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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, . NOVEMBER 10, 1805. 5 a ' ' H.Mr.. V It! ).) ah. 1.1 un H r i -V- mm topics tomiokts inimm." Marqaam Grand 'TTa Marriage t KHtr ...."lb I-adr of t.ron.' ,, Muatral Burlrequt Cuili.lllt,, ....... X HI1B.B ! "UU tor Ufa' l.rrle.. .r.n. , .,.TudTlll ........ .......Tsuetlla V.uU.IU Star uVi star... rlj. Megargel and Faaseftid'thelr Rea Moun talneer, arrived In Portland lait evening after an interesting trip across the con- ' tinent. The distance was f.ioo mllea, the pair leaving New Tork city August 1. The trip waa moat eventful and Megargel And hla partner are full of ' ( atorlea alout their experience. After a reat of four daya in Portland, they .will Journey t San Francisco and Los Angclea- and- follow the Santa re back east, with the Intention of arriving- In New Tork on the ilrst day of January. 'Six Chlneae pleaded anility before'Judge , George yeaterday to having played a me of fantan down In a Second street ahop or Jane M. The game was broken up by a raid made on the atora by Sheriff Word and Deputies J. W. Oruasl. John Cordano and Bam Iownev. - A few minutes after the aocuaed bad made their plea Judite Oeorfe fined Ah Tone; 2t and Ah Wont, Ab dune;. Ah loule, Ab Lee and Sung Bins; 11,0 each. Tbe lines .-' '. were paid. J-r '.' Charlotte O. Wade, In a complaint filed In the circuit court, alleges that her husband, Israel J. Wade, once, beat net until ahe waa black and blue, then choked . her until ahe waa unconacloua. Anothei time, ahe says, he left her In an old aback In eaatern Oregon out on a lonely wilder neaa without food or money, and he often beat and strangled her, threw her . out of their home and aold the furniture. - She seeks a divorce. ... . Mrt, Elisabeth, Helen Huntington, wife of A. C. Huntingdon of La, Oraade, died . . yesterday at the Good Samaritan hoe pltal, following, an operation for cancer. .. ., Mri. Huntington will be buried In La , ' Clrande tomorrow. ' Sha came to the Urand Rondo valley In 1860 and la sur - - vlved by Mr.' Hunting-ton and an only ' daughter. Mrs. George H. Curry,- wife of the editor of the La Orange . Dally , Evening Obeerrer. . : ---r-.... , ,' Major Hooper, general paesenger agent of. the Denver Rio Grand, la thinking of changing the well known catch phrase . "The gcenlo Line." to "Th Stork Line." ... Within , the laat three months, r four babies bar been born on Denver Rio Grande train two fen the Royal Gorge, one at Tennessee Pass, tne very crest of . the continent, and one In Utah. All are doing well. . .,. :-- i -r, In' the , machinery department at the lwls and Clark fair the state of Ore iron received more awards than any "Tiufher two states. A total of M awards was received by Oregon exhibitors, while 21 the next nearest three atates reoelved a total of 19. The list of awarda In the machinery 'department was completed - yesterday by the division of exhibits. . Dr. A. Tllser has been appointed by . Governor Chamberlain delegate for the .'