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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1905)
I- . THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND.' FRIDAY' EVENING. NOVEMBER 10, '.1905. 13 - 172 THIRD STREET DOORS OPEN FROM 7 A; M. TILL, .11 P. M. 173 THIRD, STREET V i. t . ' POSTALTELEGRAPII n ). COMMERCIALCADLES .'i ; , " ' ' '" V i , C1MI Received at Main OfiiCe, ia Third Street, Portland, Oregon, tnumtem, mm f v 5:20 P. M, ' b. 51 S. F. 6. G. 11 collect Y;Y. v Y", -.-.- . San'. Francisco, Nov, -7,' 1905," . C . y -J. ' ': ; ' - Y' , , ' i . j - GusLowits.. ::.; -..,..; V. J'': - :v''.''. : " .YY -!',... : . v. Y; ':''":'" . Y'-- ': '; t..- Y - -'Y X-V J ; London Clothing Co. Portland Ore. , How Ciuch will you offer for balance of Gruber Stock? .V-.": :'Y- y- Y y 'Vy -:y- -Y. yy . Gruber;;; CAN BO IT ! These two telegrams explain the case. .We have purchased the stock of Clothing and Men's Furnishings belonging to William Gruber of Omaha. We have obtained it at the phenomenal low price of 26 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. Do you real ize what that means? .'It means that you can get high-grade, up-to-date furnishings and clothes at one fourth or one fifth of the jegular price. If you do, not; believe this, we ask you to judge for yourself by inspect ing our stock. Seeing is believing and you will see that this is not a cheap sale, but the GREATEST LOW PRICED SALE ever held in Portland. .'' fir PDSTALTELEGRAPH ml COHMEnCIALCABLES '..,' ti Received at Mailt O&ce, ld Third Street, Portland, OreKon. rTcumwM, mm b 57 S. F. G. G. 14 collect 5:58 m; San Francisco. Cal.,.Nov. 7, 1905 ." ' iY Gus Lowits t: :- ; l',.;,Y Y..''v Y!. Y;1',' ;' "V.rv ; y-' London Clothing Co. Portland, Oregon,, : Accept offer of twenty six on dollar, the stock is yours. T;' :: 7y . ";r..''"Y' - .::.Y " ' ' . v Wm.- Gruber . Men's all wool Underwear 69o Men's Shirts X All go. at '-4.1cr.'-:r. Stiff Bosom, Man hattan.iCluett, Pea- body and Concord. Men's , fancy Hose Worth 75c s Embroidered T Suspenders Worth 2Sc Boys' "Suspenders. Qloves 500 Pairs Razor Strops ' " Y Worth 75c Brpwn Lisle'' Underwear Y 48c ?.j Neckties - 50c "tflC $1.50; kind.' Our price for each , 18c :.Y,,.. Men's Bows1 4c -Y"': Think of it Handkerchiefs Y ' V 7c Y' :t Men's. UamOnc '3 for 10 Boys'Overcoats Worth $5 to $15 $1.98 ; Come early just . a few . Frock Coats & Vests Any price ;Y , Make an offer 500 Bicycle Riding .; and-' . ' Golf Trousers Regular $3.50 to .. $10., Our price . 49c.-. :, Neckties' Lots of Patterns ' to choose from ', Boys' Khee Pants . ,y'..15C: Stylish'1 ' ; : , Knockabout) - wm We have made7 alffinomenal catch in securing this stock of Men's Clothine and Furnishinsrs, It is not a stock of oldr that you would be ashamed to wear, but a fine selection of the latest style; best wearing quality of goods that you can get anywherebut nowhere else at the price. -The oppor tunitv is vours-We can-tell-vou-about it and u greatest sale ever offered to the people of this vicinity. We will do our partrthe rest jdependsjon youiilf C3 ; - r . - . ' . . . . , . , . . : you want to make use of an opportunity to save money, which you will; never regret, come at once to this .sale of Gruber's stock you get your money backbut you cannot help but be satis fied; Come; soon, as you know the proverb, 1 he early bird catcnes tnc worm. v ' Outtown patrons arc requested to send ip their borders. YThey will receive prompt attention. HERE ARE - A FEW-SPECIAL OFFERINGS OVERCOATS asm CRAVEN1XTTES i r T Men's Y' " ' The prices on the Overcoats and Cravenettes are startling. The garments are made of the best material and with all the style and dfetinctiveness that a well dressed man