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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1905)
SISHSSSISMMHtttttttttttt f aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.eaa. MMMM..imM.M..,...IMMM t MARSHALL'S HOUSE OF STONE . IS NOT; STONE, BUT CONCRETE vuinr if i a ' mm im-t i t ' Dwelling to Inrington K. A. Marshall Js the only Portland man who Urea In a atone bouae that ia ! not ' mad of stone. .HI residence la built entirely of .concrete, but looks for 'all the world sse though oonatmotaa of rough atona. Mr. Marshall resides at the cornar of Multnomah and Eaat Nina tacnth streets. His naw home, whloh t waa but reeently flnlahed. la two atoriaa ' high, and tha kttchen and dining-room VJ1TCI KILLED BY papago Indians of Arizona Des erts Found to B Btliavtrs in " I Witchcraft. r 4'7 y i SQUAW SLAIN BECAUSE ITy 1 LIVESTOCK IS STOLEN Calamity Laid to Josefs Anton, and Tribe Commission! . Joe Luia to 'Murdef Her Enemy: tella and He ; Is Sent to Penitentiary.-! . ; (JmtuI Baeolel Service.. '..'. Tucson. Aria. Nov. II Through tha rnnfuiion of Josa Lula. a Pa Da go Indian hareatf with Tnurderr ths - euthoTttlest - have dlacoTcrad that .tha membera of -thlauparatltloua'trtta,-whff-awelt-rii . tha daaart Country ; waat of ' Tucaon. Hg ws.ltslwws.ft and that tha omt . whom Lula slew was a victim ol inai : a trail g belief. ..".., K ,, :. Lule waa tha chlaf medicine man -of the Indiana living In QuUoloa district. ' and made hta headquarter, at a village near Covered Walla, a. water-hole fra- quanted by prospectors. Tha Indiana ' who ara peaceable and paatoral, . loat many haad of cattle by drought and many-of their horaea ware. atolen... Tbla calamity waa laid to Josefs -An ton. an Indian witch,-whom Lula waa oommlaalonad to kill. . Bona of Lula' 1 BCD III .. enemies in tha tiiba told of tha occur rence to a party of rangera who atopped at tha Covered Wells Lula waa cap tured and pleaded guilty to murder In the aeoond degree. He waa aantenoed , to It yeara In tha penitentiary. . LEW1ST0N HAS NEW ? . ' WHOLESALE DRUG, FIRM - ' (Selal Tnsaeteh a The loamaL) Lewleton.' Idaho, Nov. It. Tha or. - ganleation of tha Idaho Drug company, a, -wholesale Arm, waa1 eompleted terday by C P. Oamera and William A. Libert.' The authorlaed capital la I109.- 0 of -which fSO.SOe ia aubacrlbed. M. poneae. Mm. Oamera ' and Mr a. Libert v'are directors : u ' . ' Tha company will erect a brlek block by lee feet on tha northeast corner teat a -4- , ' ' -' XMee of Typhoid. , (Seeelal Daroateh te The ToerssLt - " Weston, Or., Nov. IS. William Hart. IS year old. died Sunday af typhoid fever at hie home on Weaton moun tain, leaving a widow and three email children. Funeral eervlces were . held Monday at Jia Methodist . church in thla city. .. . . THE of: Commerce Capital, $S, 700,00 , ' ' " a " j,'. v'.....i',-'.i..v,- ; Portlaad Branch,' Hi Waehlngtoa. ' i . A. WTLD. Manager. .' ' t' .'' 'j"' "' '" l '.' ' '. TfiiTcIcrsV letters of forth Available in all parts of the world ' 111 branches la Canada, and tha - United States. . Including San Francises, SaatUe, Victoria. Van- ' eottvar. Nana! mo, Naw Wastins tar, Dawson Tskon). . - -;; Drafts Issued on ' aaj Driach - Transfers of money to or from . any part sf Canada by letter or ' s telegram. , - ''':, A General Banking Buslncsa Transacted c Canadian Bank - Oilier Constructed of Concrete are In' tha baaamant ". Hollow ooncrata blocks wara uaad In tha construction rrha houee haa ' eight ' rooms, eald