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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1905)
THE OREOOn' "PAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER C3, 1C05. BIC-:GRIID0CK . i ' 7 ' IS PLAHNEO 'I Sit Sefected Said to B That k v of Old Victoria tyare- ' house. . V t -f -- CROWING. NEED' FELT ; V' ? v , ' OF SUCK WHARFAGE pepth of Water Thiera at Great ai C Any Placa In Harbor and Fire Pro- ' taction U Good Prbperty Prob- 5 ably' Will Ba Leased to Operatora. Ths eut Mil office of Tb looraal Is la the tor of J. M. C Miliar. WO Met Morrises street Telepaoaa Kmc an. ' - A modern' (rain dock located where .the victoria, dolphins - now stand Just f north of the steel bride on too cast ! bank of ' tba WUlametto la on of tha I Important improvements likely aoon- to ' ' ba started oa tha east aide waterfront. t' Exporters, ship masters end Interior ,' ablppera coraplalo that tbera are not . t enough docks to nanai tba wneat crop 'and when two or the aocks were nurnea ' ( last summer tba port's ability to fur-, I nlab . cargoes wss seriously Impaired. j Even at tlte "beet,- ao ablppera aay, tbera Tare not enough docks to handle the aea- ' eonVcrop, which each, year la growing t larger:' - - t . .- I , Precisely who la behind , the plan to erect a Ma dock where the victoria I docks' stood for years la nor known 1 further than that local capital ta lnter- 1 es ted and that the docks will ba built ' In all likelihood early next year and be ,1a readlneea to handle the 106 crop. Waterfront men nay that on of tha 1 deepest places In tha local harbor la op- ! poelte tha . old Victoria dock site and i that 40 feet of water 1 to be found ' 'there In moat of tha shipping season. r other recant dock ait In the harbor could offer and the only wonder Is that the opportunity has been allowed to go ' unimproved so long. 1 What la said to have J had especial f weight with capital has been the cora- - tparatlvely alight Investment required to ; iseeor a. good income. While a grain dook requires considerable expenditure ,lt Is not to be compared with a modern block so far as expense goes, and on Its completion ean be leased "to an operat- " ring company at a good, return, Immedl lately becoming a, productive property without farther cost' Practically all the local docka are managed In this way land they all have proved prod table ln- vestmenta. A dock oa the Victoria sit would have, better lire protection than any similar institution here because of Its proximity to the flrehoat. '" " ' IMPORTANT WORK TONIGHT Improvement1 Asaosiatiosi Has Sara Big . j - Questions to Solve a Oaee.- ' ---At the meeting of the East Bid Im fiprevement - association tonight In the ''east side Justice , court at '7:10 o'clock 'two matters of ' great importance will ;)be oonsidered for the Jl rat time. '' The aaaociatlon, at the suggestion of President Boise, will take up the water ' problem and '-will-consider the edvtsa- bjllty of urging the - water board to build a new pip Una from Mount Hood to the oity reservoirs. ; This subject wss j broached informally last week at . the i AHHOolntlnii mMtlnr and tonie-ht-the action of a definite sort will be taken. The general opinion seems to favor the construction of the pipe 4ins Just as eta for December is ; : ; . ' genereL sentiment 'waa'afcaihst the pur chase, of IOO,0()0 wprtaof,.water meters. .. The plan Of Franrlel. McKerm for the eonetruoMon- and municipal owner ship of a" belt llu two new high bridges across the Willamette and a boulevard and park system, will be oonsidered formally by the association. Mr. Mc Kenne- briefly outlined hla plan at tha last meeting and (he plan was indorsed, by the president. A more detailed ex-, nlanarlnn of the work oroDOSed -And Its, advantages to the city will be given to night and the , association will Uka soma stand. - . The fill campaign being earned oa by the leaving property-owners of tee cen tral east side district and a special com mittee of the club, la conjunction with the Port of