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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1905)
" TwT Oi" V THE OREGON DAILY JOTTRNAL. PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 16. 1903. - I'iilSIIIIIGTOI HEII H COIIFIDEIir v , wasawaBBnsewBasswss ?ptain McDonald's Eleven Hat . Hopes 'Sol -Defeating ' Latour- ' ette't Tt am From Eugene. -. . .v :' , . . NORTHERN TEAM HAS !--.v IMPROVED RAPIDLY . Early Season .Was', Full of Diaap . pointmcnta, but After Fraternity "TSquabbU Was" Settled, Better Work Resulted Immediately. . .'. . (Iperlat Dispatch to Ta Josrssl.) - , University of Washington, Seattle, Nov. 1. Encouraged - by the victory Sherman Indlai loam last Sat- tirday, the T'nlveralty of Washington ' team la working hard for th Webfoot Itni. , Waahlngton' only chance la lay claim, to having- a good team this season dapanda upon th winning t tha two Dragon games. Tha northarn team has been defeated by th Unlvaralty of ' Idaho by two place klcka. Bhe will not moat Pullman and hr - only college . gamea remain with th two Oregon In . ' stltuttona Washington Is .out ' of th '.'"race for th championship of th north ' west by her defeat at th ' hands of Idaho, and ah la now making vry (Tort to put Into th flald a team that : will wrat tb honors from th rival Oregon eleven. To goad Washington on to make desperate efforts la th fact that tha colleges af th northwest are - barking Oregon and are deairou that Oregon ahall win. , In th Idaho-Wash-Ingtoa game th atudenta from Pullmaa rooted for Idaho against thetr alater In stltutlon for th flrat time in th his tory of athletic between th two Instl- -tutlona -fr--vi- r , Th strong Willamette eleven are ee ' ' . hid th Oregon eleven, as they do not - hav a gam with Coach Cutts" aggre gation, and if Oregon can win the gam by a good margin they will show ui v.. wii. What O. A. C. Desire a. . Probably th only college In the ' northwest that , wants Oregon defeated In th Oregon Agricultural college. It Oregon Is defeated In this gam th O. A. C. team will-; hav a try ovet th victorious Waahlngton eleven o Thanksgiving day. . A writer In th Seattle P.-L of yes - Uerday- Soea th usual Juggling stunt with a comparison of scores and evolves ' a winning team by figuring that Wash Ington has won points to her oppo nent'a ti, while the Oregon team haa won only (3 to her opponent's 11. There fore Washington is tha stronger team Q.-E. D. - 1 Thta wjrUarLsrlllLthe magic pencil v does not draw any deductions from, the fact that Oregon played California in stitutions, while Waahlngton was mak ing scores- on Whltworth college and 'Whitman. " -- I Coach Cults' eleven will lin up with five freshmen players. But few vet erans will be there to steady the team. ; Cults has- spent th year developing green material Into seasoned playons, naTnaddltlon haa haT ve.JP ydlsadvan " tag to buck, against that eould ooma -r rup- agaUiat-!v-eoaehj ; j " ' 1 To. open the season. Dean, a player " of last year, had hia collarbone broken , th first- week; h waa followed by two ' mora strong men who joined the ranks mm with broken shoulders.; These three men were out for the' season. Then I came the mlxup in the squad when four of the players went out on a strike and disorganised tne team ror a week. These anoldenta. 1 counted - with a number of ; smaller ones, kept Cutts changing his lineup all through the season, which accounted for the poor showing previous to th Sherman Indian gam. . Th Oregon men ' are veterans and have played together for two season I and should be able to put up the stronger game, but Cutts, has developed such a wcnderful derense that it will be hard to score upon his team. the records of the two teams up to date are: Oct 7 U. of O. IS. Alumni I. Oct. It V. of O. 0, California 0. Oct. i. IT. of O. 4, Stanford la Oct. S U. of O. 17. Chemawa 0. Nov. 4 U. of O. 11, Willamette . Nov. 11 U. of 0.