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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1905)
II THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 10, BBgHBg SB M Ml I 1 - i 1 --L I-J-LIM ... I. II g 1CC3. mm mm , GOuliUTERS iraham's Balloon Ascension and , Perrine's Decisions Enable Webfooters to Get Game.. : BUSHER CALIFF TOUCHED ; UP BY OAKLANDERS Portland Tallies. Fir Rum in Fourth and Tie Score, and Cinches Match in Neirt Two Inning Umpire ' Was Away Off Color in Award. 1 s ' (Journal Special StrTk.) -. Oakland. Nov. !. The much. deaplsM Giants, with Buaher Callff In the box. won yesterday's gams from Oakland. Id the third innrng Oakland made fire runei off Calif f. but In the following Inning Uraham went up in hi alrahtp and be fore he descended the aoore waa tied. I Hogan, hla aucceaaor, waa easy for two Innings, when a busher named Hop kins went tnt the bo and dented j Portland a hit ia three innings. Umpire Ferrlne waa nwsysff color in hla decis ions. He called Dunleavy oat in tho ninth, when- that Mever fielder had tied I the score. The official scare follows; - j V ' PORTLAND. ' 1 JIB. R. H. PO. A. R. van Buren, uj ...... Mr-Hale, b. ........ .MiiliK'll, h MhHv, 2b. AicLean, c M.redte, rf, ........ Bweeney. ss. Ferry, lb. y. a nit, p. Kuess, rf, 1 S 0 3 1 .2 t I Totals. 6 - ..........17. 1 t? OAKLAND. . AK R. H. PO. A. Fl i I a II fa a 1 till i : t 0 4 11 10 1 '' a. 1 1 Von Haltren. cf. ..... 4 Kruver, rf. S IninlftHvy, If. ........ 6 1 MeKlnnn, Uk-kw- 1 . Kelley, 2b 6 1 Kruncks, ss. ......... 1 1 ' evereUK, So. ...... 4. McMurray, c ....... 4 jruham, p. ,. t Hon, -p. 1 Hopkins, p 1 Kli-hards, as. . k...... 1 iV fBpeeUt Wtpah to Th lowest! ' Willamette I'nlverstty. Salem,. Or., Not. 10. Another day and tn rig Tugl between the team of the Mult- aoutsh Athletlo club and the team, or Willamette university will be In pr rress. This will undoubtedly be the greatest gam played. In Portland d fir this year. Many of the sportsman of Suiora hav figured It out tnt-thl is th tlroo "Wil lamette will Win from the club men.' But Multnomah will have a- strpn .eaao and If Wniametta win -It -will b twin of superior team work. It la reported that Rupe Sanders of Salem, who hi.i been playing with Cbemawa, will b la a. .Multnomah suit Saturday. Thers mny be other changes In the club's Una up for Saturday's game, but no bunch of mftivo.JXetAtfijlLtarBV-cani!sr rTotats"; - . SCOiUS BT INNINGS. - Portlnnd . 511901 Illta . .1 0 S I t 14 Onkhmd . . ...... fl I i I t 1 t 1 T . Hits . .11 4 X t 111 - ". 8UMMART. ? Stolen base Kr'uger. Dnnleavy, Kel- -IVV Kruncka.-: Hit Off Uraham.-1, off Hoiraa, 4. Run Off Graham, 6: oil . Hniran." 4. Three-base hits Ferry, Mitchell. - .Two-baae. hits McKtnnan, Ihinleavy, Graham. Mitchell, Schlafly, Callff. Sacrifice hit Van Buren. First lwse on errors Portland, i; Onkland, i. liases on balls OS Cnlin. 2; off Graham. -li off Hoaani- 2 Let t' on bases Port land. C; Oakland, t. Struck out Bv Ca ll". 7: bv Graham. 1: bv Hoaan. 1: bv Hopkins. . Hit by pltofwd - ball Francks. Double play Sweeney t Kerry. Time of game One hour and SS minutes, U'jnpire Perrlne. , , t GREATEST QUARTERBACK Ifl .' tVESTERH GAME rckersall of Chicago Considered 4 by Experts to Be Fleetest and I I Headiest Player In West. , ' i (leorMl Special Bwvlce.) ' 'Chicago. NoT.'lfl. Walter Eckersall. I narterback of the University of Chi cago football eleven. Is the gridiron idol of the west Here it la believed .that be has- wo peer In the country as a quarterback, as aa open field runner, ss 'a strategist In running an eleven, as i . 