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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1905)
n -THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, miDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER. 17. 1CC5. W OS FIGHT JffiiSI III : Mrs. Ada Wallace , Unruh Says Coast States Are Far Behind. '" W. C. T. U. OUTLOOK MOST ENCOURAGING EVERYWHERE Texas, Tennessee, Mississippi, j Ar ' kahtas and Georgia Almost Entirely Without Saloons, Says Temperance : Worker on Return From Tour. '- Mr. Ada .Wallace Unruh, national organiser and lecturer 1 or the Women's Christian Temperance 'union, haa found another point In which the west Is far behind the east. Returning last weeh from a nine "month1 tour of. atates eaat of Oregon, she la profoundlr Impressed with, the remarkable headway made by many etatra in the anti-liquor fight The outlook for the W. C. T. V. never before was so encouraging," she said. "Many of the eastern atates have adopted prohibition, and In almost the entire southeast territory liquor prom. lsa to be awept out of, the whole region noon. " Texas, Tennessee. Mississippi, Arkansas and Georgia are almost en- The Original J$rand :.WJsbadi Mantle ::rr:'y Bice 30c r . - ' THi "mantle represents the finest product of our factory. It is the belt mantle made Gives J 5 more light, uses 2 less gas than any ' other mantle. Strength""" L. Unexcelled It is the cheapest mantle because it saves gas, it gives more light, itlasts longest , . Buy the best and the cheapest: Th "J-Stand --- WtUhmeh M ELSBAC pi' 4 a. e asaaW .-. ,. MtirAdrWrrjirufiT Price, 30 cents.. ... ' " Imitation are Worthless ; and Extravagant R ember all mantles are not Wei bach. 1 -The genuine has this Shield of 4 Quality oa the box. free kind. IS. 20.25. 30.35C raDB ; For Sale by All " Deaden v mtt-AJk . Yew aVala) tnr a WWh,rt Utpmtti. ssaelead fREB . I wTijmch a riiasK tirely without aaloona, and in Georgia 101 counties out of 1ST are prohibitory. In the west the work la slower. In Montana there 1a one drv. countv and the promise of two more soon. la California there are two , dry counties and 17 dry cltlee. ' Work Slower la West. ' The hop Industry of Oregon and the wine - Industry of California, together with the fact that we are so far re- moved from the east and Its temperance agitators, make the work move more lowly here. In Rhode Island there are only two towns in the whole state which are not organised In the-movement. and In Main and Maasachuaetts conditions are similar. Plans are now on foot for perfecting close organisation in Mult nomah county, and we hope to get dfi nlte. reaults. : ', Irs. Unruh toured eastern Oregon. Idaho, -Iowa. Michigan, . New York, Pennsylvania, Maine, Massachusetts. Delaware and finally, on her return weat, California. In Maine she spent four months and found there the moat vital results of the prohibitory laws. . During her three days in Portland she searched carefully, but failed to find a sign of liquor being sold. Spoke at Colleges. One of the features of Mrs. Unruh' trip thia time was her speaking at col leges. She gave talks at Cornell. Albion college' (Michigan). Bangor ' college taiamej. Mount vernon college (lows). Presbyterian ' Occidental college and Whittler college (California) and Lo Angeles Normal, besides a "number ot minor institutions. Everyhere there Is a deep Interest in the ' purity work, and Mrs. Unruh thinks that this phase haa Interested more people in the W. C. T. U. than any other department. She is, by the way, national aiiperintendent-OfJthls ' Human "Steam"; Keeping' It Up This Is the Secret of That Seemingly Tireless' Energy Possessed by Some People. ' There la another kind of steam than that tn which the boy James Watt, watching his mother's tea-kettle, first aw the great possibilities that long sjnif uate -uexiuiuer-reairrres.