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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1905)
13 Entered at the postofflc at Portland. Ores, for traaeportaUea Uirvagh tha Bali as Bsouoar . Postage fur elngle copies: For a 8, W at "J pego paper. 1 ceull 18 to 30 (ti mu " J. W 44 iwoa, S seals. ' TZUPHOVXa. . Editorial' Rooms.... ........ VETl! Sua Office. .Mala I FORtlOaT ADYEBTISMO EmiTATrrt rmad-0saj.mlB Special Adeeming Agaswy. I&O Naoeaa tUHt, haw XorhJ XflWina buliil . ' aug, Chicago. BTJBSCBLrTlON RATES. . by Carreer. Th 1 k. M . with Miindar. 1 BVoatb.. j Tba Dslly, pat week. dsUeered. Sands ' eluded V"J","1. ' Tha Delly, par waak. dsUrsrsd. Sundsy a- . oepted .,, " . Terms ty u. 4 . M Dally Journal, with Baaday. 1 post.. ..$7 .no Dally Journal. 1 yssr. ''II? sis Dslly JoarBsL with Sunday. 6 months, Dally Journal. esooths. '" i Dally Journal, with Sunday, t amntha. . Tha Dally Joans!, with Baadsy. 1 post ilia Dally Journal, 1 year ; me . Til Tha 1.40 Tha Dally Journal, with Sunday. aweta .0.1 .60 j uw A'aiiy journal, a ai. i. am Tbs Busdar Journal. 1 mr..... f i. . Tba Sunday Journal. 6 moutbe. ...... Tha Semi-Weekly Journal. TK RMif.U-A.iil JnnrnaL fl to 12 Paged each laasa. lUustrated, full msrkst nr ' port 1 year 1.60 Tha Ialljr Journal, with Buouay. 1 raar.,.i - Tha Delly Journal.' I yeer J Vi ' Tha Dsllr JournsL with Soodaj awmtba. J Ttialall Journal. awalba. ........ ?J ! Tha Dslly Journal, with Monday. S asonths. Kemlttsaees ahonld ba mafia by drsit. aw Motes, aipraua ardara and amall ssountssrs acceptable la t and 2-coat t-wtage ""J".1?" THE JOUBNAI. , TVO. Box HI. Portland. Oregoa. VIIU III JOPMAL KAY BB FOBTIft Tha Journal caa ba foaad ! U ,th i fnllowhyr Blaraai t Intyra. ; ClllOAUO-Poatof rtea Uawi company s 1TI Daar- ' DKNVEkTcOI'ORADO-J. Bl. Wrtatatk ad Oirtla airerta. , KAN8AS CITY V Hoy Kawi onfV- . IlINNKAPOI.lS-rM. J. kianoh, W Boat Third atreat. . , NEW YOKK CITT Braatano'a. Tnloa anra-OMAR1-Ulllard Hotel nawa atand; Magaatk 8ttkOM7 eotnnaay. 1S08 ranram atraet. 4AI.T LAKH C1TV Kenyoa Hotel nawa ataiidl . f i Barraw Broa.. S Waat Berond atraet. "outh. t iT. L0LI8 Philip Boadrr, 1 l-ocua atraet; K. I.'Jett. Ollra atreet. " a.M . viruiA au v Ant In- Palate Hotel nawa aland and lOrw Market atreet: Oold , amlth Broa., tf Butter etreet and Batot 4 - rraada bntal roarer Oraar. Ttrr nM ; hut; N. Wnlly. movable newa atand. oor ner Market and Kearney atreeta. BE ATTI.B Ralale Orand newa atand W. It. HV...I-. u.. 1 1 1. u. tand. " BPOKANB. WASHINGTON John W. Oraaaa "lACOMA." WinTX0T0W Central Howe Man Ilnf.l Ml. .1 .wl . ; irroBi4. fmrrisH jolumbia Tfctori Book Btatlooery company WEATHER REPORT. The etorm eentral orrr the upper lakee ya- terday hmrnlnn adraneed rapidly eaatward anl i la now paaelnc eaatward throuch the Mt. Law renea nlle. It canaed renrral ralna in the - lkm i-wiiia. toe Ohio lfT. the Vlreialaa, W middle AtrtrH-nd the New Bug-land etatee . and a general rlae In temiierature In the entire dl.trlrt aaak ot the Mlaelaalpnl rlear. Rain la ..r.wtwf thiB BbMH-nlne In aouthern rallfornta '- and alas m tha Waahtmrton eoaat and H train - nt Joaa de rare. . Elsewhere tbrnuf boat . the I'nlled Rtatea fan- weather prtrraiia. The high preeanrt area which haa -ontrolM ' the weather hi the north Partfle atatea during tit hut aereral dare la alowly moylng awar. and It la exneeted that aneettled. abnwery weather will nrerall orer the greater portion of MARRIAGE-LICENSESr ; Wedding Carda. W. G. Smith Co.. Wash ington blag., cor. Fourth and Waahlngton eta. Mlea Bertha Martin, room SIS Allaky bldg. tamnlng and Sna needlework leaaona glw-a. BIRTHS. . SINK Nneemher 18. to Mr. and Mr. Aognet . Zlnk. M Guild armue. a aoa. . tXolRU:K Noremher 10. to Mr. and Mra Henry W, Chodrlrk. 833 Ererett atreet, a ' daughter. , 4 . CONTAGIOUS DISEASES.' SMITH Norem her 14. Mra. J. Bnlth, 848 Burn- elite erreet. niptitnerla. DEATHS. BMITH-At Fallon, Nerada, J. H. Smith, aged M yeara. Funeral from Holniaa a anderlag tne .narlore. 8 n. an. FrMar. HIMMA KnTemher 15, Irene Hlnmaa, aged 10 uaya. 1H4 Maeadaa atreet ; eauaa, kiaia tlnn. Burial at Lone Fir cemetery. BRADY KoTemher 14, Edward Brady, aged 88 eeara. 8441 Bberidan atreet: cauee, chronic eadoeardttlB. Burial at Monat Calrary came ery. BAfKEXET Noeemher 15. Frank R. Har. OUtAiVJItfeeU at BlrerTlew eeut- reuse, tuuerrakiala. Burial etery. n.EXIINO Nneeuiher 14. John W. Fleming, need B3 reara. at Oond Samaritan koapltal: eauae. rhronle endorardltla. Burial at Loue "' "Wlr rwfnefere. IIAYO Noreniber IS. Rarhael Mayn, aged A yearn. 404 Eaat - Waehmgtnu atreet: ranee, Brtrht'g dlaeaae. Burial at Lone Fir cent. etery. . KEMP Noeeniher 18. Thotnaa R. Kemp, aged - fa eeara. 1X4 Thurmaa atreet. KOOERH Noremher IS. Buaaa Boaera, aged T4 yeara. Oca ley Green. PATTON Knremher 1A. Angelina Pattern, aged . M yeara. JPO llarrura atreet. . UTIKTIZW CTKZTIKT. - Single era ere 810. Family Vita STO to 11,000. ane onlr cemetery In Portland which nee petualljr malntalna and earra for lota. For ruQ Information apply to W. B. Mackenzie, Woe. ceeter block, city. - W, am. ladd. prealdeat. J. P. Ptnley A Soa. funeral direct ore and emhalmera. corner Thml a nil Ma (II aoa atreeta. ' Offlee of county coroner. Telephone Mala 8. Punning. MrEntee A Gllbengb. andertakeea and emhalmera: modern In every detail. Scree. ta and Pine. Main 4.10. Lady aaahrtant. . Funeral wreathe and cut 8nwra a apedarty at Boee City Oreenhoaae. Twenty aieoat aad . Kant Mornaoa, ep poena cemetery. tee anwini nuiii'.u i ' u.ii immi nqopinr, fooeril