-, O. A- C. . Waahlngton . t-J Sept z U. of W It. Whltworth 4. Oct. IS IT. of W. 11, Chemawa . Oct. 30 V. of W.A Idaho t. Nov. 11 U. ot W. :, Sherman In dians 0. .1 BRUNSWICK BOWLERS BEAT THE- HONEYMANS The Brunswick bowlers defeated th lloneyman teani three straight games at the Oregon alleys last nlgbt The scores were: . ' Brunswick (1 (2) (3) Orlebel .ltd 103 115 Hller .- ...126 124 160 Norton , lit aughn . , , , . . Bloom . . 77. .. ToUls ...27 633 M. (2 ,..! 10 Honeyma Parrott . , .. t. . ....... Popple i . Pay Mnrklin Woelra Totals .' ; 17 121 "! 120 122 . . SS. 1st ..lit 11 ,.176 138 ..15 1(8 , .SS7 718 0 8 14 .11 124 111 .124 147 ' 91 35 DUNLAP HAT ALWAYS SATISFACTORY. ALWAYS PROPER STYLE. BOLE AGENTS ROBINSON CS, CO 289 WASHINQTOtf ST. ' HOTEL PSRKINS BLDO Fomo wi:iSA::3n:ER 1 FK0;.l THE SEALS i. ... l ........... . ' Pitcher Henley Receives His Bumps From Giants in Fairly Good Gams at Bay City.v ' (Joernil BtrUI Service.) San Franulaco, Nov. l8.7-.The Glanta got buay again yesterday and beat th Seals In a rather interesting game Henley was on th firing line for 'Frisco and he got a severe Jolting,' Ats, McHale and McLean touching' him along for good, safe Urlvea. Th score was . POBTLAND. - AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Ata, as. 6 J I 3 1 0 Van Huren, If. ...... 4 0 J . 1 MPHatt,-cf,-T-niiTiT.T I Mitchell, lb. ........ 4 0 ........ t 1 'MI t 1 a 0 t 1 1 4 Sohlufly, tb. Mclean, e. . MoCredle, rf. Sweeney, lb. Jones, p. , . . 4 Totals ....Ji 26 15 8AN FRANCISCO. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Waldron, cf. Mohler.-lb. . 1 : v v 0 J Hildebrand, If. Nealon, lb. ... . Householder, rf. Irwin, Sb. , . . . . a ' 1 Qnchnauer, sa ...... Wilson, a.'.......... Henley, n. , Williams Wheeler Totals , .11 4 I 27 IS . I Irwin Out; hit by batted ball. Batted for Oochnauer In ninth. ' Bo'led for Henley In ninth. 8CORS BT INNINGS. Portland , . Itltiltt 4 kits 01 II Sl 1 t Ban Francisco ...tlllttil 4 Hits 1 1 1 t I t ) 0 11 SUMMARY. Two-base hit Wllaon. Mohler. Schlafly, McHale, Van Buren. Sacrifice nits Henley. Van Buren. Mohler. Stolen baaearAta S. McHale, Schlafly, Jones, waiaron. First mm oa errors Port land. 2: San Francisco, 1. Bases on balls utt Jones, 2; oil Henley, 1. Left on oases r-orxiana, ; Struck, out By Jones. on bases Portland,-; Rat Francisco,. Riruca out ay jones, r. Hit by pitched ball-Wal bV lienler. S, Itched ball-vWaldron. uouble iaya Jones to Mitchell to McLean; weenev to Ata - Pasaed ball McLean. Time of game One hour and 40 mio utea. Umpire McCarthy. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. tint mil 1 ' : : 1 I ; j i CLUBS. EST .1101 1111 J 17 1.1! IB! 04 .aoT .01.1 .8T .! .4U4 Baa Frsnclece , Oak laud 10 1,11111 (12 0 si ..13 (II ittto 7 10'lil' -4SI Portland ...... Taeeaia ...... Lost t..tJ, BIll lHl ftl 4l '"'X 4 ans 7 J I 14 :K;ni48i4:4n:33,275: sTag-Ia Wtas Another.'. ' (Joaraal Special BM-rloe.) Los Angeles, Nov. !. Nagle again proved himself a pussle by holding th Slwashes down to a lone tally yeater day. Th score: - -. - . - Ixis Angelas .. .0 0 0 1 4 0 0 4 12 2 heat I la , ,. ., 40 l M O S Batteriea Naale and Eai.rr Rhlalda. junea ana rrary. empire uavia. Biewa 'Was Xff active. Uenraar Saeclal Sarvlcet Oakland. Nov. IS. Brown was tth whole show st Idora park yesterday and the commuters went down to defeat Score: R. H. B. Taooma . ...... .40101009 0- 11 Oakland . ......00000000 9 S Batteries Brown and Hogun; Smith snd ay mea. umpire perrlne. GOLD BOND BOWLERS BEAT AMERICAN GUILD In the match game on the Portland alleys last evening the Gold Bond- team got the flrat and third gamea, the Amer ican Guild capturing the second. The American Guild team is composed of alt new bowlers and they did pretty well for their first tlm In a match. The scores were: Go.d Bond -M) Siebele . ......... 