. atate of Oregon to the Immigration eon jrress. which meets December I and T In New York. Dr Tllaer will leave Nevem ber 1 and will be absent about eta weeks. engaged In poet-graduate work In New por le 'Elght-roorrrmiedera Itoesa, '"Kast Fifteenth street, between Oak and Pine, 14,009. . Quarter block East Fif teenth between , Belmont and Taylor streets. IZ.BV0. -. For rent, modern T room house, Kast fifteenth and Oak, 130. . W. J. Clemens, 171 Stark street. There ' Is no need of any one going hungry, for by reading the market and grocery ada In tonight's Journal yon will . see how cheap you cap. get Sunday's . dinner. All shoppers are profiting by this special feature. Bee that you re- : cetve this benefit; its Intended for you. . In an application for the 'probating of the will of the tat Gustav Frederick ITamer, which, was filed In the county court, 'Mrs. .Cramer avers that the prob able value of the estate, was 130,000, about C4.W0 of which was in real estate. Watch the Friedman Packing Co.'a market ad In Friday a Journal. Tou can sure enough to purchase two good din ners. If you cannot come to our mar ket yourself, phono ua.your wants and It will receive our specie attention. At the Vnluwte fr'fc,wir4Sgft'Bv'--wrtp Ing girl's home, S8S Eaat Ankeny atreet, Mrs. A. EvrWhltesldes, countv president of theW. -C. T. IK will hold a eottage prayer meeting this evening at I o'clock. All are cordially Invited to attend. . P. E. Hall, claim agent of tbe Oregon Railroad 4t Navigation' company, - hat been appointed claim agent also of the Southern Pacific lines In Oregon, vice W, W, Bretherton, resigned. At tomorrow's meeting of -the Juvenile . court there will be Sg eases tried, none .of which- is flagrant. The court Is now turning Its attention to school truants and 10 will be up Saturday. ' : Articles of Incorporation have been file In the county clerk's Office by the Theatrical Mechanical association. They bear the signatures of M employes of weal theatres, ( . .. For San Franolsco The steamer Northland aalls direct Saturday even ing. Cabin. $11; steerage, ,t. Meals and berth Included. C H. Thompson, agent, isi Third street. Watches and diamonds II down and too per week. Goods delivered an first payment Xmaa Is coming. Metsgar it Co., jewelers, opticians, ill sixth. Deputy District Attorney Moser hss filed a true Information In the circuit court ftgnlnnt Oeorse Pappajanakea, AN" INVITATION invite you to vv .visit as In our new quarters -at 344 ; "TYsshiftiiKMV St; two doors below our old location. ; - . .." Htwett, Cradlay O Co. ' . JLUXMABKUa, J43 Wmthlagfm Stft " ;.. ' eaajTs raxims. . , G FIUE GIUE 81, 000 FOR JIIEJEIVS This Sum Is Expected to Be In. - - creased Four Fold by ' Tonight. CONDITIONS IN RUSSIA ' SAID TQ BE APPALLING Jewa "All Over Country Will, Con. tribute a Million Dollars to Perse cuted of Their Creed, and Those of Other Faiths Asked to Help. fFlve of Portland'a Hebrews, donated sums aggregating $1,000 for relief of the persecut 1 Russian Jews yesterday afternoon within -JO minutes after committee had been appointed to solicit subscriptions. By tonight it, Is expected that the total will have increased to at IfMiat $1,000. ' ' The movement was started at a meet ing yesterday afternoon In the roams of the Concordia elub A dispatch had been received by Ben Selling from Jacob SchltT, treasurer of "the national com mittee of relief, in which, he said: "We urge you and your, associates to -all a meeting of Jewish community to form branch committees ant collect Im mediate funda. Necessities very greet Conditions appalling." Ben Selling, I. N. Flelschner, Joseph Simon, Isaac Swett, M, Oetrow. Adolph Wolfe. Slgmutid Frank, Rabbi J. Bloch, J. Shemansky and J. Nudelman were ap pointed a soliciting committee. The committee la working vlgoruosly today and with great prospects of secur ing the largest sum ever raised for a similar purpose In thta city. -- Dr. Stephen B. Wise,, who la In 'New Tork wired Mr." Selling this morning as follows: .