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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1905)
." 'V- '' 1 . .'.''.". V'1'... ' ' t '-. ' ' . - ' ' " ' '""'' ' " - THE OREGON : DAILY joURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENINO, NOVEMSSH 13, 1SC5. llfir!i;:::!iGEIIT880UlCflUIJCIL.lEJ OH PUIUATE BELT LINE PROJECT Application for Franchise Along Water Front Expected Now . " Within a Week, v ' "' WOULD GIVE SOUTHERN ; PACIFIC A MONOPOLY If Belt-Line Privilege Were; Granted, It Is Said, Road Could; Not Be - Built in Lew Then Three. Tears Faith in McCuaken. ;i '' ' v- ' Utmbtn of the city counoU have been approached by agenta of the Harriraan system to learn their attituda toward tha granting of a franchise to that cor poration for a belt Una alone tha water , front, to eonnact tho Southern Paclf Ic'a Jefferson atreet road with tha union ata Hon. A member of tha council aald, T - ' -"'' , V'1 1 look for tha filing of an application , by tha Harrlman Interaata within a weak lor a franchlaa for tha belt Una along , jthe waterfront."- .- - ' ' - ' Tha view expressed by-this member of-the council appeara ta. railroad experts- to axplala tha recant purchases .of valuable waterfront property by rep resentatives' -of tha Harrlman llnea. It '1 known that aome time ago a number , -nt South Portland manufacturara, whole- aalera and retailers, petitioned tha Harrl : man ayatem to effect a connection with tha union atatlon. and that General Man ager J. P. O'Brien refuaed ta .. conalder their requeet at that time. : aVosebmrg Takea a Kaad. 1 ... ' However,..'eoon after T.'R. Sheridan . of Roseburg appeared In the city with an application for a Front atreet fran chise, and there wss 'a suspicion that ha waa acting In tha Harrlman Interest Thla waa noted In addreaaee by cltlaeni who went before tha atreet committee .' of tha council ' to proteat agalnat tha granting of Mr. Sheridsn's application. ' The caution waa uttered In theee worda: "Have a oara leat you wake, up aome morning to , And that Mr. Sherldan'e franchlaa. If granted, turna up In tha Iianda of the Southern Pacific. " . The theory waa forced that poaalbly tha Harrlman people had procured tha ' cooperation of the Roseburg . . banker, thinking that if tha corporation applied for the franchise In the open the people would oppoae It and that therefore Mr. Shertdan'a mora waa merely a. Harrl man project in disguise. .: .. . " Wo aid Ooatrol Waterfront. ' 1 The preponderance of aentlment, now" ever, today ia that tha Harrlman aye tern conceived tha idea, of bottling up tha waterfront and thue. gaining tha tremendoua advantage' that would ae rrue to the corporation by commanding virtually tha entire foreign freight han dling In Portland. - It la known that Mr. Harrlman'a vlelt - to Japan recently-waa to arrange with the mikado's. government . for hla eteamer liner preferential ratcg or some I relatione that would give him the ad vantage ever tha ateamtfhtp Interaata backed by James J. Hill, and the con elusion ta drawn that Harrlman'a am bition la to eecura practical proprietor ahlp of ahlpplng facilities In thla port, v Tha people -of Ban Franclaco 40 years CILEERT SAYS MM litfDS JUOfiE BADLY : v ' . 1 . - j .... j -. " . r- Wise' Onet" V'See Appointing i; Finger. Pointed at Jut- ; " tice Bean. :'''.'',' ; . . w , ..1 -'.. ; . trnlted Statee ' Circuit t Judge W. B. v Gilbert, returned' yesterday, from San Francisco and will remain ln Portland until some, time In January, Be , held ' court yeaterday and today In the fed, ;. eral building. " i , Judge. Gilbert has no delinKe Informa , tlon aa to-the time when the land fraud trl.l. -til ha i-eaiimad In this r.ltv. yond that contained in The-Journaf a . Washington dlspatchea ' ta ' tha affect . that" Congreajiman Hermann will be placed on trial aoma time In December. ' . Ha la uncertain also- whether ' or not Judge. Hunt of Montana will preside at -.jibe coming trlala. . $ . . "I do not know 'Whether It will be poealble for. Judge . Hunt to leave hla own-court again." -If he should do aa It " might be naceasary to assign aome other . Judge to bis court while he la here. If '. tha vacancy on tha district bench for thla state ahould be filled soon, poaalbly ' the' appointee might go to Helena ta .take Judge Hunt'e place while ha waa herO ., .. ' f Judge Gilbert axpreaaed tha hope that ' ' a district Judge for Oregon would be -" appointed eoon, for much bualneaa has ; accumulated In that court which cannot be disposed of 'while the vacancy" con-tlnuee.