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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1905)
TITS 1 OfcEGOM -DAILV JOUSlUi; PORTLAND. ' TUESDAY EVENJNO, NOVEMEinj c - if ac circuit counris TO DECIDE , Disposition of Case Against Mil- v waukia Camblera Passes ; , i i . . ... a ' i j, ! v From. Cameron's Court :;J .'.K,r :t ,lt rt 'v i 'mayor says he will' "." I , I ; ABIDE "BY ;THE COURTS yjlf They ecid Ht la Rifht He H Will fcontinu to, B His. Duty, ;7 w AW ' , . tw a. J 17314 D..jVsi i-je oayot wov m wf 'T and Allow Camea to Run. The disposition of the eas of tha Milwaukle Mont Carlo promoter U lo ;the - hsnda of the -elrcuM-court having .'passed from ths municipal court yee- jterday, whenJudgB Cameron held tnat h had no jurisdiction In the matter. . . y With Attorney Henry K. McGinn and . Police Inspector Bruin, Mayor Lane ap peared before Judge Fraser this morn' King and saked that complaints be Issued a gainst thosd who were arrested at the : time the Mllwaukle club was raided. fjf- After the mayor appeared before the jipourt District, Attorney John Manning 'tailed upon Judge Fraser, stating that rlf complaint were Issued he would take whatever action he thought proper. ,'."' grha"Wur,tw ara 'tha sole srbtters In . the case of the Mllwaukle gamblers,' .said Mayor Lane this morning.- "If the 5 r'reuit court holds that the executive , of Portland has no authority to prevent : or stop gambling in Mllwaukle, I shall desist In my efforts in that direction.' ' "If, on the other hand, they decide that I am right in my contentions -arm . - that I was Justified in causing the raid on. the Mllwaukle club, t shall continue to do my duty. . "In-the meantime, while the case is ' pending, what action would be taken tf the Mmn were reopened at trie ciud would lth' place, be ..raidrt egalnT" -.ha was axked. "- v ' ' "I am melther ' prophet nor .the 'son , I'ot a prophet," he replied, nd ant not endowed with powers to read the. fu- . ture. I cannot tell what action would : be taken." V ' ", - - AY DIE -AS .BESULF flF i saloo;i struggle: .j ': .. '. .' . " i . 4 i"3' i logger Is Ejected From .Third Street Place- arid Falling "to Walk Is Seriously Hurt. ; Death may result from the Injury sus .'talned by an unknown mn falling on :the. sidewalk, at Third . and Burnside 'Ktreett this .afternoonv following his ; rejection front' Blaster's saloon, because ha created' a :' disturbance. His scalp Was split open by striking the curb and he may have a fractured skull. ' Us was taken to Bt. Vincent s hospital In the police smbulanoa by Patrol Driver u ru ber and Station Officer Dolts, .;. ,-. 1 The man,' who' was dressed Ilka alog . ger, . was- intoxicated when - he entered the salcgnjjtrml- jTsbfejrt Wnm---" C7THsra'n age'Tinan who assists at'the -pool tables,, by the coat lapels. ' After trying to break his hold Willis struck : him. - T. R. Armstrong.'who has charge , 'of tha pool playing, separated them and, la said, pushed th logger through the (tioor omo the sidewalk. , While the ejected man -waa staggering ' ' about and threatening vengeance he fell ( ind struck Mk.haaA on the edge of the about tha affair. Acting Detective Kay . -look 'him and 'Willis to " Police head- quarters, pending an Investigation of t.xha circumstances. . . ; ; , . CLOT 1 OF BLOOD ON BRAIII ' CAUSED BRANCH'S DEATH ' 'Autopsy ? Shows' That Midship ;.- man Was Killed by Fall . .j 't . ii.l i to Floor. . ' ; r r. (Journal Special Rerrlc.) Annapolis, Mdw, Nov. ' 21. Dr.-James V'SX Oatewood, naral surgeon, reported vlhe result of tha Branch autopsy ta tha Meriwether courtmartlal this morning. liTha -autopsy showed that- -Midshipman " Branch died; from a clot of blood on his hraln. , All organa were sound, except a slight affection of one . kidney. Dr. K Oatewood gave It as his opinion that i repeated fist blows might have caused 'the clot, but that it -waa ' mora Jlkely due to tha fall on tha floor. ., r. , .,' The secretary of th navy today ao- ' eepted the' resignation of Midshipman R. E. White of California, who has ,' been only a few months at tha academy. , 'He gives ss a reason that ha believes he r ia unfitted for the. service. It la be- . ,' llersd.that he haabesn . forced, out" by , .the mldshlpmen's.codel" A REAL SUCCESS . . Xostettey Stomach Bitten has proven o many xmes Its ability ta cure dis order nf the Blomach, ilver, Kidneys ' 4r Kemnle Organa that It Is now recog l nised ss the real medical success of the i' twentieth century. Oaa aottla of the Hosteller's Stomach will prove of amor Hal valas , than anything you'v ver taken, espe cially when 'weak and mn trown. It cures . .. .... ,. ovb mrgrjros,' BI.OATIVO, , COBTXTSSTBSS, nrDiozBTioir, PTtranu .. - ' TBOVItll, OOZ.DS OB W Urga atrial at