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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1905)
:imo. czir , . ... .f liluo . f . . . f-i.'t nnrsrt.'a Ycrrca i wrMar o a. MAtrate. Wi TWvre-Mr. s i 00 OLD tJotsd Fihtsr and TrsJnsr fU ; calls Oldsn Time ti ths Boys ; Along Friscos Midway. Hut ... . .. r " - - . Z """ A IS TELLS ABOUT, HIS COUT ' Waa Afraid of th SaC;r, and Was ; Overjoyed When ShfcrL'f at Colroa -Stepped Into 'Ring and Prevented ', tb Fight (Joaraal Special Sarrloe.1 I 8a Francisco, Oct Patsy Cor rlgan. fighter, trainer, philosopher and wit,, who worries as ntuckj about omor: row as an elephant does .about a elea Shirt. Is around town weai 'ng the big am lie "that won't come off" and sprink ling the seed of good will hither and thither from one distillery to another. - Patsy la a soldier of fortune, out here With Kid McFedden, helping the Mttle ' Fourth of Julyraxplostve '-hook on." ',. Corrlgan himself was no slouch In his day, and hia presence revive many pleasant- recollections of the happy -by. gone day. ;'- Years ago, when Al Kaufmann' eld man was kicking bwauH he had such, a big milk bill and Jimmy Biitt was Just teaming the difference between a faucet and a gas Jet, Corrlgan wee matched to fight Sharkey at Colma. A Patsy tells It himself, "I knew I had about aa much chance against the old Mi dog , a . onowball in a Turkish bath- Whw I get in the ring the first thing I did was to locate a good get-away In case Bharkey had an Intention of aasasslnatlng me. ' Luckily, Just aa we were about to com together, and my feet were covered with Icicles, the sheriff of Colma stepped into the ring and stopped the fight. . 'i f . 1 "I was the most indignant man W the world. I proposed to Toot that we wipe . Colma off the map. Ton began te ory, but I was such a rummy tbe that I forgot' to cry, too. If I bad cried then my fortune would hare been made As 11 was, Sharkey aaw what a. iympathetla ' guy I , waa and engaged me as .his ' trainer. Tom and I got along Una until Tim MeGrath came upon the .scene. When lr "comes to laying on the salve Tim has me backed up against the fence. ' When Tim opens the air valve and starts the fan going bis line -of bull would make, -a hurricane, look ltke a gentle sephyr. . i .'" "McOrath endeared himself to Bhar key In ', when the sailor fought Joe Choynaki. Bharkey knocked the clever ' Joe over the ring and easily had a clncb n the' decision, but Referee George Green called It a draw, The husky mariner was so overcome by the ref- - eree's ruling that he wept bitter tears , of disappointment Tim, always on the alert for a chance te make a, tlay. put a loving hand on Tom'a shoulder, pulled ' a towel up to his eyes and walled aloud. : McOrath won out and beoame a hero In ... Bharkey' eyes. i ''.,",- . ; -Tim said afterward that? each Year . Jut 80 In hi pocket" . , V '"-'Cfirrlgan says' that Shapkey'a "eTilef trouble In life Is his cauliflower ear. The ' sailor . baa made a standing offer Of ', tie.OOt to any physician who can give him a. good ear. He has tried every ; remedy on the market, from Dr.' Mun : yon'e mud plaatere to Mrs. Wlnslow's , soothing syrup.- but the 'old cabbage , flapper etlll mars those clasale feature. Tom knows that he la otherwise- hand some and la therefore all the more g- - grieved over his facial disfiguration. The brg' battleship on hie chest can be Covered up, hut It is not exactly the proper thing to wear an.overcoat over , your Jeft ear. They might graft a ' mule's ear on Bharkey' headpiece, Tut ; that may start the muscular brulaer kicking. So the f 10.00 offer Is still ' . pen. ;'Y . ... r ' ,V " . Sharkey's thirst baser pete him from 3S0 to $500 per day and every time he . opens the cash register be buye a pile . 