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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOUnilAL, PORTLAND, FKIDAY EVENING, NOVEM2E3 10. 1803. FEARFULSTRUG6LE I m COUGAR Ed Bingaman Has Hand-to-Hand Fight' With Monster ; Panther on Grayback Mount. BEAST JUMPS ACROSS HUNTER'S RIFLE. BARREL C MA4rMa 4 Tat rm! v !?. fa vwui vatt aa v r wai V ill , , . . 1 Contact With Animal, His Clothing . Torn " From HI Body and Man ana cat kou jjown nm ogetner. (Aiieelsl Dlsoatek te The Jeans'.! Ortnu Pass, Or., Nov. 10. Th atory ' of a fearful hand-to-hand encounter with a moneter cougar In tha deep forest of urayback . mountain, . Josephine county, In which Ed. Blngaman, the son of a ' 'Williams valley ranchman, narrowly - caped with, his life, was brought to this ' olty yesterday." Young Blngaman,' with rifle and doc went out in the pins '. woods of Orayback on a pear hunt. Back in the forest, and In a section closely grown with small flra, tha. dog. cams upon an old panth-r and cub. The , , thicket was too dense for the hunter to sua tne encounter, ana ne oeitevea in cause of the trouble to be a , bear. Shortly tha dog. bleeding- from -many wounds, ran out. yelping wildly, and ' only after much perauaslon. could be Induced to enter the-thicket again. . Blngaman drew closer, and Just as he reached the border' of. tha thicket a . great panther, leaped out, ' "jumping squarely across the rifle barrel of ths hunter and throwing the man to earth. flnaAlv twihtnri-th aM fat .l vmina, riih i followed. - The big paws of -the panther struck the hunter On the shoulder, War ing his clotkeg from his body. Both the , over down tha hllL . "' Fortunately the plucky" dog again plunged .into -the fight, -and when the pan! her -recovered from bla fail ha waa obliged to turn all his attention to the dog. ' This gave Blngaman a chance te regain his feet and recover hla rlfH with which ha soon dispatched ths fe rocious beast, and tha doc soon put a a end to the snarling cub..; GRANTS PASS PREPARES ... FOR ANNUAL ELECTION (flpenel Ptsnatca te Ttte tonrnsl.t . Oranta Pass, Or, Nov. 14. Judges and clerk have been -appointed- and other arrangement made for tha annual city election, which occurs tier the: first Monday in December. A mayor, a treas urer and four - councilman . will .. ba elected. - Because of tha . general satis faction accorded' hla administration, it Is likely that Mayor George Good win be nrged to become a candidate for. a second term. It la generally understood .that Mayor Oood would not object to a second term, and It-la not settled who .will ba hla opponent. - LAND FRAUD GAME JS W0RKED1JY AGED MAN .' (Jearaal SoeehU BeVrtae.) Everett. Waal Nor. I0.On a charge of obtaining monsy under falsa pre- ' tenses by representing himself aa a government land agent, Alpln McMillan, . aged "i years, has been arrested here by the sheriff "of this county. Under tha guise -of doing advance work for th' opening of the timber reserve In Whatcom county, between Maple Falls and Mount Baker, It la alleged that Mo Mlllan collected tl each from at leaat S0 persons, under tha gulae that when the reservation was opened they ware to have the choice of claims by- a pay ment nf t4 additional.. It la said that ha also told his victims confidentially that- Attorney Francis J. Hsney was connected with tha schema. . - Oaa To readle-toa. . , IRiMfal til atfc ft Jmm.I1- " Pendleton. Or., Nov, It. Pendleton Is to have a gaa plant in operation in fhe business portion of tha olty In It 1 iiidii rn 'and in itis iwiasiiiw twrtiun in II months. Tha city council has granted the Northwestern One 4fc Electric com pany a franchise for tMOO, the elty re- servlng the right to purohase the plant ne. 2D years. . . . .:.'