'punter or ss a goal kicker. Certain tt -Is that no player- West of - the - -Alle- jEhenles compares with him, and a west ern man will tell you that I cannot be found In the east. - Kckersall la a amall yellow, weighing. weir lt uuunJg, BilU IB PUt "' leef" Inches tall. He Is capable of running It. The soors: 1 yards in a track suit-In :! and when the footing Is aura and hard ' he can ran the aame d lata nee in a foot ball suit In one second slower time. This seems almost beyond belief, but the lUUe fellow has -dune It -time arter 'time. On a day when --there la no . -breese.he Is capable of punting fre"e to 7 yards at every attempt. From any riolnt within the '40-yard line he la a ure goal kicker, his record being 17 goals out of It attempts at drop kick Inr from the 40-yard mark. ; Running through an open field he Is tes squirmy as an eel.. He leaps and bounds around like a man 'of rubber, brushing aside ' this tackier, hurdling ' that one and leaping away irora an ethr. He frequently makes runs of from I to 70 yards and a giro in " which he does not accomplish aomething of that sort Is a alow one for him, 1 always carries the ball back after t of bla fleetneas He he and klckoff because He brought defeat to the University of Wisconsin by dropping a goal from the Held, and a.. week. Inter. In a game aaalnat Northwestern, he dropped an other goal. J . i - 1 Eckersall "never we,ca protection bf any sort, appearing In every game with out noseguard or headgear. Hla Jersey fa not even -padded and th pads in ills trousers are as light a a they can be made and give any protection at all. He wears the . lightest football shoes that can Tie secured,, and thua ha ia readv at all times to give the Maroon the benefit of his great speed. - . He seldom gets Into a hard scrim . never being asked to carry the ball ekoept In a trick play. In returning punts and in carrying the' ball back after the klckoff. Coach Btagg has built his team -up- ardund, this one player, and a Maroon defense Is always ready to save Eckersall from Injury when he Is tackled and thrown. WILLAMETTE PLAYERS ARE VERY CONFIDENT Salem Men Do Not See How Clubmen Can Win, Though ' Outweighing Collegians; PORTLAND LIEN IN " BIG GllfilE - Scott and Chalmers Will Be In . Cardinal Lineup In Inter- ;r collegiate Contest. v BLUE AND COLD ELEVEN'S CHANCES ARE BRIGHT Injuries Hare iDelayed Stanford to Great Extent While Captain Force' Aggregation, Is in Fin Physical Condition.' . velop team work In a week's practl Coach Blahop has strengthened those places which wars weak In last Satur day game. Patton. who has been play ing safely on defense, will play His oia position at right, end. As he is accus tomed to this position, he will play a better- game- here than at safety. Km. who Is as speedy as any man on the WUIamentt team, will play safety. .He la a aura tackle and a good man at re ceiving: punts. '- With that Invincible line, and three strong men backing It up, jdultnonwii 111 find It hard to make yardage-on bucks. The club men have the advan tage of playing oh their own field, hut Willamette will make up for this, hav ing trained longer. , If both teams were to be compared. mail for man, they would present about an equal comparison, and for' that rea- oa Jt wUi-ne--a game roval. SPORTING GOSSIP. John P. Poe, Jr., of Princeton will referee the Berkeley-Stanford game' to morrow at Palo' Alto. His .brother, Nel son Poe, slso of Princeton.' will act as umpire. Both young men are brothers of Arthur Poe, who saved the Tigers from defeat In im during the Tale game. . ; .