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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1905)
TIIS ORgdoN .DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 23, 1903. FMAN (DICING STORI STOItfi OPENS " AT 8 O'CLOCK AM. STORE CLOCIZG AT 6 O CEOCK P. M. THE DIFFERENT STORE QOOD EVBlNINCi ! FIFTH, SIXTH, WASHINGTON r-i sti t n -mJL. J ' -a . ' V . ci iv " - - - v i i due .JUL 'f , Tomorrow ends the Manual Training School Votirig" Contest All votes must' be in the ballot boxes before 6 P, M. in order to be counted. . : v 17 111? ALL GOODS BOUGHT TODAY OR TOMORROW ON CREDIT ACCOUNTS WILL BE y V. ... .. . - CHARGED ON DECEMBER STATEMENTS. . ; . . Qosed all day We shall do two days' sell- " ing in one to morrow; can you wonder at , the results we expect-when you read the ; means we employ? A POSITIVELY SURPASSING MENU OF THANKSGIVING BARGAINS FOR LE AVE-THINGS-TO-THE-LAST-MINUTE FOLK! "NAMES Of THE LEADING SIX CONTESTANTS IN The American Manual Training School Voting Contest WITH STANDING OF EACH AT W A. M. TODAY. George Slater, LADD 231,138 Truman Cook, FAILING ..2260 Robert Holmes, HARRISON- .....;,..........,;-............ J'f Wright Brown, CLINTON KELLY '.i.'.r.i.U;jJrt ?$;' Tames Winston, HARRISON' . J.. .".... 130,S Sidney Crumm. NORTH CENTRAL . ....... 130,058 Scatterinir .'. ........ r 127.418 : Total,., 121)77 THERE'S TIME LEFT YET IN WHICH TO, BUY yl, : ; Suniptudus Table Linens'lst Floor Read the Detail of the Surpassing . Thanksgiving Sale of Hand dL: Embroidered Linen's. ' ." , 10.000 Hanf - Embroidered Linen - : Doiliea, Tray Clotha and Center . pieces at Special Price By rea- V son of our naving placed an order .a long time in advance, , we se cured these Embroidered Linens at prices which enable us to sell TT them for the same a you would ordinarily pay for, cheap goods. -They ire all made of handsome linen and, .are beautifully cm ' broidered. Note these special - ' prices - : ' 'Our 35c Val ; special at, ea.. . .25 Our 45c val.: soecial at. ea... .34 Our 50c val.; special at, ea.. ..38t Our 60c val.; special at, ea..'..45 Our 85c val.i special at, ea..... Our $1.00 val., special at, ea...T5e Our fSir vl . npril at. ea. :1i49. Our Sl.25 val: SDecial at. ea.. .94 Our 75o val.: SDecial at. ea.V..56 ; Our $1.50 val,:. special aUea.91.tO Handsoma New Patterns in Hemstitched Tablecloths and Teadothe ani -Daiwashs -tvy-tlw-ya-fd. Handkerchief Linena, in either sheer or cambric finish, in all widths, priced at. the yard, .'. . i'". ; . . .i f fS.OO Tablecloths made of Richardson's pure linen, extra site, for either, round or square tables., Napkins to match. . . ..." . . Thanksgiving Bargains in the Men's i Corner-T-Where Is It? . ; f Right handy off Sixth street, in the yearold Anriex-the noolr where men may procure their Toggery at less-than-elsewhere prices, andjw.ith out loss of time. , Spcjcial for Wednesday: ; j . , ,. TicketV'on sale here for the Multnomah-Oregon Thanksgiving football game on Multnomah field No extra charge. Men's $15 Outing Flannel Night Robea 98c Men's Fancy Outing Flannel . Night Robes, also some in plain white, pink or blue, trimmed 'with white edging on collar, front, jacket and cuffs. These gowns are extra well made and are very long and wide; splendid value tV - $1.25. Special sale