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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1905)
THE 'OREGON DAILY JOURNAL ' PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 17. 1905. - A. To) -9 Makes Competition Feel ; ItsTStingrgvvg II TEIJtD AND IMS-SIDE :PI1I :A: iw TT.Tin LUo TC12D AND BURN Again demonstrate! its power in the spot cash purchase of the entire fine Muck Clothing Company's insolvent stoc of 109 Sixth street, and the entire shipments to them from Sidney B. Cohn ft Co. of Chicago at "; '"- ; " The famed stock of the Muck Clothing Company consists of over 6,000 very finest quality Suits, Overcoats and Crave nettes and fine quality Trousers and $3,000 worth of Fall Style Hats and Furnishings, combined with Fall Overcoats, Cravenettes and Pants of Sidnev B. Cohn.' made for 'the Muck Clothinsr Corripahy.' but the Muck company became in solvent while the goods were in transit. The Hub bought them all and will give the people of Portland the most gigantic and greatest bargain sale of finest quality goods that has been offered in all America this year. .'.V.S''.'-:', - Just One-Half . Muck's Prices ! fcMMzit(vii iff r. . u M 4tertt. : ik W tAT tv FINE QUALITY MEN'S FALL AND WINTER 73f3TfcCT ftc and (pTT9 6T 1 MntT TfhT Tfr is stock ; consists of the jycry finest and most fashionable 'gbodsTthat tnohey' could7 buy Nothing was too tine - for the Muck only paying Lthe bill S5 .00 For choice of all Mucks ; $10 good quality , tailor made Overcoats and j " " !v-T:- ' " Cravenettes. 1 , " C For choice of Muck's J splendid quality rtailorj mde fall and "winter." .$12.50 Overcoats and Cravenettes, box or' belt style. :; j,-: ;':.: " S'6 $7.50 A most elegant showing ' of 30 styles select qual- ity $15 custom tailored - box and belt Overcoats and Cravenettes.'-: $10.00 styles and weights of Overcoats and Crav-; enettes; Muck's $20 ones. . , ' ' Imported : materials in an almost end less', variety of all $12.50 For all styles and colors of Muck's ex- tra s select Quality - imported fabrics full hand tailored Pale- tots, Cravenettes, belt and plain back,' box ' 4 ror long $25 garments. -' , j V $15.00 ! For Muck's $30 En- ' glish materials, silk , and satin lined, box, V opera, paletots, belt or plain back Over- " coats and Cravenettes. , : , - . i $. 1 . f9:i fjjf . For choice of all . I I 0J Muck's highest ;v i ?--" ; .'. ' V- . qualities, silk and ', aatin linedTall custom hand work, $35 to , $40 Overcoats, Cravenettes and Creolettes; . the best that man can produce. ' jf: MEN'SIFURiNISHINGS The Muck stock comprises a complete variety of all the good and elegant things . r ; that any gentleman requires in his wardrobe. : . sox ;: Us Surt at the '. : Let Us Start at theFeet! First. V H 5 For fast black or fancy 10c Cotton Sox. ' 84 For fast brown Maco 15c Sox. -K ,10t For knd 20c Cotton Sox. ..' ; ; X2f For, merino ; or . cotton, , plain or Va fancy, 25c Sox, ' "X7Ytt For merino wool or cotton, plain' or fancy, 35c Sox. ,; , . V 25 For cotton or wool 50c Sox. . j' v : f 3Tf5c For lisle, bal.; cotton, merino"or' wool 75c imported Sox of all kinds. " .'U1'-'-- CARTERS s,15t For Muck 25c Garters. , .,. 