.:iy reiki mi:m Farmer and Shippers' Congress at McMinnville Promises to Be Big Event. , i (Ipeetil Dispetek te Tie Joarntl.) McMinnville. Or.. Nov. 10. The meet ing of the Farmer' and Shippers' con gress to ba held here Saturday under the auaplcea of the Willamette Valley Development league promises to bs one of much interest.. Delegations are com ing from all the valley towna and also from Coo bay. A delegation Of five will attend from the Fortland board of trade. Th sessions will bs held In Burns' hall, beginning at 10:30 a. m. Following la the program for th day; At the forenoon sesalon.. opening at 19:10 o'clock. O. O. Hodson, president McMinnville Development league; Col onel E. Hofer. president Willamette Valler Development league; Joaeph N. Teal. Porttand, and. Judge W. H. Mollis. Forest Orov. will speak. The afternoon session will convene at 1;J0 o'olock with musto by the -Gloe club. c - Addresses will ba made by represent tlveo of Coos boy; Walter U Tooss, Woodburn; Dr. Jareea Wlthyoombe, Cor- vallis, and Governor Oeorge B. Cham berlain. Tha evening seasion will open at I O'clock, and a number of apeechea Inter spersed with muslo wui ba followed uy an informal reception. Major F. W. Roessler of tha United States army corpa of engineers and I. D. Leo of Portland will also be present snd address th convention. President Hofer of th Greater Balem Commercial club bag appointed tha fol lowing delegates to the farmers' con gress and shippers convention, wmcn Is to be held at McMinnville Saturday of thla week: H. A. Johnson. J. O. Qra ham. H..B. Thlslsen, F. T. Wright man and I R. Btineon. 'Diphtheria relieved 1n twenty minutes. Almost miraculous. Dr. Thomas' Ecleo trlo OIL At anyi drug atora. ..- I 7 T I DOINGS IN RABB1TV1LLE j . .- . - From th Irrigator's Special Corre " " ' apondent. Kabbltville, Morrow "boufily, Or., Nov. T. You orto 'se her I We mean th new waltresa lady at tha Bunco! la sha swell T . H h-got stile I Xtoea . she war good close? . Bcho snsers - yay, verrlly. and you belt. Why, If she mllea on a dish of taters thsy are In stant - mashad, and the vinegar ' turns weet if she oven looko-at II. I ain't sur where she come from, but If I can manage to Bhake that Hooeybottont irb aterett I'll see if this peach won't ron- tlnua to reman Indefinite in Rabbit ville. My hart yeme for a damsell Ilk that, what can make her own llvtn - and mebb help a feller out a little beetles; Them Honey bottom girls looks on woik with akorn, " . .. , , ahphrdr come Into town to see Dock Standpatt last Sunday p. mH havln' a orful pane In hla atummlck. H says, says he, between gripes and gronea, "Dock, ba I dyin , or what ale mr Dock looked bin) over and say to him, "How much munney you gotrv gnd the feller aaya, - "lx I." and dook says, "Tou got the bellyake, but If you' g'had 23 or so dollars it would be ap- pendyseetus and Id have to cut you open, but with only alx I about a spoon ful or l odium wm make you aa good aa new." And th alx now reposes -in dock's jeans. . Wo'v got a new barber. He'a not Utterly speaking bran new, . but be1 new to Kabbltville. Our other .barber lit out one nit last weak for carta un. be knowst. leavin' a lot of unpaid bills, tna Diggast one oein' dew to the city arug store ror perscriptions. .This .new barber call hlsself a tonsorlal artist and he'a not doing much busness. our cltlsen being askeart he'a only took a ooaraa In tonsorlal art by mall. Our roms is gettin- pretty crlttikl now on barbers for we've had a mltey tuft deal in tnat line, and there la talk now e organlsln' of a B. P. C. B. B., meanln A Tea and CoLfeo sale. Enormous Premiums Free. Don't misa'thta sale. - It will save you lots ol moheya Great 'f American Importing Tea Co. tta Tlrrt . WoUlama. Our 100 tore help as (o help you SIXTY DOLLAR ORE FOR SF.1ELTER Colconda, a Mine Near Sumpter, Is Arousing the Blue Mountain r- District Again. - ,- HICH-CRAD PRODUCT T "UNDER NEW CONTRACT Shoot Fifty Fact J-onf, Flva Feet . . Wide and Carrying Averaga of Sixty ' Dollars Has . Been Proven snd Management la Opening More. aoclety for th bcrvention of crualtv bv barber. T A New Welsbach j Price, , IS cents An excellent "mantle for ' the price. f Requires ' less gas, gives better light and lasts longer than any imitation mantle. 1 If you want v atfootd cheap mantle, this Is the mantle to buy.. BettetWeWach : mantieat20,25, ' 30 snd 35 cents. laiKatloai " arWorthlMan4 - ExtraTagMt WaUbach. . Tha r en ulna has this ghJatd f ay- Sox. rhr kinds. VT IS.30.S$.)O,S3c.Tupff For Sale by All DeMers- r W,1 ni fRES - IT Sf: NrJAjg i V. Tha populace of Rabbititlll has lust held a mast meeting and v'ry votr In the preclnk was present, republicans. demraocrats, popularlats and method lata. A lot of blaness waa did. but th mnst Tmmlaa wss the ssttlfylw' hy- yewnamlnoua voat of these her pe clflcatlona: "To Mr. Senator Mitchell add Mr.