04 bricks. He owne half of New York , ralready, and haa John P. Rockefeller . making overtures to him to get out. of ' the masuma game. ... Tern-- is going - ahead too rapidly to suit John. Hhar . key 1 married happily and haa every thing, to live for but that cauliflower ' , ear. ,';.' , . v Why not buy a tin ear,' Tom? .v , V. t ". "-.. . Baeiag at Jemaloe track. ,v i - Uimil Special Service, ' '';,-;- .'? New- York, Oct; 21. Jamaica Park ! rare results: . ' 81s furlonge-B;mergency won, Invln 1 elble second. Fustian third; time, 111-, v , - Mile -and ' a sixteenth Knight of t Rhodes won, Buckley second, Mabel Richardson third: time. 1:4. Biz furlongs Bterllng won. Reldmort second, Flavlgny third; time, 1:11 1-8. ., Mile and a sixteenth True Wing won, .Yorkshire Led second. Chimney Sweep third; time. 1:47. i " Five and a half furlong Prince Fred . erlo won, Tambeau seoond. Peeping ' Tom third; time, 1:07. . - Mite and a furlong Red Knight won,' -Banker aecond, Bailor-Boy third; time. '1:11 . " ' MOTHER ; AND: CHILD. J I : Let the mother ; take Scott's Emulsion for the . , two ; it never I fails ' to :. benefir them both. One can eat for two, but nour ishing two is a different thing. It calls for a de w gree! of internal; strength : that the average woman TJ lacks. People of Iujhirjr s are not very strong by ! . habit; overworked people I V&re t weak in some funov tions from exhaustion or their surroundings. Scott's cmuision can De depend , ed upon to overcome such ' conditions. It is a won derful food for a mother and child. ' J . - - . tOTT iOWMl, m rwl Iifea-Ter, ;''";r ;. r:.'- ' ' : . "':' " i" 1 " ! : : v. . . -- , . , . . f , I , : .- :: vv-. O'DIIIEII PUTS OUT lauFaiiii Champion Aplrant No Match ?for the, 'Clever Sidestepper Frorrt the Quaker1 City. - FINISH CAME IN THE SEVENTEENTH ROUND Calitornian Landed but i Few Blowt but They Were of No Importance ; O'Brien Hit i Wheneyer v. Hf Pleased and Got Away Cleverly. '' i U -'' ""'.", . , .. J' ' "" ' Journal Bpaelal Serrlce.V . ' " . Ban Franclnco, Oct, 28. "Philadel phia" Jack O'Brien took a terrtfle fall out of' Al Kautmann' championship aspirations last night by administering a knockout punch In the 17th ronnd. after beat m r the Callfornlan to a finish fot If rounds. O'Brien's cleverness : was what beat Kanftnann.' Thetrtrted, Quaker City boxer waa nerer In better form for a battle and opened the' ejrea of the Frisco fight fan by hi remarkable sidestepping. 1 Kaufmann rarely landed on O'Brien If he did. th blow didn't count. during the oontest'O'Brleo would step jky and land stinging blow and get away before troubled Call fornlan could return it . Early In the bout Kaufmann'A left , eye waa closed with a Jab and hie noee bled continually, making him. look more like a butcher than a fighter. la eh 17th O'Brien hot '-fir rapid blows to Kaufman' Jaw and head, and then a right awing to the Jaw sent aire down like a log te rise no more..;' :, v-j. , - ; ', Kaufmann waa so greatly outclassed that his .closest friends were surprised. PRESS CLUB BOWLERS C;W!NTHREE,STRAIQHT . In "tBe oMnlnr mitch of the cost- season game on th Portland 'alleys last evening the Press club took all three games from the Portland. Each team ' wafe ; one" man ahy, so four ' men bowled onewehda Th majority of the men on both team were new bowl ers and they all ahowed In pretty good form for their first time In a -match. The score were: v- . 