35f For Muck 50c Silk Garter. . SHIRTS ' A paradise of very latest and best styles. -IOt, For Muck white or fancy $1 Shirts, ' V' or 'golf and sateen. r7 : ' r J 75f For "Muck white or "fancy pen an g," ' :. flannel, . plain or fancy sateen, $1.50 ' Shirts. ... '. . ' . fl.00 For .Muck elegant white, fancy, V wool, and sateen $2 Shirts. . $150 -For penangFrench flannel -or silk- and wool, single, and double breasted, $3 Shirts. ' "v". : , i'.Jy.:.:, s ' f 2.00 For extra fine quality wool or silk -' and wool and all silk $4 Shirts,' solid or Yi-fancy. colors. . , ; ; .;' . UNDERWEAR. . . Most Extraordinary Sale on Record. 30 For super quality good Union grade. ; 3Xyt For Muck's natural fleece, 75c quality.' ' '...'..'.,. 'r 40 For Muck's' Oxford and fancy Jer ' sey top wool fleece, $1 grade. 1 - 50 For , all ' wool derby Muck's $1.25 '. : grade. , . .'..,:.. 80 For 10 styles bal. and merino and wool, $1.50 to $2 grades. ' ,' . ' ' ? 1.25 For bal. and flat weave, plain and .fancy color, $2.50 grade. f 4 . For Muck extra quality $3 , and $3.50-iquality.-...,- V'.- , 2.50 For Muck silk or cotton bal., $4 to , $5 grades. , 7' ,' 't ' ' :..:.,.:,... suspend --r:':-- , A variety of over 100 styles to the very' . best. - Wilson Bros.' make. t. , , 13jFor Muck 25c Suspenders. . "Tl8y For Muck 35c Suspenders. i H 25 For Wiisoti Bros, make Muck . 50c t Suspenders..-, L-.:iL,".. . 3801 Wilson Bros.' make Muck to $1 Suspenders., ., ' COLLARS 7j4 For Muck 15c Collars. , - ; 12? For Muck 25c Collars. Cuffa, ajne in proportion. ". ; SWEATERS '. ':..' ' The Elegant KindslOO Styles. " : 1 75 For Muck $1.50 Vool Sweaters. S1.00 For Muck $2 Sweaters, wool. -.81.50' For Muck$3 wool Sweaters. .' 2.00 Jor Muck $4 .wool or, worsted Sweaters.. .'-?v " r' ---"r . 82.50 For Muck $5-, wool or worsted ' Swearers. - . .:K ,. ' 83.50 For-Mick $6 to $8. silk,' worsted i." and lamb's wool Sweaters. :M,r'-: r CLOVES -4.' Any kind, all kinds, the kind you want, in from the -heavy leather or wool to finest . dress. - ' " - ; - ,- - '-' ; ' 20- For K. T. 40c quality heavy Gloves. rtHQf Forrwootor-goat- orrrotilesldrt' 8 Oc Glovesr' '- " ,- .50 For all kinds of $1 Gloves.;, . 75 For all kinds of $1.60 Gloves.' v J 1.00 For all kinds of Muck $2 Gloves. 1.25 For buck Gordon dress, up to $2.50 NE-HAIirPRICE Men's -Fall and Winter IBS Muck's weakness was for fine goods. Only the best found room in that store.The Hub has them' now at just One Half jIesalestjnAUlnitti!einjtJuitJ one half retail price. Muck made a spe- cialty ; of hard-to-fit-size a, . : ; C'.:"''-' For Single and DoubleT' A ' vJ j Breasted Suits, medium V w w and dark colors ; sold by Muck at $10. : For choice of Muck's ; Vi fi J medium and dark color T"wf single and double breasted all wool,' union cassimere and worsted $12.50 Suits. : k'::7 M r.'uM'ff ll.V For Muck's $15 medium or dark colors, plain and fancy worsteds,' also serges, clays and unfinished worsteds, 33 to 48 bust. ' .. r $7.50 $ 1 0.00 $? For ' Muck hand tailored $20 clays. ; es, unfinished worsteds, plain and fancy materials to 50 bust measure. . $1 1 v Cf V For Muck high 1 jU uality 5 iraprt r . ed goods, custom finished Suits in a variety of over 50 styles : of fabrics. -'r ff For choice of MucW I J.ylj $30 single and dou- ww ble breasted Sack and Tuxedo. Highest quality imported materials. ' .