- He bad -no -Information aa to . who the appointee ia likely to be. Among the politician however, the be- lief Is gaining ground that the office ' will go either to Justice Bean or to Jua- tlce Wolverton. and aome of-tha wlee ones are saying with -a myaterlous ah that ..underground advices point' un t mlstakably to Bean, "there are others mho era Just a confident that Wolver ' ton will be the president's choice. PAYS TWO DOLLARS TO I jMAVE peace at station , Bella Baxter grew hysterical at police headquarters this afternoon and Created huch a scene because aha could not ae rure It which waa stolen from her and Held .by the- police aa evidence that Chief Giitamacher ordered her given .' tier property, '. 'e 1 If there la any trouble about It, I .aviu. refund the amount. .put of my own pocket." aaid tha chief. . . ..- ; , Ms x well Sinclair waa arrested, act cuaed of robbing Mlas Baxter and with " the theft of an overcoat and 111 from Mr. Wilson. He waa held to the grand Jury under a bond ef ll.aoo.v . Made famous . oyer, fifty years ago--ls ' still famous." The only dentifrice 'of International reputation. T. ..' S Ptrmj: IifaicV Ptwdr & Patlt ago fought zauch a battle and wreated from private Iianda tha waterfront, foil ing aobemera who designed to secure complete control. In San Pedro, the seaport of Los Angelee, tha Harrlman and W. A. Clark Interaata now are en deavoring . to secure control of the waterfront and agenU left for Waeh- Ington a few days ago to effect arrange-menta- with the war department that would alve them such control. Similar efforts have been made In San Plego, and In faot all along tha coast wherever the Harrlman tntereata touch transpor tation there has been a atrenuoue ef fort " to " aecure control -aucn ee -woiho follow the acquisition . of Portland a waterfront' - V - - ' ' f I- Sea Ooaat Ontle. aseestlaV,: An element I tha Harrlman anxiety to control water front property In thla city la tha necessity of all roada in the central region of the United States get ting ta the sea coast In order to pro tect themselves sgainat the effects of possible -rate regulation legislation by con crass on- account of the port prefer ence clause la the federal constitution. South Portland conoerna realise that they must have Immediate transfer fa cilities, elaa they . wUl be lert in the race for supremacy. - Their attitude . la explained by their Importunity to the Harrlman llnea ta build a belt line con necting them with the union atatlon. .-. It la claimed by railroad- contractors that. If tha Harrlman ayatem be granted a water front belt line franchlaa It will be three yeara before It place la operation. - It would entail sl.600.00e to t -.000,000 expense. ' Concrete piers would have to be constructed and ex pensive work done In order toget te lino peat tha bridges. . . . y 7 Would Take Tee tong. . "By tha time the-Harrtmen belt line along . tha waterfront waa. computed, three yeara hence)," aald a prominent business man today, "Soath Portland would be 'deserted, and concerns now doing bualneaa there we-ald have founa locations- farther north or on tha aaat aide of tha river.". . - . The application of Thomas MeCusker for a franchlaa for an electric' Una down Front' - atreet, - at yeetarday'a . council meeting, haa thrown all prevloue pUna Into confualon. It la claimed, that. many of the moat powerful houaaa of tha city have looked Into the-matter and today are aaylng that they have proof that Mr. MeCusker la not acting for the Harrlman llnea. and that R. M. "Wade Co, and the Honey man Hardware com pany, who are backing tha project, are moving in good raitn. . v . . ; SlaeMa Uae Bea. -. It' la claimed that an electric Una alnn Front atreet ' can . be - placed In operation within - a few months, while a general waterfront belt line of the Harrlman people would not be available for traffic: within tnree years. AoDarentlr only one other aolutlon o- the Harrlman ayatem'a weat aide trans portation problem la offered to bridge tha Willamette river above Portland and throw over to tha east aide the trafflo that comes in via the Fourth atreet and Jefferson atreet lines. ' Thla might be done In the future, and It la aald that It would be one means of relieving the oongeation that- now Is troubling tho terminal company, which la unable to handle the-cara needed for tha uiesenl volume of business. With the enor mous growth aaaured for Portland with in tha eotnlna five yeara. tha necessity for providing for larger ar.lpplng and tranafer.facilltlea ia appreciated by all persona who have atudied the altuation. AUGUST ERICKSON MAY LOSE. HIS LICENSE Eight Other , SaloonKeepert Must Explain to Liquor T License Committee. : August . Erickson. proprietor ef , tha . nnnr hall nil tha : ' Pacific coast, and eight other saloon-keepers of Portland have been cuea to appear dw for the llauor license committee of the city council : Saturday night to ahow causa why their llcenaea' should not be revoked. . . .' Tha nine men have been convioieo in city ordlnancea, and under a ' rule re cently adopted by tna commtitee toe 11 censea of convicted men shall be re voked, nrovldlng they cannot give rea- aonabla axcusea . Erickson . haa three recent copvlctlona agalnat him. on Oc tober t'he waa lined 1 58, and November I 7S and ISO for two separate offenses. The', other aaloon-keepera who have been cited to appear are: Ed Villa, II North Third atreet; Al Wohlera. II Fifth atreet; William Mader, 30 Firat atreet; C. U Clina, l Fifth atreet; at Marka, 251 First atreet; J. D. Morrla. Ill Sec ond atreet; I). Fraclaa. 