'V; X-P.E88 CLCR ' .-. . Moaher ...1IT '! 152 IT It S-l Bowt ......160 114 Flood II ISO Moray . . . ..17 161 .'. : -V--'sot ts 1147155 3-3 141 4001 1-3 154 48310 3-3 10 1337 ' ' PORTLANDS. Hergert ....H7 , 1I HI 43 15t 1-i Kenyon ....HI 1JT 110 8-l!l-l Woodman ..110 141 ' If 4 131 McMenomy 13 10 17 62 17 1-1 I ' 5l . tfit 4 JTO'v. ' i . Testerday' afternoon McOrath took four out of seven gamea In hi special match .with Ball. It waa a very Inter esting contest. Scores: McO'th 201 224 If 21 212 21S 231143 Ball. . . iOi 214 14 227 17 314 1931411 McOrath' average.;.. ...... to f-T Ball average 3014-7 PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. 7 sir CLCB8." I i- 1m .Angtlea Ran rraaclaee Oakltne Seattle ....... Portland Tacoma ....... 101 11 01 8 TR?s .R2 .471 3 12U1 JlOl SI 101 31 14 0' .471 ilSl Tl 01 .43 r t r i Loat :aai3T.T8;l3WI413SI! .t i ... . ' : . . ' Oakland Kits the Bali. (Joomal Bpeelal Renlce.) -.Oakland. Oct. 28. The Oakland Jumped all over the Tacoma pitchers yesterday and scored It ran in four Innings. The score: Tacoma "'. . . . '. 1 . t 1 2 1 2 ?" it Oakland . . . . .0 t 3 3 1 IS It 3 Batteries Fltseerald, Lynch and Ho- gan; snuut ana tsyrnes. ,.. . , . , , ' BeatU Za that Oat. . , 1 (Jeuraal Special tVrrlea.l Los Angeles, Oct. 28. Dolly Gray had little trouble In shutting out the 81 waaha yasterday t to 0. Score: Ix Angeles . . , .0 0 0 3 0 0 r T i eeaiiie , leeeeeeeeo a Batteries Gray and Eager; V Ackers BASEBALL CONTESTS Y. M. C. A. GYMNASIUM The Maroon defeated the Noon Clasa 21 to 17 and the Kventngs' downed the Alert 17 to It In bakketball oon teats Isst evening at the 1 . M. C. A. -gym. naslum. Th contest were arary Inter esting, ii ma "team a were evenly matched and played : with considerable cleverness. .Tbe( line-up:,. ... Noon Claae. Maroons. Durand ...'....'..Forward.... Ball Holman .........Forward.. Eurlch Livingstone ... ..Center. . ....... Toung Gilbert .Guard. ........ Miller Will ......... Guard ...Ruasel , Second game: - ,( alert. . Evening Clasa. Johnson . ...... .Forward... Oaten Schwarts ...... .Forward. . Mackl Hartman ...... . .Center ........ Allen 8tubba .......... Ouard.... Allen Austin .......... Ouard.v.... Uoffntaa .' . 1 : ' MteMfrlaM a .JJ - - :-; : TaaJ S-;A r , ; v?. .. '.'!. . . v k ..... ., r " (, -.. v' . . ..,jseeeja e. axpi ;. j i , t . , ., .. , I . . ...,.. it v ; . " ; ,: '.; -. . ': ; owtd ; v -., .. : -. -: . ; : h .. ' :. 'X - !" ' . i i ' ' v '(- ? ' ; V'..Rfa ELY GATES IS BATTED F03 THIRTEEH TALUES Unlucky Number of Runs Cr9it ; ; the Plate for Seal In a . C one-sided contest. I ' (Jeornal gnesJal (Vrrlea.) - San ' Franciscot, Oct., 33. The Giant continue ' to get their " medicine with promptness and precision every day at the hands of the Seal.. ,Cate-wa' la the box for the visitor yesterday and received a fine drubbing. San Francisco making If hit and scoring 18 runs off hi delivery. In the third' Inning six hit and a bunch Of stupidity cost th Giants seven runs. . In the sfsth Inning five hit sent four more runs :, across the plate. In troth the visitor were badly outclassed that they didn't know whether they were coming or going, but In the opinion of the fans they were go ing most of the time. i . The score: " . PORTLAND. " '' ft - ' V" . ; AB. R. H. PO. "Ar. XI At. ss.r.......b'...v. 4 a e't 6v McCredie. rf. ..... 