to appreciate it. Cuts : do not show the beauty. A few suggestions : ' BOWLS S ; ;' v DISHES NAPPIES i ' CARAFFES , -WATER PITCHERS -SPOON TRAYS " " -"'" VINEGAR CRUITS SUGARS ft CREAMERS OIL BOTTLES CHEESE . DISHES V BREAD TRAYS " , ' rose "bowls" ;