price, each.. .............................. ..iWf Men's 75c Golf Shirts for 53c-rMen's Golf Shirts made of madras cloth in plain colors of Ian, gray and blue have one pair of cuffs They have the appearance, of a $1X0 shirt, but we sell them for 75c. Special sale price, each... ...... :'. ............. ............. $3J50 Suit Cases for $2J9 A- line of 26-inch Suit Cases, made with heavy leather corners, brass bound, four inside " straps and round leather , . handles a very durable and sightly case our-regular $3.50 ' value. Special sale price. ..-..-?...:..........,.',..:...,'. ..-..2.39 Men's $50 Sweaters for $1.59 Men's All-Wool Sweaters, -honeycomb weave, in. black and scarlet or green and red; our $2.50 value. . Special' sale price, each.'. ; . .V. .... . r. r;T;tT. .V.".v;"."ir.iiivir".ai69 SWEATERS ' FOR THE SMALL BOY. . . ' . . 99c For Sweaters Worth $1.25 Little Boys' "Brownie" Sweaters, made . of fine worsted yarn in scarlet and black and purple, sizes 22 and 24; our $1.25 value. Special sale price, each.. ...'.."....... ........994 Silk Fabrics and Dress Materials Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular SILK VALUES ABSOLUTELY UNAPPROACHABLE FOR,' . !vv ' . THANKSpiyiNQ WEEK. ,V-, ; . '. " .' V', Fifth Street Annex First .Floor. V Black Dependable Taffetas at greatly reduced prices for-Wednesdaynly. .Taffetas suitable for suits, skirts,' linings and trimming;' all fast, -rich biack - - y-i: - 21-Inch All Pure Silk Black TalTfeta, regular $1.00 for, yard :.68f 23-Inch AH Pure Silk Black Taffeta, regular $1.10 for.:yard........T9 27,Inch All Pure Sills Black Taffeta, regular $k2S for, yard.... .89 3Inch All Pure Silk Black Taffeta, tegular $1.60 for, yard...;.. f 1.29 AVarranted All Silk Fast Dye Black Peau 4 Soie - ; Rfffular $1.00 value Special only, yard i . , .... . ..... . .. . . ... " - i. A- a ...... . - n", value special oniy, yara. ...... ,........ 1.50 value Special only, yard. . . ........... . . . . ... f 1.14. 175 value Special only, yard.... .....-... ...... .....$1.39 2.00 value Special only, yard.i. ........ A. .91. 59 250 vilue Soecial only, yard ............ ..... i ....... .'.S1.89 These are the best makes of Peau de Soie made 'in" America and can- ' not be duplicated eisewnere at ine regular pnee. : . 5 200 yards of Novelty Suit Silks on bargain ' tables' for Wednesday ' are the best values and newest Silks to. be founcl' in the .world's best ' silk centers ,' '. '" ? ' ' . u-V'.' - .' - Regular $1.25 value Special only, yard.. .........'....,.,. J.T9 Regular $1.50 value Special only. yard. ..........'..... ...f ia4 . " STIRRINQ BARGAINS IN COLORED DRESS GOODS ,;. Fifth Street Annex Fim FlcHr. K , Imported Silk and Wool Crepe de Paris, these, soft; rich, dressy fabrics so much in demand at greatly reduced prices, should crowd our, Dress Goods Counters to the limit . - 'vv ! . ' "V . Regular $1.00 value, in all colors Speclal.yard Regular $1.23 value, in all colors Special, yard...... .V..,..83 Regular $1.50 value, in ajt colors Special, yard-.. R8 All street and evening shades in these. . ......:,.. . Rainproof Fabrics in all wanted weaves and colors greatly reduced for three days 1 - ' , . I H' ' ' ' Regtrlar $175 grades, 54 incheswlde-SpeciaTryard. Regular $2.00 grades, 54 inches wide Special, yard. ;...,.,.f81.T Regular $2.25 grades, 54 inches wide Special, yardj....t'......"