Portland commission, the city council and the ' executive board. will be discussed. Reports will be made aate-the week's -work and as to the feasibility of ths commissions big dredge handling the river bed material. It Is desired that a full attendance be present ' of those concerned In the growth of the east side to tak action on these and other Important matters that will be presented. , UNITE 'SUNDERED SUBURBS. '"' " ' Oread Avenue nil OoaAraot Oaus of - Joy to Business afea Case. No recent contract let by the executive board has brought greater satisfaction to ths buslnses men of tha .east slds than that awarded the Pacific Bridge company yesterday, afternoon for the nil of Grand avenue between Eaat Oak and Pine streets. -The oost of the fill will bftlB,0l and the value of the im provement to east side business Inter ests will be many' times this amount h month. Work, will begin at onoe oa the contract and before many weeks dim the eaat aide will be united again. for the first Mm sine the big fire months' ago. " ' "- At present the , heavy traxno or tne central dlatrlct, and much of the busi ness from ths west side to tha suburbs. Is forced to take a devloua courae over tottering elevated roadways and along muddy streets' In I order to get across the Hawthorns slough. The fill and Im provement of ths gulch on -Orandt avenue will give a T-road thorougnrar xrorn on end of the east side to tne otner ana will enable teatnaters -to save' time and labor. For months before the fir the property-owners . endeavored to get to gether and raise 'money for ths fill, -but wer unsuccessful, many at that time favoring the rebuilding of ths elevated roadway across ths slough. Tha dis astrous fire and the eaae with which on that occasion the flajnes followed the elevated roadways convinced th resi dents that; fills war cheapest, . j, NEW 'FERRY. STARTS. Temporary Boat Arc Jrlaoed ta scrto Vy a Johas Compear. ' A temporary ferry across- th Wll lamette has been placed In operation at St. Johns by th company whloh will be given a franchise early in December. After th pasaag of th ferry ordi nance th com pur will install a modern boat the equal of any of Portland's oraft. but to most th trafflo require ments a launch and barga have - been placed In operation to work' until the new ferry can be completed. It Is probable that th ferry will be patron-: lsed largely, as teamsters can eav a mil or more by taking th Llnnton road to Portland Instead of following the devious " course of the "Various boule vards that skirt th peninsula, and the teaming required to satisfy th growing" neede of St. Johns Is becoming more of factor each month. J. a Brink, manager of th fit. Johns Ferry com pany, has started work on th two ap- pruacDca w xum .uv utnuini, viiv ok which, will be at th foot -of Blttaburg street' la th town and jth Ather la Unnton.. ' - - , " ', . . . Will W a Ontario. v, Ontario, Or., Nov. 18. Harry JB. Kyes united In marriage at th home of th bride's parents In this city, Wednes day svsnlng. November 2. ' Designs by Mrs. Rdstbn Mrs. Ralston's Christmas Inexpensive ChristiTias Remembrances ''':'" . ,' ' a,-1 . i " ' -r V J" i ' ", . w Christmas Jdeas for the Sunday-School What to Give and What NewGhrisas Musics v Plays and Pastimes, : Christmas Stories : ;V:: t ' and . ..... . . ' ; . f. , , , . . 4 .. r , f Christmas Dinners zREAL Christmas Number, ;15;Ce'nts a Cppy THE-CURTIS PUBLISHING CJOMPANYHli - f -' - i ; . a. cs L'vi!lill!iijaJ cisLDSirnsmji A Cream off Tartar Powder. . - 1r from alum or prtoa phatio aold i'ROTAl. aAKINO aoWOtll CO, NCW YOK WOMAN GIVEN 20 YEARS PRISON FOR MURDER Mis Margaret Williamson of Los Angeles Convicted for Slay ing, Her Insulter.' ' (Joaraal Sparial RarrK. - ' lioa Angeles, Nov.