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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENINO, NOVEMBER 10, lSOl ' SECOHD SHIP FOR TAFT AND SHIPPERS r.lEDITERRAUEAN Balfour," Guthrie & Co. Charter - Kelvin bank to Carry Flour : and ' Grain. ., SHORTAGE OF RUSSIAN " CROP GIVEN AS REASON ; While Charterinf of Vessels to Carry , Foodstuff to Mediterranean Sea la . Not Common, Shippers Expect f. . Several Mora Will Be Engaged. i Balfour. Guthrie, Co. chartered the British steamship ' Ketvtnbank . this momlnr to transport a- cargo of grain and. flour to ports on the Mediterranean spa. The steamer Is about due at Yoko hama from Portland with a cargo of wheat which was shipped by O. W. Mo Near.' As soon as it has been dis charged she wilt mail 'for the Columbia river and Is expected to arrive the lat- ' ter part, of next month. She is In com- , ' mand of Captain Ryder."- : r' . This makes the second tramp steamer I'hartered in the last two weeks to load ' at Portland for the Mediterranean. The first one was taken by Kerr.' Gilford t Co. and wilt reach here about the time the Kelvinbank pats in so appearance, tier name has not yet been learned, hut members of the firm eay that she is a 7.000-ton carrier.. On her last trip from Portland the Kelvinbank took out li,. -140 bushels of wheat, valued at J11J.-ooo.- - ... It has been almost five yesrs since the last ahlpments of wheat-autUf lour were made from this port, to territory . which is supplied with foodstuffs al most entirely by Russia. ' There is said to be "a shortage of crop over there and local exporters are of the opinion that number of other tramps soon will be engaged. ' " ' ' ' '" The French bark Grand Duchess Of Ola was taken this morning to load aniin at Portland for the United King ' (torn. She is due at -San Francisco from Newcastle. N. S. W., with a cargo of ?oal,' having sailed from the latter port on August t. She is expected to reach here the first of the year. Other ves sels reported chartered today to toad at Portland with the option of securing cargoes on Puget sound are as follows: British ship . Samoena, French bark Ren Kervtler. French ship PI ere Lot! and British ship Travaneore. . i " A telegram from San Francisco statea -.that the British ship Buteshire-, now lying at that port. has not been char-it-rt-d as was reported a .few days ago, but that her captain has received In structions to proceed either to. Astoria or Port Town send in search of busi ness. From the same source it is learned that the British ahlp Wayfarer was engaged yesterday to load 'at Tat, coma for the United Kingdom and the '' British bark Ciiffel , U transport a cargo of lumber from the sound to Aus- hraHss -. " H ALONG THE WATERFRONT. Laden with a cargo of barley measur- I Ing 1.660 tons, the German ahlp Adolf OUR TEN DOLLAR SUITS h Rather dwarf the values of others. The fabrics, the style and the tailoring of our Ten Dollar garments at once sjamp them as unusual for 'the price. Now, -Sir, if you want a good Suit or Overcoat-at-a moderate price, we say in all . . . frankness and "sincerity ' ' ;'..'.'.' ' -f ffsa- .--fct(l ,. . . , .f. f tf, Hold On to Your Ten Dollars With a firm grasp until you see our line. Then, as if to clinch Vouc security, we say to you,,,4Money back if you want it, Sir." See 5ur window display of Union-Made Suits and Over coats at $10.00 then 'come in and try some on we'll ., "not "Urge you' to- buy the - good - values - will do - that. - - Outfitters For Men and Boys,' Etc. , a , , m' AND 168 THIRD STREET, NEAR YAMHILL.' S 1 ' .' ' - ... ,:. .,J ...... ... . . , f . - V , . , . r. -.'