...81.8T Regular $2.50 grades, 54 inches wide Special,. yard.. ...,..,......fa.lT Regular $J.00 grades, 54 inches wide Special, yard.... ',....88.67 ;1. LAST OPPORTUNITY TOMORROW. TO SHARE IN THESE MATCHLESS f Thanksgiving Ofierings of Surpassing Values in Women's Smart Attire We present to the' patrons of the' OLDS,' WORTM AN $ KING store in every ' ' sense a simply matchless gathering of . garments, all made by leading American man tailors, in light, airy, well-ventilated workshops, under the most healthful, , cleanly and sanitary conditions.- All expertly tailored in most masterful work i ' manship and under most perfect -conditions. - Every garment is so . fascinating in each detail that it bears the unmistakable impress of a master hand guided by a representative house. ...i . v EVERY LONG-COATED SUIT IN THE HOUSE AT ONE FOURTH OFF. Representative styles in most effective Tailored? Suits, produced in-Broadcloth, Cheviots, Glengarry Mixtures and other smart and serviceable fabrics: Many " handsome suits recently received go in the, . sweeping reduction sale. Any suit you may choose, $15.00 to $75.00, at On Fourth OfL ' MAGNIFICENT AND EXCLUSIVE OPERA COATS AT $35.00 AND UP WARD AT A FOURTH, OFF. . Our anrjyaled collection qfjthese exquisitely.beautifiij alfnost too varied to adiriu"of description. . . SWAGGER STREET COATS REDUCED . FOR THE THANKSGIVING . ' SALE. . ' -- . . i' . ' if I3.5U coats, three-quarter lengths;..... ,7o ' $16.50 Coatsthree-quarter lengths. ................................. ....812.38 Fur Coats and Neckpieces : . ; ; FOR THE THANKSGIVING FOOTBALL GAMES AT GREAT RE - - DUCTIONS. 10.00 Sable Opossum Neck Furs foe j.......,........'..8T.KO 15.00 Sable .Opossum Neck Furs for - . . . f 11.25 . $4 JO CONEY NECK FURS FOR $338. ' $4.50 Coney Neck Furs, very serviceable and handsome, lull-length two . yard neck boas, -also medium lengths, squirrel lined, for , Wednesday , . ... ..; . ,f3.38 ' . .' " -$25.00 ELECTRIC SEAL COATS FOR $19.98. Very best quality of -Electric Seal Coats, with guaranteed Skinner satin lining, 24-inch lengths and best regular $25.00 values in the city; spe ' cial fpr.Wednesday only at .TI 71 IVl'v-V'-' Coming Events Cast thefr Headlight ' i ; A r-., READ THE STORE FORE- i rVIOrC CAST FOR THE WEEKI WEDNESDAY Grand Thanksgiving Sales Ust day of the Manual Training School Vote. ' - , THURSDAY Closed aU day Thanksgiving and Football Award of the Manual Training School Scholarships announced in evening ' Papers. . - '.-:.... FRIDAY 135th Grand Friday "Economy Sale" A surprise, awaits you on this day. - ... , ... SATURDAY A Grand Warming Over of all th Thanksgiving Fsast with fresh dessert Announcements later. , VV':;:v-:;.'j?''fi? Special Football! Tickets for the Multnomah-Oregon game, on Thanksgiving Day at Mult nomah Field, on sale until closing time of Wednesday, in our Men's Fur nishing Goods Shop Just inside the Sixth street entrance, on First Floor Annex. ., ,. . ,,.,.'