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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1905)
:xKr, -cct; par r- r --"--- - 1 r-: j'r r uhe nisconsm nEfjconETi IlnS 8IMKS FlflO illlELl CLUILiS .ii::iTCi-l3; :::a Oregon .'daily journal Portland, cjv. -t.d 7 I'ViLL .Wisconsin .People, - Lured by Crossen,' Reach City.' 7 . - r . j ,. --r1 .. . LEARNING FATE -0F ; .'V OTHERS, THEY DOpCE . ' -H ... Fain Witness , Trees ; Appear; fo Have Caught Many, Including- Two Resident : of 7 Sell wood Who Are - ' .-.i. -.. Trying to Get Money Back. : ' ! y.YtJ 'x-:'-iv '.. Another party of 1 people from Wla- cons In arrived in Portland tht -morning, lured by the specious promises- of j". w, unrulier nu i,. at..i.".-..- timber locator, of thlar city. They came expecting to ; take up timber claims in southern - Oregon - and they relied on Gardner and McCrossen to locate them. Among the party are John Farr. T, F. Frank Galey and SaraocJ Olaen of Chip pewa Falla. Wisconsin. . On their ar rival In "Portland the would-be timber townera. learned of the frauds , recently j perpetrated in southern Oregon and they ! 'decided to turn their attention to the eastern part- of the state. -'They wlU leave this evening for Baker City. In the hope of securing timber claims In that , region. ; . ' '.. ; ' V , i It -Is an Interesting coincidence that -among the. party was the father of one f the government special agents In this -state, .The son has beea active In slith ering evidence- against the fraudulent operators aud a witness - for - the government in the land fraud trials. He had no idea, that his own father had fallen a victim to. the wiles of the tlm- ber sharks until they met tn this city this morning. .';.'. . , j ' ','? ; Soma Interesting Bshlhlts.r ' " ' ' Almost coincident with the arrival of this latest batch of unsuspecting east ern Investors" "'was the -receipt by .Inspector Thomas B. Neuhausen of sowit '.' Interesting exhibits from southern Ore t- ' Xvldenoe of Workings. -Special agents who have been visiting the scene of recent operations by Gard ner and McCrossen shipped to Mr. Neu hausen slabs cut from two of the bogus witness trees In the .vicinity of West fork, Douglas county.. Theae slabs bear the fictitious descriptions Inscribed by the- timber sharks for the purpose of miaieaaing eniryraeisj ' j - Both trees stood on section I, town ship Si, south, range I west, a heavily timbered section and already patented. One of the false witness trees was in- , scribed "section 22" and on the other was "section 27." The two trees were about four miles distant from the sec tion corner described by these inscrlp- lions..' , .; . - " : ' . " ;" - It was ' the evident purpose of the timber sharks to Induce their dupes, to file on the-claims described on these mue witness, trees, under the impress slon that the description fitted the land on which the trees, stand. . i , ,Tne two . siaDs are on exhibition .in the office of the United States district I 1 attorney i end - are' striking illustration ' of ths method employed In swindling j persons' who seek timber investments. ; Evidences ' ,are '' multiplying - that many trusting people, residents of this '' state a a well as of tho east, have been induced , lo pay substantial . sums to sharpers who pretended to. locate them; , en valuable timber lands, la the -ma-Liritv of eaaea the., detention wu aus j complished by means of false "witness trees," biased and marked by the locator before taking his dupes, to the land.. Is i a few Instances ths swinlls resorted . to (he most dangerous method, of alter ing the masks left by the government surveyors. . -,'... .,..,.; P. W. Gardner and W. H. McCrossen of this city have done a,thrlvlng bust- claims. It was through their efforts that the 18 men from Wisconsin were located last week on land In southern Oregon, by means of false - markings .and a bogus witness tree. This morn ing two more victims of Gardner and McCrossen made their appearance. Both are residents of Sell wood, and learning that L, H. Tarpley bad been retained by ths Wisconsin men to recover their money they also applied to him for as C. swti Prince George of