- Thla other kind of ateam la human "steam. . And It la a most Important xartor in our arrairs. Some people cail this human "steam by other names. They call It "push nmetlmes. or "hustle, or "jet-no." o "life." -Well, It's all of these, but after all it's lust "team." It's the power to do things x seemingly tireless cower which some people possess. Tou can call to your mind light this minute some men ana women, coys ana girls, perhaps, who always go about their work or play "with full ateam up." They can accomplish more and do things better than - other people. It'a . their ' "steam" that gives them Increased Dower. ....;. Halt a-Vita, the perfect malted whole wheat Tood. 1111s men ana women and children with the power to do thlnss. It make them strong In body and mind. It keeps tip their "steam." ' When Malta-Vltx comes from - the ovens, every flake ' baked crisp and brawn. It Is the most delicious . and most healthful food in the world, con' . talnlng only one per cent of moisture. The other it per cent is nutrition. And all thia nutrition Is directed most read' ily, even by the weakest stomach, bo cause the gelatinised starch of ths thor oughly cooked wheat ha been converted by line malt extract Into maltose, or man sugar. Ahd Malta-Vita . ta so good to eatl There's no other food like It: none "Just as good"; none that ean take Ite place. , oia Dy an grocers, v , . jo uangerous arus or sicunoi con- ' eoetlone are. taken into the stomach - when Ryomei is used.' Breathed through the Inhaler, the balsamio healing of Ilyomet penetrate to the most remote cells of the nose, and throst and thus kills 1 the catarrhal, S-erm, heal th Irritated mucous membrane, and give complete and permanent cur. . . . ; Ityomel le the simplest, most pi ant and the only guaranteed cure for catarrh that has been discovered. Com plete outfit, 11.00; extra bottle, to cents. If you cannot obtain Hyomel of your dealer. It will be forwarded by mall, postage paid, on receipt of price. Write today for a free aampl. bottle and com sulfation blank-that will entitle you to service of , our medical department without charge. The R. T. Booth eom pny. iryomel Building, Ithaca, it. T. .YVoodaxd, Clarke A Co. ... , department Personal purity la the schools Is the subject on which she addreasea teachers' conferences. The question Is now being taken up from the sclentlflo rather than the ethical side and the common eenae of the arguments appeals to many whom th movement did not touch before. With tha Interest of . such men as President ' Jordan of Stanford and Luther Burbank. botanist of tha university of California, the question taxes on new importance.. Interest la rarity work, i ' So great was the demand for talks on the subject when Mrs. Unruh was at tending tha national convention at Los Angeles In September that she could easily have put In her whole time on that subjeot had she been willing to miss the meetings. The convention was the most aucceaaful ever held. EX' Governor Jit John ot Ksnaas.' who Is one of the oldest supporters of the W. C. T. U. and Its purposes, was there; Mrs. Bldwell, whose husband was can dldate for president on the Prohibition ticket Some years sgo and - who ha worked faithfully with bar husband on the famous Chlco ranch in' northern California for the Indians; Mrs. Abigail Scott Dunlway, the pioneer xuffrag worker and club woman of Oregon, and I.' H. Atnoe. the prohibition worker of this city, were among important guesta The next convention will be held In Hartford. Connecticut, immediately fol lowing the world's convention