1 ... 1 ' 1 0 0 a i i. 3 ;t'i t it: i Van Buren, If. 4 Mitchell, .lb. 4. Sohlafley, 2b. ........ 4 McLean, c. .... X McHale, cf. ,;. Sweeney. 3b. ........ 3 Catea, p. ........... . 3 Buess, o. .......... I t Total . .....,; , SAN 34 1 24 It , 1 FRANCISCO, u. ' AB. R. H. PO. A. C Waldron. cf. 4 13 1 0 0 Monier. id.. ......... a Hildebrand. 1C.....J. I Nealon, lb. .......... t Houaeholder, rf. ..... S 1 11 w In. '3b'' . . ..- a. ' Oochnaaor, . .,.... 4 Wilson, c .1......... 3 Wheeler, p. t 3 3 I 0 0 0 3 3 11 0 0 1110 1 1 i I a n i 1 i 2 33 ToUls ...... .I,... 37 13 14 27 14 SCORE BT INNINGS. Portland rf :'.., 0 1 4 0 0-1. i Hits ..............0113111 1 I Ban Frandisco .......10740410 18 Hits ...... 214151 14 ' ' SUMMARY. , . ... Three-baae hit Hildebrgnd sad Van Buren. ' Two-base hits Hildebrand, GochnauervNealon) (2), Householder, Bweeney, Wheeler. Pacrlfte hits Wal dron and Wheeler. ' First base en called balls Off Catea, 8. Left on bases Portland, : San Francisco. 6. Struck out Br Catea, 2; by Wheeler, t. Double play Wilson to Mohler. Wild pitch Catea. . Stole bases Schlafley. Mohler, Nealon, Householder, Irwin (2). Time of game lh. SBm. Umpire Davis. " ; Migh Seaeet Wta.' ,'" . In the opening game of the Academic league yesterday th Portland High school eleven defeated Newell' River elde team by the score of 10 to 4. Both touchdowns- were made In the second half, the weight of the victor telling aa the struggle progressed. NEW CREAMERY PLANT V ? TO OPEN IN ONTARIO "" tapeeUl Mepatch te The 3aaraaL OnUrlo, Or.. Oct. 2. A creamery plant with a paid up capital stock of 33.60 will be instituted in OnUrlo the first of the new year. The Incorpora tor of th company are: H. Wegner, Dr. G. A. Pome and J. R. Blackaty. Mr. Wegner. who resldee at present In Portland, wll) be the manager of th new plant. ' - The Hotel - Ontario, which ha been cloaed the past three month, will again open He doors to th public November 1 under th management ef Goddard Patteraon. ' -t. VilMORS: And Still Scores of Port land People Accept Them as Pacts. l y , ' :' ' !' j ' ; " ;''' ' The published etatement of . some treneer. residing In a faraway 'place. may-be true enough! but It la generally accepted ae a doubtful rumor, how can it be verified? The testimony which follows le convincing proof, becaeae it cornea from a resident of Portland: T. W. Shangland. who t a streetcar co-luc.or on the Woodstock streetcar line, residing et 710 Elsworth street, says:' "Some -time last fall I began bavin considerable trouble and annoy. ance from a dull, aching pain In the back over the kldneya. I think It waa caused from the constsnt shaking and Jarring of the car. I thought at nret it would diautDcar a aulckly a It came, but this wss not the caee. Learning of Doan Kidney PI 11 a, I procured a bo and took them according to directions. The result wa entirely satisfactory. The backache grew leaa and less snd red. and aa far aa I can tell it haa gone for good, for there have been no symptoms of a recurrence. For sale bv all dealers'. Price tO cents. Foater-Mllhurn Co., Buffalo, N. T sole aarenta for the .United State Rememhev the ftame IRAN'S end take no other. . , DOUBTFUL tectftt aa Wuatrated by Varioua Vlfhtara,. V': 't'-tct X- H Hi mr scahce I .... .. .., . : Yale , and Columbia Find Dlf f flcult FYoblem In Selecting I an. Athletic Supervisor. - Pr - ' . ' 'v