Servia, "the Bod Coy of Europe." sistant-. Each ef the SeUwood victims paid 11 15 to Gardner and McCrossen ss a locating fee. and they now, wish to get their money back," having learned that they were deceived as to the char acter of the Ianr"","'"'"-"f"r . Trouble is brewing ' for McCrossen, for several of hisvictims are loud In their, jleelaratlone that ' unless . he will refund the money they havepaid him. proceedings will be coram need sgulnat him. Uardner Insists that he has re ceived none of the money, paid to Mc Crossen by the Wisconsin men, and thus X hlskStory has been given credence- ' HEAVY DAMAGES ASKED V !; BY WILSON'S VICTIM ' George Barber, through Attorney Pan J. Mularkey, this morning began a 'suit la the circuit cortrt for llt.OS damages from - William H. Wilson,; alleged pro prietor of the Budger saloon, en : the corner of Fourth and Davis streets. One night last spring Barber went Into the Badger, and gut Into trouble with Wilson -regarding the price of a bottle .fit .beer and also regarding the change he had received. - During the fight that followed Barber's skull was fractured by Wilson, who Is said to have used a heavy billy in the melee. For weeks It wss feared thst the In jured, man would not recover from the effects of the blows and It is now said that his injuries have left bint unable to do Ms accustomed work. ; .- , , Wilson was tried before a jury m Judge Cleland's court several weeks ago and found guilty of having committed an - assault with a dangerous weapon. Barber being the complaining witness. ASSERTS CREDITOR IS i : j "TRANSFERRING PROPERTY i Mrs. Caroline Baum has begun a suit In the circuit court against O, M. 8m 1th and wlfs and the Title Insurance In vestment company to set aside transfers of property msde by the Smiths to the company. Presiding Judges Fraser' le sued an injunction restraining any fur ther transfers of property by the Smiths until the suit pending hss been settled. .'Mrs.. Baum recently ohtslned a judg ment against Smith, a local'contractor, for (90S. . It la alleged that he has at tempted to evade payment. It being al leged thst. he has already shifted the title ownership of at -least tlMsa worth of his property. The complaint . filed also alleges that the Title Insurance A Investment company a a fake corpora tion. t ,. -r. J ;. ,.--.., i f J. R; THOMPSON WAS '! r ; LIKED BY-IS MEN v" v..-i ;-.,.;i.-i.v v J. R. Thompson, electrical engineer at the exposition, was presented last night with at glass water-set by the SO employes, in his department. .. The pres entation speech was made by O. P. Pratt, clerk of the department The employes assembled at the office of Mr. Thompson at E o'clock and word waa aent to htm that he was wanted at oncot on Important business, which proved to be the reception of the testimonial to hia considerate management of the men ho had worked under him to attain the brilliant lighting effects that made the Lewis and Claret exposition noted uiv vvaiiiry over, , . ., ANEW WAY TO WAKE COOK GET YOUR MEAL Robert McDonald, a fireman on the ateamer F. . A. . Kllburn. ' was arrested last night on complaint of Paul Mar tin., second cook on the steamer, who accuses . th fireman of breaking hia nosa by kicking htm while he lay 1n his berth. The trouble is said to have arisen over the cook not having a meal ready to serve McDonald when ho re turned to the vessel at midnight. - Mc Donald was roieased on. IGS cash 'Mil and his bearing has been set for Mon- aay. ' :' - IagTie Made Vermaasat, - (Bpeetat Dlssatch te The JoarasLt McMInnville, Or, Oct. !. The local development league nere has been re organised and made-a permanent organi sation, wnn U'O. Hoover as president and J. C. -Cooper aecretary-treasurer. The local league his begun making prep arations for the meeting of the Willam ette Valley Development league hero on November 11. A finance committee baa been appointed. y Tlsit La4iee of a. a. m. - (SprrUI tMpatch to Tb JoarniLk Eugene. Or., Oct. '2. Mrs. Olive Van Orden and Mrs. Jennie W. Lyon- of Port land, department president and secretary respectively or the miles of the O. A. R., made an offlcist visit to Rich Moun tain circle In this city last evening. A large number of members was'present receive Instructions In the work fro the distinguished visitors. - - soug gin jgissiagt . . ... ? Annie Bateman. agan 14 years, ,Js re ported to tho police as missing. " The girl has been employed at Olds, Wort man King's store. She left home at 10 o clock yesterday morning and waa seen at Northern-Hill,-n the7 St. Johna car line, at 7 . o'clock last evening. -, Her pnysician. Dr.. Duvali, or Peninsula. thinks the girl slightly demented.. -,; L - i 1 - 1 11 . 