pm e, 1 1 cannot rielrr" but do you , AvalS s atitataa. -r, h I STOMACH r A" ! IS w; Largest Display of Local Prints Fvar Ma Ha la Shown hw Ora. ' ' wl -j - v gon v,amera,v'up. .' . SOMC ESPECIALLY GOOD '3 WORK IS IN EVIDENCE -T- wa-saasjBsjsawajas-a-asi . Prist Winners Arc Announced and Various Cups AwardedPictures May ua teen ah w at too Art Muaaumv Th 'Oregon Camera club 'opened tt eleventh' annual print exhibit at th Museum ? t)f ' Art- Iltth -and ' Taylor streets last evening, and to thoae who have followed the event alno th beginning the display la without Ques tion the .largest and tha cleverest ever given by the club of Portland. It represent tha very beat efforts of th amateur photographers or the atata. Art , studies only have bean admitted. And aside from these ther is as elaborate collection of fine photoa from other sections of the country that are not In competition.-; ... -f i Five cupa were offered a prisea Th first of the waa a mammoth silver cup , for th best general display. It must bs won three times. On this ao- daslon th winner wss George F. Hot man. whose : group of 11 pictures - la easily the most conspicuous of tha 141 hanging in tha hail. William D. Smith won tha genre cup. Hii plctwrea? r -numerous and -vary artlstlc.i Each of them.. In fact, sug- yesis a siury. wnivn im ini viiici quali fication. In this class. ' Tha particular photograph which, won.' tha trophy waa that of a' ruffled mother hen and bar chlcka. ...' To Henry Berger th cup for tha beat lanaacap was given, The picture 1 entitled "A Woodland Path." . .Jam , A. Uafan took the portrait eup for a Greek study. . , 1 j-. The' marine cup went . to Harry o. Smith, tor bla reproduction .of a scene In Portlsnd harbor- Although the prlxe winners are au perb atudles In the photographic art, there are many others which made It a difficult task fos th Judges to reaoh their concrulons. Conspicuous among the Utter..) a flashlight. et. a Chlnase opium den by H. C, Forbes and a land scape, "Nature's Panorama " by I W. Jones. ' For a boy of It years, tha exhibition by 81m R. Winch la remsrk ably Aleves, ... IL J. Thorn, contributes something notable m his reproduction of Mount Hood from the south and his Infant study, "Baby'sr Toss." f ft i y i ( Imported photographs, worthy of . spe cial note, and aot In competition, ar those of Fred- H.- McClure, Including aones from Venice, Athena and Roma and a group of Chtneaa subjects from tha Goldsmith brother. . wlto established tha Camera club' and soms yesr later1 moved to Baa, Ftanciscot . .The membership of the club la now about 11 and improvement kt hown along every Una In tha present exhibit. There are at leaat 10 more exhibits than last' year, and the photoa are, larger and of 'greater sriety thmj formerly.- Tha exhibit will b open each' after noon and evening of thla week, Inculdlng Thanksgiving, and all ar:. Invited, free of charge.- -r S ."V, llfilVIKG IINJ1IL IS - BILL'S: DELIGHT Has .Spent. Fifteen Consecutive Turkey Times as City's -' Guest and Comes Again. V r James Hill, loyal subject of King Bar leycorn, has returned horn to- fcpend his Thsnksglvlng and sat turkey by Itl own fireside. Hill wss warmly -greeted by Jailer 1.1111s and Branch. v For II consecutive years Mr. Bill ha eaten Thanksgiving turkey as tha guest or . the municipality of Portland. "1 just couldn't stay away," aaid Mr. Hill, - ''Old recollections and tha memories- of former -times haunted me. , For many, year I have. enjoyed the hospi tality of Mr. Branclv and tha thought of being elsewhere' at- the holiday time touched me deeply, ao deeply that I told my troubles to a man with an apron and soon they brought wis back.' v Mr. Hill waa returned to the jail on Sunday. iThe specific excuse Tor bring ing him back was' a charge of drunken nee. ' . . . : , - Judge Cameron ssslsted tn welcoming the guest by forcing him to remain not leea than 10 days. -.';" ; 'i'f- i- FENTON-ANQ GLAFKE' - - TO BE INSTRUCTORS ffi v . v i (Speetal Dbpsteh ts The Joarsal.) University of , Oregon, Kugena, ' Or., Nov. Il.-Leter A. Gooding, assistant instructor of biology in th University of Oregon, haa tendered his resignation to take effect after, Thanksgiving. : Tha place will be taken by Harley Gierke, Jr.. from Portland, who Is specialising In that department, and Horace B. Fan-, ton, also of Portland, who Is doing spe cial work. s. ' iA. .' ...- Both - young., men will conduct ' th claaees.. Glafke will hava the labora tory work and mammal anatomy, while Fenton take charge In ths aoology and bacteriology . laboratory. Gooding, It Is understooo,. win give up eaucfi.tionai work and enter business. . . DOMINION GOVERNMENT :;T0 EXTRADjTE BOYCE r ' Special Dlwteh s Th lonrsal.) ' .' Victoria, B. C, Nov.Jt. The British Columbia glvernmest ' has decided to take extradition proceedings against Joint Boyce of Ropkflpr1ngs,-Womlng. Boyc fs accused of taking' part a few weeks ago In- getting possession oX two children hers, residing with their father, F. TyUer. .;. .