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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1905)
c'c:j r ilv jour:;. : ron-LAi:D. c tu-oay -:vi::iing, ocTorr : tv 1CC3. Toxioiri AiuizxnrTd. Belaeco .,.,..,.,., Ukw I "Prtnea Otto tiupu..... ....."Wkj wm. ; Lrrlo .... "Camilla ' Mules I auirieeqiie tiraad , Veuae.ljle Hut- ....VaaeevUle At the meeting of the People's Forum to N held at 7:10 o'clock tomorrow evening at Elks' hall In Marquam build- Ins, Dr." C. II. Chapmaq. former presU fldent of the University of Oregon, will deliver an addresa on "What I Social lurar The addrcaa will ,be followed by the ueual f rea and' open dlacuaaloa. 1 . Tha meeting and platform alike are open to. all who may be tntereated In the queatlona-presented for consideration. The building known aa Paraona halt ,.', at Nineteenth and -Waahlngton atreeta, la being torn, down and a flower garden ' will cover trie site. The building waa partially destroyed Are laat July. ... Tha grounda have been rented by George , Otten, tha florlat. who haa greenhouaei on adjoining lota. - George Paraona, x leader of the orcheatra which occupied tha hall, will build another hall when ; " aalte la decided upon. - - - j; . Tha members of tha Ancient Order of United Workmen are. planning to hold a monster meeting In tha .hall of. In dustry lodge, tha Selllhg-Hlrsch build lag, nest Monday night. Tha thema of tha .evening will be .."Fraternal Inauf a nee." and among tha speakers, will ba J. ,B- Werleln, F. Wheeler, Philip Os vurta, C M. Precemeder, William Allen and John Mann. . Under tha direction of Mlaa Elisabeth 8111, "Petticoat Perfidy." a clever parody , " ' on JSngllsh aoclety Ufa, . waa given be- fore the Woman'a club yeaterday after noon. In tha caat wer Mra. 4. D. Toung, ' ' Mlaa Buelah . Brlce and Mlaa Luella - Height Thar ware alao a reading by V Mlaa Bill, a piano aolo by Mlaa Elisabeth -' ' lloben and vocal oumbera by Mlaa Claire ' Montelth. : ; . ..u-::..; ,' .Any Suit In the Houae $2 Thla la the. only bouae In Portland where you can take your pick! of 1 lLM atock of gooda and have a ault made to your order, for tZi.- Wa have only one price and guarantea style, fit and workman-. , ship. Coma" In and look whether you want to buy or not . lntque Tailoring v . company, U Waahlngton, near Seventh. ; ' Mrs. C H Marsh died thle "morning ' at her home. JU Thirteenth street, after an lllnaaa of three days. .Mr. Marah had left for New York only a few daya sgu - on a bualneaa trip and waa Immediately , wired to return.- Ha la Interested with Dr. H.'W, Coo In the St Helena mines..' J Preebytatiana will soon erect a' church at Anabel. a fund for that purpose hav .' lng.been started. The Presbyterian. Mis ' : alonary society la said to have offered to - give II for every 11 raised by tha cltt ' sene of Anabel for the purpose of tract . log a houaa pf worship. ' , . . " , ' - i ' : President Roosevelt said thla week, "Smite tha CorrupUonlat" Thla will ba Br.-House's subject to tha business men . :of this city nest Sunday night at 7:19 o'clock, at First Congregational church. Madison and Park atreeta. Business .'. men especially Invited. Qood Hunting on O. W. P. Special '. tomorrow to dresham. tie; all points 1' east of fJreshara to and Including Eate rada, 50o round trip. . Dinner at Hotel Kstacada, lac Cars' leave Firat and Alder atreeta. 7:10., t:IO. 11:10, 1:10, . 1:40,. 1:44, and 1:16. '- ,.-'- -.. , . . ..Thirty Soya of fhe'qusstlon-saklng age were feasted In tha lecture-room of the ' Third Preabyterlan . church, corner ot East Pine and Thirteenth atreeta. laat night - Rev. Andrew 3. Montgomery and W. O. Nlaley made short talks to tha ' falttwt, :; ..