Mr Marshall, rand coat- ta.400. It will hot require any painting, and la Just aa flreoroof m a atona building. -Tha hniinv hloeka af cone rata tend, to regu tats tha temperature of tha houee, kees Ing It Just aa-. even aa ona could wlah for. - v '. " THINKS fEOPLE COULD LIVE - Q3 THE PLANET LIARS Professor Campbell of Lick Ob ; servatory Thinks Human Be ; ing May Exist on Planets. '. .tT (jnoraal Sparial Strrke ) Chicago. Nov, IS. That human belnga exist.' and hava homes or-tneir own among the etare. la tna conviction i Professor W. W. Campbell, director or LJck observatory, who la at the auoj inrium Annex hotel on hla way home from Europe, where he obaerved the to tal eclipse of tha aun Auguat so. "It is InconcelvaDia to me, no eaiu. Hhat only one. Planet ana one awr ahould have intelligent llf4 and that the earth -la that one. Tha doctrine of proo abiltflea la dead agalnat It, and there la the hlgheat degree of probability that there are inhabited worlda above us We muat not overlook tha poaalbUlty of the telescope's capabllttlea., aa powera now unknown to uo may be Invented and dlscovertaa be mada yet undreamed of. aa was wireleee telegraphy SO years - S: It la not difficult to believe, how ir. that human-bolnaa on Mare are created In our own Image, and atlll have. lungs .capable : of. .sustaining . Jlfa.Jier. In the preaent auge or aatronomicsi development, to be vlalble to ua an ob ject on Mara would have to be 20 miles la diameter. - -. -.- ;',-'-. mm OF GEN. WOOD'S REPORTS ARE SOLD Colossal Pileor Useless Liters li ture on His Work In Cuba Disposed Of. - ' t "flearaal SeeaUI Sarrlea.) " " ' Waahlnaton. Nov. ; IS. It ' baa Juat been discovered .that 10 tons of elabo rate reoorta on military and civil mat tars-in Cuba, forwarded to Waahlngton to the order of General Monard wooa. have-been sold aa Junk to be aent to New England for manufacture into naner. ' '. The government placed the reports In storage upon their arrival from Cuba and paid etorage chargea of ISO a month until November I. No one ever reaa the renorte: they are of no value what aver ezcent In illustrating the great sc- etvlty of Oeiieiul1 WOog wlilleT governor of Cuba. - . A large number of General Wood's re porta were printed at great expense In addition ' to the matter stored, which now goes to tha paper mill a. SENATE COMMITTEE ON RAltftOAD RATES MEETS (Jooraal Special Sarvlra.) s Waahlngton. D. C NovMt. With the approach of the time for the reconven Ing of congresa tha Intereat in the prob-,! lem of railroad - rat' lrgialatlon la In oreaalng. . It . Is I generally understood that the matter '-will coma up shortly after ieha opening of the' seaalon of con areas and that something will be done soon. The Kach-Townsend bill. which hss nssard the houae and la now In the handa of the senate committee oa Intaratate commerce, ia not satlafae tory In many respacta and wUI probably hava a hard time In the senate, ' even if the committee should report in favor of the bill, which ia not conaldered likely. '.,.. , 1 -r The senate . oommlttte on interstkts commerce.' of which Senator Elklna Is chairman,, has been called for a meet ing thla afternoon and nearly all the membera of the committee are here, ready to attend the meeting. Senator Foraker-of Ohio, - who la one of the most prominent members of the com mittee end atrongly oppoaed to the plan of Preatdent Roosevelt, to 'confer the rate-making power: upon the Intaratate commerce eommlaalon, la In town and will undoubtedly take a decided atand In tha matter when It' ooraei up before the committee. t CHRISTMAS IN MEXICO. pedal rsllaaaa Bzemnie Trata vis oathera raelfle - KaUroaa. On December IS a special excuraloa train will leave Baa Franclaco 'Via the Southern Pacific for tha City of JMextco Low rates have been made for ' points on the Southern Pacific In Oregon. Par tlculara by ssklng sny Southern Pacific agent or writing A. L. Craig., general pasaenger agent, Portland, .Oregon.