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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1905)
t THE GREAT ANNUAL: THANKSGIVING OFFERINGS Of Linens and Fine -Tabic -Damasks arc Intensely Interesting to Housekeepers, '- ' - - Managers. : SPECIAL EXPOSITION ALL WEEK-FIRST FLOOR, FIFTH STREET ENTRANCE - - - Store Closes at 6 P. M. "THE DIFFERENT. STORE' GOOD EVENING 5TH, 6TH, WASHINGTON STS. READERS Olds 1 K T. Store Opens at 8 A.'M. VVU1 Ullctll BREVITIES FOR BUSY S ATURDAY We Close at 6 P.M. Another Condensed List of End-of-Week Bargains for Hurried Conning by Busy Folk on a Busy Day. Patrons Will Kindly Bear in Mind That This Store is Not Open Evenings We Close at 6 P. M. SATURDAY ENDS THESE OFFERINGS. 'Save By Buying Silks Portland's Silk Store offers unprecedented values for Saturday..', in dependable Black Taffetas -makes that have helped very ; Linucli to make us famous as a Silk' Stored- F-rrrr :. 19-in. all silk Black Taffeta J regular 75c grade, yard.., " jJ9-in. all sUc Black Taffeta ; regular 85c graded yard. 21-inch all silk Black Taffeta ; regular$1.00 grade, yard.. I 23-in. all silk. Black Taffeta; regular $1.10 grade, yafd. -27-in. all silk Black Taffeta; regular $1.25 grade," yardr; 86-in. all silk Black Taffeta; regular $1.50 grade, yard. .$ 1.21 THE GREAT SALE pF NOVELTY SUIT SILKS ALSO CONTINUES - UNTfL "CLOSJNG TIME AT 6 P. M. ; 581 68 734 83? 89 Grand "Harvest Home" giving Sale of Good Shoes Thanks West Annex First Floor WALK THRO' THE STACKS OF WHEAT! LEATHER EXHIBITS FROM THE EXPO IN OUR SHOE STORE! A GREAT SATURDAY Sale dsome Siiitings -In the Dress Goods Salonsh-First FloorFifth StreerAnnexT COLORED DRESS GOODS SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY 51-inch waterproof Suiting, in the finest covert weaves, all coat 7 and suit colors to choose from ; our regular $2 grades. Special for Saturday. . . ........... i ... . . . . ; . ,-. .$1.67 SO-mcrr all-wool Cheviot-and-Storm Scrges,-rin-a-largc-assort" , merit" of colors; our regular $15 grade. ; Special for Saturday, yard .................................. . . .93 2,200 yards of Novelty Mixed Suiting, in thewanted hard fin ished weaves, all good colors to choose from ; regular 5Pc ' - values.' Special for Saturday ooly, yard. i .... .38 SPECIAL SALE OF HANDSOME CUT GLASS SATUR-DAY-IN. THE ."ART. GROTTO' THIRD FLOOR.; i- Handsome Cut Glass . FLUTE-CUTTING . A; Cordials Our $13 value. Special at, the dozen. . .... .910.38 Sherries Our $14 value, Special at, the dozen. . . .. . .811.25 Clarets Our $19.60 valuev Special at, the dozen..... 815.75 SaucerCttampagne Our $22 value. Special at, dozen. .817.60 Goblets-r-Our $24 value. Special at, Jhe dozen... .. .810.25 jrWkey-TmnDlert-ur Rvalue,, .Special at, dozen. .47. ii Champagne Tumblers uur $n vaiue. special, aozen. .?s.a; Water Tumblers--Our $14 value. Special at, dozen.. 811.25 Handle Sherbets Our $14 value. ; Special at, dozen. .811.25 Finger Bowls Our $17 value. Special at, the dozen . .813.60.. Finger Bowl Plates Our $17 value. Special at, dozen , .813.60 Water Bottles Our-$3.50 value. Special at, each... . . ,82.85 Oil Jugs Our $2.50 value.,; .Special at, each.... ..82.00 .Every article is offered at reduced prices for Saturday. Hundreds of articles from which to select. "me ureat Closure aal es of the Millinery Stocks Continue Saturday. "Bijou" Salons Second Floor Annex. WOMEN'S HANDSOME $4.00 READY - TO - WEAR - HATS $1.60. Special Offerings Tomorrow for the Xads and Lasses ; $1, $1.50. $2 FELT SAILORS AND "NAPOLEONS" 50c, All -wanted colors embracing reds, Havies, , ' ' browns, white, etc. .. ' . ; v ' .GIRLS' $1.25 PATENT LEATHER SAILORS 50c Especially adapted for school wear during the rainy season.; A new line just in of pretty Serge and Flannel Caps and Tarns, with5 embroidered emblems on fronts, . for wcar. f boys or girls. " ' . jPreat values at. ......... . 