-. ' ; ' ' ' Boyce was accompanied by lit slstaf, Mr.,Tytlr, th mother of tha children, who refused to live with her husband., ZEMSTVO TO APPOINT H ! MINISTER OF INTERIOR 8t' Petersburg, Nov. II. Admiral Chouknln, commander of th Black Sea neat,--wires" that "the mutiny Is dying down and. that most of ths mutineers hava surrendered. ; ' ' . tJ t Wltte ha notified the sematvo that ha considers It necessary that It appoint n mlnisterof tha tntrJor..',.'..',f.- :. -' '? ;. ,t v.;' , : '-, 1 '--f- .'.-...-t-A. evi fi-ro BEST EXHIBIT Tllllfllf OPEII oiiiis m m Reported That Eleven of Them Stood Solidly for Company, t One Holdinz Out ' CLELAND DEFINES RIGHTS of resort, Management Says Company Wai Legally . Entitled to Collect From Mrs. Brown at ; She Was Gointto the Boat Xand- lngp-Cbargii Paru' ' After battling with tha question for nearly : seven hours, the jury which Uslans& to th evidence in ths case of Mra. Joaephlne Brown against, tha Ore gon Water Power aV Railway company waa - discharged by Judge Cleland at :1S . o'clock laat night. Tha Jury ts reported to hava stood 11 to 1 lg favor of ths defendant, and la said to hava maintained that position nearly all tha time It waa out Tha Jury received. Ita Instruction from Judge Cleland before p. m. yes terday, i Tha jurist held that th com pany; had a right ta anfora Ita rules upon Its awn property, snd,v that the plaintiff was not entitled to damages unless It. waa proven dearly that mora force hsd been used" than waa neces sary. Mrs., Brown aued for $10,000, al leging that aha had been assaulted and hsld a prisoner at tha Oaka on Sun day, June II: Attorneys Dan J. Mslar key and John V. LiOgan appeareor rot Mrs. ' Brown, while W. T. Mulr waa ppuuael for the company. . , .- After explaining that tha boat land ing at the Oaks iwaa on tha property of tha management,. Judg Cleland aald. In Ms charge to tha Jury: "You are Instructed that the defendant waa. In making and enforcing th regu lation aa to purchasing tickets before descending the stairway J to tha boat landing, acting within ita legal - rights, and the defendant. Its agsnts and serv ants, might, without ' liability .to- th piamurr. sxercise auca force.. , ..,. . If you And for the plaintiff you will award her auch damages ea will fairly compensate her for any injuries or in dignity she may hava .sustained- . Ja awarding.-such, damages you may eon siaer the character of her. Injuries, what physical Injury If any aha sustained, and also ths mental suffering if any. also any aensa or shame or humiliation she may hava auffered on account of such wrongful acts -if anv that were committed agafnst hrT'and award her suoh damages t as will be' a fair aoss- penaatlon in the premises. '' t rroti" arey however Instructed that plaintiff ta not entitled" to recover dam ages as for humiliation -caused by not being permitted to pass down- th stair way without . a ticket or for so- In juries by her received only by reason of ths use of force necessary to prevent her fnem passing dowat tha atalrway without a ticket," - ... Jf1 : J" UN H I' K I . v' -i NO, DOCTOR'S HORSE DID V NOT HAVE TOOTHACHE ' A horse, hitched' to a buggyi atJejd by the curb on Fourth street .near Wash Ington. 1 A wsll-dressed woman, passing by, saw th animal restlessly tossing Its h jads,ng-Champlng Ita. hit and stood watching- If for "about flva mlnnte. Then aha walked on and accosted Pa trolman "Bill" Sloan. , v , "Officer." ah asked, "can you tall When an animal haa tha toothache r "Madam. I cannot," affably answered Sloan,. doffing his helmet. ' "You can't! well, you ought to b able to do that". ; ;.r, . '..-a . - . "A policeman la expected to know everything, madam, I know, but t bava to plead guilty to Ignorance la. thla case." ' ' .Ths aroraan then laformed the-officer that ah was certain the horse had tha toothache and that Dr. Nicholas owned him and should bo made to look after him. Dr. Nicholas came along at this juncture and Itt reply to a question aald that Dr. K. A. 3. Mackenxle owned the horse. - ---- - . ' Dr. . Mackenxle appeared shortly after the woman had gone. When asksd If the horse might nqt hava tha toothache. h laughed. "The horse i ta eld. v though high ptrlted," h said, "and I aaldotn hitch him to a buggy. When I do ha always champ the.blt and tosses ble heed be cause he doesn't Ilka being In harness." "Thanks," said Sloan, heaving a deep sigh of relief, "you have, taken a big load off my mind," . ? , r. BRITISH QUARTET TO " SING OLD FAVORITES