1 Voday'g rootaaU -aaaa. ' First, half, Pennsylvania 0, Carlisle 0. First, half, Columbia 0, Princeton 0, First half.. Harvard 6. Brown 0.. Final, Princeton. 12, Columbia 0. Final Princeton, it', Columbia, 0. Final Pennsylvania, 4: Indiana O. . ' First ' halfChlcsgo, H; Northwest ern. 0. ,). -.. I I- .-. , , First half Michigan, 1; Drake, 0." arrisoa Sett lee , Mrs. Bessie A Harrison has agreed that if the Oregon Railroad aV Naviga tion company will pay her $5,000 she will not sue the company for damages for tha death of her husband, John W. Harrison.' It la said that tha money will be paid Mrs. Harrison at once. Har rison waa a railway mall clerk and was killed in a wreck near-Welser, Idaho, on September it. 1J05. . maiaiag the SOaaoalta. v Work en raising tha lighthouse tender Mansanlta was begun yesterday. - The vessel was partially raised and brought In about . 100 feet toward shore. The work Is progressing, favorably. Fat 1 Folks. I kava reduced any weight (I panada, bast nine Inches, wslst eight Inches and hips nine Inches In a short time by a guaranteed, harmless remedy without exercise or starving. I want to tell you all. about 1L . Unclose stamp and ad dress Mrs. Charlotte Woodward, Ore goa City, Or. ... - - . .. , j ; : . . I 1 : 5 SCARED r.!jl!l FRIGHTENS BOLD BAKD1TS : , ejasHassssssassasass-ssMH ,t Two With Huge Revolvers Forced to Give Up Robbery Because -- i-v ' 'k Vlctlrrf Hat a Fit. ; ... Racing .around ; like a crasy man i in the dining room of the Paclflo hotel at Tenth and Qulmby streets, upsetting tables and smashing, crockery and st times falling headlong, all the while shouting, "tho place laUMlng held up!" one of the patrons created such a racket that two highwaymen -who were holding up If men in the barroom becameappre benalve of capture and fled.- The highwaymen, both masked, walked Into the saloon, about 7 o'clock last evening. They carried revolvers. - the taller having' a wespon .In each hand. Frank Lehman,' the proprietor of ' the aaloon, and V. A. Cook and Frank Cook, his two bartenders, were forced to walk frona behind, the. counter and take their placea In a row with the patrons, along the-wall behind the stove. ,:.. At this "juncture one victim became so badly frightened that he ran through a door into the dining room and gave ths alarm. - ' - - ' ' ' v . ' Tba taller highwayman kept the pa trons covered with his revolvers. The shorter took f I out of the cash register and a silver watch - from V. A. Cook. Then- the man with the weapons called to his companion to leave and himself backed out of the door. - t . . No else baa yet been obtained by the police beyond the descriptions, of the men, who -are supposed to bo the aame two that beld .up . a saloon on - Union avenue. - . ' -v -' - .r - v W. B. Phelps was held up and robbed of OS eenta by two masked highwaymen at East Twenty-ninth and East Yamhill streets at 1 o'clock thla morning. The highwaymen are believed from descrip tions to -be tho saloon robbers. CRUISER CHARLESTON TESTED FOR SPEED '' (Joarsal IpseUI Berrfce.t Washington. D. C, Oct. 21. The new protected cruiser Charleston, which will be tested for. speed, today, js the first warship tested in accordance with the new system of speed testing. Formerly the -vessels were given a run over a staked course of a definite number-ot miles or knots, under the present sys tem, the revolutions of the screws dur ing a run in the open sea are watched after the propellers have been carefully standardised. This method wss chosen st. the reedmmendatlon of former Engineor-in-Chlef Melville - and le re garded as the most scientific snd accu rate method yet devised