-- '. .' Z Albaay Xaghtlag Oostraet.- ' " ' (SeecM MaiMteh te The JaeraaL) Albany, OrM Nov, H -The city coun cil last evening peered an ordinance re newing the lighting contract with the Albany Canal . Power company for a term of Ave yeera. vThe price of 20 gxo UghU la fixtd. at T px month each. '. - We have "no free proposition," cheap or trial treatments, no pay, until cured catches, or similar Tdevices to sell medicines, belts, - etc . Honest doctors of recognized abilUy ' do not resort to such methods. ; Our edu- do . . cation, our experience, our reputation, con A demn all such ' quackery - We will make f j you no false promise as to curing your case X in a short time, knowing it will take longer, T l ' as we promise xoageet staBUsb and always do what we promise. 1 - ""ITSr". We guarantee a complete, safe and last teusts ia siseasea ing cure in the quickest possible time, with of Men t weemea, out leaving injurious after .effects in the sys- i . ae..nesioai iMpio- tern, and at aeas, Zdoeases and . . skillful and successful treatment. X sreww mrd. - : " "ow. v - y: ' v .. . ; ; - t-: , ,4-v i'."- Eczema and All Forms of Skla Diseases; Nervous ; Decline, Rectal, Kidney and Urincry Diseases, . Vtoicocele, Hydro- - ? ; V cele and Ruptare v"''v'? ' 'V '' ;; v; ; v Ab4 AB Mssssm an4WeuMSsea of Both Msa aa4 Wesaea. : CONSULTATION AlW EXAMINATION FREE "1)': ' Write for Symptom Blank If You Cannot CalL l SL Louis Medical rcd I 230 1-2 TamhOI Stmt, rortiand. Ore , : Always Inclose Ten S-Cent. Stamps When Writing. lMeee ill CM1V mm JCIlJiniES 7 1 PEIEVEnTO Pnoumonia and Conauxnptldn FoleVs Honey and Tar not only stop the cough, bat heals and strength ens the lungs and prevents aerisns re sults from a cold. V. 7. t There is no danger of Pneumonia, Consumption or . other1: serious long tronbis if Foley's Honey smd Tsu Is taken, aa it will cure the most stub born coughs the dangerous kind that settles on the lungs, and may develop Into pneumonia oyer night. . . It yon have a cough or cold do not risk Pneumonia when Foley's Honey Bind Taw griU cure you quickly and strengthen your lungs. V Remember the name Feley'a Heny and TtU and refuse any substitute offered. Do not take chances with some unknown preparation tint costs you the same when you can got Foley's Honey and Tar, that coats you M mora and is safe and certain la nsults. a Contains no opiates. Cured After Physicians tald He Had Coneunsptlasia "K. HI'JoiieaTTasorTI. CharcoT Grove, lid., writes: "About seven or eight years ago I had a very severe cold which physicians said, waa very near pneumonia, and which they afterwards pronounced tonsumptfon.-Through a friend I was Induced to try a sample of Foley's Honey and Tar, which gave me so much relief that I bought some ol the regular size. Two or three bottiee cured me of what the physicians ceiled consumption, and I have never had any trouble with my throat or lungs since that time' ' ' Three alees ? 