164 Market atreet; W. P. Lilgeaon, 111 North Sev enteenth atreet. . ' Nearly all the, convictions against these men were -for keeping their, sa loons open after 1 o'clock. - PUPILS DELUGE-VISITORS WITH" BOUQUETS Cottage Grove Citizens Enthut laatically;Creet BuK . .' nest Men.- rt. lMifa? fir . Kov. It. .The Portland business men were met at tha train at 1 o"clock today. Mayor veatcn delivered "ariVaddrerfa at welcome' and Mm r.Mnkl m-ealilen tit tha Clommer- claj club, also spoke. .Among tha apeak- era or the fortiana aeiegation were aii White, Mark Levy and Mr. Carroll of Tha Journal. Tha visitors were delight ed with the etty and Its people. School children gave bouquets to the vlaitora. An hour waa spent. in ceiyngupon tha local merchante. DICTATOR FOR RUSSIA ' ) : MAY BE: APPOINTED St. Petersburg, ' Nov. -1I.-X cabinet meeting 'was called by the emperor to day at Tearakoa-Selo. It la reported that the' appointment of a dictator la proba4e. , -. ' ';.,'..-' ' Fewdse Werka Bxptede. , - ' reorla.' .Ill:, Nov. II. t nree- eblv slona occurred almost olmuHaneoualy la tha Buckeye powder tnllle thia-ai tar noon. Several persona are reported killed and many Injured.'.- .- . n , " Ooloael Befe eaee te Oooa. Bay. Salem, Or., Nov, 11 Colonel Hoftr and hla wife left: today lor Cefyg bay, - :' . j-v-. ,..:'---- r.lURDER TRIAL IS flEAR CLOSE fMany Witn Examined In case or staie Againti , Frank Reis. PRISONER APPEARS ? ; ; J ; PERFECTLY AT EASE While Many Testify to Good Char acter .of Man Accused of Killing Feas One Witneat Saya Defendant Admitted Crime to Him. . ' ' : tSnselal DniDateb to Tka JoarnsLI The lHillea. Or. Nov.. II. Tha Rela murder trial opened yeaterday afternoon at 1:10 o'clock. Louis Owen was the first witness. . He testified that he had gone to get some apples on May 11. at I o'clock a. m.. . and . found-. the houae burned and the body of a human being In the ruins, the lower llmbe and arma burned off and otherwise badly charred. Dr. Dumble of Hood River., who made the postmortem examination of tha re mains, stated he found several round holea aa though made by bulleta. but could' not positively swear to that, as the internal oreana were Daaiy cooaeo a ad he . did - not . determine the - sex, but thought -It the. body of a mala. ' Coroner- Burgett testified to' hla get. ting a 40-ll-oallbre .Winchester rifle from Mrs.-Rises. -a neignnor, covereo with dust, but it araelled of gunpowder aa though lately nred. . r Mr.. Thorns a. for , whom Rata waa working, -aald Rala came to- breakfast Mav 11 the same aa usual and In no way excited suspicion.' ' Mr., Knight told of the treumea witn Foaa and a eonveraatlon with Rala the evening of the ahootlng- Mr. Per kina wald thatTie heard seven shots on the evening ef May 11 about I o'clock. Ha 'was In bad, but at onoe dressed and went to Foes' cabin. He aaw a light through tha open door, which waa ahul and bolted when he neared the house. Ha rapped On tha door several timea, but got no response, and atarted home Rela then opened the door and aald ha had killed Foaa. and that Perklha had better keep still. Perkins said he would tell the truth. Rela pulled a gun and . forced . him -to promisee, and then he aald ha would go back and burn tha whole .thing. , .Under , moat aevere croae-questionlng by the defendant's counsel 'Perkins waa only mixed up on distances and .time Seventeen wltneaaea were examined until adjournment at p. m. ' " Thla morning tna aeaaion waa taaen up by tha defenae, wno examinea z wltneseee. all of whom testified to tha good reputation and law-abiding quali ties of Rels. The defense will try to prove that Rela was In his cabin at tha time of the murder. The accused appeared In court neatly dreaaed and. sitting fceside hla aged mother, ahowa no algn of ner vousness. ; It la a crowded courtroom. The prosecution thlnka tha ease will go morning. .. CLOSE TO THE FINISH. If : Tsawwaarg ; Beeord la BapeaHed, VotUag- WUl Be aVeft by the Bad ef ghe.Week, , . .' , ; .' r'-'-.' ' '' . No lesa than H - choice ilnstruments were sold at the exposition piano aala of Kllera Piano Houaa yeaterday. The number - of fine pianos, pianola planoa, pianolas and organa that have been sold by . fillers Piano House dur ing the past couple . of weeka ta sur prisingly large and the great exposition sale ta rapidly drawing to a cloae. - There are atlll left. for aala aeveral very choice atylea of the moat costly of Chickerlnga, . alao two very fancy up right Klmbelle, three Webera. one very An Haddorf, two