- " "As wired you by Schlff. Russian Jews suffering terribly. " Help Heeded immed iately. Use Klshineff balance aa nu. cleus and head strong committee your self. My contribution IIS. Wire results central committee.". . It Is evident from Dr. Wise's wire that the reports of the horrors In Rus sia have not been exaggerated and It is the hope of the members of the com mittee that every Jew In Portland will contribute something to the fund. - The list Is not, however, confined to Jewish people. Money will be received thank fully from any and alt . who . sympa thise with the victims. Still another dispatch from New Tork to Mr, Selling states that the national committee expects Up raise e total of 11.000.000 to relieve the situation. . The ministerial alliance at Ha last meeting . adopted resolutions of sym pathy foe the persecuted . Jewa, Incor porating therein a plea that he United States government do all wlthlp Us power to Improve conditions affecting them. - ' . ' - charging him with- having committed an assault with adargerous weaponUPOB g. I. 9 z.acK rangarea. ine assault waa com mined on the morning of October - is. Pangares conducts an oyster-house near the corner of Feorth . and Salmon streets, and alleges that - Pappajanakea shot him ss -the result ef business troubles. .Both are Greeks. , Woodmen of the World! All Wood men will meet lit 'Multnomah camp hall tonight. Head Consul Boak wants to meet you. Good program and refresh ments. -. . -, '. Baker's delicious Caracas eating choc olate with booklet In beautiful carton 10 cents, and vanilla chocolate with whipped cream, at 117 Seventh street. Steamer F. A. Kilburn for San Fran cisco, calling at Coos bay and Eurska, from Oak atreet dock. Friday, November 10. at a p. m. Tel. Main I$0. We clean and press your clothes snd shine Four shoes for $1.00 per month. Unique Tailoring Co $47 Washington. Main lit. - . ), W. O. W. meeting for members only tonight: Multnomah camp hall, East l.lh .nit IT..t AMer, Pond time ... sured. Any -watches cleaned, $1.01: main spring. $1.00; all work guaranteed one year. Metsger Co., ill Sixth street. New Shipment Raffia Juat received a fine lot, all colors, all shades. Port land Seed Co., front and Yamhill.: ; . . Pfunder the florist has removed te new atore at 141 Sixth atreet, between Aider ana Mernson. v v .a- Portland's best dancing school, 101 Alder. Prof. Rlngler, Miss Bucksnmsyer, - Indies' gymnasium class, tbe Rlngtor Physical Culture school. $1 per month. Opening dance Saturday evening. Burk- hardt'a hall, by Saturday Night club. Dr. G. M1.- Wells, resldenoe, ' Hobart' Curtis, Phone Main 2J. .. , . rrlta's Uraalee are tbe best. ' ' Bargains for Saturday. From ! a. m. to 1:41 p. m. we will place on aale the contents of eight large trunk a. All commercial travelers' sam ples, one garment of a kind, which we purchased for loo -on theWolIsr, dellv. ered to us from Portland hotel. No freight or express. , Hundreds of gen tlemen's fins percale "shirts In stripes end figures on tinted grounds, with de tacned currs. - rour cnolce ror eoe, eoc. $6o and 75c Same se sold by furnish Ing goods stores for $1.00, $1.21 and $1.10. Fine hosiery snd warm under wear at half price. Bed .spreads, blan kets. ' oomrorters. towels snd napkins gentlemen s -working- shirts snd night shirts st nail, price. Odd