- ' '.:' ' ' ' i '" Wednesday's Examiner: There was supposed to be a ball game at Oakland yesterday afternoon. There were II really and truly ballplayers on the field and the said IS amused themselves if they failed , to amuse the -few score bleacher warmers. One o' cat may. not be a classic game,, but It should be re vived for the-big men from the wet town. Portland.' in all probability, could win the pennant In the one o cat league." - , t .''', ' ' .... ' ' e e . ,. ; .tJ ' George Lederer, " ; Jrl, valuabl pacing stallion, the property of Sylrea ter HlUlgoss of Rush sounty, Indiana, Is dead of pneumonia. .The horse was (Special Dlpateh to The JoorseL) j ' anford . University, Cal.. Nov., Tomorrow the fifteenth annual inter collegiate football game will take place between the 'Tarstty elevens of Stanford and the University of Calffornla. Th game will take place on tne magninceni new field built by the Stanford student body on their campus at Palo Alto and will he the first Intercollegiate game ever played -on the Stanford campua be tween the carainai ano me oi Gold, -i ... Roth coaches of the opposing elevens are holding their last week of work be hind 'closed doora and the exact lineup of the two teams will not .bs known until, the whistle of" the referee aoundf the commencement of, Baturday's strug gle... At ths present time. Judging from the records or tne two teams maus in ths preliminary games and judging from ths 'condition of the Jmen of the two teams, everything seems to point to victory for the Blue and Gold. Jn all of the games played thus far this sea son California- has piiea . up greaiei than the Cardinal and during this ths last and most Important week of practice two of Stanford's" best Jnen have been forced to retire ' from the gam end go upon the aiclt llaW- These two men are crow, who piayea so Bril liantly at fullback throughout the sea- team, who waa Injured In the game with the University of Southern California last Saturday. 1 Both men will not be able' to take part In any of the scrim msge work of this week, but wtU entei the game next Baturaay, In this, the most Important athletic event at the Patffhrcoast,-twr Portland men will represent the Webfoot state In the ranks- of the Cardinal- Both of these two men learned the game while playing on the Portland academy eleven and both men are stars on the Stan-, ford eleven. ' Chalmers played fullback m hla "oren" school team and it waa there that he made his reputation' for consistent line- bucking, and nggresslver ness which has remained with him tbu far In his collegiate football career. In his freshman year and last year at Stan ford he played right half on the 'var sity and at the beginning of this years season he was elected to captain ths cardinal el9vcn-"3tump'L StottStan STURDY ELEUEiJS IN FINE Till Tomorrow's - Contest on Mult- , nomah Field Will Be a Hard and Exciting Struggle. v . WILLAMETTE FOLLOWERS BACKING THEIR TEAM Club Player Ar Not Saying Very Much, but Feel That There I a Beating in Store for the Salem Per former. . i. t : It has been shouted about the Wil lamette valley and whispered around Multnomah county that there Is going' to bs something doing tomorrow-afternoon on- Multnomah field, . and front local preparation. It looks as If there ill be. , when Hisnop s powerrui Wil lamette team lines up agalnat Over neld's formidable array' on the club gridiron. Tho game Is schedules lor o ciock sharp and from the Interest ttmt la being- manifested in all sections the match should be tne most exciting ana thoroughly eonteated of the entire .sea son. Willamette will meet nuiinumiu with a powerful team or seasoned play ers, each man being carefully trained and superbly coached In the mysteries f football. . Willamette will enter the game better prepared for a struggle ih.iKihK rluh men. This Is true on account of ths fact'that Willamette has been In training nearly a monin luniti than Multnomah ami this aa vantage ia considerable when It Is taken Into con sideration that tralnlng-i o sssenuat to a team's success. .-.' ' While all bf these things are not ery encouraging to the club men. they are by no means disheartened over the pros-pect.