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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1905)
THE OREGON D'AILY JOURNAL.- PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 17. 1905. ON SAL.B AT RETAIL AND WHOLESALE AT 213-213 AND FIRST STS2 THH Q RE AT BS33TON STORE BUILDINQ, CORNER OF SALMON STREET im business; Two' Great Wholesale Stocks of Fine Clothing, s and Hats ; i Furnishing : '. A i . . '' '" : . ''Ti . ',! ' a- ... ..... f A - For Boys' Stiff Bosom lUL 60c toSLShirts.1 j .; Oy l School Pants. r v i A For broken lot Star lUu 75c to $2 Waists. vr i Ht2,"Tor Boys' crow black I 2C 15c Stockings. --y Hats. light . and dark color 2C For Boys $1 to $2 ifl ' for Boys' 25c E-For Boys' J5c- Suspenders. ' .For Boys' J ' Suspenders. -"'"A ? -M iniririlil fftvirflfv, .K (fliTfiriii iniiril '.' o orticc. j ' rr uwiS orrtcc. 3-lS riJLIN ST',,' ; Js lOT'tOO CAST MADISON STRUCT ' I005-I007 WASHINGTON avl . . Ttl- " ;. ' ' .; , rftfwoMt '! tvwo tM I,-- ' (- t. ! .low, . y ' - '" ;- t"'"'''' f'L. v"'--: ' .'...:-.;': . 1 tf5 PArALf in new rot o Chicago ttCHANGt: . , YEBMS NET CASH c'mi c deductions allowed except by special agreement. - - tin 01111 Stylo . - JHk Atl. J - Men's . Mats J tfJ For choice of an as- Q FQt choice of 1,000 40C sorted lot Soft and 00 L Soft and Stiff $2 and Stiff $1 to $2 Hats.' ;:,V v; $2.50 Hats. ;: -U; ;.. CI kcFor choice of 2.000 Soft and Stiff Hats, including 4) 100 J. B. Stetson, Alpine and Fedora; worth up to $5. UD'D j" U3Nl02 SIT bing stock of Parness CSL Go., 05 and 207 Madison street, 2 : COMISDrNlEO) STOCKS; dDCECs bankrupt Of Holland Bros., and entire wholesale job- Chicago INVOICINO OVKR $DOO,000 ACTUAU CASH VALUE Making the largt stock of fine dn for men, boys and children ever shown under one roof west of te Mississippi r SALE, WHOLrESALE AND RETAIL, AT FROM 18c TO 60c ON THE DOLLAR OF VALUE-giving the people of the Pacific northwest the grandest bargain opportunity ever offered on American soiL t ' Consisting of over 400 different grades, colors and styles, in single and double breasted "Sacks, English Walking Coats, Clerical Cut, "Prince Albert, Tuxedo and Full Dress - Suits.i'Black7 blue and all styles and xolors of fancy and mixed worsteds, unfinished worsteds, tweeds, cheviots, Thibets, cassimeres, etc., ranging in value from $7.50 to t$so- suit ; yy;2:'.i'J'X: : v-- .'1' ::'.-.'' 'v 5: ,; - 4 - - Or, For choice of 200 regular $7.50 ,4?aVUJ $4.50 Suits, all styles. For. choice of 60Q regular $10 Suitsr (f rrt - For choice f 1800- regular $12 ' ;3)P.t)U:.and $15 Suits.'f -'l; ; ,;t fcO.CA For choice 6f l;bo6, regular $18 40.DU and $20 Suits.v - us i. vv:. :. :C1 1 CArFor choice if 2,000 regular ' 11 OU $22 and $25 SuijJ. 4 -,: ..' CI A CA For choice of 100 regular J)14.UU $27.50 and $30 Suits. C 1 H Cfk For choice of 400 regular $35 471 f UU to $50 Suits, i "In single and double breastedTiackTTux- edo and Full Dress, silk, and satin lined, i from such makers as sold onlv bv the best r. stores in .the United States. We refrain : f," 'V y, 'from quoting the makers, but when you' V . ic iiic laocis on uie gooas you u Know that the world produces no better or finer : suits.) a , . 