wants. The prices are really absurd, but they are yours at these figures. Regular $35.00 Overcoats, silk and satin Q C 'J $7.98 $25.00 Over- $20.00 and (I A AO $15.00 kind J)4"0 In Cravenettes we have the $25.00 and $35.00 kinds' but our price all during; this sale isr-r t J. . ,i . ' 'J 39 99 Y This .assortment contains suits made by Hart Schaffner & Marx, Alfred Benjamin and Stein-Block. , Y ., For the Boy i There is a large assortment of Dress and School Clothes for the boys.' They are sure to please the little chaps, as they are stylish yet sensible. Made for wear reinforced seams, extra sewed buttons and pure silk thread. They come in Norfolks, Double-Breasted and Japanese Conquering Suits. 12(& StHOOL SUITS All Sizes ' : '66c-Each ' - , " . v., t ....... "$1.622. 15 Fine Footwear un AT The assortment of Men's and Youths' Clothing is complete. It contains suits for dress and business wear, and they come in the desirable patterns, made in the nobby, up-to-date styles. The quality is only first class and guaranteed to wear. ' The suits would cost elsewhere at from $10.00 to $40.00, but we will rinse ihrm all gut--hf irrm qnrHfd"hftow: 06riT miss seeing our suits they are made to suit. Regular $10 Suits Our Special Regular $40.00 Suits Our Special $11.85 Regular $35.00 Suits .Our Special $9.63 Regular $2750 Suits Our Special S8 33 Regular $20.00 Suits Our Special ; , $6.85 Regular $17.50 Suits . Our Special ,"f $5.50: Regular $15.00 Suits Our Special - S3 .85 r This is the time of the year you must be careful to have dry, warm feet. Even if you don't need shoes or rubbers now, this is the finest opportunity for providing for the winter." You must see the stock to appreciate it, we can only mention some of the prices. - They are in all sizes, but you must come early "to get your best choic ' t ( Ladies' Shoes Ladies' Vici Kid Shoes. Blucher and lace, f iA , worth $2.50. . . ., . $ Ay Ladies' Vici Kid, 1 HQ worth $3.50...... $lVO Genuine kangaroo, f HQ worth $3.00...... $1.1 0 Ladies' Welt Kid Shoes, worth Misses' Vict Kid, from 12 to .2. worth ' . $2.50..........;-3)1. 4D Misses' Vici Kid, from 8 to 11, worth f $2.00......;.....3I4 Children's Vici Kid, from 5 to 8, worth. QAn $i.5o.... ....y4c 50 Pairs Ladies Shoes 1C lot- will go at (be early) . Men's Shoes Umbrellas 46c Get here early Men's Sweaters Y 500 beautiful pat-, terns, worth $L50. Here 54c BoysV Sweaters ' All sizes Policemen's & ""Firemen's -Suspenders 17 JTowelsj 4c Turkish and plain Child's Hose Y'YY 9c : a choice variety MEN'S BLACK Sateen Shirts 39 Work Shirts 35 Dark and light Nightshirts 39 Sleep producers Boys' Overalls 19 Rough 'and ready kind Men's Velour Calf, frt H Worth $2.50, at. . $l,LO Men's Fine Vici, Kangaroo and Box Calf, O" ,4 ft worth $4.00. ..... $LAy Men's Cordovan and Kanga roo Welts, worth fit $4.50.; .....H01 Men's Finest Welts in Vici and Willow Calf, regular $5.00 shoes, $3 39 Men's Patent Leather, all sizes, regular,. frJ $3.50. .....vL.Lo Boys' Shoes Boys' and Youths' Kangaroo Little Gents' Nobby Shoes, ; gK..:.;.$I.20 ;:.......;98c Rubbers - ""y y-- Men' Rubbers, first I Ladies' Rubbers, first J Q quality. . . . . ....... ut I quality. . ........... OOL Men Faints Regular $2.50 values go at Regular $3.50 values go at $5.00, $6.00 and ; $7.00 values $1.23 $2.23 DOORS OPEN FROM 7 A. M. TILt. 11 P. M. Japanese Silk andkerchiefs 7 Y Children's Handkerchiefs i Ic y:y Worth 10c Men's Overalls 37 The good, heavy kind , . Men's Negligee Shirts vl9 o Worth $1.00 Underwear 4So Sanitary. .'. fleece lined Y-- .... Caps Men's and Boys 15 Over 1.000 in aU 172 T tl O it hiira ours . uiiorams: uommpaey 1 ' . .. :w. . '4-.vr:-Y - , . ' , , y . y-y' ; y. ii Of mm , v mm amw , - INCORPORATED namia Ore