direct ore and ambalmcra. SSg Third at. Pbona out. Clarke Bma. for flowera. S8 Moniaon atreet. '..FUNERAL NOTICES. CARLHON The funeral of Junee :arleoa will he beM minoayr Nnreuiber IP. at 8 0. nt.. from tba Montarllla M. E. rhurob. Interment ; will be at Lone Fir cemetery, Frleada elted. , REAL-ESTATE TRANSFERS. A. M. Banter et al. to R. Kleallng. Iota . f and 8. Work m. Slenhn' alillllon. F. B. Gray andwlfe to J. Huffman.' S .,frrea beginning weat boundary Una MI4 feet from aerthin corner eertloa 84. tawnahlp 1 north, range 800 8 eae . -, . T10 H Jnhnana to a. Haetatrom, lnrnrno V fee rx-glaalna aoatbeaat corner blork 1 244, Eaat Portland W. K. Drlekell aad wife la L U Ko- -'- mm let I. blork 88. Mherlork'a aortl- . flea S.0O8 9 fatgee aad wife te w, H. Tuttle aaew-j,. wife, lot a. aura maegiy niga- land . " X Mpreaarer ta M. Bprenger at aL, M a, blork , Multnomah Jt. L. Coldwell and wife In O. Bebwarta, eaat We T and 8. bbvfc 6. Oarrl- aen'a anMlTlelon. aat Portland T. I'laao and wife ta G. Lerkmeler aad If. enMlh Ml feet lot T. block C. 898 1.804 arutbera' addition ,80 tymon dj Ben Kraaelero bank te G. Howard Tbompeon, -aoulk Vk donation - 1 ' land claim of W. Coteier and wife, p. SI, KO aerea aeetlon 8. townehlp t neetb. range 1 weat. and other prep. l,llow'a'rd Tlioinpana' li' Alei'ti'aaedea. . . aame preperlf . " r 'BVhlegel, truatr. te. -It Boenhllda . and wHv eH M, Ana Marki fark.g d,00 'I88 THE ii . PORTLAND 1 man, as you A may have read, A-A Waa overcorr vvith horrid ' . -dread, .. - INTEREST G BAM: of- ; . Tk Title .Guanuitccv:::-;, -v k Trust Company 4jer cent on Certificate of Pays" 3ptr cent Interest on daily balances of deposit accounts, "... subject to-check. - Banking hours .9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Saturdays 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. Saturday evenings...... 5 to,8o'clock DIRECTORS: W. M. Ladd. J. Tborburn Ross. T. T. Burkhart Frank M. Warren. George H. Hill. 240 Washlntfcn Street " : Corner Second. " PORTLAND, OREGON. Norttwesteri , Mutual life ' Or'uiLWACKEK. WI8. '- n' Great Ufa Inaurane Company - Nof tba Waat. A88BTB 1' .....1200,000,000.00 IN8t'KAKCI ..$700,000,000.00 OVER H $00,000 00 LOANED 1H PACITIO WOBTUWBT. r S.T.L0C Oar walleheUars ' tutlaaea OE.NESAJ. A0ENT8, Ooacord bide, Portland, Oregon. Third Street Corner BPUCNDrO LOCATION FOK FLATS. A SNAP, i WILIAU DENBOLK, FAILING BUILDING. : , $29, IKKIMiTftllT "HtlCK Froet et , near Waahlngtoa, la Srat-claaa copdltloe; rent 1228; aa eiccllent Inrealment. W1LUAM DENHOLM, 236 FAILING' BLDG. S-roem modera hooee. with lot. oa Raat Taylor. ConeerratlTe market Talue. 84. 1W. narnnr Will BelL If taken at OUCO. for U.BuU. Another ana la on Sellwooa a tree I, erarta 8E.60U. Caa be had for 88,000. Tha owner la each rate wanta money, othcrwne - property could not be bad for tbeee Agurea. Property ef non-realdrnta reeelee our aperlal attention. U. BLOSSOM. Bio cBamDar oi ivmmerca. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. W. B. Roblnaoa ta H. U. Lona, 8.8 a Tea beginning nortneeet corner iraci 18, aection 81, townehlp 1 aouth. range 8 eaat 708 W. B. Roblnaoa to H. H. Lona, lota 18 and 17, block 8, cioreraaie , B. G. Cjulat to I. Quiet et al., nndlrlded 404 1-g Intereet lot a, . niora set, avaei Portland 1,008 King eatate to A. O. Hall, lot 14, block 8, Klng'a Becond addition C A. Fuhr to A. Balleglla, 83il00 feet 10 off aouth aid lot 3, Diocg !, oiepu ana' addition 1,86 P. O: Downing to A. O. Hall, lot 8, block 20; torn 1 ana x, omen aa. 1 .1 n ntnm . . . . II C. Bartram and wife to B. A. Farrar, lot . t, a ll.rbUM.rf Ia 11. blork 8. Alhlna ... T04 Title Guarantee Truat company to C. Hollada ' Park addition 2.G0I I'm, tntm B ann 1 1 nine,! . Title- Guarantee A Truet company to Holla'dar aPrk additloa 2.60 B. guarkenbuab, truatee, at al., to H. A aa ma, their intereei in-mte n, ae to 18. block 8. Bererance additloa..... T. Rodgera and wife to L. Breake. lota T and 8. block ion. city W. Lv Herman and wife tv D. C. Bogera. lota 7 and 8. block T, Bt. Jonna TI aAim anil hnahend to M. Haneea. - lot IN. blork 6. Bererance annmon .. ue L. a. Btdae et al. to . W. Meade, eaat Ri-."."..7." mm Arleta Land company to A. Batterlee, ; V 14. block 10. Arleta Park No. 2.. .104 American Truet A Inreetment company to M. Matteon. tot II. block 64. Sellwood. 264 L. D. Urlndataff to J. Htark. tea 104 and Ii. Arleta Park :,! r n v Unr. .nt tx lota T gud S. block nre. tloiianay a auamou. ,7ue C. Hellman and wire to v . i. oeacureai et aL, 7H acrea beginning (au. in ir-i aouth and 1111.77 feet weet of north eaat corner aad M. Long donation land claim, aection 18, townehlp 1 aouth, range 1 eeet C U. Tbompeon ta 0. W. Dlckeoa, lot 1, block 8, Glencoe Park............. Arleta Iind -company to J. Stark, lot BOt 111 Arleta l-ara , , J. K. Scott and wife ta T. Jehnena and - wife, kit 7, bloc a, tenter aoaiiion. . Victor Lend oinpeny to T. Jobnaim aud wife, W 7. block S, Center addition. 4 , K. B. W llaon to M. E. Noble, lot 22. 189 block Z, lllgnianu iar, auu etner nronertr ' - Portland Lone l"lr. Cemetery company to Her. C BOHCBier, m i. niuca oor .- 2J Cn.filt and hneliand to K. M. Coff, lot 4, block 17. cmmiua tirignta . . ... A. U Bratton to '. Wubole, Br., ana wire. in a hiw-e n. tenter aaumon ...... 