-- Last- night's - prectlos waa -oulta satisfactory, rne men enoweu up and didn't miss a signal during the 0 laon. . and CAalntr-e-CapUln0lJnuUte' WorkouS.;Coach tnat aaunnoman wuum a good hard game, and that hf didn't expect to see ths club, eleven lose. - Professor Frank J. Lonergan of Co i,.mhi. .unlversltv will referee and Dr. riinr. will umDlre the game. Ths lineup and weight of the men follows: Multnomah A. C. WUlamstt. Wllklns 176 ..C.'.... ...Nelson ll Saunders 17I.,..It.O -.Marker- ! J Rntim tit.. ft Ogv..Phtlbrook' 18 Overfleld 191. .... KIrkley 170 R.T Pollard JJ McMillan 176.. . .L.T.., Kellar 17 Blanchard lit, - McCall 176...... R.O Henckla 1S1 Jordan U1 :i7.U E. . . . .Coleman-1 Rupert lit. Stockton 146... ..QB Patton 1 Horan 05 R. H. B. ..... .Long 164 Owens 16$..... L. H. B ..Nace 10 James 188, ' - - -';. Breed 1 8 . B -V ? ri . Rader" 1 t OtherplayeTs-who will participate- fo Multnomah will be: Crosby 1W," Smith 16i, t-oomls 166. Bays ISO and Burt 186. valued at f 5,o. Tickers' Oood Wftrk. fjoorasl Special rvlc. San Francisco, Nov. !. Vlckers was Heattle won a closely played game, S to . R. H. Pi Seattle .. . .. . . .1 1 0 0 t 6 San Francisco . . 1 0 0 1 8 4 - Batteries Vlckers ' and ' Blsnken shlp; Whalen, Hltt and- Shea. Umpire McCarthy.. ' .. ,' - , in i -. -, ' i ' . ; ronia-Zaaing ftattlo. . (Jnnmal Special lerrtae.l - , In Angeles. Nov. IB.-Toiler and Keefs engaged In a 14-lnnlng battle here yesterday snd the Angels won In ths lsst half of the fourteenths making the only run of ths game, on a pass, sacri fice, an out and a hit by Smith. The gams was one of the most brilliantly played ever seen In this city. Score: . R.HE Angels . - 000M 011 6 Tanoma .0 0 0 0 0 -4 I Batteries Tosler and Eager; Keefe and Graham. tTmpIre Davis. i LJA-. .. I.-.' XL ford's plucky quarter, also made a repu tatlon for himself while playing, with the Portland academy and Multnomah club elevens of Portland. During htf freshman year he captained his fresh man team, which defeated the California freshmen, and In last year's Intercol leglate ame hs was substitute to Bans bach, playing the last half of the gam. It Is with these two men and Thomp son, another veteran of last year's team, aa a nucleus that Coaches Lanagan and Bansbach of Stanford have had to mold the material for a new team. - The re maining men on the team have been developed out of greon material during three months of hard football practice. - Of ths new men Hi tackles, Horton and Crawford, stand out far above the rent' Both men weigh over 200 pounds and are faat on their feet. Horton Is a 'varsity track man and Is the most aggressive man on the line. . Crawford la ths only freshman to make the 'var sity, snd with a punting average. o 66 yards he will do. ths kicking for the team, For ths snd aad guard positions Cosch Lanagan has had the hardest question of ths year. Invall the pre liminary games hs has bad different combinations of men at these positions and sven now a fierce fight for the places Is going on. It Is very probabU that Lyons and "Jim" Ban ford wilt be found at the end posltlona In the final llneUl. WIIH 1Mb Vl'lMmil, 1 llullrpsori, T left - guard, and Xans at right, guard. Molflno at center is one bf the hardest fighters on ths teartr. -The probable line up for ths two teams will be ss follows; Csllfornls. Stanford. Elliott ........... R. K ........ . Stanford Fores (Capt.),,,.R. T Crawford Stem.. R. Q. ...J..... ...Lane Haffey C Molflno Gray jM....L. O.i Thompson Bush U T. . Horton Kltrelle. ....... .L. B. Lyon Schaeffer ......... Q-. , Stotl Snedlgar . ....... R. H . Chalmers (Capt. ) Mead L. H Vandervoort Sperry ,F... Crow ' X Tamp" aa ImaUg-rantt lias any one auggeated that "vamp"' as applied to the -volunteer fireman may com in some obscure way from the Ital ian "vampa,3 meaning flame? - Strictly a Family Beverage (r -M .F7;1Q?IU11U1 ; 7 130.38c3,520 Battles of Budwciscr ' v v - Consumed In 1004 ' , y- - More than ' thrfee-fifths of this "amount ' used 'in the alcoholic drinks, and . is the greatest step-in jthey ' direction of true temperance. v " " ; t ' ; r " ' Anhcuscr-Busch Brewing Ass'n . St. LouU. U. S. A. Orders Promptly Filled by Tlllmann & Bendela Distributors, Portland, Oregon. terse er Tm Ceaee ORM ELEVEN IS BUSY WITH SECRET WORK Coach Shorts' Keeps 'th Doings of Eugene Eleven Away From ' the Inquiring Ones. -Or. (SpeeUl Dlipstrh to Tk Joaraal.t .- TTnivoraitv or Orcron. Eucene, Nov.- 1. The last practice of theOre gon football eleven bsfors ths Corvallls gams was held ysstsrday on Klnoald field, and for 60 minutes the aecond team faced the onslaughts of the heavy weights under ths watchful ye , of Coach Shorts, assisted by Sam towpf California. C. A. Burden snd 'i Smock (Michigan) and went through their formations snd new plays. . Tnriav tha men -are having, aecret practice. Much attention has been paid,! to the Jin1 men in view i int pwf ahwwlult nmt at BMsss laat Batiiriliir The of riolala arreed on for ths game are Charles Abercromble of Wisconsin, umpire, and W. Lair .Thompson of Mo Mlnnvllle, referee. " r- - In opposition to ths prlss offered by a Corvallls merchant to ths CoTvatll nlaver maklnc the .first, touchdown. prominent business men have offered a cash prise to ths varsity man making ths first touchdown rof uregon. RACING RESULTS AT " THE EASTERN TRACKS V . , . . .. -i '. f ' llnnrn.t BnMtsl BrrleS.I lNew York, Nov. 10. Aqueduct race Six and ' one ' half furlongs Msmle Worth won. Consideration second, ov sretgn thlrd time, 1:J1 3-6. Mile Ivan ths Terrible won, Debar aecond. Grenade third; time, 1:41. Heven f urloncs Bell Snicker won. Water Tank second.' Btlm-Flam , third; time. 1:1T 2-6. Mile and ons " furlong Hippocrates won, Blsy ly second. Legatee third; time, 1:61. -. . ' ' rive furlonas Lone Hand Won; Billy Banaster second. Melbourne Nominee third: time, 1:02. " --.-' - ' Mile Colonel Whit won, Macbeth second, Tleur da Maro third; tints, 1:42. ' At SfashTllls. " ' Nashville. Tenn.. Nov. 10.-CumbT- nil Park race results: j Five furlongs Comma won, Margaret u mmoond. Minnehaha third: time. i:oz. j--Hl furlongs AlHaUWun. .Leura 'Hunter second. Optional third;- time, I 1:1 1-6.- ' Mile Tartan won. Elliott second. Cigar Lighter third; time, 1:41 1-6. Sis furlongs Kercneval won, reier Stirling second. Rolls thlrd; tlme, 1:16. Six furlong Norel won, Ida Davis ' second. Gay Llsette third! ttme, 1:16 1-6. Mile Roysl Legend won, Oro Viva second. Malediction third; time, 1:42, WASHINGTON-TACKLES L -SHERMAN TOMORROW r (KpeHal Dlapatrh to The Janrail.) ' t'hlvenity of Washington, Seattle, Nov. 10. Tho university will line up jgslnst the Sherman Indian tomorrow with a team much stronger than they hnv "put " M"thennjd heretofor-thls season. Although- ths university boys srs rounding Into a very strong team the popular opinion seems to be that the Sherman Indian are In alass with tho California Institutions And Will be s very hard team to defeat.. Ths beat that ' Stanford could do- against tha "agency boys wss to 4. , i Ths 'Varsity eltren hss had several Correct Miur Styles .rt&m iy A" .... -av- '-sjr '. ' w&m teryi?. rfe-sv fcm J : umt mm. ' m ma- .