. : '"': ' 1 Consuelb, Duchess of Marlborough, Formerly , Miaa Vanderbilt, Photo graphed Leaning Over the Steamer movedjamtJatO-thfl at ream thlajnoralng nd i probably , will leave down Sunday bound. for the United Kingdom. The cargo is being ' shipped by Balfour, Outhrur At Co. The shin has been In port since September 8, coming here (from Antwerp with a general cargo. SUITS AND -OVERCOATS- We've .raised the stand ard of Ten Dollar Suits and Overcoats by offering our trade better Suits and Overcoats for Ten Dol- a lars than ,can be bad else- a where for the same price. ft: i. 4 V., . -;.;:v -t - or"' i'ii f 'v: '.'tH,,... i . Nl Rail wn Her Departure for Europe. -. In- tha ahsence , qf proof, that Captain Wageman. master of the Nlcomedla. did not exercise due precaution In prevent ing the Chinese quartermaster making his escape from the. vessel, the case against the skipper Wss dismissed yes terday afternoon by. I'nlted States Com missioner ' Bladen. The Chinaman la still at large. ...... .t;. ..... In tow of the Harvest Queen, the French bark Europe left up this morn ing from the 'mouth of the river. She is under chsrter to take out a cargo of grain. I .'. . .;, With, a shipment of wheat and gen eral , merchandise the istea'mer F. A. Kilburn is scheduled t6 sail for , San .Francisco tonight. Steamer Koannloe has cleared for Ban Pedro' With 11.050 sacks of grain bi) quantity or general merchandise weMh will be discharged at way ports. ;U",,. . The work of loading the French' ship Vauban with a grain cargo was sorted this morning at Montgomery dojik No" . The French bark Touralne hci?a taking on grain this . aftW-noon-S&t the Oceanic dock. British bark Oweenee. which reached the harbor yesterday afternoon from the mouth of the river; Is at Martin's dock, where her' ballast will be . dis charged, t A report to the Merchants' Exchange states that the American ship Roderlc Dhu left San Francisco last night for puritmia in tur-of nurmyimicr paunT-r less. It la supposed that she has been chartered to carry a, cargo of grain to the Bay City. Steamer Despatch has cleared for San Francisco with 525,000 feet of lumber. The cargo la being completed at Carrol Point and she will not sail until tomorrow. Steamboatmen say that-the navigable tributaries of the Willamette and Colum bia livers are at a lower stage than ever Lfeafoie- and that unless rain comes soon the boats will have to be taken out of commission. CLEAR FOR EAST. xfloomedia and Abergaldle Will Carry 7 Valuable Cargoes to Orient. . 1 With barley, wheat, flour and miscel laneous freight valued at clone to 1600.- 000. the oriental liner Nlcomedla and the British steamship Ahergeldle will clear for-.-the1 far east this - afternoon and. leave down the river at daylight In the morning. The Nlcomedla is supplied principally' with flour, which will com prise ln,th neighborhood of 36.000 bar rels. A lot of machinery will, also make up a good .portion of her cargo, as well as a large assortment, or general mer chandise. . v The Abergeldle's cargo Is composfiti wholly of barley and, will measure about S.700 tons, which Is-being shipped by Mitsui ft Co. Captain Keith says he will be back here In a couple of months, as the same firm has the vessel chartered to make the second trip. She will clear for Yokohama, but a. portion of the grain she carries will be discharged at - hoe or twp other Japanese ports. The steamer arrived on Octob'sa-ZB and has been given quick dispatch. The Agln- court, which reached the harbor on the same clato, tsx-stm loauin and prob ably will be ready to sail -for Japan the first of the week. Hhe also Is un der charter to Mltsul ft Co. , MAKES FAST TRIP. , Colambla Comes fro a Baa Praaolsoe ia Torty-elght Honrs Aetna) Kaaninf. '. Had there not been a heavy fog on the river this morning the steamer -Columbia would have arrived at the Alns worth dock at noon today after a pass age of Just 4ft hours from 'Sun Fran cisco, almost equal to railroad time. But notwtihstiuulirtg, the fog. she ar rived at - 1:30 this nf temoon. ' nenrly seven hours - aheud of ir .