There will be old English ballads, old Scotch favorites ' and tha beat of tha rare old Irish aongs. on tha . Wat kin Mills program at tha Marquam tomor row evening, The concert la under tha direction of Lola Steers-Wynn Coman, and ta one- ef tha- flna -series-arranged for the winter. The Watkln Mllla quartet la the most famous organisation of artists evr aant out '.from the British Isles. Th quar tet haa, In addition to th-four vocal soloists, a pianist of renown and great artistlo ability, farlovlts, who will give one or two splendid solo numbera and accompany ' the , alngera ' Seats- ' now Balling at tha Marquam box office. O. A. C. TEAM LEAVES - : , i TO PLAY AT SEATTLE ' (Special rMapetrb te'Tbe Jesrssl.) .' Corvallls, OrNoV. JtWTh O. A. C football eleven left here atj:29 o'clock thla afternoon for Seattle t play tha University, of Washington on, Tbsnks giving. Th belief Is general that. O. A. C. will win by a good ecor. Th lineup will be the same as In the Willamette game. Subs are: Darby, Rose, McKln non. Sweek and Little. Others that ac companied the team are: Dr. Steckle, Manager- Stlmson, - Physioal 1 Director Trine and Floyd Williams. . . ., . . RFP.nwiMFwn YniiMft ' A.i a a wW w eas - v w a sjm " v v- r:-;T0. BE REPRIMANDED ....-""Vassrael Special Servlea.1'. ''"! ( Washington. Nov. It. Th ' court martlal In i, th case of - Commander Lucleu Toung, who com mended the Bennington, recommend that he be repri manded. : The secretary of tha navy has aot yet acted.: '. ' ' , Oragoa Miner Killed, r-"-"'-: (Kneetal Dlapatek to Tll Joarnat.) Marshfleld, Or., Nov. !.-Sylvester Ksskl was kjlle In ths: Beaver Hill mlna this morning. He thought a charge had gone off and went back" to work, . when k the explosion, occurred. -', i ilOISI UiIIEii ,'i'io itr go V. J. BlaesinK Tried , in Police Court for Exceeding' Speed Limit of Eight Miles an Hour; ASSERTS HIS MACHINE . . COULD NOT GO SO FAST Judge Kelcasei Him After a Caution ai 'to Future Conduct and Police men Arc Ordered to Oet Witnesaea in Such CaaeSi . AutomobUlsta who "soorch" through tha streets of Portlsnd, at Imminent danger tp-life-or limb of pedestrians. were censured this morning by Deputy City Attorney . Fitsgsrald. His argu ment In favor of convicting H. J. Blaes Ing wss punctuated with references of a eaustio nature to reckless chauffeurs. Blaeslng was arrsstsd by Patrolman Seymour at Third and Ankeny streets yssterdsy and charged with exoeedlng the spesd limit of eight miles an hour fixed by ordinance. .,' , , Blaeslng , took ths ' stand and swore that , ha was not exoeedlng th sbead limit An employe of a garage swore that the evening after Blaaalna -bad msas trip to Vancouver he had ax. amtned the machine and found tha car- bonatore filled with dirt. The effect, ha aald, would be to causa the machine to choka down and atop at timea and go rastsr at others. Then It waa that Mr. Fltsgerald waxed wrathy.. "lour honor." he aald. "svanr time these men are erreated they bring ex pert testimony. Hera Is a man who aweara that thla machine could not exceed the etght-mlle limit when It waa brought to him. and yet It had lust returned from Vancouver. It ehokea In spots he says. That la right If the spot is in Portland and aa arreat fol Iowa, It haa -choked down and casnet go raster than eight mile an hour. If no arreat la made It may run ( miles an bour. Any man who endangers the lives of the people should be punlahad la a manner commensurate with bla crime. ' ,'- .',.... ' "Tou hava the word of thla police of ficer 'against that of Blaeslng; the .of ficer has no motive but to perform his duty; while experience baa' ahown that ownera of autonSobllea will not tell th truth .when arrested for breaking the law. ' ., , Judge Cameron aald It wasi a case of ens msn - against another, both being reputable. - He thought a doubt should be resolved In favor of the' defendant Ha discharged Blaeslng; but cautlonsd hint that If h were accused .of exceed ing "the speed limit again.-a' different verdict: would' probably be given. The polloe were .also asked, by the court to try- ta-" get 'witnesses to" corroborate their evidence aa to tha epeed of auto mobiles when making arrests la future. THINK TAMALE PEDDLERS THREATEN GREEK'S LIFE . Believing that - a - conspiracy axlsts among a certain Greek clique of the etty to faro Spare Kansas out of- Portland.