75, 81.00 and up to 83.00 '.SEE- THE GREAT HARVEST SHOWS! SEE THE GREAT LEATHER SHOWS! ::;. : : sition on display , A Great- Special Exposition and Grand Full-Season : Opening in the ShOe StQreS Sixth Street Annex-First-Flobr. ? . Ipwfi?! A very unusual spectacle will be . presented ourr Ji ' TvrTSC- ''111' visitor's who saunter along the "Fair-Way" today., jur ivir. jameson nas iniroaucea a very preuy lea ttirepas originated and carried outby him m his14 large eastern stores in Boston and Providence," R."L,'" before he joined forces with the 0LD9, WORT MAN & KING organization. The feature has been fc written, up by some of the leading eastern papers . and commented on favorably for its bold originality, , its magnificence and interesting educational lesson ' afforded You-'may- seeas -you nte4oday-f rom , either end of thj broad avenue" leading into, the "Boote Shoppe,"4 grand display of all the leathers " "used in the making of GOOD SHOES. The ex-r pose is intensely interesting and instructive. ' Come. . in and enjoy the sight. We are in the shoe business- II .-v with all our might. Even the exclusive-shops cnrr- not boast of a stockthat is better or bigger-than ours, or more diversified. .: Shoes at all fair prices $3.50 to $6.00. Our $3t50 footwear is invested with . as much: grace, as much style and as muctt exclusive character as any $5 shoes, of which w know else- wnere. . - i - , :. . As an accompaniment to the grand fuU season opening shows, we offer a list of very exceptional r special values.,... ;-:. ' .. Great Purchase Women's Fine Boots V - From D. A. Donovan C& Co., Lynn, Mass., by Olds; Wortman CB. King This event should be oneof great' interest to our many patrons, as we offer some unusually attractive" bargains during this great sale. v We are much pleased to say to our friends that we wete,,fortunate enough to secure", at quite a loss to th manufacturers D. A. Donovan & Co., Lynn, Mass. a large, lot of Women's--Fine Boots, that for good reasons the makers would not ship to parties for whom they were made. Olds, Wortman & King got the prize, and these Shoes, 'all new goods, just finished, will be-offered to you at special sale prices--for Saturday. , , ; '.rr- i :' .j. vy e. mention someij)LibemanybargainsJh ere lor your choosing: ' WOMEN'S $3 AND $3.50 SHOES FOR $2.49. Women's Fine Shoes, of vici kid, with dull : matt tops and patent tips, lace style, turned w". sole ; regular $3 and $3.50 -values. " ' ' Special sate- jJTJce, the pair. ....... . .$2.40 WOMEN'S $150 SHOES FOR $2.49. Women's Shoes, of, best vici kid, Blucher pat tern, paient tips, jpodyear welt, hand sewed process; a regulatj.SO value. Spe cial sdle price, the pair. ........... .$2.49 WOMEN'S $3.50 SHOES FOR $2.49. .Women's Patent ."Colt Shoes, Blucher style, . t -. with welt sole and - military heel; regular $3.50 value. .Special sale price, the 1 pair ....r-r ..$2.49 WOMEN'S $3.50 SHOES FOR $2.49. '" Women's Patent Colt Button Shoes, with dull lops ana auii Duiions. jMaae wun inc new 1906 last and welt sole", regular $3.50 value. Special sale price, the pair, ..$2.49 WOMEN'S $3 AND $3.50 SHOES FOR $2.49. Women's Shoes," of vici kid, with patent tips, fancy trimmed, lace style, very stylish boots ; ' our $3 and $3.50 values. : Special sale price, the pair. ................ .$2.49 WOMEN'S $3 AND $3.50 SHOES FOR $2.49. Women's Shoes, of patent colt, lace style, with broad toe, comfortable heel and welt sole; our $3 and $3.50 values. Special sale " 'price, the pair. : .$2.49 Also Five Other Good Styles to Select From Children's Shoes INFANTS' 75c SHOEJ3 FOR 49c. Infants' Black Vici Kid'Shoes, either lace or : button,no heelsi.sizes 1 to 5rour 75c value. ' Special sale price, the pair. . .' . .49 CHILDREN'S $1 'SHOES FOR 79c. Children's Vici Kid Shoes, cither lace or but ton, spring heels, patent tips; our,'$l value. Special sale price, the pair.... 79 . CHILDREN'S KID SHOES. In the new champagne shade, lace style. These are strictly fine shoes, this season's1 make, sfzes .l to 5; our $1.25 value. Special sale price, the pafr.,. ........ 8 .98 Sizes 5 to iUour '$L50 value. Special sale price, the pair ..