26 2,00 J. W. AlWn aud wife to F.. fl. llolbronk, lot 8, hlock , loria amine P. A. Bin ford and wlfa to M. M. Bin- ford, north H W 9. BOUIU reel, lot 8. block SO, Buckmen'a addition.. Northern Cenntlea Ineeatment, truatee. to tl. II. Johnaen et al., lota 7 and 8. eaat H Iota 8 and. 10. block 26, Alblne llomeateed ............... U Potta to A. Yance. eaat 88 l-S feet lot 7, "block '2, Mount Tabnr-, Vllhr Annex T. S. Taarneend anifwlfe to H. M. Mc Corkle, kite 23 and 24. block 6, Town aend'e addition 9.258 0 8O0 Oet your Immranot and -alieti acta to real aetata from the Title ouarantee a Treat pear, waahlngtoa erreet. NOTICE. MOTICB TO PRESENT CLAIMS Notice la here by glren that Bhurta dt weir compenr or Ar llnebrn. Orea-on. haa tranaferred to tha nnder. algned all of Ita properly aa treetee, for the benefit or all of Ita crrtiitnre pro rata, eeenra Ing to the. amount of tl.elr rrepectlre elalma All oeraona baring clalme agalnet aald cor poratloa are hereby notified to preeent the aame to the anderalgnetl at hla office. In the Oregoa aeringa nana. no. nxi Horriaon erreci, In the city of Portland. Oregon, duly rerlfled, wlthla three montha rrnm tne oate i.ereor. -WALTER H. MOOBE. Traevca, - Portlaad, Ortgoa, Ostebet IX 106. SAVIN . -. I TT OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, IS hired grL n .whom he trusted," . ; Cave notice that for new fields she lusted. ! NOTICE. KOTH II TO PuiilKNT fLAlMS Notice" la bere by glrea thal'.C. A. Shurte of Arlington, Ore gon" baa.tranaferred to the un.leralgoed all ef hia property, a, trnatee. for the benefit of all of kla credllora pro rata, according Jo the amount of their reaievtlee elalma. All per aona baring elalma agaluet aald -. A. Bhurta are berehr notified to pceeeot tne aame Jo the underalgncd at hla office In the Oregon BerlDga hank. No. Kl Minrleoa atreet. la the city of Portland. Oregoa. duly eerined. wlthla three montha from the date hereof. WALTER H. MOOBE. Truatea. " ' Portland, Oregoa. October IS, 1908. NOTICE I. the nmleralgned. will not be re annnalhle for dehta contracted by .my wlfa, Mra. Krancee Jirera. J. H. MiEBS. MEETINO NOTICES. WEBKOOT CAMP, Mo. .88, ' . XL-naAmmm of the World Mrcte erary Friday night at W. o. w. nau, iui and Waahlngtoa atreeta. K'freahmenU will be arrred. All rlaltlng Btlf h bora welcome, u it urnnnwARD. O. C A.Lr BAKBCIt, Clerk. J81 Third Btreet . MI.l'MBlA LOIiflE No- II. 'A. F A A. M. Slated communication tlila (Tlmreday) erenlng. 7:.MI e clock. Maeieiic Temple: work 1b M. M. degree. All M. U. Inrlled B.'S. PAG CIS, Secretary. HARMONY LOIMiH No. 18. A. P. aV A. M. Mueclal communication thla (Thuredayi, 1:30 p. m., U eoulc temple. Third and Alder ate., for the purpoee of conducting tha funeral of Brother Jneepb F. Fow ler. Eeeuatllle Idge No. B4, Branarllle. Indiana, from Plnlar'a Interment. Rlrerrlew. Br oriler cl RITFI'B R. BALL. Hecretary. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Pocket-bonk. Tueeday, Noremher 14: rontenta. I draft on New York hank: 1 re ceipt fur dnea from I. O. O. '. of Hamilton. ' Montana: alee other papere. Return to Maeoa Maynard. 81 North Blxth. , Reward. FOC N ! Noremher 8. on Wllllama are.. North AIMna, black rocker ananlel pup, about ' 4 montha old. ClU 830 Vanderbllt at., Unlrer alty Park. i rOCND Bicycle: owner caa haee wheal by deecrthlnf aame. Waahlngton at , ' room 8. --- - - LOHT One boll -terrier, white female, to 418 Montana at.; reward. Return LOST Pocket-book, Tueeday. Noremher 14; content. 1 draft on New York bank: I re nin! for dure from I. O. O. P. of Hamilton, Montana: a Lao other papere. Return to Maaoa Maynard. 81 North Sixth. Bewaru. LOST Scotch collie puppy -8 montha-eld)-re ward. Captain John Nelaoo. im Beaton. HELP WANTED MALE. 'BECURB A GOOD POSITION. We aaalet competent office men, buokkeepera, eteungrapbere. raahlere. colleetore, bill clerka, general clr-rlcal, technical commercial men. Bualneaa Mea'a Clearing Hoaaa, 110 Second. MEN and boya wanted to earn 88 day. after M montha inatrurnon. poainon ruannwji ipeelnt- tultlonr hair price, rew oaya onir. Vim. Rma. O. Plumblna Rehoola. New York. Cincinnati. 0 St. Loo la. Ma. Free oaUlogoe. ISO TO 88 per week aaally made celling alck and accident benefit, for Colon Mutual Aid Aaa'a, 706 Marquam bldg. .j SALESMEN wanted; caah adraneed weekly! rod territory onen: outfit free: en me are mak ing 8100 to SIM per month, Why not yoot Addreaa Waahlngtoa nureery m, xoppeuieu, Waahlngtoa, ev k Kxril r-l.rW. ,.a erindow-dreaaera to atudT -ecbofti; peraoaat- tottruatlon. Apply tor pax- tlculara. flOO A MONTH aura aa SSe capital! remarkable but truet para rmfe etarr; wwnm -o-rr boura: partleulara for Se atamp. Tha W an nua Utility Bpectfle Co-, lock box 6S2 fort una. ungoa. WANTED Good city ealeamaa who haa bra me and ability: inner re goon. cnuernnnK laieer, Btandarrl ITorree Mliia. . i Becono ei. Mrl tnenrnnee men wanted: beet agency contract ta work under, ttooma aar-ou jeer- quam bldg. wiNrrn A of tntellle-eriee and experi ence, and any nationality, who te wiiunx to work and teat hla ability 1n order to aueceed. Addreaa box Ta, rortiaaa. GOOD opporrnntty for yonng man to becom. I lor art. inquire ant nawtnorne FIRST-CLASS man oa ladleo enata. Oooney Bon, makere or gentlemen a ana woiee clothing. 8nw, Third at, room a. COATMAKER. Coopey A Bona, taHora, 88 V Third at., ro 8. we! want 8 hlrh rlaea men for new propoaltlon rtrgln terriiory: no competition; ooiy ne beet need apply! to the right kind we hare epleadtd oneulng; aaiary or commieaiou. 42. JotrrnaL Portland Barber College. Tuition reaaonabla aa any acbnoi on coaat. 3R7 F la Kir re at. u.