beautiful Schumanna, and one pianola piano, together with aeveral pianolas and leaa than a half dosen "second-hand" planoa of various makes.. If you ever hope te own a really choice piano, an Instrument that haa been selected by aome connoisseur or high-claaa artist, specially for some prominent feature of the mualcal work of .our great Lewis and Clark exposi tion, and aecure such a musical gem .TrT vou will have to attend thla aale with out delay. '.Paymente have been made ao thoroughly oaay, too, that no one whose home' la without a really fine pisno ' need hesitate to secure one. "MOney back." we aay,' It the purchaaa, after delivery, la not in every way ac ceptable to you. What more can be doneT If you're coming, come this afternoon or evening. Eilera Piano Houae, 111 Washington street. OPEN SHOP ADVOCATED BY . INDUSTRIAL MEN - (Jearsal Special gervke.! flt Louis Nov. II. The Clttxena In dustrial association thla morning adopt ed resolutions Indorsing tha United Typothetae'a open , shop stand. ' Herbert George, president of the CHI sens'' alliance of San Francisco, talked on the necessity for national coopera tion. "Let oa live and work together in we should live and .work together n peace.- . Let ua put tha constitution - of the United States above the constitution of tho labor of man. . Union men have rlghta, so have nonunion." W. C. Fran cla of Portland, Oregon, told how Port land built an open shop exposition. - - ';'.'; Football. ; '"s'-.v:; ' Sherman Indiana of California vs. Multnomah.- Saturday. .November .- II, Multnomah field. .1:10 P. m.. ra'n 4r shine Admission 10c. . . ,, , m l , ; areeal Bew Bomea, ' The following permits f4r buildings were , Issued yesterday: A. P. Smith, cottage, O rover between Water and Corbett atreete, coat 11,101; C B. Steel smlth. cottage, Karby between Beach and Falling atreete, 11.100; Portland Seed company, chimney,--110 Front street.-- 125; C f eW-Carlaon. -cottage, Ruc.htef between Kaat Pine and East Stark atreete, 11.100; A. Seott. two cot taxes, corner East .Stark - and East Thirty-sixth streets, II.J00; E. J. Oray, eottage. corner Eaat Flandera and Kaat Thirtieth) streets, 11,110: O. ' E. Hen rich.' cottsge, ' Eaat Flandera between Eaet Thirtieth and Eaat Thirty-first streets. 11.160; M. M. Bin ford, residence, Esst Seventeenth between East Couch and . Eaat . Davis atreete. 12.000; D. Crelfnton. residence, corner East Ever ett and Eaat Thirtieth atreete, 12.101; Oeorge E. Waggner. cottage, Eaat Main between Eaet Thirty-first and Eaat Thirty-second streets, 11,100. ' - Repair ' permlta were Issued to tha following: I. W. Applegata, cottage, Benton between Cherry and Montgomery streets, coat 10; O. II. Zetsler, cot tage. Division between Twenty-second and Kaat Twenty-third aireeta, TI. . THIS RULE THE R0:D Claimed That Melvin and Orval " Acton Are Bate Line . . jerrort. ;.r ..... .. ' -v LAY IN WAIT FOR SMALL ' BOYS AND FIGHT THEM If "Approaching Youth la Not Too Large One of the Twing Enter the Liata With Hint While the' Other Standi by aa Referee. . V ' , " Out on the Base Line roal live Mel vin and Orval Acton, twlna II yeara of age, whose belligerent tendencies have attracted the attention of juvenile court officers and caused ' all manner of trouble for Inoffensive youngsters who, chanced to pass that way.. It was the merest accident that seri ous If not fatal Injurlea were not. in flicted upon one of their vlctlma -whom they aaaaulted with a board through which a nail waa driven.,. The victim may loaa an eye aa tha reault of the en counter and the pugnacious twins will try to explain to the court why they are always looking for a right. Officers of the Juvenile court declare that the twins have acquired a habit of laying In wait for lads who paaaed along the road. It the lad waa aa email aa .Kh.r n the twlna he la attacked-by one, while tha other acta aa referee and reinforcement. ,- in caae "nf .ho., unaxnected flahtlng atrength the combined efforts of the twins are used to ahow him that be haa no rignt mat vicinity. - : v- . ' . - Woe to the fragile lad of tha Pretend ing Psrrv tvne who walka along the road paat theAshton homerHe -ia apted from afar by the twlna. who draw lots to see which shsll have the pleasure of a combat- That Is. lota are drawn provided the approaching lad looks small enough for one to handle -. If he ta big, both attack him without preliminaries . One of the pugnarloua twins con vinced his brother that ha waa able single-handed to lick Jamea Stanley, 14 yeara of age, who defied both. He waa permitted to enter tha engagement alone and unaided, but : tha waiting brother eoon aaw that reinforcements were needed. " 80 he joined In tha fray. Then It waa discovered that tha pug nacious twlna bad met their Waterloo. It la aald that one of the lada seised a board, through which a naif had been driven, he atruck the Stanley