at Bo ton. ' - raxt4Tk-T7Trx6ri-mitoc Two lntreetlng Incidents In the visit of Mre. Unruh will remain to mark this trip. She waa speaker one day at the church of . Highland Falls. adjoining West Point. Thia church represent the only pastorate held by E. P. Roe before he acquired note as a writer of novels. Latter, when hie books had made him wealthy - he gave the new chureh to the pariah In memory of his stav there, .. Mrs. J. Plarpont Morgan entertained Mra. Unruh at tea at her home on th Hudson -and she waa a delightful hoateax - ' "It waa delightful," ' said her guest, "to see In the midst of all the ostenta tious philanthropy of her husband, her auiet way of carrying on many beautl ful charities. .1 do not admire ... Mr. Morgan but I admire his sweet, un obtrusive wife greatly.-. She is Inter ested In all good works and though she la not a member of the W. C T. u., ah sympstblsee with lte work and quietly lends her aid." 1 r . Is Saffrag Worker, Toe,' Work on the temperance literature fof th year and woman's suffrage work will occupy Mrs. Unruh for the severs! months which-she 'Win -now spend at home. . She le an earnest laborer in the suffrage association and believes that the two organisations should walk hand In hand. "Whatever the belief of a woman be fore entering the W. C. T. U.," she argues, "that work will drive her to be lief In the ballot for women. Woman's suffrage has not always accomplished what its most ardent supporters have expected. et the practical results give confidence that It does tend lo uplift morality. Unfortunately, suffrage has been aranted women In states where the male- population was so vaatly In . the majority mat tne oei results nave not yet had an opportunity-to show them selves. Tet even thus there hae been much purifying."' , , --: TA 1 1 I I " TT TTN 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 iLf 1 1 in 11 1 i 1 Ir.u aUb U V--s . e- 1 - sLo VT, ' o mi Will be given sway absolutely free December 23 '' a visit to our up-to-date Furniture and Carpet UST OF PHIZES J-., 'Value.- - PRIZE 1 Handsome Golden Oalc French Polished Buffet ..... ... . f 80.OO PRIZE' 2 Beautiful Birdseye Ma- ' pie Ladies' Desk, with drawer.; ,.22.00 PRIZE 3 L ar ge Comfortable ' ' 'A ' Weathered Oak Rocker, uphol- ( ' ' stered with . genuine Spanish- ' ' leather ,., ,..,.....'....,....... f22.00 PRIZE 4 Elegant Parlor Divan,", :'. upholstered in dark green velour, . hand polished, mahogany finish. ,f 20.00 .PRIZE IS Genuine Imported Swiss ': ' Cuckoo Clock, hand carved.. ...f 18.00 PRIZE 6 Swell Mahogany Parlor ' -t t i a r . .......... J wnair, upnoisterea in ricn oro- catel f 12.S0 PRIZE T Pretty Parlor Lamp, ar- . . . ' tisticslly decorated, , Rochester ; burner .......... ..,...,.....T.,.f 12.50 PRIZE' 8 Rockwood Umbrella'- , Stand, 30 inches high, beautifully ' ' tinted ,,.-.. f 8.50 4 PRIZE 0 Genuine" Mahogany Re- t;T';"T' ceotion Chair, hand polished. V' '.. wood seat, spindle back........ .8 ft PRIZE 10 Fine Axminster Rug, i size 36 by 72 inches, rich conven tional design.- 8 GRAND TOTAL $250 T.50 ,6.50 STRINGENT ORDINANCE ' 1 BEFORE AMITY COUNCIL T" f . (Special DtepetelKt Tke 7fofBai.) ' Amity, Or., Nov. 17, The common council will hold special session to night to take action on an ordinance to prohibit the ssle or giving away of all form of Intoxicating llnuora and the maintaining of poa or Millard tables or pool or billiard halls. The ordinance also preacrtbea penalties for using pro fane language on the atreeta and pro hibits the public display of saloon or liquor signs. It also provides a fine for having stored any Intoxicating, llnuora or billiard, or -pool table in 'any build Ins within the Incorporate limit. a. 1 at 8 p. and every lady will be presented with a handsome souvenir. Pay Establishment and investigate this liberal offer. You do not have to buy a dollar's worth of goodsf . -' . t IE3T 0 F31Z3 . r- r. .' -Value; PRIZE 11 Nice Golden Oak , India Stool, suitable fordressmg ' table or desk,. .................. .00 ' PRIZE 12 Elegant Mahogany " . Pedestal, 36 inches high, hand ' ' ". polished .',.......j..,..