K , ' - r. i , . - OLD ELI piNDS MURPHY " ' HARD MAN TO REPLACE :f There Appear a Sentiment in Favor 'lot Founding a School for th Train ing of Athletic' Trainer; for. Both tKaattndWeat The recent difficulties of both Tale and Columbia over the problem of find ing a auiUbJe man for the position ef track athletic trainer bring attention to the .fact that there are in America. today only a few men Who can be conaldered clasa. A men In this Una There ar many persons who do not hesitate to say that good tfalnera In this country can be numbered with ease on the fingers ef twe hands. Mike Murphy of Pennsyl vania, Keen Fltapatrick of Michigan. Dad Moulton of Leland Stanford, James Temple of West Point. Ernie Hjertberg, formerly -of Columbia; Dr. Shell of Har- yard, Jin Robinson of Princeton, Mike Sweeney,, new of HU1 school; Johnnie Mack ef Tale. Jim Lathrop of Harvard. Jack Moakley of Cornell and A. A. Stagg of Chicago comprise the honor list of the noted trainers of American college athletes. Compared to the number , of football coaches who have been turned out and are being turned out every year it la plainly to be seen! that track ath letic sport 1 In a much more stationary condition aad en not susceptible of Improvement easily. . The reason for the scarcity of athletlo tralnera 1 not far to seek. Hit' Is so much more difficult to be a good director of athletes than to be a correspondingly good football coach that It la not strange that few are to be found. ' I: : :- ,-j ; 4, ' When Mnrphy fceft Tata. ' - . When the retirement of Mike Murphy from Tale- wa announced laat spring the authorities at New Haven Immedi ately began to seek the beat possible man to take hi place. . Needles to say Tal not only had the money to spend for a good man but also was very will ing to give Jt up. The search according tt reliable report spread eaat and west. The namea Of such men ae Conlbear of the Unlveralty of Montana, who for merly wa at th University of Chicago; Sweeney; Foater, Sanford. Moulton, Pouch Donovan. Fltapatrick and lastly Mack were' considered by Camp and hi adviser. In th end Mack waa ehoeen a th best man available. Tale might possibly have wanted Fltspatrlck very much, ae Indeed rumor said, but at the Cnlveralty of Michigan the ante wa raised by the Wolverines. Th choice devolved upon Mack for several reasons, among others because Tale believed that his present deficiencies, whatever they might be, could be overcome by a eaaon of training. That 1 to say. Mack was considered able to teach and learn at the same time. Tale, therefore, after due consideration of the field of opportunity .and choice, selected a high school trainer of but brief collegiate ex perience at Columbia, with the idea of developing him to the needs of training at Tale. It Is a novel Mea In track and field sport but on which haa a sound basis of common sens. It Is the same plan that all colleges have when they hire a young man of brief experi ence aa an instructor In something that he ha specialised In and pay him for hi services while he I teaching and at the same time la being taught to teach by hi associates In hi special depart ment. , . v '., ... . -; :' Oplrabl 1 Waa. - Columbia' only th other day, through the withdrawal of Ernie . Hjertberg. found herself again in the position of seeking a trainer. The local unlveralty does not pey aa much as Tale doe and therefor cannot expect to employ men of th name quality.