-,' . , ' . ;'iUx: i. Portland 'Temale' Parlor, 14 Park ' atreet between Aider and Morrison, tha only place In town whera enchiladas, chile con carna with frljolea, Mexican atyle. alao tha celebrated Frits' tamaleev ' ' are mada. . Open from II m. to II p. m. , ' . Articles of 'Incorporation have been i filed In the county clerk's office of tha ' . Roaa Wool Scouring eV Manufacturing company. ; Tha Incorporators are ' Thomas Roaa, A. C. Mowney and J. M. Nicltum. tha capital stock being 175000. ,,. , .. . . -r- ) E. May, theH-year-old son of KmM May and wlfo, East Flf 1 tenth ktreet, died yeaterday morning after aeveral daya suffering from a atroke of paralysis. He waa employed In tha office of tha Union Meat company. . 'The residence of Mlaa M. J. Lane, on Portland Height a, waa destroyed by flra arly laat night A volunteer fire de partment worked heroically to save the property. The house' and furnishings . were insured, for part of their value. - -' " ' - Trolley Trip on,'0. W. P. .Tomorrow To Gresham. 2Rc;-Eatacada and upper Clackamas river .points, .toe .round trip ' Dinner at Hotel Eatacada, ; 7c. Cara -loave First and Alder atreeta, 7:10, 1: 10, . 1;I0. 1:40, l:4 and,T:X.., J. E. -Caven, manager , of - tha New -York Empire Theatre company. Is In , the . cltr making arrangements for-hla company, which .opens an engagement ; at .the Empire rneatre commencing Bun day, November It..,, 1- ; I'C ' , , 'The Journal agency at Salem haa been 'transferred to I. D. river, . Jr. i . The office la at IT! State street, telephone ' Main 120, where nil subscriptions, pay. ' v menta1 arTdrxomplalnta will be promptly attended to. , ' ' .,."'.,1 ' Evangelist Rogers Is presiding at tha Olive Branch Gospel Mission each even ' Ing: Mr. Rogers haa been preaching at . thla mission alnce Wednesday1 evening. ( and many have professed conversion. ' Why pay II 80 to 110 for aya glasses when wa guarantea a perfect fit for llf . .Matager ar oa, ill bixtn street. Forrest S. Fisher baa begun a -salt , against tha Union Grocery company for Tfce teszlry or Ite Doctor? 7 iWIITCH RILL WOULD jTOTJ ; -. .RATHER PAYT WB D&-T zX 6c per pcusJ Saving tha fatigue, and Ills that f often follow this debilitating la-, bor. One doctor's bill would pay ' fifty laundry bills. Which would you rather pay f " " - Whistle through tha 'phone and , we ll tell you all about It. UTwCriLAurznYco. - nooiro An oox.vkbia; , at KaU m. oe LUr Li.. t.JU COS! CM : Eight Big Unirv: Clair ( for thi Orint Carrylna; Valuable ' , 'Yri.;'.-' Ctrjoos. ' RECORD OF CH!F"SNT8 ' f -- OF FLOUR AND GRAIN In Reckonlnt SaHWVewlg Which HW Cletxtd Art Not Conaidared and Theta Would Graatly Increase Total for tht Month! ; :' i:,'-- v - The work of loading the British ateamahlps Ooeano and Auehenblae with grain and flour, cargoea for Japan waa completed this afternoon 'and tha vea- aela probably win leave oown in tne morning. Apnxaxlmately tha Oceano haa on board f.OOOMona-and tha Auehenblae 1.000 and the taser-cargoes are worth al most too. sod. ; .. , - -. - The steamship Algoa cleared yester day with a shipment valued at SI1M44. In addition to 1. 411 steel rails which ana brought from' San Francisco,- the steamer had oh, board 41.111 ' barrela of flour worth IJ40.84I end 17.110 buahels of wheat valued at III. 110. Tha bulk of tha cargo will ba delivered to as aortera In Hongkong, while a portion of It will be discharged - at Japaneee ports.. ' i ' '.; "v ; . This month gives promise of being a record-breaker so far as tha flour and grain esaorta are concerned. With tha two tramp steamers wblcb era now com pleting their cargoes there - will - be- at least eight big liners to clear for tha orient during October.; The othere are tha Kelvlnback. Imaum, Couldon. Knight Errant Algoa and the