10,000 . Pairs Pants Sounds, big. bqt we have got them and can fit any human being from 22 to 39 inches j V 1 in-sea'm and 20 to 64-inch ' waist measured comnrisine 500 stvles. and Qualities worth rv I from $1.25 to $10 a pair. 4; .; . t:XTZ :W'V:'" -;XS f' ' C0 For $1-2 Pants,,,:;- -i'.' : r . (0fC dark, colors, e.w',"-2;--:'' :-'-;. V ifl Or For gray and black fancy of cor yyCdurby $2 Pants.; T - M A C For all kinds xf I.fO $3 Pants. $L95-$4ia For all kinds of ntr- aU kinds of ants. ; $2.45 Sp! QC For ail kinds of $LyD $8 Pants. AC For n Wnd 4)0.40 $7 and $7.50 Pants. .. C 3.0 gJSgtJhft-bg''t ia.thaawrorsted $S "03rand $10 Pants. 'I' I.,. -!'- 1,000 Odd A'For Odd $1.00 OUC Vests. : v iCAPor Odd $2.00 OUC Vests. OA For Odd $3.00 yUVe S1.40 Vests. 1 For Odd $100 and $5.00 Vests.1 $1.65 Odd Coats For; choice' of a lotofOdd 'i: '.You can save money now as you never Frock $5 to $10 Coats, " saved before on your clothing. h . '-. . I I 1:,. :,, fv j.' V 4 . lit ? n . ? J t"tr' 4 080 Overcoats or CraveneKcs ' ' " ; -. ' Consisting of light, dark and "medium colors and mixtures. From ' the short nobby box toppers to Paletots and 84-inch'belt or plain back garments. 100 styles of Crave nettes. Priestly, Hodgman, Cohn & Co and other of America's greatest and best makes CI1 4 For" choice of 2,000 regular vUJv $22 to $25. Overcoats and Cravenettes. , ; , -- ' 7 ,. 7,.', ' CIA Kti For choice" of 1,000. regular :VJu.-.$27"nd $30 Overcoats and - Cravenettes. ? r ...' ' C 1 For choice of 200 regular $7.50 i?J.JJ overcoats. ; , CIA CAFor choice of 400 regular $10 V'v Overcoats and Cravenettes. ; C A SO For choice of 400 regular $12 Vyvand $15 Overcoats and Crave- nettes. C!Q SO For choice of 500 regular $18 U.V.nd $20 Overcoats and Crave- nettes. Ol'y ; ei For choice of 500 regular Slt . JVJ $32, $35 and $40 Overcoats and Cravenettes. ..'.. ; A WORD TO DEALERS We will sell in quantities for spot cash large or small amounts of this stock, but in no case will a dealer be served on Saturday. . Nor will a dealer receive any discount in excess of 2 per cent, and all dealers must apply at the main office for a wholesale list and salesmen. .' '. '"i.'.V,-. ' 'V': -'' '?' " ;; 1,000 Youths' Suits Young men from 14 to 20 years of age have grandest Suit and Overcoat stock to select from ever seen west of Chicago. . . . - , - J Tor choice of 100 medium I , iCff For choice of 500 Tailor Made 4UO color all wool $7.50 Suits. - . Ci For choice of 200 all colors 4a0010-TOd-$1t-Stitti: .,, $12 and $15 Suits. CQ iCC For choice of 1.000 $181$20, M O;0Oraor$25ts777" j 400 Youths' Overcoats Plain or Belt, All Colors and Styles. " ; : i ' , For choice of 100 regular $12 j)UUO and $15 Overcoats. For choice of 150 $1 and $25 Overcoats. Q'l T ? For choice of 47 regular $8 and j)UO $7.50 Overcoats, n C4 AZ For choice of 100 regular $10 Overcoats. ' CQ Q C For choice of 150 $18, $20, $22 1,000 Knee Pants Suits OP- For choice of a 00 C broken lot, small sizes $3 to $5 Suits. For ,; choice of 500 irreeular sizes to $5 Suits. $1.85 C C For choice "of HL)D 500 extra fine all sizes, up to $7.50 