- a VT ririiar fiire'rocfr Wl' eaat aide; atata a monat oi wagea wanieu C 43. care of Journal. WANTED No 1 ad aollcltor. big money to right party. .. u. uougneriy, 210 te Vnmbla bldg. WANTED Good aubacrlptloo eollcltora for No. 1 pmnoaltloa. raui raneiy, aia Colum bia bldg. BOY waated for office work and aa meaaauger. Addreaa I. 44, journal. WANTED Clerka and atenographer: pay 806 to gHO per month. Aonreea j 00, -jnurnai. HELP WANTEDFEMALg. PORTLAND SEWING SCHOOL FaahlonaWa dreaemaklng. nivk etnrrieon at.., cor rourtn room C. Byatem taught. HANSEN'S LADIrS' AGENCY. 848U Waablni too at., cor. Berentn. uneiaira. raoae ma SnVL Femala help wanted. WOMAN, orer 26. energetic, reliable, to take charge or a viart otiice. van or auureee robm 28, Leerla bldg. SALEHLADIES wanted to enllfit trade for tea and coffee: ealary and rommleelon; mnet be of good addreaa. mauaara votrca npiee Mllle. 200 Second gt. -o iirvnt'neKrrPWJR wanted br bachelor: eery little work, good noma ann company; out 01 town. A.wreee o oe, journal. GIRL wanted for general boneework. 8U Kerby at., cor. Falling. Taxe u car. wivtiii Immediately, experienced woman aa , night nnrae for iiiatittition: wagea e-u. xou Yamhill, nione Main yiu. WANTED Immediately, neat, refined woma nnder Itn. nonaexeener wtoowex ramiiy, 1 other town. 2:H4 Yamhill. Phone Main 641 MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTED Immediately. 8 men or women to do caoraealng. Cell ap Eaat 687: good propoelttoa. WANTED At once, a bright, energetic, pre eentable man or woman, a ,good talker, to take ap aa attraetlre proaneltloa. Inquire - 788 Chamber of Commerce. a. aw un a wentad and annnlled. male or female. - G. Drake. 206tt Waahlngtoa at. Black 18.13. SALESMAN wanted for Oregon and Waehlngton, caeh adranceit weeny, noom a utono piog Portland, Oregon. ITORM wanted for neDera and magaxlnea . etperlence and full time not neceeeary. far tlnilaia at-eoom Itio oregonian Ding. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE, HARDWOOD Inanector wanta noaltloa aa In- epector or tallyman: good referencee, Addreaa ' A. Holaaple. 1646 Oneonta M.t Woodlawn. TOCNa man of eood addreee. 'At referencee. dealrea ptHtllWtn aa local aaleeinan or office work: can aien operate a itemmgum typo- 1 . 1 ..I (1 " SITI CATION wanted aa xnvcrr getrk; 8ipa- gewca,- ttauwm m ae, evuise chapel. W. M. PORTLAND. THURSDAY 0 H who will cook my : leathery steak, : " Or make for me the hot pancake? ; SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. YOl NO man. wl)h large practical electrical eirlence In the eeat, dealrea poelilon aa iMuaier ur euperlntendent with power, light or railway company. Addreaa H. 11., Hotel Oregon. . . , POSITION wanted In general merchandise a tore by a reepectabia young aiaa of 21. U eft, Tua Journal. - - SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE 81TI' AXIOM wanted aa of nee girl. 6BS0. l'oone Mam EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HA1S8ENS EMPLOYMENT 0FFICK. FOU MEN. -8 .--Becond at. Phone Mala 1688, PACIFIC Coaat Emp. Co. Bailable empVymoat agenta 12 N. 2d at. Phone Main 8010. ACM 8 EMPLOYMENT CO Sit Montana at.) aunpllea mea for all klnda ot work. JAPANE8E-H1NEB EMPLOYMENT OFFIPB. Henry lauara. mil arere e. clflc 840. , . STANPARD EMPLOY MBNT AtiENUX Help fornUhed rraa. ww Burnaioa ei. ruuuei main 6437. BIO FOUR EMP. AGENCY Help eunpUed free. 18 It. Becaaa at. rnoae ataia eto.i NATIONAL Empwrmeataand Labor Agency, 818 fine at. r-nona mam ion, BCANPINAVIANAMERICAN EMPLOYMENT CO.. 8 North tterona: iurnienea an iim - pkiyment for men ana women, eiia oono. . WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED Peraona baring real aetata for nale would do well iiy arcing ua. m good bargalna In city and farm property, Campbell McMillan, 273 Fifth at. Pbona Pacific K4. WANTED Lot cloae In, aleo amall farma; bare euatouiera. 2Utt rourtn au nm berera waiting to bear of email In or near Portland, any direction; If yoo are ready to aeU addreaa P 2, cara JoaraaL WANTED To boy or leeae a bonding lot etoeo In. Mct'beraon, unman aoiei. a im h nt. WANTED Lot oa weat able or Hawthorne are.. or new cottage, aame ncamy, immeuievei j , no agenta. B 40, JoornaL ' LI8T YOCR LANDS WITH CS FOR QI'ICK RETTRNS. r ABM LA.M'Jl A GREGG BROS.. 317-318 FENTON BLDG. MODERN new 8 or B room cottage lu good loca tion: erin pay a aowa. aia per em, atate price, lucaiion and owner: no agenta. B 48. care The Journal, or pbona Pacific 104. WANTED. TO BPY A- HOM Moat ba a aae; gain-, no boom nrlcee will be paia. naureea B 41. earn of Journal, glrlng price and de acrtpllon. WANTED AGENTS. A WINNER for agenta Health and accident Inaiiranca on popniar mnntbiy paymenia. iat liberal terma. addreaa O. A. Lyman, mana ger. Continental Caaualty Co..- N. W. Dept., &29 Mohawk bldg.. Portland. Oregon, AGENTS wanted to aell nureeiy -atock j new and complete -outfit rarnianea iree; ca weekly. Capital City Nureery com pa ay, Salem, Oregon. - AGENTS WANTED Mala or female, tor tha beet eelllng houeenoiti article, on tne maraet, for Seattle and en reminding town. Call or addreaa G. H. Swetland. Lenta. Or.. Box T. WANTED Agenta: entuethtng new; good Bailor, big wagee. arm McKay omg. WANTED TO RENT va -itMlnhl. honaee and fl . te. all narta of tba city: nara Bign-ciaaa encore wuuub, reata enlleeteo. property careu i-w. Ttir cnKTllirilTIL rOUPANI. 