50c. SI. 00. . The 50 cent aise contains two and one-half times as much as the Small lias and the $1.00 bottle almost six times as mncb., ,,;' "..., ' ...:." SOLO 1K3 BEC0aC.EKCEO IT Weodard. Clarke Bj Co. aaA a. a Skld- s more O Oo. MARION POLITICIANS ARE PULLING WIRES ? fSaecial Dlaoatrta ta The JowmI ) Salem, Or Nov. 1. J. Orie, former superintendent of the penitentiary and former secretary-ot the Portland ' board of trade,. waa In the city yesterday for tha purpone of. ascertaining whether or not he could receive eumcieni encoui element to enter the field aa a candl data for tha nomination of governor os the Republican ticket It ia pretty gen rallv conceded that this county ex pect a to land the nomination for the office of secretary of state, and Frank t wriihtmin of the corporation ae- pertinent f the secretary of state of nee is mentionea ror ne po. ... , . l srt the SOlwaakee. '' llul iMdll IKflM.I , eattle. Wash., Nov. It. An author ised statement has been brought forth that the North Coaat railroad la owned k. . rival of the Milwaukee, caused by the application of .the North Coaat for franchise to enier oiu. ia pected that within two weeks tha North Coast a Identity will be dlacloaed, - Mead rdoaa .BTsgre Thief. . . . iMira.l Bnartal Berrfee.ft "ljrmpiv .Wash- Nov, Oovernor nothing but what we can do, the lowest cost possible for " , , - Siirgical try Any or all of 900 feci V water front ; -depth 600 feet; -40 feet water-- - on; - , . .;;;1harbofline;$':; railroadfacilities tljbargain. Sherman D. Brown 351 Stark Street -, . i. . DESIOH IB AS BOILOBB. aoa -4th st. bouses surivr os ixsTAixmns, GST raicaa. Dtirable Property " Boslncss Property, First SL" Business Property, Wash. St. , Business Property, Bnrnsldc si. Business Property, Stark SL Business Property, Alder SL , Business Property, Morrison St. , Heaaas, So teat ta an' puts ef - the eity. Be eeueoeeo. S. D. ADAIR OotnmWa ldg, Stoeat SOS. Art Furniture Manufacturing Co. if ' C A. WALKER. Mgr i Manufacture of biupmiES specul lEsiciis n putiimna . . -r- ANI CABINET WORK ' n - BtalUeaeea Btade sad BsasvaSsa, BpeolaJ Atteatloa wives te . ' . aspsir-Work.; . " factery WartbesM- -44S-4SS-452 loyt Street, PartUai Oftfjes Phone Main 149. .' R. ANDREWS'Prert Mead has pardoned James . Barrow, e young negro sentenced to serve three and .one half years in the penitentiary from Spokane, for horse stealing. He had served one yesr. A whits boy ssld to be more guilty than Barrow was sen-, teneed to serve but one year. i v 'A household neceeelty. ' tr. Thorn a a Eclertrlo Oil. Heala burna, cuta, wounda of any aort; curee a or throat, croup, catarrn, asthma never XaUs, If fyS j Dr. W. Norton. DavU. ALL NERVOUS, BLOOD, SKIN AND PRIVATE DISEASES OF MEN Through aur vait ezperlenoe aa speclallata we are able to make a full and early cure In theae troublea In the majority of Inatances where the . i ordlnery practitioner falla to relieve. . ( STOMACH. HEART. LIVER. KIDNEY. BLADDER, TKROATAND NERVE TROUBLES are very quickly relieved and a permanent) cure made In all curable caaea. We frankly tell you If your caee la ingarable. ( We will have no persons money except tor penents receivea. ' ,, Dr. W. Norton are an aaeoela'tton of eminent phyelclana, experienced surgeons and e . pert speclallata, with abundant capital, eetabllahed in 1MV for the pur. , pose of treating . r. . ' . ' ' iu ovbasu anoiOAXi abtd btmxoaxi sismaaas or cms. . . - r ' They will accept no caee for treatment' except certain that they can effect a cure, nor will they make any charge In caae of