for sscertsln ing the sea speed, of a steamship. The Charleston will be given a run of four hours. , . .. .. v , - ' " i 1 1 - 1 k t LAST OF NOME FLEET f ARRIVES IN SAFELY - (8peisl Dlnpatrh to The Joaniil.) ! ; Victoria, B. C Oct. 28. R. W.'Duns mutr has received advices from Nome to tha effect, that- the Leelanaw reached the northern port on October 10. She had fine weather on the trip. Tha Lee lanaw is the last of the Nome fleet which is held under charter by Dunsmulr and carried a mixed cargo from Seattle; ;, GARDNER CHALLENGES ? ' O'BRIEN TO A FIGHT ' San Franclscoj Oct. JS. George Gard ner la out With challenge' to, fight Jack O'Brien In thla city; be fort, the club offering the most suitable Inducements. As evidence of good faith Jn the matter, Gardner says he is willing to post 11,500 with any -sporting editor in San Fran cisco that he will win. " YAQUINA WINTER RATES.; Belifatfol Weather Moot of tho Time at aTowport peaches. ?' ,- ' The' people who visited Tat ulna Bay last winter were .surprised at the de. tlghtful weather at that popular resort The Southern Paclflc and tha Corvallls A Eaatern railroads have resumed thelf cheap rstes to this place for the .winter. Particular' by asking st city ticket offlca, Third and Washington streets Portland. - . - if Oalttiaa Bark Shlrmeat. , i . tJesrsel SpMUi awttwi - Corvallls. Oct 27. Fifteen tons Of ehlttim bark left liere thta morning. Its destination being Liverpool, England. Tha shipment wss msde by S. Xa Kline and goes direct from Corvallls to Liver pool. . . .... , . ,. . t M" Jf I V -! it - . '( . V. ' 'I ; I i . Ralph Pulitxer, Son .of tha, Owner of ! the New York World, and His - . . . Bride,' Who Wat Mioo Frederika Webb. . (y. t in llll' STUDENT BODY AustraTian Ballot System Used r.rlri Annual Election, at Pa-. i cific College. .v. (Xpeclal Itispatch to, The Journal.) Pacific University, Forest Grove, Or". Oct- 18. The annual election ' for ' the student body was held yesterday after noon. An Innovation waa introduced by- conducting - the election according to the - Australian ballot , system..'.,. A judge snd clerks of election bad been chosen and booths erected, thus giving the students an idea' how an election Is carried on. The race between the "dry" and "reform ' tickets was quite close. Tha ' "dry" element, however, won the day with the following results: John Peters, Of HUlsboro, president; D. L A Her, of Forest -Grave, vice-president; Pearl Chandler, of Forest Orove, secre tary; Claude Mason, Of Boise, Idaho, treasurer. With the exception of the Vice-president-elect, all the - successful candidates - were running on tba dry The presidency of the student body Is ths highest I office within the gift of the body and is, accordingly eagerly sougnt . xn aererence to an established! custom the candidate for president must be a member of the junior class and a candidate for a degree. v John Peters, the president-elect,' pre pared for college at Taulatln academy, and ia a member of Gamma Sigma lit erary society. He Is not an athlete. though he takes. Interest In all univer sity endeavors. .Last year he repre sented his class Tn the local oratorical contest and will. . probably nter the debating tryouts. to be held soon. Peters la popular among the students and won by a strong majority over his compet itor. - ... - .-, - -., . .. - - . .! -' SOON TO BEGIN WORK ON EUGENE LIGHT PLANT " (Special Dlspatrh te The Joarasl.) . Eugene,, Or., Oct. 28. The fire, and water committee - of the Eugene city council Is expecting ' Engineer , Kelsay of Salt Lake here any day to begin the work of making the permanent surveys and securing the right of way for the city's light and water plants, bonds for which in the sum of 1200,000 were re cently voted. ' . " Mr. Kelsay Is under contract to con struct these plants snd they will - be rushed to completion once the work Is well under waj-, - . It la talked on the streets that Injunc tion proceedings will Issue ss soon -as any 'attempt Is made to spend money In the name of -the city, until It Is defi nitely known that the Issue of bonds contemplated can be sold. . The limit of municipal . ' indebtedneas has . already