-n('..80'OO PRIZE - 13 -Handsome Child's ' r. Reed ' Rocker, ; s very beautiful gift fS.OO PRIZE leuVery Swell Weatti- . ' ered Oak Foot Stool, covered with Spanish leather..........; ...84.50 'li.U'.i, a isaajaaaafl M Stissl FR07.1 7:C3 TO 10:00 O'CLOCK 1 PRIZE 15 Bissel's Carpet Sweep- -. er, cyco-beartng, nickel trimmings. 8 4.50 PRIZE le--Wine Setpretty dec- ;' rated, containing tray, pitcher . ' and five glasses. ,..,t.. .83.50 PRIZE lT-rWater Set, nicely tint- U ed, - consisting of tray,, pitcher , "' and six glasses. .............. ,...f.50 i: ' . ' - .-. . .. ' -. . ... j. . PRIZE 18 Lonwelsa Jardiniere, :t 10 inches high, beautifully deco ; , rated .;..'.....,......,.;..........M.50 PRIZE xO Gilt-Framed Picture,' ' ' size 22x26, very pretty subject..,. 82.60 'PRIZE 20 Gilt-Framed ' Picture, -' ' -aiie 2226, very pretty iubject....f2.50 GRAND TOTAL $250 Grand Special Saturday Evemiipo: Large ladiesv reed rocker Regular Price $7.50, Jyoi4rCh6ice . . Entirely JVew Deslsn, Eastern Made, Ecplre, SlxteenUi Ccntary, Cerlla Green FIsIsIl Cash If You Have It 1 r. .1 Credit If You Want It bbas Tsrsi urrn noit miss srwatroat, ens iouidit aw-waro oo A ' SiOMAX ML9 BSD, SXJIO AsTD MATTKXSaj, ABSOI.VTI1I.T TatES. . Mr. U. A. Coveil, Its Klrst St. Dear Sir: I take pleaaure tn ackmrwiedirlna; .re ceipt ot a handsome Brass Bed and Hair Mnttress, which came Into my possession be cause I waa fortunate In your recent sift proposition. I am certainly hlshly sratlfled at th outcome, particularly since I waa subjected to no expense .whatever, and be cause of my experience I can heartily recommend your house as . being ABSOLUTE LY RELIABLE. It ta usless to assure you that I am mora than pleased with my f ood luck In connection 'with this transaction, and I feel that I ant under- an obligat ion to express my gratitude and to assure Interested parties that they need have no fear of not receiving- fulr treatment atyour bands. Respectfully, -:-,'. . . ' ' MIS3 IDA 1TMAUOH. - bbas Tsoa uma rmost, vms. 9. viumos, Vsis rAsao, -ersto aor a botax. BAvaa v ' ABBOMI TBX.T ; aTBBB. ' " Covell'' t-urnlture Store. lt First Rtreeti-Mr. Coretl; I hereby acknowledge that I -waa fortunate, to receive your beautiful range, rls "The Royal Range." It ie need less to aay that It waa a pleasant surprise, and I feel very grateful and will' do all I eaa to recommend your store: Respectfully yours. MRS. 3. WALDSTROM, 111 Fargo. iilllii iTTTTTMn TifTx '-V MJ 184-186 First Sfreef, Gear Throuflh (o 185 Front laraX'KX-.V.rr r-Vi a AKinH-SURVEYS FOR FILLS Bolss Saya Property Owners Ar Ready to Deposit Cost ::';:"-v of Work.. ALL ENTHUSIASTICALLY FOR THE IMPROVEMENT City Engineer Haa Crew at Work Making Survey of Ground to Be . Filled Smatt Dredge Available In . Six Weeks. '; , ';v-: i Preliminary work . toward dredging the harbor and filling the lowlands on the eaat side with the sand ahd gravel has been stsrted by City Engineer D. W. Taylor and Engineer J. B. C Lock wood. The former haa a crew engaged In making a survey of the ground which ts to be filled end the latter will be gin a- survey of the river Morxfavr. . As soon as the surveye have been finished and the estimate of the cost ofdolng the proposed work . la made, .Jhe en gineers will report to the committee of five representing the parties Intereated In making the Improvements. "The property owners will- be ready to deposit the sum which the Improve ments will cost them es soon as th aurVeya end estimates are made," said Whitney L. Boise, at a meeting of the committee yesterday arternoon. "All are willing to have the atreeta Tilled. Mr. Ladd, one of the leading owners, la much Interested In the proposition.