- Congressman Williamson, to whit; Weara and Wearfor Jewries of your Teller peers has dsnounced you booth a glltyr and that on ofydlTta as gllty aa the other and mebb moroao, Mitchell beln' th kyt and Williamson be In' th tale, and both of yon flyln two high, and not havln' dew respeck for Unol Sam' farm and Uttln' - of 'em be grafted; and Mr. Congressman Blnger Hermann beln ded annyhow and jest welkin' around to beat a graveyard. ana standin non compus mentus with tha govverment; Now we-all, the-cltl sen of Kabbltville, in th county of Morrow and atata of Oregon. s. don't nuKKie oown and beg you tw reslne foi you ain't got nothln' to resins, but you ara In our way, and w aak you-all t? to immejit. or aa much speedier aa you kin git a move on, to go, aingler and aavral, abowt a hunderd and 6 mlls out Into th Specific ocean and drownd yourselfa dead, dead. dead, and may God nave mercy on your- mjndbl soles. world without end. Amen." V' That feller Honeybottom ra about the meanest msn what ever draw'd breath. I called on hla alabsided dawter a phew imcs, mcDD or nny. sometimes w sot In tha parlor, sometimes in tha settln'-room, or kitchen., or if I went late I'd git tha porch or front gait. Ana now mat oie raski nrmsa in a hill agin all of ua for entertalnln'-of us and lettin' - u make goo goo eyes at them . phreak girls. He hss a reglar aaeanuie or rent itialooMv nf th com pany Of Oil of th girls. 10 cents for th kitchen, IS for the settln'-room, 1 bits for the parlor. 30 cents tor tha porch and IB for tha gait prlvlledg, and cenia a h nour eatra after tan at nlta -and Sundays double all day. My bill I I17.ts. but non of us won't pay wimoui a lawsooc (Special Dltpatch to Tba JoamtU . . gumpter. Or- Nov. , it. joloonda Is shipping IIS or to th Sumpter amelter. Th contractwinriradnetion com- pany, mentioned earlier, la being ful filled in a manner that la a surprise, and vary indication eslsta to prove that the mine will bo' able to oontlnu ahlpment ot a grade of or averaging clos to thes valuea.. .---l..--.'. . Thla or Is being taken from the new work that is being prosecuted by Mana ger McCarthy on th main adlt level. In the drift from thla tunnel la a body itt - or that - already has - been . proved a length- of 10 feet and for this distance has an average width of Ave feet, the general sample ot which for tha basis ot th smelter contract was ttO to Ml a ton. v Raises are being mad Into the or to prove its continuity toward the surface, and work la to oommence a one to determine what . alsa and strength the shoot has with depth. Such a block of or alone la a good prospect ive producer. Aa tha haul from tha min to the Sumpter amelter Is but six miles. sll down grader and aleoaing will oom msnoa within a fewdays. delivery ot the era. will be at aa 'economical' figure. Insuring better results than ever were obtained when running th atamp mill. Of greater Interest than the bare fact of th important developments is th statement of th' management that tha .r being mined is th south end of the rich shoot ' which the English manage ment opened on th 1 00 level. The work undertaken by the present management on tha tunnel level waa upon tha theory that tli la ehoot had not been exploited thoroughly. By following a rich seam of ore, the present shoot was entered. which Is pronounced the south end ot th rich English shoot Tha latter was opened Intermediate th east and west II- ,u- min Manager Sic-1 uartny win go into n bush jeveia 10 explore for th north end of th same shoot, and open ' th present strlks at greater depth. Tha English shoot had tha richest chimney of ore ever -opened In th district, with th possible ex ceptlon of the marvelous shoot opened by th North Pole in 102. I The ntlr camp Is brightened by the good work of th Oolcondla, which had suffered from long idleness and from the results now being attained confidence haa returned In th mine being, one of the permanent, Importsnt producers ot tha district.. BONDS SOLD FOR WATER WORKS AT M'MINNVILLE , ' : ' apcUt DtaBstrk te The JoomiLV , McMlnnvllU, Or Nov. I The water itommttte ot the oouncll have sold tha necessary bonds to Insure the building or a gravity water system and Improv ing th electrlo light system to Morris roe. of Portland.