failure. -, - Dr. W. Norton Davla tc Co. are andoubtedly the greateat authorlUee oa sisbasb) or aaar In the TJnlted States. They are the foundera of the only ayatem of treat ment which will cure apermatorrhoea. Impotency and other forma of sex-; ual weekneea. with any degree of certainty. Thla la a ayatem of home treatment wnlch locally stimulates the proatate gland. A aim liar method la now employed by nearly every apeclallat of note In America. , , . , " . m WMAMQM ' '. '--' "' why "weak men" are frequently not cured la because the trouble la com plicated with "diseases of the proatate gland" or with "urethral obatruo Uon.' . Our treatment cures where othera fall. .- - - - ' Oae-Vouita snaa. made of medicated "coooa butter," whloh diseolves readily at the tempera- or the nooy. xnia eaauy paaaea pain. It heala the innsmmauon ana removee mt nannniaii mo Bwn Ink The remedy reachea tha weakened "eeminal ducta? heala them- and ' atona unnatural drnlna. The "crayon" ia only need in complicated 'without any trounie at mgnt oy means AmiOATOB ':'.''." s V' Oaseatii nttse.;.. which is mada of hard rubber and ta similar to a ayi-lnge. Thus, m tmnhla whatever.- the healln s prooeee goea on while you el Thla la alao the moat eucceee ful Y TT.ln.ttAn flf U AI, We prescribe for each Individ ual case, nelne many different formulas f In orayona. If you have ueed a almllar treatment, do not bo dtsoouraged before you have eonsuiiea a .. A personal Interview la desirable, giving your symptoms In full. . Our home treatment la sueeeeeful, eat est confidence obaerved. Plain envelopea uaed In all eorrsspondenoe. la- structlv book for men sent rree. mm sTfABArm a amrn nr avm oaaa . OBLimaa bto nn. jLi Ll:z.LLy : OonTrnrrjTATiosT nsra. AH eorreapondenos Is sacredly .Office hours t a. m. to s p. m. ana a. m. to 11 aa. . . - DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. ' ' ' Offices la Van Noy Hotel llH Third St, Cornar Pine, Portland, Or. . . EXCURSiONRATEsW After one week ; from today prices on i .' will be advanced $25 to $100 e : on each lot Oni uid after November 22, 1905, lots on the car line at Ina Park will be $225 and others in propolrticm. - If . you want to doable your money now is yomr chance. This will be carried out to the letter. ; : 7 ; ; ' 246 Stark Street v ; ' ' OETWIXT ROLLING RIVERS yv If you wish to f o to the most beau tiful Suburb "of Portland, take a car at Second and Washington streets, marked Union Avenue and Alberta street' j-- -. re .tr.wz zj:: : n-; ' The intention at this time of the owneTsTof Vernon is to sell 50 more lots at tha present list price,- so if you are Intending to get a lot before prices are advanced you had better not delay, aa they are going fast this nice weather., t Moore ; Investment Go. 151. Sixth Street. Phona Main 10. Day is & Go. i tha emaJleet obetructlon without ' Z In moat caaea Internal medicine ie required also. The patient places it or - without ileep. method known of ' tr treating Tre- .... . , v. but It yon cannot cell, write ua, .,.'