1J0 Roberts . 1 Rows . . ........ 164 Newirger . .....14 : ii . 10 US fS Ave. 148 131 13110 13 ...-131 1-3 16 lfi Morey 18& 135 136 Totals ..776 87 70S American Guild (2 14S 128 174 134 141 723 60 (31 Ave. Anderson . McParland . Barbour . . , Fre borough Jordan . . . . , ' Totals . Handicap . , ....136 104128 1-1 , ... 1 SO , ....130 ,...14 ....(SO 136181 " 82121 2-3 1 14( 3-3 136140 2-3 (32 60 Totals , .(SO 773 (83 This evening the Portlands meet th Archer Schans team on the Portland alleys, and the Roberts Bros, bowl the Jase Vilas on the Oregon alleys. Vool Match. H. Solomon, champion of Oregon, and George Ktrkland, champion of Mary land, will play for a purse of 350 at Reddlck's hall tonight and Friday night The gamea wilt be a big event, as Solomon, who Is the beat pool player In Oregon, plays 260 balls to Klrkland' 300. Klrkland haa played with D'Oro and other noted playere of the country HILL ELEVEI J TIES C0LUL10I1 Sturdy Academy Lads Struggle Two Long Halves With Frank, Lonergan's Collegians. BOTH TEAMS PLAYED " IN VIGOROUS FASHION Hill and Columbia Each Ruahed the . Ball for Conaiderabl Distance but "rouldhTMuater Sufficient Strenftb to' Put It Over." - : In ope of th closest and most In' terestlng football contests of the season the cadet team of the Hill Mllitar academy played the strong eleven from Columbia university to a standstill. For two !&-mlnute halves the battle raged fiercely, and when it finally ended Jual before dark no score had beep mad by either team.' -Hill Military academy fully expected to be defeated, and waa buay trying to figure out to how small a score Colum bia might be held down, for Columbia 'varsity-Is a husky bunch of expe rienced' football players Only two weeks sgo Columbia university took th T. M. C. A. team, thai defeated Hill Mil itary academy S to 0, Into camp to th extent of a score of 27 lo 0. . A week ago they defeated the Quakers of New herg by a score of. 11 to 0, and such Frenchmen as ' Qulnlan, Qulnn. Gruaal, Davidson, McCaw and the Moore broth ers are no mean opponents, particularly when captained by a. foxy quarterback like Captain Smith. But somehow Hill Military academy had left the pipe at home, and thus was not only able to prevent the team.-that -Portland High school did not dare to play, from scor ing, but even to play most of the game In Columbia university's territory. The gam In Itself was comparatively clean; If Columbia university's hotheaded son of Erin did lose their heads once in a While snd slugged M. bit. Hill Military academy was too busy to feel It. The only unpleasant feature waa the way Columbia university's rooters sttempted to prevent Hill's signals' from being heard, when Columbia university was In dire straits and aorely pressed in th vicinity of her seven-yard line. Wa this quite sportsmanlike? - Columbia Vm Tom, ' Columbia won the toaa and Hill Mili tary academy kicked off to- Columbia university's 10-yard line. - Twice Colum bia made her yardage and then gave Hill Military academy the ball on her own 10-yard line. HU1 Military acad emy could not advance the ball furthet than Columblft'llS-yasd line and Colum bia university made a desperate effort to get Into the cadets territory. On the ' second play, however. Otto Moore, Columbia university's left half, waa ae-. vereiy Injured and had to leave th field. Soon afterward Hill Military academy recovered the ;ball and, Tiy a series of terrific line and ' crossbacks in which Dlmmlck and Taylor particularly ex- cel)ydfoiyfd. the hall iy hii-t Into Colombia university's terrltoi the ball changed hands for IS minutes. wherrTJotumblauhlverslly punted from her own 40-yard line and HUJ Mllltarv academy fumbled the punt, Columbia university recovering the ball. With Hill's goal but 40 yards away Columbia threw every ounce of strength and peed into her attack and advanced steadily to the