. LTNCOAT "ABOVE " AT AT $2U.UU ' ANTJ - , i - ONE-FOURTH OFF Choose from any "of these handsome, dressy and serviceable garments, smart cravenctted materials, splendidly, tailored, equally adapted for wear in fair or weeping weather. Newest effects and latest materials. If it's marked $20.00, or over, deduct a fourth, pay us the balance and own tne coat at less tnan we do today. Pretty Art Pieces for the Homes f THANKSGIVING REMINDERS. V t ' . Art Shop Second Floor Annex. ' TUMBLER DOILIES FOR 1 CENT. V, Fine Linen Tumber Doilies, stamped in dainty floral , and conventional designs; special sale price, each.l . , 50c DOILIES FOR 19 CENTS. , Doilies Made of Fine Handkerchief or Heavy Linen, 12 inches square, sornepartly embroidered in silk . floss, others made with netting for open work, many 4 'different designs in the choosing,: regular values to ' 50c; special sale price, each V?-.19f 22c FOR CUSHION TOPS WORTH 30c AND 35c Tapestry Cushion Tops, isf rich oriental designs, our 30c and 35c values; special sale price, each .... , .22 Free Embroidery Lessons I Givett Daily.' We do All ,.., Kinds of Stamping. . ... v, , v' i THANKSGIVING SPECIALS IN THE Homefurnishing Stores ."'!- ,' -Fourth Floor. -"';' . ' PLUSH ROPE PORTIERES. ' New Plush Rope Portieres, very handsome and su- perior to anything ever shown in a Rope Portiere; in plain red. green, gold and rose colors; priced at, the pair.. 85.0O6.00 88.00 89-KO and 810.BO OREGON WOOL BLANKETS. Soft and warm,;,in plain white with pink or blue- bor- . ners, priced at, the pair..a.uu si7.oo fs.oo 89.00 flO.OO 812.00 f 1S.OO 820.00 825.00 - SCARLET WOOL BLANKETS. : , . Priced at, the , - . . .':...' pair.84.SO 88.BO 8-00 86.KO fT.OO and 8 8.00 DOWNALINE COMFORTERS. , In pretty floral patterns, well made and extra large size; , price, eacn.........7& f3.2 f j.ou and sj-s.oo SPECIAL THANKSGIVING SALE OF ; Purses and Card Cases , Sixth Street Annex First Floor. . $1.39 FOR LADIES' POCKETBOOKS WORTH $2.00 Ladies' Combination Pocket books, for coins and cards. made trom seal, walrus, alligator and morocco leath . ra in Klalr krAm am Kin . -M A . . ...1 r " t v.v.., . , v.m., puu vim. . m . aes up to $2.00; are included in the lot; special sale price, each ........................... w.....f 1.39 , MISSES 60c PURSES FOR 35 CENTS. Misses'. Combination Purses, of black leather, all leather lined, with five compartments, alsd compartment for coins-, sterling silver ornament on side, good value ' for 60c; special sale price, each.....,,.. ....... Z&4 50c CARD CASES 17 CENTS. An assortment good Leather Card Cases, very con vement little cases, values up td 50c; special sale price, each , .-. .....1...'.i..,...17f BEST VALUES IN AMERICA IN Dressy Gloves for American Women's .' ' ,' , Thanksgiving Wear No Such Values Elsewhere at $1.00, $1J0 and $2.00. LADIES' KID GLOVES. M M w . . .. ... Aionarcn uioves, periect in lit ana timsn, very ; durable, best glove made, at, pair. ........ ...82.00 , . -SUEDE" GLOVES. ' Sixteen -Button Lengths, "Suede" .Gloves, in black, white and evening shades .,....,.., .82.50 "MOUSQUETAIRE- GLOVES. Eight-Button "Mousquetaire" Kid Glovesin black, wmte and colors, ver yitylish BY'' GLC .82.78 New "Derby" Gloves, full pique stitching, best glove sold at ' Is There Anything ;Yoa Have ForgottenJIrSe Housekeeper? : '- Here's a mind Jogger-10 hoars more in which to share in these- , urana bargains in tne nouseiceepers Exchange lor Tftanksgiving Buyers I TXAjnesozTrsra uii or - XAYixujrs oszva znr- Thlrt rioe. XavtUad Oala Dlasw Sta, with flworatlon of pink flowers and green anrar. od traced handles, knobs and feet - These sets are extra special bert-ain t these price . 