- Polloe Judge Cameron by request of Deputy - District ..Attorney Haney aostoonsd the hearlns- of a chaxaaof trrreata against lire until tomorrow. Kansas waa arrested Saturday night on oompla'lnt of T. Psppadaky, who aald ha had been challenged to a duel. He pleaded guilty to carrying a concealed weapon and was fined 1 10. It ta ssld Kansas-wss told 'after he had' paid bla fine that If be did not leave the city another charge would be preferred. ' He refused to go and a com plaint of threats to kill was placed against him. It Is known to tha poll that th courta have been uaed la th past by Greek tamale peddUra, hawker and other to rld 'th eity of business rivals coming bsre from other places. and : It la suspected that Kansas may be another victim of the OreeK clique; TAKEI TO JAIL IN , i SPECIAL STREETCAR ; P.. H. . Buf f um baa tha ' alngtUar dis tinction of being the first man ever taken to the-city prison In a specially chartered streetcar.. Ha got drunk yesterday and ."waa creating a disturbance at Fifth and Washington streets, Patrolman Sloan plaoed him under arrest On ringing for the patrol wagon tha offioer found it out on a call. About thla time Buf font relapsed Into a stupor and -waa unable to walk, - Just then a Vancouver car passed. Sloan ballad It The motormaa brougl.t the car to 'a halt ,f - "Take tie to' the. police station, the officer said. "I've got an elephant on my hande here." . t- Tbey waited for no more passengers, and aa . tha ear pulled - out the crowd cheered. Buffum was carried into, tha prison from tha car.' This morning Judge Cameron fined him lit. . . , .,. MANY SHIPS WRECKED ; -GREAT LOSS. OF LIFE tjenrsat gperlal Servlee. d Chicago, Nov ll. Many vs q d Jla hava been driven aahore on-d d ijake Huron. The city or Holland . e d la ashore at Rogers City. The d Vlntlank sunk at Alpena. Thar d q broken up near Alpena, 4 e- The Spauldlng . la ashore above e Fort Oratiot. An unknown ves d ssl Is aahore on : Presque . Isle.' Great loss or lire le reported. Many -American ' vessels are i weathering the storm In Cans e.. dlan porta.. -- - d " Another big ateamar haa gone d ashore . near : Superior. Her q whlstl is screaming. (The ; vea d" set , is 400 feet long- and la thought to be th England ';.' f farmed lit reotr chum. ,' ' . Sedalia. Mo,, Nov. Is. Robert Brown, aged lev died thla morning from football Injune. ' Saved by Byaaa<, - ? " Sometimes, a flaming city ta saved bv dynamiting a space that the fire can't cross. Sometimes, a cough hsngs on so long you feel aa If nothing but dyna mite would cure It Z. T, Gray of Cal houn. Oa., writ: , "My -wife had a verv aggravated cough, which kept her swake nights,--Two' physicians could not neip nvr, ini iook irr. s New Discovery for Consumntlon. Cniimhrn snd ColnV iwlflch esaed her cough, save Ser sleep snd finally cured her.! trlotly srlentlfio cure for bronchitis and La Orlpp. .At Skldmore'a drug store, Itl Third street, price tin and 11 Third street, price (On and guaraataedk Trial bottle fx. 11.001 !' : .- V - LEiOS OETEGTILtC : MY CII1SE Officers of Law, Besiege House of J. F. Hawkes, Alleged , '! Wealthy Turkey Thief. H ' v WANTED MAN ESCAPES v OUT. OF, FRONT DOOR Then ; Detective - Hartman Chaaea Him. With Detective .Welch, and ; Finalljr Bringa Him to Halt by Fir- ins; Revolver Oyer Hia HedV For mora than an bour thla morning th houa of J. F. Hawk, at Twenty fifth and Oregon streets, was bssleged by tha polloe, and their quarry was captured only after a fuallade - of re volver shot a - .Hawkee, a man wortn 175.000. waa wanted on the charge of stealing eight turkey from W. Burnett, near the O. W. P. eleotno station, hs managed to' evade the service- of the warrant for almost three days. . ; This morning Detectives Weloh and Hartman -knocked on the door of Hawkee house and received no anewer. They repeated tha performance at the baok door. - Then tney pretenaea u leave, but hid, and were rewarded by seeing Mra Hawk moving about with in. They hammered on th door again, but got no answer.- Then they tried atrmteaT.""-" "'' ? rf"- --..-r'-- -wt,iu Ttartman itoM near tha front of th house Welch want to tha fear deor and listened. Hs saw Mrs. Hawksa and at ths same time heard light foot falls on tha second floor, -men weicn raised a kltchsn window and waa Juet crawling through whsn Hawksa saw him and slipped along the hallway to the front door, out of which ha ran. Hartman took after-him and called him to atop. Hla demand only Increased the speed of Hawkes. and finally the de tective, who. had been Joined by Weloh. drew hla revolver and fired aeveral shots over tha fugitive'! head! 'This had tha affect of bringing him to a halt , , - MAY ORDER aOdITOR TO HOLD BRUIN'S SALARY .'.'.ty ''." '' ' ''u'-i .vVT.'V.i ., V. Twe snathoda ef -procedure will be open to the city eouncilmen tomorrow in their attempt -to i eaet Police CapUin Bruin from his position. 