- i- Morris Bros, have contracted to take bonda In any sum from 140,000 te $0,000. There will be 1 10. to premium m.000 snd. tha bonds will draw cent Interest. k. th on per c r ' OomxaltUd ' So Asylnm. ' . . . - I (fteeetsl tHstc te TSe Jmntl.) Albany. Or.. . Nov. lo.i Anna Mabel Robblns of thla city, aged IT years, was yesterday afternoon committed to th asylum at Salem. liar malad la the rtiult of St. Vitus danoe. , ENLARGE BIG MILL. QreeiSlMMik SUporeed to a Altarlnr Soi . Twenty SCor sHaoipa. ji SpeHsl Srrrlce.l Orsnt's Tsss. Or., Nov. 10.--The lower mill building on th Greenback mine, of Grave creek district, is being enlarged for 10 additional stamps. This will give a battery of B0 stamps for the lower mill. Increasing the tonnage ot th Qreenbnck'a entire plant to at leaat too , tons 'dally. A proportionate In crease will be made In tha force of me mine, and th entlr camp will enjoy a onsldsrabl .growth as a result. At present there are about 110- or 400 people at the Greenback. - aM sup ported, directly or indirectly, - by the mine. About -40 children attend school from the homes of ths camp. The Increase in the mining capacity I made necessary, not only by tliejyowth of' the .Greenback reserve of the "mine but also to, treat, tha quarts from nearby claims recently -acquired by the com pany, and whlofi'liav been under de velopment during the past year. The one treating plant will care for tha ore of several mines, th or being conveyed by tram to th Greenback mill. In the Greenback the main shaft la down 1, SOO feet ' MINING NOTES., Tlie totala for th output of the main districts of America and British Alaska are about mad up for th year, and It found that the Tsnena country nu attained second place. Th Tsnana coun try, which covera an area of mur 00 mllea In length and (0 to ISO In width. 1 credited o.flciatly with fero ducmg !M7f.C0O gold, while th Klon dike on th British eld of the Yukon has gone but little above IT.000.000. Th report on Noma, which Include th Se ward peninsula, la not complete yet. bul the best Information I to the effect that the total will not b much .above tl.o00.00t. although some private eatl- mates ara fnr at leaat 10.000.000. Astln did wtli, but ia not believed to bavs i 0). $15 Suits; Overcoats and Cravenettes Third end Curnside iffLuJlH) I Third end Curniid; 'I 5 .:5iYv2-riiJ'.:; I V- IPjtf TOMORROW this store will sell 400 hand-tailored, all-wool and worsted $15.00 double and single breasted sack SUITS, OVERCOATS AND CRAVE ; NETTES at $8OQ for choice. i T H E BIG Is undoubtedly the climax of real bargains reached by us this fall, he q uality: and workmanship of Suits, Overcoats and Cravenette3 is of the dependable high-: class kinds. The variety is extensive enough to meet the aooroval of the most exacting A t E yers. You will be a Hub elegant opportunity, for the styles arc all of the yery latest and popular adoptions. : ; At prices that will mike you do' a quick-step to tl3 . . department tomorrow. . 59t For $1 Working Pants, 'darlcpior, worsted." 90d For 10 styles of $1.50 PanU. - . ?1.45 For 10 styles of $2 and $2.50 Wool or Worsted . Pants.'. :.'-v .-,-.;--.-:--;:;:- '; f 2.45 For 20 styles of $4 Tailor Made Pants. y ' v ? " We are making a Mid-Season Clearing Sale of all lots of Suits, Overcoats, Cravenettes, Pants, Hats, Shoes and Furnishings that we are unable to duplicate or keep up sizes in during the winter season. It's a habit with most stores to await January for this kind of price cutting, but The Hub is not a store that waits- We are a store of today. It's ji paying proposition to you to watch wur bargain sale's. .. . .-; .. : O -; a. IT'S A SIN TO DO ITJ SHOES That's what our department buyer says. Shoes are go ing up in price all over the world, but coming down in price at i he nuD. , , . . 135 7 erm For best quality fall style $3 to $150 Shoes. There are about 200 pairs, broken sites, from our best selling fall lines, but when The Hub quotes bargains it's not on heirlooms---it's, on the very best and latest styles.'