- t am Informed that all who have property between Rest Washington and ' Eaat CASTOR I A Tor Zoiuita and. Children. Tla Kfci Yea Kara Abrajj E::t Bears ths 8igrjfttr of Morrison streets desire td have their property filled. When tha streets ar filled the fire risks will be minimised. -jThe-Tort-ot-Foriland-ahoiiH make the soundings and determine what it 111 charge to do the work. "The esti mates of the fills should be made by the engineers, and then it would not take long for th property owners to ay what they will do. I believe the bulkheadlng should be done by the elty. the property owners should pay for the eoat of operating the dredge and the Port of Portland should stand th eost of keeping the dredge la repairs. The wharf property owners should also be willing to pay something aa the deepen Ing of the river would be of great bene fit to them." ! '. . - O. C. Flanders was bt the opinion that the -ground ahould all be filled to the basement grade with the dredges and above that tha fills ahould be made with dump ears, as he did not think it would be practical to bulkhead ' and pump gravel from the river. . Engineer Lockwood aatd ; the small dredge would be ready to Start work In - about six weeks. " It would be through on the -Columbia Saturday but would be laid up for repairs for several weeks...' i . Mayor Lane euggcsUd that a district assessment should be made to pay the cost of the Improvements. ' r DELIGHTFUL-NEWPORT.-- . , , . . . ; , , ; Splaxdld Weather at . Thia Popxlai Fadne Coast Besot. Delightful in every particular la the weather at Newport, and the Souther Paclflo ahd the Corvallls A Eastern rail, roads have resumed their cheap rates to this place for tha winter. Particular by - asking at Third and Washington trt. Portland. - INDIAN BATTLEFIELD TO ; - BECOME BIG RESERVE (Special DUpateh to Tke JouraaLl ' Butte, Mont, Nov. 17. Amos Buck of Btevensvllle. representing the pl6rlers of western Montane, has petitioned the state's representatives in' congress to work for a measure this winter provid ing for the reservation of the historic Indian battlefield In the Big Hole coun try, where Chief Joseph oi the" Nes Perce battled th white. Congrees man Dixon had planned to make a trip Into that country with resident of th valley, but the cold weather haa pre vented. Mr. Dixon will introduce the measure at tne next session of- eon gresa Should the bill psse the resi dents of Montana who participated In th skirmishes with the Indians in the Big Hole country will start a fund for embellishing the rlace end recUnx STORE 208 FRONT STREET, BETWEEN TAYLOR AND SALMON. : MxEMLEWPMRIfS rc, lamous au xoJ $1.10 This is ths Purs New1 Era Products, made In Detroit, famous all ths .' world over, a written guarantee of ounrr go Zing with each can was SU5 GALLON, . " now ' It is guaranteed as good as when it left the factory and is sold st this pries because water and smoks half destroyed ths labels sad .soiled ths csns. ; .:: i v' , '. . ; ' - . Painters Whito Lead 6c Pound NEAL'S INTERIOR ENAMEL ; . .. That smooth finish, so easy to keep clean; former price $2.50 , per gallon. ... dj 1 ) C NEAL'S BATHTUB ' ' v" ENAMEL . ,. .': r..- Transforms the old tine tub' to porcelain; former price, . quart, $1.40. : v-' 7C rNow,,v,,.....;.......v NEAL'S ALUMINUM i ENAMEL ; ". . For steam pipes, radiators, gss" ranges, etc.; former, price, NEAL'S CARRIAGE PAINT , The Old Original; former ; GRANITE FLOOR PAINT; i .