0-plece Dinner 'ts; $10.71 value. Special. .. .flB.SB 100-plec Dinner Bete; 2 II value. Special. .. .S21.99 lll-plece Dinner Bets; III 0 value,. Special. .S24.00 117-plece Dinner Seta; I1S.TI value. Special.. . .$29.65 oss moss or xatoastd ajtd ssoobatso 'Individual . Almond Dishes.-' Special at set of I.. Individual Jelly Plates.' Special at, vt of .'..... -Bread and Butter Plates.' Special at,' set of I.... Plum Pudding Dishes. Special at, set of $ , - Ice Relish Dlenea.. Special at,, each. . . . :'.'.".: . "Covered Hot Cake Dlahea. . Special at, eachv.... Salad Dlahea. Special at each. .......... 1.7. .. . .Mayonalm Boats. Special at each.............. .'After Dinner Coffees. Special at set of .'....... i Cake Plates. Special at each, ....t.... .Raraaklns and Stands. Special at, set of -r.. eWXMA ...T5e ...75e 81.00 81.65 35 81.25 . . .88 81.13 81.25 63e 81.30 Vote for Bcncvofcrftr Fund Distribution at 10 a. m. Today Patton ' home Fruit and Flower Mission.. Crittenton Home .......... People's Inatltnte Old Ladles' - Home.. Baby Home ........ St- Vincent's Hoapltal'.,y. Salvation Army ...... .' i. Mt St Joseph's Home for the Aeed . , . ... ...-...... ..... Open Air Fund;. .v. Visiting Nurse Association. . ,...11. Ill I.I4I 1.16 1.117 T.07I I.OOtt l.7I,' .ir; ,71 list Volunteers of America... ..j 1.40 Children's Home ...1,411 Boys' and Girls' Aid Society... . Itf '. Oood Samaritan Hospital.;.,.. 419, .Mt St Agnes Baby Home. Ill Beaverton Home . III v, c -t. v .v. '.' i ..f... ' Orphans'- Horn .p ' Ill ' Humane Society- .......... . . . II Mercy Home , ... SI. T..;W- C, A, w ,-ev, ........... i .11 Old Folks' Home - si Ladles'- . Hebrew . Benevolent' Socletgr 14 Travelers'-Aid 14 Women's Exchange .1 Convent of the Good Shepherd. g - Slaters of Meroy Homer-. ; rrr; ; I V. Sf . C A...,',..4a.....,p 4 Portland Women's Union t Total .I1.:4I ' . BARGAIN SWEETMEATS FOR THANKSGIVING WEEK v, ,- ' SHOPPERS. In the Small Wares Aisles 19c Fancy Ruffled" Edge Garter Elastic for 10c Comes in blue, pink and yellow. , , - ' , . '. 10c Ball and Socket Garment Snaps for 6c Small or large size, black or white, best quality. 25c Shell Horn Hairpins for 15c Assorted rhapes, one dozen in box. 7c Cube Pins for 5c 100 pins in cube;' assorted black and white heads. 49c For Fancy Gold Mounted Shell Color Side and Back Combs, worth 65c. - ' - " - . : - ' . ' -... . $1.50 Hair Brashes for ,98c Irge size, solid back, real ebony Hair ' -Brushes. '. ' " " -g y&","--'vr;-.- . r--.-, ttt-t 35c Long-Handled Bath Brushes for 25c .. ' v 19c For Fancy Lace Edge Round-Shape ' Face ' or Toilet Chamois, . -Worth 35c ... : - , - 25c For Large-Size Jars Theatrical Cold Cream, Worth 35c Splendid 4Ve i rt a tt nsasi f 9 tim nrA tiatsfsl . 