panta In tweeds, cloths snd corduroys; just what you want for. jWtnter. All samples. Sat urday's prices $1.00, $1.11. $1.80. $.00, $1.10 snd $1.00. Worth trebls the mount. Store open till 1:4s P. m. Mc Allen 4k McDonnell, r- . PUTTING LINN BRIDGES INTO GOOD SHAPE (Special DUnatok to The Jearaat.) Albany, Or., Nov. 10. The county has a fores ef $0 carpenters at work under the direction ef County Commissioner T. J. Butlsr, overhauling all bridges In the county where work waa found necea. aary: Linn count owna 1.400 bridgee and culverts. - .! ;:. Football.. Willamette University va. Multnomah. 'One of the season's best. . Saturday, November It, st $ o'clock. Multnomah yield. Admlssloie oo, MORE ABOUT : THE GREAT SALE NO SHOPWORN OR OLD-STYLE .L PIANOS .JNCLUDErxl Every Instrument Fully Gufrahteed. Pricee Almost Cut in -Two. All Must Be Disposed of Without . Delay. Further Parttculara and How They May Be Purchased on Easy Payment - ( Donf Imagine because we rail this a closing out sale of Exposition slightly uiied. rented, etc.. pianos, that we have here a lot M old-style, ahoo-worn Pla noa. On the couttary, -several Instru ments In this sale are really brand new ones, the latent and cholt-est product of their respective manufactory. 'The aim la to dispose of every one of the many new instruments that were placed at the disposal of the many state buildings In whoae social functions snd success they took sn important part, and also the pianos rented by many commis sioners snd Fair people for their private apartments. We made no exhibit none 'of these -pianos' have been exposed to drafts, dampness or other abuses Incident to a five-month display in a booth. Every piano, whether a most eowtly high-grade ('bickering. Weber, a Kimball, a -Stack. Haselton, Hobart M. Cable. Lester, Hadr dorfT, and many others, or a medium grade Instrument, are now marked at such a low price as will dispose of every one of them during the next few - You can secure here the finest and highest-grade regular 4S0 pianos in fancy mahogany, oak or mottled walnut eases for slmost half price, or $200. Terms $21 cash snd $10 per month-buys one. Alt the regular $400 pianos beautifully finished In ' walnut, mahogany or oak rasea, in lateat styles, now marked at I .'05. Terms $25 down and - f per month. Every one of the regular $350 uprights In fins mshos-any or walnut or ohic cases, can now be nad lor iziu, Terms $24 down and $8 monthly. Beau tiful brand new. fullv warranted reau- Jar $276 piano. Cabinet Grand uprights l In fancy mahogany or oak eases, with ail ite latest improvements, now ror llTt. Terms of payment, $lt down and $ monthly. . - ,. All of the 1250 pianoa are now marked at 11(4, and from these prices range down to $117 for a, thoroughly depend able, warranted new -UBrurnt piano in mahogany or walnut-cases snd three pedals. : Terms $10 cash and IS monthly, Every piano on sale by.EJIIers Piano House Is fully warranted as to material and workmanship, and also as to price. "Money back if not satisfactory" applies to every transaction,! whether -large or small. If you cannot attend the aale in per son, .write or - telephone us for cata logues and prices. First comers secure choice. Remember the place. Kllers piano House, 351 Washington atreet, corner Park. - . , . v ';. Football. ' Willamette University vs. MuKnomah. One of the season's best. Saturday, November '11, at I o'clock. Multnomah Field. Admission (0c r Vlilwaukie Country