'Oner wilt be to order the city auditor to wlthholdithe warrant for Bruln'a ealary.. which will force blm to bring ault against the city auditor and the city council te de liver him hla warrant: the other will ne the adoption of a resolution, providing for an Investigation of the municipal civil service commission. - - As far aa ths position of Inspector of polloe and chief of detectives . Is ' con cerned, the ' council baa no authority. The city executive board alone haa au thority to regulate the police depart ment:"": .. " : ' t i The Investigation by tha city council of tha health department on the ground that the hearth officials are not preventing tha spread , of contagious disease. :,..';.''..: f -.-ri DR. M'LEOD ON TRIAL V ' IIftlJUIICASjyiURDER 'lWy.;flBwart Speelal Serrlee ' '.'' I Bo ton, Nov. 18. William S3. Howard. alias Hunt-and Iouls W. Crawford when arraigned en a charge of being accee soriss after the fact to the dsath of Susanna Oeafy, . the eTiorue girl of ths Shepherd King company. , whose body waa found In a suit esse in winthrop bay, . pleaded guilty today and will be sentenced later, t .'"'' ' ' Dr. Percy D.' Method, charged with being accessory to the. aot of perform ing the Illegal operation that cauaed the death of Miss Oeary and who had pleaded not guilty waa placed on trial una morning. . -a BRANCH WATER OFFICE i "ON EAST SIDE SOON Bast Portland la to have a. building for a branch office of the municipal water . department Frank Dodge was Instructed yesterday by tha water board to advertise tor proposal for ground. ' The , Ho'man building at the corner of East Washington street and' Grand avenue haa been aelected aa a tempo rary location at the east , side - water of floe. The change from the present headquarters to the new location will be made soon after tha monthly water rentals are paid In December. , FIRES TWO SHOTS AT : CHINESE COUNTRYMAN ' Lee Jong, a Chinese, waa shot at twice by a countryman yeaterday after noon at ' Fourth and Pine tret. He Informed the police that Lee Ling, who la employed a a porter at one of the saloons conducted by Clos brothers, did the' shooting. . Earlier In the dsy Jong Claims to have been assaulted, by Ling and three other Chinese. The alleged assailant thua far haa managed to keep out of the way o the police,' ', ;K GETS TWENTY THOUSAND - - FOR LOSS OF HANDS (learssl Ssedal Serrlrs.) . 'ButterMont, Nov. 11 Th "supreme court has affirmed the- Judgment for $10,000 damages awarded - Martin Burke, a' miner, whoee hands - were burned to atumpa by coming in con tact with a poorly Inaulated wire in the Colusa Parrott mine. It la the largest award for damage in . the hlatory of the state, 7" . .' : ,' -' rief erred Stock Caaaed oeda, ' Allen Lswta Best Brand. , - - HIGH OLD TIME COSTS , PATROLMAN SUSPENSION Special Polleemanr'Mlchftet 'Qulnn was suspended this morning by Chief of Police Orttsmscher- on account of be coming Intoxicated last night and creat ing a disturbance at Nineteenth and Washington streets. He discharged his revolver twice whll having a "high, eld time." i' Kidney Troubles Are easily relieved led ear' Is tti hesianln. bat as the lee grews la severity we'Sinet and s more potrnt reaiMlr. Her'-ls where Irrlni't Hur Wafer eicrl as s ruaa, of eonree ther ee onlck rellel, hot Mm tha tht thr (It eure ana leetlng ear. Tb7 praltlvely purlf th hlnod. SoM ai 0e s bos ht 9. 0. Skidmor Co., Druggists, in SS IB. V. gkiamors Co., Druggists, 1st Sd - St. Sole Affeata for PerUaaa. Ot. rv ,..s. ...... i tiilb by...: b iu Congressmen of ; That State Agree to Cooperate for, lm 1 provement of Columbia. HELP COMES AS RESULT j h ; OF, PERSONAL LETTER Senator Fulton '! Aitured tha Cor dial Support of Two Eastern Legla lators. Because One . Alan-Wrote , Asking Such Backing. 1 ';-' .i;":',' " - - - - -;-f' Congressman J. M. Miller and Charles T, Scott of Kansas have written to F. H. Ooudy, dTf Forbe . Ooudy, Port land, that they will cooperate with Sena tor C W. Fulton In securing -appropriations from ths general government for tha Improvement of the Columbia river. In accordance with the suggestion printed In Tha Journal, Mr. Ooudy -wrote te the Kansss members of congress sak- lng that they exert their Influence ta Induce congress to give the needed funds for tha further improvement of the river end received from Mr.. Miller the following reply: ? . . "I have- yours ef the elxteentb and will be pleased to cooperate with Sena tor Fulton tn reference to the Improve ment of the Columbia river, tou may aay thla to him. If you desire." 