Aragonls, which will be reedy to aair about Monday. It la estimated . that, tha value of. their cargoea will run considerably over the 11.009.000 mark. In addition to theae a number of sailing yeaaela have cleared with grain shipments. .which 'will In creaae the value of the exporta to a fig ure seldom reached at thia or any other Pacific coast port' . " ; v . ,; MAPS SHOW DEPTH. Believed FUota 914 Vet Know ef Peefet ' ; .... Oaaaael at atoata ef BtTes. . .f4 - Maps ahowing the depth--of water on the Columbia river-bar -were completed by the United. States - engineers - laat night and are being distributed - today among thoee who are directly Interested In shipping from -this -port Bar -pilots and sea captains, also - will be supplied with them. ' - - -' - ' The blneprlnte ahow . that In a car tain ahlp channel over the ear the depth ef water at the ahoaleat point la 14 feet In other channela frequently followed by ships there are certain loealttlea where only ttH feet of water waa found. - The former channel la about 000 feet wide and tha engineers say ie en tirely ample to accommodate the largest vessels. . i . . - . After they have been-aupplled. with eoplea of . the map It la aupposed that the pilots will be greatly beneflted. It Is the general supposlttoq that- they did not know anything about the eaiatence of. the deeper channel. A footnote . en the mapa reads: . Soundings - are - - ex pressed In feet and refer to the datum plane of the aero of the mean of the lower low waters at Fort Stevens wharf. The plana of the mean of tha lower low waters at Fort Stevens wharf Is ap proximately , from -' half a foot : higher than on' the bar, whfi-h would reduce the depthe ahown that amount". It Is reported that tha pllota are mak ing arrangements to take aoundtngs of the bar tomorrow to see If they can And flaws In the work accomplished by the t'nlted States engineers. Bntjt Is declared by those who ought to be In a position to know that accurate -soundings cannot be made In a day and that consequently, their figures would not be correct aver If they thoroughly under stood how t do tha -work. , " CAPTAIN A JUGGLER. r Kls SxUl ' Makes Oela Dlaappear , V", " Broke 'Snya. By means of a little alelght-of-hand performance, at which he is an adept Captain Denken, master of the German ahlp Arthur Frtger, haa aueeeeded In wlnntna numberlesa. aoda watera from hla frlenda since his arrival In port Hla lateat . victim la , a well-known ahlp broker who went up against the skipper s 11.143 alleged to' be due for goods pur chased from the wholesale firm of Allen A Lewis. Rothchlld Brothers have begun a suit against T.- J. Uhlman, ssld to be a member of the Union Gro cery company, for 404.. ., Rev." D.' 'A.,Wattere of the Unrversity Park Methodist church has lust re turned from a two weeks' vacation spent In the mountains and will preach In his church at the morning and even ing , services tomorrow, f t , ' - Dr. . Brougher'a topics at . the White Temple Sunday: 10:10,- "A .Universal Sa vior"; 1:10. "Put Yourself In His Place.' Fine soloists, quartet and chorus.. Bap tism. t-n .j', ',.". ; Pf under, the florist - will be - at the old stand the balance of the week, and to curtail removal expenaes will :aell palms, planta and shrubs at greatly re duced prices,, .:...,,. ... r . ;, yf Rummage sale, ladles Third Preaby terlan church, OH . Union avenue, con tinued to October 10, 11. Donations so licited and received at H Union eve. 4 Watches and dlamonde 11 down ' and SOo per week. ' Gooda delivered nt firat payment Xmaa 10 coming. Metsgar 4k Co Jewelers, opticians, in. sixth. Steamer . F.' A. Kllburn for San Fran cisco, calling at Coos Bay and Eureka, from Oak- atreet dock. Monday. October 10, at I p. m. Tel. Main l0. . .. 