-schedule time. - . t The" Columbia left Hnn Francisco at noon ,Weliiesday and arrived at As toria at 4 o'clock this morning. After Jyng thare one and one half hours, dls 'charging a part of her eargo, she left ufr the'.rtvet-for Portlsnd. The weather waa thick and It whs accessary for her ARE AT OUTS Secretary Sides With Cordage Manufacturers and Postpones. Remedial Legislation. NOT ENOUGH AMERICAN '. VESSELS ARE AVAILABLE Extension of Coastwise Shipping Laws to Philippines ' Is Opposed ; and Mar Not Co Into Effect for Four Years. ' ' ' - IWaablngtvn Biireaa ef Th Juuraal.) Waslilngton. Nov. 10.-A lively Oght between Secretary Taft and the Ameri can shipping interests Is In prospect for the coming session of congress. After years of struggle, for recognition, the American . shipowners ' finally - secured from congress an act extending the coastwise shipping laws to the Philip pines. This was bitterly contested by a combination of cordage manufacturers, who, not content-with a rebate of per ton on hemp, which is charged as an export duty on all hemp exported from the Philippines to other countries, the UBlted States alone being exempt maintained they could not compels with foreign manufacturers unless they were able to Import their hemp- In tramp steamers operated under a foreign flag. Secretary Taft adopted their view of the rase and Anally obtained a post ponement of (ha date on whkih Uw- law J should take effect from July 1, 1. until July 1, 1000. Now tho plea Is ad vanced thht American shipping will not be available In sufficient tonnage to handle the Philippine export trade on July 1 of next year,' and therefore tho, time should be extended from July 1, io, to Juiy i, io. - Mr. Alexander R. Smith of New York, formerly stiperlntendent-of the maritime exchange of this city, and now commis sioner of the merchant marine league of the I'nlted States, with headquarters in Cleveland, Ohio, Is In- Washington ind takes Issue with Secretary Taft and predicts that his efforts to have -the time extended w(H.,be bitterly opposed by the maritime Interests of this coun irya. Mrt Smith has Just returned from sn extensive trip through, the New England states and will jnake a tour of the 'south' before '. congress open. In the Interest of ills organisation. ."American vessel owners," said Mr. Smith, "are keenly alive to the danger to thelr1nterf:ts -whlti Is threatened by Secretary of War Tsft's announced In tention to secure a postponement until 1-909 of the extension of our coastwise laws to the Philippines. Secretary Taft." continued Mr. Smith, who Is an expert on American shipping affairs, "claims that there are not enough Amer ican vessels available to do our carry ing to the Philippine, Doubtless he be- lleves thlsi nevertheless it ia nut 1 su. as thero are many more vessels now available) for that carrying than there Is business for them to do. , Secretary Taft, or any other person .who may. seek the proof of this assertion from the only source that' proof ,ts possible American . vessel owners can readily obtain it' fn convincing abundance!" to proceed cautiously, or she would have set a pace almost equal to that of the Southern Pacific's through pas senger train. Deducting the time that she was forced to lay at the city by the sea to discharge freight, she' com: pleted the long run from port to port In 48 hours' actual running time. The trains make but a little better showing. When the Senator, one of the crack fsteamers of .the Pacific coast, which was chartered yesterday by the San -Fran' Cisco ft Portland - Steamship company, goes into service Monday along with the Columbia, Costa Rica and Homer, It Is believed that there will be a ma terial Increase In the passenger traffic between here and San Francisco. It then will be possible for a person to make the down trip on the Columbia and after remaining in the city a day take passage on the Senator and reach here on the return trip about as quickly as by patronising tha railroad company. ellng on Aral-class steamers In far more comfortable than on a train, it ia held that the water route Boon, will become the most -popular. ' ' - ' TOO MANY BARNACLES Xnphrosyne Spends Twenty-fou Says . Coming 7rom San rruoiaeo. '. .. 