been reached in the fund whfclPrfUaht be used to pay for the work of the enU glneers. However, the members of the council say they anticipate no trouble In disposing. of the. bonds st par. LENA'S CHAPLAIN KILLED , BLY-TOO MUCH VODKA - tJoomsl special Service.) f San Francisco, Oct-10. Fsther Vol sin. high priest of the-Greek ehurch snd chaplain, of the interned Russlsn cruiser Lena, scheduled to sail for Rus sia tomorrow, now lying In tha upper bay, died suddenly tWs morning.,, Sailors coming ashore- fromf , tha . Lena report that his death wss due to excessive use Of vodka. ' '" ' ' Fresldeat at Say West,; ' (Jneratl Rpeelat' STTlr,a Washlhgton, Oct :-Captsln Wil liam Bechter of Key 'West reports that the West Virginia was sighted of f thstJ port this afternoon. The Colorado and Pennsylvania have- gone to- Join her,,- . s ; . . ,i -' .' ' ' ' .' DELEGATES IVILL HOT HEED GALL OF GAVEL Sergeant-at-Arms 'Appointed at - ' 'wm ' -v,' - vv. v. 1. u. uonvenxion. . . . Meetingoday. 4 , fJearaal' aaeeiat sWviet.ii 'B-."V-' ; Los Angeles, Oct, 1. This la Carna tion day at the W. C T. V. convention and futile efforts on the part of Presi dent Stevens to preserve order at the morning session resulted In the appoint ment of a sergeant-at-arma Telegrams were sent to President Roosevelt ask ing him to recommend the establish ment of a department with authority to consider means and methods for the protection of children and dumb animals and expressing the gratification of ths convention for the. action of the presl. dent In tha recent peaoe conference. vThe' convention voted to atrlke off 25,000 altpa of that- part of President Stevens' annual address relating to the Oothenberg control of the dispensary system In which It Is declaitd to be one of the worst forms of license. .This evening a diamond medal contest will be held snd Sunday prominent visitors will supply the city pulpit at a chil dren's rally and. tho annual convention sermon. ... . -. . BULKLEY LECTURES ON CITY OF ROSES TONIGHT v . .- ;Vt'. i nm..--! -. Barry Bulkley, who - lectured during tho exposition at tha Government build ing, will spesk this evening, at tha Mar- quam theatre. Illustrating hia addreaa with views of the weat and giving aa the ; especial . feature his lecture. "Glimpses of Portland. City of Knees.' which is to be delivered by him on hia coming . tour . of tha east, and middle West i ' '" y ,. . . . (. , " Mr. Bulkley's appearance tonight la to be hia last In thla city, and he la to be assisted by Mrs. Rosa Bloch-Bauer. Mrs. Walter Reed, MUs Ethel Shea and Dom J. Zan, In vocal numbers, with. Edr gar tn. coureen as-aocompamsu sr. Bulkley's lectures were highly popular during tha fair." The program will be: Part 1, (a) "Because." De Hardelot; (b) "Were My Songs With Wings Pro vided," Hanh; c) "When' Song Ia Sweet," Gertrude Sens Souct (Rose Bloch-Bauer). , - ' " Penso, F., Paloo Toett;- Miss Ethel M. snea. - t , (a) "A MadiigaUr Harris; (b) "King Duncans Daughters," All its en . CDom J. Zan). - " ..-. w r. ' ... (a) "Sous Lea ' Orangers." Augusta Holmes; (b) "Turn Te to Me," Old High land Melody (Mrs. Walter Reed. Part -1. "Tha TeUowstone National Park." illustrated by 100 views. "Views of Crater Lake," "Glimpses of Portland, tha City of Rosea," Barry Bulkley.1 ' i - . ' JOHN MITCHELL HONORED BY UNITED MINE WORKERS (Jearaal SpkUI Serriee.t ' Seranton; Pa., Oct, H.-y-The tTnfted Mine Workers of America are celebrat ing Mitchell day today; la - tha usual manner. Tha usual data of tha celebra tion Is October 80, but that day. falling on a Sunday this year, the preceding day waa selected. .. The mine-workers of this, tha -first district, had asked tha mine workers of tha other districts to join them In the celebration, and the result Is that today'a parade and mass meet ing were far greater than In any pre vious year. JMany prominent labor lead era were In attendance and delivered ad dresses. John Mitchell was tha guest of honor of the ' day and waa received with great enthusiasm. - Ha delivered tha principal address. " 'FRISCO SUICIDE HAS MONEY IN LOCAL BANK (Joersel peelal Serrlee.) ' . San Franolsoo, Oct II. With a bullet hole In his right