7 Tha Ladlea' Aid aoclety ot the Norwe glan Lutheran church will meet Wednes day afternoon with Mrs. Thorn Tonseth, Hunter station. Mount Taber. Special Rale on O. W.- P. Tomorrow to Oregon City; tie- round trip.' Cara leave First and Aldar street on the odd hour and every. 40 minutes. .., Slgna aa you want them. Foater 4k Klelaer, Fifth and Everett 'i Portland's ; best danolng school,- Itl Alder. Prof.' Rlngler. Miss Buckenmeyer. Ladies' gymnasium class, the rllngler Physical Culture school. 11 per month. For, paoklng and shipping phone Main am. rv a loom, j necona street. FrlU'g ti males are the beat. , little game yeaterday afternoon and bad to veat tha entire, bouae to eooae ana colored lemonade. - ' "'(. ' The trick Ie performed with a silver half dollar. The captain produces the coin and places It In the hand of one of thoae present Then he wagers the prioe of treating the crowd that he can make the money disappear and tha man hold ing It will not know how It la done. If the victim falls to explain' how tha track was turned It is up to him to bear the expenae of getting a aupply ot light refreshments for the crowd, r Whan the coin was placed In the palm ef the ahlp broker's hand yeaterday the skipper muttered magical words that he had learned in India. He alao made strange gesticulations With bis fingers and all ' at once the half dollar dis appeared. No ona could tell whither It had gone and the broker lad the' way to carryl-'-out'lilsart of the contract. Before he had proceeded far : the captain- extracted the lost coin from the bam or hla hat. but declined to explain the matter of operating hla aura-thing game. .-. . .,: . , , . ; .: - , i , . '.-.. i JAPAN TRADE LESS. This U OHvea aa - .'ef Bmrepee fo Aettvtty - Of the 10 grain carriers chartered en Thuraday. to load at Portland and on the sound ror the United Kingdom, uauour, Guthrie 4k "Co, secured two the British ship Garnet HU1 and the French bark General Da Bonis. . It' la also reported that they have the French ahlp Lea Adephee,, but thla has not been oon firmed. . ,- . .. - The unprecedented demand for ton nage at thla time' to tranaport wheat to Europe la aald to be 1 due In a great measure to the decreaee In bualneaa with Jaoanl - From the latter country ordara for grain and flour have been coming in alowlv ef lata and the tndlcatlona are that they will drop down Into email drlbleta before the aeaaon la far ad vanced. ' Believing that this will be the case ft la pointed eut that European Importers are preparing to purchase the bulk of the grain crop for export from the coaet. By getting. In oh the deal at an early atage It la held that they will ba able to get tonnage at a far. more reasonable rata than later on. From thla time forward local shippers are of tha opinion that tha chartering of ahtpe to transport grsln to Earops will be of a frequent oeeurrence until enough tonnage haa -been secured to handle all of the surplus crop. It Is also declared that freight rates are likely to go up aeveral points. ; The union .tariff haa been paid for every' vessel recently en gaged, which ie aald to Indicate that rates are bound to advance. Some of the exporters are much afraid that they will soon have to pay aa high aa 10 shillings, .' w '. : :.' -- ... ' J. ' V NAMES. MADE PUBLIC. 7 .'. -i: - - ' " ' ' ' ' ' ..