- At the same time there waa a willingness. If such a thing could be dona to meet the demand of om really good men who might be attracted to the institution. The result of th aearoh. however, wa quit fruit less along all line. It developed that there I not In any way a man not em ployed t a figure satisfactory to him self who hs any considerable reputa tion. Th oh 01 re of Columbia fell upon W. II. Da via. on ef the assistants in the gymnaalum, a graduate In physic education of the Springfield T. M. C. A. training school and-a man who ha con siderable reputation in Massachusetts aa an all' around athlete. Columbia, too, I making th experiment with Davis. . Onaaee fee Ooaehs. . Here m the west the graduates of th Unlveralty of Michigan find no difficul ty In. obtaining places a football coaches If they have ever played on One of Toat'e teartwa. A gradual of Tela Harvard, Pr I no ton or Pennsylvania who had achieved any reputation a a grid iron athlete could dally obtain a tike position. Professions!' baseball coaches there ire fcalore, and rowing coach ' '., . .' . . v ...v . TRAIIEIIS Thl last statement la only true In a degree, aa th oases f Wlsoenaln and Columbia may prove. But there la. la eontraat to all the -number ef eoachea and traraer In other branches of sport, a dearth ef reely good track team men. Inferior trainer exist In' a larg ebUraber In thle aa la every other braneh of physical endeavor. ' ' .- - :" v --- It appeal atriklngly to the average man that a aohool for athletle tralnera at thla time would do a great deal of good. Eaat and west there Is a revival of Interest In athletic whloh may yet bring about a repetition of the palmy day ef the early '0s. The founding ef public school athletic league, th greater Interest being taken In college of every else, , the rivalry between the different section of the country, ail have eon trlbuted to thl awakening. Aocordlng to Information from an official source not - le than 1,000.000 - American, whether schoolboy, athlette club or col. lege athlete, were engaged In soma form of track end field sport during the past year. When on eighth approximately of th population of the tTnlted Stats t lntereated in a thing It certainly ha reached important proportions, a school for athletle trainer 1 a necessary thing. When It la possible to name at the very outside only a baker dosen ef really fine; trainers of college team there 1 something wrong. NEW STAGE LINE FROM t CALIFORNIA TO KLAMATH (Special Dt -patch to The tan-sal. ) -' Klamath Falla, Or Oct. - 18. Th Brat of thl week aaw another' transpor tation Una in operation to thl town. Thl new line undertake to transport paaaengar and . freight to Klamath' Falla and way point ay way or th McCleud river railroad, which leaves the main line of the Southern Pactne at Upton, California, and is in opera tion aa far aa Bartles. California, a distance of about to miles. From Bart les It la nearly. 44 mile to Laird landing on th . lower Klamath ' lake. Thl dlatano la covered by- stage and then from Laird' landing to thl town there 1 a first clasa steamboat in serv ice. 1 ' Fraf erred Sauefe Allan 4h Lewis' Best Brand. " . . -----j-----.i-. Albany Yoata Slaappear. -' (Special Dispatch t The Jesraal.) Albany, Or., Oct. it Joseph Rickey, lad 17 year old. left hem on Fri day morning. October tl, on hii way td school and ha not been heard from. HI parent are anxlonaly Inquiring for hi whereabouts. The youth did not desire to go to school thl winter and It Is thought this led