4. Congressman Scott wrote: "I hav your favor of the 17th lnat tn relation to the continuation of work on the Jetty at tha mouth of the Colum bia river. I think I runy appreciate ine importance of this. work and have no doubt -t ahall be able to cooperate with the representatives of your atata In as endeavor to secure the appropriation." Tha success mst by Mr. Ooudy In se curing help from ta Kansas member of-congress 1g regardsd as an eseraple of wtiat eould be done by many others whs come from eastern state.' Th letters from the two eongreasmsn men tioned contain aeveral personal allusions indicating that their promise with ref erence to the Columbia river were given largely on- account .of . friendship for Mr. Ooudy, and those who are urging the river Improvement afl, Washington have suggested that thla line of effort be kept up by all who are tn a position to communicate with member of con gress from other. sU tea. - ' v PRESIDENT ' ADOPTS - PLAH FDR LOCK CANAL . 1 Ro'oseVelt tgrors Advice of For- sign Englners- Firm for "" Rate Regulation. . , ' Iaors1 -Speelat Srvles. -Washington. Nov. II. President Roosevelt, today definitely decided In favor of the .construction, ef a. lock canal at Panama, The announcement waa made following a' conference laar evening which extended far Into the night There were present, besides the parte. Commissioner ef . Corporations aarrield and senator Knox of Penn sylvania. ..... '. ' ' It waa learned .Aoday that the prin cipal subject or tne white House eon. ference laat night ' was railroad., rata legislation! The president Is determined not to reoede from his position on lota. He will urge 'the passage of a law a .....II A . , k. 1 W k -mf lit uuiuiim ,i, iirit ii wwn will not listen to any proposition for Jt com promise. ' 4.- , ' I AT THE THEATRES. X , Thriller at Belaaco. , J rer a food thrill, g te the Betaare theatre tbi week and watch PoHlaBd tneom parable atork eesipaay play "MleBael atreaaff," th arsmatlmtksi ef ale ' Vera' great aovel. It h i smdoetina sartieslarly . appropriate for this nana, dealing, as It eoas, with emdltksi ta Bnaal at th time C her truule' with th Tartan,,.., '... . . "'...'-' " m ' -' ' : '"'.': "I -. , ' " London Gaiety Girla." . ; ' Th hsrleaqae emnpany at the Baker ' thla Week, knows s the Londea .'Oalety OlrU. ia serhap the' swat laashable, rollk-klag farektat entertainment that has bees erfered there slaU eaaaoa aenenoar ae narsmiB aa naunee, which ass become ao popular at th Baker,, will be gives aa ssnal tuniiaiow afternoon. There wlfi alao he gives a sellday , sutioe Thsrsday, Thankaglvlag nay. , , , VAUDEVILLE AND, STOCK. , Flna Bill at. Grand. ,"; t Never la ths hlatory ef ths Grand ha the aianssemeat gives rack s strong . vandevllle bill aa that Inaaturated (or th week yeeter day. . Thf .headllner Is Albtat, th awslclan, the elevereet aun ia the awgle line. The feature of Alblni's performance la Ita sovelty. HI trlek ar new end ther are thins which aet ths aadiene thinking sow be eoet them. Alblni km woe Id be a foe eatertalaaaeat bet Is addition there are other good set. Contln. eoa parforsuuKee . Thaakaglvlng. ' '. Liberty'a Record. , ft ros'r sot s patron ef th free teat vait vllle theatre ta th aorthwest yo onht to be. Th Herbert Cheater eoaapanr, la taew eroader- fnl olartet. - "Aa IneMeat of 'St." hav . ea of lb finest offerings ever ntsd by s vau deville theatre. The Trartolaa are the greatest jufcler and hoonrollere la th buetaeaa. . Me Can ley and Donovan, the faaww-eamedlana. never ran to pieaae, sss rivs iner eaaiien sets rS presented. - Lanainc Royran at the Empire. Thla week t th Emptr Lansing Bowas, ss fid Pnrtlaad farorlte, t preaentlng IhiBiaa' Vamllle." and . a better production of . ib famoee elay haa net beea sees her for manr rears, inpporttng Mia Bowas r Mr. Harry rahmey aa Armans mvai ana a strong eoro pany. "('amllle will be sees St th Bmptre all th teat ef th week, with special statin Thsrsday, snd ths resalar Ratnrday natlsee., ; : ':X:r-: At 'tha; Star. At the gtar there la s list ef vaedavill necialtle thla week that aheold Dark the hoose at. .every serformanee. The DeOraw trio -bar the headline-sottka-end act Is 'Tevy Orentpa,' a stage version of the fnnnr anpnlement plrrore. Clair aad .Mar. rare bar a remedy eketch and the Maaqnerla alatera are street singrri. Mat Franks I hspersssator. ' V ' Tuberculosis axpeeltlom " '. v V . ("rnl flpMal Srrrtc. ) ., : -New York, Nov. H-T0 8ldln stamp ing ; tfut consumption, a comprehensive tuberculosis sxhlbitlon opened at th American Museum -of Natural' History todsy under the auspices of the National Association for the fltudv snd Preven tion of Tuberculosis. The exhibition at. tempts to show ths fscts resardlnc th disease and Ita distribution. .