-. It. Still militant and determined to 'say a word for her self, but quieted by her attorney. Miss Margaret H. Williamson Saturday stood before the Judge and crowd of curious people lh department No. 1 f th su perior court and received a sentence of 10 years in th state prison at Baa Quentln from Judge B. M. Smith. Th crime for which Miss William son was sentenced was. the killing of Richard Saunders Parry at th Piedmont lodging-house on th evening of July 17. Th woman claimed that tha man had Insulted ber 'and even attacked her, but -that the fatal shot was fired' by accident after ah had ordered him out of th bouse. . .. . . . "Is there any legal reason why Judg ment should not be pronounced against youT' asked th Judge, while a plnfall might have been heard In tb court. "yes, yes."- urged th prisoner, a wave of anger and indignation sweep ing over ber race. "No, there Is not." admonlshed-her attorney in a whisper. "Just stand still and sajr nothing. You have a chance bow.' - - '- r' Ths woman took th advice, like a Soulier, and stood like , a - statu - while sentence was passed upon her. ; ' 1 1 " x - NELSON AND BRITT-iik - MAY FIGHT AGAIN (Joaraal Special Service.) ' " Cleveland. Nov. Jt. It is ' expected that another, fight ) between Battling Nelaon ' and Jimmy Brltt will be ar ranged In this city, this week. Both men have been talking of another match and. both will. appear her this week -to glv sparring exhibitions at 'different theatres. It is believed that their man agers will get together and settl their difference. and pav the way for a fight The two' boys arrived her Sunday and will be lavishly entertained during in weeic . Drawings by Alugusta Rclnicr ' IHEIIEO(IE':iS ; , 4, ,,, '. i fc';' , J . Russia Jew Do ' No Manual 'Labor Always Merchants " 'or Money Lenders. "' SHYLOCK METHODS CAUSE FOR CONTEMPT OF RACE All Franca Stands Aghast at Tarribl Masascrea and Trnch Advocat ' Overthrow of Ciar'a Government '. Even Though They Lose Money, i (Jnernal Speelal Service.) 1 'Paris..t Nov. tt. All JTranc stands aghaat at ths terrible msssacres of Jews in Russts, and In4 spit of th fact that tha-overthrow of the present rglm.ln that eountry would probably mesa a loss of several millions of francs to ths rrench : people,--you hear everywhere, van among those - who have Inveated alj their, savings In Ruaalan securities, nothing but -words of condemnation of th caax's government, which has done little or nothing to prevent ths shedding of blood, among th Jaws, , It is on of th most beautiful traits in th character of th French people that, thrifty and saving . though they are, money after all is a secondary con slderaUoa, which is perhaps more t thsn can be said about the citlseot of other great republics. . Should Xiv Country, Money for the relief of the suffering Jsw in Russia Is pouring in, but there are a good many phllantrophlats here who declare' that money -wilt be of no avail, as It will ultimately become booty for the aaaaasins. and that the' only remedy is to assist th whole Jewish population In Russia to leave the Coun try where they (are objects, of such in tense hatred. A Rusaisn of high standing In this city baa indorsed this opinion, isnd while strongly condemning the msssacres, and far from condoning th murderers, has tried to explain to th French people th hatred of-th Russians against th Jews. ' "While it is true," he said,: "that ths Russian au toe ratio government has el ways considered the Jewsaa undesirable element because of their mental su periority over ths ignorant tnoujtk, it should be remembered that th massa cres have always been committed by the lower classes and without th Instiga tion of the eiergy or the off lclala, as it Is often said. The lowar clssses hat tn jews because or their snylooklan methods towsrd them. ... ."The Russian Jew hss the antipathy of hla race against bodily labor. - Always a Usurer. '"He never tills th4 soil, nor' makea his living in ths sweat of his brow. He nesrly always either a merchant or a . money lender on , a emaU jor, large 'As a merchant ha la always unserunu- lous and very often dishonest, but tt Is ss a money lender that he usually arouses hatred. "Th Russian has la his character many of the traits of a child. H Is careleee with money, whether he possesses little or much, light living and extravagant. When the Jew comes to him and offers th loan of money, he accepts It, thinking lltU of th rat of interest or or the dsy of repayment. He gives as security anything demanded, and when the term of ths loan expires and As os n net pay ha sennet undai stand that, the lender has the right to Uke possession of the security given. "The Jew insists on having hla pound of All Dealers PA. : - : - A .. ,i,: ef . ' V.JUi ; It is not a little thing.