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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1905)
K TIIS CHACON DAILY JOUniXAU'-- PORTEAIID, : TUZ2DAY EVEKIKO. NCVrrir"?. 3, . 1CC3. l 1 1 rm o 1 - F.o.EFomAr;Dr;o.4 mil 01 ii a Jf.CJiiGujiLLE.lii'iS POPULAR GIL- Mist Louise T. Jones Forget to ' Second Place In District v" by Heavy Vote. '-V't , 1 --y SSemmmmmmwMn-emmmmmmmmmma , . NEARLY TWO THOUSAND ' C ALLOTS IN TWO DAYS jrliss Minnie S. Phillip Still Leads - Contest and First " District,. With Miss Sallie Madigan and Miss Sadie . Wintermantle Following Her. ' ,"? Vol In continues 'be remarkably 1 heavy ' In Tht Journal's Hawaiian trip ' contest: ; The flrstrdiatrlct la' headed by Alias Minnie 8. Phillips., deputy county clerk of . the circuit , court of Portland, who has 86,855 votes to her credit. Mias Bailie .Madlgan of the Olds, Wortman aV Kinajvetore oomea second with . 81.110 votes." Following very cloaely ls-Mlsa Sadie "Wintermantle of the City Dye Worka with .74,790 votes. Miss Aura Baty takes fourth place -with 70. JO votes and Miss OretchenKurth 'comes Miss Louise TV Jones. fifth with 80.474-vote to her orealC The votlna has been exceedingly heavy da tea are working- hard for the magnlfl- ceni inp, . In ths second district. Miss Katie Nash of La Grand leads with 7I,7 -vote, while close! v ; following - her la Mias Monie troeDstei, wno naa votes.: mis Agnea Fletcher or renate - eosaes third with 87,168 votes.' - Miss Emllle Crossen of The Dalles leads the third district with 41.411 votea, whUa. (tidl Crates comes second with 5T.188 votes and Miaa Btella Richardson of Hood River third with 86.S54 votes. Kiss Xing Iada Tourth. , ini teaoer or uio rourm oinnoia am Effte Mae King of Ontario, has 12.481 votea, i Mlsa Haul Barton- of Baker City 1econd with 14.117 votes and Gertrude Ties third with 10.4 votes. , Miaa Katharine Oore of . Kalama leads th fifth ' district. - having 88.80 TtitM. TiTlinr Hiirn ' Iliiarrtm .of J takes second place with 18,817 . In district No. Miss Blanche1 Brown of Salem still retains first placa, having IS.Sie vptas. . Miss Madge Battee of Eugene la second, with 43,285, and Miss Maude - Blair of Cottage . drove third, with 87.080. The voting In this district tins ' been exceedingly heavy the paat two daya..'- In tha seventh district Miss Bertha Courtemanche of McMlnnvllle retains first plac. with 18,184 votes, whllo fol- . lowing her closely Is Mlas Myrtle But ler of Forest Grove), who hss 18,200 .votes, and Miaa Haael Kanndv la third. with 18,57s... ,;: , , .' y Klsa Joaes rorglar Ahsad. ' Miss Edna Parsley of Roaebnrg leads the eighth district with 4.1.8(8 votaa, while Mlsa Louise T. -Jones of Jackson ville takes second place with 83,(50 votea to her credit, having gained 18, 804 votes since Saturday. Mlsa Maud . Berry of Grants Pasa has third posi tion, with 38,(35 votea, . -. ' In aU districts the voting has been ramarkahlT heavy. Onlv'31 dava re main - before the contest closes. Now Is the time to get in the habit of vot lna. A six months' or 11 months' sue- scription would In many cases change" the standing of tha different candidate. UIE SAVED BY FATUOUS PILE CURE ' ' v ... ... ' f WeH-known Resident of Moline, HL Rescued From De,th bjrj v v.; ,! the Wonderful Pyramid ' '. : r '':' t Pile Cure,: .,.; . k. ..... .. . '. : . , To Aayoae Sending XTama and Address a Tree Trial Treatmeat WU1 Se Seat to rrov the Troth of : -.. ., ,. Xja Oreat fw..v 'y. V -.