-. . J tlaiij a man btn wife bend and tng at burden that strain th back and the heart alike, without any Idea of the outrairu. Chllira lollow In too quick aucce.ion to allow the nyther time to recuperate. The womanly organ become . diaplaned, there are dobllltatlrig,dlagree ali drains, with the added pain ol In flamed or uloerated parte. In thla eondl- -tlon the woman bravely trie to carry her household load, afraid to take the rest ahe need ltt a meal will be late. No ' wonder she is pale, weak, wretched, enrly pf temper and anapplnh of tongue. She would be fa)e to nature If she were any thing else. No person need help so much aa the class of whom tbia woman la the type, And for auch women no help ts to sure, ao wonderful, aa that given by Dr. ' Pierce' Favorite Proscription, if re store all th womanly organ to perfect health. It esUblUhe regularity In their functions. It restore the (trained and shattered nervous, system. It -clean up the complexion, round out the form and make life a dally happiness. "Favorite PreeerlpUon contain no alcohol ar. whisky. -It la the beat medicine for women. Nothing caa bo" lust as good aa the beat Tell the dealer o If he offers a substitute. I wroas to yoa ta Iwa, about my caa," write lira Ells W. Bobbloson. of Nuttrne. Vs. "Wat then In a bad cmuitkm, and your reply waa that I probsblv Inherited the trouble from my another, and yos prescribed Dr. Pierces Favorite Preecriptloti. About that time I had an attack ot fever and was Ick fur qalt a while, eo failed to get yoar -'Prescription.' Ia December following was married and then my bvuoand bought me tw bottles of Dr. Pierce's Favorite lreeerlplion., Before I bea-aa to take It I ksd baartng-tkwn . pains at monthly perioda alao dlasy spella After 1 had taken one bottle I felt better and had no more pa Ina After taking the second " bottle felt better than ever ia my life, and la September gave birth to a twalve-pouud babe- girt. I am very thsnkf id for your good medicine, sad shall tell my friends what It ' did, tor me, snd shall rsumuneud It to all -w ah sr a Uleted. V taluk it the best assdl eine la the world." . ' , Kot only Mie Orlaal bot the . - SSet Li.ii Liver l-uis, first put irZT up sver 4S yeers sge, by old - Ir. R. V. Pierce.' hava been Imitated but aevee equaled, ss thou sands attest They're purely vegetable, being made up of concentrated and refined meuielnal principles, sxtracted 4rom the root ot American planta Do not gripe. One or two for stomach corrective three at . bur for catbartic - . . , ,.'.'.'...., mm grip , OF STORfal Steering Gear"; of Steamer Dis abled as Sfie Enters Eureka : Harbor.''. (Toamal Special Hei-rW.) ' Eureka, Cel., Nov. 18. With rudder aternpoat gone and under. fury rig ih ateamer Roanoke ie how proceeding -to Ban : Francisco.. While- attempting to oross the bar. yeaterday ' afternoon the Roanoke narrowly escaped - disaster In the ' heavy seas, which1- cut away her . rudder - and ' washed over the , helpless eraft. The tugs sns wered the distress eignala.'.. .-. . '-..-. ,"..-'- : To the astoniahmsnt of the liftsavers. the Roanoke drifted broadside over the ; dangerous bar and out to sea on the ebb tide., Tugs and lifesavere stood, by while .temporary repairs were made to the rudder.., Early this morning the ves sel started, soutb. . No" pssaengers were landed. The etent of the damage -ts Unknown; but It Is thought the vessel Is- leaking.. . 'i .-. -, ,, p t . '- BORROWED STOCK T0-v ,5 J DODGE STOCK PAYMENTS " .;' ' y "I ,.. , . V ,'. (Josrkal Bpwld Servle. ' - V ' New York, Nov. 38. Edmond IX Ran dolph, treasurer ef 'the. New York' Life Insurance company, testified this morn ing in. the. legislative insurance Inves tigation regarding syndicate operations. Inquisitor Hughes questioned the wit ness regarding the testimony of Cash ier Banta to-th effect: that New York City stock ta the value of I700.0 waa taken from the vault of ,th Insuranoe company several years ago by Randolph, and a check for the aame amount of the Central National bank aubstltuted. Hughes Intimated and Randolph admit ted that It appeared that tha stock waa loaned so that it could be returned as nontaxable property. -The witness said' he had not permitted auch transactions since, he had been treasurer 4, T.. v :v. ' Kaaloala at Taaeeaver.': V. ' . There will be a musical entertainment In the Presbyterian cnurch . at Van couver this evening, commencing at. o'clock. It ia for the benefit of the church organ, fund and la te be given under the ausplcea of the cbolr. A good program haa been arranged. - Ths talent will Include the Sheldon Mndo- lin club. I ' ' , i f v - Don't waste time in argu ment, come right down to the practical question of today--Overcoats for every day, holy day and Sunday; the Chester field is the common-sense coat favored by the practical man It's the regular; "standby"- the kind one "tan hardly .do without $15. - -' , , .. r ; Look at ohr window tomor row ee the varieties ia.thi style." v - ' '-" If thU End don't suit you? present wants, we . know we have a kind that will. IxionCLOTHin&O ntfltters ffr btsa and Bova. '" , lee and lea Tbir gtret. -Teas atorrtsos, i . . wUia. ie-JPe" "' ... a 1 i e V . "