- J S 1 Skippers Were Btnek Interested te Keara Waae Teat Balpe Sad Beam Oaartered, 'British ship -Kynance,--1,7 tons. ; ; French bark- General da Bonis, 17740 tons. " - - - British ship Clan Graham, 1.074 tons. British ship St Mungo, 1.SII tons. British bark Marlon Fraser, 1.14 tone ' French bark Alice Marie, 1.TS1 tone. , British bark Duhferllne. i,77t tone. -Brltlah bark Garnet Hill, 1.140 tone. . French bark Boffon, 1,771 'tona British bark Hougomona. S.tlt tona. ' - 8hlppera received advlcea ttria morn ing that the above are the 10 veaaela which were chartered the other day to load grain at Portland and Tacoma for the United Kingdom. It la a matter which they have been lnduatriously try ing to find out since the first report about the ehartera waa received. Fully half of the Ships will be fitted out with cargoea at thla port although It Is possible that more than that; number will load here. - Two other vessels, the British ship Hyderabad and French bark Bretang. were chartered yeaterday to load grain at Portland for Europe.- . . . KILBURN ARRIVES. Whlea Buffered Bartons KUnay ( , Zaoks well a are. ' . After an absence of more than two months, the steamer F. A. Kllburn again arrived In harbor last night looking much the same as she did on her last visit, notwithstanding the fact that she was badly disabled by striking Coos bsy bar and Guano rock. In the acci dent aha broke her shaft loat her rudder and propeller and a part of the keel. Theee were til replaced in San Fran cisco and much other work was done to 'the craft - The Kllburn kept regularly on this route, stopping aa heretofore at the several way ports between Portland and the Bay city. She brought a full cargo of general merchandise- and 41 passen gera., On the return trip ehe will take out- wheat - and general . freight Cap tain Merrtam Is In command Instead of Captain Thompson. -who had charge of her when she was wrecked. ' There Is also a new first officer, T. H. McLellan. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. Although the - work of loading her lumber -cargo-waa completed aeveral days sgo. the German ship Arthur Fltger Is -still lying out In the stream off tha North- Paclf io dock; It la announced that aha will not leave for the eea until November 1, aa her laydaya do not ex pjre until than. - v , On Monday the German ship Oregon will - complete her grain cargo for the United- Kingdom. She will sail about the first of the month. Preparations ar' being made to place the steamer O. W. Walker of the Kamra line -on the Vancouver route. She waa recently given a thorough- overhauling. Brltlah ahlp Bracdale, a alater ship of .the Carradala now in the harbor, is listed to come to Portland from Callao, Peru. -' v '; ' In tow of the Ocklahama the schooner Beulah left down this morning bound for San Francisco with a lumber cargo. . Steamship Aragonla moved thla morn ing from the Alaska dock to the flour mllla where she will probably com plete her cargo for ' the far east . to morrow, :;. -. , . f- .'.' This , afternoon ,; the five-masted schooner Louis will reach the harbor from San Francisco. She will load lum ber for the return trip. ......... . French , ahlp . Vauban arrived last night and moored at tha sand dock, where -her ballast Is being discharged. - Barge SI wash,- belonging to the Ore gon Round Lumber company, haa been taken out von the waya at the Portland ehlpyarda for an - overhauling and re calking: - . 'v.-- -v .. .:-.- Advices from .the mouth of the river state that the tugs Mendell and Colum bine aueeeeded In taking the -disabled lightship yeaterday from Baker's bay to Astoria. The'veaeel will be brought to Portland -to be repaired ehortly after November. 1. ' ' . , , ' ' , . : y. MARINE NOTES. , :-. ': 'Astoria, Oct 2t. Arrived . at 0:10 a. m..- three-masted ' barkentine Mary Wtnkelmen and four-masted schooner Matthew Turner.' - San Francisco. Oct. II. Arrived laat night achooner Virginia, from Portland. Astoria. Oct S7.-w-Left up at 4:14 p. re., achooner Louie. 'Astoria, Oct. 21. Condition of the bar at I a. m, smooth:' wind, east; weather Olaap .' ... - ,- r . . 