248 Stark at. Pbona Main 1878. WANTED T rent farm, 18 or 20 acrea. Bear city; hon. ae aad nara. at. te. auargea. Mllwauklo at WANTED To rent, rooming hooee. cloae m; clean and neat; at once. tel. iain eHoo. WANT 2 or 4 nafurBlehed rooma. weet 'Bide, decent location; no children; close la. Ad dreea 0 61, care Journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS SEE tbe Lewie aad Clark fair at home; aend 40e la etampa roc bandaome pnoio oooa, nearly 2 pbotno of - fair, 7Vix6H l"'5a Weetera View Book Co.. Fort land. Box 284. waiv-rTivil anrarlne tnd whltewaablng trees, haumMta. heme, docks, etc.: larxeei nun. anraylng outfit en the coeat. M. O.. Morgaa A Co.. 870 Mllwauklo at. Phone Eaat 3011. STAPLES. THE JEWELER, BUYS OLD GOLD AND BILVER. HIGHEST caah price paid for bottles and Jung of erery deacrlptlon. rnrtiana iiotiie Co., 881 North Eighteenth. Pbona Mam zzsb. BOOKS bonrbt aold and exchanged at tba Old Book Store. Z2B lamhiu at. WHO IS M. O. MORGAN A CO.t WE WILL BI'Y. SELL OR TRADE. ANY OLD THING, rVr.cTF.Krt BAl.UHii w., oei 628 WASHINGTON. FAUIKIW IH. WANTED To bny steel range and hot wafer holler for caau. 1. inaigaa, i ouermea at. Phono Hood 14S. WANTED A amall office safe, weight ahotit TOO; moat oa cneep iot can. e,.. Morrleoa at. WILL bnlld or fix your houae eery reaaonabla. Call II. Walll. ew v cetera noiei. wiurrn e anil dnr nolee. Annlr to G Rrown. chief engineer tiregon meter row" A Railway Co., f irat sna Aiaer etc., i-or- lenu, 1 IF yon want mannrs for rosea and laera, call phone rront w. ri nviTt'HE wanted: large or smsll ouentl tlee. II you wian 10 niapuee oi yo.ira at rwa prices, phone Mam bus. k tor mr. use. A HOME for the winter 'for a reepectabia old gentleman wno in wiuine 10 ww, au,m iw t place. Call at lzna ataee i.ine roan. WANTED Horee and bnrgy: muat ba cheap for caah. C 62. Tne Journal. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT eua a-TMG eno Jcffereon at., new building. h,iMm r rnrnianea. witn ererr aioorm am- renlence: all outalde moma. wltb heat, gaa rr electric llghta. porcelain bathe; ratee from 88 te 616 par month; apeclal rates to 2 or mors pereonav - - - - wr.ArmrCL-front aolto-wlth open crate and large rlnaeta: also two other dealrable rooma in monern notne, puuuv, wlh auciimv-v uva KSO Fourth at. LARGE, light, elegantly furnlehed rooma; gee, electric light, porcelain bath, phone: . min utea' walk to bnatneea center, or 8 car lines. I'hone Main 8683. 422H Jaffer- bob St. THE HAMANN. 138 ft. IStb.. cor. Hoyt Newly rnrnianea noma, gl.ow up; ponrenieni rncerioe, -16 mlnatee walk to felr grounds; Morrleoa I car at onion Oepoc aireet to nouee none Miu, HOTEL HOOD, cor. Sixth and Ererett, Is nndet new management ann can rent new ann Bicei rnrnlahad roome. with tteem heat, free bat! - aad. pbona, at eery low ratee for tha winter. THE HTR. OS Eleventh St., cor. Stark New . ronming-nouae, newly furnlahed. eteam beat, gat light and bathe; rloee to business see. Hon, T block from earllnei all the comforts -of s borne; erery tiling , up to dale. Mrs. r A. Clancy, prop. THE PRLLBYUR, - 8I8V1 Pourtk St. Neatly furnlahed rooms for gentlemen; all outalde rooma- alcctrlc llghu). porcelain bathe: ratee. 80c, TBc, 8tr-Tery- arw -rstea- by-rek ar month. Hooa tqi. - WILL furnlahed rooma. board: good location: car serelcs. 401 Tenth at, Phons- Paclfle 60S. - 'it CHEAPEST and bast lore ted moms la Portland. 1 week aaa bp GILdu, rirft tad aUdat iiv EVENING, NOVEMBER 16, APPY thought. It seems to be,; ; rv. That a Journal Ad Is the thing for me. , FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT HOTEL PALMER. Centrally located at tha corner of Alder and Park eta s ateam heat, hot and cold water. . free T porcelain bathe; noma 604. Tba aad 1 . apeclal weekly ratee. - BFAl'TIKI'L front eulte and 2 ether deetrable furnlahed roetoa In modera borne of prlrate family) phone, beth, furnace beet, walking dlaVaacV. w Fourth at. Phone PadSc 818. KING'S HEIGHTS Dealrable elrhhochood, near St. Helen'g Hall; nicely furnlahed room for one or two, mm pri.ete mwuwi nent preferred. 788 Main at. ' , tunri r iiivrpf. ath and Market! Be- agent eat; furnlahed new Uutmgbonti bo dark eomrectaoio - MARQCAM HOCSE. I4BV, 8th Rooana aa aolta or alngle: boneckeeplng room a I gaa etoree. baUwelectrle Ughta; trapaleata aollclud. FURNISHED rooma, alnyle or ea enltaM per atonlb and up. Hotel Falruioont. Twenty altth and Cpahnr and Yaugha eta. - NICELY furnlahed rooma at moderate pricee for rest In Urge prlrate houae. cloae la. . Call - at 147 Tenth at., near Alder. ELEGANTLY furnlahed rooma: ateam heated: hot and cold water; tataa reaaonabla. Ml North Sixth at. FRONT parlor for geatleaua of refinement who wiohea room near tba eeoter ot ell. . 6l Rrerett at. ' HOTEL MONARCH, 805 Stark et.l .tranalenU ao llclted: pricee reaaonabla. Phone Paclfla 808. TH1 GRAND Newly furnlahed room by tba week or month. SUV Grand are. NEWLY furnlahed ronmg In prlrate family; atrk-tly modern; eaay walking dlatance to buelneea center; mnet ba area ta ba appre ciated. 9hV Berenth at.- NICE rooma, reaaonabla. 878 Alder, oppoalte Arlington club. Mala 2088. ELEGANTLY furnlahed rooma; bath, electric light and phone; 81.78 per week . and ,"p; houae thoroughly clean and reepectabia. Ho tel New Belmont. 1MS4 Flrat at. FOR RENT 3 elceplng rooma. one $1 B0 and another 82 per week. 148 Beat Blxth at. FOR RENT Purnlebed rooma, 2128 week; aea of phone, bath; car line. 4A Raat Twentieth aad PowelLi Pbona Eaat 187k. LA ROB furnlahed front room. 808 Waahlngtoa at., op p. tlty park. . Phone Mala 83A0. TWO nicely furnlehed rooma, all conrenlencea. 230H North Klgbtcenth at. FLfiNliUIKD rooma, boueekeeptng oramgw, centrally located: furnace beat, balk. Mala 80M. 202 Fourteenth at. AU'OVE room, nicely furnlahed. prlrate fam ily; mouern w iwr.,. - enth at. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING - FOR RENT Furnlahed boaaekeepUuy rooaee la beat brick block on eaai moe; gaa xaogeah bath, etc.; no tranetenta; pricee mooerata. Logaa tlk., lOBVa I nloa are Alder. Pboaa Eaat 4824. . ej-na wt-rv-rtwi .T. and Beranrh Roome, houackeeplng aad traaaienxi eoareniroi, vneai reaaonabla. THI OLADSTONB BISVa Be rlae at-, furelehea roome; aadot aew maaageareaH aonable. .. - at? ED ae nnfnrnlened boueekeeptng and Bleeping rooma, rloee u: oetn; iw laaia, nemr mark. Aleo en nortn iwtmj-i" Sarler. $1 week; Waahlngtoa W) cara to N. Twenty-alxtb, turn left lou Jeei. FCRNI8HED boueekeeptng rooma and etngle rooma for rent, BOB Berenth at., near a-iay. NICE eulte. furnlahed or unfurulahed room; low rent Pbona Xaat lia. . u. Barter, aaa. Tabor. , . 1 at tb Pan WEEK Lnran cleea fomlabed . . . . . . k .k , a. ata eeeu STJITB 8 rooma, ground- floor, newly furnlehed. all modern conreniencee; eieo otner ruoeae Tba New Oraat. Be cone aaa unit una. run laitlea or men-led couple can bare nice MwiroBtame room, witn oririn-n wn . 1 n.n and bath. Phona East 4069. 172 East Thirty-first St. 8 ROOM newly furnished modern flet. gas and bath: or m 1.- a. a or e-ronm nii"i mw m, or win sell cheap. 28Vk Nortk Sixteenth at-, one. Waahlngtoa. ROOMS AND BOARD. e-na onvurnnil. Krmrt family - aotei nicely rurnlanea: single or en euiw, lai Scat claee; free bathe: walking dlatance; ratee reaaonabla. 488 Waahlngtoa at. eiaaee.iaa ang board for Bat ma Bant people, IZ2.BO ana szo per monia; uuie x 84 per week. Astor hoaee. 7tk aad Madleoa ata. TeL Mala 8881. annua wl,h Kn. rA tim oai uiaaaat taaanta. reaaoaablei . nrat-ciaas aoms eooaing. eei Slith et. - Pt.EABANT moma and board: modern plumbing, eta.: central location. el aaei asaeuy, em Ninth at. THE MANTTOU, 201 18th Handsome rooms and aultea: ateam neat, rine netna, rwry ooujiotj. able, excellent home-enoked meals, well Barred, ,INOX WESTArRANT. 2Q8 Salmoa; board aad nm : moocrn nrica imig. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. v ' f" HOTEL FAIRM0CNT. North Twenty -sixth St., frost 'Cpaliur . Vanghn. Rooms fnrelatied and nnfnrnlahed, single gad sa salts. 81 per week sna ap. A permanent modern building, plastered and Wltb oe in rooms ana mouern piemomg. PIMD FOR OAS FOR COO KINO. ALL OUTBID! BOOMS. rrvrtTRNiftHED haueekeentng roome. 81 week am vh TwMiviTih.-Mr. Serter: Waah lngtoa (W) can to Twenty-etxtb, tnra left 100 feet. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI TURE FOR SALB. FOB beet Tasalts oa "FURNiTTJRnV" . "Whether to bur or selLrlng- op Main PORTLAND AUCTION BOOM. 211 Flrat aL $126 BUYS furniture of 6-room modern bones. in walking aiarance; rent rbwhhw, B- 01. cars Journal. ... FI'RNITURB of 8 moma, centrally lore ted. ds- aire hie 1 party leering ciiy. uureae u ee. Journal. FOR SALE Furniture of 6-room cottage, cloaa In, Just srroea Burnelde bridge; coay borne for newly married couple: only $100; bonag rents for a 1 3. aw r.eet noroeioe et. FOR RENT HOUSES. NEW 6 room honas snd quarter Mock, Hancock snd Eeet Twrnty-slith sts, $H7 60. B. M. Lombard, 814 Lhamoer o commerce. TO RENT AT UNIVERSITY PARK. 4 rooma ,.. 8 rooma ..,..,,',. t ? rooma, modern , ,,. I. .,.-.. rooms, modem ,. i H. O. BIRRAY. Pbona Union 8811. 8-ROOM houae for rent; 1 lion for rooming nones, st dealralile loca Inquire Max Cohen, 400 Columbia bldg., 805 Waehlngtea St. I'hone Meln 74. Houae f or Went. Rents Collected EDWARD L. HINHON. I ftpp- t lUibUloa bide, round BUck JIM 190J. ND thus It was. and came ;' about -.' '...,'. 1 That girls wanting places wore his doorbell out. FOR RENT HOUSES. ROOM cottage, completely modern, inehid tag gaa for SU purpueee. VV'T e- FOR RENT 6-rnom flat, completely fuenlehad. 837.60 per month. - uu ieae eoure.u. ... ROOM cottage, bath, panfrr. cloeau, eic. laqolra XII Morris '- aimna. FOR RENT New 6-ronm cottage, price 812-60. Inquire at 864 Baal xwema et., owu.. . ew Kaat 818. . - PORTLAND HEIGHTS, B-ronnl cottage, f lilocka from car line, mono r.nm- FOR RENT OFFICE ROOMS. FOR RENT Centrally located offlcea with pnone aad beat. flO per eaoata. . tv u veie, e Bocond at. ; FOR BINT Deekmem and arerythlng alahed. B. . Jackaea A Co-, 248 SUrk 1 OFFICES, nnfornlahed, aud eample-mnme: aleo ball iwiixq, uooanougn Drag. ppv we elerater. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. FOR . RENT About January 1. 2-atory klck building lwrtiutl. nnrtnean cor. ,1111 Madlann; will remodel and leaae whole r part to dralrable part lea. Apply . to It, T, Cox. No. T Flrat at., room )0. . . FOR RENT 8-atory warebouee, 100x100. oa trackage, norm weat cor, iwwui ,w i ' APPly K. X. UOX, 1 girei, nana IV, mimm-m Main 701. ...... . . FOR RENT FARMS. ev FOR RENT Stock ranch of 800 acrea In Don- laa county Oregon; aoou nptnii.-, acrea farm land; caah rent; If yoo want It, coma quick. 206 Morrleoa at., room 811. FOR BENT One of tha beat grata farma In Polk county; waj acrea anner ii"w, w, - mile from railroad atatlon; renter muat lie able to commence work at once.. Addreaa B 68, care Journal FOR RENT FLATS. FOR RENT Nice 6-room Hat. . Inquire 230 Hall at. . NEW 6-room flat with all modem exmrentencee. pent reaaonanie; new lumieuuia ,,- r can be bought on eaey terine, aa owner la compelled to change climate account of health; thla la a bargain. 802 Jackeoa et.. bat.