lS-yard line. Here the cadets' line became a rock snd Columbia's advance cam to . an end H. M. A. punted, but the ball slipped and went- but 10 yards. - Again Colum bia's bsck 'field and heavy tackles charged the Hill line, but on the 30-yard line Hill held and Columbia had to try for goal from the field. Dlmmlck. how ever, broke through and all but blocked the kick. As It was. he touched the ball and caused It to fall short. Taylor caught It on his own 1-yard line and ran In 10. The cadets then forced the ball back up the field, and the half ended near the center of the field.. In Columbia's territory, with the score 0 to . . Tke Seooad Half, Tn the acronri.-'half C IT. kicked off ta Vol art. whS Tanttn 13 yards. Then by alternate line snd cross bucks Taylor, Dlmmlck and Mays carried the balV to Columbia' a 7-yard line. Here th din that the cadetat could I pot hear their signals and a flimble. which C. V. re covered, was the result C. V. tried to advance the ball, but could not make much. headway and punted soon after ward. The cadets again advanced , to Columbia's 3t-yad line. Here they were lurcvq in punuiua mmym punim ia yards over the aide line. C. U. punted soon to the -center of the field snd th cadets once more reached Columbia's 26-yard line before they were downed. Here they tried for a - field goal, but failed by five feet. C. U kicked out and tha ball went 1ack and forth In Co lumbia's territory... with three minutes of play left C. V. punted past the center of the field and MI. M. A. fumbled. C tr. recovered the ball on Hill's 60-yard line For the laat time C. U. made a desperate effort to score, but the game ended after they 'had advanced -about 10 yards with the score 0 to 0. Lineup c tr. H. M. A. Albright.. R,: K. t,. .Moore, Charles J. Quinlan Qulnn .. . . . .R. T. It. L, Volgt . .Kj O. L. ...iC ,.UO.R ..LJT. R . .L.E. R Do wa eon . Knettl . Mulkey William .. French Porter . . . Orussi . , . Davidson . Walsh . . . Smith (Capt.) .f , iW- - ovirit-iiuiRiii. , . . .L.H. R. -,,,.,' Mays C Moore O. Moore-St Thomas R.;H.L. ........ Taylor McCaw ....IF Dlmmlck Length of halve. 26 minutes: score. 0 to 0; J. A. Horan,;M. A. A. C referee; RabblU. V, M. C. k., -umpire; Charles Stockton, M, A. A.IC.. linesman: J. A. McNamee, C. 17.. and Mr. Wilkinson, M, A. A. C timekeepers. 4UNT CLUB TO HOLD ITS ANNUAL MEETING The regular annual meeting for elec tion of officers of the Portland Hunt club for the ensuing year will be held at the office of Dpwnlng, Hopkins A Co.,, room 4, ground floor. Chamber of Commerce-bu!lrtlrta-onr-Saturday, - De cember 2, at f o'cldck p. m. As the re port of the year's' doings of ths club will be read, it is imeiy met a xuu membership -will attend. A Creepiaf Beats. - ' Blood poison creep up towsrd the heart, causing death. J. K. Stearns, Hello Flslne, M!nn.r wrttea - thet - a friend dreadfully injured his hand, which swelled up like blood poisoning. Burklen'a Arnica Salve drew out the poison, healed the. wound and saved hie life. Best In the world ror burns and sores. 3 fie at Skidmor s drug store, AWFUL ITCHItlG BIIIIIIG ECZEMA Watery Pimples Followed by Swell Ing and Dry Scabs-Tried Every- thing without Success Second Application of Cuticura Removed All Soreness--Another of the ; REMARKABLE CURES BY CUTICURA REMEDIES ."I suffered with ecaema on my nands for two years, but waa at last cured with the Cuticura Remedies. Thedis aM commenced by email, watery pimples breaking out on th bank of tny bands, which itched, burned, and pained awful, aa if an electric battery waa being held against my body. My hands would swell until I could hardly use them, hen they would get dry. and scaly, then break out again and be the same thing over. I waa treated by our family physician, but did not get any better. Then I tried every kind of ointment I ever heard of, ana every borne remedy any one