-.I,, . -, - - i n ' $ f9 C For choice of Muck M 3w ngle nd double w breasted Sack, Tux edo, Full Dress or Prince Albert Suits. Made by top notch tailors of American for Muck to retail at $35 to $40. TROUSERS The great triple stock of Muck, Sidney B. Cohn and The Hub on sale at just One ';.,-; t .Half .value. . . - . 62e For The Hub's $1.25 Working Pants. ,08 For The Hub's $2 Business Pants. 81.50 For Muck and Sidney B. Cohn'a '. $3 Pants. ' 82.00 For Muck and Sidney B. Cohn's $4 Pant?. : "l--- 1 ' 82.50 For Muck and I Sidney B.1 Coha's elegant tailor made $5 Pants." 83.00 For Muck and Sidney B, Conn's 1 elegant custom $6 Pants. -83.50 For Muck and Sidney, B. . Cohn's, imported materials $7 Pants.- ' ; 84.00 For Muck and Sidney f-B. Cohn's best $8 Pants.- - 84.50 For Muck and Sidney B. Cohn's V $ and $1Q top of all Pants. ji ; I HATS Muck elegant stock of fall and winter styles Soft and Stiff Hats. Has no su perior in the United States for real merit. ; Everything up-to-date, from $2 to $5, was carried by this now insolvent company. 81.00 Far -Moclr$2 sofrafld litiff ' Hats: 81.50 For Muck $3 Hats, soft and stiff. $2.00 For Muck $4 Ferguson Hats, stiff . ...and soft.'";-'. '. ' : ..'' y t.' 82.50 For Muck $5 Stetson or Mowbray .' soft and stiff. Hats, r ' L . ' SHOES - A $10,000 stock of Hub Shoes, including I Thibbetts. The best of Shoes at the biggest ; bargains in the United States. . , YOUTHS' SHOES - 05 For Youths' $1.50 and $1.75 guaran- teed Shoes. - , ' . , 81.35 For Youths' $2 and $2.25 hand we!tShoes. .-. . MENS SHOES 8,000 PairsAll of the Good and Best ' - Kinds.' t; , t) 'r. 815 For plain or box, bals. and con gress ; regular $2 Shoes. . : ' ; 81.85 For calf, vici, velour bals., cong. f and bluchers; the very best and latest'. , $3 Shoes. . '..' v -; ; 2.35 For vici, T cordovan;: parent" and" ? enameled, in, calf and colt, bal.;' blucher ' and congress; 30 styles of toe and last; - all of them $3.50 value. . ' , : 49 For all. sizes and styles of 85c Rub .". bers.' ", i;N'v . ,,' :':',..''.'.- J. --.v. : VESTS 35 For Muck up to $2. odd Vests.' . 85 For Muck up to $3 wool Vests. : 81.45 For Muck fancy or wool $4 Vests. , 82.35 For fancy, or, full dress $5 to $7 . Vests.''.: "'-' '.'--r- ,:v Gl INTERES TcTOOU" Every paper-reading adult in this vicinity knows the Muck ClothTng Co., IOTSixth street, was sold by, J. W. Bell, trustee, body and boots, to satisfy the demands of the creditors. The lease on the premises expired November 1st, and consequently the stock could not be disposed of at 109 Sixth street. i The Hub is always open for a eood thine, and we secured the entire stock at 50c on the dollar of value, together with several thousands of dollars worth of goods In transit at th time of the closing down of the Muck. This entira fine stock is now on sale at one half retail prices; which is an opportunity : without parallel for the money-saving public Any article bought during this sale can be returned within 2 days and exchanged or money refunded if so desired. The Hub is a store that satisfies always, giving the public the best bargains possible to be obtained in the United States. DURING THIS GREAT ONE HALF PRICE SALE OF THE MUCK FINE STOCK THE HUB WILL BE OPEN TILL 9 P. M. EVERY EVENING; SATURDAYS TILL U P. Mv ..