to hi leaving home. even arehot Tar to seek. You (BacuKoft Bcay Pupai? UCuOcCiey - tbaa HAYNER, bo matter bow much yon pay or where you got it. W Iftve boat distilling; whiskey for 39 years. ' Wa have one of the most tnodera and boat equipped distilleries la fbe world. Wa know of nothing that would Improve our product. Perfect km fa the distiller's art baa bees reached in HAYNER WHISKEY, which goaa direct from our distillery to YOtT, with all of Its original purify, strength, richness snd flavor.' It doesn't pass through the hands of any doaler or middleman to adulterate,. You thus save the dealers' big profits. , Yon bay at th distiller's price, at flrst cost. Don't you see the economy in buying HAYNER WHISKEY, as well aa the certainty of getting absolutely para whiskey? : '' Unltee atatae Senate, Waahlnctea, D. C. ' "I have ased flAYWBS WftlSKST (be saedtciaal pursese i my family aad have fcaad It very aatlafactery. I Uev it te be a naber eoe ssedkilaal whiskey." - . Tktmtu &. M, U. . Imiw tram Virxinia. l FULL 01.C0 EUPnSOO aArrro j-SS PKspniD , -J'.. ....... , M .;- . '.. -': " '.;-; C ) C'JAnTO FULL- Qunrrro OflE w d the bov smews and est wffl ship la plats sealed esse, erlfh M marks to show eoateat. Try -the whiakey. have your doctor test It every bottle If yon erlah. If yoa ot ftnd It all right, ahlp It back to as at OUR BXCBKbS aad yoar meaey will be promptly reraaded. How MUtwiAah. falrevt Yoa sav maeey br erdartag IB euart much, get a mead te jot yen. to csa Hssa abet we pey the esprea t freight j Writ ear aearest eflo aad 41 HOW. , . ti:s iiAYnrn c:3TiLLtna czz?zzr . r4, !. t Lawla, . . -' Distfflsry. trey, O. Capital. 1000.00, IT DID1NT HURT A M Wbat tset ea Saatal emra. We Se ee ei eny eaieeqr svess say awf. gveryralsg as t .e. Opra svialaae aa Saeear. Mat SaV WISE BROS., Dentists .'.'th fanis. ea,. ONTARIO REFUSES SIDSIDY Citizens Are Willing 'to Give Right-of-Way and Terminal ; ' Grounds but Not Cash.' , (aerial Diapatek t The Joeraal.) . Ontario, Or Oct. 1. At a recent meeting of the Ontario chamber of com merce Stephen Carver, a banker of Chinook, Montana,, submitted a proposi tion to build a standard gauge railway from Ontario to Vale, a distance of 14 miles, and to equip the earn ready foi operation by August, 10, provided th cltlsen of Ontario would donat a 1. 400 bonus, secure five mile of right ef way at thla end of the line and gran' four acrea of land for depot grounds, roundhouse, etc. near the "a. 8. 1 right of way. . . , . .; . -. . After dlacuaslng the matter a com mittee of three wa appointed to Inform Mr. Carver that the city waa willing te secure the right of way. but did not deem the enterprise would benefit 'th town to the amount th bonus required. A surveying party is now In the field and three preliminary line will be run from different point along th Oregon Short Line to Vale. , NEW BANK TO OPEN ITS , DOORS AT BAKER CITY . (gseelat Dtsaateh to The JearsaLl Baker City,' Or, Oct. J. Baker City's new bank, to be known a th. Baker City Loan a Trent company, will open It door for the drat tun on Wednes day, November 1. The original stock, holder of the new Institution are William Polhnan, John Schmidt, Wal ter Fwrnald. J. H. Donald- Edward Burke, H.t D. Clifford, ' George 8 tod dard. J. H. Parker. J. T. ' Donnelly; Q B. dmalt, Clarke Snyde. W. H. Gilbert, M. Well, i Carl ' Dilacbelmer, ; Joseph Oeddea, Frank Ballia and Joseph Stod dard. Th newly elected officer of the bank are: President, William