recommended. - "I then went to another doctor, who helped them" some, but after being treated by him for three months my bands were not well and the treatment waa so severe it waa almost worse than the disease. I had often seen Cuticura' advertised and concluded to try It. It just took two applications of Cuticura Ointment to take the soreness out of my hands. I commenced by putting it on three time a' day, then just in the evening, and when I had used four boxes of Cuticura Ointment, one cake . Cuticura Soap, and three vials of Cuti cura Resolvent Fills, my hands were . well, and much softer and smoother than ever before. Thanka to the Cuti cura Remedies. - Yours respectfully, Mrs. G. L. Heston, Lucas, Iowa, May ,.1905." . .. . . Mrs. Alice Deadwiley of SmfthvUle. I. T., eays; u My babv was troubled with an itching skin humor and waa cured by Cuticura." - GMaelfta Bxtcrasl aaS VstnMl ptahMMt aw ewy SJmbmw. Hmm ranBlM to MmvlmlA. fl am lnfmtv. Is Aw MwtMtaf ml (Mm Soa. ax., OUniMat, ne Rwol M, Me. ( la frm mt CkaeolM Cjm PIU, . m Tkl f el, m.y k k4 ml ell Inemtou. A ring,, mn mMm MM, PORTLAND ACADEMY VILL -HISS HARRYFLAVEL Clever Fullback and Captain Will Be Unable to Line Up Against High School Tomorrow. , afternoon, oit Multffbtnah arttend academy meet in their annual football gam. This game always proves most Interesting, and this year will be more so than ever, aa it would seem from the present Indications that the High school team haa a better chance for victory than at any previous time dur ing the last five, years. Captain Harry Flavel. the malnatay of the academy team,, has. been under the doctor's care since the No will academy game, and will be unable to enter the game Friday. The loss of Flavel is keenly felt by his teammates, a be la terrific line plunger and haa few equsls In backing up the line. Clarke, the right tackle, will plsy full back, and Hurlbert will take his place at tackle. The academy team hopes to make most of Its gains through the center of the line, as the playing of the High school ends In their previous games, shows that It is practically Im possible for them to get around, and aa this form of attack Is always slow and tedious, the academy's hope la to keep the High school from scoring. One touchdown Is the best Portland academy can hope for. The game promises to be well fought nn hnth side d hg 1 ass ths a of the ' school leagues. Portland acad emy will line up In this fashion: Cook, center;' Ankeny, right guard; Rankin, left guard; Herbert right tackle; Wll- llama, left tackle; Thorne, right end Corbett, left end; Wood, quarterback Reed, right halfback; Hart, left half back; Clartc fullback. ' INDIAN GAME MULTNOMAH MEN Riverside Redmen From Are Formidable and Club Team Adopts Special Plays. The Multnomah club men became very ambitious last evening and re sponded to Coach Overfleld's orders splendidly, turning out and participat ing In a creditable practice. Most of the regular players were on hand and the work-out waa very satisfactory. While the rnib eleven Is tn fair con. dltlon for Saturday's conteat with the Sherman Indians, the team Is by no means so formidable as the coach would wish, and among those who are In a position to- know the Impression pre vails that the Indians will give Mult nomah a lively game. Though the In dians were beaten in Seattle, this fact does not lessen their strength, as the reports from the sound city declare that the officials In both games undoubterly gave the red men a very raw deal, deal ing out penalties whenever Sherman was In position to score. It Is this knowledge of unfairness to the Indians hat makes the local players feel that that when the redaklns receive a square deal In Portland they wilt be able to make a much better ahowlng than was msde In Seattle. ... Last night Multnomah tried out a few hew plays, organised; expressly td