$1.29 Without Question the Largest and y Finest Stock of Women's Garments Under Any One Western Roof . ; Grand Salona Second Floor ...v. -From every authentic. style source we've gathered the cream, of FashiohTi products and priced 'em within the reach of very purse with the result thatTIIIS store now buys and T sells more-women's garments than any other TWO stores in : . the city COMBINED.1 Here hundreds of fastidious -women find every day an unrivaled stock of the newest, smartest COSTUMES for afternoon or evening wear at home or social ""functions abroad; -for the opera and theatre or carriage. .TAILORED SUITS for the street, swagger coats and hand-' some furs. Every garment for comfort, warmth, protection beaut jC Th at great Second FlooV, covering half of a dtjr block, is like Fashion's cornuedpia overflowing with every thing that's best in women's rcady-to-doa garments. Every line is at its zenit,h, and. while our aim is ever to avoid the "cheap" (believing the bottom to be already overcrowded), we aim to furnish to our patrons the best, newest-and most authoritatively correct garments, as approved by Queen rash ion's latest pronunciamento, at the lowest prices for , equal '' qualities. "You may choose from " ' -t-- COSTUMES AT FROM $38.50 TO $450.00. TAILORED SUITS Coats from hip to ankle length and new circular Skirts at from. . .". .......... $12.50 to $175.00 Walking Skirts at from! . .. . . i .$4.50 to $35.00 Smart Coats at from ...... .$7.50 to $12.50 Rain Coats at from .............. i . . . :'. . $12.50 to $48.50 SATURDAY IS THE MAN'S SHOPPING DAY And for It We've Provided a Host Of iris in Man's Shop . ' ' " ". Sixth Street Annex First Floor, MEN'S 35c AND 50c TIES FOR 19c. .. Men's Silk Neckwear, in four-in-hands, tecks and shield tecks, in " arlarge variety of patterns ; our 35c and 50c values. Spe- -cial sale price, each,... ....'.......;.V...., ........ .19 ' ; MEN'S $1.50 SWEATERSFOR $1.15. ' A Une of Men's All Wool Sweaters, in navy, cardinal and black. . "At the present prices of wool they are well worth $2, but our regular price is $1.50. Special sale price. ... . . .$1.15 . . .x, MEN'S 20c SOX AT TWO PAIRS FOR 25c. 1 . Men's Merino Sox,' in black, Oxford and camelshair, medium weight, a good wearer and our 20c value. Special sale .price. .2 Pairs for 25 MEN'S 75c OUTING NIGHTSHIRTS FOR 49c Men's Good Heavy-Weight Outing Flannel Nightshirts; in striped effects: the best 75c ; gowns on the market. - Special sale price, ' each . ; .49 Z MEN'S 75c UNDERWEAR 59cr" " v -line of Men's Natural Gray s Merino Under- sBTfffrand Drawersrwinter-weight r-t egu-rll lar yaje 75c. Special, the garment; 59 ' '"'1 MEN'S 25c HOSE 18c. Men's Woolen Hose, in natural gray, Oxford - and black ; regular value 25c Special, the -.pair .............j, .....V.. 18 MEN'S .$1 TO $1.50 GOLF SHIRTS 50c. A small broken line of Men's Golf Shirts, in tight and dark effects; regular values $1, $1.25 and $1.50." Speqial your choice.'... ....50 Skirts and OutingGowns 4 - 1 UNDERPRICED ; . Second Floor Annex. ., LADIESl OUTING FLANNEL SKIRTS WORTH 65c. FOR 49c. : . . - j Ladies' Outing Flannel Short Skirts, in pink or blue, plain 'of striped, with hemstitched or scalloped edges; our; 65c " , value. Special sale price, each.......;;..,., ...49 LADIES' 75c OUTING GOWNS FOR 57c. ' Ladies Outing Flannel Gowns, ,'in striped, pink and white or blue and white, made with plain turnover collar and cuff; -our 75c value. Special sale price, each'.'. T.7.. .IT. . . ..57' T ApiES $3 OUTING GOWNS FOR $2.29." Ladies' Fine Outing Flannel Gowns, trimmed with silk stitched dots and with plain outing flannel collar and .cuffs ; our $3 value. Special sale price, each ....... .'. ...... $2.29 Names of Leading Six Contestants . IN THE . AMERICAN MANUAL TRAINING. SCHOOL VOTING CONTEST WITH STANDING OF EACH AT 10 A. M. TODAYt ' . ,. TRUMAN COOK, FAILING. 186,952 GEORGE SLATER, LADD. . .... ... . .'. . . . ..... ... . . 178,759 ROBERT HOLMES, HARRISON. . ............ ... .166,623 WRIGHT BROWN, CLINTON KELLY. ........... 137,889 JAMES WINSTON, HARRISON. .. . . . . .'. .. . .. .... .115,718 SIDNEY CRUMM.'NOR&H CENTRAL..,....... 109,621 SCATTERING ...... ............ .... ...... . 97,846 TOTAL' . . . .......... J........ ....... . ... . .992,405 Bargain . Pick-Me-Ups First Floor Shops. $ll00 NEEDLE CASES 65c. 10c BACHELOR BUTTONS 6c. 4c TOILET PAPER 2c. 35c ALMOND CREAM 20c.. 1 ; 25c INDELIBLE MARKING INK 15c. T " LADIES 25c CUFF PROTECTORS 19c. 7c ENVELOPES 4c. 18c WRITING PAPER 10c. K ' - , 15c SHOE DRESSING 8c. ' 15c TOILET SOAP 10c. , 35c WRITING PAPER 20c. , " 30c DRESS SHIELDS 20c. v ,6c STOCKING DARNER 3c. , : ' , 15c HAIR ROLLS 10c. . . ' INK WRITING TABLETS 5c. , ,