'With the bottom of her hull covered with barnaclea, which accumulated dur ing her two-years' star In the saltwater harbor of San Francisco, the British ship Euphrosyne, Captain Thompson, reached port yesterday afternoon; It required 24 days to complete the passage up the coast. The captain says the. .Weather was fine, but try as he would he could not make his craft show a speed of more than four knots an hour.' Under ordinary-conditions, he asserts" that she is capable of reeling off 10 knots an hour. Her snail pace is held to be entirely due to the foul condition of the bottom of the ship. The captain is expecting to receive a cable from tha owners in-truuUag-htm to have the vessel placed on the drydock for. cleaning and paint ing. He already has received word from them ' asking why he wss so long , in making the trip from San Francisco. . The Euphrosyne has a number of ex cellent passages to her credit, and they Iwere cited by the captain- to show that she can sail when In the proper trim. In 187 she made the run--from Port land to Queenstown. England, with a cargo of wheat, In 100 days, two months less time than la consumed by the av erage, windjammer., The following year she '. completed the same , trip in 117 days.. While these are not record-break ing passages, they come close to being. Three .years ago the Euphrosyne was st Portland and loaded a cargo of wheat for Melbourne. After the grain had been -allv-red-ie went to Newcastle and tookrtfh a cargn of coal for - -San Francisco, arriving there a couple of years ago. where1 she remained ever since,' until she ssiled for Portland, waiting for a charter. Hhe la under contract . to ..'Taylor. Young ; Co. to transport a cargo of wheat to the United Kingdom. .-. ' . MARINE NOTES.' A a tot-la. Nov. 10. Arrived at '4 and left up at S:80 a. m. Btea mer. Colum bia, from San Francisco. Left up at 7 a. m. French bark Enrope. Railed at 9:4 a. m. Steamer Despatch, for San Francisco. Arrived ot 10:40 a. m. A four-masted schooner. Outside at 10:48 a. m. A foiir-mnateu schooner. Arrhred st 11:06 a. m. Steamer Alliance, from Eureka and way ports. . Ban Frsnolsfo, Nov. 10. Sailed last night Schooner Montetfy, In tow , of steamer Rosecrans, for Portland via The Kind You H pHS ia tire caution applied to the public announcement of Castoria that has rr . .'been manufactured "under the supervision" ChasTHf Retcher'for over r. 30 yearsthe genuine Castoria, We respectfully call the attention of fathers and ' mothers hen purchasing Castoria to see that the wrapper bears his signature in black. , When the wrapper is, removed the same signature appears on -Doth sides ; of the bottle in red. Parents who have used Castoria for their little ones in the Sast years need no warning against counterfeits and imitationabut our present uty is to call the attention of the younger generation to the great danger of intro ducing into their families spurious medicines. : ; . f -:r ; - V It ia to . be regretted that there are D60Dl6 Who arflnfVW finorflfrofl in fnn nefarious busmess of putting up and selling ail sorts more ; properly be termed conterfeits. for, medicinal preparations not only for adults, but worse yet, for children's medicines. It therefore devolves on the mother ' ' to scrutinize closely what she gives her child. Adults can do that for themselves ; but. the child has to rely Asks table Preparation for As similating the Food and Recti la ting tf S tomacte and Dowels of Promotes DigestjonCheetful ns and Rest.Contalns neither 3njm.Morphine nor Mineral. ot Narcotic. MxJmwm ' H J r'- f iftr - ' A Derfpcf Remedy forConstioa- tioru Sow Stomach. Diarrhoea. WorTriS,Convulsions.reverish' ness and Loss or Sleep. aaBBaBaBBBBBBBBsaeeaBSBBaaasBaaaa Facsimile Signature of , --- NEW "YORK. w EXACT COPY OV WRAPPER. V. 