temple and 'a pistol clutched In his right hand, James B. Carroll was found dead in - bed - this morning In his room at the Denver house. He left a note stating that his home waa at Terrs Haute, Indiana, and that hie father's name waa Chris Oar relL He gave no reason for his self destruction. He has been despondent. Certificates of deposit for 11.000 with Ladd A . Tlltoa. bankers at Portland, Oregon, snd bank books on the Spokane A Eastern Trust ' company of -Spokans and the Canadian Bank of Commerce were found among his effects, t . -- , Aeetdeatally Snoots Self . -V (jearnal Resets Strrlre.) Redlands. CeU Oct II. Albert White, aged II. son of a ' ranoher, . waa In sUntly klUed this morning by the .ac cidental discharge of a gun while jump ing an Irrigation ditch .while hunting. ' I; li L -i I - - ... ' ii f .. -. " " ''f ' ' :l - Pifjy.a jSmltH ; Serlouely Injurea Rlnz Packer Ht.Thousht Caused Family TroubldV IS ' SAICH JO ;jHAVE.. ::.o;r v X fiO.'O DANQ5P OH . VICTIM "-. :.' . . So Serious Is Condition of Bsttercd Man That Efforts to Kstp Affair Hidden' Ajts s Useless , and Folks ''.Take a Hand. v.. "j ;. . Attacked and beaten by "Mysterious Billy" Smith, the former prise fighter, who Is now proprlstor of the Atlantic aaloon, oi Third, near Pine street "Jack" Fahey, his ring backer, was in jured so badly that he hss since "been unablo to leave bla bed. Ha la thought to be Injured internally by Smith, who welgha about 125 jounda. jumping on hia cheat and stomach after felting him. The' police were not Informed of the affair -.until yesterday and no request waa made to have Smith arraaiea., vie trlct Attorney Manning waa apprlaed of tha assault .however, and the ea-pugl- llat wsa aummoned before him to a plaln hia eonduot. No charge has been tiled. - pending tha -result . of, . Fahay'a Injuriea.. . .f .-. .. .-'' '-' ' ' For aome time Smith haa been having trouble with bis wife- and has declared hia Intention of aulng for divorce. A few weeka ago Mrs. Smith, who la not living with her husband, naked tha po lice to keep watch on him, as ha had coma to tha place where aha was staying; and mads threats to harm her.' A pa trolman was instructed by Chief Grits maoher to keep tha house tinder sur vetlance and take Smith Into cuatody should, ha attempt violence. At that time Smith promised to stay away from Ma wife. ' ' . ' .. Meeting Fahey on "Washington street near Eleventh, last . Mondsy evening. Smith accused him of carrying tales to his wtfe and' causing hia domestlo trouble. 'Tba charge waa denied , by Fahey. . . ,. . ' - . , . J One- word bd to another and the Men finally came to blows. Smith hss ad mitted striking Fahey twice and knock ing him down, but denlea that he jumped on him.' It la said that one of two of Fahay'a ribe are fractured. ' POLICE THINK SCHMIDT: ; FIRED MT. HOOD HOTEL Theodore Schmidt, proprietor of the Mount Hood hotel, near tha entrance to tha fair grounds. which was burned down about three weeka ago, is to be taken before Chief of Pollco onts- macher by Detective L. C Hartmaa thla afternoon and examined on suspicion of arson. He baa already 9een ouestloned by District Attorney Manning. Sehmidt's son haa alao been before tne oiainct ai tomsy sitting aa a grand Jury. The polloe assert that there i are a number of - elroumatahoaa - pointing to ward arson -an admit that suspicion has fallen-on slehseldt He. and,hl, son both deny that they Seed tho structure. Tho contents are said Ho have been In sured In several companies and for thejr full value. ." '- Schmidt la now defending himself In Justice Reld'a court against tho ault of Mary PIMer, a German girl, for $176. which aho claims Is due her for her services In the household for a year. She says she waa brought here from St Louis by Sohmldt and has bean given only IS by htm In that time, - though caused to do tha- hardest drudgery. The girl apWka .little English, but ia at tracting conelderable attention on ao count of her'rara beauty. MANUFACTURERS MEET ' ... IN ANNUALSESSION v.