jSuits. $25,0C0,STGaC OIirMEN'S.FURMSIKIING GOODS Comprising such: well-known brands as' Monardh rand Manhattan Shirts, W Suspenders, Hosiery, The. choicest and best known makes of Underwear of all kinds; Progress Knitting Cos Sweaters, Etc. making the standard of Etc. this ELEGANTJ AND GIGANTIC STOCK EQUAU TO "ANY IN ALL THIS LAND OF THE FREE. i V.. Mx'X Underwear VX . , . ,-. , (., 'i ' Over 25,000 ' pieces, from .the . ordinary 50c grades to regular $5 Silk a.nd Balbriggan,., 25 For odd lots worth to Hc.X' 'X.' 30 For fleece, derby, merino, eta,J75e value. r.40t.For aU kinds of $l:value.;' ' C9 For all kinds of $1.25 and $1.50 Under--wear. rAryl :-V::-. " ' ' ' ': .A 80t Tor all kinds of $1.75 arid $2.00 Under ' wear. , v ' - " v - - -V-: '".' 91.29 For all kinds of $2.50 and $3.00 Under- -wear, ;; 1 ,-,,;;', l- ,v,. "5,000 pieces in broken sizes 'and case. lots, up . ; to finest, at about half value, v . Gloves r ' ' ' ' s 10 For wool, Jersey or skin 35c to 50c Gloves. V 29t For all kinds : of 65c -Cloves. "r ' rr: . 391 For all kinds of , 75c .Gloves.',, ,-A"V 40 For aU kinds' of $1.00 Gloves. CO For all kinds of $1.50 '. Gloves. ' " : .' -. SO For all kinds of $2.00 -v Gloves. '..:'.: " $1)9 For ail kinds of $2.00 and $3.00 Gloves.- v- - - -- ' 4e 3 pair for 10 -fancy fast color 10c ', ; Sox.' . , ' . '..; r ;.. . - . ,, ' : ; . . , ; : 5 straight for fast black 12c Sox. 8f straight, for fast color brown and fan- " cy 15c and 20c Sox. 12ytf For merino, wool or cotton 25c 17 For merino, wool or cotton 35c Sox. 22 For all kinds of 40c Sox. , r . ' 29 For all kinds of 50c Sox. 35t For aU kinds of 75c Sox. V v " Suspenders Over 10,000 pairs, consisting of all kinds from ordinary 15c values to th best Silk or worst ed and Wilson Bros, fl kinds. 5e For 15c Suspenders.' - 9 For 25c Suspenders. ; . 17 1 For 35c Suspenders. l. ,224 For 50c' Suspenders. 20 and 30 for 75c and $1.00 Suspenders. '' 5 a pair for a lot of dark ! color Sleeve Protectors, : worth to 35c. B ' 5 For best steel 15c Coat ; " Springs. ' .' ' 1,000 Wool Sweaters' 65t For an odd lot $2.00 Sweaters, 'j, v ;' 9St For regular worsted $2 ... Sweaters. . ,- . 91.45 For select wool $3 Sweaters. ..f 1 fl.95 For all styles of $4 .': Sweaters. 92.45 Forlall. styles of $5 Sweaters. , . 93.45 For all styles of ' Sweaters worth to $8. ; Shirts .V'V Penanc, Percale's, Madras. Sateen, Flannel, Silk Ma tures, French Stockinet and W00L The largest and most beautiful line ever displayed in the Pacific northwest.-J-r-----h--"--' ... . 19 For broken white and fancy stiff Mon arch and Manhattan Shirts, worth -to $1.50. 20e For a broken lot soft bosom 75o Shirts. 39.For select (styles soft, stiff or golf 75c Shirts. ' '.,'..' ; ? . 40 For golf, negligee, plain and fancy sateen $1.00 Shirts. . 69 For all kinds of $1.50 stiff, soft or sateen $1.25 Shirts. " 99 For all kinds of .$2.00 Shirts. ' i.4u For an kinds of 12.00 smrts. 1.09 For all kinds up to $1.00 Shirts. ON SALE 6 'yM.'TIUL; 8 P. M. DAILY; SATURDAY IO P. M. ONLY. ,IN THE WELL-KNOWN BOSTON STORE BUILDirVQ, 213-313 AND 315-21C FIRST STREET, COR. SALMON, 3 BLOCKS SOUTH OF MORRISOIV. SATISFACTION OUARANTD