-The kind that stays on your - floor; former price CI f; $1.75 gallon. Now....i?l.UU CRESOLENE 8HIN0LE F 8TAIN ; .-. - , ,Wrt well, won't fade; forra--: .' er price 2S per - Jfk gallon. Now. . ... ... . . , UC DAVIES VARNO-LAC ' v Makes 'your floor, look like O mahogany; former fries $275 per gallon. . d f?A : 1 Kow......i.,...4i., e)IuU ' No one will ever again buy ' Painta st ths prices we are selling these splendid goods for now. Don't neglect ths opportunity. . NEW ERA PAINT AND , . VARNISH CO. 208 Front Street, Between Taylor and Salmon. Portland, Oregon. monuments to th memory of those who were slain by the Indiana. . . " , XamQtoa Bias) of Injuries, , ' (Speelat tH.pttdTte Tas Jawsat.) Amity. Or Nov. 17. J. K. Hamilton, an old resident and elyll wsr veteran of this place, died at his home her yesterday. About three week ago he received Injuries while attempting to board a train at Carlton,' neceesltatlng the amputation of seven- toes. . The funeral will take piece today from the CarlaUaa church. TEETH Pee eaeSem dental work, - Wer1d-r Bawned peeiallst. Lowest prloae eensietent with irat-elaee Oe ta tke mm. & SPECIAL J .1- V... ,-! TOMORROW will see one of the greatest . ' sales ' we've ever had on ' dresses and coats for children from 2 to It years old. . The lot embraces thia season's choicest - styles pleated and blouse effects, In dresses of cassimere, serges and Henriettas. 'The colors are reds, blues, browns, plaids and fancy mixtures. The coats , are red. tan, brown, gray and fancy mix ed ; three-quarter and - full length. The materials alone in these garments would cost as much as : we ask for them. Bring the children here tomorrow and we will fit them in better style and for less money than rou ever paid before. 'Every garment in the .lot at t -, IALF PRICE FOR TOUOBROW ONLY TKaS3- SSc A IVEEIf ( Oatlam'S wear that eonW t this star Is h1mu4 wtU tke seats eai as e etfle, (aWte Bad vrarkssuMhlp aa saasesta ...v fer-e , tela., 'j,: , ) EriSTECSRI OUTFrmTtG CO The Stie Wker Tear Orellt I Seed vAsnr.'GTori AND TEHTD STREETS ' . V -;VvV. 7 f"-" St lessee I .. . -y .-.;JV,;., . . W : : ' , ItSeemsOueer To as the way some people eatfsfy their hardware wants without a thought often, of quality, simply considering prloe. If you'll ee in combination ef these two essentials In this stork you'll appreciate why lt'a to your Interest to buy here. '- eS Vktre; S1 Bet. llxe aa Aa 9U. COBB WO. The Great Chinese . Doctor rvc I v ' st. " tm ai.rly . lneated - st Sks AMar st4 aw aw ' Shard, . ' , lias Moved T the lares SsiMtBs at a. a. ( rirst aad alerrlaee Estraaes '' 16354 First Semi Br. 0. See We, tk Srast Oaejee ttoeter, IB v.B ksowa asd taaMa tkreecbnst U 0. , S. keaaasa kls wnaeerfBl M aarvsloa ear bin sees kraM4 knaaoaet thraaihoat the HMIS1 1 UartS asi kreaAth ef this ersetrr. Be treat asS all dUiaaaa wltk aewerfal ChlaMa aaets, kerbs, kna. bark and ntilabH that NEW YORK DENTISTS ruuarrai aits xtdkbUSOS STS. '. Opea Say and nisht, from l.l a. am , naUl ii Sk Sa are eetlrelr eekaeva te aieeiaal aowsee la rsit eneatrr. aad thceash the see ei tbeee fcirnWl ra4i'e B. gaaraatee te ear eatarrh, aathna. imf troeMea, rkeasMtlsai, sarreosseae, stanaeh, tlr.r. kisser, leaaale treablae aad all art Tata !. - Int fasMa eWtne sum wltknet the (14 ef the kaire, wtthent In eetena et eraa, .. pinidreee f teatlSKoitat, ea ile at hi tae. Call ad e ktra. Char aaaarrata. 1 eovwDXTATiov rats. rati eat ef the elty writ far Mask a elrrnlar, lerlae e atasip. Iit4reaa the O. Sea We Chtime sr4lolae Ce Ms la l nr. stamaea, rertlasa. Or. - fhui atastloa tale . It - j