- ' ''- "By avery'Tnall ' we get hundreds of letters like these: - "I will say thnt two prominent phj-sl-clans of our city declared that unless I Tsnderwent - an operation, and that very soon, I was In danger of death. I saw your ad In a newspaper and at onra sent for a sample, which I re ceived verv- promptly. I want to tell you that It was the first thing that eased tue terrible pain and Itching and allowed me te have a night s ren for 7 long weeks, mt nmnairo immejuwiy went to. our druggist, Mr. Helnbach, and procured a 66-cent box. I am now cured dnd will always- reoommerulyou highly to every one. You actually saved my life.. My mind, too, was al most gone from ths pain. Yours grate fullyrsr'Hoei Stouffer, 1(01 Six teenth street, Moline, 111.' , . . The Pyramid Pile Cure quickly and 'easily cures th worst cases of piles, heels all ulcer and sores, reduces alt Inflammation and takea away all Itch ing and paln.x - - Itewer of the surgeon's knife. - Its ' results are horrible, often wrecking .life and. resulting in hemorrhage) and death. ' " - i Pyramid Pile Cur gtye Instant re llef, you cure . youtwel 9 In your Own home, without being at all disturbed from your work. It Is prejwred In the form of "easy to use" suppositories. ' i. '' ' i A trial treatment will be sent to any one, absolutely free of charge, , who ends name and address. . After y nil are Satisfied with the sam ple, y on ran go to your druggist ana get a regular-slse treatment . for 60 cent, or If he hasn't It, send tho money , to us, and w will slnd you the treat ment at one Herri your name end address to Pyra mid Irug f'o., 7;,0S ryrnmld building, Marshall, Mich. riTTS AVVT1X CZLIMATIOnT AYS 7X1X1 MASQUERADE TURKEY BALL MERRILL'a HALL v Wednesday, November 29, 133$ , ,' THAHMOITIllw 1VK. . . . Til Tul Fun rrolKni iranraatleal! Teat Teal LOOK BEUOLD 1HB GIFTS TBI PHIZES 40 GRAND PRIZES 40 boob ruzzs. ; Firs Vrmaa Trim, 810e VarUr Orfea. . S4 Big T Tartars S4 very ' admlaeloa . tlraet ld , will save a aambarve eoupon .milling lb bolder W a eoaiwe la au duor itrlace. . , . 1XO0S FBIZXS. v 29tb Grand Prise A $ bI.'T-Uj presented V rm I. - Mrrnu. rraseniea id ine man, woman or enlld selling tbo Urgent number of the Kafirs' Masque Ball swat not be tees thas SUO tlrkets. Mtb Grand. Prist A gold - Kef le eharm. pro. nested br A- U Loew.nateln, 806H Waahluc- sun strert. Praeantad to tbo atan. womaa or rhlld aalllnt tha second larsrat Dumber of tickets to tbo Eacla's Mask Ball most sot bs leas than MO tickets. 87th Oraad Prisa A bam, ellroa sad plnsj. . paddlnii proaanted br F. Dreaaor A Co., Truth snd Waahlnctoa, for tbe best .rep- 18th Orand Prlsa A pair 810 trousers; pre sented br Columbia Woolea Mills. Keren Ik . and Stark, for tha rlckest drssosd aisaqiiar ffnu, 8Bth Orand Prlaa A 810 plaao ararf ;' presaated br Kllars Ptase Uooaa, Waot Park end . waablnctoa, for tbe rlcbest Sressea ssajt Udlea: ,.' 8Mb Grand Prise A 83 ambrellat nrasented a Boa - Bllln, Ponrtb snd Morrison, for tbe nest eostaiiM-a cnaraciar nta. Slat Orand Prise A U baakat ef esndr: era. sentrd br Swatland Candr Oompanr, SB8 Wsahlngtua, bur tbe seat eustalned character Udlaa. 82d Grand Prise ASne amoktnr art; preeented br Howe A Martin. Blitb and waahiB(toa, tor ' TOO mosc eomioai cnamcrer fonia. 