boy In I'MlitlKE the face, the nairnterlng"behm thefrolve-4he-doubt lt favor of tha city. eye and Inflicting a eerioua wound. It ta aald that the. lad may loaa tha aye aa a -result. The pugnacious twine will appear at tomorrow'a aession of v the Juvenile court. "f IMOR MUST SETTLE. BOX Vote on Bennett-Wills' Measure a Tie Has Two Weeks to ' Decide. In -tha handa of Mayor Lane reata tha fata of the Bennett-Wllla box ordi nance prohibiting boxea or bootha in aa loona In tha etty. It la not tha duty of the mayor In- this Instance to veto the measure, but to cast a deciding vote, as chairman of tha council, on the question of the adoption of the majority report of the llauor license committee wnicn recommended that tha ordinance be passed. The vote on the adoption of tha re port resulted in a tie yesterday after noon. The Republican forces which have heretofore, with two or three ex ceptions, held solidly together on the question were badly demoralised. Councilman Wllle. Wallace. Vaughn, Rushlight, Preston, Masters and Ben nett voted for the adoption 'of tha re port, while thoae opposed were Coun cilman Annand, Beldlng. Oray. Keluv - ThrTharortla never ween the uidl' nance and aald he would Ilka to have time to conalder the matter and, on a motion to give him two weeka to de- ctde how he would vote, the members voted . the aame as they did on tha adootlon of tha report If hla vote Is favorable to the report and the ordi nance la passed the measure will then ao to him for hla signature. Councilman Annand and Oray filed a minority report asking that all box or dinances" before the council be tabled. and Councilman Shepherd filed another minority report recommending that the Vaughn ordinance be paaaed. -T- JUDGE C: H. CAREY TO ' AID FIGHT FOR JETTY Judge C. H. Carey, who leavea on No vember 10 for Washington. D. C, will represent the Portland, board of trade rrrr assisting to aecurg appropriatlona for . the Columbia river Jetty and the Celllo canal. The board haa authorised another delegate, whose name la with held from publication, to 'go to Wash ington later in the Interest of the work. Judge Carey will not be able to remain In Washington longer than a few days, as private business demanda hla time, but while there he will confer with con gressmen and senatora of his acquaint ance and urge the Importance of appro priations for the Columbia river. "The board Is doing all it can te help tha cause of an open river and a deep channel," aald President a. W. Allen. "We want: to work' In cooperation with tha other commercial bodies aa far aa poaalble, for all are work in a; to a com men end." V ....'.. GAS FROM NEW STOVE . OVERCOMES SHOEMAKER . , ... - . A. Bukowsky, a shoemaker at 1 Six teenth and Waahlngtoa .-atreete, .nar rowly escaped death by gaa asphyxia tion this morning. He purchased a new gas stova for hla shop yesterday and a Urge quantity of gaa escaped In the room where he waa working this morn ing, with tha result that ha was over come, , pr. Start waa called. Tha physician saya the man Is In a precarloua condi tion. " ' ' ' ' ' - r Urlo Aold and Oraveel . Are' eaase by tka Klflnera being enable te properly titer the Impurities from the biooa. Ipvinv-a Burns Waf.r are tea only enrs Lemedr for this eniMlltlna; the? cleanse tne kldnevs from sll worn-eni aisTerTBi, - ouim np the eiirnnkea walls of the Klrineys and prevent the formation of trie Add. oM st fine a bos hr S- O. Skldmora Si Oo., Druggists, 11 , Tairt sole aereaja far rertiaaa. Ox. ORDIMCE QUESTO : SAYS COUNCIL m v THE POWER Councilman , Southern Master ' Thinks Pacific's Fourth . Street Franchise Revocable. HIGHEST AUTHORITIES UPHOLD" HIS ASSERTIONS Franchlaa Granted ; for : Indefinite t Period Held to Be Merely a Li ,'. cenae In Case of Doubt City Has Adyantage Over Corporation. Tha eitv council Doaseeaea tha power to annul the Fourth atreet franchlaa of tha Southern Paclfle company, m my opinion.' said W. Y. Masters, today. Mrv uaatera la a member of the coun cil committee on Judiciary, to which waa referred Councilman w. 1. vaugnn a ordinance Introduced yeaterday to repeal ordinance 119, paaaed In 11(1. granting to tho Oregon Central Railway company the privilege of laying a track and run-rilna- eara on Fourth atreet i Tha old Oregon Central rlghta have been ac quired by the Southern Pacific, which now operatea that line and brings all cara from tha weat aide of the Willam ette river territory Into ,the city via Fourth atreet. . excepting the limited number that come in over the Jefferson street road. : ' Although I have not yet given eepe- clal attention to Mr. Vaughn'a - ordi nance." aald Mr. Masters. "I understand that aa a general propoaltlon In tha law tha authorlttea hold that auch granta as that which waa made to the eld Ore gon Central, now owned by the Southern Pacific, are merely licenseserrolhabie at will of tha council. . Thia