-"' . even In complicated eases. Strict aecureiy seaueo. VBroBBTAka oa confidential. iul Sundays ana nouaays. if . all lots I Per modern ' dental . worn. Wortd-ee aswned epeelallata, tweet prioee soneleteat with Srst-elaat Oe te tbe NEW YORK DENTISTS povmrx AJTD stoaaxsoa axs. '' Opes say and night, from S; a. as. aaUl It B aa. fNJCOTION WILL CUBS i GONORRHOEA and GLEET WITHOUT OTHBR TREATMHMT . Sold by all Druggists SERENE PARK Bast lath ana. Alberta eta, Yeraoa ear. $1400 Hi, fine, modern homes sold on eaa avmend Appiy io owners,' room t berlock bldg. I'hone Main 1177. iill TEETH J ' ' 0 . , eM "7"' . v . ' ' , ! ItSeemsQueer "fa us the way aoma people aatlsfy their hardware . wants without s thought, often, of quality, almply considering price. If you'll eee trte combination of theee two eeaentlale In thla atock you'll appreciate why it'a to your interest to buy here. . Avery Co. 4S Third U Bet. Pine aa Asa ate. aoBuaaaoaA, oust, ipsulxsv ; BTBBOOSU, TAJSIOOOZXiB, X.OBB OP bcastkood, suviuiim, aosaMA, ASTSTJCA and BKXBT BISXASaSV We want every, man afflicted' with the above diaeasea to honestly lnveatlgate pur special ayatem of -treatment. . We in vite In particular all who hava treated . elsewhere without sueceas, au wnoae . caaea hava been abandoned by family phyelclana and ao-called "SIPaOXAfc XBTB, all whose troublea' have been aggravated and made woree by the uee of aaz.T, raaa lumii, vazaA ' aaATafaBTTS and ao-called tSPacxri ICS. We will explain to you why aucn - treatment haa failed to cure you. ana will demonatrate to your- entire aatle-, faction that wa ean cure you ssfcly. quickly snd permanently.: Our eounael will coat nothing, and wa wm oo oy you as we would wlah you to do by ua if our caaea were reversed. Write for our ' home treatment If you cannot call. The DR. LIEBIG STAFF StooatB S and T. Winchester atoase, S aa anraslda treete, Portlaad, OS. - astablished 1STS. ". ' ' C. OEE WO The Great Chinese Doctor tatmttf" teeateS at . Akoar et tblre, .. Has Moved Te the- targe evict anlldlas! at I a. bl firm, sa Kartlaua Entrance '?'". First Strset Br. O. Oea We, the wraat Ohlaaee Deatat, fa wU knows ad tsasoes throattsoat the U. . B. kls woaoerfal aad aiarraloee earai Save keaa sralle taroaSeast tbreeaboet tli ktafth sad braadtk et tbte eoeatrr. Be traaie aay aa all Slsrasaa wits powerful ChlnM roots, harte, tsnds, barks and vetaele tksl ara aatlraly an knows to asedleel enrace la tkl evaatrr, ead Ibraosk tks as at ttosw kanalMa rttswSlea ha guarantees te care esUrrh. asthwa, ksag Iron bias, rbeessatlasa, asrraasases, aioasaea, llrer. kldaay, ieasale UeeMse aa4 aU private TMa rsmoae Snetae emva arltkeet thtj aid ef the knife, wtthoet aslng aolsona at Sraca. . RandrsSa ef tiwrlntnnlshi ea Sle at bis efScea, Call eel an him. Chars ewdmsta. OOSSUXtATIOS rmss. atJaals eat ef the dtr write far kUeka aad etrralsr. I or las e sUmp. Aadraaa The i O. See Wa Oauiaea Ks4lelae Oe Utfk let Su, , ear. M omasa, rsniaaa, vr. noa utia paasr. O SPICES o DAinno povder; ttrCn5IDtTlaACT5 itwwhihrwrlhr,- nrvtslFl.vor,( CitV$li,CwwUJtfTici ) rORTLANO, ORXCON.' $1.00 ALL FOR $1.00 Turkish (l Bath- sad the alght, aU for H. r ; King's 'Baths' Seventh aad Wash - tngton Sts. flaaaS aad largest at the su. UtAV.Sr. lw.r.r.ll.M.. ..4WMDr.n1t Vy sw fHlCHMTEK'H KNUUjU la km .4 Mi MUllb Haa, ad4 Itfi MMrlblMa. Tasasaaaaa. Braa I,IM SiMJUUm, aaa !. Mi mm. a. t rtw DraaalM. ar m4 aa. si sua. j, PsraUvtara, Taartssaalala aaa "SaHar rar ltlM."!. baa. i ra. was Mail. IS ewet.Sa.alaH. al mm I Sras(.u. 'klrkaaar tkaBal t'a J .'P. Thoae an ff Bring from week, aessee which aap the pleasures of life ahould take Javen Pills. One bnx will tell a atorv of marvelous reeulu. Tbla medicine has mere avenattng, vitalising forre than haa aver a offered cent at-pald la i plain package' l nn mnalnt of thla adv. am elpt of thl iu ai. )fade br H niiglnatora C. I. Mood Co., pro. erletora Hood baxaaparula, LiOwiU. aUaa 1 ..A. !:v! V'. ( T';