3d Orand Prlsa A fur sock piece: nresentad br sV-SllTrropld A Co., Ponrtb and Morrawa, for tbe stoat comical character ladles, 84tb Orand Prlas A sealed pecks; presented - br the Kai-lss foe the moat bandeosns eale on tbe Soar. 8Mb Grand Prise A. mMt; nraeanted by tbs eoDimlttee for tbe bomlleat Eagle ea the Soar. BAnTcnra raizxt. ' 86tb Grand Prl A d Dnnlap bat; presented . by Beblnsoa A Ce. for tbe boat waltser (rats. " , - 87 th Orand PHse A f lady's hat: preseated . by Hollers, 380 WeaBlaatoa street, for tbe best waltser ladles. S8th Grand Prise A bos ' ef aVhlllere Ine rlcsrs; presented by Schiller elsar faetory for . tbe beat ballroom dancer seats.. . Sftth Grand Prlsa Beautiful $a cake; presented by Bakers' In ion ne. lie lor tae east sau- room dancer ladles. . .- 4Mb Grand - Prise Tbanksctrlnf baaerjet fer two: presented br ureana , Jiotet fat tae baedaomrat lady dancer. Special NOTICE Onlr one prise eaa be wea by any. lady or Kent dorlnr tbe ball. Brine our fa ml Ilea, awecrbearts sad Mends snd carry borne a load of Kaa le gifts for XaaaksclTtBg.v ; . - ATTEAOnOirg. Morel Men aad Bpectal reatnres tntredneed dorlag tbe reatlrltlcs la Hapld b)uccessloa. yarsoa's - Paaolmr Oroaeertra - AT af ed Xi antlomaa Maansrs aad gpeotaters, 80s,- 1 Led? btaatneia. aad gpeotaters. See. All tlcketa entitle bolder to en earner la all E rises. Retain eon coupon. Doors opea st p. Be., (rand march st S. None bnt maamurs allowed on tbe Door anttl tbe snmasklnc JTo tntoaloatlnc Uqnora Mold ta Bnlldlng From- the nOrtrV'from" the aouth from tha east and from' th west the malls today were loaded with coupon for the different candldatea. - Now la the time for each candidate and her friends to fu rth.; thclr b"t "torts, t. secure NEWS OF THE WIND-UP. Aaotkec Beaatlfal Bxpoaltloa 9iMjn Sold ; . . . by OWlero. ;. . . . ; The beautiful Lester Upright Grand, used by th Everett and Belllngham hoateaaea in tha Washington building at the fair, ,waa purchased at Ellera Piano House by Mrs, Nina Ijtrowe, for her ele gantly appointed hall at Twenty-third and Kearney streets. . ' Thia Lester -Conoert Grand wlIV"no doubt, add much to th attractiveness snd popularity of Mr. La rows' school, tor It la a uprb instrument In appear ance, and rta strong, penetrating, yet mellow tones, will amply and eaally fill the beautiful auditorium. . The'Eller ale of piano used In th atat build ings and In th private apartments of many of the fair oommlsslonsrs Is soon to close.. , -.-- , '-' . ; " . CATTLE-FEEDERS OF . MALHEUR ORGANIZE " ' (Speeiel Dbpatch to Tbe Journal.) ' ' ' OnUrlo. Or.. Nov. 28. The Malheuf Cattle Feeders' association was organ ised at a meeting held In the city coun cil chamber In Ontario Saturday after noon. . rWllllanr Morfitt officiated as chairman of, th meeting and A. - A. Brown aa secretary. Another meeting will be held In this' city Saturday, -De cember 8, "when 'the permanent -of fl eers will be ohoaen. Tha Officers of the organisation will be a president, vico president, secretary and treasurer. Th object of th association is for ; ! tha mutual benefit of tho stock feeders of this section. Matters pertaining to th"lVet methods of feeding to produce beef and marketing th cattle will be considered. The -object IS not to form a cattle . trust, but to -elevls ' the best means of obtaining a good and constant market for cattle raised In this localltyi Ths farmers of thla section have boon disposing of their, hay to sheepmen reg ularly until last vear . the BheeDmea refused to pay- th price anted, and as a consequence the farmers had consid erable hay left over fmm last year's crop. - They are now endeavoring .