la tha ab stract phase of the case, and I believe Jhat "tha -authorltlee - will be ;. found - to euntain aucn a contention. Careful examination of the various court reports appeara to auataln Mr. Masters' view.' A Una of decisions has been traced which Includea the federal supreme court and tha aupreme courts of New York, New Jersey. Alabama. Indiana. Iowa. Kentucky. Illlnola, Wla- eonatn and Oregon. In addition, Elliott on ''Roada and Bridges" and Dillon on Municipal Franchises, both accepted aa authorities by every court 01 tne United Statea, expreas ther same view. Still holdlne to the aba tract phaae of the proposal. Councilman Masters further dlacuaeed the question aa ronows: "Whenever there be doubt a a to tha balance of rights aa between the city and a corporation,. . the courts alwaya In other worda, the. preaumptton-1s-l- waya In favor of all ef the people rather than tn favor of a few of them asso ciated in a corporation .or company of any serf - ...... ... 1 ; c WEAKNESS AKD DISHONESTY ST BE PURGED . , So Says J. H. Ackerman, State Superintendent, at Home . Training Association. ."The weokneae- and dishonesty of parents and the diahonesty of .teachers are the three evlla that must be purged from the. achool and home In order to effect ideal ' condltlona for the. training of children," aald 1. H. Ackermian. atate auperlntendent of schools, last night, before the Homa ' Training asoclstlon and an audience ef aeveral hundred of Ita friends. It was the second annual fall rally and Invitations to the fathers and mothers of the city to attend were accepted ao generouely that tha large auditorium of tha Taylor Street Meth odist Episcopal church was filled. Mrs. Samuel Connell. . the aecretary. Intro duced Mr. Ackerman to apeak on "Tha School and the Home." -',. Rev. Dr. J. W. B rougher epoke briefly on "Homa Ideala." - He declared that the ..dally Inculcation of high enncepta of duty was th greateat safeguard of society. - ' Judge A. Li. Prase- eneswUd ta clalma of the juvenile court for tha as sistance of 'women to act aa probation J of fleers and pleaded for volunteers. Judge Fraser explained that the work of the probation offlcera Is to look after particular cases of families need ing guidance and children who are under the direction of the court. ... Miss Nellie Dickenson played aa an organ prelude Sir Arthur Sullivan's "The Lost Chord." and Mrs. Jordan Jordan Purivne.' Mrs E. 8. Miller, Mrs K. A. Bamford and Mr. Kemp Bang aoloa. Dr. F. Burgette Short, pastor of the church, -opened the meeting with prayer. ,1 ,,. " ' NO INCREASE FOR ANY ' TEACHER' THIS, MONTH . . . i Salariea for city achool Aaaohera for tho achool month ef tha fall term are being made out today, by City Superin tendent Frank Itlgler according to tha old schedule. , If ' the aalarlea are In creased, by tha achool board as -pin rifled the Increaae will be for tho entire term. ' There .... la no doubt that . the merit ayatem will be dlacarded by the achool board at tha meeting to be held Tues day, and the schedule provided for In the resolution to be Introduced by J. V. Beach adopted. Under this 'schedule principals of the grammar achoola will receive f It Increaae a month and grade teachera holding life '. dlplomaa, who have been In tha elty achoola for alx yeara. and high achool teachers, 5 a month.' ' HELD AS DRUNK, HE r -DIES AT ST. VINCENT'S Picked up by Patrol Driver Price ajt Second and Oak atreets shortly ,after midnight, A- Roberta waa lodged in the city priaon on a charge of drunkenneas. This morning his condition was such that he waa removed to St.' Vincent's hosprtnt,' where he died about Tl o'clock. - Iiittle la known of the man, . Ha was sober enough to give his name and age. If years, when taken Into custody. Jailer Branch took him out of his cell to dis charge him from custody yils morning, when he turned pale and sank te the floor. Dr. Matson waa summoned, pro nounced the man's condition eerioua, and ordered him aent to the hospital. , . ' 1 r ...4.... .' Talk oa Pay oho logy. There will be a meeting tomorrow aft ernoon - at - tha home of .Mrs. Otto Rothschild. S4J Third atreet. of the so cial : economic!, department of the Woman'a club. Dr. Norman H. Nesblt will give a Ulk oa 'Taychology." . .. Iflll GIRLS LEAR JODIE Josephine Bates and Estella Field Tell of Experience in Elk -' Saloon.' BARTENDER MADE THE -' : ENGAGEMENT WITH ONE Mies Field Bronght Sixteen-Year-Old Joaephlne" Bates With Her There ' Were Many Ways to Get in, Saya ' Miag Batta. ''' ''..- . . ' .In Judge Clf land's department of the circuit - court thla morning Josephine Batee, aged II yeara, and Estella Field. 10, told how young girls are enticed into saloona and taught to drink. Jamea McPherson, bartendjr at the Elk aa- loon, Third and Yamhill atreata,' accused of Inviting them Into a room In tho rear of tha aaloon. liatened to tha atory. ' The proprietor of the - aaloon ' la charged with violating tha ' ordinance permitting females under 21 - years of age In ' hla place, - The chargea were made by Policeman Price, whoedeclared that between I and o'clock one morn ing he met the two girls In company with 'MePhereon. the bartender. ' The Iris were intoxicated, he aald. and were ainging as they walked . along tha atreeta. . He a treated tnera . ana tney spent the night In Jail. . The Batee girl aeciarea mat sn want to the aaloon because she wss Invited to so bv her friend. Estella Field. Mine Field was Invited, she aald, by Mc Pherson, the bartender, who called her by - 'phone during . the afternoon. He served them with wine end cocktails, they said. . - . -"I know I must have been drunk." said the H-year-old girl., "for l -wee tha first time I ever drank any wine. 1 1 don't remember much what happened after I drank It. We entered the place through a- rear. door. There are many waya to get In, ee I waa told that nlghf . . .. .... The eaae went to tne jury . " afternoon. ' - ' FlliDS OBSERVER DIGGInG VEll III DESERT K. Experiment Succeeds Silver . .Lake Country . Wil Be Great ' Stock Country, Says Beals. While making hla tour of tha Interior part ef the atate to eacertaln If tha weather bureau - instruments were In good ahape at tha vmrloua cooperative atatlona District Forecaster Baals, who returned thla .morning, aaya that ha found one of hla obaervera busily em ployedniTTIlgglng an ai tealan well." The observer was F. M. Chriatman. wno ia located at a point near . Silver Lake, which la a barren deaert with tne ex cepllon , of a " Tieavy ' growth" of aa are brush here and there. r i 1 Mr. Chrlatman had the well aunk to a depth of 2JH -feet and waa atlll boring away - confident that ha would secure a good flow of water.- Water waa atruck at a depth ef 7 feet, but not In sufficient quantltlea to reach the aurface. ' "Other aettlera In that neighborhood are keeping In touch with, thla experi ment." saya Mr. Beela, "and if It provea a aueeeae .t will maan greet things to them. Water would make that one of the finest atock raising snd farming aec tlona In the atate.. There la a new country being settled thla fall about l miles northeast of Sliver Lake Late expeiimenta rn that locality have abown that plenty of water can be fourtd at a depth of only le or It feet below the surface. With thla aa the condlUon It is believed that the jsountry will pro duce alfalfa and aettlera are Socking In there from every point of the compass to try their hand at farming." During tha paat two weeks Mr. Baals haa covered a distance of more than 400 ... . . v Im.J h miles. For ins m" .... she.vsrH tatlnna la good ahape and properly oxpoaeby the volunteer obaervera. 1 . . SAMUEL SIMON WEDS r ;; ; TODAY IN NEW YORK Th marriage of Samuel . Simon' of tn wins Kami Ooldsmlth takea place today. at the home of the brlde'a parents. 101 Mast Bevenijr-awcunu New Tork.J The groom le a member of tha firm of Flelsohner, Mayer Co., and Is a brother of former Senator Joseph Simon. ' Hla eister. aira. ywnionw, also Uvea In Portland. . Tha bride la a coualn of Mra. Ben Selling, and Mra. E. Sechel and haa a . number of friend here. '. " ' ; .. ? ;' e , rUlUM"wCeae. '1 : .TV..'.' r,n (joaraal gseelal gsrvlsa-t . El Paso, Texaa, Nov. It. In : . tha world'a championship drilling contaat for the 11.000 W. C, Greene puree. Mc Iver and Bradahaw thla morning drilled tt 1-10 - Inches arid - the "Terrible Swedee". of CHppla Creek, Colorado. II 1-1 lneheo. i A reaolutlon waa Introduced e the mining congress aession calling for gov ernment experimental . atatlona In tha different atate schools of mines and for a federal atatuta whereby the lo cator of a claim may In lieu of annual assessment work pay ISO. " " -, y '' Seataaeea for Bobbery.-' ' In the circuit court - thia . morning Joaeph Hoff and O. W. Scott were oen teneed te t and ttt yeara Imprisonment respectively for robbery. . They were convicted of having held up and robbed a man at Front and Davla streets Oc tober . Jlott was releaaed from the penitentiary a short time previous and la aald to be an old offender. Soott Waa convicted as an accomplice.- . FALSE CZAR APPEARS PEASANTS FLOCK TO HIM e e f tjoanul S perls I gerviee. St. Petereburg, Nov. Is. .-A t near mm " falsa emperor has appeared d Pensa and already his followers' number i0,0O0. This . report Is , 4 from Slmblrse. If the report te - true snd tha pretender haa really 4 d placed himself at tha head of tha d ' pee sentry, tha government farea 4 4 other trougler than agrarian re- ;-e e hellion. . 1. ' . '' , X ALVOST EVERYBODY , b couhin. It li the time of year when people are moat $u$ ee?ilb!e to colds. ' Scott' Emul sion will not only cure the cold, which otherwise might hang on J winter, but wi gfa strength and flesh to the body to resist more colds, pneumonia, etc. . SCOTT a BOWVC. e Pearl Swaet, Mew Yerta, CITS GIO OHIGAGE : b;i ie others-own . -I: 't -; ' ; , :,- ;,'r,."- Missing Witness in Seattle Real Estate-Frauds Discovered , . . Hiding. . . - r - .. -.! ... t ,. . ' : - f Joaraal Special Barries.) ' . Seattle, Wash., Nov. 1. Frank Downy, - -th fugitive witness in the real eatate frauds, waa arrested by Deputy Sheriff Griffith late last night hiding In the northern part of the city. He was taken . to tha county jail, where he la atlll con fined. ;-:. .:.. - . v Henry - O. ' Clough. - aecretary of the Odessa (Washington), university. Is oa -the stand today. On cross-examination he was forced to admit that he had been InforrSed by the Babcock Furniture 00 in pany of Spokane that hla alleged title to Lincoln countv land waa fraudulent. and lhat It belonged to them. Never- "' theleaa, later he executed a mortgage on the land to Downy, who tranaf erred to Bert Colllne. now on trial, and by tha -latter tt waa used to purchaaa tha prop erty of Mra. Oingua, which waa aold -before aha discovered aha had -frauded. - '" ', Clough - clalma - that ha gave the mortgage In the hope- of raising funds - for the alleged university. Under order of the court the unlveralty books are '. being used aa evidence end the prosecue" tlon expects to show that this, fraudu lent Instrument waa-not the only one that Clough had been Identified with. - Thla afternoon tha proeecutlog ex- . . oecta to Introduce ev1denca-coiintlwg Clough and J. Ralph .Norton, who ia be lleved to be a myth, and who acknowl- edged the deed before Paul Dorrottser, attorney for Bert Collins a few months ' ago. The atatement of tha prosecuting attorney Am that on aeveral . occaelone ' partlea have applied to htm for war- , ranta. for Dormltsera arreat. . ..whole- , aale arrests are promised at the conclu sion of the trial. tlonal atatement that J. Ralph Norton, whose fraudulent deeda In Washington, Missouri and California he disponed of under po-wer."of attorney last . March, -waa a guest of the Auditorium ' hotel In Chicago, and there received money from the aalee or hla alleged property. A wire haa been aent to ech.lcsgo to" verify the atatement ; , (, LABOR FEDERATION ASKED TO MEET IN DENVER Scullin Is Accused of Getting , Money Under False Pre- ' i tenses. ' ';:' '. ; .-. - "iJosraal Spaelsl Service.) Pittsburg,- Nov.. 1. The Amertcen Federation of Labor waa today Invited by the mayor and chamber of commerce to meet next year In Denver.-. , . - Delegate Frank Duffy told tha federa tlaa of a person giving the .nam !)! P. H. Scullin of Seattle. Wasblngto 1. who. ha aald, bad traveled from coast to ooaat getting money from labor lead era and others under falaa pretenaea ay , being an organiser, for tha Industrial Peace aaaoclatlon. '. - A reaolutlon- waa offered that I10A from H. C. Frlck to tha entertainment committee be refuaed.. Oompers tn a hosted address urged tha refusal of all auch contributions. Tha reaolutlon waa referred to the committee. During the addreaa of William Mosses of Englsnd a small fire among the flags Interrupted the meeting for 10 minutes. . GOOD CORNER IS SOLD FOR FIFTEEN THOUSAND Fred S. Stanley and Robert Smith to day bought tho southeast 'corner at Thirteenth, and Marahall streets from ' R. K. M. Strickland of Spokane for $16,000. John D. Wilcox made tha aala. Tha purchaaa la understood to have been for an Inveatment The property ta In . tha district that undoubtedly will be utilised largely In tha future for ware house purpoaea. Other aalea are pending In that sec tion and the general Impression appears to have bean created that property there will be valuable oa account of the de mand for sites for large bulldlnga for storage." '-' 1 ' ; . The Intimation waa' given a. few day ago that . the railroad company will build a apur down Fifteenth atreet to afford ahlpplng facllltiea for that dis trict, and in answer to thla announce ment property there haer-taken on added Importance., - - . . - , j EX-SPEAKER HENDERSON J , . IS REPORTED DYING -; .- . ' ' . -1 tlooraat SpeeUl wvlee. ' " ', Dubuque, - Ia., Nov, K. Ordinary ; medical methods have been . abandoned and the aged brothar , of ex-Bpeaker David B. Henderson la acting aa a nurse and trying to aava the life of hla pa tient by applying repeatedly hotJj!an- keta to tha body to keep tha blood fmm the head -of hla brother, who la aald te be dying. - - Qtggngs AuffUalt Flsysae Is the stoat enpalar remedr aa tke glebe fee the ran of all stomaes, dletive, h,r tmihlee snd bihltosl eonatlpatlon, wits- their ailaershle ef feeta Ws sdTertlsed ss s test la T x0 aevspa- yrrm tow , num. rrm or any reae where Aiisiwt rinwer wss ae4 that did aot al.e nilsfsetlnq. Osly three -eases ef rallare ta fhon..n1. ef letters: twe rr ,hM. . of .the tom-h. . Prlre V ind 7B cetita net hoiiu al aU aracisita. (eat Urtca'a AUBtaaa. ' . . i ' 8.' ; : ' ' : ' , . 1