- . vrill tvot tret wall by itself n it as- -' l v ... and (Joinine and such things brace you up for the time, but they don't cure you. ' . Ask any intelligent doctor why you catch cold so easily., Ho will' say, Because you are a bit run down." He means that the force which nature placed in your body ' to keep out disease germs the resistive force is weak L ened. ,The door is. open a,Uttle way toward disease. t: . There is riot a gravestone in any cemetery in the world caused by consumption or pneumonia or any lung trouble .. whatever, which did not start with what you call "Noth- - ing but a cold." , '-1:.: X- i-il - - A cold should not be beaten back or drugged over it ' should be cured, v and the general health, should , b built np.. . ' t,.i ;'-". -. .: ,-h ACKERS ENGLISH , should be taken at the ftst symptoms of cold. - It is a tonio . for the whole body, a specific, for sudden colds, coughs or aore throats. It doesn't matter where the cold is or how it, cot there, we know that Acker's Ensllslt Remedy , will reach it and cure ft. It is sold on a positive guarantee. tlO CURS HO PAY. W you have a coldno " matter how slight it means something. Take Acker's ' English Remedy at once. Keep it in the house. If ; it does not relive you almost instantly, we will refund you ; the price paid. !, ::' .. , , .;.' -Vv V,V- ,:- '' " Acasa'a EMOtiaa Ramov saved my Ufa, A cough; slight at first, r Frew constantly worse and I finally bad to give np my work is the Knife ctory at Walden. I had frequent bleeding spells. Was examined by t local doctors, prominent physicians la Mew York and at a Medical Col lege. They all pronounced my case hopeless, ( begin using Acoa s ENOUsa Rsaiapv and a few bottles cured me. I am today a perfectly eUinaa.a f . , (Sif aed) A, H. SIMPSON, Waldea, M. Y. A Ackers Rncllsb Remedy is sold on a poai. five guarantee that the purchase money will be refunded ia - case of failure.. 18c," 60c., and 1.00 per bottle. :. '.f:':, r--".;sOLD AND of flesh, and in taking It he often sesls hta -own -doom.- For' all parties con cerned it would be a great blessing- If Zionism would induca svery Jew - In Russia to leave th empire. " i Such are the views of aa educated and liberal Russian, who deplores the slaughter of Jews ss much aa anybody. and there are many men her acquainted with conditions ia Russia who agree with him. - . .', . WEST EXCEEDS EAST ; ' 'IN OIL PRODUCTION - , (Journal Special Serrlea.r Chicago, Nov, Jt. The report of the United dates geological survey, just published, shows that, for th- first Mm . ta th history of ths petroleum industry of the. United " BUtes, the quantity ef oil product' west of ths Utsslsslppi river last year was greater than .that, produced Jn the eastern region. New pools. wore discovered In ltOl In Texas, California, Kansas, In dian Territory and Oklahoma and many extensions wsre made to ths old fields. An immense section, beginning In south eastern Kansas and extending south- westward Into northern Indian Terrl tory and Oklahoma, now more than 180 miles long and ' 60 miles - wide, a proved to be productive of petroleum and natural gas. According to th statistics contained In ths report referred to, th total out. put of -crude oil last year was 11 T, 0(11,421 barrels, a yield of 1M0J.OU barrel less than ths ysar before. Th values ef last year's product amounted to S101,lT0,t, a gain of ft.470.4U over ItOS. - Th rapont says sail indications point to an Increase In th production of petroleum la th United States for years. . The Increased demand In this eountry