- Bay- enth and Park. - Phono Paclfla-BBI I BUSINESS CHANCES. FABTTIiOrsLT RICH GRAVEL AND QUARTS Eatlmated utl.oou.taai none pey ere. " . propose quarrying and grinding through out mllle; will sen tear thonaand aharee Im mediately 10 cento per share, then alliance to per ralue, 81 : later oa worth 86; Inreatl gete do It now. Address B 46. Journal. MERCHANTS ATTENTION I Do you waat to aell your Melneae r ur uo you w.m partner t Ws caa furnlah you with an actlro partner with from 8100 to 860,000, or sell your bualneee If It will aland cloae lareetlgetlon. ..... . ' WESTERN LAND CO.. 2481 Stark St. FOR SALE Barber sbnp. two chairs. Address Bos 44VTIIlamooar-e. rear. Inquire 780 Washington Bt, CONTINUED lltneee comtiele ana to aell ar ax- changs rurnieninga ana oueini 01 nw Mon, hotol In Portland: central location, good Ireee, M., OUmaa hotel. Flrat and Alder. NICE, clean 20-raom houae. fun of ateady room ers: owner Bluer teere luwu, yvwvm rwv, qnlre S08K Madison St. BverinillfT rnrnlrnro for Bale. W. H Lattln. Hotai rsirmonai, lemiy-auui una Cpebnr sts. FINE opportunity la eetahllatied bnetneeet kelp ana capital, ananas u ow. eare iea WHO IB M. O. MOROAN A OO.I wow BAT. a Ptret-claas eeetawrant and babery. doing good nuaineee; want ta pii on ncconni of III beaita. inquirs i uommsrcisi sw Balem, or. A REBTACRANT on Sixth St. doing n good bualneee, aleo one on nurnatoe ei. ; onto ere bargains. 812 fine St. national Heel EM tats Oo. aw eon went a -farm, city or annurbaa mopertr, e mMi naeineee m anr etnn. or nere enr kind of property to sell or sxchsnge. cell on or sddrees North went Lend Co., 208 ' Morri son st.. room 211. Pbona Main 041s. SALOON doing baatness of 888 per day, fins location, eery cneep rent; ciearn se"" per month: will sell St $1,280. Address B 48, Journal. rnrt eale. ehean. good bnatneea la thrlrmg auburn; rine location, cneap rent; preter tu sell direct. Addrsss X. Y. E., cars of Journal. CANDY BTOR1, WlLL LOCATED WITH LI lain room, can no naa ni bow rent or 1 jlMleahl nartr location Ob eeet aide oooo site the Alblne school hones. Particulars, call office. 817 Commercial block. FOR MAf.B Oe account of etc knees, nice, eleea. money making bosinass ea eaar erne: sewe from 818 to 838 per day: price 81.400, or will Is rotes; Be sgeata waated. O 88. Tba J aura at SALOON and eood hotel wttb or without hotel, for sale; will aell bair intereet to us rigsi nr Af-KSMITHgnOP doing rood baa I new. nskt 12 yssrs, full snnpiy or xoois. quantity 01 Iron snfl cost, aweiung-nnoee. neartns irnii trees, ehlcken-houee. 2 pssaenger-bosts, car awviM each dar. 2 mtnntee' wslk to seek rises; all for 8200 If taken goon. Apply ts u DompeoB rosier. ttiugeneiQ. rteaniiajw. INVESTIGATE For a email amount of capi tal, .urge returns, ztaj aarnay oiog. -a HALF Intereet In fbte' equipped eastern Oregon weekly; rsen receipts isai montit poej; pieni Inrolces $4,600; will take $1,200 to swing; no tlms for Idle Inqnlrlea: males showdown in your repliee: bargain ror rigut man. At dress B on, journal. FOR RENT Reetsnrsnt, furnlehed. or will make good barber anon nr meet merger, witn rooma in rear, inquire iw waaningrou et. FOR BALE A growing manufacturing bnatneea m this city: been estaniianen tor o yeere ana will pay owners $10,000 per yesr clear profit: hers is s chance for two men with $12,000 cssh. Addrsss B BP. Journal. WILL sell cheap, a nice bnalnees clearing 82.60O to - per rear; won hi exrnsng ft farm or other property; pert peyment. Addrees B 68, care Journal. WANTED-nalf Interest In s general repair--ahop, woodwork end blarkamlthlng. located In amall town In Oregon or Washington. Ad dress B 44. care journal rt-.OI'R MILL In cholcs whest country in eeet era Waehlngton. doing good buelneea: will make good terms to purchaser. For further particulars, addrsss lock box 1, Bkkletoa, Washington. . FOR SALE Sawmill. 20,000 feet daily capac- - He: plentT limnerr rramer to it. r, rt. tv. snsp. Address box 17, Ooble. Oregon. nicea eranJlent rooming house In city. 84 moma nreatleata: muat ao this week: ana p. port land Reel Eststs Co., 206ft Morrison st Psclfle 230. . S.WO TAKES good bnslnees. centrally located ctesrlng $100 month; mnat leers city. 818 Commercial. Daren a. Main 4004. partner wanted In a eood reel estste office smsll Inreetment required. Apply 221 H Mor - rleoa, cor., riret. room w. ' 8200 RUTS -IT. Rooming bouse of 8 moms near Sixth snd Yam hill sts.. sll furnlahed complete, good fnnil tnre: roome sll full: brat location la town this Is really a snap. Call at ones, H. W, . Garland A Co., l8ft Fourth St. FUR SALE Stock general merer! and tee In gnod shspe snd location. Inquire of Joseph Thomp son, Care til n anname ej rerr nroe. LADY wants partner with $1211: realty bnalnees, kargs list, rms orrice. rscitic giu. rort BALE Clear snd confectionery store1, ' flxturee snd showesses. Inquirs 624 Inl m " are., N. FOR SALE Qharter Interest In commtaalon bnalnees, well satsbllshed. Address C 4 Journal. . til-rr.niNna bntcher-ehon and Jtiinree coating $1 1, with monthly Incom of $d. together with gmunii icsss. lor suuu.. Auarsss b w. cats JsoxBai, . . - . i (' - JOURNAL-.:; "WMtAC'Rates 7sTDZB AST CLASSmCAnOal . Fi?e Cents per Line , No ad takaa for less tbsa 18e par day. Be rea worda, aa a rule, eonatltuta a Una, but each line 1a charged regardless of tba number of worda. WEEKLY BATE T tneertlena (Inslwtlag oas Suaaay issue) 88 CANTS as Una far M0MTHLY BATS (maladlng all Suaaay laauea) 81.00 par line per mea to. ADVERTIS MINTS muat be ta Journal bualneaa efSes by IS o'clock week days . aud by 10 s'sleok Saturday erenlng law the Sunday issue, ta scours slaaaincatlea. Display rata glrsa npea, appUoatioa at tba afSos.. . , - -THE-JOURNAL-i--i BRAKCH OFFICES ASYZBTISXaTZaTS. Will ta reeelred st reguUr aiatn-ofnce tates. Following la a lUt of autborlaed agents, who will