Club. Eastern and Seattle races. Take Hell. wood and Oregon City care at Firat and Alder. Thanksgiving Day is coming Secure " s- A TURKEY FREE With the Purchase of a Han's or Youth's Suit or Overcoat Our quality, style and price are not to be beat. Special cut- prices . on Shoes for Ladies, Men, Misses , and Boys. The newest shapes and patterns in Men's Hats" ind Pants, also a full line of Shirts. Complete line of Un derwear. Big stock of Blank CsTXOntfdmrsTTfulffi Suit Cases. We save you 20 per cent, - JOHN DELLAR JtT TWO STOkBS Cor. First and Yamhill ail - Cor. Third and Davis AJCUSXStaVTS. siessissiassswajseeseel Harquam Grand Theatre TOXIOHT AT :! O'CLOCIC. seatal Jiie atatlaee ataiday tart Verfermaaoe -Temenrtw Might Roselle Knott , Support wt br an TiTrwtlenf Cnmpeny, la TUB ROMANTIC DRAMA. "WHEN KNIGHTHOOD - WAS IN FLOWER" " ritirRS Kvenlngi, 35e, Me, We, ' TV, ' $1 .00, 11.50. Matinee, IBe, sac, soc, TSv, Delasco Theatre uZFiu BEtAsOO MATH. MOM. ' fwirteeeta tnS Wattatnstoa Streets. - X. 9. Vries, Oea. Mgr. X. L. aaekett. See. Mgr. . . TONIGHT AT :. MATIVXI TOMOUtOW AT $.1$. White Whittlesey supported by tks Belsaea Steek Oastaaay. ' SeJBT'T'.VHlt'?,,"'a'. SesisBes FTHE CADY OF LYONS .i IH. Sle to T5e; Mats, sat.. Sob., tlte to 60c. Next Wk WHITK WHITTLESEY Bt "TUl riHST VIOLIN" MtMlvM Saceee. Marquam Grand Theatre movsat aioirr. votzmsxs i$. ito$ Rlesare aa4 rriag ftmnt Celer4 Georfa Minstrels Till REAL ri'NMAKEaa. POPrXA". r Hires -Low Smr, . tv. K.Wl esr. ne ssS alb-. Katlra gillerf, 36e. Boael and logrS, J. . - Forget ML. .-"''.mm l v mm :' rk Mrs - $1.50Hats. Vt. . . .V. . . ... . . . . . . . ..... -29 $2.00 to $3.50 Hats.. ............. ......70 i5c Sox.: , L. . v.;'.. . .. . At These Fire Sale Bargains Will Never Again Be Known in PorQand ! TTCome as Early in the Day as - , - mXXXSXSXXXXSXmXXXXSXXXSXXSm M .. . CORRECT MILLINERY SS - 1,000 atreet Hats at reduced prloes. ' 800 Dress and Bolt Hats, nia ASSOBTKSsTT or all the wanted things in TmrsnmrOS. A few stsps aside from tbe high-rent district prices not so high. We at all times sell nilK, STTXOSX and FaVAOTIOAI, headwear lower than the special prlcee-e( "bargain stores." After looking In vain "all . over town" for what you want you are pretty aure to And it at - ' DECKER'S, Third and Salmon Sis. szxxxxzxxxxx: AsCVSncsaTTS. Atarquam Grand Theatre HARRY MESTAYER la Uearlk Ibeta'a Great Orsma, ; - ."GHOSTS"..'.;.": I RK EB Bo, tBc. SOc, T5e, $1.00. Bxrs and logoe. 1. Empire Theatre -.. MILTOX W. SEAMAN, Ifsaager. Tkree Meie rerfenaaaeas THE GREAT SENSATIONAL MELODUAUA, A HUMAN SLAVE A tnpeneoa Sflc Pradaetloa hf a 8troei Osaipsnr Plarsrs. EE THE Bin STRIKE SCENE. BEE THE ROI.UJ.-0-MII.L SCENE. 1 ' MATISEX gATVBDAT. rSICES Erealng. 15c, 25c, Mc, JOc fti- Bes. l"e. le. ISc. NEXT WEEK "HOOUGAN'E TROl'BLEE." UBBRTY THEATRES FOURTH AJfI KTARK T1tEET, . ef Keating sad riind. ' yrineMS Ckiaaailla aaS X. (mil. Prof. Eawanls aa4 Bis Baaing Kaagaree. aara oeaiise. . v uterine sisters, ' . Stewe, Tewae an4 Want. Xji Wkite. . Libertj's SWtl orrhMtra aid New MnTtpf Pli-tnrea. ' Prrfonnanees JaH at I:AO, T:f an4 p. m. AQaBwaioB iu asa so reals. 0 rases Tkeatre 0 tassn. . See.. I Baker, atgr, Phane llals leoT. . laH Twe Times Tesigkt at 1:11. Temerrew Matuee ss A-trtonaanee xeaterrew si(at. Tiger Lilies Burlesque Company .... . .. AtXX (-AUK, Aaietlra's Areafeat Ckaraetar rsssattllaa. Grseatul t4 b.atlful girls: atrens. karaienl. eas Tol-; garseeua eoammee and a great ' Uae ef VaadeTtlle Estertsiaars. ritirES ETenlnga. tie. Me, THc ataH. eM. ISO. 2Ae. Kc. SOe. KOTR WaSaesdar " Matinee, Baraala Par, lde to anr seat. NEXT WKEk "THE VTOPIASS." " THE STAft ' Kaaisnes) sad Bess. . 