1 '-;:' ';, -'' ,-. .'. 'v TI:2itL!::;D Pci:!ess C;:lils ; 303 Waahlnon Ct,"V.' . Corner of Fifth Et. Oro.Prkinf HoteL "' ' Didtft llurt a Dit : We arv giving special prices, on all worx for the next 30 days. -Remember the Chicago Dental Parlors have offices in all large cities- throughout the country. .Remember our practice ie limit ,ed to high-grade work only. ;. ' . ' .-.., . . F - li-. Fine Set Teeth, waf ; ranted o fit or no - pay,,. .'..'i $5.00 22k Gold Crowns $3.50 22k Bridge Work $3.50 Porcelain Crown $3.50 Filling .,4. .;., ..;..50c A 12-year protective guaran tee I with all work. Come and take advantage of our Fall re ductions. Save your teeth and your 'money. Open' evening! and Sundays. .... . . ... Tlic Chicago Dental Parlors 303 Washington Street, - Corner of - Fifth. ' - J 'If yon' want a Piano Player we have the beat Tv ; . THE ANGELUS . . If you want Player and Piano com bined, we have THREE HIGH GRADES 'i AT a CHASE I. ESTEY EMERSON If you want a aelf-plaing Piano, we have the best made THE RELIABLE V If you want a HIGH ORADE Piano, we can ahow you the beat in the world ., - STEINWAY A. B. OXASB - BSOV . ' STAJUB S33 WaablngtoB Street. I frAhsiErVS. HAIR BAL8AM ,J Clin" i ml tMWs m Ml V Pimiusi s nxitriftnt fmrtk. w' Herer Vails te Beatore Oray l Rat te its Youthful Color. Can. easl Imm aTar ulliaa. , AN UNUSUAL SIGHT Waea . Bnalaess Beams a Uttle Blow Aronnd Town, to mast One Blase Crowded. . '. - Now that the fair la closed bualneaa In expected ' to alow down a little, but the Hotel Oregon enjoya the diatlnctlon of being the one dining plaoe In the city where often It ia necessary to bring Into play additional tablea In order to accommodate - lte grill dinner patrons. If you have not as yet enjoyed the superlative service offered by this fa mous Rathskeller, better take your Sun day lunch or dinner within Its portals Orcheatra after 1:10 p. m. Corner Seventh and Stark streets. . , , - President Roosevelt's Request Is heeded by us and our first baby haa arrived and more we hope will follow In due - time." The Bijoux Sohmfr Grand ia a little darling, aa one lady expressed It, and we are proud of It and invite all musij lovera to aee, JV hear and plsy If . ' ' ' :'' . The tone Is exquisite.1 the sctton su perb end the esse Is Louis XV style. In the most beautiful mahogany ease ever brought to Portland. - In New Tork It la called the musician's delight. .We In vite you all to come. . .MANUFACTURER'S PIANO CO.. - 139 Alder street. LASrWEEK : Of tte Wee SokeoX ' . The ladlea who have failed to attend Mrs. Haffner'a- lecturee ahould do so this week, every day at 1:10. . Hundreds have , expreeeed themaelvea as being highly pleased with her work.- Every body welcome. Honeyman Hardware company; corner Fourth and Alder. Dancing School Profy Eaton. Beginners' every ... Monday ' evening. Clasa Thuraday evening. Arlon hall, lesson by tertn, IS cents, Phone Weat Milwaukie Country Club. Eaatern and Seattle racea. Take Bell wood and Oregon City cars at First and Alder. - TONIGHT IS CONCERT NIGHT Have ' you ever seen the new Fischer. . Upright Piano, Aft 9tyle, one of our Gold - " v Medal Pianos Trrrr-?W ' , ." r ' . ; :r . v. ' : Its chief fenown,' aside from a peculiarly ' beautiful tone comes from its ability to - i ...stay in tune.. i '..'.', r ::': ;; '," '" ' That shows good- workmanship. , A Piano that stays In perfect tune for v months, sometimes years, is surely a well ' made Piano. ' -. - 'v.v V ".-:"' : "'.'. "' V'. "It'coWs mone to have a Piano tuned every ; . ;' aionth or two. And this Fischer Upright, Art style, has ' ' ,a tone which satisfies the most exacting ; . critic-r ' .