- to solve tha hay problem by buying youne cattle, feed them-the surplus hay., an-1 then place them on the. market. COVE APPLES BRING u GROWERS TOP PRICES V - , ' (Special Plapatch te The Journal.) Cove. Or., Nov. 18. Th Hennlngsen Produce company of Butte, represented by R. W. Stevens, purchased nine ears ef apple in th. vicinity -af 'Cev re eently, for which 8728 a .car was paid, or a total of 8(.82&. Many of the Cov apple were aold to th Oregon Produce company at La Grand, an4 while th crop vti considerable abort of - last year, are of unusual good quality and are bringing the beat of pric. . Salalet Wentan Barsed. a,.. (Special riapatcb to Tbe Jonrnsl.) " Rainier, Or., Nov.- 18. Mrs. Joseph Bryant of Maygera r eel red very painful Injurio Friday. She was atartlnip-s fir with coal oil 'from a small can, which exploded. - Her face and arms were badly buried. She will recover from her burns, but she will never- r gain her full health on account of the nervoua shock. . 7r & ( it (0 - n 1 . 11 - XN ,.t 1.1 - --1 . lWaVa , m.9 it ' -"! J 4; W I; v. i THE GREATEST EVENT; IN THE "HISTORY OF PORTLAND FOR BARGAIN HUNTERS IS NOW GOING ON AT 172 THIRD ST. WHY ARE WE DOING THIS? SIMPLY WANT TO BE ADVERTISED AND CREATE A SENSATION. CROWDS ARE BOUND TO COME AND GET, Vt- niA ninninte urn ' ntai' nTtnirnw minnmw th - . .h ....... ... .v .- . . , . ....... X n&OHi DlJ OAAUAin. A11U Alf THE SUIT iiBfl lTTUWtBY THIlOWN IN ! V We are, going one better on our Meh . Furniihingsthantny - store In7town.ll 11? 7 ."k'X'fSW: T1lUlinTO sTT?TiJsT 'X ' 1; Grasp the.oprrhinit;;:'.,!:, ; .?im I uT , ' r--IwJ 1 JnUlNJ ULVIr, 1 ! ',;.'-:'; ; "A v-' -' :V,----77t v f,ne auitopiten. Clothes, ill tol .! V:y. X;C Q A J i'urnisning a ortmeiat Golf Shirts,. values to $1.50......... 60s Golf Shirts, values tol.00. ...... -i.49 Golf Shirts, values to K 75c,-, . 7, " At heavy ttlndl'rtvxlf 75c , , , ..,v- , 6 nap j. Good Den values .v.;; .:. . . . uj&Tfx ; Extra heavy ribbed, Underwear regular 75c values ................ 34e; ? v And a fat turkey thrown (Extra heavy wool' IJnderwear, regular yoolen ; IloseJn . all . shades and colors. ' " : . eBtl, ViUv9 ) t Alt' Men's black and fancv colored Hose,- . 1 a . r? J ti 1 TV rv t ylvicns rowm-nanu w va,,.. v, svuiuaui .-". ................. , 50c Silk Hose. 23 50c Lisle Hose ... i .V ; '.; . ; J . v. .' i , . .2lf Men's Working Shirts'; 65c grade ; . .' .23 ir..'. ixr-i,: ci.:U. ' j'v noi " IT ft 1 . 1 . . .unen . iianaKercniems, .cneaper ( man .. washintr.thcm .....3 for 10 Beautiful all wool blue flannel Overshirts, reeular price $2.50 Our priced . . .80s 14 $1.50 values. r. ., on every coat) worth $20.00 to : CvO Silk web Suspenders. I V. ;V. .Ci..'.'"..!;' 5 ' ' o ';V ,$35;00. Wednesday price. V .Men's heavy working Suspenders;. good ' 7;An fat urkt.hrown : T 7 . : : ' v ' wearers, formerly. 60c, go at. . . .". 8 7 t .. 'Men's Melton Overcoats, i , atxeu a wiaius juh la, jiaut, . . .aae ' 1 irosmveiy wonn yS.w, o.uu anu i.w or money rcmnucu.; ' " x ' I'Men'i.Dress'.Tiesle,' 2f 3e and Se jJ-VBoy Suits and Overcoats ; worth Oft ' I ;;F!eVchnW;UndWeir!; Waterprr:dlIaV;.;:".:.i v ' '.v , . $6.00 ana $7.oo. .......... .... .. . ........ . Cmf r .'12'','ti.'ji.i.:-. -l , . .