Off set the variegated attack of the In dians. ,' The - new plays .worked - very well snd Captain Jordan expressed hlm self as well pleased with their rehark able execution. Herr Wllklns was In the renter position, lsst night and he passed the oval accurately. McMlllen was there and so was Saunders and But ler.. Owens wss at left half and stsrted Ilk a shot Mart rratt will Join th squad this evening. The regular prac tice will be held this evening. JTf erred Stock Oaased Oeeds. Allen Lawlt Beat Brand. All our Eclipse Steel Ranges are built especially for u(, according; to our specifications. fWe are, therefore, MORB than agents. And that accounts for the fact that we are able to sell a high class Range like the Eclipse for low price and oh easy terms. It is the WHOLESALE price. , i $45X0 RANGE AT THIS SALE FOR Installed in your home for that small payment A guarantee that it will prove perfectly satisfactory to you. - ...; - i. v: . i Warranted against breakage for 15 years, and will last a lifetime;--: ; " ' Air-Tight Wood THE 173-175 REFEREE FROST GIVES VERY COLD DECISION Seattle's Official Makes Rank Ruling Against Sherman and the Indians Leave the Field. (KdmUI IHsDateli te The Joaraal.) . Seattle, Nov. 1. The football gam between the strong team of the Seattle Aimsiie fiun aiiJ in snf-rMfln nmmm here yesterday resulted In the Indians leaving the field near the end of the second half. The game was very slow and the elnb nts verswere hard pushed In the first half Dr. Roller brok throuah the Indian line and successfully evading the aafety fullback ran 71 yarda for a touchdown. in me aecona nan the Indians let their enda be drawn tn and Roller made another long run around the end for the second touchdow . Score, 11-0. The Indians now received th klckoff snd tore through the .dub Iln for a touchdown. Her the squabble occurred. The 8. A. C. team hotly con tested the advance of the Indiana, but the red boya planted the ball where th tip end of it touched the goal line on the third down. Referee Frost ruled that this waa not a touchdown and gave the- ball to the clubmen, overlooking the fact that the Indians had carried the ball a font and a half past- the necessary five yards, and the down should be the first. The linesman declared the down to be the flrat. but the crowd surging on the field created such a wrangle 'that there was a general 'melee and the In dians walked off the field. Twelve to Six probably-shows the comparative strength of the two teams. Roller and Council were the stars of the game. The Indiana were atrona nuntera and clayed a good game when, they were winning. The line-up wa: Indiana. S. A. C , .Plummet . . .Laaater Coleman. U E-, , , , . . Lugo T.v Whipple U a....... Sample ..... .Roberts , .... ...Wells . . . .'.Council ..Oliver . ..Burrlngton Pea body Roller ... .. .-Evane C, Coleman C Black Tooth.. ...It a ., I.ubo. ........... R. T. ...... Beholder. .R. K....... Neafusa.... Q B. . McOee v.rl H. B. Oalt .-J-... F. B.. Tortes .....R. II. B. OREGON ELEVEN STARTS; ON NORTHERN TRIP - ' ' j-' Eugene. Or., Nov. -l. Th 'varsity footbair snund left for-Seattl thts aft ernoon to fulfill their engagement with Washington university on Saturday aft ernoon, when they hope to take the Evergreen State men Into camp by de feating them by a good score. All of I the players have said from the. start that the game with Washington would be the hardest of the season, and after th big score that th northerners ran up against th Indians on last Satur day this feeling has gained, ground with the. enthualaata and town people; and very on looks for a very hard ; gam Saturday, . , , Ttrgll Earl, th star tackl wh was . Made of cold-rolled blue steel, which requires no blacking. Body i consists of THREE walls, Inner and outer walls of rolled steel and middle one of thick asbestos; all securely hand riveted. Cannot