-'.v .' And no matter how richly your house is ; ; furnished, there is no appointment 4n it - more elegant in appearance than this , Piano. I,-"' ;'L Tonewearing qualrty richness of ap-,. pearance all found in the new Art style .Fischer. V ' - . ' .V- : The price sells everywhere for $700 ' we will sell this ; Gold Medal Piano for '-15385. .... : Vou know; ' you are invited to our cotvv . cert tonight. Between numbers, any of . ' our salesmen will be glad to 6how you this Piano. Ask them. .-.., ; ' , Yob Are ' Invited H r- Allen & Gilbert-Ramaker Co. Sixth and Morrison Streets ; The Oldest, Largest and Strongest Piano House in the " ' Pacific "Nprthwest . : ' r J', ' . y- :".-,''-' ' EASY PAYMENTS , - ' ' . Evolution of Flour ! Teats by chemists , In government laboratories long sines established the fact that the outer busk of the wheat berrv contained no nutrition for the human svatera and alao that It was Im pervious to the gastric juices waa not DIGESTED by the atomach. - That exploded tha ancient Idea about rough unbolted floura being more nu tritious thsn white or patent flour, and waa welcome news to the fastidious. who had been ualng the white flour under proteat from " believers In ths "gray" bread. Oreeon hard wheat Is the acknowl edged peer of all others for bread mak ing and has been clung to by houses- wives of the Pacific coaet.- notwlthatand ing the fact that they would prefer It to ba lighter In color and Quality. Modern genius haa now devised ths means of freeing the hard wheat of cer tain oily properties, which were respon alble for the darker eolor. and by a process of treatment with "ionised air-' while in the agitator, of producing a flour of snowy whiteness and light quality, while preserving the nutritive qualities In easily asaimiiatea rorm. White River r Flour manufactured from Oregon Blue Stem, by thla new process, has been welcomed by lovers. of white bread generally, ana aainty nouge wlvea In particular. . , Every sack Is sold under the guaran tee of Allen tt twl. whose guarantee means something to the consuming pub lie.' . ' Steamer Eureka has shifted to ths Irving dock, where she will complete her grain cargo for San Francisco. , Lewis -, THE BURROUGHS ADDING MACHINE Formerly the American Arithmometer Company, Detroit, Michigan, U, S. A. ";'.'.-': :! ' ' --- ' '." ' ," ' '" " -.! ' ;': -:''; . -'.". ' The HIGHEST prize, based on the following demonstrated results: Accuracy, dur ability, speed,' mechanical construction,' simple .operation requiring no mental labor. Its adaptability to all kinds of business, its enviable record of perfect satisfaction sine the first machine has' been in use. r ;', " v''";,': "y ' . - The , BURROUGHS Adding Machine has always received the highest award wherever exhibited. A machine furnished for inspection and trial without cost or ob ligation. - ' ' ' : ',;-. I ' ' ' : , -. .' - ' : - ' i - v G. R . AndreWS, NORTH VVERTERN MANAGER ' " , ; , - ,: - 'V :, ' ' :''t- , PORTLAND OFFICE '' i' l ' . . .11-12 Canterbury Bldg., Corner Third and Washington Streets Seattle Office : 119 Pacific Biock ' Spokane Office: 409-410 Mohawk Ji;. o i Taa Allen B gtUbert-Baaaakea Oe, InvMe yoa.Vs. yaar frieeule to wwh vaauag voKisja i BllsebetH Marwle, Teeallet. s As wmi.