1 - Itavh.a ritipatriok Ce., ladsteae OkiMrea. .Bstasha, - Hutektaeaa aad tnaky, atr. Jaaa B, fefsei. ' taneeeae. . General Aamlaaloa loci erfnlnia. Kuaara and llolldsra. mwead seats en kmc flnor Our; 4.11 stsllaees efltlre lewet ener luc; kna seats SSr. T HE;:QRAND s E.t1 Itallsa Baada Baaaa. Tke Ttne facfllaff aamtta. Bnuaage aad Clark. Kaavre. Tke Aalaa Trie. " . , . Ml. Fred yariatea. ' r. ' OraadiseeBe. i flenersl sdalaaloa luet evtntis, Snndi ind Holiday, r-wtfil seats ea fcww kne: dailr mttiBeee.V esttra ktwaa aaa liv: bet seal at.'. . ; ? v - -., ' . , ... ........ : , j . .- : That certain repairs, absolutely necessary, may be made. The burned walla , and ceiling must b renewed, and to get as much of our stock as possible . out of the Vay tomorrow . .-; ''."; ; . - WE SHALL FLING WIDE THE DOORS THE ENTIRE DAY AND r SELL ANYTHING CALLED FOR IN CLOTHING AND SHOES AT ; V 80. TO 40 CENTS' ON THE DOLLAR. , MEN'S $35.00 SUITS AND : OVERCOATS at. . . . ; . . . . . . . MEN'S $30.00 SUITS AND OVERCOATS at MEN'S $25.00 SUITS AND OVERCOATS at MEN'S $15.00 SUITS AND OVERCOATS at. . MEN'S $12.50 SUITS AND OVERCOATS at.. ...... ....,7. MEN'S $2.50 TROUSERS - i fc a. e e MEN'S $4.00 TO $6.00 TROUSERS MEN'S AND WOMEN'S 2.56 ;Aia SHOES at.:. ... And so on all through the store; Possible Tomorrow Don't Wt ' Are in the House. .- We have a very large line of finest Quality . of Linen . Warp Matting on hand and must elose out In order to make room for holiday goods now arriving, In cluding .:.; . Xmas Toys and Japanese . Curios - WIOUUU AJTS BSTAXZj. We will continue our auction sale ' 1$ days longer. Come An set bargains. Andrew Kan & Co. SST BtOBBISOa ST. $1.00$1.00 Turkish Bath and good W Cas tke Meat, aB fsv tL King's Baths ' Sereatk aa4 Wat. b-to Its. , iriaeet and larseet la tae elty. Asttr SflatXVTB. LYRICTHEATRE WIKX STSTS "OS-DAT, X0T1K1IB , Life for Life A Tkrilling KeiedtaswV la lire Act. - - Adwtsst;! 10ci BaaafTad InIi sue. 4 A T fT II 1ll nTOiO I THE HOME OF BAROAINS tm 1? IflS 11 0 1 3Q7 First St. IWatting-Sale 22 $ 10.50 08.75 T.S.A.N.D..... 07.5O 06.CO $5.10 75c ifr.i ......... 15c Handkerchiefs . i ............. , ... . . ..4f President Suspenders.'. ................ .19f $1.50 Shirts. . . . ... ...... .74 ; 1 Till Evening When the Crowds : .. Soon Be Too Late Japanese Art Goods: , ARE GOING LI KB M AGIC , Auction Drawing:. to a Close THOSE DESIRING RARE BARGAIN S ARE THEREFORE ADVISED TO TAKE ADVANTAGE ; OP-THEIR-OPPORTUNITYr- SALES DAILY: Chamber t Commerce Building 11 A. II. TO C P. M.-7 P. II. TO II P. II. CHAS. il. O'Connor Auctioneer h rrsrTxiTitssTrxTirxxsxrrxsKrrsrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr' V - r 4T..V 4'v- : : o " ......,,.. Y.KUSHIBIKI. :: : Commissioner.Genersl. Y. HASHIMOTO. , , Commissioner. Y. YAMAJI, . ; Manager. "1 .; The SUITS OVERCOATS AND CRAVEHETTES We show seem to carry about them so much- of that indefin able SOMETHING called style, shape and originality that good dressers detect at a glance. They look, fit and wear right. Tha prices, in consist ency With" quality,. ar low. You "can pay. a . portion of amount at time of purchase snd the balance at $1.00 di The Store Where Your Crc 'it Is Good. Fi-ctcrn f-Z',V' X!::":'' i t:H T;: ! i i