-"yy, ;J At Allsky'S hall ' this ; sventng the Manufscturers' assoolstton of tha north west wtoTbld Its annual meeting, at which reports- of officers will be beard, and election of eight directors will be held. The business meeting will be fol lowed by speeches and a amoker. The officers of tho sssoclotlon are: President, R. S.' Holmes; vice-president Fletcher Linn; treasurer, W. H. Mo Monies; seers tsry, C H. Mclsaao, There are it directors, of whom sight- retire annually, and-helr successors are elect ed for three years. At -thla evenlhg'a meeting there will bo refreshments, snd a special program Including a distribu tion by lot of srtlcles left over from the drawing at the exposition on Manufao turera day. ., .?".- MRS. ELLA DETMERING ' " EXPIRES AT EUGENE ,, i. . ... J -. i' - - -k - ': (Speelal Dispatch te The Jearaal.) -. p. Eugene, Or., Oct SI. Mrs. Ella Dot msrlng, wife 'of O. R- Detmerlng, a prominent cltlsen of Eugene, died at the family ' homo here yesterday, aged II years, after an illness of several years' duration. She was born in Indiana, com ing to Oregon with her parents by wsy of tha Isthmus of Panama at an early date. They settled at Dayton, Tamhltl county. Tha daughter was educated at St' Helen's hall In Portland and was married In 1110 to O. E. Detmerlng. They have lived In Eugene eight years. Mrs. . Detmerlng wss prominent In church snd lodge circles and at tha time of her death waa president of the local organisation of Ladlea of the G. A. R, ' aTvageUeal ' The Church of God, 410 Hawthorne avenue, haa been holding special evan gelical services the past few days , and will oontlaua them till Wednesdsy even ing. - A number of evangelists have reached Portland and are conducting these meetings with a large attendance every evening, .a They are Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Masters of Beatrice, Nebraska, who are on thslr way to California; Rev. O. W. Bailey, who is just returning to his home In Creeton,- Washington, after two years missionary work in India; J. Lb Orean- of Woodburn, Oregon, and John Murphy of Kansas. . ... STEAMERS LOSE CARGO . : IN NORTHERN'STORM . V 4 ... . i. ..... . ., V (jMiraal Speelal Sorrlee ) ' ' Seattle, Wash., Oct. II. -During th reeent storm tha steamers Valencia, Templeo and Olympla at Noma loot large portions of their cargo, according to in formation brought by tha ateamer Sena tor arriving - from the north, bringing moat of the mining operators who had not yet left tha Noma country. Tha Victoria, which arrlvee next week, will bring out the remainder, practically clos ing tha season. .- .. -.- , . iiruid Luuir ' ' - - . - . t Maniac Twica Appears at Ocklsy ., i Qraan .einoa.Rtport .Waa ; Mada to Ppllca. 1. . ' ' V'.-.V" CHACIS DOY AUD TRIES ;to whip him on legs Is Scan Also; Near ' SchsoUiousa i Parents Are Armins; Tbernselves, -. and Children, Terrified,' Keep to , Middle of Road to Araid Attack. : Havil ng appeared : twice . at Ockley Green since tho polloe were appealed to by tha parents or children whom ha had pursued and beaten with a whip, a mad man haa caused such a degree of appro- ' henalon that they - arev arming themselves.-.' ... ''l . . Patrolman Adsms waa approached by an excited man whose home la at 1114 . Atlantle avenue yesterday evening, and Informed that tha demented man had followed Ma boy and attempted to whip mm on tne was but that the lad had escaped Injury by running, being chased. tor some oistanoe -ay the man. - - ; On i making : inquiry, tha policeman : learned that ths man was seen yeatsr day morning near tha Ockley Green sehoolhouse, and that ha remained In -that vicinity for eome time. The chil dren are badly frightened snd take the ' center of the road In' walking -to and -front school In order to see tba man In time to escape if ho ahoald approach from a hiding-place beatde the road. Several parents have secured weapons and assert thst if thsir children are mo lested by the man they will oranlse a posse snd hunt him down. Patrolman Adama made -hia report to Chief Grits maeher last night and detectives were detailed thta morning. . ... : Tha madman's mania takea the form of an antipathy toward children, and especially toward boys ; wearing knee trousers and girls In short dresses. He eaniea a aroall whip, with which- ha .. lashes them on the legs, sometimes