1 , 7cTrbTTofferPperW0Ttiri2cr8Tirc'5n parrrrfoTawg-riangtnrfoTfl'nr-'j r Stationery 50c Box Writing Paper for 30c Choice High-GradeT5oxWritingPaper)r in, white, blue and gray tints; our 50c value. Special at, the box .30' White Lace Edge DoiDes All shapes and sizes. Special at, the 1 .. dozen 5sf 20c Writing Tablets for 12c Fine Linen Writing Paper Tablets, ; note, packet or .letter size, ruled!, white paper; our 20c value. Special at, each .., 12 Plain White Envelopes Sizes 5 and 6 inches, long shape; our 5c ' 1 value. Special at 2 packages for 8f) Twine Shopping Bags for 35c Best quality, made of exUa stout twine; our 50c value. Special....... .350 A Stirring Special Sale of Pretty Accessories to Women's Toilettes for c- .v Thanksgiving Day Wear. , . r r Women's Furnishing Shops .. f -j ' '...' First Floor.. '..,.',',',...' Ladies' 50c and 30c Handkerchiefs 21 Cents. ' All Linen Embroidered, Hemstitched and Embroidered, Scalloped-Edge . Handkerchiefs, regular values 40c and 50c; special,, while they last, each ..... ..,.:...ri.....i...v. ,.,..'... .....Sl4 v Ladies' 75c Collar and Cuff Sets 48 Cents. Fine White Embroidered Batiste Lace-Trimmed Collar and Cuff Sets -very handsome, new style, resular value 75c: special, the set.. .. ..48 Ladies' 25c Turnover Collars 5 Cents. .Embroidered Turnover Collars, in white and colors, having the appear ance of a 25c grade; special, each 5 ..;" 75c Venisc Collar and Cuff Sets. 'Special, set .........,..48t. 40c and 50c Ribbons 25 Cents. Thousands of yards of new Messaline Ribbons, all colors, inches wide. . also a beautiful line of new Finty Ribbons in dotted and striped ef fects, regular values 40c and 50c i special, the yard.., 25f ,- Laces and Lace Robes. ;!,.;-. .. Never before have Laces been so elaborate-Laces for the sleeves. Laces for jabots and -collars, Bands for headings. Special this week at greatly reduced prices l ; - '.. ' Fine Oriental Laces, regular value $1.00; special, the yard ......... .674 Fine Oriental Bands and Galloons, regular value 35c; special, the yd. 24f Fine Irish Crochet Laces, regular value 75c; special, theryard. 48e . Fine Cluny Bands and Edges in black; special at, the yard. .... . .. . .234 Handsome bpangied Hands, regular value $i.du; special, the yard.. . Handsome Persian. Bands, regular value 35c,; special, the yard.. ,.2 . In the Domestic Aisle First Floor Attractive Values in New Silk-Embroidered Flannels, with hemstitched or scalloped edges, priced at. the yard. ................ .60e to fZ.OO WhiteAU-Wool Saxony Baby Flannels. Prices reasonable. Heavy White Domet Flannels. .. Velour Flannels, (or kimonos, priced at, the yard, from..l2jj4t to 25 Eiderdowns, all wool, priced at, the yard ..... 35e to 60e New Scotch Waisting Flannels, priced at, the yd.25e 35e 50 and 60 15c Pillow-Cases for 12 Cents 250 dozen Heavy Linen-Finish Killow ' Cases, our 15c value; special sale price, each... ., Wt SPECIAL'THANKSGIVINO SALE OF , 1 Children's Dresses, Jackets and Baby Bonnets - ; . . CXrLSmSVS WOOL BmZSSXS, made of fancy or plain matetlata, In a areat variety of styles; aeva 10. 13. and 14 years only Our IJ.7S value.- Special Sale price, each Our IS.OS value. . Special Sale price, each Our !. value. v Hpeolat Sale price, each.. . 0r I1J.BS value.' Speclnl Biln I'rloe. ech , Ill ntrAJfTS S1.00 OOOI1T JACKETS FOB S9o' 1. Mul Cr-rh kimono ntyie. in pinin wnue or wmte trimnnd in 11 k value. Special Snle price, each IVTAKTS' BOsrVXTS In an en)l'- vnrlety of ct ls. At p Our loo vame. Special at. moli Our 40c value. Bpeclnl at. e.irn Our 5c vlue. Ppcclnt t, wfti-.....,,,, Our tto value. Special at, om-h And up to our 15.00 vnliie. Frlnl ,n, ,irh . 1 lil i or pink ; oi r l.:i I I. (Ml o.iia