-. -."T' '' -:' ' .... eS mr c . , ' T ' 'iX:!'X We have thousands of Suits and Overcoats to choose 'foiiv It Mens Sweaters, former pnee $1.50v Our 1 r; ' This season's popular-styles and patterns.' . . ' , ; r , Thi?se are very heavy for winter .wear. 'WE HAVE THE Mailorders ReccivePrornpt Attention at 172 Third St. Don't Forget to Get M I'fi'a! r r r,;, y.. f trl.v.. ., A ' r It '" " . C i s i f : f r . . ' iimr . .. ! I . . .UAaa. iHAUIIll liX. ...ll ,-.- i if. ... -1 wm u V - OR. OVER.COAT.You Vcnt, h Hero ct. Your Ovm Price And a fat turkey thrown 7 T 7 MenV fine Suit and Overcoats, pj'-; "Srcotcn plaids; wortn io.oo...-..........neV tif - J ' '" "And 'a fat lurlcFyTRfavvii -Men's splendid Suits and Overcoats,' in velour finish cassimeres, , all sizes ; positively worth $18.00, . Cl flT ' or your money back.......;............... JQiOO ' 1 And a fat turkey thrown 'J Silk and satin-lined Dress Suits and Overcoats, In plain checks o , o and striped colorings ; they are positively y ffl'A Q V ' - - worth $22.00..... .. ...... .i. ...... .M;'b0i70"-!!": f ". f4". re Suita I vZj (: styles and shades, heavy ;r finest $40.00 tailor - maJe - . ;'.;' .' garments , v Z Men's' finest Waterproof Overcoats (maker! guarantee ticket blue. ' Wednesday price elB A era 4 afa tl 4 ) jbh t ll . x i. ; V- . 7! 1 7 Men'sjand Youths' Ulsters, in T . X . .shades. Wednesday price. rt X ... ;u t , , a fat turkey thrown - f: r-. P.nla ; - X -. money refunded. ......... . . .... .r Caw -, , , , J Men'g fine Trousers- for- Sunday .wear, in wor-; '' O Q o .1 N 1 steds. and fancy stripes, at . . . . i . .... ... . r. . . p J)rJ ; , i.-'., n i ' '. t. m Xn imm.. 1 : J ; ,;.; ItA. l lKiA - r. - . t Z . ' v : v f ' 1,000 pair. Boys' Knee Pants ; .V ' ' " 4 ' ' " V ' GOODS TO BACK UP. OUR ;r: YOU WILL FIND ' li Jl Your Dig Fat Turkey ,..., ..... . . ', -I ". : M :..;-.:-:.::;i;:-C.....;.r, :QJ . COMES mum i vJ xuuawO vuuia l niiuu ait VICaE TIC KG SIGNS ARC in. In cheviots and C AA X Iri. . ; ' V':' 2 in. I and Overcoats, in' all the latest ' oV, silk and satin lined; equal to the to - order . r 1 l ' wy . t m fSH SnW SY afSW mnm .....r...fJ 1 Gt& in. 98 in gray, black and 23 '..' '- all the latest Q AO ................. JUsefil i - , T jn. ; t rfh rft nr vmir ( . . , na af -sT a KnU. - i',hZ (rnmV v ' . worth , : ; . ; J C fi i ' ' 4 ' t ' ' ' ' ' ' , w X ftttttttt totttttttttt STATEMENTS. EVERYTHINQ HERE. THE STORE is Uik; ... Hqro Vc 1 " . - - --- - - i -n TO ATO LUYS UTHZH A ;.,.V'-h At- rvleh's Hat artment SUGG'S pep $1.50 and $100 Hats. ... .......... .40f : Men's black stiff Derby Hats. ....?1.23 ; , -Men's" $5U0 Hats ..... ' , , V.. '. ' SHOE DEPARTMENT $2.50 welts and turned sole Shoes Regular $2.00 and $2.50 values.. Regular $2.50 and $3.00 values.. Ladies' Dress Shoes ............ Ladies' vici kid, worth $2.50..... Ladies' heavy Shoes forTainy ' weather 1 . . !'. ..... Children's Shoes 7 .... .t. .... . . Misses' Shoes a........'...... Men's Shoes, regular $2.50 and $3.00 values ............;91.C3 Box calf and vici, all Styles, regu- . Jar $2.00 and $3.00 values 91C3 Box calf and vici, all styles, regu- lar $2.50 and $3.00 values.;... .$1X3 Men's patent leather $3.00 Shoes 2.C3 Men's Shoes . ... vi . . .. .913 Men's Dress Shoes... ........... .9 1.43 Men's patent leather Shoes, worth $3.00 . . . . . . I . v 92.15 WE ADVERTISE . - - ; i ' .910 .?l.CO .91-33 91.43 91.C3 ...40