Pollman; vice-president. John Schmidt-. The with waiter Fernaia, -m. IX ciiRord, M. Well. , W. H. Gilbert and George Stoddard compos the Sevan directors. Th new bank 1 capitalised at 164,004 and haa th distinction of being the only savings bank;. In eastern Oregon. JOHN DAY APPLES SENT TO NEW YORK MARKETS 'r ("pedal Dtopateh to Tae JearnaL) '.' Baker City. Or, Oct It six thou sand box of th choloest Apple from John) Day, Grant county, ar being packed here preparatory for ' shipment to New Tork City. It I expected that th apple will bring from !.t to tl a box. Owing to th unusual ' cold weather and consequent frosts, th ap ple crop, which formerly averaged from 0.004 to 10,004 boxes every year, ha fallen' far ahort and will not be over 4.004 boxee at th end of th season. Wholesale fruit men here say that the monetary loaa . to thl .. section will mount to nearly $64,000. nr. irnTrir'rr aTSaVirfalsl nrTTnn v by freight. Ifyda eeat use so v suae avre r aeureeav ebargsa, ,eSaru sVaytoa, O. ' AtlatrU, Ca. xU I fall. l.taDHebed 188, BIT Sa week ae peaekt traat a.W!T tkM aad pa. win. "' I I ' V J vr nAA.i.a a. r to eaa-e s to-aatjy arrests eaaara. aula terua, . falllag. procaMee grovth f thick. Iaatne I ef the rich rotor as bea.ty of -oa. I.. m4u wna .jnarao aoes. it Mr foe. bottle Arnrttf, Take Wltaeat Pbil Bay a'pecia.UM 4. .MiZl tet (Oe. bottle Ualrbealtb and Zoc. rmk. h-n 1 . ledleatad Soap. bMh tar ee.t regular price Im.i '.'aterPBlle 11.7 Co., Newark, K. 1- ar pall. er eoe. aa tkle edv. Free anas sot etna br irmmwiat Mlik.-a aakm tatlie adv. aad &0c. tot P-l-tnaUs. ., ......".'............ ......-,- ttfksis- ' ' -Z ' L ' L ...... .e... e..aeeae.e ar FOOOAJto, cnvAmn a otx. Ha Portland PORTLAND. OREGON. ' EUROPEAN PLAN ONLY. HEADQUARTERS YOU '' TOURISTS rTAND COMMERCIA1. ' ....TltAVBUCBfl. -, 'BVerythlng to eat aad drink, and it cost no more tn th ' Portias Hotel Katbakallar than lsewhere In the .city. Every weeaoay nigui m ,. ... sva cyfynta. (paCacb MonniL, Whether h go by land or aea, th traveler will find It a -delightful trip to San Francisco, where he should stop at th world-famed . Palace Hotel and nJoy It many attree tiv feature. For fuller Information writ t th Palace, or see r. a nit&y ;" t the Portland . Informa tion and Booking Agency. Hotel Portland. i I n o 0, $1.00 ALL FOR $1.00 Turkish Bath tb Mfeat. a t King SevenU aad Wattba, tagtasa Ita, ' Vkessa aad largest Sat) .-,;. 1 soarr xxayra Totm xovsa o We sell the products of all th mlna, and all you have to do la ring up MAIN 2776 Tell us what yon want and our team will aulckly Ml your order., full, Weight guaranteed. - 4 v . . t Vulcan Coal Co. ' sts vtrmmsa itinr. The KulteOaiii 5 hBasfness Instil r .'. i-..- SS SXXTX S."-; i Special School of Gregg Shorthand end Touch Typewriting. Bookkeeping and Buslnee Method. Bualn Fen. roanalilp by the. Palmer Method. ' .. ' . OOn OS TUlTlOaT. . Just on third lea than 1 usually required. --Evening or day aeeaion. Call Main 4 for partlouUra. Ue rtKht Tern Cat Poor Printing If we set earealves a boot Mv bet a ate so eat of prattti-e la that mpeet tbal wa liDastne we would make . a rank fallnre of tbe tU. Wa ao--t that tba wtMrk weuld b f Ira t -flaw la aril, o all ear effnrta. We are raeaward far tbe . - eaealleaee ef ear srlallo. l4y ntONT ST. , TeL Mais mjI ii j Bet. Morrison end AUJjr. , Per eaederw dent. I waed spee.w. Lwt price eonslaent ..a I . ta.ii Oe te ts new vcrx" rOVBTS A 3 I , Opea day - r' t -Y. f.