warp or buckle. Our private advices indicate a great advance in the price of steel. This means AN ADDED . COST TO US on our "ECLIPSE" STEEL. RANGE. Our next order for Ranges will cost us much more, but while the present stock lasts we shall not increase the retail price. We are wholesalers in this line, and when you buy an "ECLIPSE- RANGE here YOU PAY THE WHOLESALE PRICE. ',. t.. A SPLENDID LINE OP BEST HE ATINO STOVES. uevurtz&Sons FIrsrStrect 219-227 Yamhill Street IN A WEEf W treat sneeesefully all prlvat ner vous and ehronlo diseases of mem alee blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney and throat troubles. We eure STFHIUS (without mercury) to stay cured for ever. W remove STRICTURE, with out operation or pain, tn IS days. . We stop drains, night losses and spermatorrhea by a new method In a week. We can restore the sexual vigor of any man under 10 by mean of local treatment peculiar te ourselves. W,Cure-Oonorrh In a Week ; - The dnetor of thta lnstltut are an regular graduatea. hav bad many yeara experience, nave been known In, Portland for II years, have a reputatloa to maintain, and wui undertake no cj unless certain eure can be effected. We guarantee a rure In every caae we undertake or charge no fee. Cpnaulta tlon free. Letter confidential. Inatrue tlve BOOK FOR MEN mailed tree la bia In wrapper. We care th worst cases af pile ta t w0"or three treatments, wltaaul epera tlon. Cure guaranteed. If you eannot call at office, writ for raestloa blank. Bom treatmaat awe larui. Office mrara. ta S and T ta t. Sundays and holldavs. 1 te If. ' DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. Office la Van Noy Bout. S:tt Third 1 3 )C5 Ha male eases, canuer, paralysis, tumors, rheumutlsm stomacn. liver ana kidneys. He haa umptla when the victim la net ana win stop nemorrnages in an Incredibly short time. He brews hie own meaicines Trom Chinese roots, teas, all ot which are entirely harmleaa, and whoee medicinal proirtiee are unknown to American doctors He uses in hia .nnii iaa aif rent Oriental remedies. Hundreds of testimonials from grateful pe tlenta. , - ;DR. WINQ LEE 11 iroBTK ronn mm. pobtiajts, omaooar. ,hurt in th Corvallls game, will not go with th team, and It Is doubtful If h will Hon another ult this year. A day or two ago It wa thought that Frank Frleaael would not h able to take thf trip owing to Illness, but ystrday he had sufficiently recovered and was on hand today with the! men. . Coach Short expects a very hard gam and for this re eon will take It men along besides Manager Stelwer. Th ones leaving this afternoon were: rl on rase: $1 DOWN ARD $1 A WEEK! 5& llrilpr fh vfriinso'' Now While the Price fc Down The Eclipse is built on scien- - tific principles and is therefore a perfect baker.'- - Hot Biscuits 20 minutes after,, striking the match. Thousands of these Ranges' are used in Portland. Call in and - look over the sts.- r: " YOUR 'STOVE TAKEN IN PART PAYMENT. Heaters MADE Street Corner Pin,' Portias, Oa : t eeMte f i v : r . .... fTl - .... i DE.fflNG.LEE The Great Chinese Doctor LOCATED IN - SINCE PORTLAND t89Q Is called great because h eure all oisesasea without resorting to the knira Call and have a free examination. He will t tell you the exact nature of your trouble. ' He treats successfully every form of fe- complaint, all private and blood dl rm. rntumui im inn u 1 1 nisitrtiers or me had arreat aucoesa In eurlns aon too r.ur.h run down hr tha dTaeasa herbs, buds, bark"nd vegetable Hud m. Hug. McKlnney. McCtain. Arnsplgee, Moulleln, Moor, Chandler, Latourett. Kerron, Templeton, Frlessel. llurd. Hammond. Spencer and Ry. rhrelrnl Instructor Burden slso accompanied tha team. Th team will return to Eugene on Sunday afternoon and will resume active training Immediately for th Hit Multnomah gam. , , v AUmotfitV 'Twelv. ' lit Third trt ; v - - :. " t -.rt-;y