-.", .: . . . One day among hat bargains like these will rut you for a year, 7 " $1.65 For choice of 32 styles of Soft and Stiff $3 Fall Style Hats, black, brown, tan, pe'irj, etc. .We can, make you look right and save you $1.35 tomorrow. . RIPPING PRICES IN TWO ON SEVERAL LINES OF FALL AND .WINTER FURNISHINGS 204 For Fleece and Derby 50c to 65c Underwear. ; v ' 394 For Derby 75c Quality Underwear. 49 For Nutria" Knit $1 Wool Back , Fleece Underwear. t . s ', 89 For two special lots $1.50 Wool Un derwear. SHIRTS " I 40 For 75c Black Sateen and German Drill H Plain or Fancy Working Shirts. ' sox ; '. ..-1'.,' ' 8 Pair for 10 1, regular 3 for 25c Cotton Sox." 5 For Fast Color Crow Black 10c Sox.' For special lot mixed qualities, 15c value. 114 For 20c Merino Sox. 17 f For" 25c and 30c Wool Merino or Cotton Sox.- - :.: .' 294 For Hand Knit Wool 50c Sox. X . 8e For pair Worated Wool Hand Knit 75c .. " Sox. . .'. , - - , - . , one above tSOO.OO. Neat season the latter .alatrtot probably will do muoh betur. aa thr haa been Important im provement In equipment title year, un th southeast coast thet baa been ood work, and the' Traduction from quarta will ro materially above, ret return not bema available yeU Oranf Pa. Of.. Nov. 10. Rich apec- men; plckel from aacka of or brought Into Orant a raaa from . th Lus Kauffman claim on Canyon creek, are attracting- much attention at th min eral eshlbU building here. .Tb Speci men are rich In sold, th yellow metal rbelng thickly distributed throufli tn soft, brown colored Quart. Tn owners Lot the clalma ar working dllllgenUy a d do not eipect tjie pay aires a to hold out for any length of time -lth uoa valuea aa recently have been found. number of locatlona have been made near the Luse Kauffman elaims during tha past two weeka and awveral mlneri ara going Into th district. Wallace," Idaho, Nov.' ' 1 9 Under th management of th Pederal Mining Smelting company, which reoerrtly took th Morning group, a rw of too to 400 men, la expected to oe worked, tm main crosscut of tha No. level, which, cut tha Yuklle vein approximately , eoa from tha nortaL at a depth of I.tOO feet en tha vein, haa proved that, the great property will be even better M opth. and when th north vein 4f tl. Morning Is opened. oper&tkmB at th CApaclty of 4he l,00-ton concentrating plant ara expected to b opened. ' Oaaal Bapeadttmre . , (Jneraal kpeclsl Servic.) Waatrofton,,Nov. 10. Thf titirnUn A GREAT VARIETY OF COLORS ' And now to eombln them to' look best on yeur house, can be Had at our atora. Our palnta are lasting, and will not fade aa many cheaper paint do. ,Wben you want rich and lasting color try Fisher, Thorsen to.'L palnta. Tlshcr, Thorsen 5 Co - MtowT a srs scostsuaosr STS. : " Canal commission, bus Issued an ufflil statement of ,. the "receipts and expend iture under th appropriation Of tta.. 000.000 for canal construction. To thla appropriation 1 addeS li,SI amlng IN A W E EEC Wa treat atwfiany an an vat aet. vwa and cbronle i I sea see of men: also blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney and throat trouble. W r BTPUILIS I without mercury) to stay cured for vr. W remove STRJCTURE, with out operation or eain. In II daya. - . Wa atop drain, night losses and spermatorrhea by new method In a week. W caa reatora tha sexual vigor of any man tinder ! by means ot local treatment peculiar te eureelve. W Cure Gonorrhoea in a Week Tb doctor of this Instltnt re all regular graduate, have had aaaay years axperlenoa, hav been knewn In Portland for II year, hav a raputatlo to mainuin. ana win unfitness no c unless certain eure can b enacted. We gusrante a cure In everr ease we undertake or charge no fea, - Coneult. tloa free. Lettir nynfldsntisl Instrue tive BOOK FOR MEN mailed free t plain wrapper. . W ear th wwrst eases at pllaa hs t w e three treafartaata, Witkeal aper tlen. Cur guaranteed. Jfjan aaanot call at oOte. write for at log Slajifc Home treataseal e- omb hour. S t I and 1 to S. Sunday and hotMsya. 1 t It, DR, W. NORTON DAVIS V: CS . Offlcee In Van Noy Hotel. ti Third Street. Corner Plna, rr over frvm formor, sppropristlons. The ltllminl! a suminnry of f-xpendltures from June J. 1902. to June to. IS" J. It ehowa a r-sUw-e on that riste of I OH.' 411; msking the, i((UI expen4lturs to thla dat $4,"0).j:i.- i From ll .' -Who's r--i- ' t . er v"ir