Is attributed in great measure to toe uss or tnat article ,in automo biles and as a fuel In oertaln industries, MADE A FORTUNE BY BETTING UPON RACES . J . (Joaraal Special Serrloa.) , Jersey City, N. J., iNov. il. It I doubtful whether there is any other man in this country who has been ae luckv In bettlns- en - haraa ran. aa Prank England, up to f Iv years ago a streetcar conductor lh this city. Five years ago ha worked hard' for II. to a day and now he takes life easy, living on the Income of $160,000, which he accumulated sines he began to play th races. For several years he played the races witn vsrying success and when th racing sesson began this year he was slightly the loser. On May to last ir triea nis iuck again with an invest ment of 71 cents. He won and has continued to win ever since. He Is now winner to tne extent ef '1150.000.. : He hss purchased a fin residence . In Brooklyn worth 130,000 and Is enjoying me, traveling win nis wire and some relatives. He says, that hla betting is based upon reJlabl inslds information, that there fs nothing crooked about it, but that h weuld not stats where h. ootainea me. inrormatlon. ' - - CRAWFORD ON TRIAL ' u FOR POSTAL FRAUDS Joaraal Special Serrlee.) " ; Washington, D. C. Nor. 21. Th sec ond trial of William O. Crawford, whe wss Indicted Jointly with A. W. Machen end Greorg E. Lorens on charges of con spiracy to defraud the government, was begun today before Justice Wright of the criminal court. Crawford was tried lsst spring, but the Jury wss unable to agree. .Tire charge Is that of defraud ing ths United States In connection with the sale of letter-carriers' bags and straps for us by th postofflc depart ment. Btacnen pleaded guilty to. the charge and was sentence to two years' Imprisonment. Lorena was used by th government as a witness sgalnat Craw ford at hla first trial and was later sent to ths penitentiary to serve a two-year sentence, for conspiracy to dfra4 tb government. "' . ' , - . ,. , r CI It's a deadly thine. It you let it alone. Whiskey REMEDY GUARANTEED . BY S. C. SKI L - XVS'Cetable PreparalionforAs slmilating the Food andBeguIa ting the StoaBdB anLBoweu of hi mi, a. lmolesDigestionJCisTerfu' nessarkl Rest .Contains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. OT NARCOTIC, , fffrTTTVaaw arrHSBsaBrsseeV w essV Aperfecl Remedy for Cons fip non. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca Worms Xxmvulsions .Feveri sh rurst and Loss of Sleep. ?ac Simite .Signature ef ' ketVi-ydhk:' W treat suoeessfully an private ner vous snd chronlo diseases of men: also blood, stomseh. heart liver, kidney and throat trouble W sure 8TFHILIS ' ' without mercury) te stay cured for ever. W remove BTRICTURE. with out -operation or pain, la II days. We stop drains, night losses and spermstorrbsa by a new method In a short time. W can restore th sexual tlgor of any man under E0 by means of c local treatment peculiar to ourselves. , ' (,, '. ' . Cure Qonorrhoea :, In a Week" C The duetore of this institute ere- tn regular graduates, have had many years' eDrlenea have been known In -Portland for II years, hsvs a rsputattoa io mniniain, ana wui unneriene no ess unless ceriain cure can o enecieo. We guaranro s rure In every caae wa idertak or charge no fee. Conaulta. Undertake or charge no fee. tlon free. Letter confidential Instruo- tlv BOOK FOR MEN mailed free , is plain wrapper. f Ws cure ths wnret Cases sf piles la I tlon. Cur guaranteed, , . If y If you cannot sail at offlr, write foe - Omo hourai to I and T f l DR. VV. NORTON DAVIS ;& CO. Offiose I Vaa Ney Hotel. l ThUd lUeeU Corner Pin Portlaa Oa, rrt ;3G - DMORE IfiD luai Tor Infanta 'and Children, .ci S BWSMSMBMSeMH Tho Kind You Have Bears Signature . j-" (T t . Fft i t' ' : ' t w or three treUnnta without aoer. - 'Jr.. - aaesrtlo blank, Rome treatmaat saaa ... ,- y ( .t i ..: tt, , -- V-- -- ' ' '' ' Always Bought y ' . am m u.a . rilif USB Thirty Years .Tae easiasa ssaissaf. ewv. . v Y,. nndsys snd hnlldare, 1 t 1 , , -4-sV'' 4 ' "-i-.-rf.: