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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1905)
THE OREGON - DAILY? JOUr.:.'AL. I C.iTLAND. "WEDNESDAY " EVENING, NOVEMBER' "15. "-1ZZS. IODAY' SHORTAGE OF CARS HURTS TRADE 'Potato Men Complaining Be- cause California Dealers Get :iL All They Want. SH.P TRAIN LOADS "" " . WHILE OTHERS WAIT Wheat U Weaker Hops Firmer and Some Sales Are Made Higher Tone in Poultry Vastly Improved , and Eggs Are Stiff at Top. -1 . Front Street. Kov. 15. The principal feature of (hi Portland wholesale market today r: Wheat market .to weaker. Flour market toll bat unchanged. " . Hops are aelllug higher. ,. '' Fge very linn and ecarre. - ' . Poultry selling' st advance. . "' Pressed bog arrive freely. - Drraaed Teal mm -rather lively. , rirat car- California cauliflower. ' " Cabbage haa a dull feeling, ' Fancy tomatoes are higher. . r 1 Car cranberrlee add sweet' potatoes, Gtnst shortage la. ear again. ... ' Salmon sappllee .rather email. -Potatoes and salons arm. Great Bnortag la Railroad Equipment, . Never waa the hortas la cars mora pro pounced 1b thle territory than- today. Potato alilppera art up In arma and ey they are loalug ennalderalil atoory becaus of the action ot the railroad la keeping the rolling atorfc ont , f O rerun, OLh claim i made that California Upper aeeure all the ' ear they want, but - thus la Oregon are told to wait. On dealer . In this city claim- ha--haa ae- flr la for a : rar t load potatoea at a nearby point (or boot a moot and tharo la no Indleatloa that 'ha will get the. car In the near futar. Other . pntatomea maka th Mint aeeertion. Says oot of the: 'California potato-growers ere able te " get plenty of rare to do business with.- - They are hipping entire tralnloede of potatoes to the . ' far south, while wo are compelled to tt by and lock our thumb. Soma of jtr . rhaaed -potatoes but- bv not ret takea fbem la. The market I liable to advance and tbaaJ Some of the growera will refuee . to deliver. , -Tuat'l other oar pocket-book ara touched.': rotate Market to Firmer. . -' There te a armer ton to th potato market en account of th better feeling, and higher price In th Cillfornla market for fancy stocks. Fancies ouly are wanted, a th south -., has - plenty of ordinary etocke. Th eaortag - In cara Is the mala regulator of ' th potato -altuatloa. 'The -name market la dall bat firm. ' Frier th him. r-' -, Ilevea (Santa Tali fr Xeps. " ' Elevea cant- la being iult freely bid and n aalc at that Bturs wa reported ymterday t Independence, la that section many otter "- of 11 bar beca refused during . th paat 48 hoars. Of tha altoatlon la the general market. and especially New York, tha Producers' Pries Current of that-ettr In its leeue ot K or ember Ban: . , - vaiee. Receiptsfor week 4.M TTTleeelpIo fro Beptcaioert".;.".V.V.-... -T.I tecelpta same time laat year 00.444 Kiports to Kuroe for week - 8"0 Fx porta from fleptemher 1 .............. i.ftiu - Kiporta earn tint lt year SP.4NT Imnnet foe week t......f. ............. . SI4 - lmM.1. f.M lUnLBllMW 1 . 8.01U liupias aam tluia laet year .1.15 ' The aharp decline lately vred ea tha racing roast caneed brewera to take a 111 He -mor . Internet In th altuatloa. aa prices were tempt. Ing and, with a more active demand and heavy . . ! during tha weak advice reporting many a B,otiu to .ouo aeie purraaaea ia one say. th market ha developed rather more stoadlnoaa. Hales have ranged from HjT for common np to lie for rholr. On th loesl market ex porter are still buying eteedily choice atetea at 20tt22e and probably have taken la th selghoorbood of 4.000 bale ao' far aad sorb ere dee are trdllr held, bnt poorer statre are almoat entirely neglected. The Gormen ' market allows weakness and quotation kav boea from i te T marts lower. A heavy baat ', neaa h reported on th Bagllak market for all eervleeotit grades. Ktate, lMift, prim to choice, lb .10031 State. lmiS, common t fair. lb. .......... 1:145 State. 1B04, choice, lb 14tfl State. 1104. prime, lb 2kn I'aclHc coast. lIMtt. prim to choice. Ib....H'n 15 I'lrinr nalt. IWIiL cbolca to fair. lb......KV Pneltle enaat. ll4. ebole. lb .....1XI4 - PaHSc coaat. 11104, prime, lb lOtall Old old, lb .' Wheat Market Is Weaker. There Is a weaker ton to th wheat market ' and aom dealer are -talking of dropping th ' price 1 par bushel. 'The claim Is mad that price are to blf h. -considering th quotation ea lour. Kaporter say taey cannot no nnn f, ltt prreri nv in one Sour market 1 , quiet but unchanged.. . Calif raia. Caallaawm JUrls. Za. The Bret car of California cauliflower of th Season earn la during 4h morning from Lea . Angrie la good shape... It (old at I1.SOC1.00 per crate. Home fancy tomatoes from the same, place fooad a good demaixi at (l.m. viacr grsoes ranged from 1 to Sa.2S per erst. Another rar of eranberrte and a car ef wet pets toe were among to arrive w-of tonay. Cabbage la a trln toe plentiful nd price - are ranging lower wltb a duller ton la th market. sultry tallkag at Advaac. T . The ton t th poultry market (how eoe alilerable Improvement. Receipt are quit fair bnt demand I I acre suing aad dealers ex- - perlnac ao trouble la selling at quoted figures. Ranch rgga very scare with prices st the very top. Keatera atocka sraeer But unchanged. '- Ih-eaaed' bog are coming too freely and few aalra are being made today at th top.- Veal I llktwl coming more freely. Price th same. ''..'''..' i ' - Ths following price are being paid (king Front treet by th treda for cbolca quality In roand lots. Producers' price are ao aped f4 rebx,HetuT aa Vtod. ' " WHBAT Nw club, TV: red Koaalaa, T0e WOO: brewing. Sia.S0O28.0tj. , - CORN Whoto. .; aracked, tM.00 per ' OATPiSncorOpriea-. 1 white, $20.00: ry. 24.BO'R2.00. - - FLOi;R New eastern- Oretoa patents, B4.SS; trahtht,, SS SMBS TO; export, S.tiia.45; val- ley .Tf)iS.W: graham, S3.601 tjt, 0, . SS.wr; bale. 'LJ-.. MlfXSTUFrs Brsa. 10f "" ' dllnga. 20.00: aborts, soantry, . 120.00; lty. ' HAi-doeerVHcaothy. Wlll.mett. valley, fancy, S1I.00O1S.OO; ordinary, 7 Ofiej 00 1 eamera OregonT S14.00O18.00r mlteT. ' MOO 00 lnver, SS.o0O10.O0i grala S.4oO i.OOt cheat, .0u4iS.S0. . ,, , BuHar, Xggs aad Poultry. ' -' ' BUTTER FAT W. o, b. Portland Sweet cream, 2Vei oar, IH. ' BUTTBR City creamery, SOc; entald fancy, , 8T4e: ordinary. 2; atore, 117. . r.iWn No. 1 fresh Oregon, candled, tSQaoc; tvld atnraga and eastern, 274l28tie. CITEBfll Naw Fall cream, twin. ldttS tonng America, 1SH Cheddar. 14n ' . Jack rabbits, St per doe. ;l WEDNESDAY PRICES IN s THE WHEAT MARKET ' Dee. May. ' 4 J rtilpsgo ...,,. . A I '.UK A- Ht. Louis .' .3 , A . . ' 4 Milwaukee .... S A .UKA 4 d Kanaas City... .7IK d Liverpool Kl Salltl"4 New York,..,,' ...... ' .H qa Mlnneeipolls .Is aaes rniluth ....... .......,.,'. Pun Francisco. l.J7Vi 1.4314 d S MARKETS JOURNAL'S DAILY TIPS TO SHIPPERS 4 .- Thlg year thera will be an tin y '' usual demand -for turkeys that . 4) .... 4 . are well . fed. Shippers would ; 4W maka more money by getting their poor stocks Into prima con- 4) dltlon than they would by ship-"' ping It at this time. At the moment there Is very food de- roand for tha better class of : good a. Dressed stocks continue wante4.the.mp8t :i . - - ' POi r.TRT Mixed chickena. lie: fancy ben. MttllHe per lb: moatera. old. t"vO per lb; fry, era, lle ui; oroiiera, iie iu. aef lfto per lb;-geer. (te par .lh; turkey, JV! -r lb: dremcd. , XtUM per H; . squabs, I. 00 per dva. . Hops, Woal aa4 Side, TIOPS 1S0S Oregon, chok-e. lOHQIIc; prim. TAAc; poor grade. 8r7c; Waablug ton. IOci 104 crop, d'-ic for choice. WOOI IWOS clip, valley, eoarae to mdlm, 4StjiJVci tna. Jo7l altera Oregoa, MOHAIR Nominal, SOQSle. ' ' BUERPHKIMH tjbearta-. liio aarks abort wool, gof)40c each; medium woot, SO Id 7 5 aacaj long wool. ISctUHM aeh. TALLOW Prim, pa lb, SHt)4a Kv Sad gre.. rHITTIl HARK SH3e per lb. HID Eft Dry, No. t. Id lbs and np. 18H0 ITH oar lb; dry ktp. No. 1, to IS lbs. 14e; dry calf. No. 1. under I ha. ISct aaltad kldea, ateera, eoand. 00 Iba and ever. lWllci sows, SnSHe: stags and bnlla. aonnd. SQTc; kip, W to SO lbs. wc; calf, soaad. under 16 ba. lie: green, nnaalted, 1 leu; culls. 1c per lb leee; koreehldee. aalted, each, $1 tt1.T5l dry. each. II. OoaiO; colt bides, zfiOiKiet gnat (kins, common, each, lOQISci Angora, eaeb. 130 LOO. . rratte- aad agstakUs. POTATOr.8 Beat Oregon, 8Aa)90 sack: ear lot, tt$)7Be sack: ordinary, 6; car lota, (OaBSc; sweeU, 11. W) aack: fa.lB2.X6 crste. ONIONS New Ore roe yellow nanvera. tl.Xi: ear Iota, 1 0"wl 1U; garlic, aiglue per lb. rustii r KiJirn AppiM, orecoa. l.oocii.eo: fancy, l.T!iX; crebapplea. Vl.BO; orengea, new navel, (.1ot)l 4.00: banaaaa. So lb: lantona. eholce, 5.Nio5.7 per box: fancy, da 0 per box; limes, Mexican, fl.SS per 100; DlneaiHilea. S4.00 ner ana: sxanee. il.B": oeara. tl.SSitjtl.M per box: pome grans tea, I1.2S per box: tangerine. SI.Til. -.... - VrogiiBl.ltS Turnln. new. 11.00 per ir; carrots. gl.OO per . ack: beets, ILOnt) l.SS per sack; Oregoa radish re. Ba pet do; rhhge, Oregon. 0tiirr7&e per cwt; greea pep p re, Te per lb: California shmatora. fl.nnt) 1.40; paranlpa. tl.ontl.zo; erring beans. SOlAc; ccnlldower, l.8ftTX.0O per crate: rhubarb, lel- green pena. j tic per in; aoraeranisn, iuc per io; artlrhnkea. dOaTKIle nee dna: hothonae lettuce. fi.Ooai.T.tapef box; celery, local. AOtrTSc per anal eggpiaut. par crate: pumnhina, me: aqnaah. 1 Vie; rannrrrlea. Jeraeya. II2.00O1XS0 per bin: Cone bay and Tillamook, fin.oo. DRIBD FRUITS Apples, evaporated, Sffse per 4h; apricots, lie per lb; sacks. He per lb Iras; pear-toes. 10tlle per lb; prune. SO to 40, 5Ue; e. drop oa each alxteearb smsller Ise: fig, California black. 6HJe ne lb: Csllfornie white. Be per lb: data. gaMea. de per lb; farts. SI Jtrt per 15-lb box. U 58; Coat. A. ttAo; beet arannUtad, n.SR; extra C. 18.06; goldra O, S4.0S; l yellow, 14,83; bhle. 10c; ti bble, Ac bos. So advaac a aack beet, lee tSe per ewt for rasa, II days; maple 14Q16C per lb. m"." r, r i per crate. ; COFFER Packare brands. SlB.Ttl. SALT Coarse Half ground. 100a. per to", tabl. dairy. Bos, 1 11.00: lOO. S10.T8: Im ported Liverpool. SO $1T.00; 100. SIS Ml f24s. Sid 00: xtr Sne, bhhL aa. aa, Ina, 4AtB KOt balk. 820 lbs.. S4.00aB.00: sack a. os. el site. PALT CoareM-TTate wmnd"Tfirai via vow. IT. 00: B0, per ton. ST.Mi T.lveepoot. tonrp rock, f per laai ao-ia rocs. 17.00: ioosl. areoariea. . Mi Above prices spnly' to asles ef RraAR sUek basis Cube. M M: than SB.sS; fralt grsonlated. SB.BB; dry grsnnlsteo, rsr nn,. var avis sis apecisi prion aojri 1 Snernatlnn.) . . GRAIN. B AOS Calcutta. TUa. . r KUr Imperial Jepaa. K. t. CcC N. a. nsrQiit: H orarea neaa, Te: Ajai, Be Creole. flJio. ... BEANS Small whrte. SS TB: ' targa white. on: pink, mi; bayosv M 00; umaa, S4.00 Mevlcan rede. BU. ... NPTS Peanuts, frtmhoa. Sto pee tht vrremia, Te per n; rneated. sc; earoaanta, aneTOOe nee doa: walnnt. lAexIBUe nee lhi nine nuts. fnerlSH per lb; hickory ants. IPe per in: casatnats. eaarera. id jioe per m rrasii nuts. Ie ner lh: fflneets. l4aatHe ner Bit fsacv pecan, lay. evince: atmanoe. ivsriTe per is. . Fahrta. Oaal Ona, Eta. ROPE Pur Manila. Ue; standard. I3ic; also I. lie. - COAL oibpran ar aarrai i-aaes. snna ae gal: 'water .white. Iron bhle, IV per sal; ise par gaii aeaaiigat, iiu-osg.. 12U neT sal. OASOLINR-SS-det. eases. 14 H per gal; Iron ll. is per gal. RENflNaV-dS-dear. ease, til per gal; Ina bill. 18t4e per gsL TtlRPENTINR Ia eases, fe par call wsodes DOTS, nir per B-as. WHITE LEAD To lota, r per lb S00- 10 rs. ne per in: seen mrs. se per ro. . WTRR NAITS Present bsss st St. TO. MNPEEn OIL Par raw. In S-bhl lots, B4ct t Jihl kt. Mel rasaa. doe ner sal: aeanlne kettle boiled, eases. 82c oar ral: 8-bbl Vita. Bnci l-bhl lot. B7e per ysi: groana case, car- mm. w.ov par teal leas tna rsr lore. per xoa. . . Meatsrisk and ZWvlaKmaJ FRESH MICATS Front (treet Beef (teets. KavRe ner lb: boa, block. TH per Ih: nark. era. TOW Prr . e11"- del " per lb: cows, SttOoc per lb veal, extra. 7'4t per lb; rdl. sary. 6c per lb; poor. Be per lb; mutton, fancy, 7 hc par 10- isusl BACON. irrC. Portland Back floeall hsms, 10 to 14 Ina. I2e per Ih: 14 to Id Iha. 12V4C- lb: break f set bacon. IBltte par Ih; picnic. So Pr lb; regular short clears, sa a rooked. II per Ih: . smoked. 12e per lb; elese back. Una rooked, lOVc pep lb- niokrd. 114 par lb: Union butts, 10 to IS lbs. aa. mokd. 8 per lot smoked, ae per Tb: clear bellies. nnaaMiked. 11 per lb) smoked, 12e par mi aoouiucr. e-av wr iw. . . - . LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. iOa, Helper lb: 6. Ilc per lb; fttvib .tins, loe per lb: ateam rendered. 10a. I"c per Id; Sa. lOUe ir lb: componna, lua, o. CANNED SALMON Columbia rlswr. 1-lb tails, 11.80; 2-lh telle. 8. To; fancy 1-fb Sets, SI P0 w in tancy new,; isncy tin arsis, ax 4 tl dk.Pi Alaska is 11a. p 2a. tall. 82.00. FISH koek end. Te par fhi lonnder. 8a ner Ri; halibut, 8C per tb; era be, 11.10 per doa; striped bam, 1SH per Iht catftah, Re per lb; salmon, ellvemlda. c per Ik: blnebacka. a per lb; herring. Be per Iht aole. Se per Ibf eanmpe, iuc per id; oercn, ne per 40; alack cod, T par lb; allver araelt, 7 per lb lobslera, 16e- freak aaackarel, 8 par Ih; wrawasa, SS per do. OXSTERS Rboalwator bay, per gal, 82.28: per aack, 88.TB. . CLAMS Hard-shalU' par box. S2.00; rasor (lama, 2.00 jgut box. , - NEW TORK OOrtM ailUT, . New York. Nov. IB. Coffee fat area closed 10 polnta higher. . ' vincial close: Rid. Ask.! Bid. Ask. Tannery -W.S Sa 'Oi July ,,.,..7 2fl S7.RO February .. 8.S0 e.wiAupnat ...t. T.SB T 40 March ..,.. 80 O.wAlft-ptember. .. T.4B f.SO April. ...... TOO T.OB1 October f... T.BO T.RB May ....... T.10 f.lKINnvemher .. 6.(1-1 S.BO Jon ....... T.1S T.2U December ,. S.&0 a 00 Hew Terk Cask Caffee. '.,''' Raw York. Nov. IS. Caab coffee: No. T Rul SVc; No. d Santo, se. tooAH xiirnre stocks. - Ran Fraaelaco, Nov. Ml. Toeopah ItockV, of- nciai aloe, morning session: Bid. Bid. e Montana 2.42 C-Jlall UA( .fo mifiway i.m , MrNamsra .... .20 1 1 Belmont 147 North Star 1 4.1 Rescue ,.... ,0T Bold Monntaf.. . .on Urn Butler .an I Columbia TMt." lil .Inmb -Jnrobo Extra, Blank Butte..... Ooldea Anckor., Silver Pick .... Rer A O'Brlra.. .76 IT .1.1 .8.1 . , . . ,iia .26 .21 , .24 .07 ,n . .14 .21 r .M .08 - Nvrsda ....... Red Ton 12HIliu Toaopeb... Ton. F.xtcoaloa. S.IWi (toldfleld .M Sandstorm ..... .BO Sandatorsi Ex.. .11 Aflame .06 Mohawk "... 1.1 lrtxl .., .06 ... pun rronja.a rVlamondfteld ... Lone-Star ....a lUXD. ......... Cash Boy',.... Iienver Krllpae National Bank,. chicaoo tocat froexs. ' Chicago, Nov, in Local atocka 1 : Bid, 1 - Bid. PI -iilt IM', Diamond Watck. .141 4 Rotrmard ........ 2 'fuhway 4 Pan K'JITool 46 Carbos II ( ' ... mit iieds rod iti;ie Wheat Crop of That Country s Will Either Make or Break the Prices in European Markets CHICAGO PIT CLOSE IS LOWER AS RESULT Quotations Lose ' an ,' Eighth to I Quarter ' Cent Cables , Disappoint ing With -General Downward Tea dency-Trade Ia Quiet. , V ' ' . WED.NBSDAT'S WHEAT MARKET. .Cloa cioa ; Im Cloo ' Wed. Tuea. , Tue. i ear Aga necembcr.. ertuber..:..S .M AS .m S ""i SI-11 ay.......... .fiNVA .MS A .t4 (ly jbS v -Wi 7 M July Chlearo. Nov. IB. Lores At Rrvaa asvi Allghtly lower rabies and large receipt In th aorinweat gar tne wheat market an eaaier toue at the opening, bnt the decline culminated in the first hour, after which the Improvement was alow and unsteady, with final prices 14 at lc lower. The altuatloa at the moment seems to revolvs around Arsentlna. - News from th.t country la conflicting and any estimate oa their crop of vital Interest to th European coun tries im will do mueb to make or area. price : abroad. . list late seating oruar. As to wheat, th low point In th com market waa reached early la tlte eeeolnn. with the cloa unchanged to a lower. At th low price th market seemed to run Into reeling order, from which th rally developed. Sentiment 1 allied. leaving th market mum two-aided. Tha eata mire ara well held, considering IB. other pita aad the large advaac th market haa bad.. Provisions rloeed Be- lower. If th packers Ideas aa to continued liberal receipts of hog are realised, their support to - the spacalatlv market ceaaot be expected. orrinai ouoiatmo by Overoecg, Starr at vooa company: . - ... WH RAT. i Onea. HIh: tow Dec.. May July u-.s. .8.V4 s' .HHX, .WtV 14 .831 .Kit, CORN. . m 4os - .4f OATS. . " Dee.... 44T, - .48 ,444 : .48 U .4514 ' Msy..,T.. July..... Dec...... Msy .444 .4 Jia , .30 .204 , , , ,24 ' .aaii -24 .st .si ,. - MESS PORK, .S4A -14 B Jr Jan...... 12.BB. .12 Nl 12 50 May. 12.97 12.67 . U.S 12 B5 .. , - .W ' .T LARD. ' Tec:.,... 8 SO -, Jan.i..-.r-d 7 S.SO--, May.;.... d.8 f.lT .77 S.8S SHORT RIBi. Jaa...... .M 8.12 6.47 May .7 . d.75 S.T a so S.72 fRMABT emAisr motxmivt. I Chle Corn Khlnmeats Wheat .... Corn ....... i-iearanees: want, sea.ow bush!: corn. 22.000 bushel; eata., M.0OV basks ks- (knr, 21,. CHICAOO CASH WHiAt, Chloaro. NoV. IS. Caeh wheat: ma. Ask, No., t red. f .87 S .80 No. tt red..... .88 No. 2 hsrd NAtt 417 .86 .no .tat M Ko. S hard ., .M No. 1 northern.. ..- .aa, No. 2 northern.,. JW Ne. S spring , .83 CKICAO0 ORAIIf CAR LOTS. Chicago, Nov. 15. ? rain ear lota: i;arae. vraue Rat. IM 310 108 1S04 Wheat 10 - 4 Cora a Oat . 4 ' S . inn SS ..113 ait frajicisoo aaaix market. Raa Frnaetoco. No. IS. Official emes. mora Ing eeeswa: Wheat, December, I1.87W: May. 11.42',. . Bafley, December, Sl.lTti: Mav. UTXRPOOI. ORAM MARXKT. v Llreroool. Nor. IB. Ckme: Wheat. DecemMr. T lad. 14 d lower; March. 7 lid. 14d lowar: M7, ,6 lid. 4d lower. rfensuudryVw 5r.aTrfST"5;srboTE sacbsaged. EFFORTS TO ADVANCE ARE FUTILE ID CATTLE . Nominal. Receipts Have No Ef fect . Upon Valuese Hogs "j Weak -Sheep Rrm. . Portland Union Stockyarda. Ner. IB. Uve- atock receipt; , . - .- nogs t;siti ooerp Todsv Ill . 71 Week ago 142 128 74 I'revloua week.... , 840 2 . 1ST Month ago Holiday. , Every effort haa been made by the trsd te better price for rattle, but the 'r la rata. The market remain weak, area with nominal arrival. Hog com freely, but the tone M bad. Hbecp bold their owa, likewise Umbo aad email veal calve. Official price for livestock! Hosts Beat eastern Oreroa. 8.1. SOWS. 78: block ers and China fats,' (S.U0; storkers and feed- . - ti.wni.a, ... Cattle Beet eastern Oregna steer. 88.001 1.2.1; llxht aod medium ateera. S2.0oM2.23; light cowa.-S2.2B; tocker aad feed era, X2i; ball. iv . Sheep Wether, Sc; mixed sheep, dV404c; freight ws. fie: lamia. Sets 14c. Calves Good real. 1-VI to 200 nonad. SBSKe: rough and heavy, SOStte. . I ASTER R HOPS tOWERv Chicago, Not. 18. Llreatork receipts: . Hog t'sttl Sheen Chicago .28.000 K.ono JN.onii City ls.taa) ll.orn T.ono Omaha 8,500 8.5O0 4.0ta) Hoes opened weak to Be lower, with 8.0110 left over. Receipts a year ago were 88.000. Prlrea: Mlied. S4.BOi4..1: anod. S4.BSU4.MI: rongh. S4.8.-.Q4.B6; light, 4. 404(4.60. -- t aitie eneaoy, . Sheep Steady. COTTON FIFTEEN Ta TWENTY-EIGHT LOWER New x'ork. Nov. 18-Cotton fa tare tkieed 19 te 2 polnta lower. Official quotation by Orerbeck, Starr Cook company; Onea. fllrh. Low. Ctnm. Tsnnary ........... ,1(H lOVd 1063 lottoedO Kebmsry ........... ... .... March ..............1118 1116 April 1120 1120 May ..............'..1128 1128 .... jokou e loan 10Hre7 inn Iimii4ift2 10t2 loei t6 1120 lOMMIIO lioo Il2ei04 10.WI IO.1IIU40 104S lOoSbtM jHMt ......1120 1120 Jnly ., IIW) Ii:to NnvemlMr ....... ...inwi limit December ..wit load llverseel Oettaa Klgher. Liverpool I. Nov. 18. lotteri future I la 2 polut klgher; market idy Nov.--15. ' 'recelpta. - - . ..... J . . . I". I .f I V. Bosh. Bnah. I Wheat l.3a.nfla aia ona 1 40,000 oa,0ud I l7,O00 462.1100 1 TS7.000 - 141 ona Great Damage ls Being Done to the Orfon Potato Industry by the' Action of the Rail roads In Withholding Sufficient Cars. . UOGKIfJG VALLEY G .P0II1TS UP New York' Stock Market I Again Bullish .and Riees Are General In the List. V ' SMELTER COMMON TWO AND AN EIGHTH UP Bullish Tips Out for Brooklyn and a Good ' Rise Results Money Rates ' Have, Downward Tendency--Most iStocks a Point Higher. - " . ADVANCES. - Aascoad a isjBiefmri g-acioc. 1 Amalgamated . 1 Norfolk Pbwiier . 21, N.' V. Central. - -.2 Car It Foundry... U Ontario A Western. Brooklyn I Jlaltlmore ....... Colorada Fuel .... 1 St. Paul ( '. N. W 1 Chesapeake : 1 14 Pennsylvanln ..... Pari Ac Mall. People's Haa ....... t4 Pressed Steel Car. H do preferred 4 Reading - lh Colorado Southern. Kep. Steel, pfd.... 14 2d sfd 1IU. M. Rubber 2V do 1st pfd 1 1 It. 8. Steel Great Weetars...-. U Western Unloa.... S trie Ko.-k Island do 2d pfd 1 do preferred..... 114 do 1st pfd 1 -,! F.. 2d pfd 1 Loco motive ...... lVKonthrrn Ry 4 Hocking Valley ... S IHonthern PaHSc... 4 Ullnnla Central. .lWITeaaaaaee fal- Louisville ISrTetss Paclae... 4 Mexlcaa Central.. I'nloa Peclde...... Ksty 1 Wabaab .- da preferred.... 1 do preferred..... . JjfJaJ(4l Atrhlsoa ......... mtansdlsa ......... M "r 'Hi Railway Springe , -WaU Street, New Vork Nov. IS llocklag Valley (prang tale prominence today aad scored an advance of S poists. There ware tlpa out tor aa advaaea la Brooklya and a rise of 1 points was mads. Katy was prominent (gala, the common rising I and the preferred 14 points. Colorado A Hoothern second and irst pi. felled sumrd lines of i point aca. Smelter waa acuv win a gsin or xA polnta in -tn common. Reading and failed States - Rubber were very active, a rlss ef l4 points la th latter being ahowa at the rlaae. -Of Seta I quotation by Over beck, Starr J Cpok cempany:- DE8CRIPTI0N. Anaconda Mining Co.... 11SV xacomot 1 v ....... , nref erred - 07 11414 AmaL Copper Ua Atrhlsoa, com .-TiTTr.iT. 81 aa54 do preferred Am. Car A Found., com. do Brafrrrad Am. Sugar, com. ....... 1H814 Am. Smelt. . com. ....... do preferred Baltimore Ohio, esm., SxafP ptwTfITfeQ . ,". . aa Cenadl ParlOc, com., ChL A OL Weetn-eem. ChLr MIL- A St. Paul.. .! thl. North., com.... Cheaapenk A Obi.... iwn, rnei iron, com. vom. nouro. com...... do Sd pref erred... do lat prefHcred...,. TH-lawsrs A Undsuo... . D. A at. coca..... do preferred.... Erie, com de 2d preferred do lat preferred..... minote Central Louisville A Nasbvllle.. aletropolltaa Street By., Manhattsa Ry... Mexlrss Central Ry..., M., St. P. A Hta. M.... xett W ffrffhj . .aas,a 137 Missouri PsctOr M., K. A T., com. do preferred 8T TO New York Central...... Northern Pacts. ....... lBOH Ha) 8814; Norfolk ft Weetern, com N. X.. Ont. A Western. nx Pen nay Ivan la Ry.. P. a. L. C. Co.. Preened Steel Car, com. do oreferred 188 1U1U 411 14 Pacific Mall S. S. Co... Reading, com a 1 13d do miamd) prererred... do first oreferred. . .. Rep, Iran A steel, com. do preferred. ... ...... Rock lelsnd. com...... 24 '4 do preferred Southern Ky- eoaa...e. do ureferred. ......... lSontjiern . Pacific ,-?;iveJ-i su isrejern-u. St, U A S. P.. Sd pfd. at. L. m n. w.,eom.... de nrsferred Teisa A Pacific........ Tennessee Coal A Iron.. Toledo. Ht. U A W., a. do oreferred.......... I'nloa Pacific, com do preferred rr n. riiiuoer. 81 8714 1034 U. B. Steel Co., coca.. do nreferred Wheel. Lake Erie, com do second preferred... do first nreferred . . , . 28 Wleeoualn Central, com de prererreo. . ........ W. 1'. Telegraph....... Wabash, com do nreferred. ..ft Railway fprln 004 do preferred Call money closed SV4 per cent. " " Total sale for osy. poi.ioo snares. ' . . Air FRANCISCO tOCAI. STOCXS. San y-ram-Uce. Nov, IB-Offlclsl close, xeora- InsT aeaaloa: . ' Bid. Contra Costs Water..., .......... 4NV4 Spring Yalley Water..., SOli Mutual. Electric , , 14 Ask. 4u-4 Jo F. Ose A Electric 8.1 . (imnt Powder... 78 lawaltaa Commercial m' llonokea Sugar. ......... 11 Makawell Sugar....... 294 801, 82 2114 say, .. Onomes Sngar 81 Paanhaa Sugar 2114 Alaska Packers' BS r Oceanic Steamship. ., ........ S Pacific States- Teiepoooe..........i" Cdlforal Wm . 8244 Pacific coaat noraa... ...,iurt California Fruit t'snnsra' BOSTOR C0PPI1 STOCXS." Boston, Nov. IS. OfBoUl .eloas: BO. Bid. Adventure ... Atlsntlo ..... Alkme ...... Blngkam .... Calumet Coooe Ranars, t TOO 81 28 , 42.80 83.62H . 670.00 North Rntte...S 67.1214 old Pomlaloa.. 2N00 Osceola- ...... 10A.7A Parrot ' 20 28 Phoenix I. BO Qiilncy 102 BO ... . v IU1 , 71.60 r 27 78 14.7B 8.00 Centennial .. Paly Weal ... Tamarack 124 IW L Trinity .J.... P.2S U nited ' 88 00 - El Granny S 00 (treene (Vpper 38.6214' Victoria ,.. 6 on 8 SO, Oreen Uold.. 4.7,-1 Winona Mohawk ST TB( Wiilveelae e,. 12I.OO - Michigan Mam .... IS 26 ( tab 47. BO !'. S. Mining.. S6 on .... 60 sa.00 Royal ... Coo. Nevada., T.8T4 SOTXRRMXjTT B01TDS. New York, Nov. IB. asriimcat bond: . . Pst. ... Bid. Aalf No. S reg ..! 10.114 KWI4 . I . . . 14 I fit lonu 100 ij KM 1W 3 No. S eoupea. ! No. reg ....IK" Iir A 104 V No. S ennpop . ...... .j .. 180S Nik S email bonds ... .'.. No. 4 reg loot No. 4 mnpoe..............to7 No. d reg 121 No. 4 coupon...... 12S District Oolnmhl. t-65s...... lo4 1.14 114 184 IIH'4 U61 13 IM 1114 Philippine, 4s - lis FORTLARD-RARX STATtMIRT. Clearing 141 Balances .. VI, 112 M lip SEE MOD OF Walter Burrell Bonds. Valuable " Waterfront Property to J. D. Wilcox. . ' , WILCOX REFUSES TO SAY ' WHO HE IS'BUYlNG FOR Merrill iResidence on Twelfth Street, Quarter Block at Nineteenth and Vaughn Streets and Burnslda Street Buy Recent Deala. 7 " . . '. .... v-- Waiter Burrell today bonded his waterfront property on . Water street. between Washington and Alder streets, to i. D. Wilcox, the option running) un til December 1. 1206. Although Mr. Wilcox said that such a bond had .been secured by him. he refused to name the price -that Is to be paid If tha property Is taken.- -The property referred to is occupied by Hexter, 'May tc Co.. and runs from Front street to the meander line of the river. Intimations have been Slven that Mr. .Wilcox procured the re. fuaal of these lota for the Harrlman people but h refused to discuss the matter tn any manner. It waa learned also that J. A, Martin has slven an option on his dock nesr the Eastern at Western mills and that the option bas been allowed to expire. Mr. Martin did not know to whom the property would . ultimately have srone it the option had been cloned. Todar Hartman. Thompson Powers sold for George A. Merrill of Ran Fran cisco the residence property, 100 by 100, on Twelfth street and what- would be Stark street were it extended, to A. I Glle and others for between 230,000 snd $35,600. It la understood that It was bought) for sn Investment. It Is now occupied by P. F. Merrill as a residence. Frank Kiernan haa sold a--quarter block at the corner of Nlnateentb and Vaughn streets for UO.OOO. , -. Ion Lewis yesterday bought from. I Ttterkelsen ths quarter block at th corner of Second and Burnalde streets for 120.000. The. quarter block adjoin ing, cornering on Third atreet. was sold laat week to Scott Brooke for IB0.000. The Willamette Boiler Works has purchased - about five blocks of river front property right in the heart of the north end manufacturing; district of Portland. ' The property haa an ade quate river front to tak ear' of the marine and of the buaineaa, and extends back far enough to take advantage of the most convenient railroad terminal fad 11 ties. There ultimately will be concentrated the Willamette Boiler Works with the Willamette Iron st Steel Works. On the new location " the 'Willamette Boiler Worka will construct a thoroughly up-to-date boiler shop. Tha main building will be 100 -by iat feet, and modern ma chinery will be Installed. BEIIDI.UK OBJECTS TO Il'iO VJHER RMTS TllillSS : Alleges Deschutes Company Wil Shut Out the Government ; - From . Work. -: (Ssaclal Dispatch to The Journal.) Salem. Nov. 1. A. M. Drake of Bend this afternoon niea witn tne state engi neer oblectlona to two water rlghta to watar of -the Deschutes river which the Deschutes Irrigation at Power company recently filed In tha engineer s office. Drake alleges that if the company is allowed to take the water aaked for it will destroy his power right st Bend, mske any power on the river uncertain and at tha mercy of the company and shot out . th)' government from ever doing any reclamation work, ss It would take all the water In the river. He oxssmlned tha filings which. have been placed oa record in the office of the land board andusst. bis objections de clared them to be Illegal. JURY SECURED AND REIS - MURDER TRIAL BEGINS (Special Dispatch to The Jooraal.) Tha ballea. Or., Not. It. Tha morn- Ins; session of tha circuit court was taken up by tha selection of a Jury in tha Rels murder case. A full jury was secured st noon. Eighteen wars exam ined and tha Jury wss secured In three hours. Surprise Is xpreeed at setting a Jury so easily. W. 11. HcAtea. Joseph Means, C. B. Magee. S. A. Ktstner, W. H. Sharp.W. H. Clark, E. N. Benson, George W. Otey, H. Havely. Oscar An sell. A. It. Olllls snd W. H. M. Dufur vara selected. - Tha trial began at 1:86 o clock this after- noon. Forty witnesses ara present ana much Interest Is manifested. COMSTOCX MIBTBw STOCKS. . ' Saa Fraaelaco, Ksv. JB. Official lon, mors- lns aeaaloa: Bin. I BnllWis , ,t,.8d ISavage Bid. 82 . .11 .Ad .18 .4T 1.06 ' . .IS Belcher . irotoal os. CaL-v..., Ifi union t on ..... Ophlr S.62H Yellow Jacket... tal'oonia ...... ,s laimrauir ...... Mexlcsa ....... 180 IHals A Norcroos, Andes .23 A I scorpion , New Tnrk, Kov. IB. Sterling rataei Dcmasd, 480.73; tW day. 482. nrDBimiia hop salxs. " (Hpeelai Ptspatcb te The journal. V "" lodependenc. th-.. Rev. 18 La to bop sales reported are: Riley Cooper, 1.10 bales: Walter Roy. IMS bale, saa J . .nuoosro., w Deles, to Klebee.-Wolf Natter, through Dorcas A Tenng. price paid as Id to be lOHc - Tliare I eon aiders Wa talk among tb gr- er ef thl dnttrtcl of only rultlvnttng half of thehr ncreege the coming year. Tins would make a large difference la the hop yield ef the state, bat the grower ere taking a great deal ef Interest la' tb proposed plan. - -i X L liUI OV E3RBECK, .STARR-vX COdKECO - Members Chicago Board of Trade, .. ' , , . nOTISTOSB, OOTTORT, STOCK AxTO BOxTDa 101 Third Street, McKay 3ulldlng. PortUnd. Or. ' Wa BO A STxUCTXT OOMmZSSIOaT inoiH. Continuous Markets by Private Wire. TUton, banksra, and United States National Bank of Portland. . iJVVtwa ....... TRANSPORTATION. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Lee res. I tMOJt IKPOT. ' Arrives. 8:80 a. I Dally. For Mergers, Rainier fiatakeale Weetport, CHflon. Astoria. War ranto, Flavel, Ham mond. ' Tort Steveaa. Oearaart Park, acaalda. Astoria and Rkor. txprens . Dally. , Astoria express, . , It So a. i Wily, , J 0 . BV Dally. a-sop.1 Dally.--. . J. C. MAYO, 0. F. snd P. 1.. Astoria. Or. C A. STRWAST. Commercial Agent, 24 Alder treat. Phoa Mala PUS. ALASKA - FAST AND POPULAR STEAMSHIPS ,. ' Leavs Seattle S a. xs. "irmtO,'' Mevembsr 86, m WraagsL DOLPHIM," ?evmbr 8, IT, via Wraagal. "FAAAU.0R," , Mevambsr 10, 84, vm . - , Wnagsi, Metmhsktla. - . CALLI.NO AT - t Ketakfkas, Fsaasa, Soaglas,- Vatnaa, Skag way. CatmaeU with W. F. A T. rent for Atlia, Dswssa, Taaann. Xeeae. eta. . ' Fee All Soutkeasterm Alaaka Farts, ' Call or send for "Trip t Wonderful Alaska. "ladtaa Baaketry." "ToUm Pol." TBI ALASKA ft. S. 00. . ' Frank Woolaey Co., Agent. JM Oak St Portlaad. Or. FOB AITOBXA AsTD WAT FOZsTTS Steamer Telegraph BATXT TTXCM OAKS. Iave I Arrive Portland... T a. m.l Astoria. .... I p. m. Astoria. ,t:SS p. m. Portland. ... I p. m. book too of uiin nasT. mmm mi For holiday buylns;, whan espe cially quality ia tha consideration demanded by tha careful buyer. Better able to supply your table with tht food things demanded by tha . careful housewife. Wa have the -complete assortment for your selection for your holiday dinners. Nothing to apologise for in our stores necessities and luxuries alike arc her.' -(--. . . ';.., Don't miss our sale on . SOME LEPTgrET un&Jor 25 Ccells F.DIIESSER&CO. pcanjtD's v' GREATEST CECCEJtT 7th and Whfaflton last Uth sad Erosdway Seaside. Cr. ' CARL A. BRAKOES IS OUT FOR COPY CLERK Will Mak Strong Fight Against TTTeiaiofRipubllci Nomination. Carl A. Brandes, present county audi tor, will be a candidate for the Repub lican nomination for 1 eounty clerk. Brandes la now serving his last year of the present four year ' term of hid of fice, havlns been elected by a large majority In 1903. During the past few weeks Brandes hss been quietly at work among his friends and has come to the conclusion thst he wll1 be able to make a strong rsce for the nomination. Friends of the present county auditor say that he will pull the entire German vote bis way, as well as msny of the 'Irish'. ; It ia claimed thst Brandes Is one of the most popular workers in the local Republican rankm On the other hand, the record made by County Clerk Frank 8. Fields during his wo terms in office hsa . been a moot remarkable one. Vnder. his arrange ment of business,., the county has been raved many thousands of dollars an nually and It la said that the off tea waa never In such first rlssa condition aa at the present, time. .- Whichever way the wind blowa, the east side will furnish the county clerk, Brandea residing at 710 East Salmon street and Mr. melds In Mount Tabor. Woodchopplng . bees In . Josephine county. , . . owiraro, orator av ea. . (Kstsbllshed ISIS.) '-- maansaismsa ' ."' WKIAI AJSP TOOK nOXlls, BeetBi 4V rettad Floor, OBABTBaa or oobtmibCb'. L. I II i l ,i I qL-q J.! Quick Service. RErERICNCF.S Ladd tk " ' '. a"ir , n D . I ----il-;-utCr)L,fYACUSf .NY an . j i. - . JULJUULJUU an o TRANSPOT.TA . iU:jorrr.:3:r:3 - r Trains to the Eist D;:!y 3 ' Through Pullman standard and tourist sleep. Ing-rere dally . t . Oaiaba,.. Culcaxo. Hpoksne; teniiet sleeping care dally to Kaneae t lty; tr.roagh Pullmaa tonrlat aleeplng-rara (r"-i-ally conducted ) weekly to Chlcssu. Reclining chalrcara (aeal frns) to tb Ks.l dally. VMO.t DEPOT. , Leave. Arrlvrt.. CHICAGO-PORTLAND ' 81'KCIAU :18. m 8:28 p. m. For tb Feat via Bunt- Dally. - ' Dally. Ingtoa. fcS(b SPOKANE FLYF.R. . ' ' ' For Kastern Waaklng- ' - 1 ton. Walla Walla.- Lew- 6:18 p. m. 8:00 a. m; a ton. Cue in d'Alene Imiiy. - Dally, ' and ' Great Norther - points. ' i - - ' .. ATLANTIC EXPRF.SH. 8:18 p, m. T18 S. m. For the F.aat via Hunt- Dally. . Dally. Ington. Columbia River IHvleten. FOR ASTORIA and way I 8:00 p. xa. points, coanectlns with 'Daily - Ahoat atmr. for llwace and ex. Snnday. B:OH p. m. North Beach. atmr. Saturday, ex. Sunday. Haass la. Asb-at. dock. 1 10 Km p. ax. ; TamklU River Rente. FOR DAYTON. Oregon City aad Yamhill river T OO a. m. T:30p.m. points, stmra. Rutb and Dally Dally Modoc. Ash at. dock. ex. Snsdsy. ex. Sanday. (Water permitting.) . - - Snake River Rente.- ' FOR LRWISTON, ids.. J L ' ' and way potnta from fJrJJ'io ri." Rlperla. Weak., atmra. r.lT' Trs'" SpUan aad Lenlaton. g, Friday, TICK II OFFICE. Third and tVaahUigtua' StsT leiepnone main Tlx. C. W. STI.NOKR. Cltv Ttcke AaesL. A. L. CRAIO, Ueaeral Paasenget Aseat. . EASTv SOUTH Lsavss. IMON DEPOT. Arrlvee. OVERLAID EXPRK8S. Train for Salem, Rose burg, Ashland, - beers mentoOgdea. Saa ran etu-o. Stockbm. lee Angel,- El Peaa, New Ot irans and the Enet. -Morulas - train con 8:AS p. at. T:2Sl aeeta at Woodburn dally ' except Snnday with tram for Mount. 8:80 a. bl Angel. S 11 v r t n.l 'B BS KSU.. Rrawaevtlle. Ifrlll ft Id. Wendllng and JiatToe. Eua-en esaensTsr-eoa 8:00 s. I nects at Woedlmrn with 10:28 S.I Mt. Angel and Bllvee tna local. - Corvallm paanger. Sbertdne paaeeuger. Foreat Orov paaaenger, T:Mt,a 4:e.w 8:80 p, l 8:28 a. 1 ! t BO p. i 10:48 p.i -aimlly, Iml a una " iir..n. aMtaiv . - . " 7 'i- FtnrtUad-Oawea SnhnrWn Bervlo Sad TamkUl w - 'Depot foot of Jefferson street. Tsre Portland dally for Oawege 7:80 a. m.: 12:80. JOB, 4:00. 8:80. S:a. T:4ft. 10:10. 1l:SOYC p. m. Dally (except Snnday). S.80. 0:20, S.SB, ' ' ' l0:2 B. ax. Sunday enry, S:0O a. m. . ' ReturBlna from Oewege, art Irs Portland dally , -S:80 a. m.; I BS. tM. 4:88. S:2. T 8. 35. vr 11 in n m . 12:BS a. m. Dally Oxcent Sunday), S . IM. 8:80, ll:4S a. m. Sunday only. lojo d. xa. . -' - Leave from nam depot for Dallaa sad Inter. MJ mediate points dally 8:00 p. tav Arrive Port- , . land 10:10 a. m. . - , Th Indenendeace-Moomouth ' Motor Mne 1 ' opera tee dally to Maomonth snd Alrlla. con- ' -U.. Mn Smiw, Iaciao csminsnr's trsck .m t Dallaa aod Independence. ,, First-class fere from Portland to Sacramento ?nd Saa Francisco 82. hertha SB; cond-claa ' "s are B, ecotid-cla bertha 12.60. TVkete to Eastera polnta and Europe; alee , Janaa. China, Honolulu and Anetralta. 2 i file Ticket Office corner TBlra aim vtaaa- Ington trets. Phone Mala 112. . ..- V. i:.v.,..., . . i - - City Ticket A feat. ' Oca. pass. Agent. TIME CARD Portlonci DAILY. TCMON DEPOT. Depart. Arrive. Yellowstone Prk-Kan-aas Clty-St. Lonla Spe--i.i n i-nehslki. 1 en- : f ' 4:30 , i trails. Olynipla. Grsys S 20 a. aa. - - V. Harbor . nonm rvno. a a come. Seattle. Spokane. Iwlaton. Rutt. Bll llnga, Iienver. Omaha. Kaneae City. St. Louie and Houtbeeat.. -North Coaat Limited, electric lighted, for Ta om. Seattle. Spofcftn. Rntt, Mtnnenpolle. St. Paul sari th Kssl. Pinjet Mound Limited, fnr ( heballe. Centralla. 1:00 p. m. T :h0 a. as. 4:80 p. m. 10 BS p. m. Tacoma snd Brattle only. Twin City Eir. for Tacoma. Seattle, Spo- s,.b- tl.l na njnttst. ll dSp. m. 0:60 p. m. Xelkiaraton Part, Mia- aeapolle. 8t. Paul aad th East. A. IX CHARLTON. Aealataat Oeneral Paaaeuger ' Agent. - 230 Morrison St.. cor. Third. Portland. Oregon. x-4 . TMK COasfUrnASIX WAY. Ctty Tiaket Oft, 1st Sd (4. Fkews U8.i "raa jnye an a the aat Mail Sr&XSTDZS SXaTXOm-. vr-to-xatxi Bgriinsrasrr-s ooxrmTxova nnoTss- Leave lroaa ARRIVm 1:00 a. m. VerUaad TU Seattle 'Via Spokane tM A hi. (O.R k R, Oa- V rest Morthera aTtoaaashlp Oe. Felling from r-enitle S. at. DA r ota. Dsn. 10. & S. MJJSSOTA,FSi. I. For Japan and China fort and Manila. virrox t-sza- haiI-a (Japan Ml S'emhin ompanyj mm. xto Miiu. tal' frnm M--ittl tr .T-ra, China snd a I A'vtlo I'ott , About T ' -r 1 ? TBtl" c c GOT OF - -'' TRAINS; " . "w ar - av LEAVE :80 a. m 11:41 p,m 1:11p.m. I ' ''V TV s . I. '