fol- lowing them for a considerable distance. Patrolman Adama reports that tha man la described aa being about five feet alx inches tall, stout In build and round faced. He la a rather old man and -weara a sailor's garb. Ha la said to have bowed) legs and a tattoo mark on bis forearm. AURELIA DAMAGED BY C0UISI0N AT TRISC0 (Josmal Special Serrtee.) v ' San Francisco, Oct II. In a oolllatoa ' with, the ateamer Umatilla last evening the . ateamer Aurells. which had Just arrived from-Portland. was damaged to tho extent of about 130.000. Forty feet ofvher bulwarka were carried away and her deckhouses were shifted: Ths ves sel Is leaking' badly and wtU be out of commission for at. leaat a couple of months. . No .one was hart .and .tho . Umatilla escaped undamaged. ' ' The Aurells belongs to Russell a Rog- , era and hss been running regularly, be tween here and San Francisco for al most two years. She is tn command of ' Captain Krricson and thta la the first mishap - ha has had. ' A message ' to Local Agent Steelsmith this morning states thst the Umatilla ran Into ' tho Aurella while tha latter waa maneuvering to go alongside her dock. The Aurella waa loaded with a full cargo of lumber. It la said that another vessel will bo placed on her route aa aeon 'as tho owners can get a aultabla one.Jlr:; ',- MODERN WOODMEN PLAN t MONSTER DRILL CONTEST A monster drill contest and dance, as which 1.000 eouplea are to be . enter talned. la being arranged by the Port land camps Of.-the Modern Woodmen of America. Arrangements are In tho hands of the promotion committee, com posed of three members from each of the nix Portland campe. " ' ' . The drill conteat will, be made a fea turo of absorbing Interest Drill team of 11 men from each of four oempe. re inforced by alx chief rangers, will par. tlclpata In the conteat. which will take place on the main floor of tho Armory, the only hall In the city large enough to - accommodate auch a competition. There are 1,000 members of tha Modern) Woodmen In Portland, and. each mem ber will Invite a number of friends to the ball that will follow tha drill con test Everest's band has been engaged for tha dance. ' . . , . . y WILL MAKE TRIP TO 1 : , LEARN ABOUT PIPES Engineer D. D. 'ClarVe of the city) water board will start for tho east to night to visit many large eastern cities and Inspect their water works; for tha purpose of obtaining Information ' rs gardlng tha relative merite of steel rtv eted and cast Iron pipe for water mains. He will be gone about four weeka and will return in time' for the opening of tho bids for pipe for the high pressuro service on the eaat aide. . Among the cltlea he Will visit la Roch ester, N. Where It la reported tbo steel riveted water mains are tha aourco of much dissatisfaction.- He will In spect alao tha water worka la Blrmlng-. ham, Ala., Denver, Colo., Ban Franolseo and Los ' Angeles, and other cltlea. . Ho will study the effect of electrolysla on. both aorta of pipe, and tha action of tho different kinds of soil on the pipe lit which It Is laid. 1 ' ' v-..-".. t - TRAIN AT FULL SPEED- , -.. GOES-THROUGH BRIDGE f fjesrssi sci frnwj j- i Lexington, Ky., Oct ll.A fast pea senger train on the Loulevtlle Southern plunged through a covered bridge laat night Although no dead have been found many passengers are, missing and It-Ha thought several negroes sra In the debris 10 feet from the top ef tha , bridge. (Baggage, mall,, smoktpg oara and tender and the entire bridge, 180 feet long, were demolished and thrown Into an Inextricable mass at -the bot tom and dynamite It -being used to clear It sway. Tsn persons were Injured and alx of them, It la thought wilt die. Tho tender left tha track causing tha eas tsstropha i "": '. v.' IrvbS's Cscha Vafcra Cars ill KMsey Trmhlaa, ioe selS la tke kaeb, soke Ins sf (ltnimen Is the nrloe IsipMlele nil setaellr ruSellS Ike shrank, wall tke KMsers. ' They ennttln juat what Is wasted reanee the aa, beat the sora spn and atrrntlbas the ssnle organ. They ssr fall tn bring rllef wlthls a few keen esd ewes te stay eared. Sld st tot . s beg kr . a. aaidmora a OOy arartsee. 1ST Taisa CW Sale Ag-aate foi , ; -.! t - . v -' ,;.V V