forward yoor adrartlea ment la tlms tor nubllcatloa la tba asxt JT0BTH USB. B. A. Preston, druggist. Twenty-third snd Thurmaa atreeta. Nob Hill Pharmacy, 880 Ollsaa StTSSt. corner Twenty-firet. A. W. Allen, pharmacist. Sixteenth and nniun airvvto. Mctommon's Pharmaer, HinatsaatB aaa Waahlngtoa gtrssts. ' , SOUTH SIDE. H. r. Jonas Co., drsgglsta, Froat aad Olbbs streets. . Oottsl Drug company. First aad Oraat streets, . Fsblsa Byeriey. euuggisx, . euv jsdstsub street, corner Tenth. Bettmsa's Phsrmacy, eorser Sixth aad Harrlaoa streets. - . Plommsr Drug aomnany, BOO Third Street, corner Madison. .' SAST nss.' ' ' W. S. Lora. druggist, corner Graad srsnBa snd Eset Burnelde atreet. - Nichols A Tbompeon, 128 Basssn strsst, corner Alblne srenoe. . Jancke Drug company, oornor Hawthorn sad Graad arennss. W C Cable, druggist, eotnar Houadoy srenoa aad Larrsbea street. Bear steel bridge. . R. A. Wilson. 188 Graad srenoa, aear Eaat Morrison. . . E. W. Ball. 868 Bast Bersath strsst. corner Btepbsns. - . , BlttKLAJTO. T. 7. Clark, druggist,' 1008 North Union iTtnot, - SUNBISIJJX. J. B. Worth, pharmaclat, 80S Bel moat BBOOXXTIT. Brooklya Pbsrmacr ooory, fowall aaa Mllwsakl strssts. ABLBTA, OBBOOsT. ArlsU Pharmacy, Mora and Foster straata. , XLLW00O. ' Bsmstock's Pharmacy. 848 TTmsttllB srs sue, coroer East Thirteen lb street. BUSINESS CHANCES. THE biggest barrels bt rooming houae le Port land, nons exceptea: - eu eiegeutiy lumwii, rooms Bear Morrleoa, full of roomers, la brick building, rent only $100 per month, with 8 yeers' lease; only $2,800, easy terms; gnsr snteed enap; see ns quirk. Dubois A Bbsr wood. 206Vs Morrleoa. room 8. BUTCHER SHOP, doing good, pro fl table boer- asss; low rent; only aea aoms Co., 145H First St. - BHuV-AND sereto ?Symg pOBlllOB 1U OOIM110B, wwun"l " -read. Angeles. 242 Fifth St., cor. Main. nut cell me half Inlsiest la flna pront gauo pee ssonia sna upwsrui imi cuee required. C 48. cere of Journal. e FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ACRE TRACTS! . OTJB SPECIALTY IS AOBI TBACTll Fanlasd streets, water ta Bach asra, TERMS $18 PER AfTIB CAS7f ' $10 PI ACRE FEB MONTH. " ' Ton go to these scree ea the akm ast. pey the sains 6c fare the lot maa pays. Tea lot man S yonr neighbor, but bs Is ro. strteted la majority of (satarss that Seeks a tras sebarbsa boms. -. a. a CHURCHILL oa, 110 Second St. JT, FOR BALM 7 room bouas snd lot nn west aide. In walking dlatance; a snap st $2,000. 8-room houae snd lot st Midway, $1,000. $-mom house, lot ROxlOO. oa Weet areaus, $980 $126 rseh. balance gin montn. i PORTLAND REAL ESTATE CO, 200ft Morrison at. NEW modera T-room residence oa Mount Scot canine, 3 minutes' rine rrnm rortisnu; ior 88x100. Sna laws and fruit trees, for $1,800, st roar own terms, or mar treds for lead. Address M 48. cars Journal. INCOME PROPERTY QI'ITE CLOSE TO TERMINAL DIBTRICT.- Onmer lot and wood houses, renting for 10 per cent of price, 88 600. t Ixit 82x100. 7 -room bouse, Eaat Washington between Union are. and East Twelfth. $2.ono. ' 16 seres oa Mount Scott, 400 cords of wood, trVKI. , 8ft acres oa Wlherg lane, sll cleared. BO grarel, old bouse, plenty of orchard. II, KM. - Irge corner lot with 2 good h on aea, central Esat Portland, rente 666. price 8A.4IB): terms. t'LLVKH, 823 Chamber of Commerce. $800 WIU, buy smsll bouse snd lot 60x100. PiO. jolt amins sre ol. rrrmnni anu mini sts. W. Pettersoa, 288 Yamhill St., owner. FOR SALE ft-room eottags, 8 lots, sll kinds of fruit, hemes, rine eon, gnou water; i mm. ntes' wslk to car line, 10 to Southern Psclfle, 12 miles from Portland. See owner, A. S. Draper, 238 Washington at., city. FOR SALE At a bsrgstn. 8-room cottage at Bnnnyslde, assy moot my perm en te. ine Ames Mercantile Agency, Abtngton bldg. TWO fins lots. 100x100, corner; good Tlew of snow mountains; cheap. ' Also new modern furnished 6-room houseboats--usst szs, or Msln 1415. - ' FOR SALFJ 0-room house, corner lot 80x100, Is Hiinnjalde; una or ins oeei ouye in me city. ror' ssle 60x100, Eaat Darla. near Grand srs.. corner: fruit aaa snruoosryi emeu cuiisgu; bargsia today. - For ssle Some 'lightly rscsnt lots la tha Haw thorns aistrici. . - - For ssUr Aertsga sad small fsrms. For sale Fruit farm sod ranches. ' For aale Slock In high clsss hjdustrUl sntee . prises. TUB CONTINENTAL COMPANT. 248 Stsrk st. Pkons Main 1STS. FOR SALE TSxIOO-foot lot on Beet Bermteentb and Conch; will sell for $1,880 If sold In Beit few dsysi fsces seat; well worth $1,400; wtll . sell part of lot H dm 1 red. Address. K 48. eare Journal. $8,700. A i SNAP Comfortable modern hones, clos In on tbs esat side, 8 llrlng rooms. bath, etc., gas snd electricity, large basement con-" tainlng laundry, two stors snd fuelrooma; ererythlng shout the bones lu Srat-claae re- - pair; tbs lot Is 160 feet deep, contains chicken hones sad yard and Bomber of Sne . fruit ttreee; sa Ideal home for comfort snd con. renlence. Cell nr address the owner, room BOO. tba Marquam, Pboaa Mala 881, 2 to 4 P m. BAST SIDE HOMES Three 7 -mora snd on S-roota Donee on E. Third snd Multnomah sts.t new, besnttfally flushed; fine location; coBeenlent to 8 csrllnes; esay terms. Pariah A Gourlsy, owners, 848 Multnomah at. I 8 8TOR brick building. ,100x100. on Kart side; will pay 8 per cent net so $10,000; ' pries $28,000; eak glrs terms. Address i 84. ears JourasL HERE kt a bargain 8 acres suitable for chicken park or gardening; 6 room nlaatered cottage: fine aprlng of water, nil kinds of fruit; do. ested In Mllwsnkle. clwe to ear lias: caa Bisk tva 1ST1BS, 80 ur atOttlStBA, '