'si Teeth-NbPain " Marvelous Is what all tha dentists say about the wonderful system of Alveolar Dentistry, originated and practiced . ex clusively In Portland by Boston Dentists, 91Vk Morrison street. We save teeth If only a good root remains. We restore old decayed teeth - to ; usefulness and beauty. We replace lost or abaent teeth' with out plates. We extract teeth without pain - ftee of charge. . We treat and tighten loose teeth, and" aoft or bleeding gums are made aound and healthy. . We guarantee our plates to fit. We give you the best dental work for the lowest -cost - consistent with first class work. Come and have free examl- TrrrH 'wrrHoUTPWriJ Boston Painless Dentists asm Morrison St., Opp Kales k'rraak .- and oeoffloe. XOTas S30 a. as. to S p. aa. Soa day, sao a. m. to liiU p. m. Monterey. Sailed Jast night Steamer Wasp, for Portland. , . . . Port Harford, Not. 10. Railed 'last nigh-8trmer Whlttler, for Portland. ,; Astoria, Nov. 9. Arrived at i p. ra, A four-masted schooner. , , - Astoria... Nov. 10. Condition of tha bar st -I a. m. Smooth; wind, eaat; weather, cloudy.- ..... .- "Little Colds" neglected thousands of lives sacrificed every year. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cures little colds cures big colds,' too, down to the very verge of consumption. , MRSTPRISCILLA HUFFMAN CROSSES GREAT DIVIDE - . - (Rpeelal Pl.pntcta to Th Jonrnal.) Hlgln, Or., Nov. 10, Mrs. Prisclllm Huffman, one of Oregon's pioneer, died at her home near Klgln Mhnday, -No vember t. 190G, at the age of 18 years. Mrs. Huffman crossed the ' plains to Oregon, in company with her husband. In 165. emmlgratlng . from Missouri, and. has resided Inr this section ever since. Her husband, John Huffman, died 11 years ago. tflie was the mother of 14 children, seven of whom survive her. Pesldes seven children, most of Whom reside In - this- county she leaves 37 grandchildren and 1 great-aj-angchild- . irYou Arc A rareful 'reader of JOl RXAI, ail Ton are stirhlns tor jimr own om-k.t ana. evn If It la a little bit aeia.h. H l hettw thaui s-nrklns tot cither pefipKs, pockets nat of tha time. . . ,", "on . the mother's watchfulness. r '' '''"n-nnimsinji The Kind Ton Have Always in na for over 30 years, All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Jnnt-na-good" are bat Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of -Infants and Children Experience against Experiment ' What is CASTORIA 7' Castoria is a harmless substitute for Casf or Oiir Pare goric, Drop fend Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant, tit , '. contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karcotio .. substance. Its age Is its guarantee.' It destroys Worms --- and allays Feverihne.T it cures Diarrhoea and Wind -" Colic' It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation -and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the - Stomach aid Bowels," giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE ; C ASTO R I A ALVV AYS - .... yj Bears the .suaaBBw ' ' JaSsMaBsBs1sBwMWwWsMSMSswMW'" The Kind You Me Always Bought T In Uao For Over 30 Years. V THtatsTuaaoaav, rrauaaatar, wrasaarrv, ''v.'-. ; . for ';'V:V;, :'r.-'-l ' Thc Best $3 HAT 1 intrif World- Means the HAT VALUE no paying more for any hat Leading Hatter rillllllUHIIIIXUISlHIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIHIIHHIin s e G. P. Kummelin & Sons i i j 3 . . i a Send for " a - ' - - ' Euzzxxxzss:::::s:zzxxznxxicssxszsx;:ai S) of substitutes, or wnat should Bought, and -which has been has borne the slgmature of . and has boen made under his per sonal aupervialon since its infitney, - "Allow no one Jo deceive yoi In this. Signatuitr of The Best $3 HAT 4n-the V : World best 126, SECOND STREET V Bet. Washington & Alder Sts. ' . EXCLUSIVE r v X0.B11IEBS W Make a Specialty Of ' CHOICE FURS . . - IJT li "... H .' Alaska Sealskin, London Dye; Persian Lamb, ' Leipsic ,Dye; Royal . E rmine,' Chinchilla, Sable, Natural - Dark Mink Alaska Bear, Alaska Foxes. For Tics For Mulls For Coats -waawaaasBssBwaaBaBWBawMBajfc,' Leading and Reliable Furriers possible a V