-.. Wlolla. , oarl WUllams, nano... Ton ate Invited, yea and all roar fsteeida. , TM E a R AN D .. - Theme iMfti ft Ce. - Xadame Wwaa' KduoeU Ovaeh Dega. . Tha Balaema. SkaattaallL Wastes ft Trae. free Parlatea. The eiaaaneaes. , jOaaeral admlwtoa lor; ermine. Sanders sad Holluaj. reeerTed eeata aa lower floor, SOc. Dally matinees, entire- tower floor, lue; boa easts, zoe, the; STAR , The rraiarloM raaiuy. The KoSsaaM Trt.. Lela, raws, Leeaard ft Beraard. I Silly Saraat. V aifred T lair. ; ' The Starasaaas. . General admission. lOei evealaa. Sonnars and aeltdaja, woerrad seats on lower floor: c; dally mattoeea, satire tower floor, lOe; boa seats, 29e. LYRIC THEATRE WZZK STAXTTge KOVDAT, OCTOBER 'a. The iBsaaasarahle Lyri gtaok Oasiyaay ia the Freaah STaatoryiooa, "CAniLLE" A toorhlnc stery of life In Paris. Adailaslna 10c. . aeata, 20c. Clarcmont Tavern Finest Roadhouae In the Weat raitovi tom KAmTXAjro Cauosaar. srSOXAU. Northern Psclflo Puget Sound Limited leaving Portland dally at 4:10 p. m. atopa at Claremont. Re turning same train) leaves Claremont at 10:44 p. m. JOHN CLAIRX MONTEITH Reeeatly ef Xew Tork. bartteae sololat tt the White Temple, will receive paplU la voice eal tnre. 237 si tFashlnstoa at., room St. Fhoa Mala 6tl5. and .TO ! '-' ' . r. GIVE BY ; " ' l-,',"':'"' 'r: '- :1' ' ' ClarS aMil,...,! Vo.J it . 0SLT TWO MOtt FCKrOKMXCC3, Tonesrc ai oioca. I Toarrew Aftwaaeei at 1 e'fWk, Kla 4 ' CrUaci"s tsaeaauas Preeaetliia Oeaeral Lew Wallsce's Orrat Draata, . "-Ken altbeask tke ssle kas bees ,WJ Ur.' good lay he Bad at Ie. tie, ll.ea. xe; ftt-W aad aau Bests now aelllsa for the eatUe .arm (us. I. Marquam Grand Thectre 2 . Nights Oct. 3 1 k CKORCS ADE'S "SULTAN OF SULU" ORIOINAJL OOR0101JS' PtODCCTlOSt V ; Coeipaay of SO Prlas Beauty CBoraa , ' AOTABCX SALS T0M0BS0W ' KIOHT PRICEA Lower soar. Il iO sad II. Baleoay. tl. Toe aad 50e. Oallery. SBe. " llATTXEB PRICES lower (nor. It aad TV. Baleoay. 7ae aad SOCm. Oaimy, sve aae Bfte. Reaeaabar aato eoeas teamrrsw at IP a. BV Belasco Theatre aw1u BZ1ASOO KATZB. MOM. Foarteentb snd WaahinstoB Streets. S. B. mae. Son, Mgr. S. L. taekett, Sea. Mgr. ' " . '-.'. TOJtrOHT AT :!;' ' .' ' TIIITEI yy IIITTLESCY With the BBLAHTO TRKATRS STOCK CO., ia irris amnasr'vauttairub ustvi f PRINCE OTTO I - rrao Robert Lea Is Steveaaoa'a Roaiaace. - t gTts SBe to TOe; Mata. -tt., Sva., tSe to Be-. 5ert Week WHITS WHITTLBSST la' THI MANXMAN." by -all Calae. , Marquam Qrand Theatre Saturday tytalnf. Oct 25 h, at 8JS The Popnlar fceotmrer . ef Waahington. D. C. will deliver hla" celebrated illustrated talk, upon Aaalstad by StraV Boee Bloch-Baaev, atxB. W altar Jaeed, buss aitnei ... Shea, atx. Sons J. Baa. - Pronounced by eminent crttica TThe i Iectura Hit" of th year. Delivered at the St. Lou I a Exposition and during the entire period of the Lewie and Clark Exposition by Invitation of the U. S. - ovemmenc. iiiuatratea oy over ona undred beautiful vlewa. Bv anecial reoueat Mr.' Bulkier wilt deliver during his forthcoming tour of the east and middle west his lecture upon "Portland, the City of Rosea." Tickets, 1. For -sale, at Portland Cigar. Stand, Portland 'Drug Store. - Woodard, Clarke uo. - Under the personal direction and su pervision of Armat Stoddart. , Otagea Theatre C, Lessee..' X. Sakar, Hfr. ; Pboae. Mala HOT. ttesae ef Mosleal Barlesqae -TAMHIU, AND THIRD STREETS. - No Performance Tonight ' Startlag gaaday Matinee. ' A Bother irasleat ; KxtraTagansa, TEE WASHINGTON SOCIETY GI2L5 ' PRICK) Kveslns, Se, Me, 5op, TSe: Satsr day sutlneea. Ion, 30e, 8oe, We - Weeaeaday BiaUnee, S5e te say seat. . . Empire Theatrci1 TwemhaNerrteea its Jhrair PORTLAND POPTLAR PLATHOrSR. , . MILTO. w. EUU.i, Buaasw. ' Three More PerfiirmaBe.s Tnelsht S:l, To BMrrew Mallnee 2:15, Tomorrow .. v .... ;. ,Nlht jae..- ,.. .-. .. BerBlea Howard la the stirring Society Men-: "WHT WOamT KM. All Kext Wee, gtartlnr aaoday Matinee, a Draautlaatloa it Bertha M. Clay's , rasKHM Novel, :' "DORA TaT0Bl.,,v' ' PRincS Rvenlns. IV. SAc, tSe aaaV Met Btatinse, loc, 18c and 5c , Liberty Theatrol0. Man(emeat ef Keating A flood. . Handsomest Vaudeville . Theatre on the Coast .". VVC1 Open Monday, Octsttr .Watah far Sraad Oaealaa; Pragfaat. Polite Taadavtlle end Beat Acta Only. Mr. Barry BuItUey Gentennial T .V