-r ' ::K .v;-;; "';:; :';y- v. v.. CLOTHES OF Hot gaudy, but rich and rare, made over special models for every build stout, slim and regular Wc guar an tee every garment to' wear satisfactorily,! and to v- "A: - hold its shape ' - ; ; , : PRICES ARE LOWER THAN ANY 0TI1ER STANDARD F.1AKE RAINCOATS SUITS wm TO. Y 'tn ftf. AUa llll V II 87 Third St. & ettroen Stark. & Oak ds;v change in the lineup 'recently.' Col has ucoeeaea winsor ax quinur ana i .I.Ji.. m I -1 vnn mr Mm- avalnet- ' tH scrubs and ha passed the ball without fu"mbrTngr7TlunK snown up-to me nii..t wn.Hi.Mui week, having developed a wonderful stiff arm that puts him In a class b) himself when n naa ins oau. , rawner Will lAdoubtedly go behind ths line for a pert of the game. Brinker nss been showing great form In place-kicking. -. .txrhlntnn Stata oolleve and the tTnl-T vcalty of Idaho elevens win meet mis afternoon at Moscow in tneir annual straggle. - The Interest In the gams Is very keen and, a both team are evenly matched, a close score 1 expected. : SEARCH TIBURON ISLAND TOR MISSING AMERICANS r "(Journal Special (Hrrlcei) Denver. Colo., Nov. 10. Captain Thomas Rhynnlng of the Arlsona ranj rs Is organising and will head a large party of picked men tn search of Thomas GrindcU snd' other' men who failed to return from an exploration trip to Tib uroo Island, Gnlf of California. f .. Captain Rhynnlng In hi letter to the governor of ArUons, requesting leave of absence, state If Thomaa Orlndell I alive "he Intends to find him, or If dead he Inlenihrto discover how and wher he and the rest of his party cam to ah untimely end. Captain Rhynnlng will bs assisted by 3. K. Hoffmann, the only one of the Ill-fated Orlndell party who returned. The expedition under Captain ohunnin. the ..p.nnd to attemDt to discover some trace of Thomas Orln dell and Us party. ..... UPSTATE OFFICERS ARE TOO SLOW FOR SEATTLE ' 8perll Dlaoatrh te the Joarn.1.1 - waah.. Nov. 10. Seattle . !s proving swift for th npstat offtcersj J.' K. lrisn, a aepuiy snerni oi di buck, and Policeman Booker of Belong ham ar both An attemlanc at-thf United States grand Jury. Last night thieves' entered the room of Irish In the Orsnd hotel and made way with his cloth, snd. he was forced to borrow a ault before. h could go to thecourt thl morning. .' . .. . Booker, while taking In th sights on th aonth side lest night, hsd hi star- nipped from hi rest. : tlhersJ Sweep Alra.L. (Jnsrnal pefll rrt(. t'awa, Ont., Nor. 10. Bennett, the esposltlon leader, was defeated In CN argy and th. Liberals mad a clean sweep in ths eltctlon -eld ytUrdy .in Albert. , - -.' - ., .- , XBgss. Bstabllsh ed. Most aooessfal and Sellable . Bpe- ; eUUst ia Diseases of Men wsauav a Kadleal Blplo. anas, 2losnes aad ' Wswsypes gieoord Shew. We' have no free-proposition, cheSp' of trial treatments, no pay; until cured catches," or similar devices to. sell medicines, belts, etc,; Honest doctors of recognized' ability do not resort to. such methods. :- Our duf' cation, our experience, our reputation, con demn all such quackery.' We . will make you no false promise as to curing1 your case ' in short time, knowing it, will take longer,, as we promise nothing but what we c,an do, and always do what we promise. . "- We guarantee a complete, safe, and last ing cure in the quickest possible 'time, with out leaving injurious after effects in the sys tern, and at the lowest cost possible for honest, skillful and successful treatment. We cure . " - : ..: Eczema and All Form! of Skin Disease.. Nervous v" Decline; Rectal, Kidney and Urinary, ; i f 7 - Diseases,-Varicocele; Hydro--tj--V- " ' cele and Rupttire - ; -' ' ... An4 AO DImum uA Wknu of Both Mm M Womn. ,; , CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION FRBE ' Write for Symptom Blank If You Cannot Call. St. Louis Medical and Surgical Dispensary 23d 1-2 Yamhill Street. Portland, Ore.. : - ; - Always Inclose Ten 2-Cent Stamps When Writing. J- - . . .... , s. .-......' H p:rw. . WTSU Oold Filling iirihr smind teeth. " They mean sn end to many tooth troubles. Help the other teeth end sdd to yvir appearance. Good Oold Fillings ar. a specialty of ours. .. ; '. WISE BRdS.,Dentlfta Falling Bldg., Third nd Washing- . ton. a. m - days, to m o P- m. nun 12. . Main zozi. Ml.-T. r. wi JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY BEST J